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Messages - bjorso



Intresset kanske inte är speciellt stort när ingen svarar? Jag vet inte om jag tror på idén med verktyg för översättningar, det brukar bli rätt dåliga resultat och ett minst sagt uselt språk att man lika gärna hade kunnat göra det för hand, som vanligt mao.

Vi kan alltid prova. Jag översätter en del program men jag har aldrig vetat om någon använder de svenska versionerna?

Setup & Installation / Re: CLI text editor
2008.05.24, 15:44:50

Use your CD to boot the system, on the CD there is a small editor called tedit, you can easily do changes with that tool to any textfile and start the system again, this time without the CD. I used that when ACPI 3.06 caused my system the trap when two kernels was activated.

Go to a commandline from the CD and you'll find it.



Jag kan förstå att IBM hade problem med sin ekonomi och måste vidta drastiska åtgärder för att överleva. Det är dock en mycket farlig politik att döda sina egna produkter, som kanske redan finns ute hos kunder som fallit för deras egenskaper. Om man helt plötsligt vill övergå till att enbart sälja tjänster och lämna PC-tillverkning och programvaror till andra kan det mycket väl hända att kunderna som känner sig svikna kastar ut allt vad IBM står för enbart för att dom inte litar på dom längre? Då kan man förlora mycket mer än på produkterna, ett förlorat anseende är mycket svårt att reparera.

Till saken hör också att många av IBM's produkter har haft briljant teknik men aldrig blivit riktigt färdiga, innan det tillståndet har uppnåtts har ledningen bytt fokus till något annat som dom tror mer på. Det upplevs inte heller som speciellt trevligt av kunder och är mycket destruktivt för förtroendet. Tycker mig ha sett det ett antal gånger under årens lopp.

Det vore bra om IBM hade haft mera balans mellan teknik och marknad. I andra ändan av marknaden har vi ett företag som är briljanta på marknadsföring men mediokra på teknik, jag behöver inte nämna något namn!!


Det känns lite konstigt att IBM varit så angelägna att döda eller tiga ihjäl OS/2 när det trots allt funnits och fortfarande finns ställen där det passar utmärkt. Vem behöver t.ex. en Bankomat med Windows när det bara handlar om siffror, idén att kunna visa multimedia o.dyl. tror inte jag att någon bankkund bryr sig det minsta om?

Att man inte får använda Windows i vissa sammanhang borde vara pinsamt för det företaget? Kommer ihåg när Microsoft hade en av sina skrytkampanjer om NT4. Systemet hade uppnått en C2-certifiering, haken vara bara att diskettstationen och sladden till nätverket måste vara bortplockade. Med ett sådant krav är förmodligen alla system rätt säkra. Hur kan dom få påstå något dylikt utan att någon drar ner byxorna på dom?

Det måste finnas något annat skäl till att IBM verkligen ansträngt sig att få bort OS/2 som vi inte känner till och vi lär förmodligen aldrig få reda på det?

General Discussion / Re: eCS 2.04 RC4
2008.01.19, 16:48:27
Quote from: David Graser on 2007.12.28, 11:17:27
Go to a command line and type

cd snap <enter>
gaoption lcdusebios off <enter>

reboot system ans see what you have.

I did a new install on my Z60m with Widescreen, this time it worked better and the trick with Snap made the screen beeing in correct size and resolution. I don't know why it did not work before?


There is plenty of documentation on Internet for Samba configuration. The problem I encountered when trying to set up a Samba environment myself is every single document is different from the other so it left me more confused than before I started this!

It should be very welcome if somebody with the scills could write an informative article about this subject, no too technical and not only for eCS. I think most people want to use eCS in a modern network and then it's most likely to use any Linux as server of economical and political reasons, no Microsoft on the server side!

I have tried to set up this with a Debian server at home and it works OK but not perfect. Something that didn't surprice me was dealing with Windows is the trickiest part! Even if eCS gets a Samba-server and the problem with EA's and WPS is taken care of, will that have any effect on the server-part of Linux?

The only entry you need for Routing is: default, router, metric count 1.

Are you sure the address of the Nameserver is If you do so it will reside on another subnet than your static address and eCS can't reach it. If you have a router it's easiest to set Nameserver address the same as Gateway and let the router forward to a "real" Nameserver. If you don't have a router, do you know which Nameserver your ISP is using?

General Discussion / Re: eCS 2.04 RC4
2007.12.29, 19:55:08
Quote from: melf on 2007.12.28, 17:48:37
New GUI works fine here to, easy to use. But, the mounted shares are not possible to save anywhere as I can see. Am I missing something?

No, you have not missed anything Melf. This GUI is probably only a teaser! It will be more complete in a later version I think.

