CWarp Directory/Files Structure

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Revision as of 16:56, 28 January 2016 by Martini (talk | contribs)
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Tree Structure

│  └──JohnDoe
│     ├──Config
│     │  ├──.config
│     │  │  └──QXmlEdit
│     │  ├──.local
│     │  │  └──share
│     │  │     └──dataScreenGrab
│     │  ├──INIS
│     │  ├──log
│     │  │  └──20150921
│     │  ├──SPOOL
│     │  └──temp
│     ├──Desktop
│     │  ├──OS!2 System
│     │  │  ├──Command Prompts
│     │  │  ├──Drives
│     │  │  ├──Minimized!!Window Viewer
│     │  │  ├──Startup
│     │  │  ├──System Setup
│     │  │  │  ├──Fonts
│     │  │  │  └──Hardware Manager
│     │  │  ├──Templates
│     │  │  │  ├──Folder
│     │  │  │  ├──Folder!1
│     │  │  │  ├──Multimedia Templates
│     │  │  │  │  └──Lighttable
│     │  │  │  ├──Templates for^Internet
│     │  │  │  │  ├──FTP Host
│     │  │  │  │  └──URL Folder
│     │  │  │  └──XWorkplace Startup Folder
│     │  │  ├──XWorkplace Shutdown Folder
│     │  │  └──XWorkplace Startup Folder
│     │  ├──Programs
│     │  │  ├──Applications
│     │  │  ├──Games
│     │  │  ├──Installed Software
│     │  │  │  ├──Doodle's Screen Saver
│     │  │  │  ├──DOSBox2
│     │  │  │  ├──File Manager!2
│     │  │  │  │  ├──FM!2 Docs
│     │  │  │  │  └──FM!2 Tools
│     │  │  │  ├──Kon
│     │  │  │  ├──lSwitcher
│     │  │  │  ├──OS!2 System Tools
│     │  │  │  │  └──Help
│     │  │  │  ├──SciTech SNAP!Graphics!Pro
│     │  │  │  ├──WarpIN
│     │  │  │  └──XWorkplace Installation
│     │  │  │     └──XWorkplace Configuration Folder
│     │  │  │        ├──Create ~new
│     │  │  │        │  └──Folder
│     │  │  │        ├──~Command prompts
│     │  │  │        └──~XWorkplace
│     │  │  └──Utilities
│     │  └──Trash Can
│     ├──Documents
│     ├──Downloads
│     ├──Music
│     ├──Photos
│     └──Videos
│  ├──AppsCMD
│  ├──AppsPM
│  │  ├──0X
│  │  │  └──DESKTOP
│  │  │     ├──OS!2 System
│  │  │     │  ├──Command Prompts
│  │  │     │  ├──Drives
│  │  │     │  ├──Minimized^Window Viewer
│  │  │     │  ├──Startup
│  │  │     │  ├──System Setup
│  │  │     │  │  └──Hardware Manager
│  │  │     │  └──Templates
│  │  │     │     ├──Folder
│  │  │     │     ├──Folder!1
│  │  │     │     ├──Multimedia Templates
│  │  │     │     │  └──Lighttable
│  │  │     │     └──Templates for^Internet
│  │  │     │        ├──FTP Host
│  │  │     │        └──URL Folder
│  │  │     └──Programs
│  │  │        ├──Applications
│  │  │        ├──Games
│  │  │        ├──Installed Software
│  │  │        │  ├──OS!2 System Tools
│  │  │        │  │  └──Help
│  │  │        │  └──SciTech SNAP!Graphics!Pro
│  │  │        └──Utilities
│  │  └──CURRENT
│  ├──BOOT
│  ├──DLL
│  │  └──snap
│  │     └──config
│  │        └──graphics
│  ├──LANG
│  │  └──CODEPAGE
│  ├──Maintenance Desktop
│  │  ├──OS!2 System
│  │  │  ├──Command Prompts
│  │  │  ├──Drives
│  │  │  ├──Minimized^Window Viewer
│  │  │  ├──Startup
│  │  │  └──System Setup
│  │  │     └──Install!Remove
│  │  └──Programs
│  │     └──Utilities
│  └──SYSTEM
│     ├──BIDI
│     ├──FFST
│     ├──IBMCOM
│     │  ├──MACS
│     │  └──PROTOCOL
│     ├──IBMLAN
│     │  └──NETLIB
│     ├──IFS
│     ├──IPF
│     ├──LIBC
│     ├──LVM
│     ├──MMOS2
│     │  └──DLL
│     ├──MPTN
│     │  ├──BIN
│     │  ├──DLL
│     │  ├──ETC
│     │  │  └──DAT
│     │  ├──MSG
│     │  │  └──NLS
│     │  └──PROTOCOL
│     ├──MUGLIB
│     │  └──DLL
│     ├──PM
│     ├──REXX
│     ├──SOM
│     │  └──ETC
│     │     └──DSOM
│     ├──SPOOLER
│     ├──UNICODE
│     ├──VIDEO
│     └──WPS
│  ├──4OS2
│  ├──assoedit
│  ├──DOSBOX
│  │  └──KEYB
│  ├──FHS
│  │  ├──etc
│  │  │  ├──bash_completion.d
│  │  │  ├──logrotate.d
│  │  │  ├──pki
│  │  │  │  ├──CA
│  │  │  │  │  ├──certs
│  │  │  │  │  ├──crl
│  │  │  │  │  ├──newcerts
│  │  │  │  │  └──private
│  │  │  │  ├──java
│  │  │  │  └──tls
│  │  │  │     ├──certs
│  │  │  │     ├──misc
│  │  │  │     └──private
│  │  │  ├──rpm
│  │  │  ├──ssl
│  │  │  ├──terminfo
│  │  │  └──yum
│  │  │     ├──bash_completion.d
│  │  │     ├──cron.daily
│  │  │     ├──protected.d
│  │  │     ├──rc.d
│  │  │     │  └──init.d
│  │  │     ├──repos.d
│  │  │     ├──sysconfig
│  │  │     └──vars
│  │  ├──usr
│  │  │  ├──bin
│  │  │  ├──include
│  │  │  │  ├──386
│  │  │  │  ├──arpa
│  │  │  │  ├──emx
│  │  │  │  ├──InnoTekLIBC
│  │  │  │  ├──klibc
│  │  │  │  ├──machine
│  │  │  │  ├──net
│  │  │  │  ├──netinet
│  │  │  │  ├──netnb
│  │  │  │  ├──protocol
│  │  │  │  ├──protocols
│  │  │  │  ├──python2.7
│  │  │  │  ├──Qt
│  │  │  │  ├──QtCore
│  │  │  │  ├──QtDeclarative
│  │  │  │  ├──QtDesigner
│  │  │  │  ├──QtGui
│  │  │  │  ├──QtHelp
│  │  │  │  ├──QtNetwork
│  │  │  │  ├──QtScript
│  │  │  │  ├──QtScriptTools
│  │  │  │  ├──QtSql
│  │  │  │  ├──QtSvg
│  │  │  │  ├──QtTest
│  │  │  │  ├──QtUiTools
│  │  │  │  ├──QtWebKit
│  │  │  │  ├──QtXml
│  │  │  │  ├──QtXmlPatterns
│  │  │  │  └──sys
│  │  │  │     └──gnu
│  │  │  ├──info
│  │  │  │  ├──man1
│  │  │  │  └──man7
│  │  │  ├──lib
│  │  │  │  ├──dbg
│  │  │  │  ├──Drivers
│  │  │  │  │  └──etc
│  │  │  │  ├──libxslt-plugins
│  │  │  │  ├──nss
│  │  │  │  │  └──unsupported-tools
│  │  │  │  ├──openssl
│  │  │  │  │  └──engines
│  │  │  │  ├──perl5
│  │  │  │  │  ├──386
│  │  │  │  │  ├──asm
│  │  │  │  │  ├──auto
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──arybase
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──attributes
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──B
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Data
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  └──Dumper
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Devel
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Peek
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  └──PPPort
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Digest
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  └──MD5
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Encode
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Byte
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├──CN
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├──EBCDIC
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├──JP
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├──KR
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Symbol
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├──TW
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  └──Unicode
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Fcntl
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──File
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  └──Glob
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Filter
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  └──Util
│  │  │  │  │  │  │     └──Call
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Hash
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  └──Util
│  │  │  │  │  │  │     └──FieldHash
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──I18N
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  └──Langinfo
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──IO
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──IPC
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  └──SysV
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Math
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  └──BigInt
│  │  │  │  │  │  │     └──FastCalc
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──MIME
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  └──Base64
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──mro
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Opcode
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──OS2
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├──DLL
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├──ExtAttr
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├──PrfDB
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Process
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  └──REXX
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──PerlIO
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├──encoding
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├──mmap
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├──scalar
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  └──via
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──POSIX
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──re
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──sdbm
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──SDBM_File
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Socket
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Storable
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Sys
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Hostname
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  └──Syslog
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Text
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  └──Soundex
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──threads
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Tie
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  └──Hash
│  │  │  │  │  │  │     └──NamedCapture
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Time
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  └──HiRes
│  │  │  │  │  │  └──Unicode
│  │  │  │  │  │     ├──Collate
│  │  │  │  │  │     └──Normalize
│  │  │  │  │  ├──B
│  │  │  │  │  ├──Compress
│  │  │  │  │  ├──CORE
│  │  │  │  │  │  └──os2
│  │  │  │  │  ├──Data
│  │  │  │  │  ├──Devel
│  │  │  │  │  ├──Digest
│  │  │  │  │  ├──Encode
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──CN
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──JP
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──KR
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──MIME
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  └──Header
│  │  │  │  │  │  └──Unicode
│  │  │  │  │  ├──File
│  │  │  │  │  ├──Filter
│  │  │  │  │  │  └──Util
│  │  │  │  │  ├──gnu
│  │  │  │  │  ├──Hash
│  │  │  │  │  │  └──Util
│  │  │  │  │  ├──I18N
│  │  │  │  │  ├──IO
│  │  │  │  │  │  └──Socket
│  │  │  │  │  ├──IPC
│  │  │  │  │  ├──machine
│  │  │  │  │  ├──Math
│  │  │  │  │  │  └──BigInt
│  │  │  │  │  ├──MIME
│  │  │  │  │  ├──OS2
│  │  │  │  │  ├──PerlIO
│  │  │  │  │  ├──Sys
│  │  │  │  │  │  └──gnu
│  │  │  │  │  ├──Text
│  │  │  │  │  ├──Tie
│  │  │  │  │  │  └──Hash
│  │  │  │  │  ├──Time
│  │  │  │  │  ├──Unicode
│  │  │  │  │  │  └──Collate
│  │  │  │  │  └──vendor_perl
│  │  │  │  │     └──auto
│  │  │  │  ├──python2.6
│  │  │  │  │  └──site-packages
│  │  │  │  │     ├──rpm
│  │  │  │  │     └──urlgrabber
│  │  │  │  ├──python2.7
│  │  │  │  │  ├──bsddb
│  │  │  │  │  ├──compiler
│  │  │  │  │  ├──config
│  │  │  │  │  ├──ctypes
│  │  │  │  │  │  └──macholib
│  │  │  │  │  ├──curses
│  │  │  │  │  ├──distutils
│  │  │  │  │  │  └──command
│  │  │  │  │  ├──email
│  │  │  │  │  │  └──mime
│  │  │  │  │  ├──encodings
│  │  │  │  │  ├──hotshot
│  │  │  │  │  ├──idlelib
│  │  │  │  │  │  └──Icons
│  │  │  │  │  ├──importlib
│  │  │  │  │  ├──json
│  │  │  │  │  ├──lib-dynload
│  │  │  │  │  ├──lib2to3
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──fixes
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──pgen2
│  │  │  │  │  │  └──tests
│  │  │  │  │  │     └──data
│  │  │  │  │  │        └──fixers
│  │  │  │  │  │           └──myfixes
│  │  │  │  │  ├──logging
│  │  │  │  │  ├──multiprocessing
│  │  │  │  │  │  └──dummy
│  │  │  │  │  ├──plat-os2knix
│  │  │  │  │  ├──pydoc_data
│  │  │  │  │  ├──site-packages
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──curl
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──rpm
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──rpmUtils
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──urlgrabber
│  │  │  │  │  │  └──yum
│  │  │  │  │  ├──sqlite3
│  │  │  │  │  ├──test
│  │  │  │  │  ├──wsgiref
│  │  │  │  │  └──xml
│  │  │  │  │     ├──dom
│  │  │  │  │     ├──etree
│  │  │  │  │     ├──parsers
│  │  │  │  │     └──sax
│  │  │  │  ├──qt4
│  │  │  │  │  ├──bin
│  │  │  │  │  ├──imports
│  │  │  │  │  │  ├──Qt
│  │  │  │  │  │  │  └──labs
│  │  │  │  │  │  │     ├──folderlistmodel
│  │  │  │  │  │  │     ├──gestures
│  │  │  │  │  │  │     └──particles
│  │  │  │  │  │  └──QtWebKit
│  │  │  │  │  └──plugins
│  │  │  │  │     ├──accessible
│  │  │  │  │     ├──bearer
│  │  │  │  │     ├──codecs
│  │  │  │  │     ├──designer
│  │  │  │  │     ├──graphicssystems
│  │  │  │  │     ├──iconengines
│  │  │  │  │     ├──imageformats
│  │  │  │  │     ├──qmltooling
│  │  │  │  │     └──sqldrivers
│  │  │  │  ├──qtcreator
│  │  │  │  │  ├──bin
│  │  │  │  │  ├──lib
│  │  │  │  │  │  └──qtcreator
│  │  │  │  │  │     └──plugins
│  │  │  │  │  │        └──Nokia
│  │  │  │  │  └──share
│  │  │  │  │     ├──doc
│  │  │  │  │     │  └──qtcreator
│  │  │  │  │     └──qtcreator
│  │  │  │  │        ├──designer
│  │  │  │  │        │  └──templates
│  │  │  │  │        ├──examplebrowser
│  │  │  │  │        ├──externaltools
│  │  │  │  │        ├──gdbmacros
│  │  │  │  │        │  └──test
│  │  │  │  │        ├──generic-highlighter
│  │  │  │  │        ├──glsl
│  │  │  │  │        ├──qml
│  │  │  │  │        │  ├──qmldump
│  │  │  │  │        │  ├──qmljsdebugger
│  │  │  │  │        │  │  ├──editor
│  │  │  │  │        │  │  │  └──images
│  │  │  │  │        │  │  ├──include
│  │  │  │  │        │  │  │  └──qt_private
│  │  │  │  │        │  │  └──protocol
│  │  │  │  │        │  └──qmlobserver
│  │  │  │  │        │     ├──browser
│  │  │  │  │        │     │  └──images
│  │  │  │  │        │     └──startup
│  │  │  │  │        ├──qml-type-descriptions
│  │  │  │  │        ├──qmldesigner
│  │  │  │  │        │  └──propertyeditor
│  │  │  │  │        │     ├──Qt
│  │  │  │  │        │     │  └──images
│  │  │  │  │        │     └──QtWebKit
│  │  │  │  │        ├──qmlicons
│  │  │  │  │        │  ├──Qt
│  │  │  │  │        │  │  └──16x16
│  │  │  │  │        │  └──QtWebkit
│  │  │  │  │        │     └──16x16
│  │  │  │  │        ├──rss
│  │  │  │  │        │  └──images
│  │  │  │  │        ├──schemes
│  │  │  │  │        ├──snippets
│  │  │  │  │        ├──styles
│  │  │  │  │        ├──templates
│  │  │  │  │        │  ├──html5app
│  │  │  │  │        │  │  ├──html
│  │  │  │  │        │  │  └──html5applicationviewer
│  │  │  │  │        │  ├──mobileapp
│  │  │  │  │        │  ├──qt4project
│  │  │  │  │        │  │  └──customwidgetwizard
│  │  │  │  │        │  ├──qtquickapp
│  │  │  │  │        │  │  ├──qml
│  │  │  │  │        │  │  │  └──app
│  │  │  │  │        │  │  └──qmlapplicationviewer
│  │  │  │  │        │  ├──shared
│  │  │  │  │        │  └──wizards
│  │  │  │  │        │     ├──helloworld
│  │  │  │  │        │     ├──listmodel
│  │  │  │  │        │     ├──qml-extension
│  │  │  │  │        │     ├──qtcreatorplugin
│  │  │  │  │        │     └──scriptgeneratedproject
│  │  │  │  │        └──translations
│  │  │  │  ├──rpm
│  │  │  │  │  └──platform
│  │  │  │  │     ├──athlon-os2-emx
│  │  │  │  │     ├──geode-os2-emx
│  │  │  │  │     ├──i386-os2-emx
│  │  │  │  │     ├──i486-os2-emx
│  │  │  │  │     ├──i586-os2-emx
│  │  │  │  │     ├──i686-os2-emx
│  │  │  │  │     ├──noarch-os2-emx
│  │  │  │  │     ├──pentium3-os2-emx
│  │  │  │  │     └──pentium4-os2-emx
│  │  │  │  ├──tcl8.5
│  │  │  │  └──tcpipv4
│  │  │  │     └──dbg
│  │  │  ├──libexec
│  │  │  │  ├──bin
│  │  │  │  └──git-core
│  │  │  │     └──mergetools
│  │  │  ├──man
│  │  │  │  ├──man1
│  │  │  │  └──man7
│  │  │  ├──sbin
│  │  │  └──share
│  │  │     ├──doc
│  │  │     │  ├──bzip2-libs-1.0.6
│  │  │     │  ├──coreutils-8.6
│  │  │     │  │  ├──fileutils
│  │  │     │  │  ├──sh-utils
│  │  │     │  │  └──textutils
│  │  │     │  ├──cpio-2.11
│  │  │     │  ├──curl-7.37.0
│  │  │     │  ├──db4-4.8.30
│  │  │     │  ├──emxrt
│  │  │     │  ├──expat-2.1.0
│  │  │     │  ├──git-2.0.0
│  │  │     │  │  ├──contrib
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──buildsystems
│  │  │     │  │  │  │  └──Generators
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──completion
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──contacts
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──convert-objects
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──credential
│  │  │     │  │  │  │  ├──gnome-keyring
│  │  │     │  │  │  │  ├──netrc
│  │  │     │  │  │  │  ├──osxkeychain
│  │  │     │  │  │  │  └──wincred
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──diff-highlight
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──diffall
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──emacs
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──examples
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──fast-import
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──git-jump
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──git-shell-commands
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──gitview
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──hg-to-git
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──mw-to-git
│  │  │     │  │  │  │  ├──bin-wrapper
│  │  │     │  │  │  │  ├──Git
│  │  │     │  │  │  │  └──t
│  │  │     │  │  │  │     └──install-wiki
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──persistent-https
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──remote-helpers
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──stats
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──subtree
│  │  │     │  │  │  │  └──t
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──svn-fe
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──thunderbird-patch-inline
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──vim
│  │  │     │  │  │  └──workdir
│  │  │     │  │  └──RelNotes
│  │  │     │  ├──glib2-2.25.15
│  │  │     │  ├──gmp-5.0.2
│  │  │     │  ├──libc-0.6.6
│  │  │     │  ├──libjpeg-8c
│  │  │     │  ├──libxml2-2.7.7
│  │  │     │  ├──libxslt-1.1.26
│  │  │     │  │  ├──EXSLT
│  │  │     │  │  │  └──html
│  │  │     │  │  ├──html
│  │  │     │  │  ├──tutorial
│  │  │     │  │  └──tutorial2
│  │  │     │  ├──ncurses-5.7
│  │  │     │  ├──odin
│  │  │     │  ├──openssl-1.0.0r
│  │  │     │  ├──perl-5.16.1
│  │  │     │  ├──popt-1.15
│  │  │     │  ├──popt-libs-1.15
│  │  │     │  ├──python-2.7.6
│  │  │     │  ├──python-pycurl-
│  │  │     │  │  ├──doc
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──docstrings
│  │  │     │  │  │  └──static
│  │  │     │  │  ├──examples
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──quickstart
│  │  │     │  │  │  └──tests
│  │  │     │  │  └──tests
│  │  │     │  │     ├──certs
│  │  │     │  │     ├──ext
│  │  │     │  │     ├──fake-curl
│  │  │     │  │     ├──fixtures
│  │  │     │  │     └──matrix
│  │  │     │  ├──qt4
│  │  │     │  ├──qtcreator
│  │  │     │  ├──readline-6.1
│  │  │     │  ├──rpm-4.8.1
│  │  │     │  ├──sqlite-3.7.2
│  │  │     │  ├──tcl-8.5.9
│  │  │     │  ├──urlgrabber-3.1.0
│  │  │     │  ├──urlgrabber-3.10.1
│  │  │     │  ├──yum-3.4.3
│  │  │     │  ├──yum-metadata-parser-1.1.4
│  │  │     │  └──zlib-1.2.5
│  │  │     ├──file
│  │  │     ├──git-core
│  │  │     │  ├──contrib
│  │  │     │  │  ├──completion
│  │  │     │  │  └──hooks
│  │  │     │  │     └──multimail
│  │  │     │  └──templates
│  │  │     │     ├──branches
│  │  │     │     ├──hooks
│  │  │     │     └──info
│  │  │     ├──info
│  │  │     ├──locale
│  │  │     │  ├──af
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──be
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──bg
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──bn_IN
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  ├──ca
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──cs
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──da
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──de
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──el
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──en_GB
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  ├──eo
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  ├──es
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──et
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──eu
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──fi
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──fr
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──ga
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──gl
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──gu
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  ├──hi
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  ├──hu
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──id
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──id_ID
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  ├──is
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  ├──it
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──ja
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──ko
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──lg
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──lt
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──lt_LT
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  ├──mr
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  ├──ms
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──nb
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──nl
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──pa
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  ├──pl
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──pt
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──pt_BR
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──pt_PT
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  ├──ro
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──ru
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──sk
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──sl
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──sr
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  ├──sr@latin
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  ├──sv
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──th
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  ├──tr
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──uk
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──ur
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  ├──vi
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  ├──wa
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  ├──zh_CN
│  │  │     │  │  ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │  │  └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     │  └──zh_TW
│  │  │     │     ├──LC_MESSAGES
│  │  │     │     └──LC_TIME
│  │  │     ├──man
│  │  │     │  ├──fr
│  │  │     │  │  └──man8
│  │  │     │  ├──ja
│  │  │     │  │  └──man8
│  │  │     │  ├──ko
│  │  │     │  │  └──man8
│  │  │     │  ├──man1
│  │  │     │  ├──man3
│  │  │     │  ├──man5
│  │  │     │  ├──man7
│  │  │     │  ├──man8
│  │  │     │  ├──mann
│  │  │     │  ├──pl
│  │  │     │  │  ├──man1
│  │  │     │  │  └──man8
│  │  │     │  ├──ru
│  │  │     │  │  └──man8
│  │  │     │  └──sk
│  │  │     │     └──man8
│  │  │     ├──misc
│  │  │     ├──perl5
│  │  │     │  ├──Archive
│  │  │     │  ├──Attribute
│  │  │     │  ├──autodie
│  │  │     │  │  └──exception
│  │  │     │  ├──B
│  │  │     │  │  └──Lint
│  │  │     │  ├──Carp
│  │  │     │  ├──Class
│  │  │     │  ├──Compress
│  │  │     │  ├──Config
│  │  │     │  ├──DBM_Filter
│  │  │     │  ├──Devel
│  │  │     │  ├──Digest
│  │  │     │  ├──encoding
│  │  │     │  ├──Exporter
│  │  │     │  ├──ExtUtils
│  │  │     │  │  ├──Constant
│  │  │     │  │  ├──ParseXS
│  │  │     │  │  └──Typemaps
│  │  │     │  ├──File
│  │  │     │  ├──Filter
│  │  │     │  ├──Getopt
│  │  │     │  ├──HTTP
│  │  │     │  ├──I18N
│  │  │     │  │  └──LangTags
│  │  │     │  ├──IO
│  │  │     │  │  ├──Compress
│  │  │     │  │  └──Uncompress
│  │  │     │  ├──IPC
│  │  │     │  ├──JSON
│  │  │     │  │  └──PP
│  │  │     │  ├──Locale
│  │  │     │  │  ├──Codes
│  │  │     │  │  └──Maketext
│  │  │     │  ├──Log
│  │  │     │  │  └──Message
│  │  │     │  ├──Math
│  │  │     │  │  ├──BigFloat
│  │  │     │  │  └──BigInt
│  │  │     │  ├──Memoize
│  │  │     │  ├──Module
│  │  │     │  ├──Net
│  │  │     │  │  └──FTP
│  │  │     │  ├──OS2
│  │  │     │  ├──overload
│  │  │     │  ├──Perl
│  │  │     │  ├──PerlIO
│  │  │     │  │  └──via
│  │  │     │  ├──Pod
│  │  │     │  │  ├──Perldoc
│  │  │     │  │  └──Text
│  │  │     │  ├──Search
│  │  │     │  ├──Term
│  │  │     │  ├──Test
│  │  │     │  ├──Text
│  │  │     │  ├──Thread
│  │  │     │  ├──Tie
│  │  │     │  ├──Time
│  │  │     │  ├──Unicode
│  │  │     │  │  └──Collate
│  │  │     │  │     ├──CJK
│  │  │     │  │     └──Locale
│  │  │     │  ├──unicore
│  │  │     │  │  ├──lib
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Age
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──AHex
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Alpha
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Bc
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──BidiC
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──BidiM
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Blk
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Cased
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Ccc
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──CE
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──CI
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──CompEx
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──CWCF
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──CWCM
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──CWKCF
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──CWL
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──CWT
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──CWU
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Dash
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Dep
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──DI
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Dia
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Dt
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Ea
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Ext
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Gc
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──GCB
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──GrBase
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Hex
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Hst
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Hyphen
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──IDC
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Ideo
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──IDS
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──IDSB
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──IDST
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──In
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Jg
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──JoinC
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Jt
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Lb
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──LOE
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Lower
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Math
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──NChar
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──NFCQC
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──NFDQC
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──NFKCQC
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──NFKDQC
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Nt
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Nv
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──PatSyn
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──PatWS
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Perl
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──QMark
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Radical
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──SB
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Sc
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Scx
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──SD
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Space
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──STerm
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Term
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──UIdeo
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──Upper
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──VS
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──WB
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──XIDC
│  │  │     │  │  │  └──XIDS
│  │  │     │  │  └──To
│  │  │     │  ├──User
│  │  │     │  ├──vendor_perl
│  │  │     │  │  └──Git
│  │  │     │  └──warnings
│  │  │     ├──qt4
│  │  │     │  ├──doc
│  │  │     │  │  └──qch
│  │  │     │  ├──mkspecs
│  │  │     │  │  ├──aix-g++
│  │  │     │  │  ├──aix-g++-64
│  │  │     │  │  ├──aix-xlc
│  │  │     │  │  ├──aix-xlc-64
│  │  │     │  │  ├──common
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──aix
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──c89
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──posix
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──symbian
│  │  │     │  │  │  │  ├──header-wrappers
│  │  │     │  │  │  │  └──stl-off
│  │  │     │  │  │  └──wince
│  │  │     │  │  ├──cygwin-g++
│  │  │     │  │  ├──darwin-g++
│  │  │     │  │  ├──default
│  │  │     │  │  ├──features
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──mac
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──os2
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──symbian
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──unix
│  │  │     │  │  │  └──win32
│  │  │     │  │  ├──freebsd-g++
│  │  │     │  │  ├──freebsd-g++34
│  │  │     │  │  ├──freebsd-g++40
│  │  │     │  │  ├──freebsd-icc
│  │  │     │  │  ├──hpux-acc
│  │  │     │  │  ├──hpux-acc-64
│  │  │     │  │  ├──hpux-acc-o64
│  │  │     │  │  ├──hpux-g++
│  │  │     │  │  ├──hpux-g++-64
│  │  │     │  │  ├──hpuxi-acc-32
│  │  │     │  │  ├──hpuxi-acc-64
│  │  │     │  │  ├──hpuxi-g++-64
│  │  │     │  │  ├──hurd-g++
│  │  │     │  │  ├──irix-cc
│  │  │     │  │  ├──irix-cc-64
│  │  │     │  │  ├──irix-g++
│  │  │     │  │  ├──irix-g++-64
│  │  │     │  │  ├──linux-cxx
│  │  │     │  │  ├──linux-ecc-64
│  │  │     │  │  ├──linux-g++
│  │  │     │  │  ├──linux-g++-32
│  │  │     │  │  ├──linux-g++-64
│  │  │     │  │  ├──linux-g++-maemo
│  │  │     │  │  ├──linux-icc
│  │  │     │  │  ├──linux-icc-32
│  │  │     │  │  ├──linux-icc-64
│  │  │     │  │  ├──linux-kcc
│  │  │     │  │  ├──linux-llvm
│  │  │     │  │  ├──linux-lsb-g++
│  │  │     │  │  ├──linux-pgcc
│  │  │     │  │  ├──lynxos-g++
│  │  │     │  │  ├──macx-g++
│  │  │     │  │  ├──macx-g++40
│  │  │     │  │  ├──macx-g++42
│  │  │     │  │  ├──macx-icc
│  │  │     │  │  ├──macx-llvm
│  │  │     │  │  ├──macx-pbuilder
│  │  │     │  │  ├──macx-xcode
│  │  │     │  │  ├──macx-xlc
│  │  │     │  │  ├──modules
│  │  │     │  │  ├──netbsd-g++
│  │  │     │  │  ├──openbsd-g++
│  │  │     │  │  ├──os2-g++
│  │  │     │  │  ├──qws
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──freebsd-generic-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-arm-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-arm-gnueabi-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-armv6-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-avr32-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-cellon-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-dm7000-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-dm800-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-generic-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-generic-g++-32
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-ipaq-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-lsb-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-mips-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-powerpc-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-sh-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-sh4al-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-sharp-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-x86-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-x86_64-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-zylonite-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──macx-generic-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  └──solaris-generic-g++
│  │  │     │  │  ├──sco-cc
│  │  │     │  │  ├──sco-g++
│  │  │     │  │  ├──solaris-cc
│  │  │     │  │  ├──solaris-cc-64
│  │  │     │  │  ├──solaris-cc-64-stlport
│  │  │     │  │  ├──solaris-cc-stlport
│  │  │     │  │  ├──solaris-g++
│  │  │     │  │  ├──solaris-g++-64
│  │  │     │  │  ├──symbian
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-armcc
│  │  │     │  │  │  │  └──features
│  │  │     │  │  │  └──linux-gcce
│  │  │     │  │  │     └──features
│  │  │     │  │  ├──symbian-abld
│  │  │     │  │  ├──symbian-sbsv2
│  │  │     │  │  │  └──flm
│  │  │     │  │  │     └──qt
│  │  │     │  │  ├──tru64-cxx
│  │  │     │  │  ├──tru64-g++
│  │  │     │  │  ├──unixware-cc
│  │  │     │  │  ├──unixware-g++
│  │  │     │  │  ├──unsupported
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-host-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──linux-scratchbox2-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──qnx-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──qws
│  │  │     │  │  │  │  ├──qnx-641
│  │  │     │  │  │  │  ├──qnx-generic-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  │  ├──qnx-i386-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  │  └──qnx-ppc-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──vxworks-ppc-dcc
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──vxworks-ppc-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──vxworks-simpentium-dcc
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──vxworks-simpentium-g++
│  │  │     │  │  │  └──win32-g++-cross
│  │  │     │  │  ├──win32-borland
│  │  │     │  │  ├──win32-g++
│  │  │     │  │  ├──win32-icc
│  │  │     │  │  ├──win32-msvc2003
│  │  │     │  │  ├──win32-msvc2005
│  │  │     │  │  ├──win32-msvc2008
│  │  │     │  │  ├──win32-msvc2010
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wince50standard-armv4i-msvc2005
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wince50standard-armv4i-msvc2008
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wince50standard-mipsii-msvc2005
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wince50standard-mipsii-msvc2008
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wince50standard-mipsiv-msvc2005
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wince50standard-mipsiv-msvc2008
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wince50standard-sh4-msvc2005
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wince50standard-sh4-msvc2008
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wince50standard-x86-msvc2005
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wince50standard-x86-msvc2008
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wince60standard-armv4i-msvc2005
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wince60standard-x86-msvc2005
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wincewm50pocket-msvc2005
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wincewm50pocket-msvc2008
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wincewm50smart-msvc2005
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wincewm50smart-msvc2008
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wincewm60professional-msvc2005
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wincewm60professional-msvc2008
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wincewm60standard-msvc2005
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wincewm60standard-msvc2008
│  │  │     │  │  ├──wincewm65professional-msvc2005
│  │  │     │  │  └──wincewm65professional-msvc2008
│  │  │     │  └──translations
│  │  │     ├──tabset
│  │  │     ├──tcl8
│  │  │     │  ├──8.3
│  │  │     │  ├──8.4
│  │  │     │  │  └──platform
│  │  │     │  └──8.5
│  │  │     ├──tcl8.5
│  │  │     │  ├──encoding
│  │  │     │  ├──http1.0
│  │  │     │  ├──msgs
│  │  │     │  ├──opt0.4
│  │  │     │  └──tzdata
│  │  │     │     ├──Africa
│  │  │     │     ├──America
│  │  │     │     │  ├──Argentina
│  │  │     │     │  ├──Indiana
│  │  │     │     │  ├──Kentucky
│  │  │     │     │  └──North_Dakota
│  │  │     │     ├──Antarctica
│  │  │     │     ├──Arctic
│  │  │     │     ├──Asia
│  │  │     │     ├──Atlantic
│  │  │     │     ├──Australia
│  │  │     │     ├──Brazil
│  │  │     │     ├──Canada
│  │  │     │     ├──Chile
│  │  │     │     ├──Etc
│  │  │     │     ├──Europe
│  │  │     │     ├──Indian
│  │  │     │     ├──Mexico
│  │  │     │     ├──Pacific
│  │  │     │     ├──SystemV
│  │  │     │     └──US
│  │  │     ├──terminfo
│  │  │     │  ├──58
│  │  │     │  ├──61
│  │  │     │  ├──64
│  │  │     │  ├──65
│  │  │     │  ├──67
│  │  │     │  ├──68
│  │  │     │  ├──6b
│  │  │     │  ├──6c
│  │  │     │  ├──6d
│  │  │     │  ├──6f
│  │  │     │  ├──70
│  │  │     │  ├──72
│  │  │     │  ├──75
│  │  │     │  ├──76
│  │  │     │  ├──77
│  │  │     │  └──78
│  │  │     └──yum-cli
│  │  └──var
│  │     ├──cache
│  │     │  ├──rpm
│  │     │  │  └──wps
│  │     │  │     └──packages
│  │     │  └──yum
│  │     │     ├──ecs_cdrun
│  │     │     │  └──packages
│  │     │     ├──installed
│  │     │     └──netlabs-rel
│  │     │        └──packages
│  │     ├──cid
│  │     ├──lib
│  │     │  ├──odin
│  │     │  │  ├──Application Data
│  │     │  │  ├──Cookies
│  │     │  │  ├──Desktop
│  │     │  │  ├──Favorites
│  │     │  │  ├──Fonts
│  │     │  │  ├──History
│  │     │  │  ├──My Documents
│  │     │  │  ├──NetHood
│  │     │  │  ├──PrintHood
│  │     │  │  ├──Program Files
│  │     │  │  │  └──Common Files
│  │     │  │  ├──Recent
│  │     │  │  ├──SendTo
│  │     │  │  ├──ShellNew
│  │     │  │  ├──Start Menu
│  │     │  │  │  └──Programs
│  │     │  │  │     └──Startup
│  │     │  │  ├──SYSTEM
│  │     │  │  ├──Temp
│  │     │  │  └──Temporary Internet Files
│  │     │  ├──rpm
│  │     │  └──yum
│  │     │     ├──history
│  │     │     │  └──2012-12-07
│  │     │     │     ├──21
│  │     │     │     ├──22
│  │     │     │     ├──23
│  │     │     │     ├──24
│  │     │     │     ├──25
│  │     │     │     ├──26
│  │     │     │     ├──27
│  │     │     │     ├──28
│  │     │     │     ├──29
│  │     │     │     ├──30
│  │     │     │     ├──31
│  │     │     │     └──32
│  │     │     ├──repos
│  │     │     │  └──i386
│  │     │     │     └──00
│  │     │     │        └──netlabs-rel
│  │     │     ├──rpmdb-indexes
│  │     │     │  └──installed
│  │     │     └──yumdb
│  │     │        ├──c
│  │     │        │  └──9059a57e0991583eb9e1ecf75015065c7e420a2f-ca-certificates-2011.80-1.oc00-noarch
│  │     │        └──l
│  │     │           └──27852f67bf0640a21c4c1914ecec2fa88ffb89e9-libkai-1.1.4-1.oc00-i386
│  │     ├──log
│  │     ├──run
│  │     ├──SPOOL
│  │     └──temp
│  ├──FM2
│  │  ├──Debug
│  │  ├──Docs
│  │  ├──FM2Tools
│  │  ├──Icons
│  │  ├──Tmplates
│  │  ├──User_Config_Backup
│  │  └──Utils
│  ├──FPOS
│  ├──Iniedit
│  ├──INITOR
│  ├──KON
│  │  ├──bmp
│  │  ├──help
│  │  └──k
│  ├──LUCIDE
│  ├──lxtools
│  │  ├──bin_os2
│  │  ├──bin_w32
│  │  └──src
│  │     └──common
│  ├──PMDLL
│  ├──qxmledit
│  │  ├──DATA
│  │  └──translations
│  ├──Screengrab
│  ├──SL
│  ├──SNAP
│  │  ├──bitmaps
│  │  └──disk
│  │     ├──br
│  │     ├──cn
│  │     ├──dbcs
│  │     ├──de
│  │     ├──dk
│  │     ├──en
│  │     ├──es
│  │     ├──fi
│  │     ├──fr
│  │     ├──it
│  │     ├──jp
│  │     ├──kr
│  │     ├──nl
│  │     ├──no
│  │     ├──sbcs
│  │     ├──se
│  │     └──tw
│  ├──Theseus
│  ├──vbox
│  ├──VLC
│  │  ├──bin
│  │  ├──include
│  │  │  └──VLC
│  │  │     └──PLUGINS
│  │  ├──lib
│  │  │  ├──pkgconfig
│  │  │  └──vlc
│  │  │     ├──LUA
│  │  │     │  ├──extensions
│  │  │     │  ├──INTF
│  │  │     │  │  └──MODULES
│  │  │     │  ├──META
│  │  │     │  │  ├──ART
│  │  │     │  │  ├──FETCHER
│  │  │     │  │  └──READER
│  │  │     │  ├──MODULES
│  │  │     │  ├──PLAYLIST
│  │  │     │  └──SD
│  │  │     └──PLUGINS
│  │  │        ├──ACCESS
│  │  │        ├──access_output
│  │  │        ├──audio_filter
│  │  │        ├──audio_mixer
│  │  │        ├──audio_output
│  │  │        ├──CODEC
│  │  │        ├──CONTROL
│  │  │        ├──DEMUX
│  │  │        ├──GUI
│  │  │        ├──LUA
│  │  │        ├──meta_engine
│  │  │        ├──MISC
│  │  │        ├──MUX
│  │  │        ├──packetizer
│  │  │        ├──services_discovery
│  │  │        ├──stream_filter
│  │  │        ├──stream_out
│  │  │        ├──text_renderer
│  │  │        ├──video_chroma
│  │  │        ├──video_filter
│  │  │        ├──video_output
│  │  │        ├──video_splitter
│  │  │        └──visualization
│  │  └──share
│  │     ├──APPLICAT
│  │     ├──DOC
│  │     │  └──VLC
│  │     │     ├──LIBVLC
│  │     │     │  └──QTPLAYER
│  │     │     └──LUA
│  │     │        ├──EXTENSIO
│  │     │        ├──HTTP
│  │     │        │  └──REQUESTS
│  │     │        ├──INTF
│  │     │        ├──META
│  │     │        │  ├──ART
│  │     │        │  ├──FETCHER
│  │     │        │  └──READER
│  │     │        ├──PLAYLIST
│  │     │        └──SD
│  │     ├──ICONS
│  │     │  └──HICOLOR
│  │     │     ├──128X128
│  │     │     │  └──APPS
│  │     │     ├──16X16
│  │     │     │  └──APPS
│  │     │     ├──256X256
│  │     │     │  └──APPS
│  │     │     ├──32X32
│  │     │     │  └──APPS
│  │     │     └──48X48
│  │     │        └──APPS
│  │     ├──KDE4
│  │     │  └──APPS
│  │     │     └──SOLID
│  │     │        └──ACTIONS
│  │     ├──LOCALE
│  │     │  ├──ACH
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──AF
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──AM
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──AN
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──AR
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──AST
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──AZ
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──BE
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──BG
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──BN
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──BN_IN
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──BR
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──BS
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──CA
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──CGG
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──CKB
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──CO
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──CS
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──CY
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──DA
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──DE
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──EL
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──EN_GB
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──ES
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──ES_MX
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──ET
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──EU
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──FA
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──FF
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──FI
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──FR
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──FUR
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──GA
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──GD
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──GL
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──GU
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──HE
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──HI
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──HR
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──HU
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──HY
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──IA
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──ID
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──IS
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──IT
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──JA
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──KA
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──KK
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──KM
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──KN
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──KO
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──KY
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──LG
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──LT
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──LV
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──MK
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──ML
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──MN
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──MR
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──MS
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──MY
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──NB
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──NE
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──NL
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──NN
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──OC
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──OR
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──PA
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──PL
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──PS
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──PT_BR
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──PT_PT
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──RO
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──RU
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──SI
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──SK
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──SL
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──SQ
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──SR
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──SV
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──TA
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──TE
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──TET
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──TH
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──TL
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──TR
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──UK
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──UZ
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──VI
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──WA
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──ZH_CN
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  ├──ZH_TW
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     │  └──ZU
│  │     │     └──LC_MESSAGES
│  │     ├──MAN
│  │     │  └──MAN1
│  │     └──VLC
│  │        ├──LUA
│  │        │  └──HTTP
│  │        │     ├──CSS
│  │        │     │  └──ui-lightness
│  │        │     │     └──IMAGES
│  │        │     ├──DIALOGS
│  │        │     ├──IMAGES
│  │        │     ├──JS
│  │        │     └──REQUESTS
│  │        ├──SKINS2
│  │        │  └──FONTS
│  │        └──UTILS
│  ├──WarpIN
│  │  └──test
│  └──zip
│  ├──Documents
│  ├──Fonts
│  ├──Icons
│  │  └──cWarp Default
│  ├──Images
│  ├──Movies
│  ├──Pointers
│  │  ├──Amiga 1
│  │  ├──Amiga 2
│  │  ├──andy
│  │  ├──Andy Pointer
│  │  ├──Arrows
│  │  ├──Big Arrow Pointer
│  │  ├──Big Bloody
│  │  ├──bigarrow
│  │  ├──Black with boder
│  │  ├──Blue Pointer
│  │  ├──BUGS
│  │  ├──Cherub
│  │  ├──Cigar
│  │  ├──Cross Black
│  │  ├──Cross White
│  │  ├──Cyan 3D
│  │  ├──Dancin' Bear
│  │  ├──descent
│  │  ├──Enterprise
│  │  ├──Euge Hand
│  │  ├──Evil Grey Alien
│  │  ├──Glasses
│  │  ├──Glasses 2 Colors
│  │  ├──Globes 3
│  │  ├──Gloves 2
│  │  ├──Gloves 4
│  │  ├──Gloves Black
│  │  ├──Gray 3D - 2
│  │  ├──Gray 3D - 3
│  │  ├──Green Pointer
│  │  ├──Hand with Stick
│  │  ├──Hand!!
│  │  ├──Handy
│  │  ├──Kupo
│  │  ├──Ladybug
│  │  ├──maggie
│  │  ├──Maggie Wait Pointer
│  │  ├──Mouse
│  │  ├──ncc-1701
│  │  ├──Purple Pointer
│  │  ├──Red Pointer
│  │  ├──Rodent
│  │  ├──shadow
│  │  ├──Shadow Pointer
│  │  ├──Solid
│  │  ├──Startrek
│  │  ├──Sun
│  │  ├──Transparent
│  │  ├──Transparent Blue
│  │  ├──Transparent Small
│  │  ├──wgloves
│  │  ├──Windows 95
│  │  ├──winwag
│  │  └──X
│  └──Sounds
│  ├──1
│  └──3
   │  ├──AE
   │  └──NEWVIEW
   │  └──snap
   │     └──config
   │        └──graphics
      │  └──Install
      │     ├──AND
      │     ├──INSTALL
      │     └──REXX
      │  ├──Lang
      │  └──Modules
      │     ├──AnTVSim
      │     ├──Blank
      │     ├──CaClock
      │     ├──Circles
      │     ├──eCSBall
      │     ├──IFSIM
      │     ├──Matrix
      │     ├──Padlock
      │     ├──PrClock
      │     │  ├──Digi
      │     │  ├──gclock01
      │     │  └──sclock01
      │     ├──Random
      │     ├──ShowImg
      │     ├──Snow
      │     └──Text
      │  └──sym
      │  └──widget
      │  └──MACS
         │  ├──drvdlgs
         │  └──xcenter
         │  ├──warp3
         │  └──warp4
         │  ├──config
         │  └──shared

