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Topics - ff4

As current implementation of PXE miroFSDs are not fully compatible
with the OS/4 kernel the new pxeos4l microFSD was created to enable the
boot of the OS/4 kernel over the network.

A. Overview

The pxeos4l module is a part of the OS/4 project. The OS/4 project "phoenix" is
run by a team of talented developers.
This will be a small howto to quickly setup all correctly. Prequisites for this
test are a OS/2 alike install on HDD (MCP/ACP/eCS) that are capable to run
the new OS/4 kernel together with the new os2ldr - the client. The initial boot process
will be started from the network and then to be continued from HDD. For the
network part its required to have another OS/2 machine on the network that
will provide the files and services for the network boot, the client machine
requires an ethernet network adapter with PXE support, its not required to
have a working OS/2 NDIS driver for this adapter.

Summary of requirements:

- OS/2 client machine with a build of OS/4 kernel & loader dated 23.1.2012 or
   newer (recommended to use revision 3636) + network adapter with PXE support
   http://ftp.Linking to this site is not permitted on our forums/os2krnlSVN3636_unoff.zip
- OS/2 'server' machine for the network boot services
- pxeos4 module ftp.Linking to this site is not permitted on our forums/moveton/pxeos4-1.120128.zip
- TFTP-Server ftp.Linking to this site is not permitted on our forums/moveton/vgtftpd-1.0.zip
- DHCP-Server http://www.os2site.com/sw/internet/dns/dhcp-3.1-esv-os2.zip

B. Configuration
Extract the tftpd and dhcp files to any place you like. Create an emty TFTP
directory that will hold the boot files, e.g. G:\TFTP then create the
subdir \OS4 and \pxeos4l.cfg
Place the following files from the OS/4 kernel package in the \OS4 subdir:


from the working OS/2 client machine add


from the pxeos4 package add


create a config file for the client by using the mac address of the
network adapter in the client machine, this file will be placed in the
pxeos4l.cfg dir e.g.


The settings of the config will include the name of the base files and
the boot device.

content of 2C-41-38-AE-06-31.cfg

========== 2C-41-38-AE-06-31.cfg =================================

# config for pxeos4l
device-id=128 # first HDD
device-part=1 # 0 - non partitioned, 1-4 - primary, 5+ - extended
drive=C # boot drive letter

# TFTP dir for files requested by os4ldr.

# initial files to be loaded by microFSD

========== 2C-41-38-AE-06-31.cfg =================================

After we have finished the configuration for the client we can create the
configuration for the DHCP server. The files for the configuration are all
stored in the root of the dhcp server files, e.g. G:\DHCPD. Create an emty
file named dhcpd.leases


Then create the main dhcp.conf


The boot server has the ip address of assigned. The complete
dhcp.conf will look like this:

========== dhcp.conf =============================================
# OS2 ISC DHCPD config file

option domain-name-servers;
ddns-update-style none;
default-lease-time 6400;
allow booting;
allow bootp;
class "pxeclients" {
   match if substring(option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9) = "PXEClient";
   filename = "/os4/pxeos4l.0";

shared-network OS4DevCentral {
    subnet netmask {
    option routers;
========== dhcp.conf =============================================

The setup is now ready, we start the TFTP service with the following command

vgtftpd.exe -root G:\TFTP

then the dhcp server

dhcpd.exe -f -d -cf G:\DHCPD\dhcpd.conf -lf G:\DHCPD\dhcpd.leases lan0

In case all services are running we can start the OS/2 client machine with
enabled PXE boot rom, change the boot order or use the boot menu of the BIOS
to try the boot from the network. In case everything is fine the PXE Boot client will
get the dhcp address from the boot server and then transfer the base files
for the boot from the tftp server then the boot will use the files of the os2
install on the HDD.
In case you run into troubles check the readme of the pxeos4l package, when
it comes to bugs of pxeos4l contact the author whose name can be also found in
the readme.

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