API Function Calls

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By Bill Earle

The following information describes the OS/2 Application Program Interface (API) calls. I have included information under the API column as follows:

is a Family API (FAPI) call. This means that this call will also run under DOS 3.3, if assembled with the BIND program.
means Restricted function. Refer to the OS/2 Technical Reference Manual for further info.

I also have attempted to provide information to assist in porting old programs over to OS/2. INT and SUBCODE columns provide the old DOS interrupt and subcode functions. In some cases, these are approximations of old DOS calls. Again, refer to the OS/2 Technical Reference Manual for further information.

F BadDynLink Called on bad dynamic link
R DosAllocHuge Allocate memory greater than one segment
R 21H 48H DosAllocSegment Allocate a segment of memory
DosAllocShrSeg Allocate a shared-memory segment. The segment returned has a name that each process can access.
F DosBeep Generate a sound frequency for the specified duration
21H 0DH,68H DosBufReset Flush the disk buffers for the requesting process
F DosCaseMap Map a binary string into an ASCII string by using a DOS code-page
F 21H 3BH DosChdir Set the current directory
F 21H 42H DosChgFilePtr Move a file's read/write pointer
F DosCLIAccess Request CLI/STI privilege before performing IN/OUT operations.
F 21H 3EH DosClose Close the file associated with the specified file handle
DosCloseQueue Close the queue specified for use by the calling process
DosCloseSem Close the semaphore specified for use by the calling process
F DosCreateCSAlias Create an executable alias descriptor (second name) for the data type descriptor received
DosCreateQueue Create and open the queue specified for use by the calling process
DosCreatSem Create a semaphore for use by the calling process
DosCreateThread Create an asynchronous execution thread for the calling process. Threads are the OS/2 CPU scheduling entities.
R 21H 4DH DosCWait Wait for a child process termination and get return code
F 21H 41H DosDelete Delete the file specified by the ASCIIZ name.
F DosDevConfig Return device information about attached devices
F 21H 44H DosDevIOCtl Communicate with an opened device handle
F 21H 45H,46H DosDupHandle Return a duplicate DOS handle for the file handle provided
DosEnterCritSec Mark the entrance of a critical section of code and prevent the execution of other threads of code in the same process for concurrent processing synchronization
R DosError Allow the calling process to receive OS/2 hard-error notification as Opposed to the OS/2 generation of a hard-error signal
R 21H 59H DosErrorClass Get extended error information.
R 21H 4BH DosExecPgm Spawn a secondary program as a child process
R 21H 00H,4CH DosExit Complete the current thread of information
DosExitCritSec Mark the end of a critical section of code and enable other threads within the current process to execute again in a concurrent fashion
DosExitList Maintain the list (add,delete,modify) of routines that the current process is to execute upon completion
R 21H 5CH DosFileLock Lock or unlock a range of bytes within a file in support of file-sharing operations
R DosFindClose Close the handle associated with the file returned by a DosFindNext API service
R 21H 4EH DosFindFirst Find the first file in a group of files matching the file specification provided
R 21H 4FH DosFindNext Find the next file in a group of files matching the file specification provided in the call to DosFindFirst
DosFlagProcess Set an external event flag that other processes can access for synchronization of concurrent processes
DosFreeModule Release the link to the dynamic link module specified by the module handle.