Full Tree

│  └──JohnDoe\
│     ├──Config\
│     │  ├──.config\
│     │  │  ├──Trolltech.ini
│     │  │  └──QXmlEdit\
│     │  │     └──QXmlEdit.ini
│     │  ├──.local\
│     │  │  └──share\
│     │  │     └──dataScreenGrab\
│     │  │        └──screengrab.ini
│     │  ├──INIS\
│     │  │  ├──ae.ini
│     │  │  ├──ARCVIEW.INI
│     │  │  ├──OS2.!!!
│     │  │  ├──OS2.BAK
│     │  │  ├──OS2.INI
│     │  │  ├──OS2SYS.!!!
│     │  │  ├──OS2SYS.BAK
│     │  │  └──OS2SYS.INI
│     │  ├──log\
│     │  │  ├──1_ACPI.L1
│     │  │  ├──1_acpi.log
│     │  │  ├──1_BASE.L1
│     │  │  ├──1_config.l1
│     │  │  ├──1_config.l2
│     │  │  ├──1_DESK.L1
│     │  │  ├──1_DESK.L2
│     │  │  ├──1_DIAG.L2
│     │  │  ├──1_ECSPRD.L1
│     │  │  ├──1_ECSPRD.L2
│     │  │  ├──1_FINISH.L1
│     │  │  ├──1_FINISH.L2
│     │  │  ├──1_FLOPPY.L1
│     │  │  ├──1_HWINFO.LOG
│     │  │  ├──1_HWMERG.L1
│     │  │  ├──1_HWMERG.L2
│     │  │  ├──1_MIGRT.L1
│     │  │  ├──1_MIGRT.L2
│     │  │  ├──1_MNTDSK.L1
│     │  │  ├──1_MNTDSK.L2
│     │  │  ├──1_MPTS.L1
│     │  │  ├──1_MPTS.L2
│     │  │  ├──1_part.log
│     │  │  ├──1_PRNDRV.L1
│     │  │  ├──1_PRNDRV.L2
│     │  │  ├──1_PROTO.L1
│     │  │  ├──1_RPM.L1
│     │  │  ├──1_RPM.L2
│     │  │  ├──1_SNAP.L2
│     │  │  ├──1_VCFG.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_ACPI.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_ACPIK.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_ACPIW.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_AMOUSE.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_BIGICO.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_BIGICO.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_BOOKS.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_CAIRO.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_CDWECS.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_CDWECS.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_CDWIFS.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_CLIFI.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_CLIFI.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_CONET.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_CONET.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_DMT.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_DRGTXT.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_DRGTXT.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_DSSVR.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_DSSVR.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_ECOMKT.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_ECORT.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_ECSMT.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_ECUPS.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_EFDS.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_EFDS.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_ESAMBA.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_ESTLR.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_ESTLR.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_EVFS.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_FAT32.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_FFOX.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_FFOX.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_FINISH.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_FINISH.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_FLOPPY.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_FT2LIB.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_FT2LIB.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_GCC4.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_IAI.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_INITPH.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_INLIBC.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_JAVA6.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_JAVA6.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_KLIBC.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_LUCIDE.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_MMEDIA.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_MMEDIA.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_MMSND.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_MMSND.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_MPTSC.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_MPTSW.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_NEOWPS.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_ODIN.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_ODIN.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_OFONTS.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_OFONTS.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_PEER.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_PEER.L3
│     │  │  ├──2_PMVNC.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_PMVNC.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_PNGD.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_PRTMAN.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_QT4.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_QT4.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_RDESK.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_RDESK.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_SDDCFG.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_SGUIDE.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_SHUFL.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_SHUFL.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_SHUFL.L3
│     │  │  ├──2_TBIRD.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_TBIRD.L2
│     │  │  ├──2_TCPIP.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_TCPIP.L3
│     │  │  ├──2_TIMEST.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_UCLIP.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_USBDCK.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_WARPIN.L1
│     │  │  ├──2_WARPIN.L2
│     │  │  ├──3_ACPI.L1
│     │  │  ├──acpiwzrd.log
│     │  │  ├──CURRENT.LOG
│     │  │  ├──defrsp.l1
│     │  │  ├──defrsp.l2
│     │  │  ├──DIALOG.L1
│     │  │  ├──DIALOG.L2
│     │  │  ├──DISKUTIL.LOG
│     │  │  ├──display.log
│     │  │  ├──DSPINSTL.LOG
│     │  │  ├──ecsinst.log
│     │  │  ├──eidebug.log
│     │  │  ├──ewplog.log
│     │  │  ├──GRADD.LOG
│     │  │  ├──hardware.log
│     │  │  ├──IBMLSHST.LOG
│     │  │  ├──INSTALL.LOG
│     │  │  ├──
│     │  │  ├──
│     │  │  ├──LAPSHIST.LOG
│     │  │  ├──lcu.log
│     │  │  ├──minilvm.log
│     │  │  ├──NewView.log
│     │  │  ├──pathsed.log
│     │  │  ├──RAWDATA.ORG
│     │  │  ├──SAVLANLK.LOG
│     │  │  ├──SWAPNIC.LOG
│     │  │  ├──tcpinst.log
│     │  │  ├──USBSHOLD.LOG
│     │  │  ├──WINOS2.LOG
│     │  │  ├──WPINSTAL.LOG
│     │  │  ├──wpstart.log
│     │  │  ├──xwptrap.log
│     │  │  ├──yum.log
│     │  │  └──20150921\
│     │  │     ├──1_ACPI.L1
│     │  │     ├──1_acpi.log
│     │  │     ├──1_BASE.L1
│     │  │     ├──1_config.l1
│     │  │     ├──1_config.l2
│     │  │     ├──1_DESK.L1
│     │  │     ├──1_DESK.L2
│     │  │     ├──1_DIAG.L2
│     │  │     ├──1_ECSPRD.L1
│     │  │     ├──1_ECSPRD.L2
│     │  │     ├──1_FINISH.L1
│     │  │     ├──1_FINISH.L2
│     │  │     ├──1_FLOPPY.L1
│     │  │     ├──1_HWINFO.LOG
│     │  │     ├──1_HWMERG.L1
│     │  │     ├──1_HWMERG.L2
│     │  │     ├──1_MIGRT.L1
│     │  │     ├──1_MIGRT.L2
│     │  │     ├──1_MNTDSK.L1
│     │  │     ├──1_MNTDSK.L2
│     │  │     ├──1_MPTS.L1
│     │  │     ├──1_MPTS.L2
│     │  │     ├──1_part.log
│     │  │     ├──1_PRNDRV.L1
│     │  │     ├──1_PRNDRV.L2
│     │  │     ├──1_PROTO.L1
│     │  │     ├──1_RPM.L1
│     │  │     ├──1_RPM.L2
│     │  │     ├──1_SNAP.L2
│     │  │     ├──1_VCFG.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_ACPI.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_ACPIK.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_ACPIW.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_AMOUSE.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_BIGICO.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_BIGICO.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_BOOKS.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_CAIRO.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_CDWECS.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_CDWECS.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_CDWIFS.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_CLIFI.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_CLIFI.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_CONET.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_CONET.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_DMT.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_DRGTXT.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_DRGTXT.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_DSSVR.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_DSSVR.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_ECOMKT.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_ECORT.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_ECSMT.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_ECUPS.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_EFDS.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_EFDS.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_ESAMBA.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_ESTLR.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_ESTLR.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_EVFS.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_FAT32.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_FFOX.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_FFOX.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_FINISH.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_FT2LIB.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_FT2LIB.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_GCC4.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_IAI.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_INITPH.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_INLIBC.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_JAVA6.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_JAVA6.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_KLIBC.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_LUCIDE.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_MMEDIA.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_MMEDIA.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_MMSND.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_MMSND.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_MPTSC.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_MPTSW.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_NEOWPS.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_ODIN.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_ODIN.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_OFONTS.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_OFONTS.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_PEER.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_PEER.L3
│     │  │     ├──2_PMVNC.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_PMVNC.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_PNGD.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_PRTMAN.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_QT4.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_QT4.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_RDESK.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_RDESK.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_SDDCFG.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_SGUIDE.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_SHUFL.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_SHUFL.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_SHUFL.L3
│     │  │     ├──2_TBIRD.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_TBIRD.L2
│     │  │     ├──2_TCPIP.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_TCPIP.L3
│     │  │     ├──2_TIMEST.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_UCLIP.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_USBDCK.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_WARPIN.L1
│     │  │     ├──2_WARPIN.L2
│     │  │     ├──CURRENT.LOG
│     │  │     ├──defrsp.l1
│     │  │     ├──defrsp.l2
│     │  │     ├──DIALOG.L1
│     │  │     ├──DIALOG.L2
│     │  │     ├──DISKUTIL.LOG
│     │  │     ├──display.log
│     │  │     ├──DSPINSTL.LOG
│     │  │     ├──eidebug.log
│     │  │     ├──ewplog.log
│     │  │     ├──GRADD.LOG
│     │  │     ├──HARDWARE.LOG
│     │  │     ├──IBMLSHST.LOG
│     │  │     ├──INSTALL.LOG
│     │  │     ├──
│     │  │     ├──
│     │  │     ├──LAPSHIST.LOG
│     │  │     ├──lcu.log
│     │  │     ├──pathsed.log
│     │  │     ├──RAWDATA.ORG
│     │  │     ├──SAVLANLK.LOG
│     │  │     ├──SWAPNIC.LOG
│     │  │     ├──tcpinst.log
│     │  │     ├──WINOS2.LOG
│     │  │     ├──WPINSTAL.LOG
│     │  │     └──yum.log
│     │  ├──SPOOL\
│     │  └──temp\
│     │     ├──datbas_C.ini
│     │     ├──install.log
│     │     ├──qtsingleapplication-5e9b-0-lockfile
│     │     ├──SWAPPER.DAT
│     │     ├──tmp0bb_kv
│     │     ├──tmp3pee47
│     │     ├──tmp4benbk
│     │     ├──tmp5bzlao
│     │     ├──tmp6dvx5u
│     │     ├──tmpa9nv1i
│     │     ├──tmpd3gtb3
│     │     ├──tmpd_euav
│     │     ├──tmpgrgjaq
│     │     ├──tmpj46qu9
│     │     ├──tmpjho_2x
│     │     ├──tmpjxv7ae
│     │     ├──tmpjzxaat
│     │     ├──tmpkitynh
│     │     ├──tmpkp5w6a
│     │     ├──tmpllu481
│     │     ├──tmpm5dshd
│     │     ├──tmpnfydrv
│     │     ├──tmpoi38bt
│     │     ├──tmpoomdil
│     │     ├──tmpozvtbv
│     │     ├──tmpp8ncmx
│     │     ├──tmppdrwmf
│     │     ├──tmppyab80
│     │     ├──tmpqfctkt
│     │     ├──tmpsgcnef
│     │     ├──tmptqjvgc
│     │     ├──tmpuvx8_m
│     │     ├──tmpv2jiz2
│     │     ├──tmpvuajip
│     │     ├──tmpyiofzy
│     │     ├──tmpy_cggm
│     │     ├──USBSHOLD.DLL
│     │     ├──WP!1.PTR
│     │     ├──xsystray.dll
│     │     ├──yum_save_tx-2015-09-23-16-34fd0knn.yumtx
│     │     └──yum_save_tx-2015-09-23-16-44okkdtv.yumtx
│     ├──Desktop\
│     │  ├──cwarp-tree.txt
│     │  ├──OS!2 System\
│     │  │  ├──Command Prompts\
│     │  │  ├──Drives\
│     │  │  ├──Minimized!!Window Viewer\
│     │  │  ├──Startup\
│     │  │  ├──System Setup\
│     │  │  │  ├──Fonts\
│     │  │  │  └──Hardware Manager\
│     │  │  ├──Templates\
│     │  │  │  ├──Bitmap.BMP
│     │  │  │  ├──Data File
│     │  │  │  ├──Icon.ICO
│     │  │  │  ├──JPGImage.JPG
│     │  │  │  ├──Metafile.MET
│     │  │  │  ├──MIDI.MID
│     │  │  │  ├──OS!2 Command File.CMD
│     │  │  │  ├──PIF file.PIF
│     │  │  │  ├──Pointer.PTR
│     │  │  │  ├──TIFImage.TIF
│     │  │  │  ├──WAVAudio.WAV
│     │  │  │  ├──Folder\
│     │  │  │  ├──Folder!1\
│     │  │  │  ├──Multimedia Templates\
│     │  │  │  │  ├──AVCImage._IM
│     │  │  │  │  ├──AVIVideo.AVI
│     │  │  │  │  ├──Bitmap.BMP
│     │  │  │  │  ├──DIBImage.DIB
│     │  │  │  │  ├──GIFImage.GIF
│     │  │  │  │  ├──MIDI.MID
│     │  │  │  │  ├──PCXImage.PCX
│     │  │  │  │  ├──TargaImage.TGA
│     │  │  │  │  ├──TIFImage.TIF
│     │  │  │  │  ├──VIDImage.VID
│     │  │  │  │  ├──WAVAudio.WAV
│     │  │  │  │  └──Lighttable\
│     │  │  │  ├──Templates for^Internet\
│     │  │  │  │  ├──HTML.HTM
│     │  │  │  │  ├──Java Applet Reference
│     │  │  │  │  ├──URL
│     │  │  │  │  ├──FTP Host\
│     │  │  │  │  └──URL Folder\
│     │  │  │  └──XWorkplace Startup Folder\
│     │  │  ├──XWorkplace Shutdown Folder\
│     │  │  └──XWorkplace Startup Folder\
│     │  ├──Programs\
│     │  │  ├──Applications\
│     │  │  ├──Games\
│     │  │  ├──Installed Software\
│     │  │  │  ├──Doodle's Screen Saver\
│     │  │  │  ├──DOSBox2\
│     │  │  │  ├──File Manager!2\
│     │  │  │  │  ├──FM!2 Docs\
│     │  │  │  │  └──FM!2 Tools\
│     │  │  │  ├──Kon\
│     │  │  │  ├──lSwitcher\
│     │  │  │  ├──OS!2 System Tools\
│     │  │  │  │  └──Help\
│     │  │  │  ├──SciTech SNAP!Graphics!Pro\
│     │  │  │  │  ├──Change Log
│     │  │  │  │  ├──FTP site
│     │  │  │  │  └──SciTech Marketplace^Consumer Products
│     │  │  │  ├──WarpIN\
│     │  │  │  └──XWorkplace Installation\
│     │  │  │     └──XWorkplace Configuration Folder\
│     │  │  │        ├──Create ~new\
│     │  │  │        │  ├──Data file
│     │  │  │        │  └──Folder\
│     │  │  │        ├──~Command prompts\
│     │  │  │        └──~XWorkplace\
│     │  │  └──Utilities\
│     │  └──Trash Can\
│     ├──Documents\
│     ├──Downloads\
│     ├──Music\
│     ├──Photos\
│     └──Videos\
│  ├──CHKDSK32.EXE
│  ├──chklgjfs.exe
│  ├──gradd.mod
│  ├──svgadata.pmi
│  ├──video.cfg
│  ├──AppsCMD\
│  │  ├──HARDERR.EXE
│  │  ├──SORT.EXE
│  ├──AppsPM\
│  │  ├──E.EXE
│  │  ├──ARCHIVES.$$$
│  │  ├──OS2.KEY
│  │  ├──0X\
│  │  │  ├──0
│  │  │  ├──1
│  │  │  ├──2
│  │  │  ├──3
│  │  │  ├──4
│  │  │  ├──5
│  │  │  ├──KEYS.$$$
│  │  │  └──DESKTOP\
│  │  │     ├──OS!2 System\
│  │  │     │  ├──Command Prompts\
│  │  │     │  ├──Drives\
│  │  │     │  ├──Minimized^Window Viewer\
│  │  │     │  ├──Startup\
│  │  │     │  ├──System Setup\
│  │  │     │  │  └──Hardware Manager\
│  │  │     │  └──Templates\
│  │  │     │     ├──Bitmap.BMP
│  │  │     │     ├──Data File
│  │  │     │     ├──FORMATTED TRACE.FTF
│  │  │     │     ├──Icon.ICO
│  │  │     │     ├──INFERRED.ITF
│  │  │     │     ├──JPGImage.JPG
│  │  │     │     ├──Metafile.MET
│  │  │     │     ├──MIDI.MID
│  │  │     │     ├──OS!2 Command File.CMD
│  │  │     │     ├──PIF file.PIF
│  │  │     │     ├──Pointer.PTR
│  │  │     │     ├──RAW.TRC
│  │  │     │     ├──SYSLOG Error Log
│  │  │     │     ├──TIFImage.TIF
│  │  │     │     ├──UNFORMATTED TRACE.ITF
│  │  │     │     ├──WAVAudio.WAV
│  │  │     │     ├──Folder\
│  │  │     │     ├──Folder!1\
│  │  │     │     ├──Multimedia Templates\
│  │  │     │     │  ├──AVCImage._IM
│  │  │     │     │  ├──AVIVideo.AVI
│  │  │     │     │  ├──Bitmap.BMP
│  │  │     │     │  ├──DIBImage.DIB
│  │  │     │     │  ├──GIFImage.GIF
│  │  │     │     │  ├──MIDI.MID
│  │  │     │     │  ├──PCXImage.PCX
│  │  │     │     │  ├──TargaImage.TGA
│  │  │     │     │  ├──TIFImage.TIF
│  │  │     │     │  ├──VIDImage.VID
│  │  │     │     │  ├──WAVAudio.WAV
│  │  │     │     │  └──Lighttable\
│  │  │     │     └──Templates for^Internet\
│  │  │     │        ├──HTML.HTM
│  │  │     │        ├──Java Applet Reference
│  │  │     │        ├──URL
│  │  │     │        ├──FTP Host\
│  │  │     │        └──URL Folder\
│  │  │     └──Programs\
│  │  │        ├──Applications\
│  │  │        ├──Games\
│  │  │        ├──Installed Software\
│  │  │        │  ├──OS!2 System Tools\
│  │  │        │  │  └──Help\
│  │  │        │  └──SciTech SNAP!Graphics!Pro\
│  │  │        │     ├──Change Log
│  │  │        │     ├──FTP site
│  │  │        │     └──SciTech Marketplace^Consumer Products
│  │  │        └──Utilities\
│  │  └──CURRENT\
│  ├──BOOT\
│  │  ├──ALTF1.CMD
│  │  ├──ALTF1BOT.SCR
│  │  ├──ALTF1MID.SCR
│  │  ├──
│  │  ├──ALTF1TOP.SCR
│  │  ├──ARCHBASE.$$$
│  │  ├──CHKDSK.SYS
│  │  ├──CLOCK01.SYS
│  │  ├──CONFIG.M
│  │  ├──CONFIG.X
│  │  ├──DaniATAPI.FLT
│  │  ├──DANIN512.FLT
│  │  ├──DANIS506.ADD
│  │  ├──DANIS506.EA
│  │  ├──DANIS506.MAP
│  │  ├──DANIS506.SYM
│  │  ├──IBMINT13.I13
│  │  ├──IBMKBD.SYS
│  │  ├──ISAPNP.SNP
│  │  ├──KBDBASE.SYS
│  │  ├──OS2LVM.DMD
│  │  ├──PCIDEV.TBL
│  │  ├──PNP.SYS
│  │  ├──PRINT01.SYM
│  │  ├──PRINT01.SYS
│  │  ├──SCREEN01.SYS
│  │  ├──TIMER0.SYS
│  │  ├──unicode.bak
│  │  ├──unicode.sys
│  │  └──VIOTBL.DCP
│  ├──DLL\
│  │  ├──COURIER.FON
│  │  ├──DOSCALL1.DLL
│  │  ├──HELV.FON
│  │  ├──SYSMONO.FON
│  │  └──TIMES.FON
│  ├──DRIVERS\
│  │  ├──COUNTRY.SYS
│  │  ├──PMDD.SYS
│  │  ├──POINTDD.SYS
│  │  ├──TESTCFG.SYS
│  │  └──snap\
│  │     ├──agp.bpd
│  │     ├──graphics.bpd
│  │     └──config\
│  │        └──graphics\
│  │           ├──crtc00.dat
│  │           ├──graphics.log
│  │           ├──monitor.dbx
│  │           └──options.dat
│  ├──LANG\
│  │  └──CODEPAGE\
│  │     ├──IBM1004
│  │     ├──IBM1006
│  │     ├──IBM1008
│  │     ├──IBM1025
│  │     ├──IBM1026
│  │     ├──IBM1027
│  │     ├──IBM1028
│  │     ├──IBM1038
│  │     ├──IBM1041
│  │     ├──IBM1043
│  │     ├──IBM1046
│  │     ├──IBM1047
│  │     ├──IBM1051
│  │     ├──IBM1088
│  │     ├──IBM1089
│  │     ├──IBM1092
│  │     ├──IBM1097
│  │     ├──IBM1098
│  │     ├──IBM1112
│  │     ├──IBM1114
│  │     ├──IBM1115
│  │     ├──IBM1116
│  │     ├──IBM1117
│  │     ├──IBM1118
│  │     ├──IBM1119
│  │     ├──IBM1122
│  │     ├──IBM1123
│  │     ├──IBM1124
│  │     ├──IBM1125
│  │     ├──IBM1131
│  │     ├──IBM1140
│  │     ├──IBM1141
│  │     ├──IBM1142
│  │     ├──IBM1143
│  │     ├──IBM1144
│  │     ├──IBM1145
│  │     ├──IBM1146
│  │     ├──IBM1147
│  │     ├──IBM1148
│  │     ├──IBM1149
│  │     ├──IBM1200
│  │     ├──IBM1207
│  │     ├──IBM1208
│  │     ├──IBM1250
│  │     ├──IBM1251
│  │     ├──IBM1252
│  │     ├──IBM1253
│  │     ├──IBM1254
│  │     ├──IBM1255
│  │     ├──IBM1256
│  │     ├──IBM1257
│  │     ├──IBM1275
│  │     ├──IBM1276
│  │     ├──IBM1277
│  │     ├──IBM1280
│  │     ├──IBM1281
│  │     ├──IBM1282
│  │     ├──IBM1283
│  │     ├──IBM1381
│  │     ├──IBM1383
│  │     ├──IBM1386
│  │     ├──IBM259
│  │     ├──IBM273
│  │     ├──IBM277
│  │     ├──IBM278
│  │     ├──IBM280
│  │     ├──IBM282
│  │     ├──IBM284
│  │     ├──IBM285
│  │     ├──IBM290
│  │     ├──IBM293
│  │     ├──IBM297
│  │     ├──IBM300
│  │     ├──IBM301
│  │     ├──IBM361
│  │     ├──IBM363
│  │     ├──IBM367
│  │     ├──IBM37
│  │     ├──IBM382
│  │     ├──IBM383
│  │     ├──IBM385
│  │     ├──IBM386
│  │     ├──IBM387
│  │     ├──IBM388
│  │     ├──IBM389
│  │     ├──IBM391
│  │     ├──IBM392
│  │     ├──IBM393
│  │     ├──IBM394
│  │     ├──IBM395
│  │     ├──IBM420
│  │     ├──IBM424
│  │     ├──IBM437
│  │     ├──IBM500
│  │     ├──IBM813
│  │     ├──IBM819
│  │     ├──IBM829
│  │     ├──IBM833
│  │     ├──IBM834
│  │     ├──IBM835
│  │     ├──IBM837
│  │     ├──IBM838
│  │     ├──IBM850
│  │     ├──IBM851
│  │     ├──IBM852
│  │     ├──IBM855
│  │     ├──IBM856
│  │     ├──IBM857
│  │     ├──IBM859
│  │     ├──IBM860
│  │     ├──IBM861
│  │     ├──IBM862
│  │     ├──IBM863
│  │     ├──IBM864
│  │     ├──IBM865
│  │     ├──IBM866
│  │     ├──IBM868
│  │     ├──IBM869
│  │     ├──IBM870
│  │     ├──IBM871
│  │     ├──IBM874
│  │     ├──IBM875
│  │     ├──IBM878
│  │     ├──IBM891
│  │     ├──IBM895
│  │     ├──IBM896
│  │     ├──IBM897
│  │     ├──IBM903
│  │     ├──IBM904
│  │     ├──IBM907
│  │     ├──IBM909
│  │     ├──IBM910
│  │     ├──IBM912
│  │     ├──IBM913
│  │     ├──IBM914
│  │     ├──IBM915
│  │     ├──IBM916
│  │     ├──IBM918
│  │     ├──IBM920
│  │     ├──IBM921
│  │     ├──IBM922
│  │     ├──IBM923
│  │     ├──IBM924
│  │     ├──IBM930
│  │     ├──IBM931
│  │     ├──IBM933
│  │     ├──IBM935
│  │     ├──IBM937
│  │     ├──IBM939
│  │     ├──IBM941
│  │     ├──IBM942
│  │     ├──IBM943
│  │     ├──IBM944
│  │     ├──IBM946
│  │     ├──IBM947
│  │     ├──IBM948
│  │     ├──IBM949
│  │     ├──IBM950
│  │     ├──IBM952
│  │     ├──IBM953
│  │     ├──IBM954
│  │     ├──IBM955
│  │     ├──IBM964
│  │     ├──IBM970
│  │     ├──IBM971
│  │     ├──OS2UGL
│  │     └──UCSTBL.LST
│  ├──Maintenance Desktop\
│  │  ├──OS!2 System\
│  │  │  ├──Command Prompts\
│  │  │  ├──Drives\
│  │  │  ├──Minimized^Window Viewer\
│  │  │  ├──Startup\
│  │  │  └──System Setup\
│  │  │     └──Install!Remove\
│  │  └──Programs\
│  │     └──Utilities\
│  └──SYSTEM\
│     ├──SYSTEM.DAT
│     ├──USER.DAT
│     ├──BIDI\
│     │  ├──BDCALL32.DLL
│     │  ├──BDIME.DLL
│     │  ├──BDWPCLS.DLL
│     │  ├──IMP.DLL
│     │  └──PMBIDI.DLL
│     ├──FFST\
│     │  ├──epwinit.dll
│     │  ├──epwnl001.dll
│     │  └──FFST.DLL
│     ├──IBMCOM\
│     │  ├──lanmsgdd.os2
│     │  ├──LANTRAN.LOG
│     │  ├──pro.msg
│     │  ├──protman.os2
│     │  ├──PROTOCOL.INI
│     │  ├──MACS\
│     │  │  └──ibmeandi.os2
│     │  └──PROTOCOL\
│     │     └──NETBIND.EXE
│     ├──IBMLAN\
│     │  └──NETLIB\
│     │     └──LRINIT.DLL
│     ├──IFS\
│     │  ├──CACHE.EXE
│     │  ├──CDFS.IFS
│     │  ├──CHKDSK32.DLL
│     │  ├──HPFS.IFS
│     │  ├──JFSCHK32.EXE
│     │  ├──UCDFS.DLL
│     │  ├──UCDFS.MSG
│     │  ├──UDF.IFS
│     │  ├──UHPFS.DLL
│     │  └──UUDF.DLL
│     ├──IPF\
│     │  └──HELPMGR.DLL
│     ├──LIBC\
│     │  ├──LIBC.MSG
│     │  ├──LIBCM.DLL
│     │  ├──LIBCN.DLL
│     │  ├──LIBCREG.MSG
│     │  └──LIBCS.DLL
│     ├──LVM\
│     │  ├──ENGINE.DLL
│     │  ├──LVM.DLL
│     │  ├──LVM.EXE
│     │  ├──LVM.MSG
│     │  ├──LVM.REP
│     │  ├──LVMALERT.EXE
│     │  └──LVMH.MSG
│     ├──MMOS2\
│     │  ├──AUDIODD.MSG
│     │  ├──AUDIOVDD.SYS
│     │  ├──DIVE.INI
│     │  ├──MIDI.SYS
│     │  ├──MIDIDMON.EXE
│     │  ├──MMCLSSET.INI
│     │  ├──MME.MSG
│     │  ├──MMPM.!!!
│     │  ├──MMPM.INI
│     │  ├──MMPM2.INI
│     │  ├──MMPMCD.INI
│     │  ├──MMPMCONN.INI
│     │  ├──MMPMMMIO.INI
│     │  ├──MPMCDIMG.CMD
│     │  ├──PLAY.CMD
│     │  ├──QRYMMCD.EXE
│     │  ├──R0STUB.SYS
│     │  ├──RECORD.CMD
│     │  ├──RGBTOYUV.LUT
│     │  ├──SB16D2.SYS
│     │  ├──SBPD2.SYS
│     │  ├──SETDEFV.CMD
│     │  ├──SPI.INI
│     │  ├──SSMDD.SYS
│     │  ├──VAUDIO.SYS
│     │  ├──VCSHDD.SYS
│     │  └──DLL\
│     │     ├──dive.dll
│     │     ├──FILT.DLL
│     │     ├──HHP.DLL
│     │     ├──MDM.DLL
│     │     ├──MMIO.DLL
│     │     ├──MMPM.DLL
│     │     ├──MMPMCRTS.DLL
│     │     ├──SND.DLL
│     │     └──SW.DLL
│     ├──MPTN\
│     │  ├──BIN\
│     │  │  ├──arp.exe
│     │  │  ├──cntrl.exe
│     │  │  ├──dhcpcd.exe
│     │  │  ├──dhcpstrt.exe
│     │  │  ├──ifconfig.exe
│     │  │  ├──inetwait.exe
│     │  │  ├──MPTCONFG.INI
│     │  │  ├──mptn.msg
│     │  │  ├──MPTSTART.CMD
│     │  │  ├──ping.exe
│     │  │  ├──route.exe
│     │  │  ├──setup.cmd
│     │  │  ├──setup.tcp
│     │  │  └──setup.tcp.bak
│     │  ├──DLL\
│     │  │  ├──ddnsres.dll
│     │  │  ├──so32dll.dll
│     │  │  ├──tcp32dll.dll
│     │  │  ├──tcpip32.dll
│     │  │  ├──tcpipdll.dll
│     │  │  ├──tcpmri.dll
│     │  │  └──tnls32.dll
│     │  ├──ETC\
│     │  │  ├──dhcpc.db
│     │  │  ├──dhcpcd.cfg
│     │  │  ├──DHCPCD.MPT
│     │  │  ├──dhcpcd.tcp
│     │  │  ├──DHCPMON.INI
│     │  │  ├──dhcprd.cfg
│     │  │  ├──hosts
│     │  │  ├──hosts.lpd
│     │  │  ├──protocol
│     │  │  ├──RESOLV2
│     │  │  ├──TCPOS2.INI
│     │  │  └──DAT\
│     │  │     ├──CFGSYS.DAT
│     │  │     ├──LOCK.DAT
│     │  │     ├──RSVPD.DAT
│     │  │     ├──TCPNBK.DAT
│     │  │     ├──TOXDHCP.DAT
│     │  │     ├──TOXHOSTS.DAT
│     │  │     ├──TOXINETD.DAT
│     │  │     ├──toxreslv.dat
│     │  │     ├──TOXRHOST.DAT
│     │  │     ├──TOXSETUP.DAT
│     │  │     ├──TOXSXCFG.DAT
│     │  │     ├──TOXSXENV.DAT
│     │  │     ├──TOXTCPST.DAT
│     │  │     ├──TOXTFTP.DAT
│     │  │     └──TOXTFTPA.DAT
│     │  ├──MSG\
│     │  │  └──NLS\
│     │  │     ├──ddnscfg.dll
│     │  │     ├──dhcpmres.dll
│     │  │     ├──
│     │  │     ├──
│     │  │     ├──
│     │  │     ├──
│     │  │     ├──
│     │  │     ├──
│     │  │     └──
│     │  └──PROTOCOL\
│     │     ├──afinet.sys
│     │     ├──afinetk.sys
│     │     ├──aflean.sys
│     │     ├──afnb.sys
│     │     ├──afos2.sys
│     │     ├──cdmf.sys
│     │     ├──des.sys
│     │     ├──fwip.sys
│     │     ├──ipsec.sys
│     │     ├──md5.sys
│     │     ├──sockets.sys
│     │     └──socketsk.sys
│     ├──MUGLIB\
│     │  └──DLL\
│     │     ├──NETAPI.DLL
│     │     ├──NETAPI32.DLL
│     │     ├──NETAPINC.DLL
│     │     ├──NETOEM.DLL
│     │     └──NETSPOOL.DLL
│     ├──PM\
│     │  ├──OS2SM.DLL
│     │  ├──PMCTL.MSG
│     │  ├──PMCTL.REP
│     │  ├──PMCTLS.DLL
│     │  ├──PMGPI.DLL
│     │  ├──PMMERGE.DLL
│     │  ├──PMMRGRES.DLL
│     │  ├──PMSDMRI.DLL
│     │  ├──PMSHELL.EXE
│     │  ├──PMSHLTKT.DLL
│     │  ├──PMSPL.DLL
│     │  ├──PMUNIF.DLL
│     │  ├──PMVIOP.DLL
│     │  ├──PROG.DLL
│     │  └──SEAMLESS.DLL
│     ├──REXX\
│     │  ├──REX.MSG
│     │  ├──REXH.MSG
│     │  ├──REXX.DLL
│     │  ├──REXXAPI.DLL
│     │  ├──REXXCRT.DLL
│     │  ├──REXXINIT.DLL
│     │  └──REXXUTIL.DLL
│     ├──SOM\
│     │  ├──SOM.DLL
│     │  ├──SOMD.DLL
│     │  ├──SOMD.MSG
│     │  ├──SOMDD.EXE
│     │  ├──SOMDSVR.EXE
│     │  ├──SOMEM.DLL
│     │  ├──SOME_OS2.MSG
│     │  ├──SOMIR.DLL
│     │  ├──SOMK.MSG
│     │  ├──SOMS.DLL
│     │  ├──SOMSEC.DLL
│     │  ├──SOMTC.DLL
│     │  ├──SOMU.DLL
│     │  ├──SOMUC.DLL
│     │  └──ETC\
│     │     ├──REXX.IR
│     │     ├──SOM.IR
│     │     ├──WPDSERV.IR
│     │     ├──WPSH.IR
│     │     └──DSOM\
│     │        ├──SOMDCLS.DAT
│     │        ├──SOMDCLS.TOC
│     │        ├──SOMDIMPL.DAT
│     │        └──SOMDIMPL.TOC
│     ├──SPOOLER\
│     │  ├──PMSPOOL.EXE
│     │  └──SPL1B.DLL
│     ├──UNICODE\
│     │  ├──GLOCMRI.DLL
│     │  ├──LIBUNI.DLL
│     │  ├──LOCALE.DLL
│     │  ├──UCONV.DLL
│     │  └──UNIKBD.DLL
│     ├──VIDEO\
│     │  ├──bvhsvga.dll
│     │  ├──bvhvga.dll
│     │  ├──BVHWNDW.DLL
│     │  ├──dspres.dll
│     │  ├──gre2vman.dll
│     │  ├──SOFTDRAW.DLL
│     │  ├──vcfgmri.dll
│     │  ├──videocfg.dll
│     │  ├──videopmi.dll
│     │  └──vman.dll
│     └──WPS\
│        ├──PMWP.DLL
│        ├──PMWP.MSG
│        ├──PMWP.REP
│        ├──PMWPMRI.DLL
│        ├──WINCFG.DLL
│        ├──WPCLS.IMP
│        ├──WPCONFIG.DLL
│        ├──WPCONMRI.DLL
│        ├──WPPRTMRI.DLL
│        ├──WPSINIT.WPS
│        ├──WPSTKMOU.DLl
│        ├──WPSTKMRI.DLL
│        └──wpvidsys.dll
│  ├──4OS2\
│  │  ├──4OS2.EXE
│  │  ├──4OS2.ICO
│  │  ├──4OS2.INF
│  │  ├──4OS2.INI
│  │  ├──4OS2.TXT
│  │  ├──4OS2H.MSG
│  │  ├──4START.BTM
│  │  ├──4START.CMD
│  │  ├──JPOS2DLL.DLL
│  │  ├──LICENSE.TXT
│  │  ├──OPTION2.EXE
│  │  ├──README.1ST
│  ├──ARCVIEW\
│  │  ├──ARCVIEW.EXE
│  │  ├──ARCV_EN.HLP
│  │  ├──ARCV_EN.MKM
│  │  ├──ARCV_EN.MSG
│  │  ├──CHANGES.TXT
│  │  └──README.TXT
│  ├──assoedit\
│  │  ├──ASSOEDIT.exe
│  │  ├──assoedit.hlp
│  │  ├──
│  │  └──WPTOOLS.DLL
│  │  ├──FILE_ID.DIZ
│  │  └──README.TXT
│  │  ├──Backup.ini
│  │  ├──Backup0.ini
│  │  ├──Backup1.ini
│  │  ├──Backup2.ini
│  │  ├──CleanINI.log
│  │  ├──file_id.diz
│  │  ├──GO.CMD
│  │  ├──history
│  │  ├──liesmich
│  │  └──readme
│  │  ├──COPYING
│  │  ├──dataseek114.txt
│  │  ├──ReadMe
│  ├──DOSBOX\
│  │  ├──deutsch.lng
│  │  ├──dosbox.exe
│  │  ├──dosboxf.ico
│  │  ├──dosboxit.lng
│  │  ├──dosboxw.ico
│  │  ├──dosbox_rec.exe
│  │  ├──francais.lng
│  │  ├──INSTALL.OS2
│  │  ├──instruct.txt
│  │  ├──lesmeg.txt
│  │  ├──libc065.dll
│  │  ├──license.txt
│  │  ├──lisezmoi.txt
│  │  ├──no.lng
│  │  ├──readme.txt
│  │  ├──readme_de.txt
│  │  ├──readme_IT.txt
│  │  ├──README_RUS.txt
│  │  ├──rus.lng
│  │  ├──sdl12.dll
│  │  ├──sdlsound.dll
│  │  └──KEYB\
│  │     ├──AZ.KL
│  │     ├──BA.KL
│  │     ├──BE.KL
│  │     ├──BG.KL
│  │     ├──BG241.KL
│  │     ├──BL.KL
│  │     ├──BR.KL
│  │     ├──BR274.KL
│  │     ├──CF.KL
│  │     ├──CF445.KL
│  │     ├──CF501.KL
│  │     ├──CZ.KL
│  │     ├──CZ243.KL
│  │     ├──DK.KL
│  │     ├──DV.KL
│  │     ├──EO.KL
│  │     ├──EO166.KL
│  │     ├──ET.KL
│  │     ├──FO.KL
│  │     ├──FR.KL
│  │     ├──FR120.KL
│  │     ├──GD.KL
│  │     ├──GK.KL
│  │     ├──GK220.KL
│  │     ├──GK459.KL
│  │     ├──GR.KL
│  │     ├──GR453.KL
│  │     ├──HR.KL
│  │     ├──HU.KL
│  │     ├──HU208.KL
│  │     ├──HY.KL
│  │     ├──IR.KL
│  │     ├──IS.KL
│  │     ├──IS161.KL
│  │     ├──IT.KL
│  │     ├──IT142.KL
│  │     ├──JP.KL
│  │     ├──KA.KL
│  │     ├──KEYB.EXE
│  │     ├──KEYB_COPYING.TXT
│  │     ├──KEYB_readme.txt
│  │     ├──KK.KL
│  │     ├──KY.KL
│  │     ├──LA.KL
│  │     ├──layouts.txt
│  │     ├──LH.KL
│  │     ├──LT.KL
│  │     ├──LT210.KL
│  │     ├──LT211.KL
│  │     ├──LT212.KL
│  │     ├──LT456.KL
│  │     ├──LV.KL
│  │     ├──LV455.KL
│  │     ├──MK.KL
│  │     ├──MN.KL
│  │     ├──MT.KL
│  │     ├──MT166.KL
│  │     ├──NL.KL
│  │     ├──NO.KL
│  │     ├──PL.KL
│  │     ├──PL214.KL
│  │     ├──PO.KL
│  │     ├──RH.KL
│  │     ├──RO.KL
│  │     ├──RO446.KL
│  │     ├──RU.KL
│  │     ├──RU443.KL
│  │     ├──SF.KL
│  │     ├──SG.KL
│  │     ├──SI.KL
│  │     ├──SK.KL
│  │     ├──SP.KL
│  │     ├──SQ.KL
│  │     ├──SQ448.KL
│  │     ├──SR.KL
│  │     ├──SR450.KL
│  │     ├──SU.KL
│  │     ├──SV.KL
│  │     ├──TL.KL
│  │     ├──TR.KL
│  │     ├──TR440.KL
│  │     ├──TT.KL
│  │     ├──UK.KL
│  │     ├──UK168.KL
│  │     ├──UR.KL
│  │     ├──UR465.KL
│  │     ├──US.KL
│  │     ├──UX.KL
│  │     └──UZ.KL
│  ├──FHS\
│  ├──FM2\
│  │  ├──archiver.bb2
│  │  ├──assoc.dat
│  │  ├──av2.sym
│  │  ├──av2.xqs
│  │  ├──cfgmgr.cmd
│  │  ├──cfgmgr.log
│  │  ├──cmds.tls
│  │  ├──commands.dat
│  │  ├──config.tls
│  │  ├──databar.sym
│  │  ├──databar.xqs
│  │  ├──dirsize.sym
│  │  ├──dirsize.xqs
│  │  ├──eas.sym
│  │  ├──eas.xqs
│  │  ├──fatopt.cmd
│  │  ├──files.tls
│  │  ├──file_id.diz
│  │  ├──filters.dat
│  │  ├──fm2dump.cmd
│  │  ├──fm3.exe
│  │  ├──fm3.hlp
│  │  ├──FM3.INI
│  │  ├──fm3.sym
│  │  ├──fm3.xqs
│  │  ├──fm3dll.dll
│  │  ├──fm3dll.sym
│  │  ├──fm3dll.xqs
│  │  ├──FM3INI.BAK
│  │  ├──fm3res.dll
│  │  ├──fm3res.sym
│  │  ├──fm3res.xqs
│  │  ├──fm3tools.dat
│  │  ├──fm4.exe
│  │  ├──fm4.sym
│  │  ├──fm4.xqs
│  │  ├──global.sym
│  │  ├──global.xqs
│  │  ├──hpfsopt.cmd
│  │  ├──ini.sym
│  │  ├──ini.xqs
│  │  ├──jfsopt.cmd
│  │  ├──killproc.sym
│  │  ├──killproc.xqs
│  │  ├──quicktls.dat
│  │  ├──select.tls
│  │  ├──SETENV.CMD
│  │  ├──sort.tls
│  │  ├──sysinfo.sym
│  │  ├──sysinfo.xqs
│  │  ├──undel.sym
│  │  ├──undel.xqs
│  │  ├──utils.tls
│  │  ├──utilsmgr.cmd
│  │  ├──vcollect.sym
│  │  ├──vcollect.xqs
│  │  ├──vdir.sym
│  │  ├──vdir.xqs
│  │  ├──viewinfs.sym
│  │  ├──viewinfs.xqs
│  │  ├──views.tls
│  │  ├──vtree.sym
│  │  ├──vtree.xqs
│  │  ├──Debug\
│  │  │  ├──
│  │  │  ├──
│  │  │  ├──
│  │  │  ├──
│  │  │  ├──
│  │  │  ├──
│  │  │  ├──
│  │  │  ├──
│  │  │  ├──
│  │  │  ├──
│  │  │  ├──
│  │  │  ├──logfm2.cmd
│  │  │  ├──
│  │  │  ├──
│  │  │  ├──
│  │  │  ├──
│  │  │  ├──
│  │  │  └──
│  │  ├──Docs\
│  │  │  ├──COPYING
│  │  │  ├──HISTORY
│  │  │  └──README
│  │  ├──FM2Tools\
│  │  │  ├──av2.exe
│  │  │  ├──databar.exe
│  │  │  ├──dirsize.exe
│  │  │  ├──eas.exe
│  │  │  ├──global.exe
│  │  │  ├──ini.exe
│  │  │  ├──killproc.exe
│  │  │  ├──sysinfo.exe
│  │  │  ├──undel.exe
│  │  │  ├──vcollect.exe
│  │  │  ├──vdir.exe
│  │  │  ├──viewinfs.exe
│  │  │  └──vtree.exe
│  │  ├──Icons\
│  │  │  ├──backup.ico
│  │  │  ├──docs.ico
│  │  │  ├──docs2.ico
│  │  │  ├──fm2fldr.ico
│  │  │  ├──fm2fldr2.ico
│  │  │  ├──logging.ico
│  │  │  ├──restore.ico
│  │  │  ├──seekscan.ico
│  │  │  ├──toolbox.ico
│  │  │  ├──toolbox2.ico
│  │  │  └──viewhlps.ico
│  │  ├──Tmplates\
│  │  │  ├──archiver.tmp
│  │  │  ├──assoc.tmp
│  │  │  ├──cmds.tmp
│  │  │  ├──commands.tmp
│  │  │  ├──config.tmp
│  │  │  ├──example.tmp
│  │  │  ├──fatopt.tmp
│  │  │  ├──files.tmp
│  │  │  ├──filters.tmp
│  │  │  ├──fm3tools.tmp
│  │  │  ├──hpfsopt.tmp
│  │  │  ├──jfsopt.tmp
│  │  │  ├──quicktls.tmp
│  │  │  ├──select.tmp
│  │  │  ├──sort.tmp
│  │  │  ├──utils.tmp
│  │  │  └──views.tmp
│  │  ├──User_Config_Backup\
│  │  │  └──Backup.bb2
│  │  └──Utils\
│  │     ├──AV2.CMD
│  │     ├──DIRSIZE.CMD
│  │     ├──EAS.CMD
│  │     ├──FM2.CMD
│  │     ├──GLOBAL.CMD
│  │     ├──INI.CMD
│  │     ├──KILLPROC.CMD
│  │     ├──shdwmgr.cmd
│  │     ├──UNDEL.CMD
│  │     ├──VCOLLECT.CMD
│  │     ├──VDIR.CMD
│  │     ├──VIEWHELP.CMD
│  │     ├──VIEWINFS.CMD
│  │     └──VTREE.CMD
│  ├──FPOS\
│  │  ├──FPOS.EXE
│  │  ├──FPOS.TXT
│  │  ├──LICENSE
│  │  ├──RWS08.CMD
│  │  ├──RWSCLI08.DLL
│  │  └──RWSSRV08.DLL
│  ├──Iniedit\
│  │  ├──ENGLISH.INF
│  │  ├──ENGLISH.INI
│  │  ├──FASTINI.DLL
│  │  ├──FOLDER1.ICO
│  │  ├──FOLDER2.ICO
│  │  ├──INIBMP32.DLL
│  │  ├──INIEDIT.EXE
│  │  ├──INIEDIT.ICO
│  │  ├──INIINST.CMD
│  │  ├──SERVER.ZIP
│  │  └──WIN__OS2.INI
│  ├──INITOR\
│  │  ├──AMIUSER3.INI
│  │  ├──FILE_ID.DIZ
│  │  ├──HEXTEST.ASC
│  │  ├──INITOR.EXE
│  │  ├──INITOR.HLP
│  │  ├──INITOR.INI
│  │  ├──INITOR25.TXT
│  │  ├──LICENSE.TXT
│  │  └──README.1ST
│  │  ├──FILE_ID.DIZ
│  │  ├──HISTORY.TXT
│  │  ├──IKONE.DLL
│  │  ├──
│  │  ├──IpConfigPM.EXE
│  │  ├──IpConfigPM.ico
│  │  ├──IpConfigPM1.4.txt
│  │  ├──IpConfig_de.lng
│  │  ├──IpConfig_en.lng
│  │  ├──IpConfig_fr.lng
│  │  ├──IpConfig_hr.lng
│  │  ├──IpConfig_pt.lng
│  │  ├──IpConfig_sl.lng
│  │  ├──README.1ST
│  │  └──SAMPLE.CFG
│  ├──KON\
│  │  ├──cmd.syn
│  │  ├──english.prp
│  │  ├──kon.syn
│  │  ├──konabout.bmp
│  │  ├──konos2.exe
│  │  ├──konOS2.prp
│  │  ├──readme.txt
│  │  ├──vb.syn
│  │  ├──winOS2.prp
│  │  ├──bmp\
│  │  │  ├──background.bmp
│  │  │  ├──ClearPositions.bmp
│  │  │  ├──COPY.BMP
│  │  │  ├──CUT.BMP
│  │  │  ├──FindText.BMP
│  │  │  ├──INDENT.BMP
│  │  │  ├──LoadDocument.bmp
│  │  │  ├──NewDocument.BMP
│  │  │  ├──NextPos.bmp
│  │  │  ├──OS2WARP.BMP
│  │  │  ├──OUTDENT.BMP
│  │  │  ├──PASTE.BMP
│  │  │  ├──Play.bmp
│  │  │  ├──PrevPos.bmp
│  │  │  ├──Record.bmp
│  │  │  ├──REDO.BMP
│  │  │  ├──regenerate.BMP
│  │  │  ├──ReplaceText.BMP
│  │  │  ├──SaveDocument.BMP
│  │  │  ├──SavePos.bmp
│  │  │  ├──SEARCH.BMP
│  │  │  ├──SPACE.BMP
│  │  │  ├──test.BMP
│  │  │  ├──test2.BMP
│  │  │  ├──UNDO.BMP
│  │  │  └──viewToggle.bmp
│  │  ├──help\
│  │  │  ├──api.html
│  │  │  ├──CLOSED.GIF
│  │  │  ├──configure.html
│  │  │  ├──Console.gif
│  │  │  ├──DOC.GIF
│  │  │  ├──Find1.gif
│  │  │  ├──grep.html
│  │  │  ├──HELP.CSS
│  │  │  ├──index.html
│  │  │  ├──intro.html
│  │  │  ├──keybind.html
│  │  │  ├──keyfeatures.html
│  │  │  ├──kfunref.html
│  │  │  ├──kmodules.html
│  │  │  ├──KonHex.gif
│  │  │  ├──KonHex_tn.gif
│  │  │  ├──konstartup.html
│  │  │  ├──kprogramming.html
│  │  │  ├──leftframe.html
│  │  │  ├──MainWindow.gif
│  │  │  ├──MainWindow_tn.gif
│  │  │  ├──MultFIle.gif
│  │  │  ├──OPEN.GIF
│  │  │  ├──OptAscii1.gif
│  │  │  ├──OptAscii2.gif
│  │  │  ├──OptDisplay.gif
│  │  │  ├──OptEditor.gif
│  │  │  ├──OptHex.gif
│  │  │  ├──OptMisc.gif
│  │  │  ├──prefs.html
│  │  │  ├──programming.html
│  │  │  ├──Replace1.gif
│  │  │  ├──searchreplace.html
│  │  │  ├──start.html
│  │  │  ├──syntax.html
│  │  │  └──test.html
│  │  └──k\
│  │     ├──base.k
│  │     ├──createlog.k
│  │     ├──fillCol.k
│  │     ├──lab.k
│  │     ├──makeFncHelp.k
│  │     ├──MENU.K
│  │     ├──modules.k
│  │     ├──prefs.k
│  │     ├──signals.k
│  │     ├──startup.k
│  │     ├──tmod.k
│  │     ├──toolbar.k
│  │     ├──util.k
│  │     └──wordwrap.k
│  ├──LUCIDE\
│  │  ├──changelog
│  │  ├──LUCIDE.DLL
│  │  ├──LUCIDE.EXE
│  │  ├──LUCIDE.FCF
│  │  ├──LUCIDE.ICO
│  │  ├──LUCIDE.LNG
│  │  ├──lucide_cs_cz.lng
│  │  ├──Lucide_da.lng
│  │  ├──Lucide_de.lng
│  │  ├──Lucide_es.lng
│  │  ├──Lucide_fr.lng
│  │  ├──Lucide_it.lng
│  │  ├──Lucide_nl.lng
│  │  ├──Lucide_ru.lng
│  │  ├──Lucide_sv.lng
│  │  ├──Lucide_zh_TW.lng
│  │  ├──LUDJVU.DLL
│  │  ├──LUDOC.DLL
│  │  ├──LUJPEG.DLL
│  │  ├──LUPPLR.DLL
│  │  ├──README
│  │  ├──readme_cs.txt
│  │  ├──readme_de.txt
│  │  ├──readme_es.txt
│  │  ├──readme_fr.txt
│  │  └──readme_it.txt
│  ├──lxtools\
│  │  ├──!readme
│  │  ├──LXLT138U.ZIP
│  │  ├──whatsnew.txt
│  │  ├──bin_os2\
│  │  │  └──lxLite.exe
│  │  ├──bin_w32\
│  │  │  └──lxLite.exe
│  │  └──src\
│  │     ├──!readme
│  │     ├──chCase.def
│  │     ├──chCase.pas
│  │     ├──exe286.pas
│  │     ├──exe386.pas
│  │     ├──lxLite.cfg
│  │     ├──lxLite.def
│  │     ├──lxLite.pas
│  │     ├──lxlite.rc
│  │     ├──lxLite_Global.pas
│  │     ├──lxLite_Objects.pas
│  │     ├──make.cmd
│  │     ├──mklxlite.cmd
│  │     ├──noEA.def
│  │     ├──noEA.pas
│  │     ├──os2api.rc
│  │     ├──os2exe.pas
│  │     ├──pack2.pas
│  │     ├──sysIcons.def
│  │     ├──sysIcons.dlg
│  │     ├──sysIcons.h
│  │     ├──sysIcons.ico
│  │     ├──sysIcons.pas
│  │     ├──sysIcons.rc
│  │     ├──unLock.def
│  │     ├──unLock.pas
│  │     └──common\
│  │        ├──CmdLine.pas
│  │        ├──Collect.pas
│  │        ├──Country.pas
│  │        ├──crt.pas
│  │        ├──MiscUtil.pas
│  │        ├──Streams.pas
│  │        ├──StrOp.pas
│  │        └──SysLib.pas
│  ├──PMDLL\
│  │  ├──History.txt
│  │  ├──
│  │  ├──pmdll.exe
│  │  ├──pmdll.sym
│  │  ├──pmdll.xqs
│  │  ├──
│  │  └──ReadMe.txt
│  ├──qxmledit\
│  │  ├──AUTHORS
│  │  ├──COPYING
│  │  ├──GPLV3.TXT
│  │  ├──LGPLV3.TXT
│  │  ├──QXmlEdit.ICO
│  │  ├──QXmlEdit_manual.odt
│  │  ├──QXmlEdit_manual.pdf
│  │  ├──README
│  │  ├──README.OS2
│  │  ├──ROADMAP
│  │  ├──splitFiles.svg
│  │  ├──DATA\
│  │  │  ├──comment_input.xml
│  │  │  ├──comment_result.xml
│  │  │  ├──ENTITIES.XML
│  │  │  ├──paste_input.xml
│  │  │  ├──paste_result.xml
│  │  │  ├──splitter_test.xml
│  │  │  ├──TEST1.XML
│  │  │  ├──TEST2.XML
│  │  │  ├──testcount.xml
│  │  │  ├──uncomment_multi_input.xml
│  │  │  ├──uncomment_multi_result.xml
│  │  │  ├──uncomment_undoable.xml
│  │  │  ├──xsd_moreschema.xml
│  │  │  ├──XSD_NONS.XML
│  │  │  ├──xsd_nonsfalse.xml
│  │  │  └──xsd_oneschema.xml
│  │  └──translations\
│  │     └──QXmlEdit_cs.qm
│  ├──Screengrab\
│  │  ├──README.OS2
│  │  └──screengrab.exe
│  ├──SL\
│  │  ├──CPU.DLL
│  │  ├──CPUID.EXE
│  │  ├──DRIVES.DLL
│  │  ├──GETVER.EXE
│  │  ├──NET.DLL
│  │  ├──OS4IRQ.DLL
│  │  ├──PROCESS.DLL
│  │  ├──SL.EXE
│  │  ├──SL.INI
│  ├──SNAP\
│  │  ├──gactrl.exe
│  │  ├──gagamma.exe
│  │  ├──gamemclk.exe
│  │  ├──gamode.exe
│  │  ├──gamon.exe
│  │  ├──gaoption.exe
│  │  ├──gaperf.exe
│  │  ├──gareport.exe
│  │  ├──license.txt
│  │  ├──makewps.cmd
│  │  ├──problems.txt
│  │  ├──readme.txt
│  │  ├──register.exe
│  │  ├──sdddaemn.exe
│  │  ├──sddgradd.dll
│  │  ├──sddgrext.dll
│  │  ├──sddhook.dll
│  │  ├──sddpmi.dll
│  │  ├──sddpmlib.dll
│  │  ├──sddvcfg.cmd
│  │  ├──sddvcfg.dll
│  │  ├──sddvcfg.hlp
│  │  ├──sddvcmri.dll
│  │  ├──snapmh.dll
│  │  ├──snapos2.pdf
│  │  ├──snapzoom.dll
│  │  ├──uninstal.exe
│  │  ├──version.txt
│  │  ├──bitmaps\
│  │  │  ├──vidtestu.bmp
│  │  │  ├──vidtestv.bmp
│  │  │  └──vidtesty.bmp
│  │  └──disk\
│  │     ├──build.lvl
│  │     ├──bundle.os2
│  │     ├──cfgdel.dsp
│  │     ├──combase.dsp
│  │     ├──comgradd.dsp
│  │     ├──comsvga.dsp
│  │     ├──dspinstl.ex_
│  │     ├──gengradd.dsp
│  │     ├──gradbase
│  │     ├──gradd
│  │     ├──graddos
│  │     ├──gradwin
│  │     ├──grdpack.dsp
│  │     ├──gre2vman.dll
│  │     ├──inscfg32.dl_
│  │     ├──prep_log.exe
│  │     ├──prep_log.sym
│  │     ├──psvga32.dsp
│  │     ├──sddgradd
│  │     ├──sddgradd.dsp
│  │     ├──sddgraph.dsp
│  │     ├──sddvcfg.cmd
│  │     ├──setup.cmd
│  │     ├──swinvga
│  │     ├──unpack2.exe
│  │     ├──vga
│  │     ├──vgagradd.dsp
│  │     ├──winvga
│  │     ├──br\
│  │     │  ├──snapmri
│  │     │  ├──unpack
│  │     │  └──vgamri
│  │     ├──cn\
│  │     │  ├──snapmri
│  │     │  ├──unpack
│  │     │  └──vgamri
│  │     ├──dbcs\
│  │     │  ├──vgacs
│  │     │  └──vgados
│  │     ├──de\
│  │     │  ├──snapmri
│  │     │  ├──unpack
│  │     │  └──vgamri
│  │     ├──dk\
│  │     │  ├──snapmri
│  │     │  ├──unpack
│  │     │  └──vgamri
│  │     ├──en\
│  │     │  ├──snapmri
│  │     │  ├──unpack
│  │     │  └──vgamri
│  │     ├──es\
│  │     │  ├──snapmri
│  │     │  ├──unpack
│  │     │  └──vgamri
│  │     ├──fi\
│  │     │  ├──snapmri
│  │     │  ├──unpack
│  │     │  └──vgamri
│  │     ├──fr\
│  │     │  ├──snapmri
│  │     │  ├──unpack
│  │     │  └──vgamri
│  │     ├──it\
│  │     │  ├──snapmri
│  │     │  ├──unpack
│  │     │  └──vgamri
│  │     ├──jp\
│  │     │  ├──oemjsvga
│  │     │  ├──oemjvga
│  │     │  ├──snapmri
│  │     │  ├──unpack
│  │     │  └──vgamri
│  │     ├──kr\
│  │     │  ├──oemjsvga
│  │     │  ├──oemjvga
│  │     │  ├──snapmri
│  │     │  ├──unpack
│  │     │  ├──vgados
│  │     │  └──vgamri
│  │     ├──nl\
│  │     │  ├──snapmri
│  │     │  ├──unpack
│  │     │  └──vgamri
│  │     ├──no\
│  │     │  ├──snapmri
│  │     │  ├──unpack
│  │     │  └──vgamri
│  │     ├──sbcs\
│  │     │  ├──vgacs
│  │     │  └──vgados
│  │     ├──se\
│  │     │  ├──snapmri
│  │     │  ├──unpack
│  │     │  └──vgamri
│  │     └──tw\
│  │        ├──snapmri
│  │        ├──unpack
│  │        └──vgamri
│  ├──Theseus\
│  │  ├──GETOBJ.CMD
│  │  ├──GETRAM.EXE
│  │  ├──GETRAM.SYM
│  │  ├──GETWS.EXE
│  │  ├──GETWS.SYM
│  │  ├──LEAKDET.CMD
│  │  ├──README
│  │  ├──T3ERRLOG.LOG
│  │  ├──thes4001.exe
│  │  ├──THESEUS0.DLL
│  │  ├──THESEUS0.H
│  │  ├──THESEUS0.LIB
│  │  ├──THESEUS0.SYM
│  │  ├──THESEUS1.DLL
│  │  ├──THESEUS1.SYM
│  │  ├──THESEUS4.EXE
│  │  ├──THESEUS4.HLP
│  │  ├──THESEUS4.ICO
│  │  ├──THESEUS4.INF
│  │  ├──THESEUS4.SYM
│  │  ├──WORKSET.CMD
│  │  └──WORKSET2.CMD
│  ├──vbox\
│  │  ├──gengradd.dll
│  │  ├──readme.txt
│  │  ├──VBoxControl.exe
│  │  ├──VBoxGuest.sys
│  │  ├──vboxmouse.sys
│  │  ├──VBoxReplaceDll.exe
│  │  └──VBoxService.exe
│  ├──VLC\
│  │  ├──readme.eng
│  │  ├──readme.kor
│  │  ├──
│  │  ├──vlc-2.2.0-fix1.txt
│  │  ├──bin\
│  │  │  ├──VLC.EXE
│  │  │  └──VLC.ICO
│  │  ├──include\
│  │  │  └──VLC\
│  │  │     ├──deprecated.h
│  │  │     ├──LIBVLC.H
│  │  │     ├──libvlc_events.h
│  │  │     ├──libvlc_media.h
│  │  │     ├──libvlc_media_discoverer.h
│  │  │     ├──libvlc_media_library.h
│  │  │     ├──libvlc_media_list.h
│  │  │     ├──libvlc_media_list_player.h
│  │  │     ├──libvlc_media_player.h
│  │  │     ├──libvlc_structures.h
│  │  │     ├──libvlc_version.h
│  │  │     ├──libvlc_vlm.h
│  │  │     ├──VLC.H
│  │  │     └──PLUGINS\
│  │  │        ├──vlc_about.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_access.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_addons.h
│  │  │        ├──VLC_AOUT.H
│  │  │        ├──vlc_aout_volume.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_arrays.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_atomic.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_avcodec.h
│  │  │        ├──VLC_BITS.H
│  │  │        ├──vlc_block.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_block_helper.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_charset.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_codec.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_common.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_config.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_configuration.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_config_cat.h
│  │  │        ├──VLC_CPU.H
│  │  │        ├──vlc_demux.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_dialog.h
│  │  │        ├──VLC_EPG.H
│  │  │        ├──VLC_ES.H
│  │  │        ├──vlc_es_out.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_events.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_filter.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_fingerprinter.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_fourcc.h
│  │  │        ├──VLC_FS.H
│  │  │        ├──vlc_gcrypt.h
│  │  │        ├──VLC_HTTP.H
│  │  │        ├──vlc_httpd.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_image.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_inhibit.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_input.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_input_item.h
│  │  │        ├──VLC_KEYS.H
│  │  │        ├──VLC_MAIN.H
│  │  │        ├──VLC_MD5.H
│  │  │        ├──vlc_media_library.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_messages.h
│  │  │        ├──VLC_META.H
│  │  │        ├──vlc_meta_fetcher.h
│  │  │        ├──VLC_MIME.H
│  │  │        ├──vlc_modules.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_mouse.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_mtime.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_network.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_objects.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_opengl.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_picture.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_picture_fifo.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_picture_pool.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_playlist.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_plugin.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_probe.h
│  │  │        ├──VLC_RAND.H
│  │  │        ├──vlc_services_discovery.h
│  │  │        ├──VLC_SOUT.H
│  │  │        ├──VLC_SPU.H
│  │  │        ├──vlc_stream.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_strings.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_subpicture.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_text_style.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_threads.h
│  │  │        ├──VLC_TLS.H
│  │  │        ├──VLC_URL.H
│  │  │        ├──vlc_variables.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_video_splitter.h
│  │  │        ├──VLC_VLM.H
│  │  │        ├──VLC_VOUT.H
│  │  │        ├──vlc_vout_display.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_vout_osd.h
│  │  │        ├──vlc_vout_window.h
│  │  │        ├──VLC_XLIB.H
│  │  │        └──VLC_XML.H
│  │  ├──lib\
│  │  │  ├──dvdcss.dll
│  │  │  ├──DVDCSS2.DLL
│  │  │  ├──
│  │  │  ├──
│  │  │  ├──snapwrap.dll
│  │  │  ├──vlc.dll
│  │  │  ├──vlccore.dll
│  │  │  ├──vlccore_dll.a
│  │  │  ├──vlc_dll.a
│  │  │  ├──pkgconfig\
│  │  │  │  ├──LIBVLC.PC
│  │  │  │  └──vlc-plugin.pc
│  │  │  └──vlc\
│  │  │     ├──COMPAT.A
│  │  │     ├──
│  │  │     ├──vlc-cache-gen.exe
│  │  │     ├──LUA\
│  │  │     │  ├──extensions\
│  │  │     │  │  └──VLSub.luac
│  │  │     │  ├──INTF\
│  │  │     │  │  ├──cli.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──dummy.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──dumpmeta.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──http.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──luac.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──telnet.luac
│  │  │     │  │  └──MODULES\
│  │  │     │  │     ├──host.luac
│  │  │     │  │     └──httprequests.luac
│  │  │     │  ├──META\
│  │  │     │  │  ├──ART\
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──00_musicbrainz.luac
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──01_googleimage.luac
│  │  │     │  │  │  ├──02_frenchtv.luac
│  │  │     │  │  │  └──03_lastfm.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──FETCHER\
│  │  │     │  │  │  └──tvrage.luac
│  │  │     │  │  └──READER\
│  │  │     │  │     └──filename.luac
│  │  │     │  ├──MODULES\
│  │  │     │  │  ├──common.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──dkjson.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──sandbox.luac
│  │  │     │  │  └──simplexml.luac
│  │  │     │  ├──PLAYLIST\
│  │  │     │  │  ├──anevia_streams.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──anevia_xml.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──appletrailers.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──bbc_co_uk.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──break.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──canalplus.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──cue.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──dailymotion.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──extreme.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──france2.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──googlevideo.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──jamendo.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──joox.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──katsomo.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──koreus.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──lelombrik.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──liveleak.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──metacafe.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──metachannels.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──mpora.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──pinkbike.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──pluzz.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──rockbox_fm_presets.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──soundcloud.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──vimeo.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──youtube.luac
│  │  │     │  │  ├──youtube_homepage.luac
│  │  │     │  │  └──zapiks.luac
│  │  │     │  └──SD\
│  │  │     │     ├──fmc.luac
│  │  │     │     ├──icast.luac
│  │  │     │     ├──icecast.luac
│  │  │     │     ├──jamendo.luac
│  │  │     │     └──metachannels.luac
│  │  │     └──PLUGINS\
│  │  │        ├──PLUGINS.DAT
│  │  │        ├──ACCESS\
│  │  │        │  ├──ACCESS_B.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──access_bd_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──ACCESS_M.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──access_mms_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──ACCESS_R.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──access_realrtsp_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──ATTACHME.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──attachment_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──CDDA_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──cdda_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──DVDNAV_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──dvdnav_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──DVDREAD_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──dvdread_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──FILESYST.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──filesystem_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──FTP_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──ftp_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──HTTP_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──http_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──IDUMMY_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──idummy_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──IMEM_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──imem_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
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│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──LIVE555_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──live555_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──RAR_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──rar_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──RTP_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──rtp_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SDP_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──sdp_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SFTP_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──sftp_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SHM_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──shm_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──TCP_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──tcp_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──TIMECODE.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──timecode_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──UDP_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──udp_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──VCD_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──vcd_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──VDR_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──vdr_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──ZIP_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  └──zip_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        ├──access_output\
│  │  │        │  ├──access_output_dummy_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──access_output_file_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──access_output_http_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──access_output_livehttp_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──access_output_udp_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──A_O_DUMM.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──A_O_FILE.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──A_O_HTTP.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──A_O_LIVE.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──A_O_UDP_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  └──
│  │  │        ├──audio_filter\
│  │  │        │  ├──A52TOFLO.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──a52tofloat32_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──A52TOSPD.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──a52tospdif_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──ABG_A_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──audiobargraph_a_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──AUDIO_FO.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──audio_format_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──CHORUS_F.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──chorus_flanger_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──COMPRESS.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──compressor_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──DOLBY_SU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──dolby_surround_decoder_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──DTSTOSPD.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──dtstospdif_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──EQUALIZE.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──equalizer_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──GAIN_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──gain_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──HEADPHON.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──headphone_channel_mixer_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──KARAOKE_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──karaoke_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
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│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──MONO_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──mono_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──MPGATOFI.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──mpgatofixed32_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──NORMVOL_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──normvol_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──PARAM_EQ.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──param_eq_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──REMAP_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──remap_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SCALETEM.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──scaletempo_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SIMPLE_C.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──simple_channel_mixer_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SPATIALI.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──spatializer_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──STEREO_W.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──stereo_widen_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──TRIVIAL_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──trivial_channel_mixer_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──UGLY_RES.DLL
│  │  │        │  └──ugly_resampler_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        ├──audio_mixer\
│  │  │        │  ├──FLOAT_MI.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──float_mixer_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──INTEGER_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──integer_mixer_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  └──
│  │  │        ├──audio_output\
│  │  │        │  ├──ADUMMY_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──adummy_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──AFILE_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──afile_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──AMEM_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──amem_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──KAI_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──kai_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  └──
│  │  │        ├──CODEC\
│  │  │        │  ├──A52_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──a52_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──ADPCM_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──adpcm_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──AES3_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──aes3_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──ARAW_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──araw_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──AVCODEC_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──avcodec_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──CC_PLUGI.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──cc_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──CDG_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──cdg_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──CVDSUB_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──cvdsub_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──DDUMMY_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──ddummy_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──DTS_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──dts_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──DVBSUB_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──dvbsub_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──EDUMMY_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──edummy_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──FLAC_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──flac_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──G711_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──g711_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
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│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──LIBMPEG2.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──libmpeg2_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──
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│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──LPCM_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──lpcm_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──MPEG_AUD.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──mpeg_audio_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──PNG_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──png_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──RAWVIDEO.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──rawvideo_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SCTE27_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──scte27_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SPUDEC_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──spudec_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──STL_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──stl_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SUBSDEC_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──subsdec_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SUBSTX3G.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──substx3g_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SUBSUSF_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──subsusf_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SVCDSUB_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──svcdsub_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──T140_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──t140_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──TELX_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──telx_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──ULEADDVA.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──uleaddvaudio_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──VORBIS_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──vorbis_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──VPX_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──vpx_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──X264_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  └──x264_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        ├──CONTROL\
│  │  │        │  ├──DUMMY_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──dummy_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──GESTURES.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──gestures_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──HOTKEYS_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──hotkeys_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
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│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──MOTION_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──motion_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──NETSYNC_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──netsync_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──OLDRC_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  └──oldrc_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        ├──DEMUX\
│  │  │        │  ├──AIFF_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──aiff_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──ASF_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──asf_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──AU_PLUGI.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──au_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──AVI_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──avi_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──CAF_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──caf_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──DEMUXDUM.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──demuxdump_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──DEMUX_CD.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──demux_cdg_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──DEMUX_ST.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──demux_stl_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──DIRACSYS.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──diracsys_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──ES_PLUGI.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──es_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──FLACSYS_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──flacsys_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──H264_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──h264_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──HEVC_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──hevc_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──IMAGE_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──image_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──
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│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──MJPEG_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──mjpeg_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──MKV_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──mkv_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──MP4_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──mp4_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──MPGV_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──mpgv_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──NSC_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──nsc_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──NSV_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──nsv_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──NUV_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──nuv_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──OGG_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──ogg_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──PLAYLIST.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──playlist_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──PS_PLUGI.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──ps_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──PVA_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──pva_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──RAWAUD_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──rawaud_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──RAWDV_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──rawdv_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──RAWVID_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──rawvid_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──REAL_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──real_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SMF_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──smf_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SUBTITLE.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──subtitle_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──TS_PLUGI.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──ts_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──TTA_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──tta_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──TY_PLUGI.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──ty_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──VC1_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──vc1_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──VOBSUB_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──vobsub_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──VOC_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──voc_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──WAV_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──wav_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──XA_PLUGI.DLL
│  │  │        │  └──xa_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        ├──GUI\
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──QT4_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──qt4_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SKINS2_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  └──skins2_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        ├──LUA\
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──LUA_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  └──lua_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        ├──meta_engine\
│  │  │        │  ├──FOLDER_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──folder_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  └──
│  │  │        ├──MISC\
│  │  │        │  ├──ADDONSFS.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──addonsfsstorage_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──ADDONSVO.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──addonsvorepository_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──AUDIOSCR.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──audioscrobbler_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──EXPORT_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──export_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──FINGERPR.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──fingerprinter_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──GNUTLS_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──gnutls_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──LOGGER_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──logger_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──STATS_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──stats_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──VOD_RTSP.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──vod_rtsp_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──XML_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  └──xml_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        ├──MUX\
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
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│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──MUX_ASF_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──mux_asf_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──MUX_AVI_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──mux_avi_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──MUX_DUMM.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──mux_dummy_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──MUX_MP4_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──mux_mp4_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──MUX_MPJP.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──mux_mpjpeg_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──MUX_OGG_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──mux_ogg_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──MUX_PS_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──mux_ps_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──MUX_TS_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──mux_ts_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──MUX_WAV_.DLL
│  │  │        │  └──mux_wav_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        ├──packetizer\
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
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│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──packetizer_copy_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──packetizer_dirac_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──packetizer_flac_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──packetizer_h264_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──packetizer_hevc_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──packetizer_mlp_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──packetizer_mpeg4audio_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──packetizer_mpeg4video_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──packetizer_mpegvideo_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──packetizer_vc1_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──P_COPY_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──P_DIRAC_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──P_FLAC_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──P_H264_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──P_HEVC_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──P_MLP_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──P_MPEG4A.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──P_MPEG4V.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──P_MPEGVI.DLL
│  │  │        │  └──P_VC1_PL.DLL
│  │  │        ├──services_discovery\
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──MEDIADIR.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──mediadirs_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──OS2DRIVE.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──os2drive_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──PODCAST_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──podcast_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SAP_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  └──sap_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        ├──stream_filter\
│  │  │        │  ├──DASH_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──dash_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──DECOMP_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──decomp_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──HTTPLIVE.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──httplive_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──RECORD_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──record_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SMOOTH_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  └──smooth_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        ├──stream_out\
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
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│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──stream_out_autodel_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──stream_out_bridge_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──stream_out_delay_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──stream_out_description_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──stream_out_display_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──stream_out_dummy_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──stream_out_duplicate_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──stream_out_es_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──stream_out_gather_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──stream_out_langfromtelx_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──stream_out_mosaic_bridge_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──stream_out_raop_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──stream_out_record_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──stream_out_rtp_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──stream_out_setid_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──stream_out_smem_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──stream_out_standard_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──stream_out_stats_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──stream_out_transcode_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──S_O_AUTO.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──S_O_BRID.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──S_O_DELA.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──S_O_DESC.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──S_O_DISP.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──S_O_DUMM.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──S_O_DUPL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──S_O_ES_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──S_O_GATH.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──S_O_LANG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──S_O_MOSA.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──S_O_RAOP.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──S_O_RECO.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──S_O_RTP_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──S_O_SETI.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──S_O_SMEM.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──S_O_STAN.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──S_O_STAT.DLL
│  │  │        │  └──S_O_TC_P.DLL
│  │  │        ├──text_renderer\
│  │  │        │  ├──FREETYPE.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──freetype_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──TDUMMY_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  └──tdummy_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        ├──video_chroma\
│  │  │        │  ├──CHAIN_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──chain_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──GREY_YUV.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──grey_yuv_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──I0_R_M_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──I0_R_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──I0_R_S2_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──I0_Y2_MX.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──I0_Y2_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──I0_Y2_S2.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──I2_I0_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──I2_Y2_MX.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──I2_Y2_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──I2_Y2_S2.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──i420_rgb_mmx_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──i420_rgb_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──i420_rgb_sse2_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──i420_yuy2_mmx_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──i420_yuy2_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──i420_yuy2_sse2_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──i422_i420_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──i422_yuy2_mmx_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──i422_yuy2_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──i422_yuy2_sse2_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
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│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──RV32_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──rv32_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SWSCALE_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──swscale_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──Y2_I0_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──Y2_I2_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──yuy2_i420_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  └──yuy2_i422_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        ├──video_filter\
│  │  │        │  ├──ABG_V_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──ADJUST_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──adjust_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──ALPHAMAS.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──alphamask_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──ANAGLYPH.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──anaglyph_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──ANTIFLIC.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──antiflicker_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──audiobargraph_v_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──BALL_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──ball_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──BLENDBEN.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──blendbench_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──BLEND_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──blend_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──BLUESCRE.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──bluescreen_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──CANVAS_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──canvas_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──COLORTHR.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──colorthres_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──CROPPADD.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──croppadd_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──DEINTERL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──deinterlace_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──DYNAMICO.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──dynamicoverlay_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──ERASE_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──erase_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──EXTRACT_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──extract_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──FREEZE_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──freeze_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──GAUSSIAN.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──gaussianblur_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──GRADFUN_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──gradfun_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──GRADIENT.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──gradient_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──GRAIN_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──grain_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──HQDN3D_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──hqdn3d_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──INVERT_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──invert_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
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│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──LOGO_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──logo_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──MAGNIFY_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──magnify_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──MARQ_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──marq_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──MIRROR_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──mirror_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──MOSAIC_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──mosaic_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──MOTIONBL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──motionblur_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──MOTIONDE.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──motiondetect_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──OLDMOVIE.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──oldmovie_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──POSTERIZ.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──posterize_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──POSTPROC.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──postproc_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──PSYCHEDE.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──psychedelic_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──PUZZLE_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──puzzle_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──REMOTEOS.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──remoteosd_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──RIPPLE_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──ripple_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──ROTATE_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──rotate_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──RSS_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──rss_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SCALE_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──scale_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SCENE_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──scene_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SEPIA_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──sepia_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SHARPEN_.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──sharpen_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──SUBSDELA.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──subsdelay_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──TRANSFOR.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──transform_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──VHS_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──vhs_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──WAVE_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──wave_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──YUVP_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  └──yuvp_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        ├──video_output\
│  │  │        │  ├──DRAWABLE.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──drawable_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──KVA_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──kva_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──VDUMMY_P.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──vdummy_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──VMEM_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──vmem_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──YUV_PLUG.DLL
│  │  │        │  └──yuv_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        ├──video_splitter\
│  │  │        │  ├──CLONE_PL.DLL
│  │  │        │  ├──clone_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──
│  │  │        │  ├──WALL_PLU.DLL
│  │  │        │  └──wall_plugin_dll.a
│  │  │        └──visualization\
│  │  │           ├──
│  │  │           ├──VISUAL_P.DLL
│  │  │           └──visual_plugin_dll.a
│  │  └──share\
│  │     ├──APPLICAT\
│  │     │  └──vlc.desktop
│  │     ├──DOC\
│  │     │  └──VLC\
│  │     │     ├──bugreport-howto.txt
│  │     │     ├──FORTUNES.TXT
│  │     │     ├──INTF-VCD.TXT
│  │     │     ├──LIBVLC\
│  │     │     │  ├──gtk_player.c
│  │     │     │  ├──libvlc_DVD_ripper.c
│  │     │     │  ├──vlc-thumb.c
│  │     │     │  ├──wx_player.cpp
│  │     │     │  └──QTPLAYER\
│  │     │     │     ├──LICENSE
│  │     │     │     ├──MAIN.CPP
│  │     │     │     ├──PLAYER.CPP
│  │     │     │     ├──PLAYER.H
│  │     │     │     └──QTVLC.PRO
│  │     │     └──LUA\
│  │     │        ├──README.TXT
│  │     │        ├──EXTENSIO\
│  │     │        │  └──README.TXT
│  │     │        ├──HTTP\
│  │     │        │  └──REQUESTS\
│  │     │        │     └──README.TXT
│  │     │        ├──INTF\
│  │     │        │  ├──DUMPMETA.LUA
│  │     │        │  └──README.TXT
│  │     │        ├──META\
│  │     │        │  ├──ART\
│  │     │        │  │  ├──01_googleimage.lua
│  │     │        │  │  └──README.TXT
│  │     │        │  ├──FETCHER\
│  │     │        │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │     │        │  │  └──TVRAGE.LUA
│  │     │        │  └──READER\
│  │     │        │     ├──FILENAME.LUA
│  │     │        │     └──README.TXT
│  │     │        ├──PLAYLIST\
│  │     │        │  ├──README.TXT
│  │     │        │  ├──soundcloud.lua
│  │     │        │  └──YOUTUBE.LUA
│  │     │        └──SD\
│  │     │           ├──ICAST.LUA
│  │     │           ├──ICECAST.LUA
│  │     │           └──README.TXT
│  │     ├──ICONS\
│  │     │  └──HICOLOR\
│  │     │     ├──128X128\
│  │     │     │  └──APPS\
│  │     │     │     ├──VLC-XMAS.PNG
│  │     │     │     └──VLC.PNG
│  │     │     ├──16X16\
│  │     │     │  └──APPS\
│  │     │     │     ├──VLC.PNG
│  │     │     │     └──VLC.XPM
│  │     │     ├──256X256\
│  │     │     │  └──APPS\
│  │     │     │     └──VLC.PNG
│  │     │     ├──32X32\
│  │     │     │  └──APPS\
│  │     │     │     ├──VLC-XMAS.XPM
│  │     │     │     ├──VLC.PNG
│  │     │     │     └──VLC.XPM
│  │     │     └──48X48\
│  │     │        └──APPS\
│  │     │           ├──VLC-XMAS.PNG
│  │     │           └──VLC.PNG
│  │     ├──KDE4\
│  │     │  └──APPS\
│  │     │     └──SOLID\
│  │     │        └──ACTIONS\
│  │     │           ├──vlc-openbd.desktop
│  │     │           ├──vlc-opencda.desktop
│  │     │           ├──vlc-opendvd.desktop
│  │     │           └──vlc-openvcd.desktop
│  │     ├──LOCALE\
│  │     │  ├──ACH\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──AF\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──AM\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──AN\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──AR\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──AST\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──AZ\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──BE\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──BG\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──BN\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──BN_IN\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──BR\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──BS\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──CA\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──CGG\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──CKB\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──CO\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──CS\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──CY\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──DA\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──DE\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──EL\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──EN_GB\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──ES\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──ES_MX\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──ET\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──EU\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──FA\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──FF\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──FI\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──FR\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──FUR\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──GA\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──GD\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──GL\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──GU\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──HE\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──HI\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──HR\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──HU\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──HY\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──IA\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──ID\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──IS\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──IT\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──JA\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──KA\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──KK\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──KM\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──KN\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──KO\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──KY\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──LG\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──LT\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──LV\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──MK\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──ML\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──MN\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──MR\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──MS\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──MY\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──NB\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──NE\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──NL\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──NN\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──OC\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──OR\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──PA\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──PL\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──PS\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──PT_BR\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──PT_PT\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──RO\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──RU\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──SI\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──SK\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──SL\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──SQ\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──SR\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──SV\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──TA\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──TE\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──TET\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──TH\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──TL\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──TR\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──UK\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──UZ\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──VI\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──WA\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──ZH_CN\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  ├──ZH_TW\
│  │     │  │  └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │  │     └──VLC.MO
│  │     │  └──ZU\
│  │     │     └──LC_MESSAGES\
│  │     │        └──VLC.MO
│  │     ├──MAN\
│  │     │  └──MAN1\
│  │     │     ├──vlc-wrapper.1
│  │     │     └──VLC.1
│  │     └──VLC\
│  │        ├──VLC.ICO
│  │        ├──LUA\
│  │        │  └──HTTP\
│  │        │     ├──CUSTOM.LUA
│  │        │     ├──FAVICON.ICO
│  │        │     ├──index.html
│  │        │     ├──mobile.html
│  │        │     ├──mobile_browse.html
│  │        │     ├──mobile_equalizer.html
│  │        │     ├──mobile_view.html
│  │        │     ├──view.html
│  │        │     ├──vlm.html
│  │        │     ├──vlm_export.html
│  │        │     ├──CSS\
│  │        │     │  ├──MAIN.CSS
│  │        │     │  ├──MOBILE.CSS
│  │        │     │  └──ui-lightness\
│  │        │     │     ├──jquery-ui-1.8.13.custom.css
│  │        │     │     └──IMAGES\
│  │        │     │        ├──ui-bg_diagonals-thick_18_b81900_40x40.png
│  │        │     │        ├──ui-bg_diagonals-thick_20_666666_40x40.png
│  │        │     │        ├──ui-bg_flat_10_000000_40x100.png
│  │        │     │        ├──ui-bg_glass_100_f6f6f6_1x400.png
│  │        │     │        ├──ui-bg_glass_100_fdf5ce_1x400.png
│  │        │     │        ├──ui-bg_glass_65_ffffff_1x400.png
│  │        │     │        ├──ui-bg_gloss-wave_35_f6a828_500x100.png
│  │        │     │        ├──ui-bg_highlight-soft_100_eeeeee_1x100.png
│  │        │     │        ├──ui-bg_highlight-soft_75_ffe45c_1x100.png
│  │        │     │        ├──ui-icons_222222_256x240.png
│  │        │     │        ├──ui-icons_228ef1_256x240.png
│  │        │     │        ├──ui-icons_ef8c08_256x240.png
│  │        │     │        ├──ui-icons_ffd27a_256x240.png
│  │        │     │        └──ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png
│  │        │     ├──DIALOGS\
│  │        │     │  ├──batch_window.html
│  │        │     │  ├──browse_window.html
│  │        │     │  ├──create_stream.html
│  │        │     │  ├──equalizer_window.html
│  │        │     │  ├──error_window.html
│  │        │     │  ├──mosaic_window.html
│  │        │     │  ├──offset_window.html
│  │        │     │  ├──stream_config_window.html
│  │        │     │  └──stream_window.html
│  │        │     ├──IMAGES\
│  │        │     │  ├──AUDIO-48.PNG
│  │        │     │  ├──BACK-48.PNG
│  │        │     │  ├──BUTTONS.PNG
│  │        │     │  ├──Folder-48.png
│  │        │     │  ├──OTHER-48.PNG
│  │        │     │  ├──speaker-32.png
│  │        │     │  ├──VIDEO-48.PNG
│  │        │     │  ├──VLC-48.PNG
│  │        │     │  └──VLC16X16.PNG
│  │        │     ├──JS\
│  │        │     │  ├──COMMON.JS
│  │        │     │  ├──controllers.js
│  │        │     │  ├──jquery.jstree.js
│  │        │     │  └──UI.JS
│  │        │     └──REQUESTS\
│  │        │        ├──browse.json
│  │        │        ├──BROWSE.XML
│  │        │        ├──playlist.json
│  │        │        ├──PLAYLIST.XML
│  │        │        ├──playlist_jstree.xml
│  │        │        ├──README.TXT
│  │        │        ├──status.json
│  │        │        ├──STATUS.XML
│  │        │        ├──VLM.XML
│  │        │        └──VLM_CMD.XML
│  │        ├──SKINS2\
│  │        │  ├──DEFAULT.VLT
│  │        │  ├──skin.catalog
│  │        │  ├──SKIN.DTD
│  │        │  ├──WINAMP2.XML
│  │        │  └──FONTS\
│  │        │     ├──FREESANS.TTF
│  │        │     └──FreeSansBold.ttf
│  │        └──UTILS\
│  │           ├──
│  │           ├──
│  │           └──
│  ├──WarpIN\
│  │  ├──COPYING
│  │  ├──datbas_C.ini
│  │  ├──history.txt
│  │  ├──install.log
│  │  ├──readme.txt
│  │  ├──runwic.cmd
│  │  ├──stub.exe
│  │  ├──warpin.exe
│  │  ├──warpin.hlp
│  │  ├──WARPIN.INI
│  │  ├──warpin.sym
│  │  ├──warpin.tmf
│  │  ├──wic.exe
│  │  ├──wic.sym
│  │  ├──wicpm.exe
│  │  ├──wicpm.inf
│  │  ├──wicpm.sym
│  │  ├──WPIRTL.DLL
│  │  ├──wpirtl.sym
│  │  ├──wpi_prog.inf
│  │  ├──wpi_user.inf
│  │  └──test\
│  │     ├──apps.cmd
│  │     └──apps.wis
│  └──zip\
│     ├──UNZIP.EXE
│     ├──UNZIP32.DLL
│     ├──ZIP.EXE
│     ├──ZIPNOTE.EXE
│  ├──Documents\
│  │  ├──QSINIT.LIC
│  │  ├──QSINIT.RUS
│  │  └──QSINIT.TXT
│  ├──Fonts\
│  │  ├──DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf
│  │  ├──DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf
│  │  ├──DejaVuSans-ExtraLight.ttf
│  │  ├──DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf
│  │  ├──DejaVuSans.ttf
│  │  ├──DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold.ttf
│  │  ├──DejaVuSansCondensed-BoldOblique.ttf
│  │  ├──DejaVuSansCondensed-Oblique.ttf
│  │  ├──DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf
│  │  ├──DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf
│  │  ├──DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf
│  │  ├──DejaVuSansMono-Oblique.ttf
│  │  ├──DejaVuSansMono.ttf
│  │  ├──DejaVuSerif-Bold.ttf
│  │  ├──DejaVuSerif-BoldItalic.ttf
│  │  ├──DejaVuSerif-Italic.ttf
│  │  ├──DejaVuSerif.ttf
│  │  ├──DejaVuSerifCondensed-Bold.ttf
│  │  ├──DejaVuSerifCondensed-BoldItalic.ttf
│  │  ├──DejaVuSerifCondensed-Italic.ttf
│  │  ├──DejaVuSerifCondensed.ttf
│  │  ├──GentiumPlus-I.ttf
│  │  ├──GentiumPlus-R.ttf
│  │  ├──MIDORI.TTF
│  │  ├──MIDORIB.TTF
│  │  ├──newathu5.ttf
│  │  ├──newathuBold5.ttf
│  │  ├──newathuBoldItalic5.ttf
│  │  ├──newathuItalic5.ttf
│  │  ├──WPCONC_R.TTF
│  │  ├──WPSU.TTF
│  │  └──WPSUB.TTF
│  ├──Icons\
│  │  └──cWarp Default\
│  │     ├──16-Batch File.ico
│  │     ├──17-Text File.ico
│  │     ├──34-Floppy 3.5.ico
│  │     ├──35-Hard Drive.ico
│  │     ├──38-CDROM.ICO
│  │     ├──CABINET.ICO
│  │     ├──CABOPEN.ICO
│  │     ├──datafile.ico
│  │     ├──Folder 09.ICO
│  │     ├──Folder 10.ico
│  │     ├──Folder-Add On 01.ICO
│  │     ├──Folder-Add On 02.ico
│  │     ├──Folder-CAD 03.ICO
│  │     ├──Folder-Cad 04.ico
│  │     ├──Folder-Font 03.ICO
│  │     ├──Folder-Font 04.ico
│  │     ├──Folder-Games 05.ICO
│  │     ├──Folder-Games 06.ico
│  │     ├──Folder-Graphics 03.ICO
│  │     ├──Folder-Graphics 04.ico
│  │     ├──Folder-Internet 01.ICO
│  │     ├──Folder-Internet 02.ico
│  │     ├──Folder-Kids 01.ICO
│  │     ├──Folder-Kids 02.ico
│  │     ├──Folder-Pointers 01.ICO
│  │     ├──Folder-Pointers 02.ico
│  │     ├──Folder-Printer 02.ICO
│  │     ├──Folder-Printer 03.ico
│  │     ├──Folder-Programs 01.ICO
│  │     ├──Folder-Programs 02.ico
│  │     ├──Folder-Programs 03.ICO
│  │     ├──Folder-Programs 04.ico
│  │     ├──Folder-Startup 06.ICO
│  │     ├──Folder-Startup 07.ico
│  │     ├──Folder-Templates 05.ICO
│  │     ├──Folder-Templates 06.ico
│  │     ├──Folder-Tools 01.ico
│  │     ├──Folder-Tools 02.ico
│  │     ├──Folder-Video 05.ICO
│  │     ├──Folder-Video 06.ico
│  │     ├──FONTS.ICO
│  │     ├──Home 01.ICO
│  │     ├──Home 02.ICO
│  │     ├──palette_mixed.ico
│  │     ├──palette_solid.ico
│  │     ├──prgdll.ico
│  │     ├──prgdrivr.ico
│  │     ├──prgpm.ico
│  │     ├──prgunkwn.ico
│  │     ├──SCREEN.ICO
│  │     ├──shadow.ico
│  │     ├──SYSCONF2.ICO
│  │     ├──TRASH_EM.ICO
│  │     ├──TRASH_FU.ICO
│  │     ├──WPClock.ICO
│  │     ├──WPDESK.ICO
│  │     ├──WPKeyboard.ICO
│  │     ├──WPMouse.ICO
│  │     ├──WPPower.ICO
│  │     ├──WPS.ICO
│  │     └──WPSound.ICO
│  ├──Images\
│  ├──Movies\
│  ├──Pointers\
│  │  ├──andy.and
│  │  ├──bigarrow.and
│  │  ├──maggie.and
│  │  ├──ncc-1701.and
│  │  ├──PointerPak.txt
│  │  ├──shadow.and
│  │  ├──startrek.and
│  │  ├──wgloves.and
│  │  ├──winwag.and
│  │  ├──Amiga 1\
│  │  │  ├──AMI-PTR1.TXT
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE3.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Amiga 2\
│  │  │  ├──AMI-PTR1.TXT
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE3.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──andy\
│  │  │  ├──arrow000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──error.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──info.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──question.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait004.ptr
│  │  │  └──warning.ptr
│  │  ├──Andy Pointer\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW000.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ERROR.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──INFO.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──QUESTION.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAIT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WARNING.PTR
│  │  ├──Arrows\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW2.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS2.PTR
│  │  │  └──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  ├──Big Arrow Pointer\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW000.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ARROW001.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ARROW002.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ARROW003.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ARROW004.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ARROW005.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ARROW006.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ARROW007.PTR
│  │  │  ├──illegal000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──MOVE000.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE001.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE002.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE003.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE004.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE005.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE006.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE007.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE008.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE009.PTR
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──TEXT000.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT001.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT002.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT003.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT004.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT005.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT006.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT007.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT008.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT009.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT010.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAIT.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAIT000.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAIT001.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAIT002.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAIT003.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAIT004.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAIT005.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAIT006.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAIT007.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAIT008.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAIT009.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAIT010.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAIT011.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAIT012.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAIT013.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAIT014.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT015.PTR
│  │  ├──Big Bloody\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──FILE_ID.DIZ
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──bigarrow\
│  │  │  ├──arrow000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow006.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow007.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move006.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move007.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move008.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move009.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text006.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text007.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text008.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text009.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text010.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait006.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait007.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait008.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait009.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait010.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait011.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait012.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait013.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait014.ptr
│  │  │  └──wait015.ptr
│  │  ├──Black with boder\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Blue Pointer\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──BUGS\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Cherub\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Cigar\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL2.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──NEWBWAIT.PTR
│  │  │  ├──NEWWWAIT.PTR
│  │  │  ├──PTRNOTE.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Cross Black\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Cross White\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Cyan 3D\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Dancin' Bear\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──DBEAR.TXT
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──descent\
│  │  │  ├──arrow.cur
│  │  │  ├──illegal.cur
│  │  │  ├──move.cur
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw.cur
│  │  │  ├──sizens.cur
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse.cur
│  │  │  ├──sizewe.cur
│  │  │  ├──text.ptr
│  │  │  └──wait.ani
│  │  ├──Enterprise\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Euge Hand\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Evil Grey Alien\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──FILE_ID.DIZ
│  │  │  ├──GREYPTR.TXT
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──OBSCURA!
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Glasses\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MBMP.PAL
│  │  │  ├──MEGANE.PAL
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Glasses 2 Colors\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──RK.PAL
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Globes 3\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──FILE_ID.DIZ
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Gloves 2\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Gloves 4\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Gloves Black\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Gray 3D - 2\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ARROW1.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL1.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL2.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL3.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL4.PTR
│  │  │  ├──LIESMICH.TXT
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAIT.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAITGLAS.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAITHOUR.PTR
│  │  ├──Gray 3D - 3\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Green Pointer\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Hand with Stick\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Hand!!\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Handy\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──HANDY.TXT
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Kupo\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Ladybug\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──LADYBUG.TXT
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──maggie\
│  │  │  ├──wait000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait002.ptr
│  │  │  └──wait003.ptr
│  │  ├──Maggie Wait Pointer\
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Mouse\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──ncc-1701\
│  │  │  ├──arrow000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow006.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow007.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move006.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move007.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw006.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw007.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse006.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse007.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait006.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait007.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait008.ptr
│  │  │  └──wait009.ptr
│  │  ├──Purple Pointer\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Red Pointer\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Rodent\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──RODENT.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──shadow\
│  │  │  ├──arrow000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow006.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow007.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move006.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move007.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw006.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw007.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens006.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens007.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse006.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse007.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe006.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe007.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait006.ptr
│  │  │  └──wait007.ptr
│  │  ├──Shadow Pointer\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Solid\
│  │  │  ├──16.PAL
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ARROW1.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL1.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAIT.PTR
│  │  │  ├──WAITGLAS.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAITHOUR.PTR
│  │  ├──Startrek\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──arrow000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move.ptr
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──sizens000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──sizewe000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  ├──text000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──WAIT.PTR
│  │  │  ├──wait000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait002.ptr
│  │  │  └──wait003.ptr
│  │  ├──Sun\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Transparent\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Transparent Blue\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──Transparent Small\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TRANS.TXT
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──wgloves\
│  │  │  ├──arrow.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait003.ptr
│  │  │  └──wait004.ptr
│  │  ├──Windows 95\
│  │  │  ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──FILE_ID.DIZ
│  │  │  ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │  │  ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──README.TXT
│  │  │  ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │  │  ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │  │  └──WAIT.PTR
│  │  ├──winwag\
│  │  │  ├──arrow000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow006.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow007.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow008.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow009.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow010.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow011.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow012.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow013.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow014.ptr
│  │  │  ├──arrow015.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal006.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal007.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal008.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal009.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal010.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal011.ptr
│  │  │  ├──illegal012.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──move003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenesw003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizens003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizenwse003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──sizewe003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text006.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text007.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text008.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text009.ptr
│  │  │  ├──text010.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait000.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait001.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait002.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait003.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait004.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait005.ptr
│  │  │  ├──wait006.ptr
│  │  │  └──wait007.ptr
│  │  └──X\
│  │     ├──1ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │     ├──ARROW.PTR
│  │     ├──ILLEGAL.PTR
│  │     ├──MOVE.PTR
│  │     ├──README.TXT
│  │     ├──SIZENESW.PTR
│  │     ├──SIZENS.PTR
│  │     ├──SIZENWSE.PTR
│  │     ├──SIZEWE.PTR
│  │     ├──TEXT.PTR
│  │     └──WAIT.PTR
│  └──Sounds\
   │  ├──ANSI.EXE
   │  ├──ATTRIB.EXE
   │  ├──CLS.EXE
   │  ├──CMD.EXE
   │  ├──COMP.COM
   │  ├──CTREE.EXE
   │  ├──DUMPIDE.EXE
   │  ├──EJECT.EXE
   │  ├──FDISK.COM
   │  ├──FDISKPM.EXE
   │  ├──FIND.EXE
   │  ├──FORMAT.COM
   │  ├──HELP.CMD
   │  ├──HELPMSG.EXE
   │  ├──KEYB.EXE
   │  ├──LABEL.EXE
   │  ├──LVMGUI.CMD
   │  ├──LX2Dump.exe
   │  ├──LXLITE.CFG
   │  ├──lxlite.exe
   │  ├──MAKEINI.EXE
   │  ├──MINICMD.EXE
   │  ├──MKDIR.EXE
   │  ├──MODE.EXE
   │  ├──MORE.COM
   │  ├──OPTION2.EXE
   │  ├──PRINT.EXE
   │  ├──RECOVER.EXE
   │  ├──renmodul.dll
   │  ├──renmodul.exe
   │  ├──TEDIT.EXE
   │  ├──TREE.EXE
   │  ├──UNLOCK.EXE
   │  ├──VDM2OS2.EXE
   │  ├──VER.EXE
   │  ├──VOL.EXE
   │  └──XCOPY.EXE
   │  ├──AE\
   │  │  ├──AE.EXE
   │  │  ├──ae.hlp
   │  │  ├──ae.ipf
   │  │  ├──ae_cs.lng
   │  │  ├──ae_de.lng
   │  │  ├──ae_es.HLP
   │  │  ├──ae_es.ipf
   │  │  ├──ae_es.lng
   │  │  ├──ae_fr.HLP
   │  │  ├──ae_fr.lng
   │  │  ├──ae_it.lng
   │  │  ├──ae_ja.lng
   │  │  ├──ae_nl.lng
   │  │  ├──ae_no.lng
   │  │  ├──ae_sv.lng
   │  │  ├──ae_zh_tw.lng
   │  │  ├──Copying.txt
   │  │  └──readme.txt
   │  └──NEWVIEW\
   │     ├──CHANGES.TXT
   │     ├──GPL.TXT
   │     ├──HELPMGR.DLL
   │     ├──INSTALL.EXE
   │     ├──NEWVIEW.DLL
   │     ├──NEWVIEW.EXE
   │     ├──NEWVIEW.HLP
   │     ├──NEWVIEW.IPF
   │     ├──NewView.log
   │     ├──newview_cz.lng
   │     ├──newview_de.lng
   │     ├──newview_eo.lng
   │     ├──newview_es.lng
   │     ├──newview_fi.lng
   │     ├──newview_fr.lng
   │     ├──newview_it.HLP
   │     ├──newview_it.lng
   │     ├──NewView_ja.lng
   │     ├──newview_ko.lng
   │     ├──NewView_nl.HLP
   │     ├──newview_nl.lng
   │     ├──newview_ru.lng
   │     ├──NewView_sv.HLP
   │     ├──newview_sv.lng
   │     ├──README.TXT
   │     └──VIEWSTUB.EXE
   │  ├──USBD.SYM
   │  ├──USBD.SYS
   │  ├──USBHID.SYM
   │  ├──USBHID.SYS
   │  ├──USBOHCD.SYM
   │  ├──USBOHCD.SYS
   │  ├──USBUHCD.SYM
   │  └──USBUHCD.SYS
   │  ├──ansicall.dll
   │  ├──bmscalls.dll
   │  ├──bvscalls.dll
   │  ├──kbdcalls.dll
   │  ├──lswhook.dll
   │  ├──lswhook.sym
   │  ├──msg.dll
   │  ├──nls.dll
   │  ├──os2char.dll
   │  ├──quecalls.dll
   │  ├──sesmgr.dll
   │  └──viocalls.dll
   │  ├──classtool.html
   │  ├──CTREE.TXT
   │  ├──DaniATAPI.TXT
   │  ├──DANIN512.TXT
   │  ├──DANIS506.DOC
   │  ├──PRINT01.TXT
   │  ├──gradd.mod
   │  ├──gradd.sys
   │  ├──sddhelp.sys
   │  ├──USBCOM.SYM
   │  ├──USBCOM.SYS
   │  ├──USBEHCD.SYM
   │  ├──USBEHCD.SYS
   │  ├──USBKBD.SYM
   │  ├──USBKBD.SYS
   │  ├──USBMSD.ADD
   │  ├──USBMSD.SYM
   │  ├──USBPRT.SYM
   │  ├──USBPRT.SYS
   │  └──snap\
   │     ├──agp.bpd
   │     ├──graphics.bpd
   │     └──config\
   │        └──graphics\
   │           ├──crtc00.dat
   │           ├──graphics.log
   │           ├──monitor.dbx
   │           └──options.dat
   │  ├──OSO001.MSG
   │  ├──OSO001.PL
   │  ├──OSO001.RU
   │  ├──OSO001H.MSG
   │  ├──OSO001H.PL
   │  └──OSO001H.RU
   │  ├──CFGSORT.CMD
   │  ├──ClassTool.cmd
      │  ├──install.cmd
      │  ├──readme.cmd
      │  ├──readme.inf
      │  ├──syslevel.amp
      │  ├──wpamptr.dll
      │  ├──wpamptr.hlp
      │  ├──wpamptr.inf
      │  ├──wpamptrs.dll
      │  └──Install\
      │     ├──AMPTRDEU.DLL
      │     ├──AMPTRDEU.HLP
      │     ├──AMPTRENG.DLL
      │     ├──AMPTRENG.HLP
      │     ├──FILE_ID.DIZ
      │     ├──INSTALL.CMD
      │     ├──install.msg
      │     ├──README.CMD
      │     ├──README.INF
      │     ├──remove.cmd
      │     ├──SL.AMP
      │     ├──WPAMPTR.DLL
      │     ├──wpsreplc.prg
      │     ├──wpsreset.prg
      │     ├──AND\
      │     │  ├──MAKEAND.CMD
      │     │  ├──MKANDDEU.MSG
      │     │  ├──MKANDENG.MSG
      │     │  └──TEMPLATE.DLL
      │     ├──INSTALL\
      │     │  ├──INSTALL.CMD
      │     │  ├──INSTALL.LST
      │     │  ├──INSTALL.MSG
      │     │  ├──INSTLDEU.MSG
      │     │  ├──INSTLENG.MSG
      │     │  ├──POINTERS.ZIP
      │     │  ├──REMOVE.CMD
      │     │  ├──WPSREPLC.PRG
      │     │  └──WPSRESET.PRG
      │     └──REXX\
      │        ├──FRATE.CMD
      │        ├──LOAD.CMD
      │        ├──OFF.CMD
      │        ├──ON.CMD
      │        ├──RANDOM.CMD
      │        └──RANDOM.LST
      │  ├──changelog.txt
      │  ├──dpmsmode.cmd
      │  ├──license.txt
      │  ├──readme.txt
      │  ├──SSCore.dll
      │  ├──SSDPMS.dll
      │  ├──SSModWrp.exe
      │  ├──WPSSDesk.dll
      │  ├──Lang\
      │  │  ├──readme.txt
      │  │  ├──ss_de.HLP
      │  │  ├──ss_de.msg
      │  │  ├──ss_en.HLP
      │  │  ├──ss_en.msg
      │  │  ├──ss_es.HLP
      │  │  ├──ss_es.msg
      │  │  ├──ss_fr.HLP
      │  │  ├──ss_fr.msg
      │  │  ├──ss_hu.HLP
      │  │  ├──ss_hu.msg
      │  │  ├──ss_it.HLP
      │  │  ├──ss_it.msg
      │  │  ├──ss_nl.HLP
      │  │  ├──ss_nl.msg
      │  │  ├──ss_ru.HLP
      │  │  ├──ss_ru.msg
      │  │  ├──ss_sv.HLP
      │  │  ├──ss_sv.msg
      │  │  ├──ss_zh_TW.HLP
      │  │  └──ss_zh_TW.msg
      │  └──Modules\
      │     ├──ANTVSIM.dll
      │     ├──Blank.dll
      │     ├──CaClock.dll
      │     ├──CaShapes.dll
      │     ├──Circles.dll
      │     ├──eCSBall.dll
      │     ├──ifsim.dll
      │     ├──Matrix.dll
      │     ├──Padlock.dll
      │     ├──PrClock.dll
      │     ├──Random.dll
      │     ├──readme.txt
      │     ├──ShowImg.dll
      │     ├──SldShow.dll
      │     ├──Snow.dll
      │     ├──Text.dll
      │     ├──AnTVSim\
      │     │  ├──de.msg
      │     │  ├──en.msg
      │     │  ├──es.msg
      │     │  ├──fr.msg
      │     │  ├──hu.msg
      │     │  ├──it.msg
      │     │  ├──nl.msg
      │     │  ├──ru.msg
      │     │  ├──sv.msg
      │     │  └──zh_TW.msg
      │     ├──Blank\
      │     │  ├──de.msg
      │     │  ├──en.msg
      │     │  ├──es.msg
      │     │  ├──fr.msg
      │     │  ├──hu.msg
      │     │  ├──it.msg
      │     │  ├──nl.msg
      │     │  ├──ru.msg
      │     │  ├──sv.msg
      │     │  └──zh_TW.msg
      │     ├──CaClock\
      │     │  ├──de.msg
      │     │  ├──en.msg
      │     │  ├──es.msg
      │     │  ├──fr.msg
      │     │  ├──hu.msg
      │     │  ├──it.msg
      │     │  ├──nl.msg
      │     │  ├──ru.msg
      │     │  ├──sv.msg
      │     │  └──zh_TW.msg
      │     ├──Circles\
      │     │  ├──de.msg
      │     │  ├──en.msg
      │     │  ├──es.msg
      │     │  ├──fr.msg
      │     │  ├──hu.msg
      │     │  ├──it.msg
      │     │  ├──nl.msg
      │     │  ├──ru.msg
      │     │  ├──sv.msg
      │     │  └──zh_TW.msg
      │     ├──eCSBall\
      │     │  ├──de.msg
      │     │  ├──en.msg
      │     │  ├──es.msg
      │     │  ├──fr.msg
      │     │  ├──hu.msg
      │     │  ├──it.msg
      │     │  ├──nl.msg
      │     │  ├──ru.msg
      │     │  ├──sv.msg
      │     │  └──zh_TW.msg
      │     ├──IFSIM\
      │     │  ├──de.msg
      │     │  ├──en.msg
      │     │  ├──es.msg
      │     │  ├──fr.msg
      │     │  ├──hu.msg
      │     │  ├──it.msg
      │     │  ├──nl.msg
      │     │  ├──ru.msg
      │     │  ├──sv.msg
      │     │  └──zh_TW.msg
      │     ├──Matrix\
      │     │  ├──de.msg
      │     │  ├──en.msg
      │     │  ├──es.msg
      │     │  ├──fr.msg
      │     │  ├──hu.msg
      │     │  ├──it.msg
      │     │  ├──nl.msg
      │     │  ├──ru.msg
      │     │  ├──sv.msg
      │     │  └──zh_TW.msg
      │     ├──Padlock\
      │     │  ├──de.msg
      │     │  ├──en.msg
      │     │  ├──es.msg
      │     │  ├──fr.msg
      │     │  ├──hu.msg
      │     │  ├──it.msg
      │     │  ├──nl.msg
      │     │  ├──ru.msg
      │     │  ├──sv.msg
      │     │  └──zh_TW.msg
      │     ├──PrClock\
      │     │  ├──de.msg
      │     │  ├──Digi.skn
      │     │  ├──en.msg
      │     │  ├──es.msg
      │     │  ├──fr.msg
      │     │  ├──gclock01.skn
      │     │  ├──hu.msg
      │     │  ├──it.msg
      │     │  ├──nl.msg
      │     │  ├──ru.msg
      │     │  ├──sclock01.skn
      │     │  ├──SkinDesc.txt
      │     │  ├──sv.msg
      │     │  ├──zh_TW.msg
      │     │  ├──Digi\
      │     │  │  ├──00.png
      │     │  │  ├──00s.png
      │     │  │  ├──01.png
      │     │  │  ├──01s.png
      │     │  │  ├──02.png
      │     │  │  ├──02s.png
      │     │  │  ├──03.png
      │     │  │  ├──03s.png
      │     │  │  ├──04.png
      │     │  │  ├──04s.png
      │     │  │  ├──05.png
      │     │  │  ├──05s.png
      │     │  │  ├──06.png
      │     │  │  ├──06s.png
      │     │  │  ├──07.png
      │     │  │  ├──07s.png
      │     │  │  ├──08.png
      │     │  │  ├──08s.png
      │     │  │  ├──09.png
      │     │  │  ├──09s.png
      │     │  │  ├──10.png
      │     │  │  ├──10s.png
      │     │  │  ├──11.png
      │     │  │  ├──11s.png
      │     │  │  ├──12.png
      │     │  │  ├──12s.png
      │     │  │  ├──13.png
      │     │  │  ├──13s.png
      │     │  │  ├──14.png
      │     │  │  ├──14s.png
      │     │  │  ├──15.png
      │     │  │  ├──15s.png
      │     │  │  ├──16.png
      │     │  │  ├──16s.png
      │     │  │  ├──17.png
      │     │  │  ├──17s.png
      │     │  │  ├──18.png
      │     │  │  ├──18s.png
      │     │  │  ├──19.png
      │     │  │  ├──19s.png
      │     │  │  ├──20.png
      │     │  │  ├──20s.png
      │     │  │  ├──21.png
      │     │  │  ├──21s.png
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      │     │  │  ├──22s.png
      │     │  │  ├──23.png
      │     │  │  ├──23s.png
      │     │  │  ├──24.png
      │     │  │  ├──24s.png
      │     │  │  ├──25.png
      │     │  │  ├──25s.png
      │     │  │  ├──26.png
      │     │  │  ├──26s.png
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      │     │  │  ├──27s.png
      │     │  │  ├──28.png
      │     │  │  ├──28s.png
      │     │  │  ├──29.png
      │     │  │  ├──29s.png
      │     │  │  ├──30.png
      │     │  │  ├──30s.png
      │     │  │  ├──31.png
      │     │  │  ├──31s.png
      │     │  │  ├──32.png
      │     │  │  ├──32s.png
      │     │  │  ├──33.png
      │     │  │  ├──33s.png
      │     │  │  ├──34.png
      │     │  │  ├──34s.png
      │     │  │  ├──35.png
      │     │  │  ├──35s.png
      │     │  │  ├──36.png
      │     │  │  ├──36s.png
      │     │  │  ├──37.png
      │     │  │  ├──37s.png
      │     │  │  ├──38.png
      │     │  │  ├──38s.png
      │     │  │  ├──39.png
      │     │  │  ├──39s.png
      │     │  │  ├──40.png
      │     │  │  ├──40s.png
      │     │  │  ├──41.png
      │     │  │  ├──41s.png
      │     │  │  ├──42.png
      │     │  │  ├──42s.png
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      │     │  │  ├──44.png
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      │     │  │  ├──45.png
      │     │  │  ├──45s.png
      │     │  │  ├──46.png
      │     │  │  ├──46s.png
      │     │  │  ├──47.png
      │     │  │  ├──47s.png
      │     │  │  ├──48.png
      │     │  │  ├──48s.png
      │     │  │  ├──49.png
      │     │  │  ├──49s.png
      │     │  │  ├──50.png
      │     │  │  ├──50s.png
      │     │  │  ├──51.png
      │     │  │  ├──51s.png
      │     │  │  ├──52.png
      │     │  │  ├──52s.png
      │     │  │  ├──53.png
      │     │  │  ├──53s.png
      │     │  │  ├──54.png
      │     │  │  ├──54s.png
      │     │  │  ├──55.png
      │     │  │  ├──55s.png
      │     │  │  ├──56.png
      │     │  │  ├──56s.png
      │     │  │  ├──57.png
      │     │  │  ├──57s.png
      │     │  │  ├──58.png
      │     │  │  ├──58s.png
      │     │  │  ├──59.png
      │     │  │  ├──59s.png
      │     │  │  └──back.png
      │     │  ├──gclock01\
      │     │  │  ├──back.png
      │     │  │  ├──fore.png
      │     │  │  ├──hour.png
      │     │  │  ├──min.png
      │     │  │  └──sec.png
      │     │  └──sclock01\
      │     │     ├──back.png
      │     │     ├──hour.png
      │     │     ├──min.png
      │     │     └──sec.png
      │     ├──Random\
      │     │  ├──de.msg
      │     │  ├──en.msg
      │     │  ├──es.msg
      │     │  ├──fr.msg
      │     │  ├──hu.msg
      │     │  ├──it.msg
      │     │  ├──nl.msg
      │     │  ├──ru.msg
      │     │  ├──sv.msg
      │     │  └──zh_TW.msg
      │     ├──ShowImg\
      │     │  ├──de.msg
      │     │  ├──en.msg
      │     │  └──sv.msg
      │     ├──Snow\
      │     │  ├──de.msg
      │     │  ├──en.msg
      │     │  ├──es.msg
      │     │  ├──fr.msg
      │     │  ├──hu.msg
      │     │  ├──it.msg
      │     │  ├──nl.msg
      │     │  ├──ru.msg
      │     │  ├──sv.msg
      │     │  └──zh_TW.msg
      │     └──Text\
      │        ├──de.msg
      │        ├──en.msg
      │        ├──es.msg
      │        ├──fr.msg
      │        ├──hu.msg
      │        ├──it.msg
      │        ├──nl.msg
      │        ├──ru.msg
      │        ├──sv.msg
      │        └──zh_TW.msg
      │  ├──FAQ
      │  ├──FREETYPE.DLL
      │  ├──FREETYPE.MAP
      │  ├──FTCONFIG.EXE
      │  ├──FTCONFIG.HLP
      │  ├──INSTALL.CMD
      │  ├──NLV_SRC.ZIP
      │  ├──QUERY.CMD
      │  ├──README.TXT
      │  ├──REPMOD.EXE
      │  ├──UNINST.CMD
      │  └──UPDATE.CMD
      │  ├──cachejfs.exe
      │  ├──chklgjfs.exe
      │  ├──clrbblks.exe
      │  ├──cstats.exe
      │  ├──defragfs.exe
      │  ├──extendfs.exe
      │  ├──FREEJFS.RUS
      │  ├──FREEJFS.TXT
      │  ├──How-to-install.txt
      │  ├──isj.exe
      │  ├──isj_english.txt
      │  ├──isj_russian.txt
      │  ├──JFS.IFS
      │  ├──jfs_basic_info.txt
      │  ├──logdump.exe
      │  ├──logform.exe
      │  ├──logredo.exe
      │  ├──openjfs_utils_russian.txt
      │  ├──UJFS.DLL
      │  ├──ujfs.readme
      │  ├──U_JFS.exe
      │  ├──validfs.exe
      │  ├──xchkdmp.exe
      │  ├──xchklog.exe
      │  ├──xpeek.exe
      │  └──sym\
      │     ├──cachejfs.sym
      │     ├──chklgjfs.sym
      │     ├──clrbblks.sym
      │     ├──cstats.sym
      │     ├──defragfs.sym
      │     ├──extendfs.sym
      │     ├──logdump.sym
      │     ├──logform.sym
      │     ├──logredo.sym
      │     ├──validfs.sym
      │     ├──xchkdmp.sym
      │     ├──xchklog.sym
      │     └──xpeek.sym
      │  ├──cair1414.dll
      │  ├──cairo124.dll
      │  ├──cairo146.dll
      │  ├──cairo164.dll
      │  ├──JPOS2DLL.DLL
      │  ├──VPREXX.DLL
      │  └──VROBJ.DLL
      │  ├──COPYING
      │  ├──History
      │  ├──lSwitch.exe
      │  ├──lswitch.hlp
      │  ├──lSwitch.sym
      │  ├──lSwitch.xqs
      │  ├──lSwitchd.exe
      │  ├──lswresCZ.dll
      │  ├──lswresDE.dll
      │  ├──lswresEN.dll
      │  ├──lswresES.dll
      │  ├──lswresRU.dll
      │  ├──Readme
      │  ├──readme.v270
      │  ├──readme.v271
      │  ├──readmecz.270
      │  ├──Readmeru.270
      │  └──widget\
      │     ├──lswidget.dll
      │     ├──lswidget.sym
      │     ├──lswitch.hlp
      │     ├──lswresCZ.dll
      │     ├──lswresDE.dll
      │     ├──lswresEN.dll
      │     ├──lswresES.dll
      │     └──lswresRU.dll
      │  ├──pmdrag.dll
      │  ├──pmgre.dll
      │  ├──pmmle.dll
      │  ├──pmshapi.dll
      │  └──pmwin.dll
      │  ├──TRC00E0.TFF
      │  ├──TRC00E1.TFF
      │  ├──TRC00E2.TFF
      │  ├──TRC00E5.TFF
      │  └──TRC00EF.TFF
      │  ├──LICENSE
      │  ├──USBCALLS.DLL
      │  ├──USBCALLS.SYM
      │  ├──USBECD.SYS
      │  ├──USBECD.TXT
      │  ├──USBICON.CMD
      │  ├──USBMON.EXE
      │  ├──USBMON.ICO
      │  ├──USBMON.INI
      │  ├──USBREAD.CMD
      │  ├──USBWARN.EXE
      │  ├──USBWARN.MSG
      │  └──USBWRITE.CMD
      │  └──MACS\
      │     ├──E1000E.LIN
      │     ├──E1000E.NIF
      │     ├──E1000E.OS2
      │     └──E1000E.TXT
         │  ├──alwssort.cmd
         │  ├──bm-lvm.cmd
         │  ├──bootmgr.cmd
         │  ├──defdetls.cmd
         │  ├──deficon.cmd
         │  ├──deftree.cmd
         │  ├──iconorm.cmd
         │  ├──icosmall.cmd
         │  ├──netscdde.exe
         │  ├──newobj.cmd
         │  ├──packtree.cmd
         │  ├──repclass.exe
         │  ├──showall.cmd
         │  ├──treesize.exe
         │  ├──wpsreset.exe
         │  ├──xfix.exe
         │  ├──xfix.sym
         │  ├──xfldr.dll
         │  ├──xfldr.sym
         │  ├──xfldr001.dll
         │  ├──xhelp.cmd
         │  ├──xshutdwn.cmd
         │  ├──xshutdwn.ico
         │  ├──xwpdaemn.exe
         │  ├──xwpdaemn.sym
         │  ├──xwphook.dll
         │  ├──xwphook.sym
         │  └──xwpres.dll
         │  ├──os2warpx.bmp
         │  ├──penguin.bmp
         │  └──xfolder.bmp
         │  ├──drvrs001.txt
         │  ├──xfcls001.txt
         │  ├──xfldr001.hlp
         │  └──xfldr001.tmf
         │  ├──crobj001.cmd
         │  ├──deinst.cmd
         │  ├──delobjs.cmd
         │  ├──freshini.cmd
         │  ├──instl001.cmd
         │  ├──od.cmd
         │  ├──sound001.cmd
         │  ├──soundoff.cmd
         │  ├──xwp.ico
         │  └──xwp_o.ico
         │  ├──drvdlgs\
         │  │  ├──d_cdfs.dll
         │  │  └──d_cdfs.sym
         │  └──xcenter\
         │     ├──diskfree.dll
         │     ├──diskfree.sym
         │     ├──ipmon.dll
         │     ├──ipmon.sym
         │     ├──monitors.dll
         │     ├──monitors.sym
         │     ├──sentinel.dll
         │     ├──sentinel.sym
         │     ├──winlist.dll
         │     └──winlist.sym
         │  ├──warp3\
         │  │  ├──datafile.ico
         │  │  ├──desk0.ico
         │  │  ├──desk1.ico
         │  │  ├──folder0.ico
         │  │  ├──folder1.ico
         │  │  ├──prgdll.ico
         │  │  ├──prgdosfs.ico
         │  │  ├──prgdoswn.ico
         │  │  ├──prgdrivr.ico
         │  │  ├──prgos2fs.ico
         │  │  ├──prgos2wn.ico
         │  │  ├──prgpm.ico
         │  │  ├──prgunkwn.ico
         │  │  ├──prgwin16.ico
         │  │  ├──prgwin32.ico
         │  │  ├──shadow.ico
         │  │  ├──trashemp.ico
         │  │  └──trashful.ico
         │  └──warp4\
         │     ├──datafile.ico
         │     ├──desk0.ico
         │     ├──desk1.ico
         │     ├──folder0.ico
         │     ├──folder1.ico
         │     ├──prgdll.ico
         │     ├──prgdosfs.ico
         │     ├──prgdoswn.ico
         │     ├──prgdrivr.ico
         │     ├──prgos2fs.ico
         │     ├──prgos2wn.ico
         │     ├──prgpm.ico
         │     ├──prgunkwn.ico
         │     ├──prgwin16.ico
         │     ├──prgwin32.ico
         │     ├──shadow.ico
         │     ├──trashemp.ico
         │     └──trashful.ico
         │  ├──miniwdgt.c
         │  ├──config\
         │  │  └──drivdlgs.h
         │  └──shared\
         │     ├──center.h
         │     └──helpids.h

