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Image Alpha + Transparency

Started by jep, 2011.06.14, 15:00:03

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I've written a simple C++ class to take care of displaying images that contain transparency and/or alpha with the help of GBM by Heiko Nitzsche. I've also tried to make it more robust and forgiving than the examples I've seen elsewhere, so that it can handle situations/configurations where e.g. transparency support isn't available (SVGA graphics driver).

I've borrowed one of the images that come with the screen saver that display a nice clock made by Doodle.

I do however need your help with the provided example to:
a) Get smoother edges as compared to if you remove // in front of the line MeterImage.mapTransparancy2Color( CLR_PALEGRAY );
b) Reduce memory consumption as the code has to be rewritten to take care of it better.
c) A function to allow it to drawAt( HPS hps, int x, int y )
d) Allow it to share bitmaps to mix several images together

Your help is greatly appreciated

Compiler: OpenWatcom
Lib-directories: ?:\...\GBM\lib.wat
Libraries: gbm.lib,gbmmem.lib,gbmscale.lib
C++ compiler:
Inlude-directories: ...;?:\...\gbmos2


6 of you have tried it... any hint on how to adjust it (near line 450 perhaps) so that it look better?!