This service decrements the usage for the specified module

F 21H 49H DosFreeSeg Release a previously allocated memory segment
F DosGetCollate Get the current collating sequence based upon the current code-page
21H 66H DosGetCP Return the code-page in use by the current application
R 21H 38H DosGetCtryInfo Return country dependent formatting information
F 21H 2AH,2CH DosGetDateTime Return the current date and time
21H 65H DosGetDBCSEnv Return the DBCS vector for the specified country code
F DosGetEnv Return the segment and offset address of the current process command environment
F DosGetHugeShift Return the shift count used by DosAllocHuge to allocate memory larger than one segment
DosGetInfoSeg Return the address of the OS/2 system variables
F DosGetMachineMode Return the current processor mode (real or Protected)
F DosGetMessage Obtain the text from the system message file for the specified message and place it into a user-defined buffer
DosGetModHandle Return a handle to a dynamic link module
DosGetModName Get the complete DOS path name for the dynamic link module associated with the file handle provided
DosGetProcAddr Return the far address to the procedure specified within a dynamic link library
DosGetPrty Return the priority of the current process
DosGetResource Return the segment selector for the handle to the specified resource
DosGetSeg Obtain access to the memory segment specified by the selector provided
DosGetShrSeg Obtain access to the shared memory segment specified by the name provided. The usage count of the segment is incremented
F 21H 30H DosGetVersion Return the DOS version number
DosGiveSeg Allow the process specified by the process identification provided to access a shared memory segment
R DosHoldSignal Enable/disable signal processing for the current process
F DosInsMessage Place a text string into the body of a message
DosKillProcess Terminate a process and return a termination code to the parent process or OS/2
DosLoadModule Load the dynamic link module specified and return a handle.
DosLockSeg Lock a segment of memory marked as discardable
DosMakePipe Create a communications pipe for the calling process
DosMemAvail Return the size of the largest block of memory available
F 21H 39H DosMkDir Create the specified directory
DosMonClose Close the handle to a serial device that the process has been monitoring
DosMonOpen Open a handle to a serial device for device I/O monitoring
DosMonRead Wait for and return the input records to a serial device open for I/O monitoring
DosMonReg Create input and output buffer structures for device I/O monitoring
DosMonWrite Write a data record to the output monitor buffer of a device open for I/O monitoring
F 21H 56H DosMove Move a file from one location to another
DosMuxSemWait Suspense the execution of the current thread until one or more semaphores have been cleared
F DosNewSize Change the size of the file associated with the specified file handle
R 21H 3CH,3DH DosOpen Open an existing file (if present) or create a file with the name specified by the ASCIIZ string provided
DosOpenQueue Open the queue specified by the ASCIIZ string provided for use by the current process
DosOpenSem Open the semaphore specified by the ASCIIZ string provided for use by the current process
DosPeekQueue Examine, but do not remove, an element from the specified queue
DosPFSActivate Activate the code-page and font specified for the printer. This activation only affects the calling process.
DosPFSCloseUser Notify the font-switching software that the process has closed its spool file. The font-switching software can release any related resources
DosPFSInit Direct the font-switching software to initialize code-page switching and font-switching for the specified printer
DosPFSQueryAct Return the current code-page and font for the specified printer
DosPFSVerifyFont Ensure that the code-page and font desired are supported by the specified printer
DosPhysicalDisk Return partitioned disk information
F DosPortAccess Request or release access to a hardware port or ports
DosPtrace Set a Ptrace buffer that is used in debugging
DosPurgeQueue Delete all of the elements contained in the queue associated with the handle provided
DosPutMessage Output the message provided to the file or device associated with a given file handle
F 21H 47H DosQCurDir Return the current directory
F 21H 19H DosQCurDisk Return the current disk drive
R DosQFHandState Query the state of the file associated with the handle provided
F 21H 57H DosQFileInfo Return date and time specifics about the file associated with the file handle provided
F 21H 43H DosQFileMode Return the attribute byte for a specific file
F 21H 36H DosQFSInfo Return information about the disk in the specified drive
DosQHandType Determine if the handle specified references a device or file
DosQueryQueue Return the number of elements in the specified queue
F 21H 54H DosQVerify Determine whether the specified queue is active or inactive
F 21H 3FH DosRead Read the specified number of bytes from the file associated with the file handle
DosReadAsynch Read the specified number of bytes from the file associated with the file handle. The I/O operation occurs concurrently with the continued execution of the process
DosReadQueue Read and remove an element from the specified queue
R DosReallocHuge Modify the size of a previously allocated huge (larger than 1 segment) section of memory
R 21H 4AH DosReallocSeg Modify the size of a previously allocated memory segment