Full File List

 Volume in drive C is OS2            Serial number is AB8D:6415
 Directory of  C:\*

 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-03-15  12:10         <DIR>        23,204  Home
 8-14-15  18:22         <DIR>           381  NOWHERE
 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>        21,299  OS2
 4-18-15   9:51         <DIR>        21,317  Programs
 7-03-15  12:07         <DIR>        20,956  Resources
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>        21,053  Warp
10-15-15  17:18           5,721         372  CONFIG.SYS
10-29-15   9:07               0           0  cwarp-fullfiles.txt
 4-18-15  22:02             660           0  io32.sys
 4-18-15   9:13          51,132           0  OS2BOOT
 2-13-07   9:33         849,283          54  OS2KRNL
 8-01-15  10:14          44,848         220  OS2LDR
 9-25-15  15:16           9,799         238  OS2LOGO
 8-01-15  10:15         412,794         224  QSINIT.LDI
 7-19-15  20:16              50         409  startup.cmd
10-29-15   9:07             468         627  WP ROOT. SF
      1,374,755 bytes in 10 files and 8 dirs    1,380,864 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\*

 7-03-15  12:10         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:10         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-03-15  12:10         <DIR>        19,528  JohnDoe
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\*

 7-03-15  12:10         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:10         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-03-15  13:27         <DIR>           451  Config
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>         9,674  Desktop
 8-14-15  18:12         <DIR>           339  Documents
 8-14-15  18:12         <DIR>           339  Downloads
 8-14-15  18:12         <DIR>           335  Music
 8-14-15  18:12         <DIR>        20,812  Photos
 8-14-15  18:12         <DIR>        20,745  Videos
              0 bytes in 0 files and 9 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Config\*

 7-03-15  13:27         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  13:27         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-28-15  17:59         <DIR>           124  .config
 9-28-15  18:01         <DIR>           124  .local
 8-22-15  22:29         <DIR>           499  INIS
 7-06-15  23:57         <DIR>           380  log
 7-03-15  13:37         <DIR>           359  SPOOL
 7-03-15  13:27         <DIR>         1,694  temp
              0 bytes in 0 files and 8 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Config\.config\*

 9-28-15  17:59         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  17:59         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-28-15  17:59         <DIR>           124  QXmlEdit
 9-28-15  18:02          20,884         124  Trolltech.ini
         20,884 bytes in 1 file and 3 dirs    21,504 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Config\.config\QXmlEdit\*

 9-28-15  17:59         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  17:59         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-30-15  17:07              73         124  QXmlEdit.ini
             73 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Config\.config\*
         20,957 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    22,016 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Config\.local\*

 9-28-15  18:01         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  18:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-28-15  18:01         <DIR>           124  share
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Config\.local\share\*

 9-28-15  18:01         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  18:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-28-15  18:01         <DIR>           124  dataScreenGrab
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Config\.local\share\dataScreenGrab\*

 9-28-15  18:01         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  18:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-28-15  18:01             359         124  screengrab.ini
            359 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Config\.local\share\*
            359 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Config\.local\*
            359 bytes in 1 file and 8 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Config\INIS\*

 8-22-15  22:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-22-15  22:29         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-23-15  18:42             398           0  ae.ini
10-04-15  13:32             394           0  ARCVIEW.INI
10-29-15   9:04               0           0  OS2.!!!
10-29-15   7:59         610,244           0  OS2.BAK
10-29-15   9:04         610,431           0  OS2.INI
10-29-15   8:11               0           0  OS2SYS.!!!
10-29-15   7:57          89,942           0  OS2SYS.BAK
10-29-15   8:11          90,482           0  OS2SYS.INI
      1,401,891 bytes in 8 files and 2 dirs    1,403,904 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Config\log\*

 7-06-15  23:57         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-06-15  23:57         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>            30  20150921
 9-21-15  10:45           2,598          31  1_ACPI.L1
 9-21-15  10:45             801          32  1_acpi.log
 9-21-15  10:46          19,852          31  1_BASE.L1
 9-21-15  10:45              57          33  1_config.l1
 9-21-15  10:45           7,982          33  1_config.l2
 9-21-15  10:46           1,340          31  1_DESK.L1
 9-21-15  10:46           1,656          31  1_DESK.L2
 9-21-15  10:45              27          31  1_DIAG.L2
 9-21-15  10:46           1,706          33  1_ECSPRD.L1
 9-21-15  10:46          16,705          33  1_ECSPRD.L2
 9-21-15  10:46           1,372          33  1_FINISH.L1
 9-21-15  10:46          14,120          33  1_FINISH.L2
 9-21-15  10:46              29          33  1_FLOPPY.L1
 9-21-15  10:45          39,493          34  1_HWINFO.LOG
 9-21-15  10:45           4,221          33  1_HWMERG.L1
 9-21-15  10:45           7,366          33  1_HWMERG.L2
 9-21-15  10:45             112          32  1_MIGRT.L1
 9-21-15  10:45              62          32  1_MIGRT.L2
 9-21-15  10:46              84          33  1_MNTDSK.L1
 9-21-15  10:46             618          33  1_MNTDSK.L2
 9-21-15  10:45           2,533          31  1_MPTS.L1
 9-21-15  10:45          19,922          31  1_MPTS.L2
 9-21-15  10:45           1,522          32  1_part.log
 9-21-15  10:45          15,354          33  1_PRNDRV.L1
 9-21-15  10:45          17,399          33  1_PRNDRV.L2
 9-21-15  10:45             114          32  1_PROTO.L1
 9-21-15  10:45             231          30  1_RPM.L1
 9-21-15  10:45         302,263          30  1_RPM.L2
 9-21-15  10:46              74          31  1_SNAP.L2
 9-21-15  10:46             245          31  1_VCFG.L2
 9-21-15  10:51             666          31  2_ACPI.L1
 9-21-15  10:48             630          32  2_ACPIK.L1
 9-21-15  10:51           1,215          32  2_ACPIW.L1
 9-21-15  10:48           1,339          33  2_AMOUSE.L1
 9-21-15  10:51          10,955          33  2_BIGICO.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             183          33  2_BIGICO.L2
 9-21-15  10:49             813          32  2_BOOKS.L2
 9-21-15  10:51             391          32  2_CAIRO.L1
 9-21-15  10:51              51          33  2_CDWECS.L1
 9-21-15  10:51           1,943          33  2_CDWECS.L2
 9-21-15  10:51             272          33  2_CDWIFS.L1
 9-21-15  10:48          89,595          32  2_CLIFI.L1
 9-21-15  10:48          89,467          32  2_CLIFI.L2
 9-21-15  10:50             144          32  2_CONET.L1
 9-21-15  10:50             172          32  2_CONET.L2
 9-21-15  10:51             568          30  2_DMT.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             224          33  2_DRGTXT.L1
 9-21-15  10:51           1,773          33  2_DRGTXT.L2
 9-21-15  10:51          19,485          32  2_DSSVR.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             119          32  2_DSSVR.L2
 9-21-15  10:51             343          33  2_ECOMKT.L1
 9-21-15  10:48           2,044          32  2_ECORT.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             129          32  2_ECSMT.L1
 9-21-15  10:51         197,274          32  2_ECUPS.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             196          31  2_EFDS.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             557          31  2_EFDS.L2
 9-21-15  10:51             248          33  2_ESAMBA.L1
 9-21-15  10:50              65          32  2_ESTLR.L1
 9-21-15  10:50         117,704          32  2_ESTLR.L2
 9-21-15  10:51           2,731          31  2_EVFS.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             919          32  2_FAT32.L1
 9-21-15  10:49             173          31  2_FFOX.L1
 9-21-15  10:49             157          31  2_FFOX.L2
 9-21-15  10:51          23,235          33  2_FINISH.L1
 9-21-15  10:51          15,541          33  2_FINISH.L2
 9-21-15  10:51              29          33  2_FLOPPY.L1
 9-21-15  10:50              41          33  2_FT2LIB.L1
 9-21-15  10:50             555          33  2_FT2LIB.L2
 9-21-15  10:48           1,055          31  2_GCC4.L1
 9-21-15  10:49           2,555          30  2_IAI.L1
 9-21-15  10:48             197          33  2_INITPH.L1
 9-21-15  10:48             295          33  2_INLIBC.L1
 9-21-15  10:50              48          32  2_JAVA6.L1
 9-21-15  10:50          36,833          32  2_JAVA6.L2
 9-21-15  10:48             328          32  2_KLIBC.L1
 9-21-15  10:51           2,155          33  2_LUCIDE.L1
 9-21-15  10:51          24,911          33  2_MMEDIA.L1
 9-21-15  10:51          13,942          33  2_MMEDIA.L2
 9-21-15  10:51           1,778          32  2_MMSND.L1
 9-21-15  10:51           2,073          32  2_MMSND.L2
 9-21-15  10:49              44          32  2_MPTSC.L1
 9-21-15  10:49             595          32  2_MPTSW.L1
 9-21-15  10:51           1,328          33  2_NEOWPS.L1
 9-21-15  10:50           1,672          31  2_ODIN.L1
 9-21-15  10:50             239          31  2_ODIN.L2
 9-21-15  10:49           7,515          33  2_OFONTS.L1
 9-21-15  10:49             119          33  2_OFONTS.L2
 9-21-15  10:49          17,126          31  2_PEER.L2
 9-21-15  10:49           1,720          31  2_PEER.L3
 9-21-15  10:51              71          32  2_PMVNC.L1
 9-21-15  10:51           1,750          32  2_PMVNC.L2
 9-21-15  10:51             500          31  2_PNGD.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             545          33  2_PRTMAN.L1
 9-21-15  10:51           2,781          30  2_QT4.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             350          30  2_QT4.L2
 9-21-15  10:51              68          32  2_RDESK.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             846          32  2_RDESK.L2
 9-21-15  10:51             120          33  2_SDDCFG.L2
 9-21-15  10:51             644          33  2_SGUIDE.L1
 9-21-15  10:51         126,598          32  2_SHUFL.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             121          32  2_SHUFL.L2
 9-21-15  10:51              63          32  2_SHUFL.L3
 9-21-15  10:49             183          32  2_TBIRD.L1
 9-21-15  10:49              87          32  2_TBIRD.L2
 9-21-15  10:50           1,915          32  2_TCPIP.L1
 9-21-15  10:50           3,937          32  2_TCPIP.L3
 9-21-15  10:51           1,490          33  2_TIMEST.L1
 9-21-15  10:48             404          32  2_UCLIP.L1
 9-21-15  10:51           1,031          33  2_USBDCK.L1
 9-21-15  10:48             532          33  2_WARPIN.L1
 9-21-15  10:48           1,299          33  2_WARPIN.L2
 9-21-15  10:53             659          31  3_ACPI.L1
 9-21-15  11:05           2,679          34  acpiwzrd.log
 9-21-15  10:50          74,052          33  CURRENT.LOG
 9-21-15  10:48           3,777          31  defrsp.l1
 9-21-15  10:48           3,046          31  defrsp.l2
 9-21-15  10:51          10,233          31  DIALOG.L1
 9-21-15  10:51         142,877          31  DIALOG.L2
 9-21-15  10:43           1,184          34  DISKUTIL.LOG
 9-21-15  10:46          10,821          33  display.log
 9-21-15  10:45           3,252          34  DSPINSTL.LOG
 9-21-15  10:51          11,812          33  ecsinst.log
 9-21-15  10:46           1,861          33  eidebug.log
 9-21-15  10:48             712          32  ewplog.log
 9-21-15  10:48              78          31  GRADD.LOG
 9-21-15  11:05           2,151          34  hardware.log
 9-21-15  10:49          17,126          34  IBMLSHST.LOG
 9-21-15  10:45          20,221          33  INSTALL.LOG
 9-21-15  10:51         639,112          33
 9-21-15  10:50          15,030          36
 9-21-15  10:49              44          34  LAPSHIST.LOG
 9-21-15  10:51           8,476          29  lcu.log
 9-23-15  17:46           1,093          33  minilvm.log
 9-16-15  11:57           3,212           0  NewView.log
 9-21-15  10:48           5,748          33  pathsed.log
 9-21-15  10:44             731          33  RAWDATA.ORG
 9-21-15  10:51             512          34  SAVLANLK.LOG
 9-21-15  10:44             767          33  SWAPNIC.LOG
 9-21-15  10:50           1,915          33  tcpinst.log
 9-28-15  13:38           1,012          34  USBSHOLD.LOG
 9-21-15  10:45              20          32  WINOS2.LOG
 9-21-15  10:50         196,236          34  WPINSTAL.LOG
 9-28-15  17:10         140,771           0  wpstart.log
 9-13-15  12:46           2,889           0  xwptrap.log
 9-23-15  18:08           8,470          29  yum.log
      2,656,246 bytes in 145 files and 3 dirs    2,699,776 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Config\log\20150921\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:45           2,598           0  1_ACPI.L1
 9-21-15  10:45             801           0  1_acpi.log
 9-21-15  10:46          19,852           0  1_BASE.L1
 9-21-15  10:45              57           0  1_config.l1
 9-21-15  10:45           7,982           0  1_config.l2
 9-21-15  10:46           1,340           0  1_DESK.L1
 9-21-15  10:46           1,656           0  1_DESK.L2
 9-21-15  10:45              27           0  1_DIAG.L2
 9-21-15  10:46           1,706           0  1_ECSPRD.L1
 9-21-15  10:46          16,705           0  1_ECSPRD.L2
 9-21-15  10:46           1,372           0  1_FINISH.L1
 9-21-15  10:46          14,120           0  1_FINISH.L2
 9-21-15  10:46              29           0  1_FLOPPY.L1
 9-21-15  10:45          39,493           0  1_HWINFO.LOG
 9-21-15  10:45           4,221           0  1_HWMERG.L1
 9-21-15  10:45           7,366           0  1_HWMERG.L2
 9-21-15  10:45             112           0  1_MIGRT.L1
 9-21-15  10:45              62           0  1_MIGRT.L2
 9-21-15  10:46              84           0  1_MNTDSK.L1
 9-21-15  10:46             618           0  1_MNTDSK.L2
 9-21-15  10:45           2,533           0  1_MPTS.L1
 9-21-15  10:45          19,922           0  1_MPTS.L2
 9-21-15  10:45           1,522           0  1_part.log
 9-21-15  10:45          15,354           0  1_PRNDRV.L1
 9-21-15  10:45          17,399           0  1_PRNDRV.L2
 9-21-15  10:45             114           0  1_PROTO.L1
 9-21-15  10:45             231           0  1_RPM.L1
 9-21-15  10:45         302,263           0  1_RPM.L2
 9-21-15  10:46              74           0  1_SNAP.L2
 9-21-15  10:46             245           0  1_VCFG.L2
 9-21-15  10:51             666           0  2_ACPI.L1
 9-21-15  10:48             630           0  2_ACPIK.L1
 9-21-15  10:51           1,215           0  2_ACPIW.L1
 9-21-15  10:48           1,339           0  2_AMOUSE.L1
 9-21-15  10:51          10,955           0  2_BIGICO.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             183           0  2_BIGICO.L2
 9-21-15  10:49             813           0  2_BOOKS.L2
 9-21-15  10:51             391           0  2_CAIRO.L1
 9-21-15  10:51              51           0  2_CDWECS.L1
 9-21-15  10:51           1,943           0  2_CDWECS.L2
 9-21-15  10:51             272           0  2_CDWIFS.L1
 9-21-15  10:48          89,595           0  2_CLIFI.L1
 9-21-15  10:48          89,467           0  2_CLIFI.L2
 9-21-15  10:50             144           0  2_CONET.L1
 9-21-15  10:50             172           0  2_CONET.L2
 9-21-15  10:51             568           0  2_DMT.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             224           0  2_DRGTXT.L1
 9-21-15  10:51           1,773           0  2_DRGTXT.L2
 9-21-15  10:51          19,485           0  2_DSSVR.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             119           0  2_DSSVR.L2
 9-21-15  10:51             343           0  2_ECOMKT.L1
 9-21-15  10:48           2,044           0  2_ECORT.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             129           0  2_ECSMT.L1
 9-21-15  10:51         197,274           0  2_ECUPS.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             196           0  2_EFDS.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             557           0  2_EFDS.L2
 9-21-15  10:51             248           0  2_ESAMBA.L1
 9-21-15  10:50              65           0  2_ESTLR.L1
 9-21-15  10:50         117,704           0  2_ESTLR.L2
 9-21-15  10:51           2,731           0  2_EVFS.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             919           0  2_FAT32.L1
 9-21-15  10:49             173           0  2_FFOX.L1
 9-21-15  10:49             157           0  2_FFOX.L2
 9-21-15  10:51          15,541           0  2_FINISH.L2
 9-21-15  10:50              41           0  2_FT2LIB.L1
 9-21-15  10:50             555           0  2_FT2LIB.L2
 9-21-15  10:48           1,055           0  2_GCC4.L1
 9-21-15  10:49           2,555           0  2_IAI.L1
 9-21-15  10:48             197           0  2_INITPH.L1
 9-21-15  10:48             295           0  2_INLIBC.L1
 9-21-15  10:50              48           0  2_JAVA6.L1
 9-21-15  10:50          36,833           0  2_JAVA6.L2
 9-21-15  10:48             328           0  2_KLIBC.L1
 9-21-15  10:51           2,155           0  2_LUCIDE.L1
 9-21-15  10:51          24,911           0  2_MMEDIA.L1
 9-21-15  10:51          13,942           0  2_MMEDIA.L2
 9-21-15  10:51           1,778           0  2_MMSND.L1
 9-21-15  10:51           2,073           0  2_MMSND.L2
 9-21-15  10:49              44           0  2_MPTSC.L1
 9-21-15  10:49             595           0  2_MPTSW.L1
 9-21-15  10:51           1,328           0  2_NEOWPS.L1
 9-21-15  10:50           1,672           0  2_ODIN.L1
 9-21-15  10:50             239           0  2_ODIN.L2
 9-21-15  10:49           7,515           0  2_OFONTS.L1
 9-21-15  10:49             119           0  2_OFONTS.L2
 9-21-15  10:49          17,126           0  2_PEER.L2
 9-21-15  10:49           1,720           0  2_PEER.L3
 9-21-15  10:51              71           0  2_PMVNC.L1
 9-21-15  10:51           1,750           0  2_PMVNC.L2
 9-21-15  10:51             500           0  2_PNGD.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             545           0  2_PRTMAN.L1
 9-21-15  10:51           2,781           0  2_QT4.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             350           0  2_QT4.L2
 9-21-15  10:51              68           0  2_RDESK.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             846           0  2_RDESK.L2
 9-21-15  10:51             120           0  2_SDDCFG.L2
 9-21-15  10:51             644           0  2_SGUIDE.L1
 9-21-15  10:51         126,598           0  2_SHUFL.L1
 9-21-15  10:51             121           0  2_SHUFL.L2
 9-21-15  10:51              63           0  2_SHUFL.L3
 9-21-15  10:49             183           0  2_TBIRD.L1
 9-21-15  10:49              87           0  2_TBIRD.L2
 9-21-15  10:50           1,915           0  2_TCPIP.L1
 9-21-15  10:50           3,937           0  2_TCPIP.L3
 9-21-15  10:51           1,490           0  2_TIMEST.L1
 9-21-15  10:48             404           0  2_UCLIP.L1
 9-21-15  10:51           1,031           0  2_USBDCK.L1
 9-21-15  10:48             532           0  2_WARPIN.L1
 9-21-15  10:48           1,299           0  2_WARPIN.L2
 9-21-15  10:50          74,052           0  CURRENT.LOG
 9-21-15  10:48           3,777           0  defrsp.l1
 9-21-15  10:48           3,046           0  defrsp.l2
 9-21-15  10:51          10,233           0  DIALOG.L1
 9-21-15  10:51         142,877           0  DIALOG.L2
 9-21-15  10:43           1,184           0  DISKUTIL.LOG
 9-21-15  10:46          10,821           0  display.log
 9-21-15  10:45           3,252           0  DSPINSTL.LOG
 9-21-15  10:46           1,861           0  eidebug.log
 9-21-15  10:48             712           0  ewplog.log
 9-21-15  10:48              78           0  GRADD.LOG
 9-21-15  10:45           2,144           0  HARDWARE.LOG
 9-21-15  10:49          17,126           0  IBMLSHST.LOG
 9-21-15  10:45          20,221           0  INSTALL.LOG
 9-21-15  10:46         197,825           0
 9-21-15  10:50          15,030           0
 9-21-15  10:49              44           0  LAPSHIST.LOG
 9-21-15  10:51           8,285           0  lcu.log
 9-21-15  10:48           5,748           0  pathsed.log
 9-21-15  10:44             731           0  RAWDATA.ORG
 9-21-15  10:51             512           0  SAVLANLK.LOG
 9-21-15  10:44             767           0  SWAPNIC.LOG
 9-21-15  10:50           1,915           0  tcpinst.log
 9-21-15  10:45              20           0  WINOS2.LOG
 9-21-15  10:50         196,236           0  WPINSTAL.LOG
 9-21-15  10:51           4,660           0  yum.log
      2,023,560 bytes in 135 files and 2 dirs    2,063,872 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Config\log\*
      4,679,806 bytes in 280 files and 5 dirs    4,763,648 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Config\SPOOL\*

 7-03-15  13:37         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  13:37         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Config\temp\*

 7-03-15  13:27         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  13:27         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:17           1,429           0  datbas_C.ini
 8-14-15  18:17           7,831           0  install.log
 9-23-15  18:04               0         177  qtsingleapplication-5e9b-0-lockfile
10-29-15   8:08       4,194,304           0  SWAPPER.DAT
 9-23-15  17:47               0         151  tmp0bb_kv
 9-23-15  17:37               0         151  tmp3pee47
 9-23-15  17:10               0         151  tmp4benbk
 9-23-15  17:27               0         151  tmp5bzlao
 9-23-15  17:33               0         151  tmp6dvx5u
 9-23-15  17:47               0         151  tmpa9nv1i
 9-23-15  17:31             313         151  tmpd3gtb3
 9-23-15  17:18             313         151  tmpd_euav
 9-21-15  10:51               0         151  tmpgrgjaq
 9-23-15  17:58               0         151  tmpj46qu9
 9-21-15  10:49               0         151  tmpjho_2x
 9-23-15  17:16             313         151  tmpjxv7ae
 9-23-15  17:37             313         151  tmpjzxaat
 9-21-15  10:51               0         151  tmpkitynh
 9-23-15  17:40               0         151  tmpkp5w6a
 9-23-15  17:41               0         151  tmpllu481
 9-23-15  17:49               0         151  tmpm5dshd
 9-23-15  17:31               0         151  tmpnfydrv
 9-23-15  18:06               0         151  tmpoi38bt
 9-23-15  17:47               0         151  tmpoomdil
 9-23-15  18:06               0         151  tmpozvtbv
 9-23-15  17:41               0         151  tmpp8ncmx
 9-23-15  17:27             313         151  tmppdrwmf
 9-23-15  17:40               0         151  tmppyab80
 9-23-15  17:16               0         151  tmpqfctkt
 9-23-15  17:33             313         151  tmpsgcnef
 9-23-15  17:47              63         151  tmptqjvgc
 9-23-15  17:58               0         151  tmpuvx8_m
 9-21-15  10:49               0         151  tmpv2jiz2
 9-23-15  17:18               0         151  tmpvuajip
 9-23-15  17:49               0         151  tmpyiofzy
 9-23-15  17:10               0         151  tmpy_cggm
 4-11-13  13:45         430,334          34  USBSHOLD.DLL
10-04-15  13:35             874           0  WP!1.PTR
 3-28-11  13:52           5,977          34  xsystray.dll
 9-23-15  17:34             489         182  yum_save_tx-2015-09-23-16-34fd0knn.yumtx
 9-23-15  17:44             445         182  yum_save_tx-2015-09-23-16-44okkdtv.yumtx
      4,643,624 bytes in 41 files and 2 dirs    4,659,712 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Config\*
     10,746,637 bytes in 332 files and 32 dirs    10,853,888 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>         8,842  OS!2 System
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>         4,656  Programs
 8-26-15  17:34         <DIR>           461  Trash Can
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>         8,584  Command Prompts
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           567  Drives
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           416  Minimized!!Window Viewer
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           564  Startup
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>         7,786  System Setup
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>        21,505  Templates
 9-16-15  12:14         <DIR>           407  XWorkplace Shutdown Folder
 9-16-15  12:13         <DIR>           485  XWorkplace Startup Folder
              0 bytes in 0 files and 10 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\Command Prompts\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\Drives\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\Minimized!!Window Viewer\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\Startup\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\System Setup\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>         1,418  Fonts
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           508  Hardware Manager
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\System Setup\Fonts\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\System Setup\Hardware Manager\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\System Setup\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 8 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\Templates\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>        20,745  Folder
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           325  Folder!1
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>         8,891  Multimedia Templates
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>         8,656  Templates for^Internet
 9-14-15  16:54         <DIR>           388  XWorkplace Startup Folder
 4-18-15   9:29             668       1,258  Bitmap.BMP
 4-18-15   9:29               0       3,593  Data File
 4-18-15   9:29           1,010       1,228  Icon.ICO
 4-18-15   9:29               0         244  JPGImage.JPG
 4-18-15   9:29             897       4,629  Metafile.MET
 4-18-15   9:29               0         242  MIDI.MID
 4-18-15   9:29             108         386  OS!2 Command File.CMD
 4-18-15   9:29             240       4,629  PIF file.PIF
 4-18-15   9:29           1,010       1,234  Pointer.PTR
 4-18-15   9:29               0         246  TIFImage.TIF
 4-18-15   9:29               0         261  WAVAudio.WAV
          3,933 bytes in 11 files and 7 dirs    10,240 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\Templates\Folder\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\Templates\Folder!1\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\Templates\Multimedia Templates\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           355  Lighttable
 4-18-15   9:29               0         279  AVCImage._IM
 4-18-15   9:29               0         285  AVIVideo.AVI
 4-18-15   9:29             668         275  Bitmap.BMP
 4-18-15   9:29               0         268  DIBImage.DIB
 4-18-15   9:29               0         268  GIFImage.GIF
 4-18-15   9:29               0         267  MIDI.MID
 4-18-15   9:29               0         268  PCXImage.PCX
 4-18-15   9:29               0         276  TargaImage.TGA
 4-18-15   9:29               0         271  TIFImage.TIF
 4-18-15   9:29               0         286  VIDImage.VID
 4-18-15   9:29               0         286  WAVAudio.WAV
            668 bytes in 11 files and 3 dirs    6,656 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\Templates\Multimedia Templates\Lighttable\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\Templates\Multimedia Templates\*
            668 bytes in 11 files and 5 dirs    6,656 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\Templates\Templates for^Internet\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           554  FTP Host
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           430  URL Folder
 4-18-15   9:29              68         255  HTML.HTM
 4-18-15   9:29               0         316  Java Applet Reference
 4-18-15   9:29               0         320  URL
             68 bytes in 3 files and 4 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\Templates\Templates for^Internet\FTP Host\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\Templates\Templates for^Internet\URL Folder\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\Templates\Templates for^Internet\*
             68 bytes in 3 files and 8 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\Templates\XWorkplace Startup Folder\*

 9-14-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-14-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\Templates\*
          4,669 bytes in 25 files and 26 dirs    19,456 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\XWorkplace Shutdown Folder\*

 9-16-15  12:14         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-16-15  12:14         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\XWorkplace Startup Folder\*

 9-16-15  12:13         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-16-15  12:13         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\OS!2 System\*
          4,669 bytes in 25 files and 56 dirs    24,576 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>        20,850  Applications
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>        20,814  Games
 4-18-15  22:02         <DIR>           693  Installed Software
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>        14,089  Utilities
              0 bytes in 0 files and 6 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Applications\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Games\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\*

 4-18-15  22:02         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  22:02         <DIR>             0  ..
10-15-15  17:02         <DIR>           585  Doodle's Screen Saver
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>           724  DOSBox2
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>        16,260  File Manager!2
 8-22-15  23:33         <DIR>           503  Kon
 9-24-15  10:32         <DIR>           569  lSwitcher
 7-03-15  12:55         <DIR>         7,178  OS!2 System Tools
 4-18-15  21:59         <DIR>           375  SciTech SNAP!Graphics!Pro
 8-14-15  18:17         <DIR>           519  WarpIN
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>        16,554  XWorkplace Installation
              0 bytes in 0 files and 11 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\Doodle's Screen Saver\*

10-15-15  17:02         <DIR>             0  . 
10-15-15  17:02         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\DOSBox2\*

 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\File Manager!2\*

 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>        16,017  FM!2 Docs
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>        16,019  FM!2 Tools
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\File Manager!2\FM!2 Docs\*

 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\File Manager!2\FM!2 Tools\*

 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\File Manager!2\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 8 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\Kon\*

 8-22-15  23:33         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-22-15  23:33         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\lSwitcher\*

 9-24-15  10:32         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-24-15  10:32         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\OS!2 System Tools\*

 7-03-15  12:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:55         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-03-15  12:55         <DIR>           342  Help
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\OS!2 System Tools\Help\*

 7-03-15  12:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:55         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\OS!2 System Tools\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\SciTech SNAP!Graphics!Pro\*

 4-18-15  21:59         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:59         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15  21:59              44         362  Change Log
 4-18-15  21:59              35         347  FTP site
 4-18-15  21:59              30         374  SciTech Marketplace^Consumer Products
            109 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\WarpIN\*

 8-14-15  18:17         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:17         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\XWorkplace Installation\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>           632  XWorkplace Configuration Folder
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\XWorkplace Installation\XWorkplace Configuration Folder\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>           521  Create ~new
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>           389  ~Command prompts
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>           384  ~XWorkplace
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\XWorkplace Installation\XWorkplace Configuration Folder\Create ~new\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
10-04-15  13:25         <DIR>        20,745  Folder
 8-26-15  17:30               0         248  Data file
              0 bytes in 1 file and 3 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\XWorkplace Installation\XWorkplace Configuration Folder\Create ~new\Folder\*

10-04-15  13:25         <DIR>             0  . 
10-04-15  13:25         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\XWorkplace Installation\XWorkplace Configuration Folder\Create ~new\*
              0 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\XWorkplace Installation\XWorkplace Configuration Folder\~Command prompts\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\XWorkplace Installation\XWorkplace Configuration Folder\~XWorkplace\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\XWorkplace Installation\XWorkplace Configuration Folder\*
              0 bytes in 1 file and 14 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\XWorkplace Installation\*
              0 bytes in 1 file and 17 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Installed Software\*
            109 bytes in 4 files and 53 dirs    10,752 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\Utilities\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Programs\*
            109 bytes in 4 files and 65 dirs    12,800 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\Trash Can\*

 8-26-15  17:34         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:34         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Desktop\*
          4,778 bytes in 29 files and 128 dirs    38,912 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Documents\*

 8-14-15  18:12         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:12         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Downloads\*

 8-14-15  18:12         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:12         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Music\*

 8-14-15  18:12         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:12         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Photos\*

 8-14-15  18:12         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:12         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Home\JohnDoe\Videos\*

 8-14-15  18:12         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:12         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Home\JohnDoe\*
     10,751,415 bytes in 361 files and 179 dirs    10,896,384 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Home\*
     10,751,415 bytes in 361 files and 182 dirs    10,896,896 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\NOWHERE\*

 8-14-15  18:22         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:22         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\*

 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-03-15  17:38         <DIR>           472  AppsCMD
 7-03-15  17:38         <DIR>           421  AppsPM
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           510  ARCHIVES
 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>         1,498  BOOT
 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>           668  DLL
 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>           519  DRIVERS
 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>           408  LANG
 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>           488  Maintenance Desktop
 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>           852  SYSTEM
10-29-01  22:56          70,720           0  CHKDSK.COM
 1-01-05   6:32           6,417           0  CHKDSK32.EXE
 2-19-01  11:14          87,418         417  chklgjfs.exe
10-29-15   8:08           1,905           0  gradd.mod
 3-17-04  16:22             199           0  SDDCFG.SAV
 3-17-04  16:22           1,738           0  svgadata.pmi
 9-14-15  16:58          12,580           0  video.cfg
 9-14-15  16:58          12,580           0  VIDEO.TFG
        193,557 bytes in 8 files and 11 dirs    200,192 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\AppsCMD\*

 7-03-15  17:38         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  17:38         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-13-07   9:13          14,889          33  HARDERR.EXE
10-29-01  23:01          32,047          30  SORT.EXE
10-14-03   9:47          45,024          34  SYSLEVEL.EXE
         91,960 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    92,672 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\AppsPM\*

 7-03-15  17:38         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  17:38         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-16-07  11:38          68,277       4,093  E.EXE
10-02-01  17:47          13,861       4,100  EHXDLMRI.DLL
         82,138 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    82,944 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           563  0X
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           359  CURRENT
 7-21-15  16:28             614           0  ARCHIVES.$$$
 4-18-15   9:29             133           0  OS2.KEY
 7-06-15  19:27              66           0  REGISTRY.KEY
            813 bytes in 3 files and 4 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           581  DESKTOP
 7-21-15  16:26         318,718           0  0 
 7-21-15  16:26         160,728           0  1 
 7-21-15  16:25           6,456         391  2 
 7-19-15  20:16              50         409  3 
 7-06-15  19:27           8,192           0  4 
 7-06-15  19:27           8,192           0  5 
 7-21-15  16:28           4,202           0  KEYS.$$$
        506,538 bytes in 7 files and 3 dirs    508,416 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>         8,675  OS!2 System
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>         4,602  Programs
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\OS!2 System\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>         8,483  Command Prompts
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           346  Drives
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           361  Minimized^Window Viewer
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           422  Startup
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>         8,604  System Setup
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>         1,046  Templates
              0 bytes in 0 files and 8 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\OS!2 System\Command Prompts\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\OS!2 System\Drives\*

 7-21-15  16:28         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-21-15  16:28         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\OS!2 System\Minimized^Window Viewer\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\OS!2 System\Startup\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\OS!2 System\System Setup\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           361  Hardware Manager
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\OS!2 System\System Setup\Hardware Manager\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\OS!2 System\System Setup\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\OS!2 System\Templates\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           324  Folder
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           325  Folder!1
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>         8,900  Multimedia Templates
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>         8,656  Templates for^Internet
 4-18-15   9:29             668       1,258  Bitmap.BMP
 4-18-15   9:29               0         223  Data File
 4-18-15   9:29               0         268  FORMATTED TRACE.FTF
 4-18-15   9:29           1,010       1,228  Icon.ICO
 4-18-15   9:29               0         254  INFERRED.ITF
 4-18-15   9:29               0         244  JPGImage.JPG
 4-18-15   9:29             897       4,629  Metafile.MET
 4-18-15   9:29               0         242  MIDI.MID
 4-18-15   9:29             108         386  OS!2 Command File.CMD
 4-18-15   9:29             240       4,629  PIF file.PIF
 4-18-15   9:29           1,010       1,234  Pointer.PTR
 4-18-15   9:29               0       2,950  RAW.TRC
 4-18-15   9:29               0       2,972  SYSLOG Error Log
 4-18-15   9:29               0         246  TIFImage.TIF
 4-18-15   9:29               0         272  UNFORMATTED TRACE.ITF
 4-18-15   9:29               0         261  WAVAudio.WAV
          3,933 bytes in 16 files and 6 dirs    12,288 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\OS!2 System\Templates\Folder\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\OS!2 System\Templates\Folder!1\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\OS!2 System\Templates\Multimedia Templates\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           355  Lighttable
 4-18-15   9:29               0         279  AVCImage._IM
 4-18-15   9:29               0         285  AVIVideo.AVI
 4-18-15   9:29             668         275  Bitmap.BMP
 4-18-15   9:29               0         268  DIBImage.DIB
 4-18-15   9:29               0         268  GIFImage.GIF
 4-18-15   9:29               0         267  MIDI.MID
 4-18-15   9:29               0         268  PCXImage.PCX
 4-18-15   9:29               0         276  TargaImage.TGA
 4-18-15   9:29               0         271  TIFImage.TIF
 4-18-15   9:29               0         286  VIDImage.VID
 4-18-15   9:29               0         286  WAVAudio.WAV
            668 bytes in 11 files and 3 dirs    6,656 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\OS!2 System\Templates\Multimedia Templates\Lighttable\*

 4-18-15   9:35         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:35         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\OS!2 System\Templates\Multimedia Templates\*
            668 bytes in 11 files and 5 dirs    6,656 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\OS!2 System\Templates\Templates for^Internet\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           554  FTP Host
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           430  URL Folder
 4-18-15   9:29              68         255  HTML.HTM
 4-18-15   9:29               0         316  Java Applet Reference
 4-18-15   9:29               0         320  URL
             68 bytes in 3 files and 4 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\OS!2 System\Templates\Templates for^Internet\FTP Host\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\OS!2 System\Templates\Templates for^Internet\URL Folder\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\OS!2 System\Templates\Templates for^Internet\*
             68 bytes in 3 files and 8 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\OS!2 System\Templates\*
          4,669 bytes in 30 files and 23 dirs    21,504 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\OS!2 System\*
          4,669 bytes in 30 files and 44 dirs    25,088 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\Programs\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-31-15  13:59         <DIR>           389  Applications
 7-31-15  13:59         <DIR>         8,463  Games
 7-31-15  13:59         <DIR>           475  Installed Software
 7-31-15  13:59         <DIR>           530  Utilities
              0 bytes in 0 files and 6 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\Programs\Applications\*

 7-31-15  13:59         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-31-15  13:59         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\Programs\Games\*

 7-31-15  13:59         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-31-15  13:59         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\Programs\Installed Software\*

 7-31-15  13:59         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-31-15  13:59         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-03-15  12:55         <DIR>         7,178  OS!2 System Tools
 4-18-15  21:59         <DIR>           375  SciTech SNAP!Graphics!Pro
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\Programs\Installed Software\OS!2 System Tools\*

 7-31-15  13:59         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-31-15  13:59         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-03-15  12:55         <DIR>           342  Help
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\Programs\Installed Software\OS!2 System Tools\Help\*

 7-31-15  13:59         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-31-15  13:59         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\Programs\Installed Software\OS!2 System Tools\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\Programs\Installed Software\SciTech SNAP!Graphics!Pro\*

 7-31-15  13:59         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-31-15  13:59         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15  21:59              44         362  Change Log
 4-18-15  21:59              35         347  FTP site
 4-18-15  21:59              30         374  SciTech Marketplace^Consumer Products
            109 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\Programs\Installed Software\*
            109 bytes in 3 files and 11 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\Programs\Utilities\*

 7-31-15  13:59         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-31-15  13:59         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\Programs\*
            109 bytes in 3 files and 23 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\DESKTOP\*
          4,778 bytes in 33 files and 71 dirs    31,232 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\0X\*
        511,316 bytes in 40 files and 74 dirs    539,648 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\CURRENT\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\OS2\ARCHIVES\*
        512,129 bytes in 43 files and 80 dirs    542,720 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\BOOT\*

 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>             0  ..
10-23-01  13:55             482           0  ALTF1.CMD
10-02-01  17:34               3           0  ALTF1BOT.SCR
 7-21-15  16:28              66           0  ALTF1MID.SCR
10-20-00  11:05             720           0
10-02-01  17:34             810           0  ALTF1TOP.SCR
10-29-15   8:08             512           0  ARCHBASE.$$$
 1-10-05  13:42             795         342  CHKDSK.SYS
 8-20-15  12:34           4,552         492  CLOCK01.SYS
 7-23-15  11:21           6,247         387  CONFIG.M
 7-23-15  11:21           6,247         401  CONFIG.X
 7-31-07  21:00          25,421         373  DaniATAPI.FLT
10-30-01  19:44          39,933         372  DANIDASD.DMD
 7-13-04  17:16           5,911          34  DANIN512.FLT
 9-13-10  20:24          75,230         372  DANIS506.ADD
 5-12-08  11:05          31,194          33  DANIS506.EA
 9-13-10  20:24          53,381          34  DANIS506.MAP
 9-13-10  20:24          16,276          34  DANIS506.SYM
 1-17-03  14:52          24,652          34  IBMIDECD.FLT
 5-21-02  15:46          11,522           0  IBMINT13.I13
12-21-05  13:24           8,766         576  IBMKBD.SYS
10-25-01  17:52          21,374         208  ISAPNP.SNP
 8-20-15  12:34          25,005         254  KBDBASE.SYS
10-03-01   6:45         315,109         238  KEYBOARD.DCP
 2-16-07  10:21          32,519          54  OS2LVM.DMD
 5-17-02  12:52           2,860          32  PCIDEV.TBL
10-25-01  17:51           2,152           0  PNP.SYS
 3-04-14   0:33           4,148          33  PRINT01.SYM
 3-04-14   0:33          16,894          33  PRINT01.SYS
 5-21-02  15:36          55,402         342  RESOURCE.SYS
 3-22-06   9:47          12,364         496  SCREEN01.SYS
 9-24-01  17:45           2,554         576  TIMER0.SYS
 9-04-02  17:31          20,014           0  unicode.bak
 8-23-15  18:37          20,014           0  unicode.sys
10-03-01   6:43         225,355           0  VIOTBL.DCP
      1,068,484 bytes in 34 files and 2 dirs    1,077,248 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\DLL\*

 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>             0  ..
10-16-01  13:57          77,826           0  COURIER.FON
 2-13-07   9:13         137,659           0  DOSCALL1.DLL
10-16-01  13:57         171,252           0  HELV.FON
 9-14-01  16:03          81,440         405  REGISTRY.OLD
10-16-01  15:01          21,294           0  SYSMONO.FON
10-16-01  13:57         166,150           0  TIMES.FON
        655,621 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    657,408 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\DRIVERS\*

 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>           445  snap
 9-24-01  15:46          50,947         371  COUNTRY.SYS
10-16-01  13:56           6,815          75  PMDD.SYS
 5-21-02  16:10           3,846         371  POINTDD.SYS
 5-21-02  16:11           9,808          33  TESTCFG.SYS
         71,416 bytes in 4 files and 3 dirs    73,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\DRIVERS\snap\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>           386  config
 9-26-06  14:54          72,950           0  agp.bpd
 9-26-06  14:54      13,164,626           0  graphics.bpd
     13,237,576 bytes in 2 files and 3 dirs    13,238,784 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\DRIVERS\snap\config\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>           487  graphics
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\DRIVERS\snap\config\graphics\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15  22:00           7,987           0  crtc00.dat
10-29-15   8:08           5,974           0  graphics.log
 9-26-06  14:54         624,331           0  monitor.dbx
 9-26-06  14:54             692           0  options.dat
        638,984 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    640,000 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\DRIVERS\snap\config\*
        638,984 bytes in 4 files and 5 dirs    640,512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\DRIVERS\snap\*
     13,876,560 bytes in 6 files and 8 dirs    13,879,296 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\DRIVERS\*
     13,947,976 bytes in 10 files and 11 dirs    13,952,512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\LANG\*

 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>         4,932  CODEPAGE
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\LANG\CODEPAGE\*