I tried to log on to my Debian Sambadomain from eCS with the normal requester. It works just fine, the only glitch is a NET8191 message that tells me that it can't find my home directory on the server. That problem is a pure PC problem since eCS can't do shares without calling them something like H: etc. Unix/Linux is not using such things.

I solved it with configuration of an automatic remote share that starts after a successful logon. Use the icon "Sharing and connecting". This will mount your home directory or other shares every time. I can live with the NET8191 message!

On the other hand, the shares are only working well from a tool like FC/2. They don't work from WPS and it seems to be problems with EA's, as expected. It's only useful as a place to store and fetch files for now.

General Discussion / Re: eCS 2.04 RC4
2007.12.28, 12:06:37

The resolution is set to 1680x1050, the same as in Windows XP. Graphics is ATI MOBILITY RADEON X600 and it's detected on page 2 of SNAP settings. The problem is that the virtual screen is bigger than the real screen so I have to scroll to see the edges. Besides that it's looks quite raw compared to the T42p that is perfect on 1600x1200. But that is another chipset, of cource. A reboot after changing lcd bios doesn't change anything I am afraid!

General Discussion / Re: eCS 2.04 RC4
2007.12.28, 10:53:05

I have tested this release on two laptops and one desktop computer. On my T42p everything is running as expected. This is the first time I try eCS on my Z60M with Widescreen. The only thing I can't get right is graphics, it looks rather ugly but everything else is OK. I'v tried both Panorma and SNAP, no difference. On both laptops I use WiFi and wired LAN through Genmac and it's just great. Niether machine is Dual Core.

The desktop system is a Shuttle and the latest ACPI gives a Kernel trap when running on two CPU kernels. When I use the debug version of ACPI it's working? Chipset and LAN-adapter is VIA, NIC must be set to use IRQ above 15 and that is fixed from the installation in rc4, thanks. Graphics is just fine with Panorama.

Connection to a share on my Samba-server (Debian) works perfect with the new GUI in Networking folder. It's even easier than using Samba from XP. ;D


Jag skulle föredra att ha de gamla e-postkonton som finns i OS/2 UG kvar för min egen del. Det är så besvärligt att ändra på alla mailinglistor och liknande etablerade kontakter.

Materialet från den gamla hemsidan tycker jag inte att vi behöver vara särskilt sentimentala med. Det känns i varje fall rätt antikt vid denna tidpunkt? Det dyker upp artiklar inom OS/2 World från flera håll och kanter och på den punkten tycker jag att idén med Foundations internationalisering redan fungerar. ;)

General Discussion / Re: eCS 2.0 RC3
2007.11.04, 11:19:06
My testinstalls on two laptops, none is DualCore, did not add any switches to ACPI.PSD so no problems with that. The install on my Shuttle AMD DualCore added correct switches but the IRQ problem with the VIA-card prevented both network and mouse to work. I managed to make the mouse working again, I'm am not sure how I did it? (It's very difficult to operate a computer without mouse!!)

Well, after adding the IRQ-switch to the VIA-card there is no collisions anymore and all hardware works as expected. I had no problem with that on RC1 or RC2? On RC2 I could not use Panorama since it was impossible to register one of the needed classes.

The problem with context menus must be related to eWorkplace? I have not noticed that but I will compare it to older installations. I always try to upgrade directly to XWorkplace since I find that a much more complete solution for the desktop.
General Discussion / Re: eCS 2.0 RC3
2007.11.03, 15:12:52

I have experienced the same IRQ-problem with my VIA network card. I removed several cards from /IBMCOM/MACS to be able to start MPTS. Then I added this to PROTOCOL.INI:


   DriverName = VFET2A$
   IRQ15OVR = "YES"

The second line should say YES. After that, both network and mouse works again.

That is correct, this combination of software works very well on eCS 1.2r but not on any eCS 2.0 version. It's possible to sign mails but if you encrypt them sending will result in a mail server time-out. A message comes up telling you that the server is not available with (#4.4.2), and that message doesn't help me at all?

There is nothing wrong with the mail server of cource, it works when using 1.2r? I have not been able to solve this. It should be very negative for eCS 2.0 if it's not fixed before release. I have not received any useful help so far. If I can't use eCS for mailing it will be difficult to use it at all in the future. :-[

BTW. Thanks for a great article!

IDG kanske inte var riktigt vakna när dom publicerade bilden, annars hade dom ju kunnat "Fotoshåppa" bort den mot något som dom gillar att skriva om? OS/2 blev ju alltid närmast nonchalant eller ointresserat behandlat av "journalisterna" på IDG. Deras bakgrund verkar mest vara spel och liknande med tanke på inriktningen.