DosResumeThread Restart a previously suspended thread of execution for the current process
F 3AH DosRmDir Remove the directory specified by the ASCIIZ string
F DosScanEnv Search a process environment segment for a specified variable and return its value if found
DosSearchPath Define a search path for data files
F 21H 0EH DosSelectDisk Set the desired current drive
DosSelectSession Select the desired foreground session
DosSemClear Clear the specified semaphore
DosSemRequest Obtain a new handle to a new semaphore
DosSemSet Set the semaphore associated with the handle provided
DosSemSetWait Set the semaphore associated with the handle provided and suspend execution of the current thread until the semaphore is cleared
DosSemWait Suspend execution of the current thread until the semaphore associated with the handle provided is cleared
DosSendCtlC Send a Ctrl-C signal to the lowest process in the tree of processes
21H 66H DosSetCP Set the code-page as specified for the calling process
F 21H 2BH,2DH DosSetDateTime Set the current system date and time
R DosSetFHandState Set the state of the file associated with the handle provided
F 21H 57H DosSetFileInfo Set the date information (last read, last write, creation, and so on) for the file associated with the handle provided
F 21H 43H DosSetFileMode Set the attribute byte for the file associated with the file handle provided
F DosSetFsInfo Sets information for a file system specified device
21H 67H DosSetMaxFH Define the maximum number of file handles (up to 255) for the current process
DosSetPrty Set the priority for the current thread
DosSetSession Set the status of a child process
R DosSetSigHandler Define a signal-handling routine for a specific signal
F 21H 25H DosSetVec Define an exception-handling routine for specified exceptions
F 21H 2EH DosSetVerify Enable or disable disk verification for the current process
DosSleep Suspend the current thread for a specified interval of time
DosStartSession Invoke a second application as an OS/2 session
DosStopSession Terminate a session previously invoked thru the DosStartSession
F DosSubAlloc Allocate memory from within a segment previously allocated by DosAllocSeg or DosAllocShrSeg
F DosSubFree Free memory previously allocated by DosSubAlloc
F DosSubSet Initialize a segment for suballocation, or change the size of a previously suballocated segment
DosSuspendThread Suspend the current thread of execution until a DosResumeThread service is invoked
DosSystemService Request OS/2 to perform a unique function (such as system-wide event notification for the specific process)
DosTimerAsynch Start a timer that runs asynchronously to the thread issuing the request. Upon completion of the time interval, this service sets the specified semaphore
DosTimerStart Start a periodic interval timer that runs asynchronously to the current thread. Each time the interval completes, the service clears the specified semaphore
DosTimerStop Stop a periodic interval timer previously started by DosTimerStart or DosTimerAsynch
DosUnlockSeg Unlock a memory segment previously marked as discardable
DosWait Suspend the current process until the child process specified by the provided process identification terminates
F 21H 40H DosWrite Write the specified number of bytes to the file associated with the file handle provided
DosWriteAsynch Write the specified number of bytes to the file associated with the file handle that is provided concurrently with the threads remaining processing
DosWriteQueue Place an element in a specified queue
F 16H 00H KbdCharIn Return the character scan code from the standard input device
KbdClose Close a handle associated with a logical (unique to a process) keyboard
KbdCustCP Install a user-definable custom keyboard translation table. The table only affects the keyboard handle provided
KbdDeRegister Remove a previously registered keyboard from the current session
F KbdFlushBuffer Clear the keyboard buffer for a specific keyboard handle
KbdFreeFocus Release the logical-to-physical keyboard mapping produced by KbdGetFocus
KbdGetFocus Join a logical (process unique) keyboard to a physical keyboard
F 16H 00H KbdGetStatus Return information about a specific logical keyboard
KbdGetXT Obtain information from the current keyboard translation table
KbdOpen Open a logical keyboard and return a keyboard handle
R 16H 00H KbdPeek Return, but do not remove, a keyboard scan code if present in the keyboard buffer associated with the keyboard handle provided
KbdRegister Register a keyboard subsystem for a specific session
KbdSetFgnd Increase the priority of the foreground key board thread
KbdSetStatus Set the size characteristics for a logical keyboard
KbdSetXT Set the keyboard translation table for a logical keyboard
KbdShellInit Request the shell to identify itself to the keyboard routing software
F 21H 0AH KbdStringIn Read a character string from a logical keybd
KbdSynch Synchronize access to the keyboard subsystem
KbdXlate Translate a scan code into a shift state and ASCII code
MouClose Close the mouse device handle for the current screen group
MouDeRegister Remove a partially registered mouse subsystem for the current session
33H 01H MouDrawPtr Notify the mouse device driver that a screen area previously restricted from access is now available
MouFlushQueue Direct the mouse device driver to purge the mouse event queue for the current session
MouGetDevStatus Return the current mouse device driver settings
MouGetEventMask Return the event mask for the current mouse device driver