 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>             0  ..
10-03-01   6:33           2,304           0  IBM37
10-03-01   6:33           4,864           0  IBM259
10-03-01   6:33           2,304           0  IBM273
10-03-01   6:33           2,304           0  IBM277
10-03-01   6:33           2,304           0  IBM278
10-03-01   6:33           2,272           0  IBM280
10-03-01   6:33           2,272           0  IBM282
10-03-01   6:33           2,304           0  IBM284
10-03-01   6:33           2,304           0  IBM285
10-03-01   6:33           2,272           0  IBM290
10-03-01   6:33           3,040           0  IBM293
10-03-01   6:33           2,272           0  IBM297
10-03-01   6:33          94,432           0  IBM300
10-03-01   6:33          83,168           0  IBM301
10-03-01   6:33           3,584           0  IBM361
10-03-01   6:33           4,864           0  IBM363
10-03-01   6:33           2,016           0  IBM367
10-03-01   6:33           3,584           0  IBM382
10-03-01   6:33           3,584           0  IBM383
10-03-01   6:33           3,584           0  IBM385
10-03-01   6:33           3,584           0  IBM386
10-03-01   6:33           3,584           0  IBM387
10-03-01   6:33           3,584           0  IBM388
10-03-01   6:33           3,584           0  IBM389
10-03-01   6:33           3,584           0  IBM391
10-03-01   6:33           3,584           0  IBM392
10-03-01   6:33           3,584           0  IBM393
10-03-01   6:33           3,584           0  IBM394
10-03-01   6:33           3,584           0  IBM395
10-03-01   6:33           3,040           0  IBM420
10-03-01   6:33           2,528           0  IBM424
10-03-01   6:33           4,576           0  IBM437
10-03-01   6:33           2,304           0  IBM500
10-03-01   6:33           3,072           0  IBM813
10-03-01   6:33           2,816           0  IBM819
10-03-01   6:33           3,840           0  IBM829
10-03-01   6:33           2,272           0  IBM833
10-03-01   6:33         148,704           0  IBM834
10-03-01   6:33         125,152           0  IBM835
10-03-01   6:33          84,704           0  IBM837
10-03-01   6:33           2,272           0  IBM838
10-03-01   6:33           4,320           0  IBM850
10-03-01   6:33           3,840           0  IBM851
10-03-01   6:33           4,608           0  IBM852
10-03-01   6:33           4,320           0  IBM855
10-03-01   6:33           4,064           0  IBM856
10-03-01   6:33           4,352           0  IBM857
10-03-01   6:33           4,320           0  IBM859
10-03-01   6:33           4,320           0  IBM860
10-03-01   6:33           4,064           0  IBM861
10-03-01   6:33           4,576           0  IBM862
10-03-01   6:33           4,096           0  IBM863
10-03-01   6:33           4,576           0  IBM864
10-03-01   6:33           4,064           0  IBM865
10-03-01   6:33           4,320           0  IBM866
10-03-01   6:33           4,576           0  IBM868
10-03-01   6:33           4,320           0  IBM869
10-03-01   6:33           2,560           0  IBM870
10-03-01   6:33           2,304           0  IBM871
10-03-01   6:33           2,784           0  IBM874
10-03-01   6:33           2,528           0  IBM875
10-03-01   6:33           3,328           0  IBM878
10-03-01   6:33           3,296           0  IBM891
10-03-01   6:33           2,304           0  IBM895
10-03-01   6:33           2,048           0  IBM896
10-03-01   6:33           3,296           0  IBM897
10-03-01   6:33           3,296           0  IBM903
10-03-01   6:33           3,040           0  IBM904
10-03-01   6:33           3,808           0  IBM907
10-03-01   6:33           3,808           0  IBM909
10-03-01   6:33           3,808           0  IBM910
10-03-01   6:33           2,560           0  IBM912
10-03-01   6:33           2,560           0  IBM913
10-03-01   6:33           2,560           0  IBM914
10-03-01   6:33           2,560           0  IBM915
10-03-01   6:33           2,560           0  IBM916
10-03-01   6:33           3,040           0  IBM918
10-03-01   6:33           2,560           0  IBM920
10-03-01   6:33           3,040           0  IBM921
10-03-01   6:33           3,040           0  IBM922
10-03-01   6:33           2,784           0  IBM923
10-03-01   6:33           2,784           0  IBM924
10-03-01   6:33          94,976           0  IBM930
10-03-01   6:33          94,976           0  IBM931
10-03-01   6:33         149,248           0  IBM933
10-03-01   6:33          85,248           0  IBM935
10-03-01   6:33         125,696           0  IBM937
10-03-01   6:33          94,976           0  IBM939
10-03-01   6:34          87,264           0  IBM941
10-03-01   6:34          83,712           0  IBM942
10-03-01   6:34          87,808           0  IBM943
10-03-01   6:34         112,896           0  IBM944
10-03-01   6:34          84,736           0  IBM946
10-03-01   6:34         131,808           0  IBM947
10-03-01   6:34         125,696           0  IBM948
10-03-01   6:34         136,448           0  IBM949
10-03-01   6:34         132,352           0  IBM950
10-03-01   6:34          89,856           0  IBM952
10-03-01   6:34          83,200           0  IBM953
10-03-01   6:34         140,864           0  IBM954
10-03-01   6:34          89,856           0  IBM955
10-03-01   6:34         174,456           0  IBM964
10-03-01   6:34         169,776           0  IBM970
10-03-01   6:34         124,160           0  IBM971
10-03-01   6:33           3,584           0  IBM1004
10-03-01   6:33           3,040           0  IBM1006
10-03-01   6:33           2,816           0  IBM1008
10-03-01   6:33           2,560           0  IBM1025
10-03-01   6:33           2,560           0  IBM1026
10-03-01   6:33           2,304           0  IBM1027
10-03-01   6:33           3,072           0  IBM1028
10-03-01   6:33           4,608           0  IBM1038
10-03-01   6:33           3,296           0  IBM1041
10-03-01   6:33           3,040           0  IBM1043
10-03-01   6:33           3,040           0  IBM1046
10-03-01   6:33           2,304           0  IBM1047
10-03-01   6:33           3,296           0  IBM1051
10-03-01   6:33           3,552           0  IBM1088
10-03-01   6:33           2,560           0  IBM1089
10-03-01   6:33           4,832           0  IBM1092
10-03-01   6:33           3,040           0  IBM1097
10-03-01   6:33           4,576           0  IBM1098
10-03-01   6:33           2,528           0  IBM1112
10-03-01   6:33           3,552           0  IBM1114
10-03-01   6:33           3,296           0  IBM1115
10-03-01   6:33           3,808           0  IBM1116
10-03-01   6:33           3,552           0  IBM1117
10-03-01   6:33           4,320           0  IBM1118
10-03-01   6:33           4,096           0  IBM1119
10-03-01   6:33           2,560           0  IBM1122
10-03-01   6:33           2,528           0  IBM1123
10-03-01   6:33           2,528           0  IBM1124
10-03-01   6:33           4,320           0  IBM1125
10-03-01   6:33           4,320           0  IBM1131
10-03-01   6:33           2,816           0  IBM1140
10-03-01   6:33           2,784           0  IBM1141
10-03-01   6:33           2,816           0  IBM1142
10-03-01   6:33           2,816           0  IBM1143
10-03-01   6:33           2,784           0  IBM1144
10-03-01   6:33           2,784           0  IBM1145
10-03-01   6:33           2,816           0  IBM1146
10-03-01   6:33           2,784           0  IBM1147
10-03-01   6:33           2,816           0  IBM1148
10-03-01   6:33           2,816           0  IBM1149
10-03-01   6:33           2,784           0  IBM1200
10-03-01   6:33             704           0  IBM1207
10-03-01   6:33             720           0  IBM1208
10-03-01   6:33           3,552           0  IBM1250
10-03-01   6:33           3,328           0  IBM1251
10-03-01   6:33           3,552           0  IBM1252
10-03-01   6:33           3,552           0  IBM1253
10-03-01   6:33           3,552           0  IBM1254
10-03-01   6:33           3,808           0  IBM1255
10-03-01   6:33           4,320           0  IBM1256
10-03-01   6:33           3,296           0  IBM1257
10-03-01   6:33           5,600           0  IBM1275
10-03-01   6:33           3,072           0  IBM1276
10-03-01   6:33           2,816           0  IBM1277
10-03-01   6:33           4,832           0  IBM1280
10-03-01   6:33           5,344           0  IBM1281
10-03-01   6:33           5,120           0  IBM1282
10-03-01   6:33           4,832           0  IBM1283
10-03-01   6:33         109,792           0  IBM1381
10-03-01   6:33         127,344           0  IBM1383
10-03-01   6:33         125,200           0  IBM1386
10-03-01   6:34          15,616           0  OS2UGL
11-22-99  11:42           1,789           0  UCSTBL.LST
      3,860,213 bytes in 167 files and 2 dirs    3,888,640 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\LANG\*
      3,860,213 bytes in 167 files and 5 dirs    3,889,152 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\Maintenance Desktop\*

 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>         8,634  OS!2 System
 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>         4,388  Programs
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\Maintenance Desktop\OS!2 System\*

 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>         8,429  Command Prompts
 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>           338  Drives
 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>           361  Minimized^Window Viewer
 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>           339  Startup
 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>         8,425  System Setup
              0 bytes in 0 files and 7 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\Maintenance Desktop\OS!2 System\Command Prompts\*

 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\Maintenance Desktop\OS!2 System\Drives\*

 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\Maintenance Desktop\OS!2 System\Minimized^Window Viewer\*

 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\Maintenance Desktop\OS!2 System\Startup\*

 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\Maintenance Desktop\OS!2 System\System Setup\*

 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>         8,434  Install!Remove
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\Maintenance Desktop\OS!2 System\System Setup\Install!Remove\*

 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\OS2\Maintenance Desktop\OS!2 System\System Setup\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\Maintenance Desktop\OS!2 System\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 20 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\Maintenance Desktop\Programs\*

 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>           340  Utilities
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\Maintenance Desktop\Programs\Utilities\*

 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:14         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\OS2\Maintenance Desktop\Programs\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\Maintenance Desktop\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 29 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\*

 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-03-15  12:38         <DIR>           726  BIDI
 7-03-15  12:38         <DIR>           660  FFST
 4-18-15   9:19         <DIR>           757  IBMCOM
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           574  IBMLAN
 7-03-15  12:38         <DIR>           853  IFS
 7-03-15  12:48         <DIR>           581  IPF
 7-03-15  12:48         <DIR>           698  LIBC
 7-03-15  12:48         <DIR>           757  LVM
 4-18-15   9:17         <DIR>         1,416  MMOS2
 4-18-15   9:19         <DIR>           662  MPTN
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           581  MUGLIB
 7-03-15  12:51         <DIR>         1,024  PM
 7-03-15  12:51         <DIR>           778  REXX
 7-03-15  12:52         <DIR>         1,020  SOM
 7-03-15  12:52         <DIR>           628  SPOOLER
 7-03-15  12:53         <DIR>           720  UNICODE
 7-03-15  12:53         <DIR>           897  VIDEO
 7-03-15  12:52         <DIR>           983  WPS
 9-28-15  17:24           8,192           0  SYSTEM.DAT
 9-28-15  17:24           8,192           0  USER.DAT
         16,384 bytes in 2 files and 20 dirs    25,600 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\BIDI\*

 7-03-15  12:38         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:38         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-14-01  15:16          33,519          95  BDCALL32.DLL
 9-14-01  15:17          11,911         503  BDIME.DLL
 2-16-07  12:00          24,832         505  BDWPCLS.DLL
 9-06-00  12:45           6,681         621  IMP.DLL
 9-14-01  15:17          13,611         431  PMBIDI.DLL
         90,554 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    92,160 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\FFST\*

 7-03-15  12:38         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:38         <DIR>             0  ..
10-19-01   8:54           1,065          33  epwinit.dll
10-18-01  15:43          47,952          34  epwnl001.dll
10-29-01  20:43          11,425         429  FFST.DLL
         60,442 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    61,440 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\IBMCOM\*

 7-03-15  16:04         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  16:04         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:19         <DIR>           558  MACS
 4-18-15   9:19         <DIR>           560  PROTOCOL
 5-21-04  14:13           3,684           0  lanmsgdd.os2
10-29-15   8:08               0           0  LANTRAN.LOG
11-02-01  13:08           2,536           0  pro.msg
 5-21-04  14:12          22,548           0  protman.os2
 7-31-15  10:27             280          35  PROTOCOL.INI
         29,048 bytes in 5 files and 4 dirs    31,744 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\IBMCOM\MACS\*

 7-03-15  16:04         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  16:04         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-13-97  11:23          82,730           0  ibmeandi.os2
         82,730 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    82,944 bytes allocated


 7-03-15  16:04         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  16:04         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-21-04  14:12          13,753         359  NETBIND.EXE
         13,753 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    13,824 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\IBMCOM\*
        125,531 bytes in 7 files and 8 dirs    128,512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\IBMLAN\*

 7-03-15  15:41         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  15:41         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           556  NETLIB
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\IBMLAN\NETLIB\*

 7-03-15  15:41         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  15:41         <DIR>             0  ..
10-10-01  15:58             904         224  LRINIT.DLL
            904 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\IBMLAN\*
            904 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\IFS\*

 7-03-15  12:38         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:38         <DIR>             0  ..
10-02-01  18:20          13,870          31  CACHE.EXE
 1-10-05  13:42          45,159          30  CDFS.IFS
 1-01-05   6:43         147,268          34  CHKDSK32.DLL
 1-10-05  13:41         141,378          30  HPFS.IFS
10-16-01  13:43           6,495          34  JFSCHK32.EXE
 9-24-01  15:53          13,264          31  UCDFS.DLL
 9-24-01  15:53           2,196          31  UCDFS.MSG
 1-30-06  17:02         132,569          29  UDF.IFS
 1-10-05  13:42         105,008          31  UHPFS.DLL
 1-30-06  17:03         395,020          30  UUDF.DLL
      1,002,227 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    1,005,056 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\IPF\*

 7-03-15  12:48         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:48         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-13-07  10:04         250,171         416  HELPMGR.DLL
        250,171 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    250,368 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\LIBC\*

 7-03-15  12:48         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:48         <DIR>             0  ..
10-03-01   6:37           9,590          30  LIBC.MSG
11-22-99  11:45         210,916         275  LIBCM.DLL
11-22-99  11:45          57,340         275  LIBCN.DLL
10-03-01   6:37             760          33  LIBCREG.MSG
11-22-99  11:45         192,386         275  LIBCS.DLL
        470,992 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    471,552 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\LVM\*

 7-03-15  12:48         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:48         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-16-07  10:22          32,513          82  ENGINE.DLL
 2-16-07  10:20         170,486          79  LVM.DLL
 2-16-07  10:36          93,069          86  LVM.EXE
 2-16-07  10:21          18,184          29  LVM.MSG
10-16-01  13:26             912          29  LVM.REP
10-16-01  13:26          22,828          91  LVMALERT.EXE
 2-16-07  10:21          21,126          30  LVMH.MSG
        359,118 bytes in 7 files and 2 dirs    360,448 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\MMOS2\*

 4-18-15   9:17         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:17         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:17         <DIR>           822  DLL
 7-26-01  13:39             691           0  AUDIODD.MSG
 9-21-01  11:47           5,648           0  AUDIOVDD.SYS
10-05-00  13:14             135         208  DIVE.INI
10-25-01  17:43          26,328           0  MIDI.SYS
 9-24-01  17:47           9,312           0  MIDIDMON.EXE
 4-18-15   9:29               0           0  MMCLSSET.INI
 7-26-01  13:39             728         208  MME.MSG
10-29-15   8:08               0           0  MMPM.!!!
 9-13-15  12:45           2,125           0  MMPM.INI
 7-19-15  21:08           4,323           0  MMPM2.INI
 4-18-15   9:38          15,499         208  MMPMCD.INI
10-05-00  13:17          19,767           0  MMPMCONN.INI
 7-19-15  12:14          23,062           0  MMPMMMIO.INI
10-05-00  13:48           4,547         379  MPMCDIMG.CMD
10-05-00  17:26           8,512           0  PLAY.CMD
 7-26-01  13:59          24,654         387  QRYMMCD.EXE
 7-26-01  13:59           7,252         342  R0STUB.SYS
10-05-00  17:26           4,261           0  RECORD.CMD
10-05-00  13:08          65,536           0  RGBTOYUV.LUT
 9-21-01  11:49          64,424           0  SB16D2.SYS
10-25-01  18:12          43,948           0  SBPD2.SYS
10-05-00  13:50           1,652           0  SETDEFV.CMD
 4-18-15   9:38          10,010           0  SPI.INI
 7-26-01  15:48          36,813           0  SSMDD.SYS
 9-21-01  11:47           3,584           0  VAUDIO.SYS
 7-26-01  14:37          21,202         342  VCSHDD.SYS
        404,013 bytes in 26 files and 3 dirs    412,160 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\MMOS2\DLL\*

 4-18-15   9:17         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:17         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-23-04  23:42          69,662         442  dive.dll
 7-26-01  13:42          22,890          49  FILT.DLL
 7-26-01  13:37           4,462          49  HHP.DLL
 7-26-01  18:38          29,432           0  MDM.DLL
 7-26-01  13:38           4,118          49  MMIO.DLL
 7-26-01  15:53         432,003           0  MMPM.DLL
 7-26-01  13:36         102,483          49  MMPMCRTS.DLL
 7-26-01  18:39          25,752          49  SND.DLL
 7-26-01  13:41          66,505          49  SW.DLL
        757,307 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    759,808 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\MMOS2\*
      1,161,320 bytes in 35 files and 5 dirs    1,171,968 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\MPTN\*

 7-03-15  16:19         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  16:19         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:19         <DIR>           825  BIN
 4-18-15   9:19         <DIR>           604  DLL
 4-18-15   9:19         <DIR>           710  ETC
 4-18-15   9:19         <DIR>           381  MSG
 4-18-15   9:19         <DIR>           757  PROTOCOL
              0 bytes in 0 files and 7 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\MPTN\BIN\*

 7-03-15  16:19         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  16:19         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-21-04  11:11          67,201           0  arp.exe
 9-18-01  17:48          55,915           0  cntrl.exe
 5-21-04  11:11         256,127           0  dhcpcd.exe
 5-21-04  11:11          77,432           0  dhcpstrt.exe
 9-18-01  17:48          49,275           0  ifconfig.exe
 9-18-01  17:48          35,436           0  inetwait.exe
 7-03-15  16:25             875         238  MPTCONFG.INI
11-02-01  13:00           2,213           0  mptn.msg
 7-19-15  12:17             268          35  MPTSTART.CMD
 9-18-01  17:48          51,304           0  ping.exe
 5-21-04  11:14          63,100           0  route.exe
 4-18-15   9:31             231           0  setup.cmd
 4-18-15   9:31             230           0  setup.tcp
 4-18-15   9:19             231           0  setup.tcp.bak
        659,838 bytes in 14 files and 2 dirs    664,576 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\MPTN\DLL\*

 7-03-15  16:19         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  16:19         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-18-01  17:48         289,606           0  ddnsres.dll
 9-18-01  17:48          14,397           0  so32dll.dll
 9-18-01  17:48          19,293         342  tcp32dll.dll
 5-21-04  11:15          98,611           0  tcpip32.dll
 9-18-01  17:48          14,344           0  tcpipdll.dll
 5-21-04  11:21          36,474           0  tcpmri.dll
 5-21-04  11:21         134,125           0  tnls32.dll
        606,850 bytes in 7 files and 2 dirs    608,768 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\MPTN\ETC\*

 7-03-15  16:19         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  16:19         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:31         <DIR>           841  DAT
10-29-15   8:08          66,168           0  dhcpc.db
 4-18-15   9:31          12,717           0  dhcpcd.cfg
 9-18-01  17:48          12,628           0  DHCPCD.MPT
 4-18-15   9:19          12,628           0  dhcpcd.tcp
 7-06-15  19:23             167           0  DHCPMON.INI
 9-17-01   9:08             334           0  dhcprd.cfg
 4-18-15   9:31              53           0  hosts
 9-17-01   9:12           1,364           0  hosts.lpd
 9-18-01  17:48           5,451           0  protocol
10-29-15   8:08              99           0  RESOLV2
 4-18-15   9:31             157           0  TCPOS2.INI
        111,766 bytes in 11 files and 3 dirs    115,200 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\MPTN\ETC\DAT\*

 7-03-15  16:19         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  16:19         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-17-01   9:07             297           0  CFGSYS.DAT
 9-17-01   9:11             291           0  LOCK.DAT
 9-17-01   9:07             485           0  RSVPD.DAT
 9-17-01   9:07           2,223           0  TCPNBK.DAT
 9-17-01   9:07           3,057           0  TOXDHCP.DAT
 9-17-01   9:07           2,141           0  TOXHOSTS.DAT
 9-17-01   9:07           5,818           0  TOXINETD.DAT
 9-17-01   9:07           1,910           0  toxreslv.dat
 9-17-01   9:07           1,653           0  TOXRHOST.DAT
 9-17-01   9:07           6,005           0  TOXSETUP.DAT
 9-17-01   9:07           2,011           0  TOXSXCFG.DAT
 9-17-01   9:07           2,128           0  TOXSXENV.DAT
 9-17-01   9:07           6,582           0  TOXTCPST.DAT
 9-17-01   9:07           1,699           0  TOXTFTP.DAT
 9-17-01   9:14           1,697           0  TOXTFTPA.DAT
         37,997 bytes in 15 files and 2 dirs    41,472 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\MPTN\ETC\*
        149,763 bytes in 26 files and 5 dirs    156,672 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\MPTN\MSG\*

 7-03-15  16:19         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  16:19         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:19         <DIR>           641  NLS
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\MPTN\MSG\NLS\*

 7-03-15  16:19         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  16:19         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-18-01  17:50          12,397           0  ddnscfg.dll
 9-18-01  17:50          20,077           0  dhcpmres.dll
 9-18-01  17:50             641           0
 9-18-01  17:50          13,773           0
 9-18-01  17:50           6,446           0
 9-18-01  17:50           9,104           0
 9-18-01  17:50           3,781           0
 9-18-01  17:50          21,273           0
 9-18-01  17:50           1,176           0
         88,668 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    91,136 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\MPTN\MSG\*
         88,668 bytes in 9 files and 5 dirs    91,648 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\MPTN\PROTOCOL\*

 7-03-15  16:19         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  16:19         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-21-04  11:15         320,512         370  afinet.sys
 5-21-04  11:15         318,976           0  afinetk.sys
 5-21-04  11:15         219,648           0  aflean.sys
 5-21-04  14:08          41,573          61  afnb.sys
 5-21-04  11:15          13,312           0  afos2.sys
 9-18-01  17:49          32,880           0  cdmf.sys
 9-18-01  17:49          30,832           0  des.sys
 9-18-01  17:49          17,008           0  fwip.sys
 9-18-01  17:49          27,248           0  ipsec.sys
 9-18-01  17:49           9,328           0  md5.sys
 5-21-04  11:16         120,320           0  sockets.sys
 5-21-04  11:16         128,512           0  socketsk.sys
      1,280,149 bytes in 12 files and 2 dirs    1,282,560 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\MPTN\*
      2,785,268 bytes in 68 files and 23 dirs    2,806,784 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\MUGLIB\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>           702  DLL
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\MUGLIB\DLL\*

 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:29         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-23-04  20:39         271,610          49  NETAPI.DLL
 3-23-04  20:37          63,634          61  NETAPI32.DLL
10-11-01   2:27         200,866           0  NETAPINC.DLL
10-10-01  15:11           2,289           0  NETOEM.DLL
10-10-01  18:44           6,588           0  NETSPOOL.DLL
        544,987 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    546,304 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\MUGLIB\*
        544,987 bytes in 5 files and 5 dirs    546,816 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\PM\*

 7-03-15  12:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-16-01  14:47           1,598          31  OS2SM.DLL
10-16-01  13:43             721         263  PMCTL.MSG
10-16-01  13:43           1,680          31  PMCTL.REP
 2-13-07  17:51         587,672       3,264  PMCTLS.DLL
10-16-01  13:31         248,446          76  PMGPI.DLL
 2-13-07  17:52       1,270,499          94  PMMERGE.DLL
 2-13-07   9:54         134,144          34  PMMRGRES.DLL
10-16-01  13:41          15,872          33  PMSDMRI.DLL
 2-16-07  11:29           6,484          90  PMSHELL.EXE
 9-06-00  12:45          44,232          34  PMSHLTKT.DLL
 2-16-07  10:48         280,283          31  PMSPL.DLL
10-16-01  14:59          43,823         431  PMUNIF.DLL
 2-13-07  10:06          64,242       4,098  PMVIOP.DLL
10-25-01  17:17          64,185         274  PROG.DLL
10-16-01  22:03          49,167          79  SEAMLESS.DLL
      2,813,048 bytes in 15 files and 2 dirs    2,817,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\REXX\*

 7-03-15  12:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-06-00  12:42           2,865          29  REX.MSG
 9-06-00  12:42          18,714          30  REXH.MSG
 9-06-00  12:42         266,031         368  REXX.DLL
 9-06-00  12:42          40,995          33  REXXAPI.DLL
 9-06-00  12:42          79,348         465  REXXCRT.DLL
 9-06-00  12:42           8,360          34  REXXINIT.DLL
 9-06-00  12:42          68,119          34  REXXUTIL.DLL
        484,432 bytes in 7 files and 2 dirs    486,400 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\SOM\*

 7-03-15  12:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:13         <DIR>           537  ETC
 6-30-99  16:33          92,009          29  SOM.DLL
 6-30-99  16:34         267,470          30  SOMD.DLL
 6-30-99  16:34          15,056          30  SOMD.MSG
 6-30-99  16:28          37,904          31  SOMDD.EXE
 6-30-99  16:28          34,912          33  SOMDSVR.EXE
 6-30-99  16:34          40,084         443  SOMEM.DLL
 6-30-99  16:34             780          34  SOME_OS2.MSG
 6-30-99  16:34          87,628          31  SOMIR.DLL
 6-30-99  16:34           3,718          30  SOMK.MSG
 6-30-99  16:34          23,106          30  SOMS.DLL
 6-30-99  16:34          32,878          32  SOMSEC.DLL
 6-30-99  16:34          30,484          31  SOMTC.DLL
 6-30-99  16:34          81,044          30  SOMU.DLL
 6-30-99  16:34          81,700          31  SOMUC.DLL
        828,773 bytes in 14 files and 3 dirs    834,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\SOM\ETC\*

 7-06-15   9:07         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-06-15   9:07         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15   9:13         <DIR>             0  DSOM
 9-06-00  12:42          66,058           0  REXX.IR
 6-30-99  16:28         496,503           0  SOM.IR
10-02-01  17:44          60,855           0  WPDSERV.IR
10-02-01  17:35         274,823           0  WPSH.IR
        898,239 bytes in 4 files and 3 dirs    899,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\SOM\ETC\DSOM\*

 7-06-15   9:07         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-06-15   9:07         <DIR>             0  ..
10-02-01  17:44           6,384           0  SOMDCLS.DAT
10-02-01  17:44           6,844           0  SOMDCLS.TOC
10-02-01  17:44           1,012           0  SOMDIMPL.DAT
10-02-01  17:44              60           0  SOMDIMPL.TOC
         14,300 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    15,360 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\SOM\ETC\*
        912,539 bytes in 8 files and 5 dirs    914,944 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\SOM\*
      1,741,312 bytes in 22 files and 8 dirs    1,748,992 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\SPOOLER\*

 7-03-15  12:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-16-07  10:48          10,574          90  PMSPOOL.EXE
 2-16-07  10:48           7,125          76  SPL1B.DLL
         17,699 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    17,920 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\UNICODE\*

 7-03-15  12:53         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:53         <DIR>             0  ..
10-03-01   6:34          11,334         505  GLOCMRI.DLL
 9-04-02  17:34          80,766         437  LIBUNI.DLL
 9-04-02  17:31         108,353         437  LOCALE.DLL
 9-04-02  17:30          23,331         436  UCONV.DLL
 9-04-02  17:31          29,027         437  UNIKBD.DLL
        252,811 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    253,952 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\VIDEO\*

 7-03-15  12:53         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:53         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-06   9:47          33,712          78  bvhsvga.dll
 3-22-06   9:47          42,535          77  bvhvga.dll
 9-10-01  16:17          16,797          78  BVHWNDW.DLL
10-16-01  13:52         376,488         361  dspres.dll
 3-24-06  14:21          21,325          34  gre2vman.dll
 2-13-07   9:35         417,095          79  SOFTDRAW.DLL
 3-22-06   9:02          13,354          33  vcfgmri.dll
 3-22-06   9:47          59,918          91  videocfg.dll
 3-22-06   9:47          65,161          79  videopmi.dll
 3-22-06  14:20          67,993          87  vman.dll
      1,114,378 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    1,117,184 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\WPS\*

 7-03-15  12:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-16-07  12:02       1,067,417       4,474  PMWP.DLL
10-02-01  17:34             424          30  PMWP.MSG
10-02-01  17:34             976          30  PMWP.REP
 2-16-07  10:44          54,311         411  PMWPMRI.DLL
 2-16-07  12:03          13,423          32  WINCFG.DLL
 9-06-00  12:42           8,661          31  WPCLS.IMP
 2-16-07  12:03         283,182       4,998  WPCONFIG.DLL
 2-16-07  10:45          38,448         486  WPCONMRI.DLL
10-02-01  17:38          67,185         372  WPPRTMRI.DLL
 9-06-00  12:42          15,877          33  WPSINIT.WPS
 2-16-07  12:13          32,362       1,180  WPSTKMOU.DLl
 2-16-07  11:39           5,168         486  WPSTKMRI.DLL
 4-26-01  15:11          18,151         506  wpvidsys.dll
      1,605,585 bytes in 13 files and 2 dirs    1,609,728 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\SYSTEM\*
     14,897,163 bytes in 223 files and 98 dirs    14,973,440 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\OS2\*
     35,309,241 bytes in 496 files and 242 dirs    35,472,896 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\*

 4-18-15   9:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:12         <DIR>           344  4OS2
 8-14-15  18:13         <DIR>           598  ARCVIEW
 7-06-15  10:17         <DIR>           579  assoedit
 7-21-15  11:22         <DIR>           647  CLASSMGR
 7-03-15  12:55         <DIR>           747  CLEANINI
 8-04-15  18:34         <DIR>           692  DATASEEK
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>         1,053  DOSBOX
 9-28-15  16:48         <DIR>           499  FHS
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>         2,547  FM2
 7-23-15  19:36         <DIR>           595  FPOS
 7-03-15  12:54         <DIR>           830  Iniedit
 7-03-15  15:56         <DIR>           692  INITOR
 8-14-15  18:13         <DIR>           934  IPCONFIG
 8-22-15  23:33         <DIR>             0  KON
 9-28-15  18:01         <DIR>         1,519  LUCIDE
 7-03-15  13:09         <DIR>           552  lxtools
 7-06-15  10:15         <DIR>           581  PMDLL
 9-28-15  17:14         <DIR>           874  qxmledit
 9-28-15  18:01         <DIR>           518  Screengrab
 8-14-15  18:14         <DIR>           786  SL
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>         1,347  SNAP
 8-14-15  18:14         <DIR>           347  Theseus
 4-18-15   9:51         <DIR>           611  vbox
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           333  VLC
 8-14-15  18:17         <DIR>             0  WarpIN
 7-03-15  13:09         <DIR>           619  zip
              0 bytes in 0 files and 28 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\4OS2\*

 8-14-15  18:12         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:12         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-06-11  22:44         243,168           0  4OS2.EXE
 8-17-07  11:14           3,646           0  4OS2.ICO
 5-06-11  22:44         587,486           0  4OS2.INF
 5-06-11  22:44             413           0  4OS2.INI
 1-24-11  11:26         222,587           0  4OS2.TXT
 5-06-11  22:44          31,849           0  4OS2H.MSG
 2-02-07  20:12              50           0  4START.BTM
 1-24-11  11:26             483           0  4START.CMD
 1-24-11  11:26          12,832           0  EXAMPLES.BTM
 5-06-11  22:44           6,499           0  JPOS2DLL.DLL
 1-24-11  11:26           2,338           0  KEYSTACK.EXE
 7-14-06  17:30           2,517           0  LICENSE.TXT
 5-06-11  22:44          46,675           0  OPTION2.EXE
 5-06-11  22:44           4,309           0  README.1ST
 1-24-11  11:26           4,838           0  SHRALIAS.EXE
      1,169,690 bytes in 15 files and 2 dirs    1,173,504 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\ARCVIEW\*

 8-14-15  18:13         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:13         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-01-13  16:54         195,287         330  ARCVIEW.EXE
 8-01-13  16:55          27,426           0  ARCV_EN.HLP
 8-02-13  12:33           4,719           0  ARCV_EN.MKM
 7-30-13  20:43           3,314           0  ARCV_EN.MSG
 8-01-13  17:03           5,671           0  CHANGES.TXT
 8-01-13  17:06           9,046           0  README.TXT
        245,463 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    247,296 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\assoedit\*

 7-06-15  10:17         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-06-15  10:17         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-25-13  16:29          28,748           0  ASSOEDIT.exe
11-10-12  14:15          10,127           0  assoedit.hlp
 7-15-98   8:28           2,448           0  ASSOEDIT.ICO
 3-25-13  16:41           4,515           0  ASSOEDIT.TXT
 3-25-13  16:38         208,221         124
 1-27-00   9:56         164,678          33  WPTOOLS.DLL
        418,737 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    419,840 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\CLASSMGR\*

 7-21-15  11:22         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-21-15  11:22         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-20-03  14:15          16,651         124  CLASSMGR.EXE
 8-22-03   8:11           5,833         124  CLASSMGR.HLP
 8-20-03  14:14             225         124  FILE_ID.DIZ
 8-20-03  14:17           1,678         124  README.TXT
         24,387 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    25,600 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\CLEANINI\*

 7-03-15  12:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:55         <DIR>             0  ..
10-15-15  18:06         146,967           0  Backup.ini
 8-21-15  12:28          63,486          35  Backup0.ini
 7-30-15  18:52          34,835          35  Backup1.ini
 7-23-15  19:38          22,275          35  Backup2.ini
 2-15-01  11:14         107,502          49  CLEANINI.EXE
10-15-15  18:06         370,603           0  CleanINI.log
 2-15-01   9:48             179          33  file_id.diz
12-28-14   8:33             147         330  GO.CMD
 2-15-01  10:17             854          29  history
 2-15-01  10:13           6,951          30  liesmich
 2-15-01  10:12           6,556          28  readme
        760,355 bytes in 11 files and 2 dirs    762,880 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\DATASEEK\*

 8-04-15  18:34         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-04-15  18:34         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-16-14  15:12           2,016           0  COPYING
12-21-14   9:55         253,769       3,388  DATASEEK.EXE
12-21-14   9:52          31,918           0  DATASEEK.HLP
10-01-15  13:59           1,263           0  DATASEEK.INI
12-21-14   9:55          28,918         124  DATASEEK.NLS
12-21-14   9:55          15,089         124  DATASEEK.XQS
12-21-14   9:44           1,055          62  dataseek114.txt
12-21-14   9:52          15,271          53  ReadMe
 9-16-14  15:12          21,128          39  SYBASE_OW_LICENSE
        370,427 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    372,736 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\DOSBOX\*

 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  KEYB
12-21-04  19:03          16,170           0  deutsch.lng
 7-08-15  21:26       3,188,956         342  dosbox.exe
 5-09-05   5:22          22,946           0  dosboxf.ico
12-23-04   1:12          16,439           0  dosboxit.lng
 5-09-05   7:24          22,946           0  dosboxw.ico
 7-08-15  21:47       3,199,880           0  dosbox_rec.exe
11-16-04   4:32          17,130           0  francais.lng
 6-29-05  18:08           1,130           0  INSTALL.OS2
 4-06-05  19:54           1,427           0  instruct.txt
12-05-04   2:51             499           0  lesmeg.txt
 3-23-12   4:32       1,353,208           0  libc065.dll
12-15-02   3:40          18,349           0  license.txt
11-16-04   3:19           1,256           0  lisezmoi.txt
12-05-04   3:35          15,176           0  no.lng
 5-07-05  21:46             919           0  readme.txt
 6-28-05   1:37          30,319           0  readme_de.txt
12-19-04  22:24             940           0  readme_IT.txt
12-15-04   1:46          28,770           0  README_RUS.txt
 4-06-05  19:54          22,748           0  rus.lng
 9-30-14   2:41         275,342           0  sdl12.dll
 9-09-14   2:43         932,256           0  sdlsound.dll
      9,166,806 bytes in 21 files and 3 dirs    9,171,456 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\DOSBOX\KEYB\*

 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-02-04   7:10             648           0  AZ.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             993           0  BA.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             674           0  BE.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             687           0  BG.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             891           0  BG241.KL
 8-02-04   7:10           1,222           0  BL.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             492           0  BR.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             347           0  BR274.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             548           0  CF.KL
 8-02-04   7:10           1,196           0  CF445.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             677           0  CF501.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             784           0  CZ.KL
 8-02-04   7:10           1,003           0  CZ243.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             478           0  DK.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             298           0  DV.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             160           0  EO.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             207           0  EO166.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             848           0  ET.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             485           0  FO.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             581           0  FR.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             674           0  FR120.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             314           0  GD.KL
 8-02-04   7:10           1,117           0  GK.KL
 8-02-04   7:10           1,219           0  GK220.KL
 8-02-04   7:10           1,577           0  GK459.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             596           0  GR.KL
 8-02-04   7:10           1,476           0  GR453.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             993           0  HR.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             964           0  HU.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             954           0  HU208.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             370           0  HY.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             307           0  IR.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             313           0  IS.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             499           0  IS161.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             236           0  IT.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             216           0  IT142.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             552           0  JP.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             619           0  KA.KL
 4-05-04   7:51           9,763           0  KEYB.EXE
 8-02-04   7:10          18,326           0  KEYB_COPYING.TXT
 8-02-04   7:10           4,993           0  KEYB_readme.txt
 8-02-04   7:10             451           0  KK.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             408           0  KY.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             416           0  LA.KL
 8-02-04   7:10          12,089           0  layouts.txt
 8-02-04   7:10             335           0  LH.KL
 8-02-04   7:10           1,445           0  LT.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             311           0  LT210.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             339           0  LT211.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             304           0  LT212.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             538           0  LT456.KL
 8-02-04   7:10           1,166           0  LV.KL
 8-02-04   7:10           1,065           0  LV455.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             652           0  MK.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             434           0  MN.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             128           0  MT.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             169           0  MT166.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             552           0  NL.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             477           0  NO.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             261           0  PL.KL
 8-02-04   7:10           1,310           0  PL214.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             470           0  PO.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             331           0  RH.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             767           0  RO.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             716           0  RO446.KL
 8-02-04   7:10           1,130           0  RU.KL
 8-02-04   7:10           1,256           0  RU443.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             605           0  SF.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             615           0  SG.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             993           0  SI.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             993           0  SK.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             471           0  SP.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             186           0  SQ.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             850           0  SQ448.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             650           0  SR.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             652           0  SR450.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             683           0  SU.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             683           0  SV.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             513           0  TL.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             813           0  TR.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             975           0  TR440.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             424           0  TT.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             331           0  UK.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             235           0  UK168.KL
 8-02-04   7:10           1,175           0  UR.KL
 8-02-04   7:10           1,257           0  UR465.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             103           0  US.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             667           0  UX.KL
 8-02-04   7:10             411           0  UZ.KL
        101,102 bytes in 89 files and 2 dirs    122,880 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\DOSBOX\*
      9,267,908 bytes in 110 files and 5 dirs    9,294,336 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\*

 9-28-15  16:48         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:48         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-28-15  16:48         <DIR>           363  etc
 9-28-15  16:49         <DIR>           574  usr
 9-28-15  16:48         <DIR>           581  var
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\*

 9-28-15  16:48         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:48         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  bash_completion.d
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>             0  logrotate.d
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  pki
 2-25-15  16:15         <DIR>            21  rpm
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>            21  ssl
 1-17-12  16:18         <DIR>             0  terminfo
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  yum
 9-28-15  12:39         702,602         221
11-23-10  19:13              27           0  os2-release
        702,629 bytes in 2 files and 9 dirs    707,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\bash_completion.d\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-10-14  11:39          55,056         124  git
         55,056 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    55,296 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\logrotate.d\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-10-15   5:49             107         124  yum
            107 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\pki\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-03-15  15:24         <DIR>            21  CA
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>            21  java
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  tls
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\pki\CA\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-03-15  15:24         <DIR>            21  certs
 4-03-15  15:24         <DIR>            21  crl
 4-03-15  15:24         <DIR>            21  newcerts
 4-03-15  15:24         <DIR>            21  private
              0 bytes in 0 files and 6 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\pki\CA\certs\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\pki\CA\crl\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\pki\CA\newcerts\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\pki\CA\private\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\pki\CA\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 14 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\pki\java\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
11-15-11  12:05         150,921         124  cacerts
        150,921 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    151,040 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\pki\tls\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-03-15  15:16         <DIR>            21  certs
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  misc
 4-03-15  15:16         <DIR>            21  private
 3-22-13  12:33              19         159  cert.pem
 4-03-15  15:16          10,835         124  openssl.cnf
         10,854 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    13,312 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\pki\tls\certs\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
11-15-11  12:05         662,586         124  ca-bundle.crt
11-15-11  12:05         743,949         124
      1,406,535 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    1,407,488 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\pki\tls\misc\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-03-15  15:16           5,175         124  CA
 4-03-15  15:16             119         124  c_hash
 4-03-15  15:16             152         124  c_info
 4-03-15  15:16             112         124  c_issuer
 4-03-15  15:16             110         124  c_name
          5,668 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    7,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\pki\tls\private\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\pki\tls\*
      1,423,057 bytes in 9 files and 11 dirs    1,428,480 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\pki\*
      1,573,978 bytes in 10 files and 32 dirs    1,583,104 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\rpm\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
11-23-10  19:13              52           0  macros.dist
             52 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\ssl\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-13  12:33              16         156  certs
             16 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\terminfo\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\yum\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  bash_completion.d
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  cron.daily
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>           124  protected.d
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  rc.d
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  repos.d
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  sysconfig
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>           124  vars
 2-10-15   5:49             456         124  version-groups.conf
 2-10-15   5:49              19         124  yum-daily.yum
 2-10-15   5:49              46         124  yum-weekly.yum
 2-10-15   5:49             203         124  yum.conf
11-20-10  17:28             190           0  yum.conf.rpmnew
            914 bytes in 5 files and 9 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\yum\bash_completion.d\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-10-15   5:49          10,838         124  yum.bash
         10,838 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    11,264 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\yum\cron.daily\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-10-15   5:49           4,983         124  0yum.cron
          4,983 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\yum\protected.d\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\yum\rc.d\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  init.d
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\yum\rc.d\init.d\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-10-15   5:49           1,903         124  yum-cron
          1,903 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\yum\rc.d\*
          1,903 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\yum\repos.d\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:51             101           0  ecs-rpm.repo
 1-07-13   0:30             141           0  netlabs-rel.repo
            242 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\yum\sysconfig\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-10-15   5:49           2,022         124  yum-cron
          2,022 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\yum\vars\*

 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:55         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\yum\*
         20,902 bytes in 11 files and 26 dirs    28,160 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\etc\*
      2,352,740 bytes in 27 files and 77 dirs    2,375,168 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\*

