P1071 - Installing and Supporting OS/2 2.1

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This course teaches you how to install, customize, and support the OS/2 2.1 operating system. You will learn how to plan OS/2 installation, addressing issues such as hard disk management, memory management, and application support. You will also learn how to customize system control files and application settings, and how to install and support printers. This course uses hands-on practice sessions and case studies.


Hands-on lab.


  • 3 Days


  • English (P1071), French (P1071F)

Who Should Take This Course

This course is intended primarily for people such as help desk personnel or technical workgroup leaders who will be supporting other users. Activities performed include installing code and answering questions on using OS/2. This course is also appropriate for OS/2 users who do not have access to other support personnel and who need to be self-supporting.

What You Are Taught

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Given a customer requirement, plan an os/2 installation, recommending the appropriate hardware configuration and

installation methods.

  • Install OS/2, customizing system files to meet customer needs.
  • Configure and customize application settings.
  • Answer questions about the installation and operation of OS/2 2.1.


Before taking this course, you should have a working knowledge of DOS and the OS/2 Workplace Shell. You should be able to:

  • Use basic DOS commands.
  • Describe and modify system files such as CONFIG.SYS.
  • Manipulate the FAT file system.
  • Describe the purposes of DOS memory extenders.
  • Use and operate the OS/2 Workplace shell.

Workplace Shell skills are taught in "Using`and Customizing OS/2 2.1 " (P1070).

Course Materials