MouGetHotKey Return the specific mouse key used for input (left, middle, or right)
MouGetNumButtons Return the number of buttons that the mouse driver supports
MouGetNumMickeys Return the number of "Mickeys" per centimeter for the current mouse driver
MouGetNumQueEl Return the status of the event queue for the current mouse device driver
33H 03H MouGetPtrPos Return the current row and column of the mouse pointer shape
MouGetPtrShape Obtain the current mouse pointer shape
MouGetScaleFact Return the current scaling factors for the mouse pointer shape
MouInitReal Initialize the mouse real-mode pointer
33H 00H MouOpen Open a mouse device driver for the current screen group. Return a device handle
33H 05H,06H MouReadEventQue Read and remove an event from the current mouse driver event queue
MouRegister Register a mouse subsystem for use with the current screen group
33H 02H MouRemovePtr Restrict a screen area from use by the mouse pointer
MouSetDevStatus Set the current mouse device driver status flags
33H 0CH MouSetEventMask Assign an event mask to the current mouse device driver
MouSetHotKey Define which button (left, middle, or right) serves as the hot key for the current mouse driver
33H 04H MouSetPtrPos Set the mouse pointer screen coordinates
33H 09H,0AH MouSetPtrShape Set the mouse pointer shape
MouSetScaleFact Set the scaling factor for the mouse pointer shape
MouShellInit Mouse shell indentifies itself to the mouse router
MouSynch Direct mouse subsystems to synchronize access to the mouse device driver
VioDeRegister Remove a previously registered video subsystem from a screen group
VioEndPopUp Remove a temporary window created by VioPopUp that is no longer required
VioGetAnsi Specify whether ANSI support is on or off for the current video buffer
F VioGetBuf Return the address of the logical (process unique) video buffer specified
VioGetCP Return the code-page used for display by the specified handle
VioGetConfig Return the current video display configuration
F 10H 03H VioGetCurPos Return the current row and column cursor position for the specified logical video buffer
F VioGetCurType Return the cursor type and attributes for the specified logical video buffer
VioGetFont Return the current font for the specified logical video buffer
F 10H 0FH VioGetMode Return the current video mode for the specified logical video buffer
F VioGetPhysBuf Return the address of the physical video buffer
VioGetState Return the current video states, or the palette registers, the border color, or background intensity
VioModeUndo Allow one process thread to cancel a VioModeWait service issued by another thread in the same process
VioModeWait Request that a graphics mode application be notified each time it needs to restore its video mode
VioPopUp Allocate a temporary popup display screen for message display
VioPrtSc Print the current screen contents
VioPrtScToggle The OS/2 session manager invokes this routine each time the user presses the Shift-PrtSc key combination
F 10H 08H VioReadCellStr Read a string of characters and attributes from the screen starting at a specified row and column location
F VioReadCharStr Read a character string from the display starting at ther specified row and column
VioRegister Register a video subsystem with a specific screen group
VioSavRedraw Request that a process be notified when it must save or redraw its contents
VioSavRedrawUndo Allow one thread in a process to cancel a
VioSavRedrawWait service issued by another thread within the same process
F 10H 07H VioScrollDn Scroll the screen contents down as specified by the row and column numbers and number of lines to scroll
VioScrLock Lock the screen and prevent I/O operations
F VioScrollLf Scroll the screen contents to the left as specified
F VioScrollRt Scroll the screen contents to the right as specified
F 10H 06H VioScrollUp Scroll the screen contents up as specified by the row and column numbers and number of lines to scroll
VioScrUnlock Unlock the screen for I/O operations
VioSetAnsi Enable or disable ANSI support for the specified logical video buffer
VioSetCP Set the code-page for the specified logical video buffer
VioSetCurPos Set the cursor position to the row and column of the logical video buffer provided
F 10H 02H VioSetCurType Set the cursor type (attributes) for the logical video display provided
VioSetFont Set the font for the logical video display
F 10H 00H VioSetMode Set the display mode for the logical video display provided
10H 0BH VioSetState Set the state for the palette registers, border color, or background intensity for the specified logical video display
F VioShowBuf Update the physical display with the contents of a logical display buffer
F 10H 09H VioWrtCellStr Write a character string (with attributes) to the specified video display location
F 10H 0AH VioWrtCharStr Write a character string to the specified vidoe display location
F VioWrtCharStrAtt Write a character string using a repeated attribute to the specified video display
F VioWrtNAttr Write the character attribute to the video display at the specified location. This service provides an optional repeat count
F VioWrtNCell Write a character or attribute to the video display the specified number of times
F VioWrtNChar Write a character to the video display starting at the specified location and repeating the display n times
F 10H 0EH VioWrtTty Write a character string to the video display starting at the current cursor position in TTY mode