 9-28-15  16:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>         7,347  bin
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>            53  include
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  info
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>            53  lib
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  libexec
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  man
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>             0  sbin
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>             0  share
              0 bytes in 0 files and 10 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\bin\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          53,326         124  a2p.dbg
 8-14-14   6:42          43,577         124  a2p.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          13,645         124  arch.exe
 4-06-15  14:18          66,099         124  ash.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          19,042         124  base64.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          13,060         124  basename.exe
12-05-06   0:13         423,573           0  bash.exe
 8-14-14   6:42          37,994         124  c2ph
12-07-12  18:52               7           0  captoinfo.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          26,993         124  cat.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          31,977         124  chcon.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          35,543         124  chgrp.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          32,500         124  chmod.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          36,986         124  chown.exe
12-19-11  13:02          70,810         124  cjpeg.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          15,986         124  cksum.exe
 1-17-12  16:18           1,102           0  clear.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          17,134         124  comm.exe
 3-15-14   9:16         106,936         124  cp.exe
12-03-12  18:31          75,664           0  cpio.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          68,326         124  csplit.exe
 9-07-11  20:04          19,208           0  cube.exe
 9-04-14  12:21          58,712         124  curl.exe
 9-23-15  17:10              26         166  cut
 3-15-14   9:16          22,608         124  cut.exe
 9-23-15  17:10              35         175  date
 1-11-12  18:49           2,193           0  db_archive.exe
 1-11-12  18:49           2,877           0  db_checkpoint.exe
 1-11-12  18:49           2,943           0  db_deadlock.exe
 1-11-12  18:49           4,283           0  db_dump.exe
 1-11-12  18:49           6,691           0  db_hotbackup.exe
 1-11-12  18:49          10,029           0  db_load.exe
 1-11-12  18:49          19,672           0  db_printlog.exe
 1-11-12  18:49           2,805           0  db_recover.exe
 1-11-12  18:49          52,027           0  db_sql.exe
 1-11-12  18:49           3,793           0  db_stat.exe
 1-11-12  18:49           2,469           0  db_upgrade.exe
 1-11-12  18:49           2,714           0  db_verify.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          29,106         124  dd.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          44,903         124  df.exe
 9-23-15  17:10              34         174  dir
 3-15-14   9:16          19,024         124  dircolors.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          13,023         124  dirname.exe
12-19-11  13:02          82,714         124  djpeg.exe
10-26-14  14:17          17,042         124  dllar.cmd
 2-07-15   9:07          10,191         124  dllar.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          69,756         124  du.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          10,802         124  echo.exe
10-26-14  14:07          24,576         124  emxaout.exe
10-26-14  14:07          40,960         124  emxbind.exe
10-26-14  14:07          69,632         124  emxexp.exe
10-26-14  14:07          45,056         124  emximp.exe
10-26-14  14:07          16,384         124  emxload.exe
 2-07-15   3:21         366,446         124  emxomf.exe
10-26-14  14:07          24,576         124  emxomfar.exe
10-26-14  14:07          65,536         124  emxomfld.exe
11-10-14  16:57          12,339         124  emxomfstrip.exe
10-26-14  14:07          16,384         124  emxstack.exe
10-26-14  14:07          24,576         124  emxtsf.exe
 9-23-15  17:10              26         166  env
 3-15-14   9:16          13,185         124  env.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          15,140         124  expand.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          63,438         124  expr.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          15,857         124  factor.exe
 3-15-14   9:16           9,223         124  false.exe
 8-14-14   6:42          24,508         124  find2perl
 3-15-14   9:16          17,817         124  fmt.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          15,114         124  fold.exe
10-26-14  14:07          24,576         124  gencat.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-receive-pack.exe
 9-10-14  11:38         495,345         124  git-shell.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-upload-archive.exe
 9-10-14  11:38         507,289         124  git-upload-pack.exe
 9-10-14  11:38       1,065,898         124  git.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          13,894         124  groups.exe
 8-14-14   6:42          29,115         124  h2ph
 3-15-14   9:16          21,107         124  head.exe
 9-23-15  17:10              37         177  hostid
 3-15-14   9:16          15,015         124  id.exe
 1-17-12  16:18          24,546           0  infocmp.exe
12-07-12  18:52               7           0  infotocap.exe
 3-15-14   9:16         121,032         124  install.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          23,103         124  join.exe
12-19-11  13:02          13,848         124  jpegtran.exe
 8-14-14   6:42           4,146         124  json_pp
 3-15-14   9:16          14,931         124  kill.exe
10-26-14  14:16          90,112         124  ld.exe
10-26-14  14:07           4,520         124  ldstub.bin
 3-15-14   9:16          12,586         124  link.exe
10-26-14  14:07          53,248         124  listomf.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          77,209         124  ln.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          12,497         124  logname.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          67,473         124  ls.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          20,878         124  md5sum.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          40,063         124  mkdir.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          14,166         124  mkfifo.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          16,396         124  mknod.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          20,392         124  mktemp.exe
 3-15-14   9:16         105,528         124  mv.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          14,350         124  nice.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          63,259         124  nl.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          15,138         124  nohup.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          13,903         124  nproc.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          46,664         124  od.exe
 4-03-15  15:16       1,118,690         124  openssl.exe
10-26-14  14:07             128         124  os2stub.bin
 3-15-14   9:16          14,725         124  paste.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          13,778         124  pathchk.exe
 2-16-13  15:18           4,409         124  pe.exe
 2-16-13  15:18           4,449         124  pec.exe
 9-23-15  18:06              27         167  perl
 8-14-14   6:43          12,842         124  perl.dbg
 8-14-14   6:32           3,354         124  perl.exe
 8-14-14   6:32           3,354         124  perl5.16.1.exe
 8-14-14   6:43          12,842         124  perl5.dbg
 8-14-14   6:42          43,121         124  perlbug
 8-14-14   6:42             255         124  perldoc
 8-14-14   6:42          43,121         124  perlthanks
 8-14-14   6:42           7,659         124  piconv
 3-15-14   9:16          18,080         124  pinky.exe
 8-14-14   6:42           4,929         124  pl2pm
 8-14-14   6:42           2,184         124  pod2html
 3-15-14   9:16          33,653         124  pr.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          12,929         124  printenv.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          36,005         124  printf.exe
 8-14-14   6:42          55,372         124  psed
 8-14-14   6:42          37,994         124  pstruct
 8-14-14   6:42           4,450         124  ptargrep
 3-15-14   9:16          78,222         124  ptx.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          16,352         124  pwd.exe
 9-03-10   9:21              84         124  pydoc
 2-26-15  12:24           5,252         124  python
 2-26-15  12:24           1,012         124  python.exe
 2-26-15  12:24           1,012         124  python2.7.exe
 9-23-15  17:10              13         153  python2.exe
 3-22-13  11:56       1,987,769         124  qmake.exe
12-19-11  13:02           2,930         124  rdjpgcom.exe
 9-23-15  17:10              31         171  readlink
 3-15-14   9:16          19,699         124  readlink.exe
 2-16-13  15:19           2,225         124  regsvr32.exe
12-07-12  18:52               8           0  reset.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          80,686         124  rm.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          36,953         124  rmdir.exe
 2-25-15  16:16           6,977         124  rpm.exe
 2-25-15  16:16           1,938         124  rpm2cpio.exe
 9-23-15  17:10               7         147  rpmdb
 9-23-15  17:10               7         147  rpmquery
 9-23-15  17:10               7         147  rpmsign
 9-23-15  17:10               7         147  rpmverify
 3-15-14   9:16          13,616         124  runcon.exe
 8-14-14   6:42          55,372         124  s2p
 3-15-14   9:16          35,083         124  seq.exe
 9-23-15  17:10              26         166  sh
 4-06-15  14:18          66,099         124  sh.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          21,963         124  sha1sum.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          26,211         124  sha224sum.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          26,192         124  sha256sum.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          47,346         124  sha384sum.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          47,345         124  sha512sum.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          36,103         124  shred.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          20,554         124  shuf.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          15,461         124  sleep.exe
 9-23-15  17:10              35         175  sort
 8-14-14   6:42          19,175         124  splain
 3-15-14   9:16          30,035         124  split.exe
 1-16-12  15:37          21,813           0  sqlite3.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          54,145         124  stat.exe
10-26-14  14:07          12,288         124  stripomf.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          43,499         124  stty.exe
 3-15-14   9:17          15,258         124  su.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          20,040         124  sum.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          12,453         124  sync.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          60,498         124  tac.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          30,055         124  tail.exe
 8-27-11  13:41           1,082           0  tclsh.exe
 8-27-11  13:38           1,082           0  tclsh8.5.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          15,131         124  tee.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          13,827         124  test.exe
 1-17-12  16:18          23,951           0  tic.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          26,503         124  timeout.exe
 1-17-12  16:18           3,347           0  toe.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          31,203         124  touch.exe
 1-17-12  16:18           3,788           0  tput.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          24,030         124  tr.exe
 3-15-14   9:16           9,223         124  true.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          27,322         124  truncate.exe
 1-17-12  16:18           6,665           0  tset.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          16,075         124  tsort.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          12,507         124  tty.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          13,644         124  uname.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          15,898         124  unexpand.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          20,036         124  uniq.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          12,503         124  unlink.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          19,598         124  uptime.exe
 2-28-15   6:23          12,475         124  urlgrabber
 3-15-14   9:16          13,959         124  users.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          67,475         124  vdir.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          97,462         124  wc.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          38,572         124  who.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          12,493         124  whoami.exe
12-19-11  13:02           3,454         124  wrjpgcom.exe
 4-07-14  18:45           5,669         124  xmlcatalog.exe
 4-07-14  18:45          25,812         124  xmllint.exe
 9-08-14  11:42          25,054         124  xmlwf.dbg
 9-08-14  11:42           9,189         124  xmlwf.exe
 4-07-14  12:50           8,679         124  xsltproc.exe
 2-16-13  15:18          39,774         124  xx2lx.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          12,484         124  yes.exe
 2-10-15   5:49             843         124  yum
 2-10-15   5:49           1,382         124  yum.exe
 8-14-14   6:42          50,214         124  zipdetails
 3-15-14   9:16          15,582         124  [.exe
     10,841,211 bytes in 212 files and 2 dirs    10,899,456 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  386
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  arpa
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  emx
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  InnoTekLIBC
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  klibc
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  machine
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  net
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  netinet
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  netnb
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  protocol
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  protocols
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  python2.7
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  Qt
 9-23-15  17:50         <DIR>           124  QtCore
 9-23-15  17:50         <DIR>           124  QtDeclarative
 9-23-15  17:50         <DIR>           124  QtDesigner
 9-23-15  17:50         <DIR>           124  QtGui
 9-23-15  17:50         <DIR>           124  QtHelp
 9-23-15  17:50         <DIR>           124  QtNetwork
 9-23-15  17:50         <DIR>           124  QtScript
 9-23-15  17:50         <DIR>           124  QtScriptTools
 9-23-15  17:50         <DIR>           124  QtSql
 9-23-15  17:50         <DIR>           124  QtSvg
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  QtTest
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  QtUiTools
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  QtWebKit
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  QtXml
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  QtXmlPatterns
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  sys
10-26-14  14:17             446         124  alloca.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,049         124  ar.h
10-26-14  14:17          27,255         124  argp.h
10-26-14  14:17           7,525         124  argz.h
10-26-14  14:17             383         124  assert.h
10-26-14  14:17           6,743         124  a_out.h
10-26-14  14:17          11,666         124  a_out_stab.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,007         124  complex.h
10-26-14  14:17             221         124  conio.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,581         124  crypt.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,176         124  ctype.h
10-26-14  14:17           6,295         124  demangle.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,780         124  direct.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,448         124  dirent.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,161         124  dlfcn.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,606         124  dyn-string.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,462         124  endian.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,383         124  err.h
10-26-14  14:17             192         124  errno.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,990         124  error.h
10-26-14  14:17             186         124  fcntl.h
10-26-14  14:17          14,139         124  features.h
10-26-14  14:17           6,479         124  fenv.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,911         124  fibheap.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,528         124  float.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,539         124  floatformat.h
10-26-14  14:17              28         124  fnmatch.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,423         124  fpu_control.h
10-26-14  14:17           6,007         124  fts.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,811         124  ftw.h
10-26-14  14:17           6,612         124  getopt.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,614         124  glob.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,983         124  gmon.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,848         124  grp.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,584         124  hashtab.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,322         124  iconv.h
10-26-14  14:17             828         124  ieee.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,217         124  ieee754.h
10-26-14  14:17             676         124  ieeefp.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,296         124  inttypes.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,635         124  io.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,797         124  iso646.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,956         124  langinfo.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,046         124  libgen.h
10-26-14  14:17          11,477         124  libiberty.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,370         124  limits.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,230         124  locale.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,425         124  malloc.h
10-26-14  14:17          15,745         124  math.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,165         124  md5.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,016         124  memory.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,244         124  mpool.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,672         124  nerrno.h
10-26-14  14:17           8,349         124  netdb.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,019         124  nl_types.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,449         124  nss.h
10-26-14  14:17           7,837         124  nsswitch.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,186         124  objalloc.h
10-26-14  14:17          19,559         124  obstack.h
10-26-14  14:17             723         124  os2.h
10-26-14  14:17         407,051         124  os2emx.h
 1-18-15  10:32           3,085         124  os2safe.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,940         124  os2thunk.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,411         124  os2tk.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,072         124  partition.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,984         124  paths.h
10-26-14  14:17             196         124  process.h
10-26-14  14:17           7,161         124  pwd.h
10-26-14  14:17          21,823         124  regex.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,983         124  regexp.h
10-26-14  14:17          15,749         124  resolv.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,116         124  safe-ctype.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,704         124  search.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,047         124  setjmp.h
10-26-14  14:17              89         124  sgtty.h
10-26-14  14:17             346         124  share.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,937         124  signal.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,308         124  socks.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,331         124  sort.h
10-26-14  14:17           7,891         124  spawn.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,909         124  splay-tree.h
10-26-14  14:17              44         124  stdarg.h
 2-07-15   9:07           3,642         124  stddef.h
10-26-14  14:17             130         124  stdint.h
10-26-14  14:17          19,624         124  stdio.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,972         124  stdio_ext.h
 2-07-15   9:07          16,890         124  stdlib.h
10-26-14  14:17           8,257         124  string.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,360         124  stringlist.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,318         124  strings.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,680         124  sysexits.h
10-26-14  14:17             115         124  syslog.h
10-26-14  14:17             188         124  termio.h
10-26-14  14:17             126         124  termios.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,920         124  ternary.h
10-26-14  14:17           7,652         124  time.h
10-26-14  14:17             911         124  types.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,626         124  uconv.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,103         124  ulimit.h
10-26-14  14:17             251         124  ulserr.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,070         124  ulserrno.h
10-26-14  14:17           8,285         124  ulsitem.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,563         124  umalloc.h
10-26-14  14:17          16,576         124  unidef.h
10-26-14  14:17          12,054         124  unikbd.h
10-26-14  14:17          24,165         124  unistd.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,219         124  utils.h
10-26-14  14:17             127         124  utime.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,898         124  utmp.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,913         124  varargs.h
10-26-14  14:17              23         124  wait.h
10-26-14  14:17           9,758         124  wchar.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,210         124  wctype.h
10-26-14  14:17           8,714         124  _ctype.h
        969,817 bytes in 114 files and 31 dirs    1,014,272 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\386\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-26-14  14:17           6,904         124  ansi.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,795         124  asm.h
 2-07-15   9:07          18,880         124  builtin.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,608         124  endian.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,876         124  ieeefp.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,678         124  npx.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,106         124  param.h
10-26-14  14:17             567         124  reg.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,710         124  setjmp.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,723         124  sigframe.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,293         124  signal.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,477         124  stdarg.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,842         124  trap.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,856         124  types.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,442         124  ucontext.h
10-26-14  14:17           8,888         124  _inttypes.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,979         124  _limits.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,807         124  _stdint.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,969         124  _types.h
        104,400 bytes in 19 files and 2 dirs    109,056 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\arpa\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-26-14  14:17           3,811         124  ftp.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,450         124  inet.h
10-26-14  14:17          15,225         124  nameser.h
10-26-14  14:17          10,934         124  telnet.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,359         124  tftp.h
         36,779 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    37,888 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\emx\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-26-14  14:17           1,774         124  asm386.h
10-26-14  14:17           7,707         124  bigint.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,005         124  emxload.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,108         124  float.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,086         124  fnmatch.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,041         124  getopt.h
10-26-14  14:17          21,860         124  io.h
10-26-14  14:17              12         124  locale.h
10-26-14  14:17             257         124  pwd.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,772         124  startup.h
10-26-14  14:17           7,327         124  syscalls.h
10-26-14  14:17              55         124  thread.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,840         124  time.h
10-26-14  14:17          28,275         124  umalloc.h
         75,119 bytes in 14 files and 2 dirs    79,872 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\InnoTekLIBC\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-26-14  14:17           3,272         124  atexit.h
10-26-14  14:17          46,758         124  backend.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,074         124  errno.h
10-26-14  14:17           9,293         124  FastInfoBlocks.h
10-26-14  14:17          27,203         124  fork.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,645         124  libc.h
10-26-14  14:17          14,177         124  locale.h
10-26-14  14:17          27,903         124  logstrict.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,675         124  os2error.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,511         124  pathrewrite.h
10-26-14  14:17          39,062         124  sharedpm.h
10-26-14  14:17          13,167         124  tcpip.h
10-26-14  14:17          21,703         124  thread.h
        211,443 bytes in 13 files and 2 dirs    215,552 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\klibc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-26-14  14:17           2,181         124  startup.h
          2,181 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\machine\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-26-14  14:17              23         124  ansi.h
10-26-14  14:17              22         124  asm.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,783         124  endian.h
10-26-14  14:17              25         124  ieeefp.h
10-26-14  14:17              87         124  limits.h
10-26-14  14:17              22         124  npx.h
10-26-14  14:17              24         124  param.h
10-26-14  14:17              25         124  setjmp.h
10-26-14  14:17              27         124  sigframe.h
10-26-14  14:17              25         124  signal.h
10-26-14  14:17              40         124  stdarg.h
10-26-14  14:17              23         124  trap.h
10-26-14  14:17              24         124  types.h
10-26-14  14:17              27         124  ucontext.h
10-26-14  14:17              28         124  _inttypes.h
10-26-14  14:17              26         124  _limits.h
10-26-14  14:17              26         124  _stdint.h
10-26-14  14:17              25         124  _types.h
          2,282 bytes in 18 files and 2 dirs    10,752 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\net\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-26-14  14:17          19,893         124  if.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,174         124  if_arp.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,994         124  if_dl.h
10-26-14  14:17          13,273         124  if_types.h
10-26-14  14:17          11,349         124  route.h
         53,683 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    54,784 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\netinet\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-26-14  14:17           6,044         124  icmp_var.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,914         124  if_ether.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,067         124  igmp.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,201         124  igmp_var.h
10-26-14  14:17          10,050         124  in.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,767         124  in_systm.h
10-26-14  14:17           7,395         124  ip.h
10-26-14  14:17          10,869         124  ip_icmp.h
10-26-14  14:17             100         124  ip_mrout.h
10-26-14  14:17          11,416         124  ip_mroute.h
10-26-14  14:17          11,205         124  ip_var.h
10-26-14  14:17           6,100         124  tcp.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,154         124  tcpip.h
10-26-14  14:17             100         124  tcp_time.h
10-26-14  14:17           7,231         124  tcp_timer.h
10-26-14  14:17           7,818         124  tcp_var.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,456         124  udp.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,467         124  udp_var.h
        104,354 bytes in 18 files and 2 dirs    109,056 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\netnb\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-26-14  14:17           1,394         124  nb.h
          1,394 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\protocol\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-26-14  14:17              97         124  routed.h
10-26-14  14:17             147         124  rwhod.h
10-26-14  14:17              96         124  talkd.h
10-26-14  14:17              96         124  timed.h
            436 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\protocols\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-26-14  14:17           6,501         124  routed.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,167         124  rwhod.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,333         124  talkd.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,520         124  timed.h
         19,521 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    20,480 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\python2.7\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:24          37,927         124  pyconfig.h
         37,927 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    38,400 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\Qt\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           4,525         124  qabstractanimation.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,942         124  qabstractbutton.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,706         124  qabstracteventdispatcher.h
 5-04-11  23:36           7,844         124  qabstractfileengine.h
 5-04-11  23:36           7,089         124  qabstractfontengine_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,553         124  qabstractitemdelegate.h
 5-04-11  23:36          16,501         124  qabstractitemmodel.h
 5-04-11  23:36          13,551         124  qabstractitemview.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,966         124  qabstractmessagehandler.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,612         124  qabstractnetworkcache.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,776         124  qabstractpagesetupdialog.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,968         124  qabstractprintdialog.h
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 5-04-11  23:36          14,813         124  qapplication.h
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 5-04-11  23:36          26,033         124  qatomic_alpha.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,583         124  qatomic_arch.h
 5-04-11  23:36          12,042         124  qatomic_arm.h
 5-04-11  23:36          15,036         124  qatomic_armv6.h
 5-04-11  23:36           7,481         124  qatomic_avr32.h
 5-04-11  23:36          10,055         124  qatomic_bfin.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,101         124  qatomic_bootstrap.h
 5-04-11  23:36           8,700         124  qatomic_generic.h
 5-04-11  23:36          10,946         124  qatomic_i386.h
 5-04-11  23:36          25,844         124  qatomic_ia64.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,280         124  qatomic_macosx.h
 5-04-11  23:36          28,216         124  qatomic_mips.h
 5-04-11  23:36           8,397         124  qatomic_parisc.h
 5-04-11  23:36          22,909         124  qatomic_powerpc.h
 5-04-11  23:36          14,194         124  qatomic_s390.h
 5-04-11  23:36           9,222         124  qatomic_sh.h
 5-04-11  23:36          17,933         124  qatomic_sh4a.h
 5-04-11  23:36          16,975         124  qatomic_sparc.h
 5-04-11  23:36          11,552         124  qatomic_symbian.h
 5-04-11  23:36           8,824         124  qatomic_vxworks.h
 5-04-11  23:36          16,297         124  qatomic_windows.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,163         124  qatomic_windowsce.h
 5-04-11  23:36          10,983         124  qatomic_x86_64.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,997         124  qauthenticator.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,434         124  qbasicatomic.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,492         124  qbasictimer.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,237         124  qbenchmark.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,326         124  qbenchmarkmetric.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,231         124  qbitarray.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,849         124  qbitmap.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,613         124  qboxlayout.h
 5-04-11  23:36           9,491         124  qbrush.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,347         124  qbuffer.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,517         124  qbuttongroup.h
 5-04-11  23:36          23,612         124  qbytearray.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,283         124  qbytearraymatcher.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           2,959         124  qcdestyle.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           4,946         124  qcleanlooksstyle.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,967         124  qclipboard.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           2,856         124  qcolormap.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,386         124  qcolumnview.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           4,282         124  qcommonstyle.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,584         124  qcompleter.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,301         124  qconfig-dist.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,289         124  qconfig-large.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,619         124  qconfig-medium.h
 5-04-11  23:36          12,944         124  qconfig-minimal.h
 5-04-11  23:36           7,495         124  qconfig-small.h
 3-22-13  11:56           3,895         124  qconfig.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,666         124  qcontainerfwd.h
 5-04-11  23:36          14,056         124  qcontiguouscache.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,665         124  qcopchannel_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36          10,337         124  qcoreapplication.h
 5-04-11  23:36          16,258         124  qcoreevent.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,650         124  qcryptographichash.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,244         124  qcursor.h
 5-04-11  23:36          11,433         124  qdatastream.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,322         124  qdatawidgetmapper.h
 5-04-11  23:36          11,631         124  qdatetime.h
 5-04-11  23:36           7,966         124  qdatetimeedit.h
 5-04-11  23:36          12,230         124  qdebug.h
 5-04-11  23:36          11,819         124  qdeclarative.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,538         124  qdeclarativecomponent.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,957         124  qdeclarativecontext.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,522         124  qdeclarativeengine.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           3,931         124  qdeclarativeexpression.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           2,755         124  qdeclarativeextensionplugin.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,738         124  qdeclarativeimageprovider.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,364         124  qdeclarativeinfo.h
 5-04-11  23:36           9,015         124  qdeclarativeitem.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,110         124  qdeclarativelist.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,458         124  qdeclarativenetworkaccessmanagerfactory.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,696         124  qdeclarativeparserstatus.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           2,559         124  qdeclarativepropertyvaluesource.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,937         124  qdeclarativescriptstring.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,902         124  qdeclarativeview.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           2,757         124  qdecorationstyled_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,921         124  qdecorationwindows_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,682         124  qdecoration_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,912         124  qdesktopservices.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,601         124  qdesktopwidget.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           3,723         124  qdirectpainter_qws.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           5,473         124  qdirmodel.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,016         124  qdockwidget.h
 5-04-11  23:36          21,828         124  qdom.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,230         124  qdrag.h
 5-04-11  23:36           7,763         124  qdrawutil.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           2,991         124  qelapsedtimer.h
 5-04-11  23:36          12,278         124  qendian.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           3,303         124  qeventtransition.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,381         124  qfactoryinterface.h
 5-04-11  23:36          21,607         124  qfeatures.h
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 5-04-11  23:36          13,963         124  qfiledialog.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,792         124  qfileiconprovider.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,263         124  qfileinfo.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,996         124  qfilesystemmodel.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,052         124  qfilesystemwatcher.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,604         124  qfinalstate.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,621         124  qfocusframe.h
 5-04-11  23:36          10,113         124  qfont.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,609         124  qfontcombobox.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,656         124  qfontdatabase.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,971         124  qfontdialog.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,852         124  qfontinfo.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           5,776         124  qformlayout.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,641         124  qframe.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,250         124  qfsfileengine.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,133         124  qftp.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,884         124  qfunctions_vxworks.h
 5-04-11  23:36          13,912         124  qfunctions_wince.h
 5-04-11  23:36           9,075         124  qfuture.h
 5-04-11  23:36           9,700         124  qfutureinterface.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,446         124  qfuturesynchronizer.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,279         124  qfuturewatcher.h
 5-04-11  23:36          13,785         124  qgenericmatrix.h
 5-04-11  23:36           8,954         124  qgesture.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,388         124  qgesturerecognizer.h
11-19-12  12:11          87,591         124  qglobal.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,625         124  qgraphicsanchorlayout.h
 5-04-11  23:36           8,833         124  qgraphicseffect.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,283         124  qgraphicsgridlayout.h
 5-04-11  23:36          41,505         124  qgraphicsitem.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,949         124  qgraphicsitemanimation.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,278         124  qgraphicslayout.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,853         124  qgraphicslayoutitem.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,005         124  qgraphicslinearlayout.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,937         124  qgraphicsproxywidget.h
 5-04-11  23:36          13,958         124  qgraphicsscene.h
 5-04-11  23:36           9,348         124  qgraphicssceneevent.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,400         124  qgraphicssvgitem.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,758         124  qgraphicstransform.h
 5-04-11  23:36          12,848         124  qgraphicsview.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,763         124  qgraphicswebview.h
 5-04-11  23:36           9,753         124  qgraphicswidget.h
 5-04-11  23:36           7,307         124  qgridlayout.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,034         124  qgroupbox.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,049         124  qgtkstyle.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,710         124  qguifunctions_wince.h
 5-04-11  23:36          30,814         124  qhash.h
 5-04-11  23:36           9,031         124  qheaderview.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,342         124  qhelpcontentwidget.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,694         124  qhelpengine.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,749         124  qhelpenginecore.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           3,688         124  qhelpsearchengine.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,769         124  qhelpsearchquerywidget.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,748         124  qhelpsearchresultwidget.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,726         124  qhelp_global.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,128         124  qhistorystate.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,369         124  qhostaddress.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,220         124  qhostinfo.h
 5-04-11  23:36           9,666         124  qhttp.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,739         124  qicon.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,827         124  qiconengine.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,652         124  qiconengineplugin.h
 5-04-11  23:36          14,142         124  qimage.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,893         124  qimageiohandler.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,376         124  qimagereader.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,535         124  qimagewriter.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,453         124  qinputcontext.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,202         124  qinputcontextfactory.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,990         124  qinputcontextplugin.h
 5-04-11  23:36           9,822         124  qinputdialog.h
 5-04-11  23:36           8,366         124  qiodevice.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,495         124  qitemdelegate.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,982         124  qitemeditorfactory.h
 5-04-11  23:36           8,838         124  qitemselectionmodel.h
 5-04-11  23:36           8,954         124  qiterator.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,483         124  qkbddriverfactory_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,129         124  qkbddriverplugin_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,677         124  qkbdlinuxinput_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,598         124  qkbdqnx_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,583         124  qkbdtty_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,544         124  qkbdum_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,731         124  qkbdvfb_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,436         124  qkbd_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,074         124  qkeyeventtransition.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,786         124  qkeysequence.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,096         124  qlabel.h
 5-04-11  23:36           7,771         124  qlayout.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,456         124  qlayoutitem.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,547         124  qlcdnumber.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,082         124  qlibrary.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,859         124  qlibraryinfo.h
 5-04-11  23:36           9,908         124  qline.h
 5-04-11  23:36          10,137         124  qlineedit.h
 5-04-11  23:36          15,536         124  qlinkedlist.h
 5-04-11  23:36          29,379         124  qlist.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,832         124  qlistview.h
 5-04-11  23:36          12,236         124  qlistwidget.h
 5-04-11  23:36          20,698         124  qlocale.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,195         124  qlocalserver.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,699         124  qlocalsocket.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,515         124  qmaccocoaviewcontainer_mac.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,600         124  qmacdefines_mac.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,437         124  qmacnativewidget_mac.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,705         124  qmacstyle_mac.h
 5-04-11  23:36           7,258         124  qmainwindow.h
 5-04-11  23:36          33,616         124  qmap.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,416         124  qmargins.h
 5-04-11  23:36           7,153         124  qmath.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,896         124  qmatrix.h
 5-04-11  23:36          34,455         124  qmatrix4x4.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,440         124  qmdiarea.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,254         124  qmdisubwindow.h
 5-04-11  23:36          15,466         124  qmenu.h
 5-04-11  23:36          14,027         124  qmenubar.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,487         124  qmenudata.h
 5-04-11  23:36          14,788         124  qmessagebox.h
 5-04-11  23:36           8,851         124  qmetaobject.h
 5-04-11  23:36          13,487         124  qmetatype.h
 5-04-11  23:36          13,496         124  qmime.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,299         124  qmimedata.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,482         124  qmotifstyle.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,426         124  qmousedriverfactory_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,111         124  qmousedriverplugin_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,277         124  qmouseeventtransition.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,642         124  qmouselinuxinput_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,707         124  qmouselinuxtp_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,593         124  qmousepc_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,666         124  qmouseqnx_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,815         124  qmousetslib_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,753         124  qmousevfb_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,997         124  qmouse_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,346         124  qmovie.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,884         124  qmutex.h
 5-04-11  23:36          55,643         124  qnamespace.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,952         124  qnetworkaccessmanager.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,994         124  qnetworkconfigmanager.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,649         124  qnetworkconfiguration.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,895         124  qnetworkcookie.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,873         124  qnetworkcookiejar.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,174         124  qnetworkdiskcache.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,414         124  qnetworkinterface.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,000         124  qnetworkproxy.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,745         124  qnetworkreply.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,037         124  qnetworkrequest.h
 5-16-11  10:09           4,553         124  qnetworksession.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,580         124  qnumeric.h
 5-04-11  23:36          13,567         124  qobject.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,547         124  qobjectcleanuphandler.h
 5-04-11  23:36          17,528         124  qobjectdefs.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,699         124  qpagesetupdialog.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,026         124  qpaintdevice.h
 5-04-11  23:36          11,619         124  qpaintengine.h
 5-04-11  23:36          34,081         124  qpainter.h
 5-04-11  23:36          14,142         124  qpainterpath.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,884         124  qpair.h
 5-04-11  23:36          12,943         124  qpalette.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,055         124  qparallelanimationgroup.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,809         124  qpauseanimation.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,128         124  qpen.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,073         124  qpicture.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,397         124  qpictureformatplugin.h
 5-04-11  23:36          12,750         124  qpixmap.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,382         124  qpixmapcache.h
 5-04-11  23:36          10,872         124  qplaintextedit.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,794         124  qplastiquestyle.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,936         124  qplugin.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,143         124  qpluginloader.h
 5-04-11  23:36           9,407         124  qpoint.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,237         124  qpointer.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,448         124  qpolygon.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,674         124  qprintdialog.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,581         124  qprintengine.h
 5-04-11  23:36           9,759         124  qprinter.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,888         124  qprinterinfo.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,534         124  qprintpreviewdialog.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,916         124  qprintpreviewwidget.h
 7-27-11  18:43           7,670         124  qprocess.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,505         124  qprogressbar.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,498         124  qprogressdialog.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,206         124  qpropertyanimation.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,609         124  qproxymodel.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,135         124  qproxystyle.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,197         124  qpushbutton.h
 5-04-11  23:36          10,337         124  qquaternion.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,455         124  qqueue.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,924         124  qradiobutton.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,372         124  qreadwritelock.h
 5-04-11  23:36          22,226         124  qrect.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,513         124  qregexp.h
 5-04-11  23:36           8,679         124  qregion.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,468         124  qresource.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,353         124  qrgb.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           4,407         124  qsql_ibase.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,402         124  qsql_mysql.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,219         124  qsql_oci.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,639         124  qsql_odbc.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,734         124  qsql_psql.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,990         124  qsql_sqlite.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,126         124  qsql_sqlite2.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,179         124  qsql_tds.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           4,856         124  qsslcertificate.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           8,788         124  qtabwidget.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           4,659         124  qtconcurrentfunctionwrappers.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           9,485         124  qtconcurrentmapkernel.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,769         124  qtconcurrentmedian.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           7,458         124  qtconcurrentresultstore.h
 5-04-11  23:36          18,758         124  qtconcurrentrun.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,629         124  qtconcurrentrunbase.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           3,444         124  qtcpserver.h
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 5-04-11  23:36             976         124  QtDeclarative
 5-04-11  23:36           3,369         124  qtemporaryfile.h
 5-04-11  23:36           8,806         124  qtest.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,728         124  qtestaccessible.h
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 5-04-11  23:36          13,241         124  qtextstream.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,608         124  qtexttable.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,989         124  QtGui
 2-11-10  17:19             304         124  QtHelp
 5-04-11  23:36           4,371         124  qthread.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,078         124  qthreadpool.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,221         124  qthreadstorage.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           3,543         124  qtimer.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           6,484         124  qtoolbar.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,444         124  qtoolbox.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,985         124  qtoolbutton.h
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 5-04-11  23:36          11,401         124  qtransform.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           7,953         124  qtransportauth_qws.h
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 5-04-11  23:36          17,221         124  qtreewidget.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,072         124  qtreewidgetitemiterator.h
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 5-07-09   8:28             187         124  QtScriptTools
 5-07-09   8:28             452         124  QtSql
 5-07-09   8:28             214         124  QtSvg
 5-04-11  23:36             583         124  QtTest
 3-08-10   6:52             474         124  QtWebKit
 5-04-11  23:36             144         124  QtXml
 2-11-10  17:19             514         124  QtXmlPatterns
 6-29-11  18:36           3,725         124  qt_os2.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,293         124  qt_windows.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           3,150         124  qundoview.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           4,624         124  qurlinfo.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,218         124  quuid.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,133         124  qvalidator.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           8,382         124  qvarlengtharray.h
 5-04-11  23:36          26,257         124  qvector.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           9,032         124  qvector3d.h
 5-04-11  23:36           9,220         124  qvector4d.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,455         124  qvfbhdr.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,911         124  qwaitcondition.h
 2-11-10  17:19           1,714         124  qwebdatabase.h
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 5-04-11  23:36           6,952         124  qwebframe.h
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 2-11-10  17:19           1,486         124  qwebhistoryinterface.h
 5-04-11  23:36           1,741         124  qwebinspector.h
 5-04-11  23:36           1,711         124  qwebkitglobal.h
 8-02-10  15:27           1,170         124  qwebkitversion.h
 5-04-11  23:36          11,012         124  qwebpage.h
 2-11-10  17:19           2,297         124  qwebpluginfactory.h
 2-11-10  17:19           2,040         124  qwebsecurityorigin.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,811         124  qwebsettings.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,310         124  qwebview.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,812         124  qwhatsthis.h
 5-04-11  23:36          38,823         124  qwidget.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,946         124  qwidgetaction.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,903         124  qwindowdefs.h
 8-28-11  19:43           4,677         124  qwindowdefs_pm.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,363         124  qwindowdefs_win.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,178         124  qwindowscestyle.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,184         124  qwindowsmobilestyle.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,010         124  qwindowsstyle.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,392         124  qwindowsvistastyle.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,212         124  qwindowsxpstyle.h
 5-04-11  23:36          15,189         124  qwindowsystem_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           8,621         124  qwizard.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,176         124  qwmatrix.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,405         124  qworkspace.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,840         124  qwscursor_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,362         124  qwsdisplay_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,773         124  qwsembedwidget.h
 5-04-11  23:36          13,782         124  qwsevent_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,771         124  qwsmanager_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,119         124  qwsproperty_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,488         124  qwsprotocolitem_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,475         124  qwssocket_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,145         124  qwsutils_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,647         124  qx11embed_x11.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,249         124  qx11info_x11.h
 5-04-11  23:36          14,133         124  qxml.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,343         124  qxmlformatter.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,279         124  qxmlname.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,032         124  qxmlnamepool.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,549         124  qxmlquery.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,577         124  qxmlresultitems.h
 2-11-10  17:19           3,390         124  qxmlschema.h
 2-11-10  17:19           3,481         124  qxmlschemavalidator.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,821         124  qxmlserializer.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,731         124  qxmlstream.h
      4,215,113 bytes in 619 files and 2 dirs    4,374,016 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\QtCore\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-11-10  17:19              33         124  QAbstractAnimation
 5-04-11  23:36           4,525         124  qabstractanimation.h
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QAbstractConcatenable
 5-07-09   8:28              38         124  QAbstractEventDispatcher
 5-04-11  23:36           3,706         124  qabstracteventdispatcher.h
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QAbstractFileEngine
 5-04-11  23:36           7,844         124  qabstractfileengine.h
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QAbstractFileEngineHandler
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QAbstractFileEngineIterator
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QAbstractItemModel
 5-04-11  23:36          16,501         124  qabstractitemmodel.h
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QAbstractListModel
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QAbstractState
 5-04-11  23:36           2,987         124  qabstractstate.h
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QAbstractTableModel
 2-11-10  17:19              34         124  QAbstractTransition
 5-04-11  23:36           3,814         124  qabstracttransition.h
 5-04-11  23:36          16,422         124  qalgorithms.h
 2-11-10  17:19              30         124  QAnimationGroup
 5-04-11  23:36           3,069         124  qanimationgroup.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QArgument
 5-04-11  23:36           6,836         124  qatomic.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QAtomicInt
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QAtomicPointer
 5-04-11  23:36          26,033         124  qatomic_alpha.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,583         124  qatomic_arch.h
 5-04-11  23:36          12,042         124  qatomic_arm.h
 5-04-11  23:36          15,036         124  qatomic_armv6.h
 5-04-11  23:36           7,481         124  qatomic_avr32.h
 5-04-11  23:36          10,055         124  qatomic_bfin.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,101         124  qatomic_bootstrap.h
 5-04-11  23:36           8,700         124  qatomic_generic.h
 5-04-11  23:36          10,946         124  qatomic_i386.h
 5-04-11  23:36          25,844         124  qatomic_ia64.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,280         124  qatomic_macosx.h
 5-04-11  23:36          28,216         124  qatomic_mips.h
 5-04-11  23:36           8,397         124  qatomic_parisc.h
 5-04-11  23:36          22,909         124  qatomic_powerpc.h
 5-04-11  23:36          14,194         124  qatomic_s390.h
 5-04-11  23:36           9,222         124  qatomic_sh.h
 5-04-11  23:36          17,933         124  qatomic_sh4a.h
 5-04-11  23:36          16,975         124  qatomic_sparc.h
 5-04-11  23:36          11,552         124  qatomic_symbian.h
 5-04-11  23:36           8,824         124  qatomic_vxworks.h
 5-04-11  23:36          16,297         124  qatomic_windows.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,163         124  qatomic_windowsce.h
 5-04-11  23:36          10,983         124  qatomic_x86_64.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,434         124  qbasicatomic.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QBasicAtomicInt
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QBasicAtomicPointer
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QBasicTimer
 5-04-11  23:36           2,492         124  qbasictimer.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QBitArray
 5-04-11  23:36           6,231         124  qbitarray.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QBitRef
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QBool
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QBuffer
 5-04-11  23:36           3,347         124  qbuffer.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QByteArray
 5-04-11  23:36          23,612         124  qbytearray.h
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QByteArrayMatcher
 5-04-11  23:36           3,283         124  qbytearraymatcher.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QByteRef
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QCache
 5-04-11  23:36           6,098         124  qcache.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QChar
 5-04-11  23:36          13,064         124  qchar.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QCharRef
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QChildEvent
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QConcatenable
 5-04-11  23:36           2,301         124  qconfig-dist.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,289         124  qconfig-large.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,619         124  qconfig-medium.h
 5-04-11  23:36          12,944         124  qconfig-minimal.h
 5-04-11  23:36           7,495         124  qconfig-small.h
 3-22-13  11:56           3,895         124  qconfig.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QConstString
 5-04-11  23:36           2,666         124  qcontainerfwd.h
 2-11-10  17:19              31         124  QContiguousCache
 5-04-11  23:36          14,056         124  qcontiguouscache.h
 2-11-10  17:19              31         124  QContiguousCacheData
 2-11-10  17:19              31         124  QContiguousCacheTypedData
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QCOORD
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QCoreApplication
 5-04-11  23:36          10,337         124  qcoreapplication.h
 5-04-11  23:36          16,258         124  qcoreevent.h
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QCryptographicHash
 5-04-11  23:36           2,650         124  qcryptographichash.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QCustomEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QDataStream
 5-04-11  23:36          11,433         124  qdatastream.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QDate
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QDateTime
 5-04-11  23:36          11,631         124  qdatetime.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QDebug
 5-04-11  23:36          12,230         124  qdebug.h
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QDir
 5-04-11  23:36           9,717         124  qdir.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QDirIterator
 5-04-11  23:36           3,226         124  qdiriterator.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QDynamicPropertyChangeEvent
 2-11-10  17:19              27         124  QEasingCurve
 5-04-11  23:36           4,401         124  qeasingcurve.h
 5-04-11  23:36              27         124  QElapsedTimer
 5-04-11  23:36           2,991         124  qelapsedtimer.h
 5-04-11  23:36          12,278         124  qendian.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QEventLoop
 5-04-11  23:36           3,181         124  qeventloop.h
 2-11-10  17:19              31         124  QEventTransition
 5-04-11  23:36           3,303         124  qeventtransition.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QExplicitlySharedDataPointer
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QFactoryInterface
 5-04-11  23:36           2,381         124  qfactoryinterface.h
 5-04-11  23:36          21,607         124  qfeatures.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QFile
 5-04-11  23:36           6,356         124  qfile.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QFileInfo
 5-04-11  23:36           6,263         124  qfileinfo.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QFileInfoList
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QFileInfoListIterator
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QFileSystemWatcher
 5-04-11  23:36           3,052         124  qfilesystemwatcher.h
 2-11-10  17:19              26         124  QFinalState
 5-04-11  23:36           2,604         124  qfinalstate.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QFlag
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QFlags
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QForeachContainer
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QForeachContainerBase
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QFSFileEngine
 5-04-11  23:36           4,250         124  qfsfileengine.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,884         124  qfunctions_vxworks.h
 5-04-11  23:36          13,912         124  qfunctions_wince.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QFuture
 5-04-11  23:36           9,075         124  qfuture.h
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QFutureInterface
 5-04-11  23:36           9,700         124  qfutureinterface.h
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QFutureInterfaceBase
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QFutureIterator
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QFutureSynchronizer
 5-04-11  23:36           3,446         124  qfuturesynchronizer.h
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QFutureWatcher
 5-04-11  23:36           6,279         124  qfuturewatcher.h
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QFutureWatcherBase
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QGenericArgument
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QGenericReturnArgument
11-19-12  12:11          87,591         124  qglobal.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QGlobalStatic
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QGlobalStaticDeleter
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QHash
 5-04-11  23:36          30,814         124  qhash.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QHashData
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QHashDummyNode
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QHashDummyValue
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QHashIterator
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QHashNode
 2-11-10  17:19              28         124  QHistoryState
 5-04-11  23:36           3,128         124  qhistorystate.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QIncompatibleFlag
 2-11-10  17:19              22         124  QIntegerForSize
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QInternal
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QIODevice
 5-04-11  23:36           8,366         124  qiodevice.h
 5-04-11  23:36           8,954         124  qiterator.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QLatin1Char
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QLatin1Literal
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QLatin1String
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QLibrary
 5-04-11  23:36           4,082         124  qlibrary.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QLibraryInfo
 5-04-11  23:36           2,859         124  qlibraryinfo.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QLine
 5-04-11  23:36           9,908         124  qline.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QLineF
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QLinkedList
 5-04-11  23:36          15,536         124  qlinkedlist.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QLinkedListData
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QLinkedListIterator
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QLinkedListNode
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QList
 5-04-11  23:36          29,379         124  qlist.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QListData
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QListIterator
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QLocale
 5-04-11  23:36          20,698         124  qlocale.h
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QMap
 5-04-11  23:36          33,616         124  qmap.h
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QMapData
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QMapIterator
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QMapNode
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QMapPayloadNode
 2-11-10  17:19              23         124  QMargins
 5-04-11  23:36           4,416         124  qmargins.h
 5-04-11  23:36           7,153         124  qmath.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QMetaClassInfo
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QMetaEnum
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QMetaMethod
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QMetaObject
 5-04-11  23:36           8,851         124  qmetaobject.h
 2-11-10  17:19              26         124  QMetaObjectAccessor
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QMetaObjectExtraData
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QMetaProperty
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QMetaType
 5-04-11  23:36          13,487         124  qmetatype.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QMetaTypeId
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QMetaTypeId2
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QMimeData
 5-04-11  23:36           3,299         124  qmimedata.h
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QModelIndex
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QModelIndexList
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QMultiHash
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QMultiMap
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QMutableFutureIterator
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QMutableHashIterator
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QMutableLinkedListIterator
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QMutableListIterator
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QMutableMapIterator
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QMutableSetIterator
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QMutableStringListIterator
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QMutableVectorIterator
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QMutex
 5-04-11  23:36           4,884         124  qmutex.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QMutexLocker
 5-04-11  23:36          55,643         124  qnamespace.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QNoDebug
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QNoImplicitBoolCast
 5-04-11  23:36           2,580         124  qnumeric.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QObject
 5-04-11  23:36          13,567         124  qobject.h
 5-07-09   8:28              35         124  QObjectCleanupHandler
 5-04-11  23:36           2,547         124  qobjectcleanuphandler.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QObjectData
 5-04-11  23:36          17,528         124  qobjectdefs.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QObjectList
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QObjectUserData
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QPair
 5-04-11  23:36           3,884         124  qpair.h
 2-11-10  17:19              38         124  QParallelAnimationGroup
 5-04-11  23:36           3,055         124  qparallelanimationgroup.h
 2-11-10  17:19              30         124  QPauseAnimation
 5-04-11  23:36           2,809         124  qpauseanimation.h
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QPersistentModelIndex
 5-04-11  23:36           4,936         124  qplugin.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QPluginLoader
 5-04-11  23:36           3,143         124  qpluginloader.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QPoint
 5-04-11  23:36           9,407         124  qpoint.h
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QPointer
 5-04-11  23:36           5,237         124  qpointer.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QPointF
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QProcess
 7-27-11  18:43           7,670         124  qprocess.h
 2-11-10  17:19              23         124  QProcessEnvironment
 2-11-10  17:19              33         124  QPropertyAnimation
 5-04-11  23:36           3,206         124  qpropertyanimation.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QQueue
 5-04-11  23:36           2,455         124  qqueue.h
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QReadLocker
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QReadWriteLock
 5-04-11  23:36           6,372         124  qreadwritelock.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QRect
 5-04-11  23:36          22,226         124  qrect.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QRectF
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QRegExp
 5-04-11  23:36           5,513         124  qregexp.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QResource
 5-04-11  23:36           3,468         124  qresource.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QReturnArgument
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QRunnable
 5-04-11  23:36           2,465         124  qrunnable.h
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QScopedArrayPointer
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QScopedPointer
 5-04-11  23:36           5,681         124  qscopedpointer.h
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QScopedPointerArrayDeleter
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QScopedPointerDeleter
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QScopedPointerPodDeleter
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QSemaphore
 5-04-11  23:36           2,527         124  qsemaphore.h
 2-11-10  17:19              40         124  QSequentialAnimationGroup
 5-04-11  23:36           3,430         124  qsequentialanimationgroup.h
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QSet
 5-04-11  23:36          13,759         124  qset.h
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QSetIterator
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QSettings
 5-04-11  23:36          10,225         124  qsettings.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QSharedData
 5-04-11  23:36           7,747         124  qshareddata.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QSharedDataPointer
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QSharedMemory
 5-04-11  23:36           3,269         124  qsharedmemory.h
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QSharedPointer
 5-04-11  23:36           5,903         124  qsharedpointer.h
 5-04-11  23:36          27,232         124  qsharedpointer_impl.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QSignalMapper
 5-04-11  23:36           3,241         124  qsignalmapper.h
 2-11-10  17:19              32         124  QSignalTransition
 5-04-11  23:36           3,089         124  qsignaltransition.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QSize
 5-04-11  23:36          10,351         124  qsize.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QSizeF
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QSocketNotifier
 5-04-11  23:36           2,885         124  qsocketnotifier.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QStack
 5-04-11  23:36           2,753         124  qstack.h
 2-11-10  17:19              21         124  QState
 5-04-11  23:36           3,923         124  qstate.h
 2-11-10  17:19              28         124  QStateMachine
 5-04-11  23:36           5,923         124  qstatemachine.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QStdWString
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QString
 5-04-11  23:36          59,493         124  qstring.h
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QStringBuilder
 5-04-11  23:36           9,594         124  qstringbuilder.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QStringList
 5-04-11  23:36           9,787         124  qstringlist.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QStringListIterator
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QStringMatcher
 5-04-11  23:36           3,344         124  qstringmatcher.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QStringRef
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QSysInfo
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QSystemLocale
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QSystemSemaphore
 5-04-11  23:36           3,022         124  qsystemsemaphore.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  Qt
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QtAlgorithms
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QtCleanUpFunction
 5-04-11  23:36           2,406         124  qtconcurrentcompilertest.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,392         124  qtconcurrentexception.h
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QtConcurrentFilter
 5-04-11  23:36          29,533         124  qtconcurrentfilter.h
 5-04-11  23:36          11,662         124  qtconcurrentfilterkernel.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,659         124  qtconcurrentfunctionwrappers.h
 5-04-11  23:36          10,300         124  qtconcurrentiteratekernel.h
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QtConcurrentMap
 5-04-11  23:36          32,433         124  qtconcurrentmap.h
 5-04-11  23:36           9,485         124  qtconcurrentmapkernel.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,769         124  qtconcurrentmedian.h
 5-04-11  23:36           7,556         124  qtconcurrentreducekernel.h
 5-04-11  23:36           7,458         124  qtconcurrentresultstore.h
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QtConcurrentRun
 5-04-11  23:36          18,758         124  qtconcurrentrun.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,629         124  qtconcurrentrunbase.h
 5-04-11  23:36          56,138         124  qtconcurrentstoredfunctioncall.h
 5-04-11  23:36           8,567         124  qtconcurrentthreadengine.h
 5-04-11  23:36              21         124  QtConfig
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QtContainerFwd
 5-04-11  23:36           3,611         124  QtCore
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QtDebug
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QTemporaryFile
 5-04-11  23:36           3,369         124  qtemporaryfile.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QtEndian
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QTextBoundaryFinder
 5-04-11  23:36           3,433         124  qtextboundaryfinder.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QTextCodec
 5-04-11  23:36           7,201         124  qtextcodec.h
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QTextCodecFactoryInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QTextCodecPlugin
 5-04-11  23:36           3,233         124  qtextcodecplugin.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QTextDecoder
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QTextEncoder
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextIStream
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextOStream
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextStream
 5-04-11  23:36          13,241         124  qtextstream.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextStreamFunction
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextStreamManipulator
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QtGlobal
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QThread
 5-04-11  23:36           4,371         124  qthread.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QThreadPool
 5-04-11  23:36           3,078         124  qthreadpool.h
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QThreadStorage
 5-04-11  23:36           4,221         124  qthreadstorage.h
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QThreadStorageData
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QTime
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QTimeLine
 5-04-11  23:36           4,389         124  qtimeline.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QTimer
 5-04-11  23:36           3,543         124  qtimer.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QTimerEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QtMsgHandler
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QtPlugin
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QtPluginInstanceFunction
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTranslator
 5-04-11  23:36           3,363         124  qtranslator.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTS
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QTypeInfo
 6-29-11  18:36           3,725         124  qt_os2.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,293         124  qt_windows.h
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QUrl
 5-04-11  23:36          10,254         124  qurl.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QUuid
 5-04-11  23:36           5,218         124  quuid.h
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QVariant
 5-04-11  23:36          18,592         124  qvariant.h
 2-11-10  17:19              32         124  QVariantAnimation
 5-04-11  23:36           4,689         124  qvariantanimation.h
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QVariantComparisonHelper
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QVariantHash
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QVariantList
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QVariantMap
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QVarLengthArray
 5-04-11  23:36           8,382         124  qvarlengtharray.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QVector
 5-04-11  23:36          26,257         124  qvector.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QVectorData
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QVectorIterator
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QVectorTypedData
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QWaitCondition
 5-04-11  23:36           2,911         124  qwaitcondition.h
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QWeakPointer
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QWriteLocker
 5-04-11  23:36          18,417         124  qxmlstream.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamAttribute
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamAttributes
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamEntityDeclarations
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamEntityResolver
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarations
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamNotationDeclarations
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamReader
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamStringRef
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamWriter
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  Q_INT8
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  Q_INT16
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  Q_INT32
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  Q_INT64
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  Q_LLONG
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  Q_LONG
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  Q_PID
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  Q_UINT8
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  Q_UINT16
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  Q_UINT32
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  Q_UINT64
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  Q_ULLONG
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  Q_ULONG
      1,722,687 bytes in 438 files and 2 dirs    1,897,984 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\QtDeclarative\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36          11,819         124  qdeclarative.h
 5-04-11  23:36              33         124  QDeclarativeAttachedPropertiesFunc
 5-04-11  23:36              35         124  QDeclarativeComponent
 5-04-11  23:36           4,538         124  qdeclarativecomponent.h
 5-04-11  23:36              33         124  QDeclarativeContext
 5-04-11  23:36           3,957         124  qdeclarativecontext.h
 5-04-11  23:36              32         124  QDeclarativeEngine
 5-04-11  23:36           4,522         124  qdeclarativeengine.h
 5-04-11  23:36              31         124  QDeclarativeError
 5-04-11  23:36           2,863         124  qdeclarativeerror.h
 5-04-11  23:36              36         124  QDeclarativeExpression
 5-04-11  23:36           3,931         124  qdeclarativeexpression.h
 5-04-11  23:36              44         124  QDeclarativeExtensionInterface
 5-04-11  23:36           2,586         124  qdeclarativeextensioninterface.h
 5-04-11  23:36              41         124  QDeclarativeExtensionPlugin
 5-04-11  23:36           2,755         124  qdeclarativeextensionplugin.h
 5-04-11  23:36              39         124  QDeclarativeImageProvider
 5-04-11  23:36           2,738         124  qdeclarativeimageprovider.h
 5-04-11  23:36              30         124  QDeclarativeInfo
 5-04-11  23:36           5,364         124  qdeclarativeinfo.h
 5-04-11  23:36              30         124  QDeclarativeItem
 5-04-11  23:36           9,015         124  qdeclarativeitem.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,110         124  qdeclarativelist.h
 5-04-11  23:36              30         124  QDeclarativeListProperty
 5-04-11  23:36              30         124  QDeclarativeListReference
 5-04-11  23:36              53         124  QDeclarativeNetworkAccessManagerFactory
 5-04-11  23:36           2,458         124  qdeclarativenetworkaccessmanagerfactory.h
 5-04-11  23:36              38         124  QDeclarativeParserStatus
 5-04-11  23:36           2,696         124  qdeclarativeparserstatus.h
 5-04-11  23:36           7,345         124  qdeclarativeprivate.h
 5-04-11  23:36              34         124  QDeclarativeProperties
 5-04-11  23:36              34         124  QDeclarativeProperty
 5-04-11  23:36           4,652         124  qdeclarativeproperty.h
 5-04-11  23:36              37         124  QDeclarativePropertyMap
 5-04-11  23:36           3,032         124  qdeclarativepropertymap.h
 5-04-11  23:36              50         124  QDeclarativePropertyValueInterceptor
 5-04-11  23:36           2,658         124  qdeclarativepropertyvalueinterceptor.h
 5-04-11  23:36              45         124  QDeclarativePropertyValueSource
 5-04-11  23:36           2,559         124  qdeclarativepropertyvaluesource.h
 5-04-11  23:36              38         124  QDeclarativeScriptString
 5-04-11  23:36           2,937         124  qdeclarativescriptstring.h
 5-04-11  23:36              33         124  QDeclarativeTypeInfo
 5-04-11  23:36              30         124  QDeclarativeView
 5-04-11  23:36           3,902         124  qdeclarativeview.h
 5-04-11  23:36             976         124  QtDeclarative
         93,249 bytes in 45 files and 2 dirs    109,056 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\QtDesigner\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,730         124  abstractactioneditor.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,011         124  abstractbrushmanager.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,606         124  abstractdnditem.h
 5-04-11  23:36          10,981         124  abstractformbuilder.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,631         124  abstractformeditor.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,700         124  abstractformeditorplugin.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,302         124  abstractformwindow.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,467         124  abstractformwindowcursor.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,620         124  abstractformwindowmanager.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,975         124  abstractformwindowtool.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,080         124  abstracticoncache.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,672         124  abstractintegration.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,717         124  abstractlanguage.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,217         124  abstractmetadatabase.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,641         124  abstractobjectinspector.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,408         124  abstractpromotioninterface.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,973         124  abstractpropertyeditor.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,650         124  abstractresourcebrowser.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,252         124  abstractwidgetbox.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,669         124  abstractwidgetdatabase.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,933         124  abstractwidgetfactory.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,675         124  container.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,474         124  customwidget.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,053         124  default_extensionfactory.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,002         124  dynamicpropertysheet.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,119         124  extension.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,470         124  extension_global.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,917         124  extrainfo.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,088         124  formbuilder.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,421         124  layoutdecoration.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,182         124  membersheet.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,155         124  propertysheet.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QAbstractExtensionFactory
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QAbstractExtensionManager
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QAbstractFormBuilder
 5-07-09   8:28              34         124  QDesignerActionEditorInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              34         124  QDesignerBrushManagerInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              34         124  QDesignerComponents
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QDesignerContainerExtension
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QDesignerDnDItemInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              34         124  QDesignerDynamicPropertySheetExtension
 5-07-09   8:28              35         124  QDesignerExportWidget
 5-04-11  23:36           2,376         124  qdesignerexportwidget.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QDesignerExtraInfoExtension
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QDesignerFormEditorInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              38         124  QDesignerFormEditorPluginInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              38         124  QDesignerFormWindowCursorInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QDesignerFormWindowInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              39         124  QDesignerFormWindowManagerInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              36         124  QDesignerFormWindowToolInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QDesignerIconCacheInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QDesignerIntegrationInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QDesignerLanguageExtension
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QDesignerLayoutDecorationExtension
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QDesignerMemberSheetExtension
 5-07-09   8:28              34         124  QDesignerMetaDataBaseInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              34         124  QDesignerMetaDataBaseItemInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              37         124  QDesignerObjectInspectorInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              40         124  QDesignerPromotionInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              36         124  QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QDesignerPropertySheetExtension
 5-07-09   8:28              37         124  QDesignerResourceBrowserInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QDesignerTaskMenuExtension
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              36         124  QDesignerWidgetDataBaseInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              36         124  QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              35         124  QDesignerWidgetFactoryInterface
 5-04-11  23:36           3,416         124  qdesigner_components.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,513         124  qdesigner_components_global.h
 5-07-09   8:28              38         124  QExtensionFactory
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QExtensionManager
 5-04-11  23:36           2,946         124  qextensionmanager.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QFormBuilder
 5-04-11  23:36           1,141         124  QtDesigner
 5-04-11  23:36           2,404         124  sdk_global.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,504         124  taskmenu.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,426         124  uilib_global.h
        139,757 bytes in 79 files and 2 dirs    168,448 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\QtGui\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QAbstractButton
 5-04-11  23:36           5,942         124  qabstractbutton.h
 2-11-10  17:19              38         124  QAbstractFontEngine
 5-04-11  23:36           7,089         124  qabstractfontengine_qws.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
 5-07-09   8:28              35         124  QAbstractItemDelegate
 5-04-11  23:36           4,553         124  qabstractitemdelegate.h
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QAbstractItemView
 5-04-11  23:36          13,551         124  qabstractitemview.h
 5-07-09   8:28              38         124  QAbstractPageSetupDialog
 5-04-11  23:36           2,776         124  qabstractpagesetupdialog.h
 5-07-09   8:28              34         124  QAbstractPrintDialog
 5-04-11  23:36           3,968         124  qabstractprintdialog.h
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QAbstractProxyModel
 5-04-11  23:36           3,668         124  qabstractproxymodel.h
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QAbstractScrollArea
 5-04-11  23:36           4,857         124  qabstractscrollarea.h
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QAbstractSlider
 5-04-11  23:36           5,976         124  qabstractslider.h
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QAbstractSpinBox
 5-04-11  23:36           6,096         124  qabstractspinbox.h
 5-07-09   8:28              41         124  QAbstractTextDocumentLayout
 5-04-11  23:36           5,312         124  qabstracttextdocumentlayout.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QAbstractUndoItem
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QAccessible
 5-04-11  23:36          14,620         124  qaccessible.h
 5-04-11  23:36           9,544         124  qaccessible2.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QAccessible2Interface
 2-11-10  17:19              27         124  QAccessibleActionInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QAccessibleApplication
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QAccessibleBridge
 5-04-11  23:36           3,228         124  qaccessiblebridge.h
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QAccessibleBridgeFactoryInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QAccessibleBridgePlugin
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QAccessibleEditableTextInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QAccessibleEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QAccessibleFactoryInterface
 2-11-10  17:19              27         124  QAccessibleImageInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QAccessibleInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QAccessibleInterfaceEx
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QAccessibleObject
 5-04-11  23:36           4,266         124  qaccessibleobject.h
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QAccessibleObjectEx
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QAccessiblePlugin
 5-04-11  23:36           3,067         124  qaccessibleplugin.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QAccessibleSimpleEditableTextInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QAccessibleTableInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QAccessibleTextInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QAccessibleValueInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QAccessibleWidget
 5-04-11  23:36           4,779         124  qaccessiblewidget.h
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QAccessibleWidgetEx
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QAction
 5-04-11  23:36           9,053         124  qaction.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QActionEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QActionGroup
 5-04-11  23:36           3,695         124  qactiongroup.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QApplication
 5-04-11  23:36          14,813         124  qapplication.h
 2-11-10  17:19              33         124  QAuthDevice
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QBitmap
 5-04-11  23:36           3,849         124  qbitmap.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QBoxLayout
 5-04-11  23:36           5,613         124  qboxlayout.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QBrush
 5-04-11  23:36           9,491         124  qbrush.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QBrushData
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QButtonGroup
 5-04-11  23:36           3,517         124  qbuttongroup.h
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QCalendarWidget
 5-04-11  23:36           7,221         124  qcalendarwidget.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QCDEStyle
 5-04-11  23:36           2,959         124  qcdestyle.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QCheckBox
 5-04-11  23:36           3,707         124  qcheckbox.h
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QCleanlooksStyle
 5-04-11  23:36           4,946         124  qcleanlooksstyle.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QClipboard
 5-04-11  23:36           3,967         124  qclipboard.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QClipboardEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QCloseEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QColor
 5-04-11  23:36           8,882         124  qcolor.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QColorDialog
 5-04-11  23:36           5,067         124  qcolordialog.h
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QColorGroup
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QColormap
 5-04-11  23:36           2,856         124  qcolormap.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QColumnView
 5-04-11  23:36           4,386         124  qcolumnview.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QComboBox
 5-04-11  23:36          12,967         124  qcombobox.h
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QCommandLinkButton
 5-04-11  23:36           2,981         124  qcommandlinkbutton.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QCommonStyle
 5-04-11  23:36           4,282         124  qcommonstyle.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QCompleter
 5-04-11  23:36           5,584         124  qcompleter.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QConicalGradient
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QContextMenuEvent
 2-11-10  17:19              30         124  QCopChannel
 5-04-11  23:36           3,665         124  qcopchannel_qws.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QCursor
 5-04-11  23:36           5,244         124  qcursor.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QCursorShape
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QDataWidgetMapper
 5-04-11  23:36           4,322         124  qdatawidgetmapper.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QDateEdit
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QDateTimeEdit
 5-04-11  23:36           7,966         124  qdatetimeedit.h
 2-11-10  17:19              30         124  QDecoration
 2-11-10  17:19              30         124  QDecorationAction
 2-11-10  17:19              37         124  QDecorationDefault
 5-04-11  23:36           3,670         124  qdecorationdefault_qws.h
 2-11-10  17:19              37         124  QDecorationFactory
 2-11-10  17:19              36         124  QDecorationFactoryInterface
 5-04-11  23:36           2,381         124  qdecorationfactory_qws.h
 2-11-10  17:19              36         124  QDecorationPlugin
 5-04-11  23:36           2,971         124  qdecorationplugin_qws.h
 2-11-10  17:19              36         124  QDecorationStyled
 5-04-11  23:36           2,757         124  qdecorationstyled_qws.h
 2-11-10  17:19              37         124  QDecorationWindows
 5-04-11  23:36           2,921         124  qdecorationwindows_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,682         124  qdecoration_qws.h
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QDesktopServices
 5-04-11  23:36           2,912         124  qdesktopservices.h
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QDesktopWidget
 5-04-11  23:36           3,601         124  qdesktopwidget.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QDial
 5-04-11  23:36           3,734         124  qdial.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QDialog
 5-04-11  23:36           4,067         124  qdialog.h
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QDialogButtonBox
 5-04-11  23:36           5,516         124  qdialogbuttonbox.h
 2-11-10  17:19              33         124  QDirectPainter
 5-04-11  23:36           3,723         124  qdirectpainter_qws.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QDirModel
 5-04-11  23:36           5,473         124  qdirmodel.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QDockWidget
 5-04-11  23:36           5,016         124  qdockwidget.h
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QDoubleSpinBox
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QDoubleValidator
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QDrag
 5-04-11  23:36           3,230         124  qdrag.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QDragEnterEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QDragLeaveEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QDragMoveEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QDragResponseEvent
 5-04-11  23:36           7,763         124  qdrawutil.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QDropEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QErrorMessage
 5-04-11  23:36           2,791         124  qerrormessage.h
 5-04-11  23:36          27,749         124  qevent.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QFileDialog
 5-04-11  23:36          13,963         124  qfiledialog.h
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QFileIconProvider
 5-04-11  23:36           2,792         124  qfileiconprovider.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QFileOpenEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QFileSystemModel
 5-04-11  23:36           6,996         124  qfilesystemmodel.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QFocusEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QFocusFrame
 5-04-11  23:36           2,621         124  qfocusframe.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QFont
 5-04-11  23:36          10,113         124  qfont.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QFontComboBox
 5-04-11  23:36           3,609         124  qfontcombobox.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QFontDatabase
 5-04-11  23:36           5,656         124  qfontdatabase.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QFontDialog
 5-04-11  23:36           4,971         124  qfontdialog.h
 2-11-10  17:19              38         124  QFontEngineFactoryInterface
 2-11-10  17:19              38         124  QFontEngineInfo
 2-11-10  17:19              38         124  QFontEnginePlugin
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QFontInfo
 5-04-11  23:36           2,852         124  qfontinfo.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QFontMetrics
 5-04-11  23:36           6,788         124  qfontmetrics.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QFontMetricsF
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QFormLayout
 5-04-11  23:36           5,776         124  qformlayout.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QFrame
 5-04-11  23:36           4,641         124  qframe.h
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QGenericMatrix
 5-04-11  23:36          13,785         124  qgenericmatrix.h
 2-11-10  17:19              23         124  QGesture
 5-04-11  23:36           8,954         124  qgesture.h
 2-11-10  17:19              21         124  QGestureEvent
 2-11-10  17:19              33         124  QGestureRecognizer
 5-04-11  23:36           3,388         124  qgesturerecognizer.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QGradient
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QGradientStop
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QGradientStops
 2-11-10  17:19              36         124  QGraphicsAnchor
 2-11-10  17:19              36         124  QGraphicsAnchorLayout
 5-04-11  23:36           4,625         124  qgraphicsanchorlayout.h
 2-11-10  17:19              30         124  QGraphicsBlurEffect
 2-11-10  17:19              30         124  QGraphicsColorizeEffect
 2-11-10  17:19              30         124  QGraphicsDropShadowEffect
 2-11-10  17:19              30         124  QGraphicsEffect
 5-04-11  23:36           8,833         124  qgraphicseffect.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QGraphicsEllipseItem
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QGraphicsGridLayout
 5-04-11  23:36           5,283         124  qgraphicsgridlayout.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QGraphicsItem
 5-04-11  23:36          41,505         124  qgraphicsitem.h
 5-07-09   8:28              36         124  QGraphicsItemAnimation
 5-04-11  23:36           3,949         124  qgraphicsitemanimation.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QGraphicsItemGroup
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QGraphicsLayout
 5-04-11  23:36           3,278         124  qgraphicslayout.h
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QGraphicsLayoutItem
 5-04-11  23:36           5,853         124  qgraphicslayoutitem.h
 5-07-09   8:28              35         124  QGraphicsLinearLayout
 5-04-11  23:36           4,005         124  qgraphicslinearlayout.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QGraphicsLineItem
 2-11-10  17:19              28         124  QGraphicsObject
 2-11-10  17:19              30         124  QGraphicsOpacityEffect
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QGraphicsPathItem
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QGraphicsPixmapItem
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QGraphicsPolygonItem
 5-07-09   8:28              34         124  QGraphicsProxyWidget
 5-04-11  23:36           4,937         124  qgraphicsproxywidget.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QGraphicsRectItem
 2-11-10  17:19              33         124  QGraphicsRotation
 2-11-10  17:19              33         124  QGraphicsScale
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QGraphicsScene
 5-04-11  23:36          13,958         124  qgraphicsscene.h
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QGraphicsSceneEvent
 5-04-11  23:36           9,348         124  qgraphicssceneevent.h
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QGraphicsSceneMoveEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QGraphicsSimpleTextItem
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QGraphicsTextItem
 2-11-10  17:19              33         124  QGraphicsTransform
 5-04-11  23:36           4,758         124  qgraphicstransform.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QGraphicsView
 5-04-11  23:36          12,848         124  qgraphicsview.h
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QGraphicsWidget
 5-04-11  23:36           9,753         124  qgraphicswidget.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QGridLayout
 5-04-11  23:36           7,307         124  qgridlayout.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QGroupBox
 5-04-11  23:36           4,034         124  qgroupbox.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QGtkStyle
 5-04-11  23:36           5,049         124  qgtkstyle.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,710         124  qguifunctions_wince.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QHBoxLayout
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QHeaderView
 5-04-11  23:36           9,031         124  qheaderview.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QHelpEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QHideEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QHoverEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QIcon
 5-04-11  23:36           5,739         124  qicon.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QIconDragEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QIconEngine
 5-04-11  23:36           3,827         124  qiconengine.h
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QIconEngineFactoryInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QIconEngineFactoryInterfaceV2
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QIconEnginePlugin
 5-04-11  23:36           3,652         124  qiconengineplugin.h
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QIconEnginePluginV2
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QIconEngineV2
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QIconSet
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QImage
 5-04-11  23:36          14,142         124  qimage.h
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QImageIOHandler
 5-04-11  23:36           4,893         124  qimageiohandler.h
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QImageIOPlugin
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QImageReader
 5-04-11  23:36           4,376         124  qimagereader.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QImageTextKeyLang
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QImageWriter
 5-04-11  23:36           3,535         124  qimagewriter.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QInputContext
 5-04-11  23:36           4,453         124  qinputcontext.h
 5-07-09   8:28              34         124  QInputContextFactory
 5-04-11  23:36           3,202         124  qinputcontextfactory.h
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QInputContextFactoryInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QInputContextPlugin
 5-04-11  23:36           3,990         124  qinputcontextplugin.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QInputDialog
 5-04-11  23:36           9,822         124  qinputdialog.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QInputEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QInputMethodEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QIntValidator
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QItemDelegate
 5-04-11  23:36           5,495         124  qitemdelegate.h
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QItemEditorCreator
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QItemEditorCreatorBase
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QItemEditorFactory
 5-04-11  23:36           3,982         124  qitemeditorfactory.h
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QItemSelection
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QItemSelectionModel
 5-04-11  23:36           8,838         124  qitemselectionmodel.h
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QItemSelectionRange
 2-11-10  17:19              36         124  QKbdDriverFactory
 5-04-11  23:36           2,483         124  qkbddriverfactory_qws.h
 2-11-10  17:19              35         124  QKbdDriverPlugin
 5-04-11  23:36           3,129         124  qkbddriverplugin_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,677         124  qkbdlinuxinput_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,598         124  qkbdqnx_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,583         124  qkbdtty_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,544         124  qkbdum_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,731         124  qkbdvfb_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,436         124  qkbd_qws.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QKeyEvent
 2-11-10  17:19              34         124  QKeyEventTransition
 5-04-11  23:36           3,074         124  qkeyeventtransition.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QKeySequence
 5-04-11  23:36           6,786         124  qkeysequence.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QLabel
 5-04-11  23:36           6,096         124  qlabel.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QLayout
 5-04-11  23:36           7,771         124  qlayout.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QLayoutItem
 5-04-11  23:36           5,456         124  qlayoutitem.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QLayoutIterator
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QLCDNumber
 5-04-11  23:36           4,547         124  qlcdnumber.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QLinearGradient
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QLineEdit
 5-04-11  23:36          10,137         124  qlineedit.h
 2-11-10  17:19              33         124  QLinuxFbScreen
 2-11-10  17:19              33         124  QLinuxFb_Shared
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QListView
 5-04-11  23:36           6,832         124  qlistview.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QListWidget
 5-04-11  23:36          12,236         124  qlistwidget.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QListWidgetItem
 5-07-09   8:28              40         124  QMacCocoaViewContainer
 5-04-11  23:36           2,515         124  qmaccocoaviewcontainer_mac.h
 5-04-11  23:36           6,600         124  qmacdefines_mac.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QMacMime
 5-07-09   8:28              34         124  QMacNativeWidget
 5-04-11  23:36           2,437         124  qmacnativewidget_mac.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QMacPasteboardMime
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QMacStyle
 5-04-11  23:36           5,705         124  qmacstyle_mac.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QMainWindow
 5-04-11  23:36           7,258         124  qmainwindow.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QMatrix
 5-04-11  23:36           6,896         124  qmatrix.h
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QMatrix2x2
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QMatrix2x3
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QMatrix2x4
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QMatrix3x2
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QMatrix3x3
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QMatrix3x4
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QMatrix4x2
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QMatrix4x3
 2-11-10  17:19              25         124  QMatrix4x4
 5-04-11  23:36          34,455         124  qmatrix4x4.h
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QMdiArea
 5-04-11  23:36           5,440         124  qmdiarea.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QMdiSubWindow
 5-04-11  23:36           5,254         124  qmdisubwindow.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QMenu
 5-04-11  23:36          15,466         124  qmenu.h
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QMenuBar
 5-04-11  23:36          14,027         124  qmenubar.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QMenubarUpdatedEvent
 5-04-11  23:36           2,487         124  qmenudata.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QMenuItem
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QMessageBox
 5-04-11  23:36          14,788         124  qmessagebox.h
 5-04-11  23:36          13,496         124  qmime.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QMimeSource
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QMotifStyle
 5-04-11  23:36           4,482         124  qmotifstyle.h
 2-11-10  17:19              38         124  QMouseDriverFactory
 5-04-11  23:36           2,426         124  qmousedriverfactory_qws.h
 2-11-10  17:19              37         124  QMouseDriverPlugin
 5-04-11  23:36           3,111         124  qmousedriverplugin_qws.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QMouseEvent
 2-11-10  17:19              36         124  QMouseEventTransition
 5-04-11  23:36           3,277         124  qmouseeventtransition.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,642         124  qmouselinuxinput_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,707         124  qmouselinuxtp_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,593         124  qmousepc_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,666         124  qmouseqnx_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,815         124  qmousetslib_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,753         124  qmousevfb_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,997         124  qmouse_qws.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QMoveEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QMovie
 5-04-11  23:36           5,346         124  qmovie.h
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QPageSetupDialog
 5-04-11  23:36           3,699         124  qpagesetupdialog.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QPaintDevice
 5-04-11  23:36           6,026         124  qpaintdevice.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QPaintEngine
 5-04-11  23:36          11,619         124  qpaintengine.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QPaintEngineState
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QPainter
 5-04-11  23:36          34,081         124  qpainter.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QPainterPath
 5-04-11  23:36          14,142         124  qpainterpath.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QPainterPathPrivate
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QPainterPathStroker
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QPaintEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QPalette
 5-04-11  23:36          12,943         124  qpalette.h
 2-11-10  17:19              23         124  QPanGesture
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QPen
 5-04-11  23:36           4,128         124  qpen.h
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QPicture
 5-04-11  23:36           6,073         124  qpicture.h
 5-07-09   8:28              34         124  QPictureFormatInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              34         124  QPictureFormatPlugin
 5-04-11  23:36           3,397         124  qpictureformatplugin.h
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QPictureIO
 2-11-10  17:19              23         124  QPinchGesture
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QPixmap
 5-04-11  23:36          12,750         124  qpixmap.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QPixmapCache
 5-04-11  23:36           3,382         124  qpixmapcache.h
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QPlainTextDocumentLayout
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QPlainTextEdit
 5-04-11  23:36          10,872         124  qplaintextedit.h
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QPlastiqueStyle
 5-04-11  23:36           4,794         124  qplastiquestyle.h
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QPolygon
 5-04-11  23:36           6,448         124  qpolygon.h
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QPolygonF
 2-11-10  17:19              26         124  QPoolEntry
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QPrintDialog
 5-04-11  23:36           5,674         124  qprintdialog.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QPrintEngine
 5-04-11  23:36           3,581         124  qprintengine.h
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QPrinter
 5-04-11  23:36           9,759         124  qprinter.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QPrinterInfo
 5-04-11  23:36           2,888         124  qprinterinfo.h
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QPrintPreviewDialog
 5-04-11  23:36           3,534         124  qprintpreviewdialog.h
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QPrintPreviewWidget
 5-04-11  23:36           3,916         124  qprintpreviewwidget.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QProgressBar
 5-04-11  23:36           4,505         124  qprogressbar.h
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QProgressDialog
 5-04-11  23:36           4,498         124  qprogressdialog.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QProxyModel
 5-04-11  23:36           5,609         124  qproxymodel.h
 2-11-10  17:19              31         124  QProxyScreen
 2-11-10  17:19              31         124  QProxyScreenCursor
 2-11-10  17:19              26         124  QProxyStyle
 5-04-11  23:36           5,135         124  qproxystyle.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QPushButton
 5-04-11  23:36           4,197         124  qpushbutton.h
 2-11-10  17:19              28         124  QQnxMouseHandler
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QQnxScreen
 2-11-10  17:19              26         124  QQuaternion
 5-04-11  23:36          10,337         124  qquaternion.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QRadialGradient
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QRadioButton
 5-04-11  23:36           2,924         124  qradiobutton.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QRegExpValidator
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QRegion
 5-04-11  23:36           8,679         124  qregion.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QResizeEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QRgb
 5-04-11  23:36           3,353         124  qrgb.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QRubberBand
 5-04-11  23:36           3,337         124  qrubberband.h
 2-11-10  17:19              34         124  QS60MainApplication
 5-04-11  23:36           2,969         124  qs60mainapplication.h
 5-04-11  23:36              33         124  QS60MainApplicationBase
 2-11-10  17:19              28         124  QS60MainAppUi
 5-04-11  23:36           5,161         124  qs60mainappui.h
 5-04-11  23:36              27         124  QS60MainAppUiBase
 2-11-10  17:19              31         124  QS60MainDocument
 5-04-11  23:36           2,911         124  qs60maindocument.h
 5-04-11  23:36              30         124  QS60MainDocumentBase
 5-04-11  23:36              27         124  QS60StubAknAppUi
 5-04-11  23:36              27         124  QS60StubAknAppUiBase
 5-04-11  23:36              27         124  QS60StubMAknTouchPaneObserver
 5-04-11  23:36              27         124  QS60StubMEikStatusPaneObserver
 2-11-10  17:19              24         124  QS60Style
 5-04-11  23:36           4,687         124  qs60style.h
 2-11-10  17:19              26         124  QScreen
 2-11-10  17:19              26         124  QScreenCursor
 2-11-10  17:19              39         124  QScreenDriverFactory
 2-11-10  17:19              38         124  QScreenDriverFactoryInterface
 5-04-11  23:36           2,402         124  qscreendriverfactory_qws.h
 2-11-10  17:19              38         124  QScreenDriverPlugin
 5-04-11  23:36           3,065         124  qscreendriverplugin_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,194         124  qscreenlinuxfb_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,707         124  qscreenproxy_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,662         124  qscreenqnx_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,646         124  qscreentransformed_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,897         124  qscreenvfb_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36          13,040         124  qscreen_qws.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QScrollArea
 5-04-11  23:36           3,312         124  qscrollarea.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QScrollBar
 5-04-11  23:36           3,541         124  qscrollbar.h
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QSessionManager
 5-04-11  23:36           3,476         124  qsessionmanager.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QShortcut
 5-04-11  23:36           3,497         124  qshortcut.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QShortcutEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QShowEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QSizeGrip
 5-04-11  23:36           3,062         124  qsizegrip.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QSizePolicy
 5-04-11  23:36           8,552         124  qsizepolicy.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QSlider
 5-04-11  23:36           4,454         124  qslider.h
 5-07-09   8:28              35         124  QSortFilterProxyModel
 5-04-11  23:36           8,646         124  qsortfilterproxymodel.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QSound
 5-04-11  23:36           2,872         124  qsound.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,275         124  qsoundqss_qws.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QSpacerItem
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QSpinBox
 5-04-11  23:36           5,862         124  qspinbox.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QSplashScreen
 5-04-11  23:36           3,355         124  qsplashscreen.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QSplitter
 5-04-11  23:36           6,028         124  qsplitter.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QSplitterHandle
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QStackedLayout
 5-04-11  23:36           3,612         124  qstackedlayout.h
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QStackedWidget
 5-04-11  23:36           3,066         124  qstackedwidget.h
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QStandardItem
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QStandardItemEditorCreator
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QStandardItemModel
 5-04-11  23:36          15,966         124  qstandarditemmodel.h
 5-04-11  23:36              25         124  QStaticText
 5-04-11  23:36           3,396         124  qstatictext.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QStatusBar
 5-04-11  23:36           3,788         124  qstatusbar.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QStatusTipEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QStringListModel
 5-04-11  23:36           3,188         124  qstringlistmodel.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QStyle
 5-04-11  23:36          27,890         124  qstyle.h
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QStyledItemDelegate
 5-04-11  23:36           4,087         124  qstyleditemdelegate.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QStyleFactory
 5-04-11  23:36           2,273         124  qstylefactory.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleFactoryInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleHintReturn
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleHintReturnMask
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleHintReturnVariant
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOption
 5-04-11  23:36          28,731         124  qstyleoption.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionButton
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionComboBox
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionComplex
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionDockWidget
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionDockWidgetV2
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionFocusRect
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionFrame
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionFrameV2
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionFrameV3
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionGraphicsItem
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionGroupBox
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionHeader
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionMenuItem
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionProgressBar
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionProgressBarV2
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionQ3DockWindow
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionQ3ListView
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionRubberBand
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionSizeGrip
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionSlider
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionSpinBox
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionTab
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionTabBarBase
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionTabBarBaseV2
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionTabV2
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionTabV3
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame
 2-11-10  17:19              27         124  QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrameV2
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionTitleBar
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionToolBar
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionToolBox
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionToolBoxV2
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionToolButton
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionViewItem
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionViewItemV2
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionViewItemV3
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStyleOptionViewItemV4
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QStylePainter
 5-04-11  23:36           4,235         124  qstylepainter.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QStylePlugin
 5-04-11  23:36           2,792         124  qstyleplugin.h
 2-11-10  17:19              23         124  QSwipeGesture
 2-11-10  17:19              28         124  QSymbianEvent
 5-04-11  23:36           3,044         124  qsymbianevent.h
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QSyntaxHighlighter
 5-04-11  23:36           3,673         124  qsyntaxhighlighter.h
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QSystemTrayIcon
 5-04-11  23:36           3,935         124  qsystemtrayicon.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QTabBar
 5-04-11  23:36           7,137         124  qtabbar.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QTabletEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QTableView
 5-04-11  23:36           6,848         124  qtableview.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QTableWidget
 5-04-11  23:36          13,663         124  qtablewidget.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QTableWidgetItem
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QTableWidgetSelectionRange
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QTabWidget
 5-04-11  23:36           8,788         124  qtabwidget.h
 2-11-10  17:19              23         124  QTapAndHoldGesture
 2-11-10  17:19              23         124  QTapGesture
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QtEvents
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextBlock
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextBlockFormat
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextBlockGroup
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextBlockUserData
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QTextBrowser
 5-04-11  23:36           4,637         124  qtextbrowser.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextCharFormat
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextCursor
 5-04-11  23:36           7,137         124  qtextcursor.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QTextDocument
 5-04-11  23:36           9,227         124  qtextdocument.h
 5-07-09   8:28              35         124  QTextDocumentFragment
 5-04-11  23:36           3,249         124  qtextdocumentfragment.h
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QTextDocumentWriter
 5-04-11  23:36           3,093         124  qtextdocumentwriter.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QTextEdit
 5-04-11  23:36          14,128         124  qtextedit.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextFormat
 5-04-11  23:36          29,025         124  qtextformat.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextFragment
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextFrame
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextFrameFormat
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextFrameLayoutData
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextImageFormat
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextInlineObject
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QTextItem
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextLayout
 5-04-11  23:36           7,270         124  qtextlayout.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextLength
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextLine
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QTextList
 5-04-11  23:36           2,980         124  qtextlist.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextListFormat
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextObject
 5-04-11  23:36           9,891         124  qtextobject.h
 5-07-09   8:28              41         124  QTextObjectInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextOption
 5-04-11  23:36           5,016         124  qtextoption.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QTextTable
 5-04-11  23:36           4,608         124  qtexttable.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QTextTableCell
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextTableCellFormat
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTextTableFormat
 5-04-11  23:36           5,989         124  QtGui
 2-11-10  17:19              24         124  QTileRules
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QTimeEdit
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QToolBar
 5-04-11  23:36           6,484         124  qtoolbar.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QToolBarChangeEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QToolBox
 5-04-11  23:36           5,444         124  qtoolbox.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QToolButton
 5-04-11  23:36           6,985         124  qtoolbutton.h
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QToolTip
 5-04-11  23:36           2,982         124  qtooltip.h
 2-11-10  17:19              21         124  QTouchEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QTransform
 5-04-11  23:36          11,401         124  qtransform.h
 2-11-10  17:19              37         124  QTransformedScreen
 2-11-10  17:19              33         124  QTransportAuth
 5-04-11  23:36           4,953         124  qtransportauthdefs_qws.h
 5-04-11  23:36           7,953         124  qtransportauth_qws.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QTreeView
 5-04-11  23:36           8,590         124  qtreeview.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTreeWidget
 5-04-11  23:36          17,221         124  qtreewidget.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QTreeWidgetItem
 5-07-09   8:28              37         124  QTreeWidgetItemIterator
 5-04-11  23:36           5,072         124  qtreewidgetitemiterator.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QUndoCommand
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QUndoGroup
 5-04-11  23:36           3,461         124  qundogroup.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QUndoStack
 5-04-11  23:36           4,466         124  qundostack.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QUndoView
 5-04-11  23:36           3,150         124  qundoview.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QUnixPrintWidget
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QUpdateLaterEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QValidator
 5-04-11  23:36           6,133         124  qvalidator.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QVBoxLayout
 2-11-10  17:19              24         124  QVector2D
 5-04-11  23:36           7,673         124  qvector2d.h
 2-11-10  17:19              24         124  QVector3D
 5-04-11  23:36           9,032         124  qvector3d.h
 2-11-10  17:19              24         124  QVector4D
 5-04-11  23:36           9,220         124  qvector4d.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,455         124  qvfbhdr.h
 2-11-10  17:19              22         124  QVFbHeader
 2-11-10  17:19              26         124  QVFbKeyboardHandler
 2-11-10  17:19              22         124  QVFbKeyData
 2-11-10  17:19              28         124  QVFbMouseHandler
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QVFbScreen
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QWhatsThis
 5-04-11  23:36           2,812         124  qwhatsthis.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QWhatsThisClickedEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QWheelEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QWidget
 5-04-11  23:36          38,823         124  qwidget.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QWidgetAction
 5-04-11  23:36           2,946         124  qwidgetaction.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QWidgetData
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QWidgetItem
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QWidgetItemV2
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QWidgetList
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QWidgetMapper
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QWidgetSet
 5-04-11  23:36           3,903         124  qwindowdefs.h
 8-28-11  19:43           4,677         124  qwindowdefs_pm.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,363         124  qwindowdefs_win.h
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QWindowsCEStyle
 5-04-11  23:36           4,178         124  qwindowscestyle.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QWindowsMime
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QWindowsMobileStyle
 5-04-11  23:36           4,184         124  qwindowsmobilestyle.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QWindowsStyle
 5-04-11  23:36           4,010         124  qwindowsstyle.h
 5-07-09   8:28              20         124  QWindowStateChangeEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QWindowsVistaStyle
 5-04-11  23:36           4,392         124  qwindowsvistastyle.h
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QWindowsXPStyle
 5-04-11  23:36           4,212         124  qwindowsxpstyle.h
 5-04-11  23:36          15,189         124  qwindowsystem_qws.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QWizard
 5-04-11  23:36           8,621         124  qwizard.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QWizardPage
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QWMatrix
 5-04-11  23:36           2,176         124  qwmatrix.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QWorkspace
 5-04-11  23:36           4,405         124  qworkspace.h
 2-11-10  17:19              25         124  QWSCalibratedMouseHandler
 2-11-10  17:19              32         124  QWSClient
 2-11-10  17:19              28         124  QWSCursor
 2-11-10  17:19              32         124  QWSCursorMap
 5-04-11  23:36           2,840         124  qwscursor_qws.h
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QWSDisplay
 5-04-11  23:36           6,362         124  qwsdisplay_qws.h
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QWSEmbedWidget
 5-04-11  23:36           2,773         124  qwsembedwidget.h
 2-11-10  17:19              27         124  QWSEvent
 5-04-11  23:36          13,782         124  qwsevent_qws.h
 2-11-10  17:19              32         124  QWSInputMethod
 2-11-10  17:19              32         124  QWSInternalWindowInfo
 2-11-10  17:19              23         124  QWSKeyboardHandler
 2-11-10  17:19              35         124  QWSKeyboardHandlerFactoryInterface
 2-11-10  17:19              33         124  QWSLinuxInputKeyboardHandler
 2-11-10  17:19              35         124  QWSLinuxInputMouseHandler
 2-11-10  17:19              32         124  QWSLinuxTPMouseHandler
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QWSManager
 5-04-11  23:36           3,771         124  qwsmanager_qws.h
 2-11-10  17:19              25         124  QWSMouseHandler
 2-11-10  17:19              37         124  QWSMouseHandlerFactoryInterface
 2-11-10  17:19              27         124  QWSPcMouseHandler
 2-11-10  17:19              25         124  QWSPointerCalibrationData
 2-11-10  17:19              30         124  QWSPropertyManager
 5-04-11  23:36           3,119         124  qwsproperty_qws.h
 2-11-10  17:19              34         124  QWSProtocolItem
 5-04-11  23:36           3,488         124  qwsprotocolitem_qws.h
 2-11-10  17:19              26         124  QWSQnxKeyboardHandler
 2-11-10  17:19              32         124  QWSScreenSaver
 2-11-10  17:19              32         124  QWSServer
 2-11-10  17:19              28         124  QWSServerSocket
 2-11-10  17:19              28         124  QWSSocket
 5-04-11  23:36           3,475         124  qwssocket_qws.h
 2-11-10  17:19              28         124  QWSSoundClient
 2-11-10  17:19              28         124  QWSSoundServer
 2-11-10  17:19              28         124  QWSSoundServerSocket
 2-11-10  17:19              30         124  QWSTslibMouseHandler
 2-11-10  17:19              26         124  QWSTtyKeyboardHandler
 2-11-10  17:19              25         124  QWSUmKeyboardHandler
 5-04-11  23:36           3,145         124  qwsutils_qws.h
 2-11-10  17:19              32         124  QWSWindow
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QWSWindowInfo
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QX11EmbedContainer
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QX11EmbedWidget
 5-04-11  23:36           3,647         124  qx11embed_x11.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QX11Info
 5-04-11  23:36           4,249         124  qx11info_x11.h
      1,823,910 bytes in 798 files and 2 dirs    2,145,280 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\QtHelp\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QHelpContentItem
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QHelpContentModel
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QHelpContentWidget
 5-04-11  23:36           4,342         124  qhelpcontentwidget.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QHelpEngine
 5-04-11  23:36           2,694         124  qhelpengine.h
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QHelpEngineCore
 5-04-11  23:36           4,749         124  qhelpenginecore.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QHelpGlobal
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QHelpIndexModel
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QHelpIndexWidget
 5-04-11  23:36           3,442         124  qhelpindexwidget.h
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QHelpSearchEngine
 5-04-11  23:36           3,688         124  qhelpsearchengine.h
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QHelpSearchQuery
 5-07-09   8:28              36         124  QHelpSearchQueryWidget
 5-04-11  23:36           2,769         124  qhelpsearchquerywidget.h
 5-07-09   8:28              37         124  QHelpSearchResultWidget
 5-04-11  23:36           2,748         124  qhelpsearchresultwidget.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,726         124  qhelp_global.h
 2-11-10  17:19             304         124  QtHelp
         27,833 bytes in 21 files and 2 dirs    36,352 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\QtNetwork\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28              35         124  QAbstractNetworkCache
 5-04-11  23:36           4,612         124  qabstractnetworkcache.h
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QAbstractSocket
 5-04-11  23:36           8,404         124  qabstractsocket.h
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QAuthenticator
 5-04-11  23:36           2,997         124  qauthenticator.h
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QFtp
 5-04-11  23:36           5,133         124  qftp.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QHostAddress
 5-04-11  23:36           5,369         124  qhostaddress.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QHostInfo
 5-04-11  23:36           3,220         124  qhostinfo.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QHttp
 5-04-11  23:36           9,666         124  qhttp.h
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QHttpHeader
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QHttpRequestHeader
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QHttpResponseHeader
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QIPv6Address
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QLocalServer
 5-04-11  23:36           3,195         124  qlocalserver.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QLocalSocket
 5-04-11  23:36           5,699         124  qlocalsocket.h
 5-07-09   8:28              35         124  QNetworkAccessManager
 5-04-11  23:36           5,952         124  qnetworkaccessmanager.h
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QNetworkAddressEntry
 5-07-09   8:28              35         124  QNetworkCacheMetaData
 5-04-11  23:36           3,994         124  qnetworkconfigmanager.h
 5-04-11  23:36              35         124  QNetworkConfiguration
 5-04-11  23:36           4,649         124  qnetworkconfiguration.h
 5-04-11  23:36              35         124  QNetworkConfigurationManager
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QNetworkCookie
 5-04-11  23:36           3,895         124  qnetworkcookie.h
 2-11-10  17:19              31         124  QNetworkCookieJar
 5-04-11  23:36           2,873         124  qnetworkcookiejar.h
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QNetworkDiskCache
 5-04-11  23:36           3,174         124  qnetworkdiskcache.h
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QNetworkInterface
 5-04-11  23:36           4,414         124  qnetworkinterface.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QNetworkProxy
 5-04-11  23:36           6,000         124  qnetworkproxy.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QNetworkProxyFactory
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QNetworkProxyQuery
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QNetworkReply
 5-04-11  23:36           5,745         124  qnetworkreply.h
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QNetworkRequest
 5-04-11  23:36           5,037         124  qnetworkrequest.h
 5-04-11  23:36              29         124  QNetworkSession
 5-16-11  10:09           4,553         124  qnetworksession.h
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QSsl
 5-04-11  23:36           2,520         124  qssl.h
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QSslCertificate
 5-04-11  23:36           4,856         124  qsslcertificate.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QSslCipher
 5-04-11  23:36           3,162         124  qsslcipher.h
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QSslConfiguration
 5-04-11  23:36           4,897         124  qsslconfiguration.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QSslError
 5-04-11  23:36           4,012         124  qsslerror.h
 5-07-09   8:28              21         124  QSslKey
 5-04-11  23:36           3,623         124  qsslkey.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QSslSocket
 5-04-11  23:36           8,060         124  qsslsocket.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QTcpServer
 5-04-11  23:36           3,444         124  qtcpserver.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QTcpSocket
 5-04-11  23:36           2,504         124  qtcpsocket.h
 5-04-11  23:36             924         124  QtNetwork
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QUdpSocket
 5-04-11  23:36           3,443         124  qudpsocket.h
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QUrlInfo
 5-04-11  23:36           4,624         124  qurlinfo.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  Q_IPV6ADDR
        145,711 bytes in 72 files and 2 dirs    173,056 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\QtScript\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QScriptable
 5-04-11  23:36           1,824         124  qscriptable.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QScriptClass
 5-04-11  23:36           3,027         124  qscriptclass.h
 5-07-09   8:28              42         124  QScriptClassPropertyIterator
 5-04-11  23:36           2,229         124  qscriptclasspropertyiterator.h
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QScriptContext
 5-04-11  23:36           2,737         124  qscriptcontext.h
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QScriptContextInfo
 5-04-11  23:36           3,041         124  qscriptcontextinfo.h
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QScriptContextInfoList
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QScriptEngine
 5-04-11  23:36          14,617         124  qscriptengine.h
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QScriptEngineAgent
 5-04-11  23:36           2,866         124  qscriptengineagent.h
 5-07-09   8:28              39         124  QScriptExtensionInterface
 5-04-11  23:36           1,598         124  qscriptextensioninterface.h
 5-07-09   8:28              36         124  QScriptExtensionPlugin
 5-04-11  23:36           1,861         124  qscriptextensionplugin.h
 2-11-10  17:19              29         124  QScriptProgram
 5-04-11  23:36           2,019         124  qscriptprogram.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QScriptString
 5-04-11  23:36           1,958         124  qscriptstring.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QScriptSyntaxCheckResult
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QScriptValue
 5-04-11  23:36           7,130         124  qscriptvalue.h
 5-07-09   8:28              34         124  QScriptValueIterator
 5-04-11  23:36           2,097         124  qscriptvalueiterator.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QScriptValueList
 2-11-10  17:19             492         124  QtScript
         47,984 bytes in 30 files and 2 dirs    58,368 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\QtScriptTools\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28              35         124  QScriptEngineDebugger
 5-04-11  23:36           3,965         124  qscriptenginedebugger.h
 5-07-09   8:28             187         124  QtScriptTools
          4,187 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\QtSql\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QDB2Driver
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QDB2Result
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QIBaseDriver
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QIBaseResult
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QMYSQLDriver
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QMYSQLResult
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QOCIDriver
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QOCIResult
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QODBCDriver
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QODBCResult
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QPSQLDriver
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QPSQLResult
 5-04-11  23:36           3,078         124  qsql.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QSqlDatabase
 5-04-11  23:36           5,562         124  qsqldatabase.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QSqlDriver
 5-04-11  23:36           6,542         124  qsqldriver.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QSqlDriverCreator
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QSqlDriverCreatorBase
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QSqlDriverFactoryInterface
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QSqlDriverPlugin
 5-04-11  23:36           2,857         124  qsqldriverplugin.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QSqlError
 5-04-11  23:36           3,341         124  qsqlerror.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QSqlField
 5-04-11  23:36           3,850         124  qsqlfield.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QSqlIndex
 5-04-11  23:36           3,314         124  qsqlindex.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QSQLite2Driver
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QSQLite2Result
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QSQLiteDriver
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QSQLiteResult
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QSqlQuery
 5-04-11  23:36           4,303         124  qsqlquery.h
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QSqlQueryModel
 5-04-11  23:36           3,772         124  qsqlquerymodel.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QSqlRecord
 5-04-11  23:36           4,130         124  qsqlrecord.h
 5-07-09   8:28              38         124  QSqlRelation
 5-07-09   8:28              36         124  QSqlRelationalDelegate
 5-04-11  23:36           4,692         124  qsqlrelationaldelegate.h
 5-07-09   8:28              38         124  QSqlRelationalTableModel
 5-04-11  23:36           3,899         124  qsqlrelationaltablemodel.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QSqlResult
 5-04-11  23:36           5,124         124  qsqlresult.h
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QSqlTableModel
 5-04-11  23:36           4,785         124  qsqltablemodel.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,971         124  qsql_db2.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,407         124  qsql_ibase.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,402         124  qsql_mysql.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,219         124  qsql_oci.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,639         124  qsql_odbc.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,734         124  qsql_psql.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,990         124  qsql_sqlite.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,126         124  qsql_sqlite2.h
 5-04-11  23:36           4,179         124  qsql_tds.h
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QTDSDriver
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QTDSResult
 5-07-09   8:28             452         124  QtSql
         99,260 bytes in 59 files and 2 dirs    123,392 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\QtSvg\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  QGraphicsSvgItem
 5-04-11  23:36           3,400         124  qgraphicssvgitem.h
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QSvgGenerator
 5-04-11  23:36           3,718         124  qsvggenerator.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QSvgRenderer
 5-04-11  23:36           3,883         124  qsvgrenderer.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QSvgWidget
 5-04-11  23:36           2,710         124  qsvgwidget.h
 5-07-09   8:28             214         124  QtSvg
         14,032 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    17,408 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\QtTest\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           3,237         124  qbenchmark.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,326         124  qbenchmarkmetric.h
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QEventSizeOfChecker
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QSignalSpy
 5-04-11  23:36           4,923         124  qsignalspy.h
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QSpontaneKeyEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              19         124  QTest
 5-04-11  23:36           8,806         124  qtest.h
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QTestAccessibility
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QTestAccessibilityEvent
 5-04-11  23:36           4,728         124  qtestaccessible.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,315         124  qtestassert.h
 2-11-10  17:19              33         124  QTestBasicStreamer
 5-04-11  23:36           3,547         124  qtestbasicstreamer.h
 5-04-11  23:36          14,058         124  qtestcase.h
 2-11-10  17:19              31         124  QTestCoreElement
 5-04-11  23:36           5,246         124  qtestcoreelement.h
 2-11-10  17:19              28         124  QTestCoreList
 5-04-11  23:36           3,432         124  qtestcorelist.h
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QTestData
 5-04-11  23:36           2,924         124  qtestdata.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QTestDelayEvent
 2-11-10  17:19              27         124  QTestElement
 5-04-11  23:36           2,622         124  qtestelement.h
 2-11-10  17:19              36         124  QTestElementAttribute
 5-04-11  23:36           3,469         124  qtestelementattribute.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QTestEvent
 5-04-11  23:36           8,257         124  qtestevent.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QTestEventList
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QTestEventLoop
 5-04-11  23:36           3,657         124  qtesteventloop.h
 2-11-10  17:19              30         124  QTestFileLogger
 5-04-11  23:36           2,362         124  qtestfilelogger.h
 5-04-11  23:36           8,318         124  qtestkeyboard.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QTestKeyClicksEvent
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QTestKeyEvent
 2-11-10  17:19              36         124  QTestLightXmlStreamer
 5-04-11  23:36           2,732         124  qtestlightxmlstreamer.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,905         124  qtestmouse.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QTestMouseEvent
 5-04-11  23:36           3,296         124  qtestspontaneevent.h
 5-04-11  23:36           2,943         124  qtestsystem.h
 5-04-11  23:36           5,369         124  qtesttouch.h
 2-11-10  17:19              31         124  QTestXmlStreamer
 5-04-11  23:36           2,706         124  qtestxmlstreamer.h
 2-11-10  17:19              33         124  QTestXunitStreamer
 5-04-11  23:36           3,058         124  qtestxunitstreamer.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,027         124  qtest_global.h
 5-04-11  23:36           3,646         124  qtest_gui.h
 5-04-11  23:36             583         124  QtTest
 2-11-10  17:19              24         124  QtTestGui
        118,161 bytes in 51 files and 2 dirs    137,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\QtUiTools\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             113         124  QtUiTools
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QUiLoader
 5-04-11  23:36           3,532         124  quiloader.h
          3,668 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\QtWebKit\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-11-10  17:19              31         124  QGraphicsWebView
 5-04-11  23:36           5,763         124  qgraphicswebview.h
 3-08-10   6:52             474         124  QtWebKit
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QWebDatabase
 2-11-10  17:19           1,714         124  qwebdatabase.h
 2-11-10  17:19              26         124  QWebElement
 5-04-11  23:36          10,425         124  qwebelement.h
 2-11-10  17:19              26         124  QWebElementCollection
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QWebFrame
 5-04-11  23:36           6,952         124  qwebframe.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QWebHistory
 2-11-10  17:19           3,251         124  qwebhistory.h
 5-07-09   8:28              34         124  QWebHistoryInterface
 2-11-10  17:19           1,486         124  qwebhistoryinterface.h
 5-07-09   8:28              25         124  QWebHistoryItem
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QWebHitTestResult
 2-11-10  17:19              28         124  QWebInspector
 5-04-11  23:36           1,741         124  qwebinspector.h
 5-04-11  23:36           1,711         124  qwebkitglobal.h
 8-02-10  15:27           1,170         124  qwebkitversion.h
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QWebPage
 5-04-11  23:36          11,012         124  qwebpage.h
 5-07-09   8:28              31         124  QWebPluginFactory
 2-11-10  17:19           2,297         124  qwebpluginfactory.h
 5-07-09   8:28              32         124  QWebSecurityOrigin
 2-11-10  17:19           2,040         124  qwebsecurityorigin.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QWebSettings
 5-04-11  23:36           4,811         124  qwebsettings.h
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QWebView
 5-04-11  23:36           5,310         124  qwebview.h
         60,557 bytes in 30 files and 2 dirs    71,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\QtXml\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36          21,828         124  qdom.h
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QDomAttr
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QDomCDATASection
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QDomCharacterData
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QDomComment
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QDomDocument
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QDomDocumentFragment
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QDomDocumentType
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QDomElement
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QDomEntity
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QDomEntityReference
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QDomImplementation
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QDomNamedNodeMap
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QDomNode
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QDomNodeList
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QDomNotation
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QDomProcessingInstruction
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QDomText
 5-04-11  23:36             144         124  QtXml
 5-04-11  23:36          14,133         124  qxml.h
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QXmlAttributes
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QXmlContentHandler
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QXmlDeclHandler
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QXmlDefaultHandler
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QXmlDTDHandler
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QXmlEntityResolver
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QXmlErrorHandler
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QXmlInputSource
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QXmlLexicalHandler
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QXmlLocator
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QXmlNamespaceSupport
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QXmlParseException
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QXmlReader
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  QXmlSimpleReader
 5-04-11  23:36           2,731         124  qxmlstream.h
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamAttribute
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamAttributes
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamEntityDeclarations
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamEntityResolver
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarations
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamNotationDeclarations
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamReader
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamStringRef
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  QXmlStreamWriter
         39,682 bytes in 47 files and 2 dirs    61,952 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\QtXmlPatterns\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28              37         124  QAbstractMessageHandler
 5-04-11  23:36           2,966         124  qabstractmessagehandler.h
 5-07-09   8:28              34         124  QAbstractUriResolver
 5-04-11  23:36           2,565         124  qabstracturiresolver.h
 5-07-09   8:28              35         124  QAbstractXmlNodeModel
 5-04-11  23:36          14,851         124  qabstractxmlnodemodel.h
 5-07-09   8:28              34         124  QAbstractXmlReceiver
 5-04-11  23:36           3,739         124  qabstractxmlreceiver.h
 5-07-09   8:28              33         124  QSimpleXmlNodeModel
 5-04-11  23:36           2,930         124  qsimplexmlnodemodel.h
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QSourceLocation
 5-04-11  23:36           3,271         124  qsourcelocation.h
 2-11-10  17:19             514         124  QtXmlPatterns
 5-07-09   8:28              27         124  QXmlFormatter
 5-04-11  23:36           3,343         124  qxmlformatter.h
 5-07-09   8:28              35         124  QXmlItem
 5-07-09   8:28              22         124  QXmlName
 5-04-11  23:36           5,279         124  qxmlname.h
 5-07-09   8:28              26         124  QXmlNamePool
 5-04-11  23:36           3,032         124  qxmlnamepool.h
 5-07-09   8:28              35         124  QXmlNodeModelIndex
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  QXmlQuery
 5-04-11  23:36           5,549         124  qxmlquery.h
 5-07-09   8:28              29         124  QXmlResultItems
 5-04-11  23:36           2,577         124  qxmlresultitems.h
 2-11-10  17:19              25         124  QXmlSchema
 2-11-10  17:19           3,390         124  qxmlschema.h
 2-11-10  17:19              34         124  QXmlSchemaValidator
 2-11-10  17:19           3,481         124  qxmlschemavalidator.h
 5-07-09   8:28              28         124  QXmlSerializer
 5-04-11  23:36           4,821         124  qxmlserializer.h
         62,794 bytes in 31 files and 2 dirs    74,752 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\sys\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  gnu
10-26-14  14:17              81         124  bitypes.h
10-26-14  14:17             144         124  builtin.h
10-26-14  14:17          23,226         124  cdefs.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,400         124  dir.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,739         124  dirent.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,249         124  dirtree.h
10-26-14  14:17             459         124  ea.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,092         124  ead.h
10-26-14  14:17             718         124  emxload.h
10-26-14  14:17             180         124  endian.h
10-26-14  14:17           8,963         124  errno.h
10-26-14  14:17          11,147         124  fcntl.h
10-26-14  14:17             126         124  file.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,371         124  filio.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,291         124  fmutex.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,244         124  ioccom.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,128         124  ioctl.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,909         124  ipc.h
10-26-14  14:17           8,859         124  kbdscan.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,094         124  limits.h
10-26-14  14:17              12         124  locale.h
 2-07-15   9:07           6,936         124  mman.h
10-26-14  14:17           6,195         124  moddef.h
10-26-14  14:17          22,367         124  mount.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,321         124  msg.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,234         124  omflib.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,775         124  param.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,090         124  process.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,067         124  ptrace.h
10-26-14  14:17          17,517         124  queue.h
10-26-14  14:17             124         124  reg.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,291         124  resource.h
10-26-14  14:17             856         124  rmutex.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,044         124  select.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,336         124  sem.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,320         124  shm.h
10-26-14  14:17          18,106         124  signal.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,166         124  smutex.h
10-26-14  14:17          18,217         124  socket.h
10-26-14  14:17          13,954         124  sockio.h
10-26-14  14:17             127         124  so_ioctl.h
10-26-14  14:17          13,133         124  stat.h
10-26-14  14:17              81         124  statfs.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,329         124  statvfs.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,776         124  stddef.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,275         124  stdint.h
10-26-14  14:17          26,493         124  sysctl.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,126         124  syslimits.h
10-26-14  14:17           7,851         124  syslog.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,971         124  termio.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,973         124  termios.h
10-26-14  14:17          10,656         124  time.h
10-26-14  14:17             488         124  timeb.h
10-26-14  14:17             778         124  times.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,041         124  timespec.h
10-26-14  14:17          10,953         124  types.h
10-26-14  14:17             865         124  uflags.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,911         124  uio.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,598         124  un.h
10-26-14  14:17           7,006         124  unistd.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,093         124  user.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,622         124  utime.h
10-26-14  14:17             425         124  utsname.h
10-26-14  14:17             267         124  vfs.h
10-26-14  14:17           5,165         124  wait.h
10-26-14  14:17           1,691         124  _null.h
10-26-14  14:17           3,539         124  _sigset.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,558         124  _timespec.h
10-26-14  14:17           2,329         124  _timeval.h
10-26-14  14:17           4,695         124  _types.h
        358,163 bytes in 70 files and 3 dirs    378,368 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\sys\gnu\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-26-14  14:17          11,225         124  cdefs.h
         11,225 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    11,264 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\sys\*
        369,388 bytes in 71 files and 5 dirs    389,632 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\include\*
     10,607,309 bytes in 2,623 files and 92 dirs    11,544,576 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\info\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  man1
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  man7
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\info\man1\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-26-14  14:15               0         124  addr2line.1
10-26-14  14:15               0         124  ar.1
10-26-14  14:14               0         124  as-elf.1
10-26-14  14:16               0         124  as.1
10-26-14  14:15           8,549         124  c++filt.1
10-26-14  14:12          35,341         124  cpp.1
10-26-14  14:15          16,305         124  dlltool.1
10-26-14  14:12              16         124  g++.1
10-26-14  14:12         456,637         124  gcc.1
10-26-14  14:12          19,547         124  gcov.1
10-26-14  14:16          28,862         124  gprof.1
10-26-14  14:15               0         124  ld-elf.1
10-26-14  14:16               0         124  ld.1
10-26-14  14:15           7,757         124  nlmconv.1
10-26-14  14:15          14,391         124  nm.1
10-26-14  14:15          27,776         124  objcopy.1
10-26-14  14:15          21,714         124  objdump.1
10-26-14  14:15           5,529         124  ranlib.1
10-26-14  14:15          10,765         124  readelf.1
10-26-14  14:15           8,231         124  size.1
10-26-14  14:15           7,868         124  strings.1
10-26-14  14:15           9,210         124  strip.1
10-26-14  14:15          12,067         124  windres.1
        690,565 bytes in 23 files and 2 dirs    698,880 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\info\man7\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-26-14  14:12           6,581         124  fsf-funding.7
10-26-14  14:12          26,446         124  gfdl.7
10-26-14  14:12          25,222         124  gpl.7
         58,249 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    58,880 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\info\*
        748,814 bytes in 26 files and 8 dirs    758,784 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  dbg
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>           124  Drivers
 4-07-14  12:50         <DIR>           124  libxslt-plugins
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  nss
 4-03-15  15:21         <DIR>            21  openssl
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  perl5
 9-23-15  17:11         <DIR>            21  python2.6
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>           124  python2.7
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  qt4
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  qtcreator
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  rpm
 8-27-11  13:41         <DIR>             0  tcl8.5
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  tcpipv4
 2-16-13  15:19          40,433         124  advapi32.dll
 2-01-15  21:19          11,408         124  asprint0.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           2,374         124  avicap32.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           6,363         124  avifil32.dll
10-26-14  14:07             228         124  binmode.o
10-26-14  14:07             588         124  binmode.obj
 8-26-11  15:41          33,964           0  bz2.dll
 2-16-13  15:19         246,061         124  comctl32.dll
 2-16-13  15:19         117,331         124  comdlg32.dll
10-26-14  14:07           1,217         124  crt0.o
10-26-14  14:07           2,329         124  crt0.obj
10-26-14  14:07           1,217         124  crt0hi.o
10-26-14  14:07           2,329         124  crt0hi.obj
10-26-14  14:07             806         124  crt0hinofork.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,801         124  crt0hinofork.obj
10-26-14  14:07             806         124  crt0hinoforknoux.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,801         124  crt0hinoforknoux.obj
10-26-14  14:07             925         124  crt0hinoforknouxresp.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,881         124  crt0hinoforknouxresp.obj
10-26-14  14:07             925         124  crt0hinoforknouxwild.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,881         124  crt0hinoforknouxwild.obj
10-26-14  14:07           1,044         124  crt0hinoforknouxwildresp.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,961         124  crt0hinoforknouxwildresp.obj
10-26-14  14:07             925         124  crt0hinoforkresp.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,881         124  crt0hinoforkresp.obj
10-26-14  14:07             925         124  crt0hinoforkwild.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,881         124  crt0hinoforkwild.obj
10-26-14  14:07           1,044         124  crt0hinoforkwildresp.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,961         124  crt0hinoforkwildresp.obj
10-26-14  14:07             806         124  crt0hinoux.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,801         124  crt0hinoux.obj
10-26-14  14:07             925         124  crt0hinouxresp.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,881         124  crt0hinouxresp.obj
10-26-14  14:07             925         124  crt0hinouxwild.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,881         124  crt0hinouxwild.obj
10-26-14  14:07           1,044         124  crt0hinouxwildresp.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,961         124  crt0hinouxwildresp.obj
10-26-14  14:07           1,336         124  crt0hiresp.o
10-26-14  14:07           2,409         124  crt0hiresp.obj
10-26-14  14:07           1,336         124  crt0hiwild.o
10-26-14  14:07           2,409         124  crt0hiwild.obj
10-26-14  14:07           1,455         124  crt0hiwildresp.o
10-26-14  14:07           2,489         124  crt0hiwildresp.obj
10-26-14  14:07             806         124  crt0nofork.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,801         124  crt0nofork.obj
10-26-14  14:07             806         124  crt0noforknoux.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,801         124  crt0noforknoux.obj
10-26-14  14:07             925         124  crt0noforknouxresp.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,881         124  crt0noforknouxresp.obj
10-26-14  14:07             925         124  crt0noforknouxwild.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,881         124  crt0noforknouxwild.obj
10-26-14  14:07           1,044         124  crt0noforknouxwildresp.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,961         124  crt0noforknouxwildresp.obj
10-26-14  14:07             925         124  crt0noforkresp.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,881         124  crt0noforkresp.obj
10-26-14  14:07             925         124  crt0noforkwild.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,881         124  crt0noforkwild.obj
10-26-14  14:07           1,044         124  crt0noforkwildresp.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,961         124  crt0noforkwildresp.obj
10-26-14  14:07             806         124  crt0noux.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,801         124  crt0noux.obj
10-26-14  14:07             925         124  crt0nouxresp.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,881         124  crt0nouxresp.obj
10-26-14  14:07             925         124  crt0nouxwild.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,881         124  crt0nouxwild.obj
10-26-14  14:07           1,044         124  crt0nouxwildresp.o
10-26-14  14:07           1,961         124  crt0nouxwildresp.obj
10-26-14  14:07           1,336         124  crt0resp.o
10-26-14  14:07           2,409         124  crt0resp.obj
10-26-14  14:07           1,336         124  crt0wild.o
10-26-14  14:07           2,409         124  crt0wild.obj
10-26-14  14:07           1,455         124  crt0wildresp.o
10-26-14  14:07           2,489         124  crt0wildresp.obj
 2-16-13  15:19         149,690         124  crypt32.dll
 4-03-15  15:21       4,631,529         124  crypto10.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           2,814         124  ctl3d32.dll
 9-04-14  12:21         264,802         124  curl7.dll
 1-11-12  18:48         933,651           0  db48.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           2,778         124  dciman32.dll
 2-16-13  15:19          42,523         124  ddraw.dll
 2-16-13  15:19          11,640         124  dinput.dll
10-26-14  14:07           1,937         124  dll0.o
10-26-14  14:07           2,761         124  dll0.obj
10-26-14  14:07           1,937         124  dll0hi.o
10-26-14  14:07           2,761         124  dll0hi.obj
10-26-14  14:07           1,261         124  dll0hinofork.o
10-26-14  14:07           2,069         124  dll0hinofork.obj
10-26-14  14:07           1,261         124  dll0hinoforknoux.o
10-26-14  14:07           2,069         124  dll0hinoforknoux.obj
10-26-14  14:07           1,261         124  dll0hinoux.o
10-26-14  14:07           2,069         124  dll0hinoux.obj
10-26-14  14:07           1,261         124  dll0nofork.o
10-26-14  14:07           2,069         124  dll0nofork.obj
10-26-14  14:07           1,261         124  dll0noforknoux.o
10-26-14  14:07           2,069         124  dll0noforknoux.obj
10-26-14  14:07           1,261         124  dll0noux.o
10-26-14  14:07           2,069         124  dll0noux.obj
 2-16-13  15:19           2,764         124  dplay.dll
 2-16-13  15:19          33,382         124  dplayx.dll
 2-16-13  15:19          22,632         124  dsound.dll
 4-22-00  21:01          91,198           0  emx.dll
12-20-98   0:05           3,578           0  emxio.dll
 4-27-00   3:13           8,770           0  emxlibc.dll
 3-20-01  10:45         193,603           0  emxlibcm.dll
 3-20-01  10:45         183,875           0  emxlibcs.dll
 6-15-99  14:15          16,510           0  emxwrap.dll
 9-08-14  11:42         104,523         124  expat7.dll
 4-07-14  12:50          40,321         124  exslt.dll
 1-17-12  16:18          25,082           0  form5.dll
 1-17-12  17:09             478           0  freebl3k.chk
 1-17-12  17:03         154,718           0  freebl3k.dll
 2-02-15   3:25          29,389         124  gcc1.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           3,029         124  gcc335.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           3,912         124  gcc432.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           3,912         124  gcc433.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           3,178         124  gcc434.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           3,178         124  gcc435.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           2,611         124  gcc440.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           2,611         124  gcc441.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           3,178         124  gcc442.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           3,178         124  gcc444.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           3,912         124  gcc445.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           3,912         124  gcc446.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           3,912         124  gcc452.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           3,947         124  gcc453.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           3,947         124  gcc454.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           3,947         124  gcc464.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           4,122         124  gcc473.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           4,122         124  gcc474.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           4,210         124  gcc482.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           4,210         124  gcc483.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           4,210         124  gcc490.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           4,210         124  gcc491.dll
 2-02-15   4:37           4,210         124  gcc492.dll
 2-16-13  15:19          61,694         124  gdi32.dll
 7-19-12  22:53         570,528           0  glib2.dll
 7-19-12  22:53           4,849           0  gmod2.dll
12-02-11  21:31         282,916           0  gmp.dll
 7-19-12  22:53         162,657           0  gobj2.dll
 7-19-12  22:53           5,850           0  gthr2.dll
 2-01-15  21:19         790,541         124  gtxl0181.dll
 2-01-15  21:19         172,573         124  gtxp0.dll
 2-01-15  21:19         159,215         124  gtxs0181.dll
 1-17-12  16:27          14,629           0  histor6.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           3,954         124  icmp.dll
 3-06-12  12:00       8,623,499         124  icudt42.dll
 3-06-12  11:57       1,043,539         124  icuin42.dll
 3-06-12  12:00          19,459         124  icuio42.dll
 3-06-12  11:58         126,032         124  icule42.dll
 3-06-12  11:58          23,003         124  iculx42.dll
 3-06-12  11:58          71,058         124  icutu42.dll
 3-06-12  11:55         753,371         124  icuuc42.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           5,802         124  imagehlp.dll
 2-16-13  15:19          15,555         124  imm32os2.dll
10-26-14  14:07          65,536         124  innidm.dll
 2-01-15  21:19          29,202         124  intl8.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           5,433         124  iphlpapi.dll
12-19-11  13:02         134,757         124  jpeg.dll
 7-01-15   8:21          10,652         124  kai0.dll
 2-16-13  15:19         794,224         124  kernel32.dll
 8-27-11  13:10          28,317         124  kintl.dll
10-26-14  14:17          48,179         124  libc06.dll
10-26-14  14:17          48,179         124  libc061.dll
10-26-14  14:17         157,161         124  libc062.dll
10-26-14  14:17         157,161         124  libc063.dll
10-26-14  14:17         157,213         124  libc064.dll
10-26-14  14:17         157,213         124  libc065.dll
10-26-14  14:16       1,361,666         124  libc066.dll
10-26-14  14:17       3,816,722         124  libc066.elh
10-26-14  14:17         358,025         124
10-26-14  14:17       4,336,666         124  libc066.logchk
10-26-14  14:17         370,538         124
10-26-14  14:16         362,891         124
10-26-14  14:17       4,083,151         124  libc066.prf
10-26-14  14:17         382,601         124
10-26-14  14:07               8         124  libcrypt.a
 2-07-15   9:07           1,536         124  libcrypt.lib
10-26-14  14:07         276,306         124  libc_alias.a
 2-07-15   9:07         488,960         124  libc_alias.lib
10-26-14  14:07           5,642         124  libc_app.a
 2-07-15   9:07           7,168         124  libc_app.lib
10-26-14  14:07           9,862         124  libc_app_l.a
 2-07-15   9:07          10,240         124  libc_app_l.lib
10-26-14  14:07          66,422         124  libc_app_p.a
 2-07-15   9:07           7,168         124  libc_app_p.lib
10-26-14  14:16       1,656,218         124  libc_dll.a
 2-07-15   9:07         774,656         124  libc_dll.lib
10-26-14  14:07       1,681,468         124  libc_l_s.a
 2-07-15   9:07       1,587,712         124  libc_l_s.lib
10-26-14  14:16           2,048         124  libc_omf386.lib
10-26-14  14:07      18,325,608         124  libc_p_s.a
 2-07-15   9:07       1,413,120         124  libc_p_s.lib
10-26-14  14:08       1,385,834         124  libc_s.a
 2-07-15   9:07       1,349,120         124  libc_s.lib
10-26-14  14:17               8         124  libdl.a
 2-07-15   9:07           1,536         124  libdl.lib
10-26-14  14:17               8         124  libdl_p.a
 2-07-15   9:07           1,536         124  libdl_p.lib
10-26-14  14:17           2,560         124  libend.lib
10-26-14  14:17               8         124  libiconv.a
 2-07-15   9:07           1,536         124  libiconv.lib
10-26-14  14:17               8         124  libiconv_l.a
 2-07-15   9:07           1,536         124  libiconv_l.lib
10-26-14  14:17               8         124  libiconv_p.a
 2-07-15   9:07           1,536         124  libiconv_p.lib
10-26-14  14:17             930         124  liblazyimp.a
 2-07-15   9:07           2,560         124  liblazyimp.lib
10-26-14  14:17           9,120         124  liblazyimp_p.a
 2-07-15   9:07           3,072         124  liblazyimp_p.lib
10-26-14  14:17               8         124  libm.a
 2-07-15   9:07           1,536         124  libm.lib
10-26-14  14:07          13,680         124  libmoddef.a
 2-07-15   9:07          12,800         124  libmoddef.lib
10-26-14  14:17               8         124  libm_p.a
 2-07-15   9:07           1,536         124  libm_p.lib
10-26-14  14:07          18,044         124  libomflib.a
 2-07-15   9:07          18,944         124  libomflib.lib
 2-07-15   3:15         442,902         124  libos2.a
 2-07-15   9:07         379,392         124  libos2.lib
10-26-14  14:17          55,648         124  libos2_dos_lazy.a
 2-07-15   9:07         110,080         124  libos2_dos_lazy.lib
10-26-14  14:17           4,912         124  libos2_helpmgr_lazy.a
 2-07-15   9:07          11,264         124  libos2_helpmgr_lazy.lib
10-26-14  14:17         386,648         124  libos2_lazy.a
 2-07-15   9:07         696,320         124  libos2_lazy.lib
10-26-14  14:17       4,279,884         124  libos2_p.a
 2-07-15   9:07         786,432         124  libos2_p.lib
10-26-14  14:17           2,924         124  libos2_pmctls_lazy.a
 2-07-15   9:07           7,168         124  libos2_pmctls_lazy.lib
10-26-14  14:17           9,694         124  libos2_pmdrag_lazy.a
 2-07-15   9:07          20,480         124  libos2_pmdrag_lazy.lib
10-26-14  14:17          72,928         124  libos2_pmgpi_lazy.a
 2-07-15   9:07         144,384         124  libos2_pmgpi_lazy.lib
10-26-14  14:17             874         124  libos2_pmpic_lazy.a
 2-07-15   9:07           3,584         124  libos2_pmpic_lazy.lib
10-26-14  14:17           7,038         124  libos2_pmshapi_lazy.a
 2-07-15   9:07          14,848         124  libos2_pmshapi_lazy.lib
10-26-14  14:17          18,514         124  libos2_pmspl_lazy.a
 2-07-15   9:07          38,400         124  libos2_pmspl_lazy.lib
10-26-14  14:17          58,958         124  libos2_pmwin_lazy.a
 2-07-15   9:07         116,736         124  libos2_pmwin_lazy.lib
10-26-14  14:17          20,200         124  libos2_pmwp_lazy.a
 2-07-15   9:07          41,472         124  libos2_pmwp_lazy.lib
10-26-14  14:17         195,978         124  libos2_pm_lazy.a
 2-07-15   9:07         382,976         124  libos2_pm_lazy.lib
10-26-14  14:17           6,794         124  libos2_rexxapi_lazy.a
 2-07-15   9:07          14,336         124  libos2_rexxapi_lazy.lib
10-26-14  14:17           1,316         124  libos2_rexx_lazy.a
 2-07-15   9:07           4,096         124  libos2_rexx_lazy.lib
10-26-14  14:17           8,088         124  libos2_som_lazy.a
 2-07-15   9:07          16,896         124  libos2_som_lazy.lib
10-26-14  14:17          32,868         124  libos2_unicode_lazy.a
 2-07-15   9:07          65,536         124  libos2_unicode_lazy.lib
10-26-14  14:17         696,990         124  libsocket.a
 2-07-15   9:07          67,584         124  libsocket.lib
10-26-14  14:17         711,548         124  libsocket_l.a
 2-07-15   9:07          74,240         124  libsocket_l.lib
10-26-14  14:17         736,968         124  libsocket_p.a
 2-07-15   9:07         140,800         124  libsocket_p.lib
10-26-14  14:17           3,098         124  libsyslog.a
 2-07-15   9:07           4,096         124  libsyslog.lib
10-26-14  14:17          18,484         124  libsyslog_p.a
 2-07-15   9:07           4,608         124  libsyslog_p.lib
 4-07-14  18:45         871,718         124  libxml2.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           4,734         124  lz32.dll
 8-27-11  13:10          85,197           0  lzma.dll
 2-02-15  12:30          64,797         124  magic.dll
10-26-14  14:17           5,069         124  MakeOmfLibs.cmd
 2-16-13  15:19           7,921         124  mcicda.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           8,447         124  mciwave.dll
 1-17-12  16:18          13,283           0  menu5.dll
 8-21-14  11:04             948         124  mmap.a
 8-21-14  11:04           9,623         124  mmap.dll
 8-21-14  11:04         442,368         124  mmap_g.lib
 8-21-14  11:04         201,728         124  mmap_s.lib
 2-16-13  15:19           3,744         124  mpr.dll
 2-16-13  15:19          16,627         124  msacm32.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           7,197         124  mscms.dll
 2-16-13  15:19          10,992         124  msvfw32.dll
 1-17-12  16:17          68,360           0  ncurses5.dll
 1-17-12  16:38         123,363           0  nspr4k.dll
 1-17-12  17:06         610,048           0  nss3k.dll
 1-17-12  17:07         206,216           0  nssckbik.dll
 1-17-12  17:09             478           0  nssdbm3k.chk
 1-17-12  17:04          75,023           0  nssdbm3k.dll
 1-17-12  17:03          51,788           0  nssuti3k.dll
 2-16-13  15:19          36,942         124  ntdll.dll
 9-21-15  10:50             587         124  ODIN.INI
 2-16-13  15:18           3,810         124  odincrt.dll
 2-16-13  15:19          18,428         124  odininst.exe
 2-16-13  15:19          73,303         124  olautos2.dll
 2-16-13  15:19          86,293         124  ole32os2.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           2,940         124  oleacc.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           3,672         124  olecli32.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           3,230         124  oledlg.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           2,527         124  olepro32.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           2,607         124  olesvr32.dll
 1-17-12  16:18           4,372           0  panel5.dll
 8-14-14   6:32       1,021,410         124  perlF0AE.dll
 1-17-12  16:38           6,317           0  plc4k.dll
 1-17-12  16:38           4,287           0  plds4k.dll
 2-16-13  15:18           1,952         124  pmkbdhk.dll
 8-26-11  17:41          20,499           0  popt.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           2,884         124  psapi.dll
 5-21-15   9:27           6,298         124  pthr01.dll
 2-26-15  12:24         999,498         124  python27.dll
 3-22-13  16:14         504,994         124  QtCLuc4.dll
 3-22-13  16:09             487         124  QtCLucene.prl
 3-22-13  16:14          89,600         124  QtCLucene4.lib
 3-22-13  11:57             457         124  QtCore.prl
 3-22-13  11:58       1,676,690         124  QtCore4.dll
 3-22-13  11:58         726,528         124  QtCore4.lib
 3-22-13  12:24       2,059,257         124  QtDecl4.dll
 3-22-13  12:19             500         124  QtDeclarative.prl
 3-22-13  12:24         421,376         124  QtDeclarative4.lib
 3-22-13  16:21             430         124  QtDesigner.prl
 3-22-13  16:32       1,102,336         124  QtDesigner4.lib
 3-22-13  16:32             475         124  QtDesignerComponents.prl
 3-22-13  16:42           5,632         124  QtDesignerComponents4.lib
 3-22-13  16:42       1,644,413         124  QtDsgC4.dll
 3-22-13  16:32       4,575,122         124  QtDsgn4.dll
 3-22-13  12:00             452         124  QtGui.prl
 3-22-13  12:09       8,014,260         124  QtGui4.dll
 3-22-13  12:10       2,480,128         124  QtGui4.lib
 3-22-13  16:14             464         124  QtHelp.prl
 3-22-13  16:15         340,930         124  QtHelp4.dll
 3-22-13  16:15          57,344         124  QtHelp4.lib
 3-22-13  11:59         800,168         124  QtNet4.dll
 3-22-13  11:59             491         124  QtNetwork.prl
 3-22-13  11:59         240,128         124  QtNetwork4.lib
 3-22-13  12:19       1,418,819         124  QtScri4.dll
 3-22-13  12:16             518         124  QtScript.prl
 3-22-13  12:19         109,568         124  QtScript4.lib
 3-22-13  14:18             500         124  QtScriptTools.prl
 3-22-13  14:19           6,656         124  QtScriptTools4.lib
 3-22-13  14:19         459,314         124  QtScTl4.dll
 3-22-13  11:59             452         124  QtSql.prl
 3-22-13  12:00         153,555         124  QtSql4.dll
 3-22-13  12:00          87,040         124  QtSql4.lib
 3-22-13  12:15             452         124  QtSvg.prl
 3-22-13  12:15         208,560         124  QtSvg4.dll
 3-22-13  12:15          29,184         124  QtSvg4.lib
 3-22-13  12:00             457         124  QtTest.prl
 3-22-13  12:00          67,795         124  QtTest4.dll
 3-22-13  12:00          15,872         124  QtTest4.lib
 3-22-13  16:21         904,192         124  QtUiTools.lib
 3-22-13  16:20             424         124  QtUiTools.prl
 3-22-13  14:16      15,539,081         124  QtWebK4.dll
 3-22-13  12:29             560         124  QtWebKit.prl
 3-22-13  14:18         162,816         124  QtWebKit4.lib
 3-22-13  11:58             452         124  QtXml.prl
 3-22-13  11:59         144,884         124  QtXml4.dll
 3-22-13  11:59          98,304         124  QtXml4.lib
 3-22-13  12:15       2,934,820         124  QtXmlP4.dll
 3-22-13  12:10             500         124  QtXmlPatterns.prl
 3-22-13  12:15          53,760         124  QtXmlPatterns4.lib
 2-16-13  15:19           2,147         124  quartz.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           3,473         124  rasapi32.dll
 1-17-12  16:27         112,068           0  readln6.dll
 2-16-13  15:19          34,315         124  riched32.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           8,031         124  rpcrt4.dll
 2-25-15  16:16         254,378         124  rpm.dll
 2-25-15  16:16          79,709         124  rpmbuild.dll
 2-25-15  16:16          74,049         124  rpmio.dll
 2-16-13  15:19          71,341         124  rsaenh.dll
 2-16-13  15:19          25,508         124  setupapi.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           5,527         124  shdocvw.dll
 2-16-13  15:19         187,144         124  shell32.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           2,246         124  shfolder.dll
 2-16-13  15:19          56,460         124  shlwapi.dll
 1-17-12  17:07          76,176           0  smime3k.dll
 1-17-12  17:09             478           0  softok3k.chk
 1-17-12  17:04         110,655           0  softok3k.dll
 1-16-12  15:37         335,345           0  sqlit3.dll
 1-17-12  17:06          97,185           0  ssl3k.dll
 4-03-15  15:21       1,381,646         124  ssl10.dll
 2-02-15   3:25           5,750         124  ssp.dll
 7-25-13  20:31         362,799         124  stdcpp.dll
 2-02-15   3:25         410,187         124  stdcpp6.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           5,912         124  tapi32.dll
 8-27-11  13:41         679,539           0  tcl85.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           2,570         124  testdrv.dll
 1-17-12  16:17          99,567           0  tinfo5.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           2,991         124  twain_32.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           2,732         124  urlmon.dll
 6-11-15   3:48           2,922         124  urpo.dll
 2-16-13  15:19         355,463         124  user32.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           3,624         124  uxtheme.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           2,695         124  vdmdbg.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           8,907         124  version.dll
 1-25-12  13:10         178,232         124  wgss50.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           6,501         124  wing32.dll
 2-16-13  15:19          24,854         124  wininet.dll
 2-16-13  15:19         102,550         124  winmm.dll
 2-16-13  15:19          19,984         124  winspool.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           2,209         124  wintrust.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           5,285         124  wnaspi32.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           5,865         124  wnetap32.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           2,195         124  wow32.dll
 2-16-13  15:19           6,346         124  ws2_32.dll
 2-16-13  15:19          20,109         124  wsock32.dll
 4-07-14  12:50         145,622         124  xslt.dll
 6-01-14  18:41          56,374         124  z.dll
    135,226,534 bytes in 403 files and 15 dirs    135,320,576 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\dbg\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-26-14  14:07               8         124  libcrypt.a
 2-07-15   9:07           1,536         124  libcrypt.lib
10-26-14  14:07          66,090         124  libc_app.a
 2-07-15   9:07          14,848         124  libc_app.lib
10-26-14  14:07          71,330         124  libc_app_l.a
 2-07-15   9:07          18,944         124  libc_app_l.lib
10-26-14  14:07      18,647,636         124  libc_l_s.a
 2-07-15   9:07       4,087,296         124  libc_l_s.lib
10-26-14  14:08      18,253,698         124  libc_s.a
 2-07-15   9:07       3,780,608         124  libc_s.lib
10-26-14  14:17               8         124  libdl.a
 2-07-15   9:07           1,536         124  libdl.lib
10-26-14  14:17               8         124  libiconv.a
 2-07-15   9:07           1,536         124  libiconv.lib
10-26-14  14:17               8         124  libiconv_l.a
 2-07-15   9:07           1,536         124  libiconv_l.lib
10-26-14  14:17           9,082         124  liblazyimp.a
 2-07-15   9:07           4,096         124  liblazyimp.lib
10-26-14  14:17               8         124  libm.a
 2-07-15   9:07           1,536         124  libm.lib
10-26-14  14:07          43,338         124  libmoddef.a
 2-07-15   9:07          25,088         124  libmoddef.lib
10-26-14  14:07         100,804         124  libomflib.a
 2-07-15   9:07          52,224         124  libomflib.lib
10-26-14  14:17          18,338         124  libsyslog.a
 2-07-15   9:07           7,680         124  libsyslog.lib
     45,208,820 bytes in 26 files and 2 dirs    45,213,184 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\Drivers\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  etc
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\Drivers\etc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\Drivers\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\libxslt-plugins\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\nss\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  unsupported-tools
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\nss\unsupported-tools\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-17-12  17:09           8,042           0  shlibsign.exe
          8,042 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    8,192 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\nss\*
          8,042 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    8,704 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\openssl\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  engines
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\openssl\engines\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-03-15  15:16          30,076         124  4758cca10.dll
 4-03-15  15:16          23,956         124  aep10.dll
 4-03-15  15:16          20,793         124  atalla10.dll
 4-03-15  15:16           5,702         124  capi10.dll
 4-03-15  15:16          35,675         124  chil10.dll
 4-03-15  15:16          32,475         124  cswift10.dll
 4-03-15  15:16           5,696         124  gmp10.dll
 4-03-15  15:16         181,968         124  gost10.dll
 4-03-15  15:16          16,942         124  nuron10.dll
 4-03-15  15:16          18,288         124  padlock10.dll
 4-03-15  15:16          33,335         124  sureware10.dll
 4-03-15  15:16          27,722         124  ubsec10.dll
        432,628 bytes in 12 files and 2 dirs    436,224 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\openssl\*
        432,628 bytes in 12 files and 5 dirs    436,736 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  386
 8-14-14   6:42         <DIR>           124  asm
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  auto
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  B 
 8-14-14   6:42         <DIR>           124  Compress
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  CORE
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Data
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Devel
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Digest
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Encode
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  File
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Filter
 8-14-14   6:42         <DIR>           124  gnu
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Hash
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  I18N
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  IO
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  IPC
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  machine
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Math
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  MIME
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  OS2
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  PerlIO
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Sys
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Text
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Tie
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Time
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Unicode
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  vendor_perl
 4-24-12  20:18           2,824         124
 8-03-12  13:35          15,235         124
 8-03-12  13:35          27,224         124
 8-14-14   6:22           3,607         124
 8-14-14   6:22         241,077         124  Config.pod
 8-14-14   6:20             421         124
 8-14-14   6:22          41,015         124
 8-14-14   6:31          25,856         124
 4-24-12  20:18          32,633         124
 4-24-12  20:18          19,931         124
 8-14-14   6:24           5,992         124
 2-14-12  23:44           3,924         124
 8-14-14   6:42          10,311         124
 8-03-12  13:35           1,400         124
 8-14-14   6:26           6,217         124
 4-24-12  20:18          10,090         124
 2-14-12  23:44           4,208         124
 4-24-12  20:18          15,602         124
 2-14-12  23:44             997         124
 8-03-12  13:35          16,637         124
 8-03-12  13:35          59,197         124  POSIX.pod
 8-14-14   6:31          17,498         124
 2-14-12  23:44           2,496         124
 8-14-14   6:42           1,423         124
 8-03-12  13:35          34,441         124
 8-03-12  13:35          41,380         124
 8-14-14   6:42             466         124
 8-14-14   6:42              91         124
 8-14-14   6:42           2,628         124
 8-14-14   6:42              89         124
 8-14-14   6:42             798         124
        645,708 bytes in 31 files and 30 dirs    667,648 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\386\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:42           1,936         124
 8-14-14   6:42           4,424         124
 8-14-14   6:42           4,201         124
 8-14-14   6:42             837         124
 8-14-14   6:42           3,274         124
 8-14-14   6:42             734         124
         15,406 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    16,896 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\asm\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  arybase
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  attributes
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  B 
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Data
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Devel
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Digest
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Encode
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Fcntl
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  File
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Filter
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Hash
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  I18N
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  IO
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  IPC
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Math
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  MIME
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  mro
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Opcode
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  OS2
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  PerlIO
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  POSIX
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  re
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  sdbm
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  SDBM_File
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Socket
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Storable
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Sys
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Text
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  threads
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Tie
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Time
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Unicode
              0 bytes in 0 files and 34 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\arybase\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          16,900         124  arybasBG.dbg
 8-14-14   6:32           7,719         124  arybasBG.dll
         24,619 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    25,600 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\attributes\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          11,359         124  attribZU.dbg
 8-14-14   6:32           3,373         124  attribZU.dll
         14,732 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    15,360 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\B\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          44,912         124  BCT.dbg
 8-14-14   6:32          30,381         124  BCT.dll
         75,293 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    75,776 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Data\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Dumper
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Data\Dumper\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          29,064         124  DumperTR.dbg
 8-14-14   6:33          15,951         124  DumperTR.dll
         45,015 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    45,568 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Data\*
         45,015 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    46,080 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Devel\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Peek
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  PPPort
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Devel\Peek\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          17,554         124  PeekTU.dbg
 8-14-14   6:33           7,829         124  PeekTU.dll
         25,383 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    26,112 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Devel\PPPort\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          80,497         124  PPPortHA.dbg
 8-14-14   6:33          37,092         124  PPPortHA.dll
        117,589 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    118,272 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Devel\*
        142,972 bytes in 4 files and 8 dirs    145,408 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Digest\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  MD5
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Digest\MD5\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          17,889         124  MD5EG.dbg
 8-14-14   6:33           7,358         124  MD5EG.dll
         25,247 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    25,600 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Digest\*
         25,247 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    26,112 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Encode\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Byte
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  CN
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  EBCDIC
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  JP
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  KR
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Symbol
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  TW
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Unicode
 8-14-14   6:43          30,096         124  EncodeWR.dbg
 8-14-14   6:35          14,632         124  EncodeWR.dll
         44,728 bytes in 2 files and 10 dirs    49,152 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Encode\Byte\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          41,377         124  ByteEQ.dbg
 8-14-14   6:34          83,458         124  ByteEQ.dll
        124,835 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    125,440 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Encode\CN\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43         103,032         124  CNRW.dbg
 8-14-14   6:34         738,424         124  CNRW.dll
        841,456 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    842,240 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Encode\EBCDIC\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          11,365         124  EBCDICIX.dbg
 8-14-14   6:34           9,477         124  EBCDICIX.dll
         20,842 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    21,504 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Encode\JP\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43         100,129         124  JPQV.dbg
 8-14-14   6:34         851,963         124  JPQV.dll
        952,092 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    952,320 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Encode\KR\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43         113,410         124  KRVU.dbg
 8-14-14   6:34         801,482         124  KRVU.dll
        914,892 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    915,456 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Encode\Symbol\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          14,285         124  SymbolKY.dbg
 8-14-14   6:35          12,257         124  SymbolKY.dll
         26,542 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    26,624 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Encode\TW\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43         102,754         124  TWFD.dbg
 8-14-14   6:35         745,677         124  TWFD.dll
        848,431 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    848,896 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Encode\Unicode\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          15,132         124  UnicodNR.dbg
 8-14-14   6:35           6,995         124  UnicodNR.dll
         22,127 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    22,528 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Encode\*
      3,795,945 bytes in 18 files and 26 dirs    3,804,160 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Fcntl\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          12,352         124  FcntlNC.dbg
 8-14-14   6:35           6,152         124  FcntlNC.dll
         18,504 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    19,456 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\File\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Glob
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\File\Glob\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          24,866         124  GlobAJ.dbg
 8-14-14   6:35          11,051         124  GlobAJ.dll
         35,917 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    36,352 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\File\*
         35,917 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    36,864 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Filter\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Util
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Filter\Util\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Call
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Filter\Util\Call\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          11,311         124  CallWK.dbg
 8-14-14   6:35           4,281         124  CallWK.dll
         15,592 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    16,384 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Filter\Util\*
         15,592 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    16,896 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Filter\*
         15,592 bytes in 2 files and 8 dirs    17,408 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Hash\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Util
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Hash\Util\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  FieldHash
 8-14-14   6:43          10,543         124  UtilWX.dbg
 8-14-14   6:36           2,978         124  UtilWX.dll
         13,521 bytes in 2 files and 3 dirs    14,336 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Hash\Util\FieldHash\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          17,477         124  FieldHAU.dbg
 8-14-14   6:36           6,348         124  FieldHAU.dll
         23,825 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    24,576 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Hash\Util\*
         37,346 bytes in 4 files and 5 dirs    38,912 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Hash\*
         37,346 bytes in 4 files and 8 dirs    39,424 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\I18N\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Langinfo
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\I18N\Langinfo\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          10,331         124  LanginKP.dbg
 8-14-14   6:36           3,422         124  LanginKP.dll
         13,753 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    14,336 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\I18N\*
         13,753 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    14,848 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\IO\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          17,485         124  IOGI.dbg
 8-14-14   6:36           6,807         124  IOGI.dll
         24,292 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    25,088 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\IPC\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  SysV
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\IPC\SysV\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          19,010         124  SysVPS.dbg
 8-14-14   6:36           9,726         124  SysVPS.dll
         28,736 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    29,184 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\IPC\*
         28,736 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    29,696 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Math\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  BigInt
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Math\BigInt\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  FastCalc
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Math\BigInt\FastCalc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          13,789         124  FastCaGW.dbg
 8-14-14   6:37           5,050         124  FastCaGW.dll
         18,839 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    18,944 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Math\BigInt\*
         18,839 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    19,456 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Math\*
         18,839 bytes in 2 files and 8 dirs    19,968 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\MIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Base64
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\MIME\Base64\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          14,633         124  Base64JN.dbg
 8-14-14   6:37           5,735         124  Base64JN.dll
         20,368 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    20,992 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\MIME\*
         20,368 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    21,504 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\mro\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          21,902         124  mroYY.dbg
 8-14-14   6:36           7,139         124  mroYY.dll
         29,041 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    29,184 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Opcode\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          17,815         124  OpcodeUG.dbg
 8-14-14   6:37           8,751         124  OpcodeUG.dll
         26,566 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    27,136 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\OS2\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  DLL
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  ExtAttr
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  PrfDB
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Process
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  REXX
              0 bytes in 0 files and 7 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\OS2\DLL\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          24,106         124  DLLKA.dbg
 8-14-14   6:38           9,846         124  DLLKA.dll
         33,952 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    34,816 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\OS2\ExtAttr\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          20,401         124  ExtAttGS.dbg
 8-14-14   6:37           7,863         124  ExtAttGS.dll
         28,264 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    28,672 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\OS2\PrfDB\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          14,423         124  PrfDBSL.dbg
 8-14-14   6:37           6,153         124  PrfDBSL.dll
         20,576 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    21,504 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\OS2\Process\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          95,110         124  ProcesTD.dbg
 8-14-14   6:37          46,383         124  ProcesTD.dll
        141,493 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    141,824 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\OS2\REXX\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          18,379         124  REXXZQ.dbg
 8-14-14   6:38           8,523         124  REXXZQ.dll
         26,902 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    27,136 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\OS2\*
        251,187 bytes in 10 files and 17 dirs    256,512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\PerlIO\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  encoding
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  mmap
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  scalar
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  via
              0 bytes in 0 files and 6 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\PerlIO\encoding\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          22,777         124  encodiCT.dbg
 8-14-14   6:38           9,173         124  encodiCT.dll
         31,950 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    32,256 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\PerlIO\mmap\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43           8,559         124  mmapUU.dbg
 8-14-14   6:38           1,547         124  mmapUU.dll
         10,106 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    10,752 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\PerlIO\scalar\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          16,340         124  scalarTY.dbg
 8-14-14   6:38           4,518         124  scalarTY.dll
         20,858 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    20,992 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\PerlIO\via\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          25,475         124  viaNQ.dbg
 8-14-14   6:38           7,315         124  viaNQ.dll
         32,790 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    33,280 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\PerlIO\*
         95,704 bytes in 8 files and 14 dirs    99,328 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\POSIX\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          64,135         124  POSIXXL.dbg
 8-14-14   6:39          35,544         124  POSIXXL.dll
         99,679 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    100,352 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\re\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43         273,231         124  reDJ.dbg
 8-14-14   6:39         201,584         124  reDJ.dll
        474,815 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    475,136 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\sdbm\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:39               2         124  extralibs.ld
              2 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\SDBM_File\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          25,726         124  SDBM_FJR.dbg
 8-14-14   6:39          12,375         124  SDBM_FJR.dll
         38,101 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    38,912 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Socket\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          18,418         124  SocketLY.dbg
 8-14-14   6:39          11,792         124  SocketLY.dll
         30,210 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    30,720 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Storable\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          63,510         124  StorabQB.dbg
 8-14-14   6:39          38,301         124  StorabQB.dll
        101,811 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    102,400 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Sys\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Hostname
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Syslog
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Sys\Hostname\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43           9,012         124  HostnaGT.dbg
 8-14-14   6:40           2,015         124  HostnaGT.dll
         11,027 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    11,264 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Sys\Syslog\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          27,170         124  SyslogAF.dbg
 8-14-14   6:40           7,198         124  SyslogAF.dll
         34,368 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    35,328 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Sys\*
         45,395 bytes in 4 files and 8 dirs    47,616 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Text\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Soundex
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Text\Soundex\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          10,651         124  SoundeDX.dbg
 8-14-14   6:40           3,149         124  SoundeDX.dll
         13,800 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    14,336 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Text\*
         13,800 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    14,848 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\threads\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43           8,557         124  threadNE.dbg
 8-14-14   6:40           1,543         124  threadNE.dll
         10,100 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    10,752 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Tie\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Hash
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Tie\Hash\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  NamedCapture
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Tie\Hash\NamedCapture\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          11,768         124  NamedCPJ.dbg
 8-14-14   6:40           3,710         124  NamedCPJ.dll
         15,478 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    15,872 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Tie\Hash\*
         15,478 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    16,384 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Tie\*
         15,478 bytes in 2 files and 8 dirs    16,896 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Time\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  HiRes
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Time\HiRes\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          16,879         124  HiResQQ.dbg
 8-14-14   6:41           8,437         124  HiResQQ.dll
         25,316 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    25,600 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Time\*
         25,316 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    26,112 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Unicode\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Collate
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Normalize
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Unicode\Collate\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          24,944         124  CollatRY.dbg
 8-14-14   6:41         474,657         124  CollatRY.dll
        499,601 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    500,224 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Unicode\Normalize\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:43          58,254         124  NormalMV.dbg
 8-14-14   6:41         104,531         124  NormalMV.dll
        162,785 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    163,328 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\Unicode\*
        662,386 bytes in 4 files and 8 dirs    664,576 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\auto\*
      6,256,761 bytes in 101 files and 215 dirs    6,320,128 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\B\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-03-12  13:35          59,294         124
 2-14-12  23:44           5,405         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,136         124
 4-24-12  20:18          12,120         124
         79,955 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    80,896 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Compress\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\CORE\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  os2
 8-14-14   6:22         233,648         124  libperl.a
 8-14-14   6:22           1,678         124  libperl_override.a
 8-14-14   6:22             298         124  libperl_override.imp
        235,624 bytes in 3 files and 3 dirs    237,056 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\CORE\os2\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:15          39,526         124  os2ish.h
 2-14-12  23:44             523         124  os2thread.h
         40,049 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    40,960 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\CORE\*
        275,673 bytes in 5 files and 5 dirs    278,016 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Data\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18          40,785         124
         40,785 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    40,960 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Devel\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18          17,381         124
 8-14-14   6:33         213,452         124
        230,833 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    230,912 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Digest\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-03-12  13:35          10,558         124
         10,558 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    10,752 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Encode\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  CN
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  JP
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  KR
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  MIME
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Unicode
 4-24-12  20:18          12,075         124
 2-14-12  23:44           2,430         124
 2-14-12  23:44           1,683         124
 2-14-12  23:44           2,042         124
 2-14-12  23:44           6,065         124
 2-14-12  23:44             865         124
 4-24-12  20:18           6,323         124
 2-14-12  23:44           9,095         124
 2-14-12  23:44          11,630         124
 4-24-12  20:18          10,090         124
 2-14-12  23:44           2,682         124
 2-14-12  23:44           1,960         124
 2-14-12  23:44             847         124
 2-14-12  23:44           2,292         124
 2-14-12  23:44           8,955         124
         79,034 bytes in 15 files and 7 dirs    84,480 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Encode\CN\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44           5,874         124
          5,874 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Encode\JP\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44           5,142         124
 2-14-12  23:44           4,153         124
          9,295 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    10,240 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Encode\KR\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44           1,898         124
          1,898 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Encode\MIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Header
 2-14-12  23:44           6,961         124
 2-14-12  23:44           3,540         124
         10,501 bytes in 2 files and 3 dirs    11,264 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Encode\MIME\Header\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44           3,105         124
          3,105 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Encode\MIME\*
         13,606 bytes in 3 files and 5 dirs    14,848 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Encode\Unicode\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44           3,669         124
          3,669 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    4,096 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Encode\*
        113,376 bytes in 23 files and 20 dirs    121,856 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\File\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18          12,586         124
         12,586 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    12,800 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Filter\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Util
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Filter\Util\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-03-12  13:35          12,800         124
         12,800 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    12,800 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Filter\*
         12,800 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    13,312 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\gnu\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Hash\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Util
 8-03-12  13:35          13,082         124
         13,082 bytes in 1 file and 3 dirs    13,824 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Hash\Util\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18          29,768         124
         29,768 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    30,208 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Hash\*
         42,850 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    44,032 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\I18N\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18           4,036         124
          4,036 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    4,096 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\IO\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Socket
 4-24-12  20:18           5,368         124
 4-24-12  20:18           4,902         124
 4-24-12  20:18          16,967         124
 4-24-12  20:18           5,472         124
 4-24-12  20:18           4,551         124
 2-14-12  23:44           2,935         124
 4-24-12  20:18           8,247         124
 8-03-12  13:35          14,234         124
         62,676 bytes in 8 files and 3 dirs    65,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\IO\Socket\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18          12,377         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,105         124
         15,482 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    16,384 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\IO\*
         78,158 bytes in 10 files and 5 dirs    81,408 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\IPC\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44           4,784         124
 2-14-12  23:44           6,660         124
 2-14-12  23:44           5,845         124
 2-14-12  23:44           4,970         124
         22,259 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    23,552 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\machine\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:42              89         124
 8-14-14   6:42           3,674         124
 8-14-14   6:42              90         124
 8-14-14   6:42              91         124
 8-14-14   6:42              89         124
 8-14-14   6:42              91         124
          4,124 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    6,656 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Math\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  BigInt
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Math\BigInt\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18           2,870         124
          2,870 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Math\*
          2,870 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\MIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44           5,450         124
 2-14-12  23:44           3,290         124
          8,740 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    9,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\OS2\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:16           4,108         124
 8-14-14   6:16           7,775         124
 8-14-14   6:16          71,609         124
 8-14-14   6:16          12,959         124
         96,451 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    97,792 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\PerlIO\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18           1,219         124
 8-03-12  13:35             600         124
 8-03-12  13:35             962         124
 4-24-12  20:18           7,215         124
          9,996 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    11,264 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Sys\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  gnu
 8-14-14   6:42          23,311         124
 8-14-14   6:42           1,416         124
 2-14-12  23:44           3,644         124
 8-14-14   6:42           2,202         124
 8-14-14   6:42           1,754         124
 8-14-14   6:42           3,103         124
 8-14-14   6:42          12,435         124
 8-14-14   6:42          12,309         124
 8-14-14   6:42          16,474         124
 8-14-14   6:42           4,079         124
 4-24-12  20:18          45,419         124
 8-14-14   6:42           6,185         124
 8-14-14   6:42             891         124
 8-14-14   6:42           6,703         124
 8-14-14   6:42           1,609         124
 8-14-14   6:42           3,069         124
 8-14-14   6:42           2,482         124
 8-14-14   6:42             547         124
 8-14-14   6:42             341         124
        147,973 bytes in 19 files and 3 dirs    154,112 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Sys\gnu\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:42          10,102         124
         10,102 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    10,240 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Sys\*
        158,075 bytes in 20 files and 5 dirs    164,352 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Text\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44           8,089         124
          8,089 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    8,192 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Tie\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Hash
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Tie\Hash\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-20-12  20:10           1,542         124
          1,542 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Tie\*
          1,542 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Time\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18          22,259         124
         22,259 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    22,528 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Unicode\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Collate
 4-24-12  20:18          56,416         124
 4-24-12  20:18          18,041         124
         74,457 bytes in 2 files and 3 dirs    75,776 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Unicode\Collate\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18          14,624         124
         14,624 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    14,848 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\Unicode\*
         89,081 bytes in 3 files and 5 dirs    90,624 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\vendor_perl\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:42         <DIR>           124  auto
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\vendor_perl\auto\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\vendor_perl\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\perl5\*
      8,242,971 bytes in 236 files and 344 dirs    8,364,544 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.6\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:11         <DIR>            21  site-packages
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.6\site-packages\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  rpm
 9-23-15  17:11         <DIR>             0  urlgrabber
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.6\site-packages\rpm\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-13  13:32           6,105         124  transaction.pyc
 3-22-13  13:32           2,828         124  __init__.pyc
          8,933 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    9,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.6\site-packages\urlgrabber\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.6\site-packages\*
          8,933 bytes in 2 files and 8 dirs    10,240 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.6\*
          8,933 bytes in 2 files and 11 dirs    10,752 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  bsddb
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  compiler
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  config
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  ctypes
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  curses
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  distutils
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  email
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  encodings
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  hotshot
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  idlelib
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  importlib
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  json
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  lib-dynload
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  lib2to3
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  logging
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  multiprocessing
 2-26-15  12:22         <DIR>           124  plat-os2knix
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  pydoc_data
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  site-packages
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  sqlite3
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  test
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  wsgiref
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  xml
 2-26-15  12:22           7,330         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,231         124  abc.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,175         124  abc.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          34,980         124
 2-26-15  12:23          30,870         124  aifc.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          30,870         124  aifc.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22              64         124
 2-26-15  12:23             211         124  antigravity.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             211         124  antigravity.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           2,748         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,824         124  anydbm.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,824         124  anydbm.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          90,891         124
 2-26-15  12:23          65,311         124  argparse.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          65,146         124  argparse.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          12,116         124
 2-26-15  12:23          13,146         124  ast.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          13,146         124  ast.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          11,716         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,880         124  asynchat.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,880         124  asynchat.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          21,506         124
 2-26-15  12:23          19,310         124  asyncore.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          19,310         124  asyncore.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           1,770         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,251         124  atexit.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,251         124  atexit.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           7,857         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,684         124  audiodev.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,684         124  audiodev.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          11,717         124
 2-26-15  12:23          11,032         124  base64.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          11,032         124  base64.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          23,064         124
 2-26-15  12:23          21,849         124  BaseHTTPServer.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          21,849         124  BaseHTTPServer.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           5,924         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,780         124  Bastion.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,780         124  Bastion.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          22,359         124
 2-26-15  12:23          19,589         124  bdb.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          19,589         124  bdb.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          14,984         124
 2-26-15  12:23          15,808         124  binhex.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          15,808         124  binhex.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           2,687         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,111         124  bisect.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,111         124  bisect.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          24,018         124
 2-26-15  12:23          28,417         124  calendar.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          28,417         124  calendar.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          35,878         124
 2-26-15  12:23          33,111         124  cgi.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          33,111         124  cgi.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          13,460         124
 2-26-15  12:23          11,148         124  CGIHTTPServer.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          11,148         124  CGIHTTPServer.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          12,503         124
 2-26-15  12:23          12,328         124  cgitb.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          12,328         124  cgitb.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           5,539         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,679         124  chunk.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,679         124  chunk.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          15,430         124
 2-26-15  12:23          14,207         124  cmd.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          14,207         124  cmd.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          10,499         124
 2-26-15  12:23          10,461         124  code.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          10,461         124  code.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          36,364         124
 2-26-15  12:23          37,354         124  codecs.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          37,354         124  codecs.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           6,167         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,677         124  codeop.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,677         124  codeop.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          26,708         124
 2-26-15  12:23          25,111         124  collections.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          25,060         124  collections.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           3,847         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,055         124  colorsys.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,055         124  colorsys.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           2,635         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,517         124  commands.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,517         124  commands.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           7,990         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,064         124  compileall.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,064         124  compileall.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          28,499         124
 2-26-15  12:23          25,685         124  ConfigParser.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          25,685         124  ConfigParser.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           4,578         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,550         124  contextlib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,550         124  contextlib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          26,605         124
 2-26-15  12:23          22,724         124  Cookie.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          22,724         124  Cookie.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          66,243         124
 2-26-15  12:23          55,494         124  cookielib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          55,306         124  cookielib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          11,952         124
 2-26-15  12:23          12,402         124  copy.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          12,310         124  copy.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           7,001         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,201         124  copy_reg.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,157         124  copy_reg.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           6,714         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,420         124  cProfile.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,420         124  cProfile.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          16,839         124
 2-26-15  12:23          13,707         124  csv.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          13,707         124  csv.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22             516         124
 2-26-15  12:23             734         124  dbhash.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             734         124  dbhash.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22         227,193         124
 2-26-15  12:23         173,354         124  decimal.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23         173,354         124  decimal.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          84,403         124
 2-26-15  12:23          62,381         124  difflib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          62,330         124  difflib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           1,167         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,608         124  dircache.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,608         124  dircache.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           6,723         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,292         124  dis.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,292         124  dis.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22         107,252         124
 2-26-15  12:23          84,365         124  doctest.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          84,078         124  doctest.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          10,779         124
 2-26-15  12:23           9,978         124  DocXMLRPCServer.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           9,869         124  DocXMLRPCServer.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           9,070         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,712         124  dumbdbm.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,712         124  dumbdbm.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           4,563         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,514         124  dummy_thread.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,514         124  dummy_thread.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           2,882         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,293         124  dummy_threading.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,293         124  dummy_threading.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           9,884         124
 2-26-15  12:23           9,782         124  filecmp.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           9,782         124  filecmp.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          14,485         124
 2-26-15  12:23          14,989         124  fileinput.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          14,989         124  fileinput.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           3,355         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,582         124  fnmatch.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,582         124  fnmatch.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          15,356         124
 2-26-15  12:23          19,794         124  formatter.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          19,794         124  formatter.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           4,844         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,735         124  fpformat.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,735         124  fpformat.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          22,995         124
 2-26-15  12:23          20,045         124  fractions.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          20,045         124  fractions.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          38,027         124
 2-26-15  12:23          34,734         124  ftplib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          34,734         124  ftplib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           4,578         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,297         124  functools.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,297         124  functools.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           3,119         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,343         124  genericpath.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,343         124  genericpath.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           7,528         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,734         124  getopt.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,689         124  getopt.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           5,742         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,799         124  getpass.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,799         124  getpass.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          20,659         124
 2-26-15  12:23          16,012         124  gettext.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          16,012         124  gettext.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           3,023         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,961         124  glob.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,961         124  glob.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          19,212         124
 2-26-15  12:23          15,311         124  gzip.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          15,311         124  gzip.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           5,157         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,446         124  hashlib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,446         124  hashlib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          18,781         124
 2-26-15  12:23          14,708         124  heapq.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          14,708         124  heapq.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           4,664         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,542         124  hmac.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,542         124  hmac.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          18,327         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,375         124  htmlentitydefs.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,375         124  htmlentitydefs.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          13,360         124
 2-26-15  12:23          21,037         124  htmllib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          21,037         124  htmllib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          17,454         124
 2-26-15  12:23          13,972         124  HTMLParser.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          13,667         124  HTMLParser.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          48,327         124
 2-26-15  12:23          35,878         124  httplib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          35,694         124  httplib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          19,540         124
 2-26-15  12:23          21,924         124  ihooks.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          21,924         124  ihooks.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          49,183         124
 2-26-15  12:23          45,994         124  imaplib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          43,245         124  imaplib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           3,705         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,974         124  imghdr.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,974         124  imghdr.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          26,489         124
 2-26-15  12:23          15,927         124  imputil.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          15,749         124  imputil.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          43,572         124
 2-26-15  12:23          40,549         124  inspect.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          40,549         124  inspect.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           3,286         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,518         124  io.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,518         124  io.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           2,089         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,121         124  keyword.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,121         124  keyword.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           4,099         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,259         124  linecache.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,259         124  linecache.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          91,518         124
 2-26-15  12:23          50,346         124  locale.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          50,346         124  locale.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           6,467         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,799         124  macpath.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,799         124  macpath.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           2,808         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,276         124  macurl2path.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,276         124  macurl2path.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          83,407         124
 2-26-15  12:23          78,445         124  mailbox.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          78,398         124  mailbox.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           7,682         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,188         124  mailcap.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,188         124  mailcap.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          15,039         124
 2-26-15  12:23           9,437         124  markupbase.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           9,241         124  markupbase.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22             372         124
 2-26-15  12:23             386         124  md5.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             386         124  md5.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          34,439         124
 2-26-15  12:23          34,427         124  mhlib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          34,427         124  mhlib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           7,418         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,382         124  mimetools.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,382         124  mimetools.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          21,578         124
 2-26-15  12:23          18,493         124  mimetypes.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          18,493         124  mimetypes.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           6,668         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,436         124  MimeWriter.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,436         124  MimeWriter.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          15,489         124
 2-26-15  12:23          12,110         124  mimify.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          12,110         124  mimify.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          24,954         124
 2-26-15  12:23          18,983         124  modulefinder.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          18,901         124  modulefinder.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           4,982         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,539         124  multifile.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,497         124  multifile.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           1,932         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,571         124  mutex.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           2,571         124  mutex.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           6,010         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,741         124  netrc.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           4,741         124  netrc.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22             627         124
 2-26-15  12:23             870         124  new.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24             870         124  new.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          22,106         124
 2-26-15  12:23          21,393         124  nntplib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          21,393         124  nntplib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          18,990         124
 2-26-15  12:23          12,041         124  ntpath.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          11,996         124  ntpath.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           2,437         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,839         124  nturl2path.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           1,839         124  nturl2path.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          10,710         124
 2-26-15  12:23          14,508         124  numbers.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          14,508         124  numbers.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           5,666         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,189         124  opcode.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           6,189         124  opcode.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          62,828         124
 2-26-15  12:23          55,170         124  optparse.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          55,087         124  optparse.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          26,582         124
 2-26-15  12:23          26,056         124  os.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          26,056         124  os.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           6,052         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,519         124  os2emxpath.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           5,519         124  os2emxpath.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           8,826         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,119         124  os2knixpath.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           8,119         124  os2knixpath.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           8,115         124  pdb.doc
 2-26-15  12:22          47,351         124
 2-26-15  12:23          44,519         124  pdb.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          44,519         124  pdb.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          46,542         124
 2-26-15  12:23          39,295         124  pickle.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          39,099         124  pickle.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          76,815         124
 2-26-15  12:23          57,366         124  pickletools.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          56,527         124  pickletools.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           9,860         124
 2-26-15  12:23           9,436         124  pipes.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           9,436         124  pipes.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          20,937         124
 2-26-15  12:23          19,197         124  pkgutil.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          19,197         124  pkgutil.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          55,209         124
 2-26-15  12:23          37,472         124  platform.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          37,472         124  platform.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          15,659         124
 2-26-15  12:23          19,741         124  plistlib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          19,655         124  plistlib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           8,646         124
 2-26-15  12:23           9,180         124  popen2.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           9,138         124  popen2.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          12,804         124
 2-26-15  12:23          13,447         124  poplib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          13,447         124  poplib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           8,240         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,748         124  posixfile.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           7,748         124  posixfile.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          14,022         124
 2-26-15  12:23          11,489         124  posixpath.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          11,489         124  posixpath.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          12,123         124
 2-26-15  12:23          10,346         124  pprint.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          10,169         124  pprint.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          23,392         124
 2-26-15  12:23          16,770         124  profile.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          16,523         124  profile.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          27,416         124
 2-26-15  12:23          25,493         124  pstats.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          25,493         124  pstats.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           5,238         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,046         124  pty.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           5,046         124  pty.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          13,732         124
 2-26-15  12:23           9,755         124  pyclbr.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           9,755         124  pyclbr.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          95,949         124
 2-26-15  12:23          92,283         124  pydoc.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          92,219         124  pydoc.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           6,097         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,480         124  py_compile.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           6,480         124  py_compile.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           8,821         124
 2-26-15  12:23           9,648         124  Queue.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           9,648         124  Queue.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           7,206         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,660         124  quopri.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           6,660         124  quopri.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          33,034         124
 2-26-15  12:23          25,854         124  random.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          25,854         124  random.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          13,283         124
 2-26-15  12:23          13,262         124  re.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          13,262         124  re.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           4,428         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,521         124  repr.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           5,521         124  repr.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          20,736         124
 2-26-15  12:23          24,625         124  rexec.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          24,625         124  rexec.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          34,306         124
 2-26-15  12:23          32,271         124  rfc822.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          32,271         124  rfc822.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           5,982         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,042         124  rlcompleter.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           6,042         124  rlcompleter.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           7,485         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,115         124  robotparser.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           8,115         124  robotparser.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          10,976         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,555         124  runpy.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           8,555         124  runpy.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           5,222         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,066         124  sched.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           5,066         124  sched.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          19,607         124
 2-26-15  12:23          17,343         124  sets.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          17,343         124  sets.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          18,437         124
 2-26-15  12:23          15,812         124  sgmllib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          15,812         124  sgmllib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22             408         124
 2-26-15  12:23             429         124  sha.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24             429         124  sha.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           8,317         124
 2-26-15  12:23          10,483         124  shelve.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          10,483         124  shelve.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          11,429         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,646         124  shlex.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           7,646         124  shlex.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          18,991         124
 2-26-15  12:23          18,587         124  shutil.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          18,587         124  shutil.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           7,826         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,900         124  SimpleHTTPServer.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,900         124  SimpleHTTPServer.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          26,476         124
 2-26-15  12:23          23,133         124  SimpleXMLRPCServer.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          23,133         124  SimpleXMLRPCServer.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          20,328         124
 2-26-15  12:23          19,655         124  site.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          19,655         124  site.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          19,098         124
 2-26-15  12:23          16,139         124  smtpd.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          16,139         124  smtpd.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          32,167         124
 2-26-15  12:23          30,399         124  smtplib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          30,399         124  smtplib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           6,201         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,493         124  sndhdr.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           7,493         124  sndhdr.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          21,085         124
 2-26-15  12:23          16,346         124  socket.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          16,260         124  socket.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          24,580         124
 2-26-15  12:23          24,508         124  SocketServer.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          24,508         124  SocketServer.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22             397         124
 2-26-15  12:23             527         124  sre.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24             527         124  sre.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          16,872         124
 2-26-15  12:23          11,078         124  sre_compile.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          10,966         124  sre_compile.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           7,460         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,235         124  sre_constants.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           6,235         124  sre_constants.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          28,262         124
 2-26-15  12:23          19,679         124  sre_parse.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          19,679         124  sre_parse.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          16,637         124
 2-26-15  12:23          14,909         124  ssl.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          14,909         124  ssl.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           1,938         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,831         124  stat.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           2,831         124  stat.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22             916         124
 2-26-15  12:23             628         124  statvfs.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24             628         124  statvfs.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          21,398         124
 2-26-15  12:23          20,416         124  string.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          20,416         124  string.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          10,986         124
 2-26-15  12:23          11,632         124  StringIO.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          11,632         124  StringIO.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          12,881         124
 2-26-15  12:23          12,765         124  stringold.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          12,765         124  stringold.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          13,794         124
 2-26-15  12:23          14,647         124  stringprep.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          14,575         124  stringprep.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22              85         124
 2-26-15  12:23             247         124  struct.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24             247         124  struct.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          60,690         124
 2-26-15  12:23          42,326         124  subprocess.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          42,326         124  subprocess.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          17,714         124
 2-26-15  12:23          18,789         124  sunau.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          18,789         124  sunau.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           1,448         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,027         124  sunaudio.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           2,027         124  sunaudio.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           2,172         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,042         124  symbol.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           3,042         124  symbol.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           7,676         124
 2-26-15  12:23          12,186         124  symtable.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          12,055         124  symtable.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          23,182         124
 2-26-15  12:23          17,736         124  sysconfig.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          17,736         124  sysconfig.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          11,665         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,403         124  tabnanny.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           8,403         124  tabnanny.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          91,728         124
 2-26-15  12:23          76,513         124  tarfile.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          76,513         124  tarfile.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          27,600         124
 2-26-15  12:23          23,339         124  telnetlib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          23,339         124  telnetlib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          19,313         124
 2-26-15  12:23          20,384         124  tempfile.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          20,384         124  tempfile.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          17,462         124
 2-26-15  12:23          12,011         124  textwrap.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          11,919         124  textwrap.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           1,030         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,228         124  this.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           1,228         124  this.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          48,541         124
 2-26-15  12:23          43,431         124  threading.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          41,262         124  threading.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          12,431         124
 2-26-15  12:23          11,877         124  timeit.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          11,877         124  timeit.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           3,252         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,138         124  toaiff.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           3,138         124  toaiff.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           3,088         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,856         124  token.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           3,856         124  token.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          16,968         124
 2-26-15  12:23          14,062         124  tokenize.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          13,973         124  tokenize.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          30,709         124
 2-26-15  12:23          23,064         124  trace.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          23,001         124  trace.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          11,573         124
 2-26-15  12:23          11,782         124  traceback.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          11,782         124  traceback.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22             915         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,341         124  tty.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           1,341         124  tty.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           2,124         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,554         124  types.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           2,554         124  types.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          59,790         124
 2-26-15  12:23          51,091         124  urllib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          50,996         124  urllib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          53,427         124
 2-26-15  12:23          47,927         124  urllib2.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          47,832         124  urllib2.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          15,554         124
 2-26-15  12:23          14,713         124  urlparse.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          14,713         124  urlparse.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           1,675         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,732         124  user.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           1,732         124  user.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           5,991         124
 2-26-15  12:23           9,180         124  UserDict.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           9,180         124  UserDict.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           3,732         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,849         124  UserList.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,849         124  UserList.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           9,915         124
 2-26-15  12:23          15,408         124  UserString.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          15,408         124  UserString.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           6,751         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,352         124  uu.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           4,352         124  uu.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          21,769         124
 2-26-15  12:23          21,517         124  uuid.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          21,517         124  uuid.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          14,444         124
 2-26-15  12:23          13,334         124  warnings.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          12,493         124  warnings.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          18,769         124
 2-26-15  12:23          19,945         124  wave.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          19,801         124  wave.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          11,072         124
 2-26-15  12:23          14,456         124  weakref.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          14,456         124  weakref.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          23,428         124
 2-26-15  12:23          20,139         124  webbrowser.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          20,094         124  webbrowser.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           3,496         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,257         124  whichdb.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           2,257         124  whichdb.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           5,794         124
 2-26-15  12:23           9,608         124  xdrlib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           9,608         124  xdrlib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          35,795         124
 2-26-15  12:23          27,279         124  xmllib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          27,279         124  xmllib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          52,962         124
 2-26-15  12:23          44,596         124  xmlrpclib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          44,412         124  xmlrpclib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          59,328         124
 2-26-15  12:23          41,786         124  zipfile.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          41,786         124  zipfile.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          18,536         124
 2-26-15  12:23          25,800         124  _abcoll.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          25,800         124  _abcoll.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           6,725         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,582         124  _LWPCookieJar.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,582         124  _LWPCookieJar.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           5,958         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,504         124  _MozillaCookieJar.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,465         124  _MozillaCookieJar.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          19,321         124
 2-26-15  12:23          11,689         124  _osx_support.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          11,689         124  _osx_support.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          70,874         124
 2-26-15  12:23          65,617         124  _pyio.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          65,617         124  _pyio.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          20,688         124
 2-26-15  12:23          15,035         124  _strptime.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          15,035         124  _strptime.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22          13,495         124
 2-26-15  12:23          15,776         124  _sysconfigdata.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          15,776         124  _sysconfigdata.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           7,707         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,676         124  _threading_local.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,676         124  _threading_local.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           5,978         124
 2-26-15  12:23          10,062         124  _weakrefset.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          10,062         124  _weakrefset.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22           4,508         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,276         124  __future__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,276         124  __future__.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22              65         124
 2-26-15  12:23             133         124
 2-26-15  12:23             133         124
     11,149,464 bytes in 622 files and 25 dirs    11,323,904 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\bsddb\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23           2,790         124
 2-26-15  12:23             600         124  db.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             600         124  db.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          11,597         124
 2-26-15  12:23          19,679         124  dbobj.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          19,679         124  dbobj.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           5,498         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,397         124  dbrecio.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,397         124  dbrecio.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          11,962         124
 2-26-15  12:23          13,438         124  dbshelve.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          13,438         124  dbshelve.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          31,709         124
 2-26-15  12:23          25,007         124  dbtables.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          24,872         124  dbtables.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,047         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,643         124  dbutils.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,643         124  dbutils.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          16,443         124
 2-26-15  12:23          12,744         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          12,744         124  __init__.pyo
        239,927 bytes in 21 files and 2 dirs    245,248 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\compiler\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23          38,927         124
 2-26-15  12:23          75,237         124  ast.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          75,237         124  ast.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             491         124
 2-26-15  12:23             745         124  consts.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             745         124  consts.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,967         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,036         124  future.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,036         124  future.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,867         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,885         124  misc.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,885         124  misc.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          25,023         124
 2-26-15  12:23          26,574         124  pyassem.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          26,015         124  pyassem.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          49,364         124
 2-26-15  12:23          57,899         124  pycodegen.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          57,455         124  pycodegen.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,951         124
 2-26-15  12:23          18,125         124  symbols.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          18,091         124  symbols.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,490         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,930         124  syntax.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,930         124  syntax.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          54,643         124
 2-26-15  12:23          48,629         124  transformer.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          46,814         124  transformer.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           4,009         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,267         124  visitor.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,267         124  visitor.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,054         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,305         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,305         124  __init__.pyo
        674,198 bytes in 33 files and 2 dirs    680,960 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\config\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:24          51,875         124  Makefile
         51,875 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    52,224 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\ctypes\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  macholib
 2-26-15  12:23           9,343         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,135         124  util.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,135         124  util.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           5,534         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,059         124  wintypes.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,059         124  wintypes.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,276         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,355         124  _endian.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,355         124  _endian.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          18,140         124
 2-26-15  12:23          20,788         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          20,788         124  __init__.pyo
        109,967 bytes in 12 files and 3 dirs    112,640 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\ctypes\macholib\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23           5,510         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,915         124  dyld.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,709         124  dyld.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,107         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,347         124  dylib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,765         124  dylib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23              86         124  fetch_macholib
 2-26-15  12:23              75         124  fetch_macholib.bat
 2-26-15  12:23           2,482         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,657         124  framework.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,907         124  framework.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             302         124  README.ctypes
 2-26-15  12:23             379         124
 2-26-15  12:23             324         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             324         124  __init__.pyo
         31,889 bytes in 15 files and 2 dirs    35,840 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\ctypes\*
        141,856 bytes in 27 files and 5 dirs    148,480 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\curses\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23           2,706         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,258         124  ascii.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,258         124  ascii.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           5,819         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,953         124  has_key.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,953         124  has_key.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             118         124
 2-26-15  12:23             285         124  panel.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             285         124  panel.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           7,526         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,949         124  textpad.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,949         124  textpad.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,731         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,234         124  wrapper.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,234         124  wrapper.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,876         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,577         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,577         124  __init__.pyo
         62,288 bytes in 18 files and 2 dirs    67,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\distutils\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  command
 2-26-15  12:23           8,065         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,520         124  archive_util.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,520         124  archive_util.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          15,335         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,954         124  bcppcompiler.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,954         124  bcppcompiler.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          47,753         124
 2-26-15  12:23          37,287         124  ccompiler.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          37,146         124  ccompiler.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          19,727         124
 2-26-15  12:23          17,100         124  cmd.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          17,100         124  cmd.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           4,246         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,625         124  config.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,625         124  config.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           9,335         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,723         124  core.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,723         124  core.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          18,195         124
 2-26-15  12:23           9,921         124  cygwinccompiler.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           9,921         124  cygwinccompiler.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             169         124
 2-26-15  12:23             262         124  debug.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             262         124  debug.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,598         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,212         124  dep_util.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,212         124  dep_util.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           8,184         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,935         124  dir_util.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,935         124  dir_util.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          51,298         124
 2-26-15  12:23          40,107         124  dist.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          40,107         124  dist.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          11,805         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,382         124  emxccompiler.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,382         124  emxccompiler.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,582         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,445         124  errors.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,445         124  errors.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          11,159         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,443         124  extension.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,217         124  extension.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          18,432         124
 2-26-15  12:23          12,126         124  fancy_getopt.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          11,949         124  fancy_getopt.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,032         124
 2-26-15  12:23          10,899         124  filelist.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          10,899         124  filelist.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           8,026         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,666         124  file_util.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,666         124  file_util.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,757         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,882         124  log.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,882         124  log.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          31,819         124
 2-26-15  12:23          21,790         124  msvc9compiler.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          21,717         124  msvc9compiler.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          24,296         124
 2-26-15  12:23          17,731         124  msvccompiler.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          17,731         124  msvccompiler.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             308         124  README
 2-26-15  12:23           7,989         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,223         124  spawn.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,223         124  spawn.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          17,837         124
 2-26-15  12:23          13,411         124  sysconfig.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          13,411         124  sysconfig.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          12,714         124
 2-26-15  12:23           9,332         124  text_file.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           9,332         124  text_file.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          12,692         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,763         124  unixccompiler.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,763         124  unixccompiler.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          19,286         124
 2-26-15  12:23          15,084         124  util.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          15,084         124  util.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          11,732         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,328         124  version.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,328         124  version.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           5,259         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,598         124  versionpredicate.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,598         124  versionpredicate.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             356         124
 2-26-15  12:23             393         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             393         124  __init__.pyo
        997,653 bytes in 85 files and 3 dirs    1,021,440 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\distutils\command\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23           5,742         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,267         124  bdist.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,267         124  bdist.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           5,328         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,083         124  bdist_dumb.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,083         124  bdist_dumb.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          35,933         124
 2-26-15  12:23          24,149         124  bdist_msi.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          24,042         124  bdist_msi.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          21,741         124
 2-26-15  12:23          17,890         124  bdist_rpm.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          17,806         124  bdist_rpm.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          15,365         124
 2-26-15  12:23          10,880         124  bdist_wininst.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          10,801         124  bdist_wininst.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           5,584         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,227         124  build.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,227         124  build.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           8,340         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,513         124  build_clib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,513         124  build_clib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          32,885         124
 2-26-15  12:23          19,527         124  build_ext.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          19,527         124  build_ext.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          16,692         124
 2-26-15  12:23          11,676         124  build_py.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          11,604         124  build_py.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           4,973         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,750         124  build_scripts.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,750         124  build_scripts.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           5,706         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,321         124  check.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,321         124  check.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,894         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,216         124  clean.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,216         124  clean.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             764         124  command_template
 2-26-15  12:23          13,487         124
 2-26-15  12:23          12,849         124  config.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          12,849         124  config.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          27,045         124
 2-26-15  12:23          17,102         124  install.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          17,102         124  install.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,926         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,220         124  install_data.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,220         124  install_data.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,665         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,838         124  install_egg_info.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,838         124  install_egg_info.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,397         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,352         124  install_headers.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,352         124  install_headers.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           8,557         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,880         124  install_lib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,880         124  install_lib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,132         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,054         124  install_scripts.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,054         124  install_scripts.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          12,154         124
 2-26-15  12:23          10,326         124  register.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          10,326         124  register.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          19,034         124
 2-26-15  12:23          16,844         124  sdist.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          16,844         124  sdist.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           7,196         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,325         124  upload.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,325         124  upload.pyo
 2-26-15  12:24               0         124  wininst-6.0.dbg
 2-26-15  12:23          61,440         124  wininst-6.0.exe
 2-26-15  12:24               0         124  wininst-7.1.dbg
 2-26-15  12:23          65,536         124  wininst-7.1.exe
 2-26-15  12:24               0         124  wininst-8.0.dbg
 2-26-15  12:23          61,440         124  wininst-8.0.exe
 2-26-15  12:24               0         124  wininst-9.0-amd64.dbg
 2-26-15  12:23         223,744         124  wininst-9.0-amd64.exe
 2-26-15  12:24               0         124  wininst-9.0.dbg
 2-26-15  12:23         196,096         124  wininst-9.0.exe
 2-26-15  12:23             855         124
 2-26-15  12:23             673         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             673         124  __init__.pyo
      1,275,233 bytes in 80 files and 2 dirs    1,297,408 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\distutils\*
      2,272,886 bytes in 165 files and 5 dirs    2,318,848 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\email\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  mime
 2-26-15  12:23           5,977         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,363         124  base64mime.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,363         124  base64mime.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          16,441         124
 2-26-15  12:23          13,677         124  charset.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          13,630         124  charset.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,097         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,288         124  encoders.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,288         124  encoders.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,685         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,649         124  errors.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,649         124  errors.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          21,090         124
 2-26-15  12:23          11,326         124  feedparser.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          11,235         124  feedparser.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,600         124
 2-26-15  12:23          10,537         124  generator.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          10,537         124  generator.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          22,757         124
 2-26-15  12:23          13,790         124  header.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          13,720         124  header.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,275         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,406         124  iterators.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,406         124  iterators.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          31,517         124
 2-26-15  12:23          29,041         124  message.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          29,041         124  message.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,391         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,893         124  parser.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,893         124  parser.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          11,184         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,954         124  quoprimime.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,954         124  quoprimime.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          10,187         124
 2-26-15  12:23           9,291         124  utils.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           9,291         124  utils.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          16,230         124
 2-26-15  12:23          14,041         124  _parseaddr.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          14,041         124  _parseaddr.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,979         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,920         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,920         124  __init__.pyo
        424,554 bytes in 42 files and 3 dirs    435,200 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\email\mime\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23           1,292         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,608         124  application.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,608         124  application.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,756         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,941         124  audio.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,941         124  audio.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             820         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,140         124  base.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,140         124  base.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,810         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,073         124  image.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,073         124  image.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,320         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,472         124  message.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,472         124  message.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,620         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,693         124  multipart.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,693         124  multipart.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             711         124
 2-26-15  12:23             910         124  nonmultipart.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             910         124  nonmultipart.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,036         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,332         124  text.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,332         124  text.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23               0         124
 2-26-15  12:23             138         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             138         124  __init__.pyo
         37,979 bytes in 27 files and 2 dirs    46,080 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\email\*
        462,533 bytes in 69 files and 5 dirs    481,280 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\encodings\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23          15,375         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,778         124  aliases.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,778         124  aliases.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,298         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,361         124  ascii.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,361         124  ascii.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,417         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,932         124  base64_codec.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,782         124  base64_codec.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,058         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,826         124  big5.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,826         124  big5.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,078         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,866         124  big5hkscs.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,866         124  big5hkscs.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,095         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,864         124  bz2_codec.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,730         124  bz2_codec.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,153         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,623         124  charmap.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,623         124  charmap.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,684         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,947         124  cp037.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,947         124  cp037.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          12,618         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,977         124  cp424.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,977         124  cp424.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          35,518         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,182         124  cp437.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,182         124  cp437.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,684         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,947         124  cp500.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,947         124  cp500.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,003         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,044         124  cp720.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,044         124  cp720.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          35,635         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,410         124  cp737.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,410         124  cp737.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          35,429         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,196         124  cp775.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,196         124  cp775.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          35,059         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,929         124  cp850.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,929         124  cp850.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          35,956         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,198         124  cp852.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,198         124  cp852.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          34,804         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,379         124  cp855.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,379         124  cp855.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          12,986         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,009         124  cp856.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,009         124  cp856.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          34,858         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,919         124  cp857.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,919         124  cp857.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          34,969         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,899         124  cp858.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,899         124  cp858.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          35,635         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,165         124  cp860.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,165         124  cp860.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          35,587         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,176         124  cp861.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,176         124  cp861.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          34,324         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,311         124  cp862.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,311         124  cp862.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          35,206         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,176         124  cp863.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,176         124  cp863.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          34,609         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,307         124  cp864.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,307         124  cp864.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          35,572         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,176         124  cp865.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,176         124  cp865.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          35,350         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,411         124  cp866.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,411         124  cp866.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          33,910         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,223         124  cp869.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,223         124  cp869.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,158         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,075         124  cp874.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,075         124  cp874.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,417         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,944         124  cp875.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,944         124  cp875.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,062         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,834         124  cp932.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,834         124  cp932.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,062         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,834         124  cp949.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,834         124  cp949.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,062         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,834         124  cp950.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,834         124  cp950.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,131         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,033         124  cp1006.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,033         124  cp1006.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,676         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,961         124  cp1026.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,961         124  cp1026.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,668         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,947         124  cp1140.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,947         124  cp1140.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,249         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,984         124  cp1250.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,984         124  cp1250.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,924         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,981         124  cp1251.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,981         124  cp1251.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,074         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,984         124  cp1252.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,984         124  cp1252.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,657         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,997         124  cp1253.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,997         124  cp1253.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,065         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,986         124  cp1254.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,986         124  cp1254.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,029         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,005         124  cp1255.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,005         124  cp1255.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,377         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,983         124  cp1256.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,983         124  cp1256.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,937         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,991         124  cp1257.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,991         124  cp1257.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,927         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,989         124  cp1258.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,989         124  cp1258.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,090         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,890         124  euc_jisx0213.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,890         124  euc_jisx0213.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,090         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,890         124  euc_jis_2004.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,890         124  euc_jis_2004.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,066         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,842         124  euc_jp.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,842         124  euc_jp.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,066         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,842         124  euc_kr.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,842         124  euc_kr.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,066         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,842         124  gb2312.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,842         124  gb2312.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,070         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,850         124  gb18030.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,850         124  gb18030.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,054         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,818         124  gbk.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,818         124  gbk.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,388         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,884         124  hex_codec.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,734         124  hex_codec.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           7,543         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,230         124  hp_roman8.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,230         124  hp_roman8.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,050         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,810         124  hz.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,810         124  hz.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           8,762         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,516         124  idna.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,516         124  idna.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,092         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,879         124  iso2022_jp.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,879         124  iso2022_jp.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,100         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,895         124  iso2022_jp_1.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,895         124  iso2022_jp_1.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,100         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,895         124  iso2022_jp_2.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,895         124  iso2022_jp_2.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,100         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,895         124  iso2022_jp_3.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,895         124  iso2022_jp_3.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,112         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,919         124  iso2022_jp_2004.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,919         124  iso2022_jp_2004.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,108         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,911         124  iso2022_jp_ext.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,911         124  iso2022_jp_ext.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,092         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,879         124  iso2022_kr.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,879         124  iso2022_kr.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,739         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,986         124  iso8859_1.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,986         124  iso8859_1.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,967         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,986         124  iso8859_2.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,986         124  iso8859_2.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,652         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,993         124  iso8859_3.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,993         124  iso8859_3.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,939         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,986         124  iso8859_4.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,986         124  iso8859_4.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,578         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,987         124  iso8859_5.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,987         124  iso8859_5.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          11,396         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,031         124  iso8859_6.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,031         124  iso8859_6.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,407         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,994         124  iso8859_7.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,994         124  iso8859_7.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          11,599         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,025         124  iso8859_8.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,025         124  iso8859_8.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,719         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,986         124  iso8859_9.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,986         124  iso8859_9.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,152         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,001         124  iso8859_10.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,001         124  iso8859_10.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          12,898         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,095         124  iso8859_11.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,095         124  iso8859_11.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,834         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,004         124  iso8859_13.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,004         124  iso8859_13.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,215         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,022         124  iso8859_14.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,022         124  iso8859_14.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,775         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,001         124  iso8859_15.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,001         124  iso8859_15.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,120         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,003         124  iso8859_16.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,003         124  iso8859_16.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,062         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,834         124  johab.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,834         124  johab.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,342         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,008         124  koi8_r.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,008         124  koi8_r.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,325         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,994         124  koi8_u.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,994         124  koi8_u.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,314         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,391         124  latin_1.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,391         124  latin_1.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          37,421         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,132         124  mac_arabic.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,132         124  mac_arabic.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,665         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,055         124  mac_centeuro.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,055         124  mac_centeuro.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,196         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,063         124  mac_croatian.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,063         124  mac_croatian.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,017         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,053         124  mac_cyrillic.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,053         124  mac_cyrillic.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          15,733         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,967         124  mac_farsi.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,967         124  mac_farsi.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,284         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,007         124  mac_greek.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,007         124  mac_greek.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,061         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,046         124  mac_iceland.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,046         124  mac_iceland.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           8,748         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,025         124  mac_latin2.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,025         124  mac_latin2.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,043         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,024         124  mac_roman.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,024         124  mac_roman.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,224         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,064         124  mac_romanian.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,064         124  mac_romanian.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,076         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,047         124  mac_turkish.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,047         124  mac_turkish.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,258         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,107         124  mbcs.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,107         124  mbcs.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,019         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,184         124  palmos.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,184         124  palmos.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           9,125         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,008         124  ptcp154.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,008         124  ptcp154.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           7,051         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,214         124  punycode.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,214         124  punycode.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,222         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,729         124  quopri_codec.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,655         124  quopri_codec.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,253         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,300         124  raw_unicode_escape.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,300         124  raw_unicode_escape.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,697         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,749         124  rot_13.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,749         124  rot_13.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,078         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,866         124  shift_jis.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,866         124  shift_jis.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,098         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,906         124  shift_jisx0213.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,906         124  shift_jisx0213.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,098         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,906         124  shift_jis_2004.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,906         124  shift_jis_2004.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             991         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,159         124  string_escape.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,159         124  string_escape.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          12,863         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,056         124  tis_620.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,056         124  tis_620.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,348         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,707         124  undefined.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,707         124  undefined.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,229         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,248         124  unicode_escape.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,248         124  unicode_escape.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,241         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,274         124  unicode_internal.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,274         124  unicode_internal.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             984         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,971         124  utf_7.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,971         124  utf_7.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,047         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,030         124  utf_8.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,030         124  utf_8.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,802         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,185         124  utf_8_sig.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,185         124  utf_8_sig.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           4,110         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,368         124  utf_16.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,368         124  utf_16.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,079         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,078         124  utf_16_be.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,078         124  utf_16_be.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,079         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,078         124  utf_16_le.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,078         124  utf_16_le.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           5,277         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,952         124  utf_32.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,952         124  utf_32.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             967         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,971         124  utf_32_be.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,971         124  utf_32_be.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             967         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,971         124  utf_32_le.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,971         124  utf_32_le.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,867         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,010         124  uu_codec.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,936         124  uu_codec.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,117         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,784         124  zlib_codec.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,650         124  zlib_codec.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           5,855         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,410         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,410         124  __init__.pyo
      2,270,423 bytes in 360 files and 2 dirs    2,351,616 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\hotshot\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23           6,433         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,654         124  log.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,654         124  log.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,675         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,382         124  stats.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,340         124  stats.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             797         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,172         124  stones.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,172         124  stones.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,748         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,572         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,572         124  __init__.pyo
         40,171 bytes in 12 files and 2 dirs    43,520 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\idlelib\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  Icons
 2-26-15  12:23           6,720         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,903         124  aboutDialog.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,903         124  aboutDialog.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           9,069         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,968         124  AutoComplete.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,968         124  AutoComplete.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          17,657         124
 2-26-15  12:23          12,612         124  AutoCompleteWindow.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          12,553         124  AutoCompleteWindow.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,566         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,608         124  AutoExpand.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,608         124  AutoExpand.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,541         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,901         124  Bindings.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,901         124  Bindings.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           8,277         124
 2-26-15  12:23          10,794         124  CallTips.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          10,794         124  CallTips.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           6,300         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,398         124  CallTipWindow.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,398         124  CallTipWindow.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          57,984         124  ChangeLog
 2-26-15  12:23           6,590         124
 2-26-15  12:23           9,401         124  ClassBrowser.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           9,401         124  ClassBrowser.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           8,523         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,752         124  CodeContext.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,708         124  CodeContext.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          10,641         124
 2-26-15  12:23           9,055         124  ColorDelegator.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           9,055         124  ColorDelegator.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,884         124  config-extensions.def
 2-26-15  12:23           1,804         124  config-highlight.def
 2-26-15  12:23           7,738         124  config-keys.def
 2-26-15  12:23           2,591         124  config-main.def
 2-26-15  12:23          54,644         124
 2-26-15  12:23          45,493         124  configDialog.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          45,493         124  configDialog.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          30,086         124
 2-26-15  12:23          27,846         124  configHandler.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          27,846         124  configHandler.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           6,849         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,802         124  configHelpSourceEdit.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,802         124  configHelpSourceEdit.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           4,385         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,814         124  configSectionNameDialog.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,814         124  configSectionNameDialog.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,902         124  CREDITS.txt
 2-26-15  12:23          16,299         124
 2-26-15  12:23          17,297         124  Debugger.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          17,297         124  Debugger.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             690         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,316         124  Delegator.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,316         124  Delegator.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,337         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,733         124  dynOptionMenuWidget.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,733         124  dynOptionMenuWidget.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          67,754         124
 2-26-15  12:23          58,677         124  EditorWindow.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          58,575         124  EditorWindow.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,725         124  extend.txt
 2-26-15  12:23           3,780         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,036         124  FileList.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,003         124  FileList.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           7,357         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,211         124  FormatParagraph.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,211         124  FormatParagraph.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           4,217         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,154         124  GrepDialog.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,154         124  GrepDialog.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          12,302         124  help.txt
 2-26-15  12:23          10,613         124  HISTORY.txt
 2-26-15  12:23          10,808         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,724         124  HyperParser.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,724         124  HyperParser.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             177         124  idle.bat
 2-26-15  12:23             411         124
 2-26-15  12:23             414         124  idle.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             414         124  idle.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             685         124  idle.pyw
 2-26-15  12:23           4,239         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,221         124  IdleHistory.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,221         124  IdleHistory.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23              24         124
 2-26-15  12:23             167         124  idlever.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             167         124  idlever.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          21,804         124
 2-26-15  12:23          17,885         124  IOBinding.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          17,885         124  IOBinding.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          12,675         124
 2-26-15  12:23          12,471         124  keybindingDialog.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          12,471         124  keybindingDialog.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           6,397         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,503         124  macosxSupport.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,503         124  macosxSupport.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          17,906         124
 2-26-15  12:23          16,186         124  MultiCall.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          16,112         124  MultiCall.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             815         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,567         124  MultiStatusBar.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,567         124  MultiStatusBar.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          29,775         124  NEWS.txt
 2-26-15  12:23           4,301         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,941         124  ObjectBrowser.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,941         124  ObjectBrowser.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           4,725         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,352         124  OutputWindow.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,352         124  OutputWindow.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           6,799         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,116         124  ParenMatch.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,116         124  ParenMatch.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,827         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,374         124  PathBrowser.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,374         124  PathBrowser.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,701         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,742         124  Percolator.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,558         124  Percolator.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          20,104         124
 2-26-15  12:23          10,140         124  PyParse.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           9,702         124  PyParse.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          58,367         124
 2-26-15  12:23          51,725         124  PyShell.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          51,623         124  PyShell.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,686         124  README.txt
 2-26-15  12:23          12,034         124
 2-26-15  12:23          16,846         124  RemoteDebugger.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          16,692         124  RemoteDebugger.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             978         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,230         124  RemoteObjectBrowser.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,230         124  RemoteObjectBrowser.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           6,017         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,600         124  ReplaceDialog.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,600         124  ReplaceDialog.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          20,825         124
 2-26-15  12:23          22,244         124  rpc.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          22,138         124  rpc.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,083         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,645         124  RstripExtension.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,645         124  RstripExtension.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          12,761         124
 2-26-15  12:23          13,019         124  run.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          12,961         124  run.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           8,661         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,278         124  ScriptBinding.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,278         124  ScriptBinding.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           4,134         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,359         124  ScrolledList.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,359         124  ScrolledList.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,083         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,063         124  SearchDialog.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,063         124  SearchDialog.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           5,342         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,423         124  SearchDialogBase.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,423         124  SearchDialogBase.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           7,778         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,527         124  SearchEngine.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,527         124  SearchEngine.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,994         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,095         124  StackViewer.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,095         124  StackViewer.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          18,678         124
 2-26-15  12:23          18,401         124  tabbedpages.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          18,401         124  tabbedpages.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,644         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,380         124  textView.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,380         124  textView.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           8,688         124  TODO.txt
 2-26-15  12:23           2,825         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,286         124  ToolTip.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,286         124  ToolTip.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          15,708         124
 2-26-15  12:23          18,328         124  TreeWidget.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          18,328         124  TreeWidget.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          10,629         124
 2-26-15  12:23          12,953         124  UndoDelegator.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          12,953         124  UndoDelegator.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           4,602         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,466         124  WidgetRedirector.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,466         124  WidgetRedirector.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,563         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,756         124  WindowList.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,756         124  WindowList.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,358         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,693         124  ZoomHeight.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,693         124  ZoomHeight.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23              38         124
 2-26-15  12:23             135         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             135         124  __init__.pyo
      1,908,172 bytes in 188 files and 3 dirs    1,957,888 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\idlelib\Icons\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23             120         124  folder.gif
 2-26-15  12:23          57,435         124  idle.icns
 2-26-15  12:23              96         124  minusnode.gif
 2-26-15  12:23             125         124  openfolder.gif
 2-26-15  12:23              79         124  plusnode.gif
 2-26-15  12:23             125         124  python.gif
 2-26-15  12:23              85         124  tk.gif
         58,065 bytes in 7 files and 2 dirs    60,928 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\idlelib\*
      1,966,237 bytes in 195 files and 5 dirs    2,018,816 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\importlib\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23           1,365         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,526         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,526         124  __init__.pyo
          4,417 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\json\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23          14,266         124
 2-26-15  12:23          12,079         124  decoder.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          12,079         124  decoder.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          16,837         124
 2-26-15  12:23          13,846         124  encoder.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          13,846         124  encoder.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,364         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,253         124  scanner.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,253         124  scanner.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,037         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,310         124  tool.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,310         124  tool.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          15,101         124
 2-26-15  12:23          13,995         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          13,995         124  __init__.pyo
        136,571 bytes in 15 files and 2 dirs    140,800 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\lib-dynload\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:19          30,184         124  array.pyd
 2-26-15  12:20          20,220         124  audioop.pyd
 2-26-15  12:21          15,408         124  binascii.pyd
 2-26-15  12:21          28,592         124  bz2.pyd
 2-26-15  12:19          54,764         124  cmath.pyd
 2-26-15  12:20          60,768         124  cPickle.pyd
 2-26-15  12:20           2,352         124  crypt.pyd
 2-26-15  12:20          11,020         124  cStringI.pyd
 2-26-15  12:19          61,904         124  datetime.pyd
 2-26-15  12:21           7,120         124  dbm.pyd
 2-26-15  12:22           4,680         124  dl.pyd
 2-26-15  12:20          10,068         124  fcntl.pyd
 2-26-15  12:19           3,728         124  future_b.pyd
 2-26-15  12:20           5,020         124  grp.pyd
 2-26-15  12:20          10,472         124  imageop.pyd
 2-26-15  12:19          39,084         124  itertool.pyd
 2-26-15  12:19          22,848         124  math.pyd
 2-26-15  12:20          39,980         124  parser.pyd
 2-26-15  12:21          35,800         124  pyexpat.pyd
 2-26-15  12:24           1,524         124  Python-2.7.6-py2.7.egg-info
 2-26-15  12:20          14,032         124  readline.pyd
 2-26-15  12:21           6,400         124  resource.pyd
 2-26-15  12:20           6,180         124  select.pyd
 2-26-15  12:19          19,828         124  strop.pyd
 2-26-15  12:20           8,820         124  syslog.pyd
 2-26-15  12:21          10,116         124  termios.pyd
 2-26-15  12:19          13,092         124  time.pyd
 2-26-15  12:20         684,648         124  unicoded.pyd
 2-26-15  12:21          16,200         124  zlib.pyd
 2-26-15  12:20           5,924         124  _bisect.pyd
 2-26-15  12:21         144,924         124  _bsddb.pyd
 2-26-15  12:22         117,900         124  _codecs_.pyd
 2-26-15  12:19          19,356         124  _collect.pyd
 2-26-15  12:21          20,648         124  _csv.pyd
 2-26-15  12:22         105,972         124  _ctypes.pyd
 2-26-15  12:21          59,144         124  _curses.pyd
 2-26-15  12:21           6,688         124  _curses_.pyd
 2-26-15  12:21          33,124         124  _element.pyd
 2-26-15  12:21           9,448         124  _hashlib.pyd
 2-26-15  12:20          14,068         124  _heapq.pyd
 2-26-15  12:20          17,008         124  _hotshot.pyd
 2-26-15  12:20         125,632         124  _io.pyd
 2-26-15  12:20          29,284         124  _json.pyd
 2-26-15  12:20          10,640         124  _lsprof.pyd
 2-26-15  12:21          20,832         124  _multiby.pyd
 2-26-15  12:22          11,524         124  _multipr.pyd
 2-26-15  12:19           6,824         124  _random.pyd
 2-26-15  12:21          67,648         124  _socket.pyd
 2-26-15  12:21          51,612         124  _sqlite3.pyd
 2-26-15  12:21          23,696         124  _ssl.pyd
 2-26-15  12:19          22,876         124  _struct.pyd
      2,169,624 bytes in 51 files and 2 dirs    2,182,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\lib2to3\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  fixes
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  pgen2
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  tests
 2-26-15  12:23           7,002         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,918         124  btm_matcher.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,918         124  btm_matcher.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          10,294         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,667         124  btm_utils.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,667         124  btm_utils.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           7,035         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,385         124  fixer_base.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,385         124  fixer_base.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          15,029         124
 2-26-15  12:23          14,955         124  fixer_util.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          14,955         124  fixer_util.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           6,747         124  Grammar.txt
 2-26-15  12:24          20,229         124
 2-26-15  12:23          11,874         124
 2-26-15  12:23           9,911         124  main.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           9,869         124  main.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           7,296         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,762         124  patcomp.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,450         124  patcomp.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             821         124  PatternGrammar.txt
 2-26-15  12:24           1,383         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,158         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,438         124  pygram.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,438         124  pygram.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          29,926         124
 2-26-15  12:23          30,911         124  pytree.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          30,028         124  pytree.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          28,815         124
 2-26-15  12:23          24,285         124  refactor.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          24,243         124  refactor.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23               8         124
 2-26-15  12:23             135         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             135         124  __init__.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23              71         124
 2-26-15  12:23             250         124  __main__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             250         124  __main__.pyo
        365,643 bytes in 37 files and 5 dirs    377,856 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\lib2to3\fixes\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23           1,963         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,907         124  fix_apply.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,874         124  fix_apply.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             335         124
 2-26-15  12:23             831         124  fix_basestring.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             831         124  fix_basestring.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             613         124
 2-26-15  12:23             988         124  fix_buffer.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             988         124  fix_buffer.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,193         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,531         124  fix_callable.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,531         124  fix_callable.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,931         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,801         124  fix_dict.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,676         124  fix_dict.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,445         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,041         124  fix_except.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,041         124  fix_except.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,042         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,456         124  fix_exec.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,423         124  fix_exec.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,050         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,097         124  fix_execfile.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,064         124  fix_execfile.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,577         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,797         124  fix_exitfunc.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,797         124  fix_exitfunc.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,183         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,294         124  fix_filter.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,294         124  fix_filter.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             666         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,152         124  fix_funcattrs.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,152         124  fix_funcattrs.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             569         124
 2-26-15  12:23             957         124  fix_future.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             957         124  fix_future.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             471         124
 2-26-15  12:23             964         124  fix_getcwdu.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             964         124  fix_getcwdu.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,337         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,222         124  fix_has_key.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,189         124  fix_has_key.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           5,041         124
 2-26-15  12:23           4,593         124  fix_idioms.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           4,489         124  fix_idioms.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,358         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,300         124  fix_import.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,300         124  fix_import.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           5,838         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,460         124  fix_imports.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,460         124  fix_imports.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             305         124
 2-26-15  12:23             650         124  fix_imports2.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             650         124  fix_imports2.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             735         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,172         124  fix_input.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,172         124  fix_input.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,451         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,643         124  fix_intern.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,643         124  fix_intern.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,661         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,876         124  fix_isinstance.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,876         124  fix_isinstance.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,593         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,829         124  fix_itertools.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,829         124  fix_itertools.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,151         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,054         124  fix_itertools_imports.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,009         124  fix_itertools_imports.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             496         124
 2-26-15  12:23             879         124  fix_long.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             879         124  fix_long.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,153         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,078         124  fix_map.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,078         124  fix_map.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           8,442         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,676         124  fix_metaclass.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,626         124  fix_metaclass.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             639         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,176         124  fix_methodattrs.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,176         124  fix_methodattrs.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             596         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,033         124  fix_ne.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,033         124  fix_ne.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,284         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,619         124  fix_next.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,586         124  fix_next.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             619         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,124         124  fix_nonzero.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,124         124  fix_nonzero.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             801         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,297         124  fix_numliterals.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,297         124  fix_numliterals.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,568         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,270         124  fix_operator.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,270         124  fix_operator.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,272         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,581         124  fix_paren.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,581         124  fix_paren.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,952         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,775         124  fix_print.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,678         124  fix_print.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,024         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,536         124  fix_raise.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,536         124  fix_raise.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             472         124
 2-26-15  12:23             974         124  fix_raw_input.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             974         124  fix_raw_input.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             874         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,300         124  fix_reduce.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,300         124  fix_reduce.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,288         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,527         124  fix_renames.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,527         124  fix_renames.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             637         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,054         124  fix_repr.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,054         124  fix_repr.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,752         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,036         124  fix_set_literal.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,036         124  fix_set_literal.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             468         124
 2-26-15  12:23             891         124  fix_standarderror.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             891         124  fix_standarderror.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,069         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,753         124  fix_sys_exc.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,753         124  fix_sys_exc.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,642         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,034         124  fix_throw.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,034         124  fix_throw.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           5,752         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,538         124  fix_tuple_params.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,538         124  fix_tuple_params.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,868         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,223         124  fix_types.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,223         124  fix_types.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,311         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,764         124  fix_unicode.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,764         124  fix_unicode.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           8,582         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,232         124  fix_urllib.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,232         124  fix_urllib.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,134         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,420         124  fix_ws_comma.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,420         124  fix_ws_comma.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,772         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,151         124  fix_xrange.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           3,151         124  fix_xrange.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             715         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,190         124  fix_xreadlines.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,190         124  fix_xreadlines.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             939         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,384         124  fix_zip.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,384         124  fix_zip.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23              48         124
 2-26-15  12:23             141         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             141         124  __init__.pyo
        341,633 bytes in 156 files and 2 dirs    381,952 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\lib2to3\pgen2\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23           9,884         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,237         124  conv.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,085         124  conv.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           5,321         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,476         124  driver.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,413         124  driver.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           5,547         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,071         124  grammar.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,071         124  grammar.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,674         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,050         124  literals.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,818         124  literals.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           8,254         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,332         124  parse.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           7,293         124  parse.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,172         124
 2-26-15  12:23          12,429         124  pgen.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          11,831         124  pgen.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,326         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,310         124  token.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,310         124  token.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          19,624         124
 2-26-15  12:23          17,027         124  tokenize.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          16,938         124  tokenize.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             147         124
 2-26-15  12:23             182         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23             182         124  __init__.pyo
        186,004 bytes in 27 files and 2 dirs    194,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\lib2to3\tests\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  data
 2-26-15  12:23           2,477         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,369         124  pytree_idempotency.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,369         124  pytree_idempotency.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,768         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,629         124  support.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,629         124  support.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             540         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,151         124  test_all_fixers.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,151         124  test_all_fixers.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23         124,702         124
 2-26-15  12:23         175,325         124  test_fixers.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23         175,325         124  test_fixers.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           6,376         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,703         124  test_main.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,703         124  test_main.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           6,801         124
 2-26-15  12:23          12,597         124  test_parser.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          12,597         124  test_parser.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          17,840         124
 2-26-15  12:23          19,526         124  test_pytree.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          19,469         124  test_pytree.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          12,202         124
 2-26-15  12:23          14,773         124  test_refactor.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          14,773         124  test_refactor.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          21,839         124
 2-26-15  12:23          25,605         124  test_util.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          25,605         124  test_util.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             697         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,021         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           1,021         124  __init__.pyo
        718,583 bytes in 30 files and 3 dirs    727,552 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\lib2to3\tests\data\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  fixers
 2-26-15  12:23              39         124
 2-26-15  12:23              50         124
 2-26-15  12:23             236         124
 2-26-15  12:23              42         124
 2-26-15  12:23          95,740         124
 2-26-15  12:23          31,954         124
 2-26-15  12:23          31,285         124
 2-26-15  12:23             410         124  README
        159,756 bytes in 8 files and 3 dirs    162,816 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\lib2to3\tests\data\fixers\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  myfixes
 2-26-15  12:23              94         124
 2-26-15  12:23              76         124
 2-26-15  12:23              25         124
            195 bytes in 3 files and 3 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\lib2to3\tests\data\fixers\myfixes\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23             129         124
 2-26-15  12:23             130         124
 2-26-15  12:23             132         124
 2-26-15  12:23             360         124
 2-26-15  12:23             133         124
 2-26-15  12:23               0         124
            884 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\lib2to3\tests\data\fixers\*
          1,079 bytes in 9 files and 5 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\lib2to3\tests\data\*
        160,835 bytes in 17 files and 8 dirs    167,936 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\lib2to3\tests\*
        879,418 bytes in 47 files and 11 dirs    895,488 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\lib2to3\*
      1,772,698 bytes in 267 files and 20 dirs    1,849,344 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\logging\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23          36,551         124
 2-26-15  12:23          26,235         124  config.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          26,188         124  config.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          48,701         124
 2-26-15  12:23          39,746         124  handlers.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          39,746         124  handlers.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          62,011         124
 2-26-15  12:23          58,435         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          58,393         124  __init__.pyo
        396,006 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    399,360 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\multiprocessing\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  dummy
 2-26-15  12:23          15,105         124
 2-26-15  12:23          14,709         124  connection.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          14,562         124  connection.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          16,827         124
 2-26-15  12:23          14,625         124  forking.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23          14,466         124  forking.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           8,835         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,069         124  heap.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           6,699         124  heap.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          37,751         124
 2-26-15  12:23          39,376         124  managers.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          38,775         124  managers.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          24,170         124
 2-26-15  12:23          22,683         124  pool.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          22,182         124  pool.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           9,730         124
 2-26-15  12:23           9,731         124  process.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           8,978         124  process.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          12,711         124
 2-26-15  12:23          11,875         124  queues.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          11,778         124  queues.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           6,797         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,149         124  reduction.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           6,149         124  reduction.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           7,963         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,800         124  sharedctypes.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           8,719         124  sharedctypes.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          10,998         124
 2-26-15  12:23          11,386         124  synchronize.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          11,053         124  synchronize.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          10,997         124
 2-26-15  12:23          10,182         124  util.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          10,092         124  util.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           8,082         124
 2-26-15  12:23           8,673         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           8,673         124  __init__.pyo
        497,350 bytes in 36 files and 3 dirs    507,904 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\multiprocessing\dummy\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23           2,894         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,860         124  connection.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           2,860         124  connection.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           4,634         124
 2-26-15  12:23           5,620         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:23           5,570         124  __init__.pyo
         24,438 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    25,600 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\multiprocessing\*
        521,788 bytes in 42 files and 5 dirs    533,504 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\plat-os2knix\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\pydoc_data\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23         410,525         124
 2-26-15  12:23         395,009         124  topics.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24         395,009         124  topics.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23               0         124
 2-26-15  12:23             138         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24             138         124  __init__.pyo
      1,200,819 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    1,202,688 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\site-packages\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  curl
 9-23-15  17:11         <DIR>           124  rpm
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  rpmUtils
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  urlgrabber
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  yum
 2-05-15  11:09           1,008         124  pycurl-
 2-05-15  11:09          82,124         124  pycurl.pyd
 2-26-15  12:22             121         124  README
 8-18-09  11:26           2,510         124
 4-07-14  12:28           2,226         124  sqlitecachec.pyc
 4-07-14  12:28           2,226         124  sqlitecachec.pyo
 2-28-15   6:23           2,267         124  urlgrabber-3.10.1-py2.7.egg-info
 4-07-14  12:28             213         124  yum_metadata_parser-1.1.4-py2.7.egg-info
 4-07-14  12:28          38,828         124  _sqlitec.pyd
        131,523 bytes in 9 files and 7 dirs    136,192 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\site-packages\curl\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-23-14  16:21           7,037         124
 2-05-15  11:09           8,217         124  __init__.pyc
 2-05-15  11:09           8,217         124  __init__.pyo
         23,471 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    24,576 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\site-packages\rpm\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-25-15  16:15           5,169         124
 9-23-15  17:11           6,047         124  transaction.pyc
 2-25-15  16:16         144,148         124  _rpm.dbg
 2-25-15  16:16          33,525         124  _rpm.dll
 2-25-15  16:16          16,875         124  _rpmb.dbg
 2-25-15  16:16           3,205         124  _rpmb.dll
 2-25-15  16:15           1,984         124
 9-23-15  17:11           2,812         124  __init__.pyc
        213,765 bytes in 8 files and 2 dirs    215,552 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\site-packages\rpmUtils\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-10-15   5:49          12,541         124
 2-10-15   5:49          10,722         124  arch.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          14,577         124
 2-10-15   5:49          11,794         124  miscutils.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          11,550         124
 2-10-15   5:49          13,827         124  oldUtils.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49           6,030         124
 2-10-15   5:49           6,337         124  transaction.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          31,498         124
 2-10-15   5:49          19,681         124  updates.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49             201         124
 2-10-15   5:49             665         124  __init__.pyc
        139,423 bytes in 12 files and 2 dirs    142,848 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\site-packages\urlgrabber\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-26-13   9:51          17,143         124
 2-28-15   6:23          16,729         124  byterange.pyc
12-18-13   7:11          94,596         124
 2-28-15   6:23          82,924         124  grabber.pyc
 8-26-13   9:51          19,886         124
 2-28-15   6:23          18,468         124  mirror.pyc
 2-28-15   6:22          32,979         124
 2-28-15   6:23          30,498         124  progress.pyc
12-18-13   7:06           2,364         124
 2-28-15   6:23           1,736         124  __init__.pyc
        317,323 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    319,488 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\site-packages\yum\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-10-15   5:49           4,807         124
 2-10-15   5:49           5,419         124  callbacks.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          21,379         124
 2-10-15   5:49          17,731         124  comps.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          38,421         124
 2-10-15   5:49          37,740         124  config.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49           3,863         124
 2-10-15   5:49           2,622         124  constants.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          62,364         124
 2-10-15   5:49          37,175         124  depsolve.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49           3,879         124
 2-10-15   5:49           8,402         124  Errors.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49           3,474         124
 2-10-15   5:49           3,713         124  failover.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          53,191         124
 2-10-15   5:49          45,512         124  history.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          20,393         124
 2-10-15   5:49          15,996         124  i18n.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49           8,205         124
 2-10-15   5:49           6,684         124  logginglevels.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49           6,624         124
 2-10-15   5:49           8,002         124  mdparser.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49           9,796         124
 2-10-15   5:49           9,259         124  metalink.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          38,510         124
 2-10-15   5:49          36,593         124  misc.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          85,252         124
 2-10-15   5:49          82,163         124  packages.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          42,963         124
 2-10-15   5:49          44,182         124  packageSack.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49           8,228         124
 2-10-15   5:49           6,692         124  parser.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          55,707         124
 2-10-15   5:49          39,730         124  pgpmsg.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49           5,098         124
 2-10-15   5:49           5,336         124  pkgtag_db.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          24,412         124
 2-10-15   5:49          25,186         124  plugins.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          10,138         124
 2-10-15   5:49           8,532         124  repoMDObject.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          13,026         124
 2-10-15   5:49          15,155         124  repos.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          68,821         124
 2-10-15   5:49          57,348         124  rpmsack.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          25,092         124
 2-10-15   5:49          22,177         124  rpmtrans.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          72,044         124
 2-10-15   5:49          55,274         124  sqlitesack.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49           6,621         124
 2-10-15   5:49           5,816         124  sqlutils.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          32,165         124
 2-10-15   5:49          29,141         124  transactioninfo.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          20,910         124
 2-10-15   5:49          18,483         124  update_md.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          76,612         124
 2-10-15   5:49          59,436         124  yumRepo.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49         242,279         124
 2-10-15   5:49         154,754         124  __init__.pyc
      1,928,527 bytes in 58 files and 2 dirs    1,943,552 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\site-packages\*
      2,754,032 bytes in 100 files and 17 dirs    2,782,208 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\sqlite3\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23           2,732         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,698         124  dbapi2.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           2,698         124  dbapi2.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           2,874         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,095         124  dump.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           2,095         124  dump.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,061         124
 2-26-15  12:23             172         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24             172         124  __init__.pyo
         16,597 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    19,968 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\test\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:22          50,500         124
 2-26-15  12:23          48,845         124  test_support.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          48,796         124  test_support.pyo
 2-26-15  12:22              48         124
 2-26-15  12:23             132         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24             132         124  __init__.pyo
        148,453 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    150,528 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\wsgiref\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23          16,432         124
 2-26-15  12:23          16,550         124  handlers.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          15,903         124  handlers.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           6,048         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,617         124  headers.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           7,617         124  headers.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           4,924         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,198         124  simple_server.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           6,198         124  simple_server.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           5,741         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,089         124  util.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           6,089         124  util.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          15,163         124
 2-26-15  12:23          17,149         124  validate.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          17,149         124  validate.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             609         124
 2-26-15  12:23             737         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24             737         124  __init__.pyo
        156,950 bytes in 18 files and 2 dirs    161,792 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\xml\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  dom
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  etree
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  parsers
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  sax
 2-26-15  12:23           1,021         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,086         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           1,086         124  __init__.pyo
          3,193 bytes in 3 files and 6 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\xml\dom\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23           3,577         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,351         124  domreg.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           3,351         124  domreg.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          37,365         124
 2-26-15  12:23          33,900         124  expatbuilder.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          33,262         124  expatbuilder.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,440         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,679         124  minicompat.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           3,567         124  minicompat.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          68,216         124
 2-26-15  12:23          67,515         124  minidom.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          67,383         124  minidom.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             964         124
 2-26-15  12:23           1,150         124  NodeFilter.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           1,150         124  NodeFilter.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          12,325         124
 2-26-15  12:23          13,414         124  pulldom.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          13,414         124  pulldom.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          12,723         124
 2-26-15  12:23          16,954         124  xmlbuilder.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          16,910         124  xmlbuilder.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           4,137         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,655         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           6,655         124  __init__.pyo
        435,057 bytes in 24 files and 2 dirs    440,832 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\xml\etree\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23              65         124
 2-26-15  12:23             184         124  cElementTree.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24             184         124  cElementTree.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           5,205         124
 2-26-15  12:23           2,012         124  ElementInclude.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           2,012         124  ElementInclude.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           9,778         124
 2-26-15  12:23           7,816         124  ElementPath.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           7,816         124  ElementPath.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          58,173         124
 2-26-15  12:23          35,800         124  ElementTree.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          35,421         124  ElementTree.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           1,637         124
 2-26-15  12:23             137         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24             137         124  __init__.pyo
        166,377 bytes in 15 files and 2 dirs    171,008 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\xml\parsers\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23             118         124
 2-26-15  12:23             295         124  expat.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24             295         124  expat.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23             175         124
 2-26-15  12:23             322         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24             322         124  __init__.pyo
          1,527 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\xml\sax\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-15  12:23          15,092         124
 2-26-15  12:23          14,781         124  expatreader.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          14,781         124  expatreader.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          14,263         124
 2-26-15  12:23          13,228         124  handler.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          13,228         124  handler.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          11,916         124
 2-26-15  12:23          15,244         124  saxutils.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          15,244         124  saxutils.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23          13,013         124
 2-26-15  12:23          19,766         124  xmlreader.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24          19,766         124  xmlreader.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           4,916         124
 2-26-15  12:23           6,305         124  _exceptions.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           6,305         124  _exceptions.pyo
 2-26-15  12:23           3,689         124
 2-26-15  12:23           3,747         124  __init__.pyc
 2-26-15  12:24           3,747         124  __init__.pyo
        209,031 bytes in 18 files and 2 dirs    212,992 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\xml\*
        815,185 bytes in 66 files and 14 dirs    834,048 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\python2.7\*
     29,424,998 bytes in 2,115 files and 131 dirs    29,993,472 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           606  bin
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  imports
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  plugins
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\bin\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-13  16:45       1,038,821         124  lrelease.exe
 3-22-13  16:46         474,323         124  lupdate.exe
 3-22-13  11:56         613,547         124  moc.exe
 9-23-15  17:51              28         168  qmake.exe
 3-22-13  11:56         644,577         124  rcc.exe
 3-22-13  11:57         910,435         124  uic.exe
      3,681,731 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    3,683,328 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\imports\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  Qt
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  QtWebKit
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\imports\Qt\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  labs
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\imports\Qt\labs\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  folderlistmodel
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  gestures
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  particles
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\imports\Qt\labs\folderlistmodel\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-13  16:08              14         124  qmldir
 3-22-13  16:08          19,589         124  qmlflm.dll
 3-22-13  16:08           7,268         124  qmlflm.sym
         26,871 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    28,160 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\imports\Qt\labs\gestures\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-13  16:08              14         124  qmldir
 3-22-13  16:09          25,273         124  qmlges.dll
 3-22-13  16:09          11,876         124  qmlges.sym
         37,163 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    38,400 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\imports\Qt\labs\particles\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-13  16:08              14         124  qmldir
 3-22-13  16:08          35,418         124  qmlpar.dll
 3-22-13  16:08          22,740         124  qmlpar.sym
         58,172 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    59,392 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\imports\Qt\labs\*
        122,206 bytes in 9 files and 11 dirs    127,488 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\imports\Qt\*
        122,206 bytes in 9 files and 14 dirs    128,000 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\imports\QtWebKit\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-13  16:09              14         124  qmldir
 3-22-13  16:09          39,107         124  qmlweb.dll
 3-22-13  16:09          14,820         124  qmlweb.sym
         53,941 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    54,784 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\imports\*
        176,147 bytes in 12 files and 20 dirs    183,808 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\plugins\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  accessible
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  bearer
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  codecs
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  designer
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  graphicssystems
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  iconengines
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  imageformats
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  qmltooling
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  sqldrivers
              0 bytes in 0 files and 11 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\plugins\accessible\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-13  14:19         120,032         124  qtawt4.dll
 3-22-13  14:19          57,844         124  qtawt4.sym
        177,876 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    178,176 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\plugins\bearer\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-13  14:19          25,992         124  qgenbr4.dll
 3-22-13  14:19          10,980         124  qgenbr4.sym
         36,972 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    37,376 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\plugins\codecs\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-13  14:19         129,263         124  qcncod4.dll
 3-22-13  14:19           4,324         124  qcncod4.sym
 3-22-13  14:19          89,444         124  qjpcod4.dll
 3-22-13  14:19           9,588         124  qjpcod4.sym
 3-22-13  14:19          67,023         124  qkrcod4.dll
 3-22-13  14:19           3,428         124  qkrcod4.sym
 3-22-13  14:19         138,877         124  qtwcod4.dll
 3-22-13  14:19           3,540         124  qtwcod4.sym
        445,487 bytes in 8 files and 2 dirs    446,976 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\plugins\designer\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-13  16:44           5,290         124  qdeclv.dll
 3-22-13  16:44           7,641         124  qwebv.dll
         12,931 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    13,312 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\plugins\graphicssystems\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-13  14:19           9,206         124  qtrgrs4.dll
 3-22-13  14:19           3,476         124  qtrgrs4.sym
         12,682 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    12,800 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\plugins\iconengines\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-13  14:19          22,825         124  qsvgie4.dll
 3-22-13  14:19           4,596         124  qsvgie4.sym
         27,421 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    27,648 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\plugins\imageformats\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-13  14:19          15,284         124  qgif4.dll
 3-22-13  14:19           3,508         124  qgif4.sym
 3-22-13  14:19          14,438         124  qico4.dll
 3-22-13  14:19           3,524         124  qico4.sym
 3-22-13  14:20         143,622         124  qjpeg4.dll
 3-22-13  14:20           7,332         124  qjpeg4.sym
 3-22-13  14:19         173,236         124  qmng4.dll
 3-22-13  14:19          29,908         124  qmng4.sym
 3-22-13  14:19          10,296         124  qsvg4.dll
 3-22-13  14:19           2,596         124  qsvg4.sym
 3-22-13  14:20         160,352         124  qtiff4.dll
 3-22-13  14:20           9,268         124  qtiff4.sym
        573,364 bytes in 12 files and 2 dirs    577,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\plugins\qmltooling\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-13  14:19           5,613         124  tcpsrv4.dll
 3-22-13  14:19           2,580         124  tcpsrv4.sym
          8,193 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    8,704 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\plugins\sqldrivers\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-13  16:08         845,940         124  qmysql4.dll
 3-22-13  16:08          34,804         124  qmysql4.sym
 3-22-13  16:07         103,150         124  qpsql4.dll
 3-22-13  16:07          12,116         124  qpsql4.sym
 3-22-13  16:08         324,093         124  qsqlit4.dll
 3-22-13  16:08          10,628         124  qsqlit4.sym
      1,330,731 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    1,331,712 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\plugins\*
      2,625,657 bytes in 38 files and 29 dirs    2,638,336 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qt4\*
      6,483,535 bytes in 56 files and 56 dirs    6,507,008 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  bin
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  lib
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  share
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\bin\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-16-11  16:41          33,154         124  Aggrega.dll
 9-16-11  16:41           9,908         124  Aggrega.sym
 9-16-11  16:41       3,363,090         124  Botan.dll
 9-16-11  16:41       2,922,468         124  Botan.sym
 9-16-11  16:41       1,228,678         124  CPlusPl.dll
 9-16-11  16:41       1,287,444         124  CPlusPl.sym
 9-16-11  16:41         143,862         124  ExtSys.dll
 9-16-11  16:41          39,988         124  ExtSys.sym
 9-16-11  16:41         333,548         124  GLSL.dll
 9-16-11  16:41         289,220         124  GLSL.sym
 9-16-11  16:41          42,257         124  LngUtil.dll
 9-16-11  16:41          13,012         124  LngUtil.sym
 9-16-11  16:41         302,999         124  QmlEdW.dll
 9-16-11  16:41          69,300         124  QmlEdW.sym
 9-16-11  16:41         545,852         124  QmlJS.dll
 9-16-11  16:41         452,292         124  QmlJS.sym
 9-16-11  16:41          29,160         124  QtConcu.dll
 9-16-11  16:41           8,324         124  QtConcu.sym
 9-16-11   6:45          50,876         124  qtcreator.exe
 9-16-11   6:45          11,604         124  qtcreator.sym
 9-16-11   6:10           2,949         124  qtcreator_process_stub.exe
 9-16-11   6:10             644         124  qtcreator_process_stub.sym
 9-16-11  14:43          41,797         124  qtpromaker.exe
 9-16-11  14:43           9,076         124  qtpromaker.sym
 9-16-11  16:42         250,285         124  symbutl.dll
 9-16-11  16:42          75,060         124  symbutl.sym
 9-16-11  16:41         863,986         124  Utils.dll
 9-16-11  16:41         471,188         124  Utils.sym
     12,892,021 bytes in 28 files and 2 dirs    12,898,304 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\lib\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  qtcreator
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\lib\qtcreator\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  plugins
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\lib\qtcreator\plugins\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  Nokia
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\lib\qtcreator\plugins\Nokia\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-16-11   6:25           1,154         124  AnalyzerBase.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:43         111,392         124  AnlzBse.dll
 9-16-11  16:43          47,476         124  AnlzBse.sym
 9-16-11  16:43         156,257         124  Bazaar.dll
 9-16-11   6:24           1,232         124  Bazaar.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:43          41,748         124  Bazaar.sym
 9-16-11  16:42          85,917         124  BinEdit.dll
 9-16-11  16:42          25,204         124  BinEdit.sym
 9-16-11   6:24           1,142         124  BinEditor.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:43          76,603         124  BkMarks.dll
 9-16-11  16:43          23,108         124  BkMarks.sym
 9-16-11   6:24           1,205         124  Bookmarks.pluginspec
 9-16-11   6:25           1,244         124  ClassView.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:43         112,621         124  ClsView.dll
 9-16-11  16:43          37,748         124  ClsView.sym
 9-16-11   6:24           1,279         124  CMakeProjectManager.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:44         221,248         124  CMkPMgr.dll
 9-16-11  16:44          80,644         124  CMkPMgr.sym
 9-16-11   6:24           1,138         124  CodePaster.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:42         150,112         124  CodPstr.dll
 9-16-11  16:42          41,780         124  CodPstr.sym
 9-16-11  16:42       1,098,249         124  Core.dll
 9-16-11   6:24           1,102         124  Core.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:42         338,836         124  Core.sym
 9-16-11  16:43         429,417         124  CppEdit.dll
 9-16-11  16:43         246,164         124  CppEdit.sym
 9-16-11   6:24           1,188         124  CppEditor.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:43         554,890         124  CppTool.dll
 9-16-11  16:43         239,732         124  CppTool.sym
 9-16-11   6:24           1,255         124  CppTools.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:44         147,413         124  CVS.dll
 9-16-11   6:24           1,227         124  CVS.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:44          35,108         124  CVS.sym
 9-16-11   6:24           2,039         124  Debugger.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:43       1,845,876         124  Debugr.dll
 9-16-11  16:43         449,844         124  Debugr.sym
 9-16-11   6:24           1,243         124  Designer.pluginspec
 9-16-11  17:33         212,431         124  Designr.dll
 9-16-11  17:33          71,588         124  Designr.sym
 9-16-11  16:42         228,822         124  FakeVim.dll
 9-16-11   6:24           1,089         124  FakeVim.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:42          49,044         124  FakeVim.sym
 9-16-11  16:42         189,382         124  Find.dll
 9-16-11   6:24           1,101         124  Find.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:42          55,428         124  Find.sym
 9-16-11   6:24           1,213         124  GenericProjectManager.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:44         147,094         124  GenPMgr.dll
 9-16-11  16:44          62,260         124  GenPMgr.sym
 9-16-11   6:24           1,190         124  GLSLEditor.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:44         131,828         124  GlslEdt.dll
 9-16-11  16:44          49,300         124  GlslEdt.sym
 9-16-11   6:24           1,073         124  HelloWorld.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:42         308,991         124  Help.dll
 9-16-11   6:24           1,152         124  Help.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:42          75,364         124  Help.sym
 9-16-11  16:42          37,642         124  HloWrld.dll
 9-16-11  16:42          13,140         124  HloWrld.sym
 9-16-11   6:24           1,084         124  ImageViewer.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:42          73,326         124  ImgView.dll
 9-16-11  16:42          22,644         124  ImgView.sym
 9-16-11  16:42         171,716         124  Locator.dll
 9-16-11   6:24           1,117         124  Locator.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:42          53,188         124  Locator.sym
 9-16-11  16:42         105,227         124  Macros.dll
 9-16-11   6:25           1,225         124  Macros.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:42          35,492         124  Macros.sym
 9-16-11  16:43         142,745         124  Mercuri.dll
 9-16-11  16:43          43,540         124  Mercuri.sym
 9-16-11   6:24           1,260         124  Mercurial.pluginspec
 9-16-11   6:24           1,257         124  Perforce.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:43         179,340         124  Perfrce.dll
 9-16-11  16:43          41,572         124  Perfrce.sym
 9-16-11  16:42       1,376,125         124  PrjXplr.dll
 9-16-11  16:42         524,356         124  PrjXplr.sym
 9-16-11   6:24           1,516         124  ProjectExplorer.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:44         433,302         124  QmlJsEd.dll
 9-16-11  16:44         194,580         124  QmlJsEd.sym
 9-16-11   6:24           1,265         124  QmlJSEditor.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:45         305,263         124  QmlJsIn.dll
 9-16-11  16:45         118,884         124  QmlJsIn.sym
 9-16-11   6:25           1,376         124  QmlJSInspector.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:43         145,425         124  QmlJsTl.dll
 9-16-11  16:43          61,716         124  QmlJsTl.sym
 9-16-11   6:24           1,375         124  QmlJSTools.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:44         187,144         124  QmlPMgr.dll
 9-16-11  16:44          81,108         124  QmlPMgr.sym
 9-16-11   6:25           1,327         124  QmlProjectManager.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:44       2,371,787         124  Qt4PMgr.dll
 9-16-11  16:44         882,788         124  Qt4PMgr.sym
 9-16-11   6:24           1,369         124  Qt4ProjectManager.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:42         120,915         124  ResEdit.dll
 9-16-11  16:42          42,900         124  ResEdit.sym
 9-16-11   6:24           1,088         124  ResourceEditor.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:43         392,729         124  ScmGit.dll
 9-16-11   6:24           1,230         124  ScmGit.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:43         101,668         124  ScmGit.sym
 9-16-11  16:43         134,195         124  Subvers.dll
 9-16-11  16:43          35,204         124  Subvers.sym
 9-16-11   6:24           1,261         124  Subversion.pluginspec
 9-16-11   6:25           1,130         124  TaskList.pluginspec
 9-16-11   6:24           1,236         124  TextEditor.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:43          42,161         124  TskList.dll
 9-16-11  16:43          14,804         124  TskList.sym
 9-16-11  16:42         920,190         124  TxtEdit.dll
 9-16-11  16:42         363,572         124  TxtEdit.sym
 9-16-11  16:43         294,230         124  VCSBase.dll
 9-16-11   6:24           1,196         124  VCSBase.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:43         103,636         124  VCSBase.sym
 9-16-11  16:42         128,400         124  Welcome.dll
 9-16-11   6:24           1,069         124  Welcome.pluginspec
 9-16-11  16:42          17,668         124  Welcome.sym
     18,538,888 bytes in 111 files and 2 dirs    18,570,752 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\lib\qtcreator\plugins\*
     18,538,888 bytes in 111 files and 5 dirs    18,571,264 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\lib\qtcreator\*
     18,538,888 bytes in 111 files and 8 dirs    18,571,776 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\lib\*
     18,538,888 bytes in 111 files and 11 dirs    18,572,288 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  doc
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  qtcreator
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\doc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-16-11  17:38         <DIR>           124  qtcreator
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\doc\qtcreator\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\doc\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  designer
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  examplebrowser
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  externaltools
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  gdbmacros
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  generic-highlighter
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  glsl
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  qml
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  qml-type-descriptions
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  qmldesigner
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  qmlicons
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  rss
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  schemes
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  snippets
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  styles
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  templates
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  translations
              0 bytes in 0 files and 18 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\designer\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  templates
 8-25-11   9:29             843         124  templates.xml
            843 bytes in 1 file and 3 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\designer\templates\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29             344         124  Dialog_without_Buttons.ui
 8-25-11   9:29           1,525         124  Dialog_with_Buttons_Bottom.ui
 8-25-11   9:29           1,523         124  Dialog_with_Buttons_Right.ui
 8-25-11   9:29             684         124  Main_Window.ui
 8-25-11   9:29             512         124  Widget.ui
          4,588 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\designer\*
          5,431 bytes in 6 files and 5 dirs    6,656 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\examplebrowser\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           6,673         124  qmlexamples.xml
          6,673 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    7,168 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\externaltools\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           2,064         124  lrelease.xml
 8-25-11   9:29           1,999         124  lupdate.xml
 8-25-11   9:29           1,853         124  notepad_win.xml
 8-25-11   9:29           1,836         124  sort.xml
          7,752 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    8,704 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\gdbmacros\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  test
 8-25-11   9:29          68,960         124
 8-25-11   9:29         118,336         124  gdbmacros.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           1,736         124  gdbmacros.h
 8-25-11   9:29             332         124
 8-25-11   9:29          81,798         124
 8-25-11   9:29           4,199         124  gdbmacros_p.h
 8-25-11   9:29             534         124  LGPL_EXCEPTION.TXT
 8-25-11   9:29          26,434         124  LICENSE.LGPL
 8-25-11   9:29           9,000         124
        311,329 bytes in 9 files and 3 dirs    314,368 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\gdbmacros\test\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29             364         124
 8-25-11   9:29          23,191         124  main.cpp
         23,555 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    24,064 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\gdbmacros\*
        334,884 bytes in 11 files and 5 dirs    338,432 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\generic-highlighter\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           2,559         124  alert.xml
 8-25-11   9:29          39,059         124  bash.xml
 8-25-11   9:29          20,562         124  cmake.xml
 8-25-11   9:29          24,540         124  css.xml
 8-25-11   9:29          21,362         124  doxygen.xml
 8-25-11   9:29           4,791         124  dtd.xml
 8-25-11   9:29          10,803         124  html.xml
 8-25-11   9:29           2,423         124  ini.xml
 8-25-11   9:29         137,106         124  java.xml
 8-25-11   9:29           7,642         124  javadoc.xml
 8-25-11   9:29          43,603         124  perl.xml
 8-25-11   9:29          47,086         124  ruby.xml
 8-25-11   9:29           1,940         124  valgrind-suppression.xml
 8-25-11   9:29           6,944         124  xml.xml
 8-25-11   9:29           7,538         124  yacc.xml
        377,958 bytes in 15 files and 2 dirs    380,928 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\glsl\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           1,887         124  glsl_120.frag
 8-25-11   9:29           2,983         124  glsl_120.vert
 8-25-11   9:29          14,158         124  glsl_120_common.glsl
 8-25-11   9:29           1,482         124  glsl_es_100.frag
 8-25-11   9:29           1,669         124  glsl_es_100.vert
 8-25-11   9:29           9,030         124  glsl_es_100_common.glsl
         31,209 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    32,256 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qml\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  qmldump
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  qmljsdebugger
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  qmlobserver
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qml\qmldump\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           1,551         124
 8-25-11   9:29             534         124  LGPL_EXCEPTION.TXT
 8-25-11   9:29          26,434         124  LICENSE.LGPL
 8-25-11   9:29          21,459         124  main.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29             372         124
 8-25-11   9:29           5,338         124  qmlstreamwriter.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           2,641         124  qmlstreamwriter.h
         58,329 bytes in 7 files and 2 dirs    60,416 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qml\qmljsdebugger\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  editor
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  include
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  protocol
 8-25-11   9:29          18,963         124  jsdebuggeragent.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           8,098         124  qdeclarativeobserverservice.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29          30,697         124  qdeclarativeviewobserver.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           4,894         124  qdeclarativeviewobserver_p.h
 8-25-11   9:29             287         124  qmljsdebugger-lib.pri
 8-25-11   9:29           1,794         124  qmljsdebugger-src.pri
 8-25-11   9:29             179         124  qmljsdebugger.pri
 8-25-11   9:29             357         124
         65,269 bytes in 8 files and 5 dirs    68,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qml\qmljsdebugger\editor\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  images
 8-25-11   9:29           5,715         124  abstractliveedittool.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           3,519         124  abstractliveedittool.h
 8-25-11   9:29           7,948         124  boundingrecthighlighter.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           3,218         124  boundingrecthighlighter.h
 8-25-11   9:29           3,182         124  colorpickertool.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           2,380         124  colorpickertool.h
 8-25-11   9:29             925         124  editor.qrc
 8-25-11   9:29           2,331         124  livelayeritem.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           1,856         124  livelayeritem.h
 8-25-11   9:29           4,962         124  liverubberbandselectionmanipulator.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           2,552         124  liverubberbandselectionmanipulator.h
 8-25-11   9:29           4,633         124  liveselectionindicator.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           2,186         124  liveselectionindicator.h
 8-25-11   9:29           3,179         124  liveselectionrectangle.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           2,025         124  liveselectionrectangle.h
 8-25-11   9:29          16,513         124  liveselectiontool.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           3,707         124  liveselectiontool.h
 8-25-11   9:29           4,248         124  livesingleselectionmanipulator.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           2,414         124  livesingleselectionmanipulator.h
 8-25-11   9:29           9,771         124  qmltoolbar.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           3,254         124  qmltoolbar.h
 8-25-11   9:29           9,866         124  subcomponenteditortool.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           3,482         124  subcomponenteditortool.h
 8-25-11   9:29           3,638         124  subcomponentmasklayeritem.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           2,084         124  subcomponentmasklayeritem.h
 8-25-11   9:29           3,575         124  toolbarcolorbox.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           2,098         124  toolbarcolorbox.h
 8-25-11   9:29           9,285         124  zoomtool.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           2,784         124  zoomtool.h
        127,330 bytes in 29 files and 3 dirs    136,192 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qml\qmljsdebugger\editor\images\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           3,440         124  color-picker-24.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,192         124  color-picker-hicontrast.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,173         124  color-picker.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,395         124  from-qml-24.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,205         124  from-qml.png
 8-25-11   9:29           1,283         124  observermode-24.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,539         124  observermode.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,307         124  pause-24.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,097         124  pause.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,655         124  play-24.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,363         124  play.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,418         124  reload.png
 8-25-11   9:29             160         124  resize_handle.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,510         124  select-24.png
 8-25-11   9:29           2,891         124  select-marquee-24.png
 8-25-11   9:29           2,871         124  select-marquee.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,308         124  select.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,407         124  to-qml-24.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,227         124  to-qml.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,566         124  zoom-24.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,347         124  zoom.png
         64,354 bytes in 21 files and 2 dirs    69,632 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qml\qmljsdebugger\editor\*
        191,684 bytes in 50 files and 5 dirs    205,824 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qml\qmljsdebugger\include\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  qt_private
 8-25-11   9:29           3,227         124  jsdebuggeragent.h
 8-25-11   9:29           3,676         124  qdeclarativeobserverservice.h
 8-25-11   9:29           3,999         124  qdeclarativeviewobserver.h
 8-25-11   9:29           1,762         124  qmljsdebugger_global.h
 8-25-11   9:29           1,993         124  qmlobserverconstants.h
         14,657 bytes in 5 files and 3 dirs    16,384 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qml\qmljsdebugger\include\qt_private\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           2,035         124  qdeclarativedebughelper_p.h
 8-25-11   9:29           2,405         124  qdeclarativedebugservice_p.h
          4,440 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qml\qmljsdebugger\include\*
         19,097 bytes in 7 files and 5 dirs    20,992 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qml\qmljsdebugger\protocol\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           3,718         124  observerprotocol.h
 8-25-11   9:29              77         124  protocol.pri
          3,795 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qml\qmljsdebugger\*
        279,845 bytes in 67 files and 17 dirs    300,032 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qml\qmlobserver\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  browser
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  startup
 8-25-11   9:29           2,054         124  deviceorientation.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           2,062         124  deviceorientation.h
 8-25-11   9:29           5,226         124  deviceorientation_harmattan.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           4,678         124  deviceorientation_maemo5.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           6,048         124  deviceorientation_symbian.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           2,856         124
 8-25-11   9:29             534         124  LGPL_EXCEPTION.TXT
 8-25-11   9:29          26,434         124  LICENSE.LGPL
 8-25-11   9:29           5,592         124  loggerwidget.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           2,458         124  loggerwidget.h
 8-25-11   9:29          20,376         124  main.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           3,542         124  proxysettings.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           1,830         124  proxysettings.h
 8-25-11   9:29           2,854         124  proxysettings.ui
 8-25-11   9:29           4,595         124  proxysettings_maemo5.ui
 8-25-11   9:29          15,864         124  qdeclarativetester.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           7,924         124  qdeclarativetester.h
 8-25-11   9:29         196,156         124  qml.icns
 8-25-11   9:29           1,212         124  qml.pri
 8-25-11   9:29           1,573         124
 8-25-11   9:29          52,476         124  qmlruntime.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           6,087         124  qmlruntime.h
 8-25-11   9:29          13,321         124  recopts.ui
 8-25-11   9:29           5,980         124  recopts_maemo5.ui
 8-25-11   9:29           3,578         124  texteditautoresizer_maemo5.h
        395,310 bytes in 25 files and 4 dirs    402,432 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qml\qmlobserver\browser\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  images
 8-25-11   9:29           9,818         124  Browser.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             253         124  browser.qrc
         10,071 bytes in 2 files and 3 dirs    11,264 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qml\qmlobserver\browser\images\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           1,841         124  folder.png
 8-25-11   9:29           1,436         124  titlebar.png
 8-25-11   9:29              87         124  titlebar.sci
 8-25-11   9:29             662         124  up.png
          4,026 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qml\qmlobserver\browser\*
         14,097 bytes in 6 files and 5 dirs    16,384 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qml\qmlobserver\startup\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           4,985         124  Logo.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           3,549         124  qt-back.png
 8-25-11   9:29          20,900         124  qt-blue.jpg
 8-25-11   9:29           3,318         124  qt-front.png
 8-25-11   9:29          17,048         124  qt-sketch.jpg
 8-25-11   9:29          14,565         124  qt-text.png
 8-25-11   9:29           2,826         124  quick-blur.png
 8-25-11   9:29           1,399         124  quick-regular.png
 8-25-11   9:29           1,592         124  shadow.png
 8-25-11   9:29           5,413         124  startup.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             471         124  startup.qrc
 8-25-11   9:29           2,651         124  white-star.png
         78,717 bytes in 12 files and 2 dirs    81,408 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qml\qmlobserver\*
        488,124 bytes in 43 files and 11 dirs    500,224 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qml\*
        826,298 bytes in 117 files and 35 dirs    862,208 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qml-type-descriptions\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           2,177         124  qmlproject.qmltypes
 8-25-11   9:29             554         124  qmlruntime.qmltypes
 8-25-11   9:29           5,471         124  qt-labs-folderlistmodel.qmltypes
 8-25-11   9:29           3,880         124  qt-labs-gestures.qmltypes
 8-25-11   9:29           3,412         124  qt-labs-particles.qmltypes
 8-25-11   9:29          12,171         124  qtmobility-connectivity.qmltypes
 8-25-11   9:29          37,997         124  qtmobility-contacts.qmltypes
 8-25-11   9:29           5,444         124  qtmobility-feedback.qmltypes
 8-25-11   9:29          15,200         124  qtmobility-gallery.qmltypes
 8-25-11   9:29          33,078         124  qtmobility-location-1.1.qmltypes
 8-25-11   9:29          33,729         124  qtmobility-location-1.2.qmltypes
 8-25-11   9:29           8,939         124  qtmobility-messaging.qmltypes
 8-25-11   9:29          35,405         124  qtmobility-organizer.qmltypes
 8-25-11   9:29           1,341         124  qtmobility-publishsubscribe.qmltypes
 8-25-11   9:29           8,386         124  qtmobility-sensors.qmltypes
 8-25-11   9:29           2,168         124  qtmobility-serviceframework.qmltypes
 8-25-11   9:29          26,688         124  qtmobility-systeminfo.qmltypes
 8-25-11   9:29          14,572         124  qtmultimediakit.qmltypes
 8-25-11   9:29         154,450         124  qtquick.qmltypes
 8-25-11   9:29           8,333         124  qtwebkit.qmltypes
        413,395 bytes in 20 files and 2 dirs    418,816 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qmldesigner\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  propertyeditor
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qmldesigner\propertyeditor\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  Qt
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  QtWebKit
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qmldesigner\propertyeditor\Qt\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  images
 8-25-11   9:29           4,208         124  AlignmentHorizontalButtons.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           4,189         124  AlignmentVerticalButtons.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             284         124  anchorbottom.css
 8-25-11   9:29             479         124  anchorbox.css
 8-25-11   9:29           4,966         124  AnchorBox.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           5,248         124  AnchorButtons.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             280         124  anchorfill.css
 8-25-11   9:29             298         124  anchorhorizontal.css
 8-25-11   9:29             280         124  anchorleft.css
 8-25-11   9:29             287         124  anchorright.css
 8-25-11   9:29             263         124  anchorspacer.css
 8-25-11   9:29             280         124  anchortop.css
 8-25-11   9:29             292         124  anchorvertical.css
 8-25-11   9:29             185         124  applybutton.css
 8-25-11   9:29             266         124  aspectlock.css
 8-25-11   9:29           3,788         124  BorderImageSpecifics.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             194         124  cancelbutton.css
 8-25-11   9:29           1,912         124  CheckBox.qml
 8-25-11   9:29          12,266         124  ColorGroupBox.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             170         124  ColorLabel.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             343         124  ColorScheme.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           2,735         124  ColorTypeButtons.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           2,235         124  ComboBox.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           3,052         124  DoubleSpinBox.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           3,034         124  DoubleSpinBoxAlternate.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           1,315         124  emptyPane.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           2,145         124  ExpressionEditor.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           7,471         124  Extended.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           2,042         124  ExtendedFunctionButton.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             547         124  ExtendedPane.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           1,435         124  ExtendedSwitches.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           1,207         124  FlagedButton.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           5,059         124  FlickableSpecifics.qml
 8-25-11   9:29              46         124  FlipableSpecifics.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           2,494         124  FontComboBox.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           3,132         124  FontGroupBox.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           3,696         124  FontStyleButtons.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           3,141         124  Geometry.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           1,377         124  GroupBox.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             382         124  GroupBoxOption.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             146         124  HorizontalLayout.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             208         124  HorizontalWhiteLine.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           4,954         124  ImageSpecifics.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           2,301         124  IntEditor.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           1,763         124  ItemPane.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             155         124  Label.qml
 8-25-11   9:29          12,231         124  Layout.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             558         124  LayoutPane.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             610         124  layoutWidget.css
 8-25-11   9:29           2,400         124  LineEdit.qml
 8-25-11   9:29              47         124  ListViewSpecifics.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           4,451         124  Modifiers.qml
 8-25-11   9:29              89         124  PlaceHolder.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           9,564         124  propertyEditor.css
 8-25-11   9:29             592         124  PropertyFrame.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           5,733         124  RectangleColorGroupBox.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           1,474         124  RectangleSpecifics.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             116         124  ScrollArea.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             762         124  SliderWidget.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             396         124  specialCheckBox.css
 8-25-11   9:29           2,917         124  SpinBox.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           1,262         124  StandardTextColorGroupBox.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           1,690         124  StandardTextGroupBox.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             280         124  styledbuttonleft.css
 8-25-11   9:29             304         124  styledbuttonmiddle.css
 8-25-11   9:29             301         124  styledbuttonright.css
 8-25-11   9:29           1,228         124  switch.css
 8-25-11   9:29           2,026         124  Switches.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           1,623         124  TextEditSpecifics.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           2,972         124  TextInputGroupBox.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             666         124  TextInputSpecifics.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             616         124  TextSpecifics.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           3,880         124  Transformation.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           1,272         124  Type.qml
 8-25-11   9:29             299         124  typeLabel.css
 8-25-11   9:29             168         124  VerticalLayout.qml
 8-25-11   9:29           2,659         124  Visibility.qml
        159,736 bytes in 77 files and 3 dirs    180,224 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qmldesigner\propertyeditor\Qt\images\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29             207         124  alignmentbottom-h-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             207         124  alignmentbottom-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             337         124  alignmentcenterh-h-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             295         124  alignmentcenterh-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             217         124  alignmentleft-h-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             216         124  alignmentleft-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             206         124  alignmentmiddle-h-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             207         124  alignmentmiddle-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             338         124  alignmentright-h-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             313         124  alignmentright-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             221         124  alignmenttop-h-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             221         124  alignmenttop-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             646         124  apply.png
 8-25-11   9:29             425         124  behaivour.png
 8-25-11   9:29             340         124  blended-image-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             447         124  bold-h-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             434         124  bold-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             687         124  button.png
 8-25-11   9:29             749         124  cancel.png
 8-25-11   9:29             341         124  default-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             855         124  downArrow.png
 8-25-11   9:29             517         124  expression.png
 8-25-11   9:29             293         124  extended.png
 8-25-11   9:29             369         124  grid-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             157         124  icon_color_gradient.png
 8-25-11   9:29             310         124  icon_color_none.png
 8-25-11   9:29             135         124  icon_color_solid.png
 8-25-11   9:29             292         124  image-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             382         124  italic-h-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             368         124  italic-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             293         124  item-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             369         124  layout.png
 8-25-11   9:29             885         124  leftArrow.png
 8-25-11   9:29             424         124  list-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             511         124  mouse-area-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             213         124  placeholder.png
 8-25-11   9:29             237         124  rect-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             741         124  reset-button.png
 8-25-11   9:29             871         124  rightArrow.png
 8-25-11   9:29             340         124  standard.png
 8-25-11   9:29             514         124  strikeout-h-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             494         124  strikeout-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             389         124  submenu.png
 8-25-11   9:29             368         124  text-edit-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             582         124  text-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             367         124  underline-h-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             359         124  underline-icon.png
 8-25-11   9:29             849         124  upArrow.png
         19,538 bytes in 48 files and 2 dirs    30,208 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qmldesigner\propertyeditor\Qt\*
        179,274 bytes in 125 files and 5 dirs    210,432 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qmldesigner\propertyeditor\QtWebKit\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           3,538         124  WebViewSpecifics.qml
          3,538 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qmldesigner\propertyeditor\*
        182,812 bytes in 126 files and 11 dirs    215,040 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qmldesigner\*
        182,812 bytes in 126 files and 14 dirs    215,552 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qmlicons\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  Qt
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  QtWebkit
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qmlicons\Qt\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  16x16
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qmlicons\Qt\16x16\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29             416         124  BorderImage.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,594         124  BusyIndicator.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,250         124  Button.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,166         124  ButtonColumn.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,174         124  ButtonRow.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,317         124  CheckBox.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,494         124  ChoiceList.png
 8-25-11   9:29             389         124  ColorAnimation.png
 8-25-11   9:29             405         124  Component.png
 8-25-11   9:29             406         124  Flickable.png
 8-25-11   9:29             512         124  Flipable.png
 8-25-11   9:29             367         124  FocusScope.png
 8-25-11   9:29             320         124  GridView.png
 8-25-11   9:29             579         124  Image.png
 8-25-11   9:29             312         124  item-icon16.png
 8-25-11   9:29             303         124  Item.png
 8-25-11   9:29             339         124  ListView.png
 8-25-11   9:29             459         124  MouseArea.png
 8-25-11   9:29             239         124  ParallelAnimation.png
 8-25-11   9:29             334         124  PathView.png
 8-25-11   9:29             229         124  PauseAnimation.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,004         124  ProgressBar.png
 8-25-11   9:29             417         124  PropertyChanges.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,439         124  RadioButton.png
 8-25-11   9:29             236         124  Rectangle.png
 8-25-11   9:29             234         124  SequentialAnimation.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,266         124  Slider.png
 8-25-11   9:29             316         124  State.png
 8-25-11   9:29             534         124  Switch.png
 8-25-11   9:29             264         124  TabBar.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,108         124  TabButton.png
 8-25-11   9:29             224         124  Text.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,309         124  TextArea.png
 8-25-11   9:29             249         124  TextEdit.png
 8-25-11   9:29           3,265         124  TextField.png
 8-25-11   9:29             327         124  TextInput.png
 8-25-11   9:29             255         124  ToolBar.png
 8-25-11   9:29             247         124  Transition.png
 8-25-11   9:29             312         124  Window.png
         48,610 bytes in 39 files and 2 dirs    57,856 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qmlicons\Qt\*
         48,610 bytes in 39 files and 5 dirs    58,368 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qmlicons\QtWebkit\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  16x16
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qmlicons\QtWebkit\16x16\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29             544         124  WebView.png
            544 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qmlicons\QtWebkit\*
            544 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\qmlicons\*
         49,154 bytes in 40 files and 14 dirs    60,928 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\rss\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  images
 8-25-11   9:29             883         124  featured.rss
            883 bytes in 1 file and 3 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\rss\images\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           6,845         124  qtquick.png
          6,845 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    7,168 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\rss\*
          7,728 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    8,704 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\schemes\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29          12,612         124  MS_Visual_C++.kms
 8-25-11   9:29          11,539         124  Xcode.kms
         24,151 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    24,576 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\snippets\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           1,823         124  cpp.xml
 8-25-11   9:29           2,523         124  qml.xml
 8-25-11   9:29             186         124  text.xml
          4,532 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\styles\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           1,776         124  darkvim.xml
 8-25-11   9:29             163         124  default.xml
 8-25-11   9:29           1,354         124  grayscale.xml
 8-25-11   9:29           2,155         124  inkpot.xml
 8-25-11   9:29           1,418         124  intellij.xml
          6,866 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    8,192 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  html5app
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  mobileapp
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  qt4project
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  qtquickapp
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  shared
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  wizards
              0 bytes in 0 files and 8 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\html5app\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  html
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  html5applicationviewer
 8-25-11   9:29           1,390         124
 8-25-11   9:29             565         124  main.cpp
          1,955 bytes in 2 files and 4 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\html5app\html\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           1,459         124  index.html
          1,459 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\html5app\html5applicationviewer\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29          32,746         124  html5applicationviewer.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           1,149         124  html5applicationviewer.h
 8-25-11   9:29             378         124  html5applicationviewer.pri
         34,273 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    34,816 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\html5app\*
         37,687 bytes in 6 files and 8 dirs    39,936 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\mobileapp\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           1,071         124
 8-25-11   9:29             291         124  main.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           1,904         124  mainwindow.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29             610         124  mainwindow.h
 8-25-11   9:29             532         124  mainwindow.ui
          4,408 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\qt4project\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  customwidgetwizard
 8-25-11   9:29             166         124  main.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29             112         124  mywidget.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29             200         124  mywidget.h
 8-25-11   9:29             190         124  mywidget_form.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29             268         124  mywidget_form.h
 8-25-11   9:29             467         124  widget.ui
          1,403 bytes in 6 files and 3 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\qt4project\customwidgetwizard\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29             281         124  tpl_collection.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29             525         124  tpl_collection.h
 8-25-11   9:29             324         124
 8-25-11   9:29              71         124  tpl_resources.qrc
 8-25-11   9:29           1,267         124  tpl_single.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29             704         124  tpl_single.h
 8-25-11   9:29             114         124  tpl_widget.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29             227         124  tpl_widget.h
 8-25-11   9:29              54         124  tpl_widget_include.pri
 8-25-11   9:29              93         124
          3,660 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    7,168 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\qt4project\*
          5,063 bytes in 16 files and 5 dirs    10,752 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\qtquickapp\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  qml
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  qmlapplicationviewer
 8-25-11   9:29           1,386         124
 8-25-11   9:29             450         124  main.cpp
          1,836 bytes in 2 files and 4 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\qtquickapp\qml\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  app
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\qtquickapp\qml\app\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29             248         124  main.qml
            248 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\qtquickapp\qml\*
            248 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\qtquickapp\qmlapplicationviewer\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           4,618         124  qmlapplicationviewer.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29           1,135         124  qmlapplicationviewer.h
 8-25-11   9:29             613         124  qmlapplicationviewer.pri
          6,366 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    7,680 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\qtquickapp\*
          8,450 bytes in 6 files and 11 dirs    11,776 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\shared\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29             215         124  app.desktop
 8-25-11   9:29           4,404         124  deployment.pri
 8-25-11   9:29           3,400         124  maemoicon.png
 8-25-11   9:29           6,503         124  symbianicon.svg
         14,522 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    15,360 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\wizards\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  helloworld
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  listmodel
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  qml-extension
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  qtcreatorplugin
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  scriptgeneratedproject
 8-25-11   9:29             371         124  README.txt
            371 bytes in 1 file and 7 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\wizards\helloworld\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29             567         124  console.png
 8-25-11   9:29              92         124  main.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29             163         124
 8-25-11   9:29           3,355         124  wizard_sample.xml
          4,177 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\wizards\listmodel\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29             501         124  listmodel.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29             487         124  listmodel.h
 8-25-11   9:29           3,668         124  wizard_sample.xml
          4,656 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\wizards\qml-extension\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           1,245         124  lib.png
 8-25-11   9:29             434         124  object.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29             328         124  object.h
 8-25-11   9:29             321         124  plugin.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29             290         124  plugin.h
 8-25-11   9:29             952         124
 8-25-11   9:29              21         124  qmldir
 8-25-11   9:29           3,451         124  wizard.xml
          7,042 bytes in 8 files and 2 dirs    8,704 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\wizards\qtcreatorplugin\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           2,632         124  myplugin.cpp
 8-25-11   9:29             648         124  myplugin.h
 8-25-11   9:29             366         124
 8-25-11   9:29             808         124
 8-25-11   9:29             374         124  mypluginconstants.h
 8-25-11   9:29             317         124  myplugin_global.h
 8-25-11   9:29           1,027         124  qtcreator_logo_24.png
 8-25-11   9:29           4,548         124  wizard.xml
         10,720 bytes in 8 files and 2 dirs    12,800 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\wizards\scriptgeneratedproject\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           5,006         124
 8-25-11   9:29           2,876         124  wizard_sample.xml
          7,882 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    8,192 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\wizards\*
         34,848 bytes in 26 files and 17 dirs    43,520 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\templates\*
        104,978 bytes in 63 files and 53 dirs    130,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\translations\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-16-11  14:43         562,110         124  qtcreator_cs.qm
 9-16-11  14:43         847,574         124  qtcreator_de.qm
 9-16-11  14:43         857,481         124  qtcreator_fr.qm
 9-16-11  14:43         405,645         124  qtcreator_hu.qm
 9-16-11  14:43         638,895         124  qtcreator_ja.qm
 9-16-11  14:43         808,440         124  qtcreator_ru.qm
 9-16-11  14:43         552,789         124  qtcreator_sl.qm
 9-16-11  14:43         605,375         124  qtcreator_zh_CN.qm
      5,278,309 bytes in 8 files and 2 dirs    5,279,744 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\qtcreator\*
      7,662,130 bytes in 429 files and 167 dirs    7,796,736 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\share\*
      7,662,130 bytes in 429 files and 176 dirs    7,798,272 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\qtcreator\*
     39,093,039 bytes in 568 files and 194 dirs    39,270,400 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\rpm\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-25-15  16:15         <DIR>            21  platform
 2-25-15  16:15          46,781         124  macros
 2-25-15  16:15             309         124  rpm.daily
 2-25-15  16:15              66         124  rpm.log
 2-25-15  16:15             335         124  rpm.xinetd
 2-25-15  16:15           1,179         124
 9-23-15  17:10              20         160  rpmdb_archive
 9-23-15  17:10              21         161  rpmdb_deadlock
 9-23-15  17:10              17         157  rpmdb_dump
 9-23-15  17:10              17         157  rpmdb_load
 2-25-15  16:15           1,536         124  rpmdb_loadcvt
 9-23-15  17:10              21         161  rpmdb_printlog
 9-23-15  17:10              20         160  rpmdb_recover
 9-23-15  17:10              17         157  rpmdb_stat
 9-23-15  17:10              20         160  rpmdb_upgrade
 9-23-15  17:10              19         159  rpmdb_verify
 2-25-15  16:15           8,124         124  rpmpopt-4.8.1
 2-25-15  16:15          14,157         124  rpmrc
 2-25-15  16:15             943         124  tgpg
 2-25-15  16:15           4,180         124  warpin-conflicts.exe
 2-25-15  16:15          12,124         124  wps-object.exe
         89,906 bytes in 20 files and 3 dirs    97,280 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\rpm\platform\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  athlon-os2-emx
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  geode-os2-emx
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  i386-os2-emx
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  i486-os2-emx
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  i586-os2-emx
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  i686-os2-emx
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  noarch-os2-emx
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  pentium3-os2-emx
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  pentium4-os2-emx
              0 bytes in 0 files and 11 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\rpm\platform\athlon-os2-emx\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-25-15  16:15           1,888         124  macros
          1,888 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\rpm\platform\geode-os2-emx\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-25-15  16:15           1,893         124  macros
          1,893 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\rpm\platform\i386-os2-emx\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-25-15  16:15           1,898         124  macros
          1,898 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\rpm\platform\i486-os2-emx\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-25-15  16:15           1,886         124  macros
          1,886 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\rpm\platform\i586-os2-emx\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-25-15  16:15           1,886         124  macros
          1,886 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\rpm\platform\i686-os2-emx\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-25-15  16:15           1,886         124  macros
          1,886 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\rpm\platform\noarch-os2-emx\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-25-15  16:15           1,788         124  macros
          1,788 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\rpm\platform\pentium3-os2-emx\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-25-15  16:15           1,890         124  macros
          1,890 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\rpm\platform\pentium4-os2-emx\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-25-15  16:15           1,890         124  macros
          1,890 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\rpm\platform\*
         16,905 bytes in 9 files and 29 dirs    23,040 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\rpm\*
        106,811 bytes in 29 files and 32 dirs    120,320 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\tcl8.5\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\tcpipv4\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  dbg
10-26-14  14:17       1,630,450         124  libc_dll.a
 2-07-15   9:07         755,200         124  libc_dll.lib
10-26-14  14:17         671,332         124  libsocket.a
 2-07-15   9:07          53,248         124  libsocket.lib
10-26-14  14:17         686,200         124  libsocket_l.a
 2-07-15   9:07          59,904         124  libsocket_l.lib
10-26-14  14:17         695,808         124  libsocket_p.a
 2-07-15   9:07          98,304         124  libsocket_p.lib
10-26-14  14:17           3,094         124  libsyslog.a
 2-07-15   9:07           4,096         124  libsyslog.lib
10-26-14  14:17          18,372         124  libsyslog_p.a
 2-07-15   9:07           4,096         124  libsyslog_p.lib
      4,680,104 bytes in 12 files and 3 dirs    4,682,240 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\tcpipv4\dbg\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-26-14  14:17          18,228         124  libsyslog.a
         18,228 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    18,432 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\tcpipv4\*
      4,698,332 bytes in 13 files and 5 dirs    4,700,672 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\lib\*
    268,934,643 bytes in 3,461 files and 809 dirs    269,946,880 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\libexec\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  bin
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  git-core
 8-26-13   3:09           2,603         124  urlgrabber-ext-down
          2,603 bytes in 1 file and 4 dirs    4,096 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\libexec\bin\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:16          33,083         124  date.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          67,474         124  dir.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          12,508         124  hostid.exe
 3-15-14   9:16          58,044         124  sort.exe
        171,109 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    172,032 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\libexec\git-core\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  mergetools
 9-10-14  11:39          38,583         124  git-add--interactive
 9-23-15  18:08              20         160  git-add--interactive.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-add.exe
 9-10-14  11:38          24,198         124  git-am
 9-23-15  18:08               6         146  git-am.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-annotate.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-apply.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-archive.exe
 9-10-14  11:38          12,513         124  git-bisect
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-bisect--helper.exe
 9-23-15  18:08              10         150  git-bisect.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-blame.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-branch.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-bundle.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-cat-file.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-check-attr.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-check-ignore.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-check-mailmap.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-check-ref-format.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-checkout-index.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-checkout.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-cherry-pick.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-cherry.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-clean.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-clone.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-column.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-commit-tree.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-commit.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-config.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-count-objects.exe
 9-10-14  11:38         501,469         124  git-credential-cache--daemon.exe
 9-10-14  11:38         495,428         124  git-credential-cache.exe
 9-10-14  11:38         498,015         124  git-credential-store.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-credential.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-describe.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-diff-files.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-diff-index.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-diff-tree.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-diff.exe
 9-10-14  11:39          13,805         124  git-difftool
 9-10-14  11:38           2,052         124  git-difftool--helper
 9-23-15  18:08              20         160  git-difftool--helper.exe
 9-23-15  18:08              12         152  git-difftool.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-fast-export.exe
 9-10-14  11:38         520,585         124  git-fast-import.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-fetch-pack.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-fetch.exe
 9-10-14  11:38          12,144         124  git-filter-branch
 9-23-15  18:08              17         157  git-filter-branch.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-fmt-merge-msg.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-for-each-ref.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-format-patch.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-fsck-objects.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-fsck.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-gc.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-get-tar-commit-id.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-grep.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-hash-object.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-help.exe
 9-10-14  11:38         499,085         124  git-http-backend.exe
 9-10-14  11:38         517,782         124  git-http-fetch.exe
 9-10-14  11:38         526,530         124  git-http-push.exe
 9-10-14  11:38         504,521         124  git-imap-send.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-index-pack.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-init-db.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-init.exe
 9-10-14  11:39          18,914         124  git-instaweb
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-log.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-ls-files.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-ls-remote.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-ls-tree.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-mailinfo.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-mailsplit.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-merge-base.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-merge-file.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-merge-index.exe
 9-10-14  11:38           2,311         124  git-merge-octopus
 9-23-15  18:08              17         157  git-merge-octopus.exe
 9-10-14  11:38           3,637         124  git-merge-one-file
 9-23-15  18:08              18         158  git-merge-one-file.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-merge-ours.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-merge-recursive.exe
 9-10-14  11:38             993         124  git-merge-resolve
 9-23-15  18:08              17         157  git-merge-resolve.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-merge-subtree.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-merge-tree.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-merge.exe
 9-10-14  11:38           8,797         124  git-mergetool
 9-10-14  11:37           7,941         124  git-mergetool--lib
 9-23-15  18:08              13         153  git-mergetool.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-mktag.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-mktree.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-mv.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-name-rev.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-notes.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-pack-objects.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-pack-redundant.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-pack-refs.exe
 9-10-14  11:37           2,402         124  git-parse-remote
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-patch-id.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-prune-packed.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-prune.exe
 9-10-14  11:38           9,268         124  git-pull
 9-23-15  18:08               8         148  git-pull.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-push.exe
 9-10-14  11:38           3,502         124  git-quiltimport
 9-23-15  18:08              15         155  git-quiltimport.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-read-tree.exe
 9-10-14  11:38          16,387         124  git-rebase
 9-10-14  11:37           2,334         124  git-rebase--am
 9-10-14  11:37          29,567         124  git-rebase--interactive
 9-10-14  11:37           3,955         124  git-rebase--merge
 9-23-15  18:08              10         150  git-rebase.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-receive-pack.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-reflog.exe
 9-10-14  11:39           4,367         124  git-relink
 9-23-15  18:08              10         150  git-relink.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-remote-ext.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-remote-fd.exe
 9-23-15  18:08              19         159  git-remote-ftp.exe
 9-23-15  18:08              19         159  git-remote-ftps.exe
 9-10-14  11:38         528,905         124  git-remote-http.exe
 9-23-15  18:08              19         159  git-remote-https.exe
 9-23-15  18:08              18         158  git-remote-testgit.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-remote.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-repack.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-replace.exe
 9-10-14  11:38           4,010         124  git-request-pull
 9-23-15  18:08              16         156  git-request-pull.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-rerere.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-reset.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-rev-list.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-rev-parse.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-revert.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-rm.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-send-pack.exe
 9-10-14  11:37           2,073         124  git-sh-i18n
 9-10-14  11:38         493,206         124  git-sh-i18n--envsubst.exe
 9-10-14  11:37           8,609         124  git-sh-setup
 9-10-14  11:39         495,345         124  git-shell.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-shortlog.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-show-branch.exe
 9-10-14  11:38         492,894         124  git-show-index.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-show-ref.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-show.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-stage.exe
 9-10-14  11:38          14,170         124  git-stash
 9-23-15  18:08               9         149  git-stash.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-status.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-stripspace.exe
 9-10-14  11:38          33,602         124  git-submodule
 9-23-15  18:08              13         153  git-submodule.exe
 9-10-14  11:39          15,641         124  git-subtree
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-symbolic-ref.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-tag.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-unpack-file.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-unpack-objects.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-update-index.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-update-ref.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-update-server-info.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-upload-archive.exe
 9-10-14  11:39         507,289         124  git-upload-pack.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-var.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-verify-pack.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-verify-tag.exe
 9-10-14  11:38           4,589         124  git-web--browse
 9-23-15  18:08              15         155  git-web--browse.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-whatchanged.exe
 9-23-15  18:08               7         147  git-write-tree.exe
 9-10-14  11:39       1,065,898         124  git.exe
      7,948,386 bytes in 170 files and 3 dirs    8,023,552 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\libexec\git-core\mergetools\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-30-13  13:44             412         124  araxis
 3-30-13  13:44             426         124  bc3
 9-08-14  16:02             412         124  codecompare
 9-08-14  16:02             649         124  deltawalker
 9-08-14  16:02             301         124  diffmerge
 3-30-13  13:44             299         124  diffuse
 3-30-13  13:44             356         124  ecmerge
 3-30-13  13:44             438         124  emerge
 9-08-14  16:02              30         124  gvimdiff
 9-08-14  16:02              30         124  gvimdiff2
 9-08-14  16:02             523         124  kdiff3
 3-30-13  13:44              90         124  kompare
 3-30-13  13:44             712         124  meld
 3-30-13  13:44             317         124  opendiff
 3-30-13  13:44             236         124  tkdiff
 9-08-14  16:02             672         124  tortoisemerge
 9-08-14  16:02             661         124  vimdiff
 9-08-14  16:02              30         124  vimdiff2
 3-30-13  13:44             643         124  xxdiff
          7,237 bytes in 19 files and 2 dirs    12,800 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\libexec\git-core\*
      7,955,623 bytes in 189 files and 5 dirs    8,036,352 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\libexec\*
      8,129,335 bytes in 194 files and 11 dirs    8,212,480 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\man\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  man1
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  man7
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\man\man1\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-26-14  14:15               0         124  addr2line.1
10-26-14  14:15               0         124  ar.1
10-26-14  14:14               0         124  as-elf.1
10-26-14  14:16               0         124  as.1
10-26-14  14:15           8,549         124  c++filt.1
10-26-14  14:12          35,341         124  cpp.1
10-26-14  14:15          16,305         124  dlltool.1
10-26-14  14:12              16         124  g++.1
10-26-14  14:12         456,637         124  gcc.1
10-26-14  14:12          19,547         124  gcov.1
10-26-14  14:16          28,862         124  gprof.1
10-26-14  14:15               0         124  ld-elf.1
10-26-14  14:16               0         124  ld.1
10-26-14  14:15           7,757         124  nlmconv.1
10-26-14  14:15          14,391         124  nm.1
10-26-14  14:15          27,776         124  objcopy.1
10-26-14  14:15          21,714         124  objdump.1
10-26-14  14:15           5,529         124  ranlib.1
10-26-14  14:15          10,765         124  readelf.1
10-26-14  14:15           8,231         124  size.1
10-26-14  14:15           7,868         124  strings.1
10-26-14  14:15           9,210         124  strip.1
10-26-14  14:15          12,067         124  windres.1
        690,565 bytes in 23 files and 2 dirs    698,880 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\man\man7\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-26-14  14:12           6,581         124  fsf-funding.7
10-26-14  14:12          26,446         124  gfdl.7
10-26-14  14:12          25,222         124  gpl.7
         58,249 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    58,880 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\man\*
        748,814 bytes in 26 files and 8 dirs    758,784 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\sbin\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:16          15,412         124  chroot.exe
         15,412 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    15,872 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>             0  doc
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  file
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  git-core
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>             0  info
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>             0  locale
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  man
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>             0  misc
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  perl5
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  qt4
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  tabset
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  tcl8
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  tcl8.5
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  terminfo
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  yum-cli
 9-23-15  17:10              10         150  magic
             10 bytes in 1 file and 16 dirs    7,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  bzip2-libs-1.0.6
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  coreutils-8.6
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  cpio-2.11
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  curl-7.37.0
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  db4-4.8.30
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  emxrt
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  expat-2.1.0
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  git-2.0.0
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  glib2-2.25.15
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  gmp-5.0.2
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  libc-0.6.6
 9-23-15  17:41         <DIR>           124  libjpeg-8c
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  libxml2-2.7.7
 9-23-15  17:41         <DIR>           124  libxslt-1.1.26
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  ncurses-5.7
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>           124  odin
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  openssl-1.0.0r
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  perl-5.16.1
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  popt-1.15
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  popt-libs-1.15
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  python-2.7.6
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  python-pycurl-
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  qt4
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  qtcreator
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  readline-6.1
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  rpm-4.8.1
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  sqlite-3.7.2
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  tcl-8.5.9
 9-23-15  17:11         <DIR>             0  urlgrabber-3.1.0
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  urlgrabber-3.10.1
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  yum-3.4.3
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  yum-metadata-parser-1.1.4
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  zlib-1.2.5
              0 bytes in 0 files and 35 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\bzip2-libs-1.0.6\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-11-10   2:15           1,901           0  LICENSE
          1,901 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\coreutils-8.6\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  fileutils
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  sh-utils
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  textutils
 5-11-10   4:04          95,341         124  ABOUT-NLS
10-15-10  11:06         119,113         124  ChangeLog.bz2
 9-01-09   7:01          35,147         124  COPYING
10-15-10  10:50         128,465         124  NEWS
10-11-10  13:35          10,785         124  README
10-11-10  13:35          36,783         124  THANKS
10-11-10  13:35           7,588         124  TODO
        433,222 bytes in 7 files and 5 dirs    436,224 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\coreutils-8.6\fileutils\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-01-10  10:15          53,945         124  ChangeLog-1997.bz2
10-11-10  13:35          67,882         124  ChangeLog.bz2
10-11-10  13:35          38,981         124  NEWS
        160,808 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    161,792 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\coreutils-8.6\sh-utils\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-11-10  13:35          18,301         124  ChangeLog.0.bz2
10-11-10  13:35          39,496         124  ChangeLog.bz2
10-11-10  13:35          13,253         124  NEWS
         71,050 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    71,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\coreutils-8.6\textutils\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-11-10  13:35          71,359         124  ChangeLog.bz2
10-11-10  13:35          22,569         124  NEWS
         93,928 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    94,720 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\coreutils-8.6\*
        759,008 bytes in 15 files and 11 dirs    764,416 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\cpio-2.11\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-03-09  17:01             161           0  AUTHORS
 3-10-10  14:12          70,507           0  ChangeLog
 2-14-09  19:15          35,068           0  COPYING
 3-10-10  13:59           6,168           0  NEWS
 2-14-09  19:15           2,864           0  README
 8-03-09  17:01           1,083           0  THANKS
 2-14-09  19:15           7,891           0  TODO
        123,742 bytes in 7 files and 2 dirs    125,952 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\curl-7.37.0\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-22-14   9:17           6,180         124  BUGS
 8-22-14   9:17         157,847         124  CHANGES
 8-22-14   9:17           1,044         124  COPYING
 8-22-14   9:17          63,923         124  FAQ
 8-22-14   9:17           5,859         124  FEATURES
 8-22-14   9:17          38,381         124  MANUAL
 9-29-10   9:31           1,607         124  README
 9-29-10   9:31           2,287         124  RESOURCES
 8-22-14   9:17          27,266         124  TheArtOfHttpScripting
 8-22-14   9:17          21,526         124  TODO
        325,920 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    329,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\db4-4.8.30\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-12-10  23:25           7,287           0  LICENSE
 4-12-10  23:25             204           0  README
          7,491 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    8,192 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\emxrt\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-07-92   1:47          18,321           0  COPYING
12-19-98  21:21          15,638           0  COPYING.EMX
 3-20-01  10:48           7,276           0  emxfix04.doc
 3-20-01  10:43          46,655           0  emxrt.doc
 3-20-01  10:44          42,394           0  emxrt.inf
        130,284 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    131,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\expat-2.1.0\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-05-14   9:18           1,208         124  COPYING
 6-05-14   9:18           5,790         124  README
          6,998 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    7,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  contrib
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  RelNotes
 9-08-14  16:02           3,870         124  blame-options.txt
 9-08-14  16:02         101,687         124  config.txt
 9-12-11  12:17          18,765         124  COPYING
 9-08-14  16:02             850         124  date-formats.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           7,488         124  diff-config.txt
 9-12-11  12:17           5,570         124  diff-format.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           6,596         124  diff-generate-patch.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          19,737         124  diff-options.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          13,010         124  everyday.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           5,079         124  fetch-options.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          14,411         124  git-add.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           6,690         124  git-am.txt
 9-12-11  12:17             752         124  git-annotate.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           9,852         124  git-apply.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           6,358         124  git-archive.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          49,229         124  git-bisect-lk2009.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          12,681         124  git-bisect.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           7,998         124  git-blame.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          10,255         124  git-branch.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           7,051         124  git-bundle.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           5,206         124  git-cat-file.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,160         124  git-check-attr.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,866         124  git-check-ignore.txt
 9-08-14  16:02             993         124  git-check-mailmap.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           4,217         124  git-check-ref-format.txt
 9-12-11  12:17           5,440         124  git-checkout-index.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          16,049         124  git-checkout.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           7,991         124  git-cherry-pick.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,615         124  git-cherry.txt
 9-12-11  12:17             543         124  git-citool.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           4,140         124  git-clean.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           9,528         124  git-clone.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           1,151         124  git-column.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,010         124  git-commit-tree.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          15,703         124  git-commit.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          13,194         124  git-config.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           1,094         124  git-count-objects.txt
 9-08-14  16:02             710         124  git-credential-cache--daemon.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           2,262         124  git-credential-cache.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           2,240         124  git-credential-store.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           6,012         124  git-credential.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,209         124  git-cvsexportcommit.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           7,743         124  git-cvsimport.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          15,574         124  git-cvsserver.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          11,856         124  git-daemon.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           6,015         124  git-describe.txt
 9-12-11  12:17           1,212         124  git-diff-files.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           4,587         124  git-diff-index.txt
 9-12-11  12:17           5,382         124  git-diff-tree.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           5,672         124  git-diff.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           4,119         124  git-difftool.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           5,283         124  git-fast-export.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          55,087         124  git-fast-import.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,393         124  git-fetch-pack.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           2,843         124  git-fetch.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          18,678         124  git-filter-branch.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           1,910         124  git-fmt-merge-msg.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           6,191         124  git-for-each-ref.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          19,566         124  git-format-patch.txt
 9-12-11  12:17             354         124  git-fsck-objects.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           4,653         124  git-fsck.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           5,787         124  git-gc.txt
 9-12-11  12:17             737         124  git-get-tar-commit-id.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           7,871         124  git-grep.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,588         124  git-gui.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           1,844         124  git-hash-object.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           6,138         124  git-help.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           9,558         124  git-http-backend.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           1,165         124  git-http-fetch.txt
 9-12-11  12:17           2,975         124  git-http-push.txt
 9-12-11  12:17           4,338         124  git-imap-send.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,506         124  git-index-pack.txt
 9-08-14  16:02             409         124  git-init-db.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           4,800         124  git-init.txt
 3-30-13  13:44           2,301         124  git-instaweb.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           6,384         124  git-log.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           6,243         124  git-ls-files.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           2,553         124  git-ls-remote.txt
 9-12-11  12:17           2,999         124  git-ls-tree.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,071         124  git-mailinfo.txt
 9-12-11  12:17           1,238         124  git-mailsplit.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           5,688         124  git-merge-base.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           2,844         124  git-merge-file.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           2,445         124  git-merge-index.txt
 9-12-11  12:17             387         124  git-merge-one-file.txt
 9-08-14  16:02             750         124  git-merge-tree.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          12,368         124  git-merge.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           1,208         124  git-mergetool--lib.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,336         124  git-mergetool.txt
 9-08-14  16:02             806         124  git-mktag.txt
 9-12-11  12:17           1,077         124  git-mktree.txt
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 9-08-14  16:02          13,201         124  git-notes.txt
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 9-08-14  16:02           2,090         124  git-pack-refs.txt
 9-12-11  12:17             471         124  git-parse-remote.txt
 9-08-14  16:02             940         124  git-patch-id.txt
 9-08-14  16:02             941         124  git-prune-packed.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           1,873         124  git-prune.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           8,224         124  git-pull.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          20,459         124  git-push.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           1,433         124  git-quiltimport.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          16,747         124  git-read-tree.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          25,220         124  git-rebase.txt
 3-30-13  13:44           5,610         124  git-receive-pack.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,483         124  git-reflog.txt
 9-12-11  12:17             649         124  git-relink.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,910         124  git-remote-ext.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           1,566         124  git-remote-fd.txt
 9-08-14  16:02             600         124  git-remote-testgit.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           7,279         124  git-remote.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           5,348         124  git-repack.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,484         124  git-replace.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           1,994         124  git-request-pull.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           7,460         124  git-rerere.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          14,581         124  git-reset.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,705         124  git-rev-list.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          13,075         124  git-rev-parse.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,856         124  git-revert.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           6,384         124  git-rm.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          14,540         124  git-send-email.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,691         124  git-send-pack.txt
 9-08-14  16:02             928         124  git-sh-i18n--envsubst.txt
 3-30-13  13:44           1,147         124  git-sh-i18n.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           2,970         124  git-sh-setup.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           2,530         124  git-shell.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           2,634         124  git-shortlog.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           6,516         124  git-show-branch.txt
 9-08-14  16:02             478         124  git-show-index.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           6,086         124  git-show-ref.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           1,801         124  git-show.txt
 9-12-11  12:17             300         124  git-stage.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          10,533         124  git-stash.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           8,337         124  git-status.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           1,873         124  git-stripspace.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          16,873         124  git-submodule.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          44,026         124  git-svn.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           1,981         124  git-symbolic-ref.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          10,401         124  git-tag.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,436         124  git-tools.txt
 9-12-11  12:17             434         124  git-unpack-file.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           1,168         124  git-unpack-objects.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          13,720         124  git-update-index.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           5,115         124  git-update-ref.txt
 9-12-11  12:17             797         124  git-update-server-info.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           2,084         124  git-upload-archive.txt
 9-08-14  16:02             869         124  git-upload-pack.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           1,845         124  git-var.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           1,097         124  git-verify-pack.txt
 9-08-14  16:02             411         124  git-verify-tag.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,569         124  git-web--browse.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           1,089         124  git-whatchanged.txt
 9-12-11  12:17           1,026         124  git-write-tree.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          35,332         124  git.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          34,479         124  gitattributes.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           8,118         124  gitcli.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          62,877         124  gitcore-tutorial.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           6,253         124  gitcredentials.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           7,555         124  gitcvs-migration.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          11,709         124  gitdiffcore.txt
 9-08-14  16:02             369         124  gitglossary.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          13,802         124  githooks.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           7,418         124  gitignore.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           5,959         124  gitk.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,965         124  gitmodules.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,358         124  gitnamespaces.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          18,130         124  gitremote-helpers.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           8,340         124  gitrepository-layout.txt
 9-08-14  16:02             774         124  gitrevisions.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          14,717         124  gittutorial-2.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          22,964         124  gittutorial.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          41,695         124  gitweb.conf.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          27,675         124  gitweb.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          17,404         124  gitworkflows.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          25,401         124  glossary-content.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           2,210         124  i18n.txt
 9-08-14  16:02             970         124  line-range-format.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           2,407         124  mailmap.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,549         124  merge-config.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,718         124  merge-options.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           5,211         124  merge-strategies.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           7,776         124  pretty-formats.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           2,875         124  pretty-options.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,354         124  pull-fetch-param.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           2,625         124  README
 9-08-14  16:02          29,640         124  rev-list-options.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          12,122         124  revisions.txt
 3-30-13  13:44             404         124  sequencer.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           2,456         124  urls-remotes.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,590         124  urls.txt
 9-08-14  16:02         174,325         124  user-manual.txt
      1,728,304 bytes in 194 files and 4 dirs    1,776,640 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  buildsystems
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  completion
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  contacts
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  convert-objects
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  credential
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  diff-highlight
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  diffall
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  emacs
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  examples
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  fast-import
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  git-jump
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  git-shell-commands
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  gitview
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  hg-to-git
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  mw-to-git
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  persistent-https
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  remote-helpers
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  stats
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  subtree
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  svn-fe
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  thunderbird-patch-inline
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  vim
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  workdir
 9-08-14  16:02           4,407         124
 9-23-15  18:08              31         171  hooks
 9-12-11  12:17           2,113         124  README
 9-12-11  12:17             770         124
 9-08-14  16:02           1,009         124
          8,330 bytes in 5 files and 25 dirs    21,504 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\buildsystems\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  Generators
 9-12-11  12:17          11,033         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,208         124  generate
 9-12-11  12:17           1,100         124
 9-12-11  12:17           6,675         124
         20,016 bytes in 4 files and 3 dirs    22,016 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\buildsystems\Generators\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-12-11  12:17           5,063         124
 9-12-11  12:17          16,344         124
         21,407 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    21,504 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\buildsystems\*
         41,423 bytes in 6 files and 5 dirs    43,520 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\completion\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-10-14  11:39          55,056         124  git-completion.bash
 9-08-14  16:02           4,926         124  git-completion.tcsh
 9-08-14  16:02           6,000         124  git-completion.zsh
 9-08-14  16:02          15,888         124
         81,870 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    82,944 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\contacts\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-20-14  15:48           4,700         124  git-contacts
 6-20-14  14:45           2,678         124  git-contacts.txt
          7,378 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    8,192 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\convert-objects\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-12-11  12:17           7,436         124  convert-objects.c
 9-12-11  12:17             464         124  git-convert-objects.txt
          7,900 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    8,192 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\credential\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  gnome-keyring
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  netrc
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  osxkeychain
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  wincred
              0 bytes in 0 files and 6 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\credential\gnome-keyring\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-20-14  14:45              30         124  .gitignore
 6-20-14  15:31          12,178         124  git-credential-gnome-keyring.c
 6-20-14  14:45             483         124  Makefile
         12,691 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    13,312 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\credential\netrc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-20-14  14:45          10,708         124  git-credential-netrc
 6-20-14  14:45              53         124  Makefile
 6-20-14  14:45             350         124  test.netrc
 6-20-14  14:45           3,056         124
         14,167 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    14,848 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\credential\osxkeychain\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-30-13  13:44              28         124  .gitignore
 9-08-14  16:02           4,048         124  git-credential-osxkeychain.c
 9-08-14  16:02             437         124  Makefile
          4,513 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\credential\wincred\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-20-14  14:45           7,648         124  git-credential-wincred.c
 6-20-14  14:45             293         124  Makefile
          7,941 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    8,192 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\credential\*
         39,312 bytes in 12 files and 14 dirs    43,520 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\diff-highlight\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-08-14  16:02           3,984         124  diff-highlight
 9-08-14  16:02           5,495         124  README
          9,479 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    9,728 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\diffall\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-20-14  14:45           5,955         124  git-diffall
 6-20-14  14:45           1,317         124  README
          7,272 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    7,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\emacs\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-12-11  12:17               6         124  .gitignore
 9-08-14  16:02          17,061         124  git-blame.el
 9-08-14  16:02          69,923         124  git.el
 9-12-11  12:17             397         124  Makefile
 9-12-11  12:17           1,470         124  README
         88,857 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    90,112 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\examples\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-08-14  16:02          13,040         124  builtin-fetch--tool.c
 9-08-14  16:02           7,621         124
 9-12-11  12:17           2,261         124
 9-08-14  16:02          12,706         124
 9-08-14  16:02          14,380         124
 9-08-14  16:02           9,114         124
 9-12-11  12:17             594         124
 9-08-14  16:02             387         124
 9-08-14  16:02           2,546         124
 9-12-11  12:17             338         124
 9-08-14  16:02          14,421         124
 9-12-11  12:17           2,717         124
 9-08-14  16:02          10,388         124  git-remote.perl
 9-08-14  16:02           5,178         124
 9-12-11  12:17           6,195         124  git-rerere.perl
 9-08-14  16:02           2,302         124
 9-08-14  16:02           2,716         124
 9-08-14  16:02           4,695         124
 9-08-14  16:02          24,971         124  git-svnimport.perl
 9-12-11  12:17           5,391         124  git-svnimport.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           4,028         124
 9-12-11  12:17             749         124
 9-08-14  16:02             952         124
 9-12-11  12:17             167         124  README
        147,857 bytes in 24 files and 2 dirs    154,112 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\fast-import\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-08-14  16:02           1,451         124  git-import.perl
 9-08-14  16:02             724         124
 9-08-14  16:02             488         124  git-p4.README
 9-08-14  16:02          11,191         124  import-directories.perl
 9-12-11  12:17           5,330         124  import-tars.perl
 9-08-14  16:02           2,241         124
         21,425 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    22,528 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\git-jump\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-08-14  16:02           1,422         124  git-jump
 3-30-13  13:44           2,921         124  README
          4,343 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\git-shell-commands\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-12-11  12:17             283         124  help
 9-12-11  12:17             227         124  list
 9-12-11  12:17             839         124  README
          1,349 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\gitview\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-08-14  16:02          38,465         124  gitview
 9-12-11  12:17             835         124  gitview.txt
         39,300 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    39,936 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\hg-to-git\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-08-14  16:02           8,074         124
 9-12-11  12:17             890         124  hg-to-git.txt
          8,964 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    9,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\mw-to-git\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  bin-wrapper
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  Git
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  t 
 6-20-14  15:31              30         124  .gitignore
 6-20-14  15:31           1,263         124  .perlcriticrc
 6-20-14  15:31           9,964         124  git-mw.perl
 6-20-14  15:31          41,705         124  git-remote-mediawiki.perl
 6-20-14  15:31             314         124  git-remote-mediawiki.txt
 6-20-14  15:31           1,443         124  Makefile
         54,719 bytes in 6 files and 5 dirs    57,856 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\mw-to-git\bin-wrapper\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-20-14  15:31             433         124  git
            433 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\mw-to-git\Git\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-20-14  15:31           2,764         124
          2,764 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\mw-to-git\t\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  install-wiki
 6-20-14  15:31              49         124  .gitignore
 6-20-14  15:31             971         124
 6-20-14  15:31             729         124  Makefile
 6-20-14  15:31           3,223         124
 6-20-14  15:31           3,905         124  README
 6-20-14  15:48           9,683         124
 6-20-14  15:31             611         124
 6-20-14  15:48          10,230         124
 6-20-14  15:31           6,412         124
 6-20-14  15:31             322         124
 6-20-14  15:31             495         124
 6-20-14  15:31          12,457         124
 6-20-14  15:31           6,215         124
         55,302 bytes in 13 files and 3 dirs    58,880 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\mw-to-git\t\install-wiki\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-20-14  15:31              15         124  .gitignore
 6-20-14  15:31           3,714         124  db_install.php
 6-20-14  15:31           4,519         124  LocalSettings.php
          8,248 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    9,216 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\mw-to-git\t\*
         63,550 bytes in 16 files and 5 dirs    68,096 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\mw-to-git\*
        121,466 bytes in 24 files and 14 dirs    129,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\persistent-https\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-20-14  14:45           5,126         124  client.go
 6-20-14  14:45          11,560         124  LICENSE
 6-20-14  14:45           2,506         124  main.go
 6-20-14  14:45           1,421         124  Makefile
 6-20-14  14:45           4,976         124  proxy.go
 6-20-14  14:45           1,721         124  README
 6-20-14  14:45           3,014         124  socket.go
         30,324 bytes in 7 files and 2 dirs    31,744 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\remote-helpers\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-20-14  15:48             510         124  git-remote-bzr
 6-20-14  15:48             504         124  git-remote-hg
 6-20-14  15:48             664         124  README
          1,678 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\stats\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-12-11  12:17             708         124  git-common-hash
 9-08-14  16:02           1,319         124
 9-12-11  12:17           6,675         124
          8,702 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    9,728 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\subtree\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  t 
 6-20-14  14:45              68         124  .gitignore
 6-20-14  14:45          18,326         124  COPYING
 9-10-14  11:39          15,641         124  git-subtree
 6-20-14  15:48          15,641         124
 6-20-14  15:31          13,143         124  git-subtree.txt
 6-20-14  14:45             594         124  INSTALL
 6-20-14  14:45           1,535         124  Makefile
 6-20-14  14:45             219         124  README
 6-20-14  14:45           1,783         124  todo
         66,950 bytes in 9 files and 3 dirs    69,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\subtree\t\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-20-14  14:45           1,706         124  Makefile
 6-20-14  14:45          13,890         124
         15,596 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    16,384 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\subtree\*
         82,546 bytes in 11 files and 5 dirs    86,016 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\svn-fe\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-12-11  12:17              28         124  .gitignore
 9-12-11  12:17           1,495         124  Makefile
 9-08-14  16:02             361         124  svn-fe.c
 9-08-14  16:02           2,107         124  svn-fe.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           2,255         124
          6,246 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    7,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\thunderbird-patch-inline\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-12-11  12:17           1,402         124
 9-12-11  12:17             725         124  README
          2,127 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\vim\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-08-14  16:02             855         124  README
            855 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\workdir\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-12-11  12:17           1,886         124  git-new-workdir
          1,886 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\contrib\*
        770,889 bytes in 136 files and 101 dirs    820,224 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\RelNotes\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-12-11  12:17           1,255         124
 9-12-11  12:17           2,308         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,577         124
 9-12-11  12:17             462         124
 9-12-11  12:17             609         124
 9-12-11  12:17             484         124
 9-12-11  12:17             482         124
 9-12-11  12:17          18,638         124  1.5.0.txt
 9-12-11  12:17           2,164         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,651         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,566         124
 9-12-11  12:17             843         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,430         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,519         124
 9-12-11  12:17          13,288         124  1.5.1.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           1,457         124
 9-12-11  12:17           2,086         124
 9-12-11  12:17             796         124
 9-12-11  12:17             802         124
 9-12-11  12:17             928         124
 9-12-11  12:17           7,355         124  1.5.2.txt
 9-12-11  12:17             326         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,931         124
 9-12-11  12:17             896         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,208         124
 9-12-11  12:17           3,376         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,432         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,584         124
 9-12-11  12:17             783         124
 9-12-11  12:17          14,030         124  1.5.3.txt
 9-12-11  12:17             524         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,530         124
 9-12-11  12:17             997         124
 9-12-11  12:17           2,617         124
 9-12-11  12:17           2,241         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,440         124
 9-12-11  12:17             342         124
 9-12-11  12:17          14,424         124  1.5.4.txt
 9-12-11  12:17           1,499         124
 9-12-11  12:17             772         124
 9-12-11  12:17             305         124
 9-12-11  12:17             140         124
 9-12-11  12:17             449         124
 9-12-11  12:17             342         124
 9-12-11  12:17           7,596         124  1.5.5.txt
 9-12-11  12:17             793         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,457         124
 9-12-11  12:17           2,113         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,573         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,041         124
 9-12-11  12:17             342         124
 9-12-11  12:17           3,843         124  1.5.6.txt
 9-12-11  12:17           1,188         124
 9-08-14  16:02           2,840         124
 9-12-11  12:17           4,318         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,293         124
 9-12-11  12:17           2,014         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,193         124
 9-12-11  12:17          10,049         124  1.6.0.txt
 9-12-11  12:17           1,976         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,640         124
 9-08-14  16:02             847         124
 9-08-14  16:02           1,593         124
 9-08-14  16:02          10,322         124  1.6.1.txt
 9-12-11  12:17             597         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,508         124
 9-12-11  12:17             781         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,351         124
 9-12-11  12:17             688         124
 9-12-11  12:17           5,892         124  1.6.2.txt
 9-12-11  12:17             343         124
 9-12-11  12:17           2,271         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,379         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,206         124
 9-12-11  12:17           6,791         124  1.6.3.txt
 9-12-11  12:17           1,906         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,210         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,146         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,034         124
 9-12-11  12:17             605         124
 9-12-11  12:17           5,357         124  1.6.4.txt
 9-12-11  12:17             549         124
 9-12-11  12:17             581         124
 9-12-11  12:17           2,485         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,275         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,891         124
 9-12-11  12:17             791         124
 9-12-11  12:17             771         124
 9-12-11  12:17             900         124
 9-12-11  12:17             581         124
 9-12-11  12:17           6,294         124  1.6.5.txt
 9-12-11  12:17           1,230         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,599         124
 9-12-11  12:17             751         124
 9-12-11  12:17           9,463         124  1.6.6.txt
 9-12-11  12:17           1,287         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,476         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,176         124
 9-12-11  12:17             888         124
 9-12-11  12:17             915         124
 9-12-11  12:17             365         124
 9-12-11  12:17             467         124
 9-12-11  12:17             452         124
 9-12-11  12:17             219         124
 9-12-11  12:17           8,765         124  1.7.0.txt
 9-12-11  12:17           3,825         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,069         124
 9-12-11  12:17             452         124
 9-12-11  12:17             219         124
 9-12-11  12:17           2,941         124  1.7.1.txt
 9-12-11  12:17             806         124
 9-12-11  12:17             695         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,355         124
 9-12-11  12:17             452         124
 9-12-11  12:17             219         124
 9-12-11  12:17           5,978         124  1.7.2.txt
 9-12-11  12:17             425         124
 9-12-11  12:17             149         124
 9-12-11  12:17           2,075         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,639         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,454         124
 9-12-11  12:17           2,642         124  1.7.3.txt
 9-12-11  12:17             899         124
 9-12-11  12:17           2,290         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,245         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,288         124
 9-12-11  12:17             127         124
 9-12-11  12:17           6,502         124  1.7.4.txt
 9-12-11  12:17           1,905         124
 9-12-11  12:17           2,189         124
 9-12-11  12:17           1,101         124
 9-08-14  16:02             754         124
 9-12-11  12:17           5,329         124  1.7.5.txt
 9-12-11  12:17           2,248         124
 3-30-13  13:44             253         124
 3-30-13  13:44             816         124
 3-30-13  13:44           1,296         124
 3-30-13  13:44             995         124
 3-30-13  13:44             603         124
 9-12-11  12:17           5,507         124  1.7.6.txt
 3-30-13  13:44           2,492         124
 3-30-13  13:44           1,674         124
 3-30-13  13:44             715         124
 3-30-13  13:44             458         124
 3-30-13  13:44             495         124
 3-30-13  13:44             811         124
 9-08-14  16:02             347         124
 3-30-13  13:44           5,543         124  1.7.7.txt
 3-30-13  13:44           1,476         124
 9-08-14  16:02           2,996         124
 3-30-13  13:44             447         124
 3-30-13  13:44             944         124
 3-30-13  13:44             625         124
 9-08-14  16:02             643         124
 9-08-14  16:02           6,512         124  1.7.8.txt
 3-30-13  13:44           2,524         124
 3-30-13  13:44           2,775         124
 3-30-13  13:44           2,009         124
 3-30-13  13:44             911         124
 3-30-13  13:44             754         124
 3-30-13  13:44             444         124
 9-08-14  16:02             384         124
 3-30-13  13:44           4,485         124  1.7.9.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,152         124
 9-08-14  16:02           3,530         124
 9-08-14  16:02           1,919         124
 9-08-14  16:02           1,085         124
 9-08-14  16:02             409         124
 9-08-14  16:02           9,244         124  1.7.10.txt
 9-08-14  16:02             233         124
 9-08-14  16:02           2,344         124
 9-08-14  16:02           2,367         124
 9-08-14  16:02           1,202         124
 9-08-14  16:02           1,328         124
 9-08-14  16:02           3,520         124
 9-08-14  16:02           2,005         124
 9-08-14  16:02           5,645         124  1.7.11.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           5,934         124
 9-08-14  16:02           1,807         124
 9-08-14  16:02           1,364         124
 9-08-14  16:02             735         124
 9-08-14  16:02           5,472         124  1.7.12.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           2,518         124
 9-08-14  16:02           1,284         124
 9-08-14  16:02             438         124
 9-08-14  16:02          11,340         124  1.8.0.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,664         124
 9-08-14  16:02           1,016         124
 9-08-14  16:02           1,787         124
 9-08-14  16:02             348         124
 9-08-14  16:02           1,987         124
 9-08-14  16:02           1,602         124
 9-08-14  16:02           9,865         124  1.8.1.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           4,676         124
 9-08-14  16:02           2,499         124
 9-08-14  16:02             691         124
 9-08-14  16:02          22,635         124  1.8.2.txt
 9-08-14  16:02             445         124
 9-08-14  16:02           2,465         124
 9-08-14  16:02           1,825         124
 9-08-14  16:02             720         124
 9-08-14  16:02          18,772         124  1.8.3.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           3,081         124
 9-08-14  16:02           3,369         124
 9-08-14  16:02           2,260         124
 9-08-14  16:02             350         124
 9-08-14  16:02             434         124
 9-08-14  16:02          21,723         124  1.8.4.txt
 9-08-14  16:02             263         124
 9-08-14  16:02             676         124
 9-08-14  16:02             886         124
 9-08-14  16:02           1,960         124
 9-08-14  16:02           1,503         124
 9-08-14  16:02          20,804         124  1.8.5.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          15,543         124  1.9.0.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           2,468         124  1.9.1.txt
 9-08-14  16:02           2,874         124  1.9.2.txt
 9-08-14  16:02             656         124  1.9.3.txt
 9-08-14  16:02          16,275         124  2.0.0.txt
        593,358 bytes in 219 files and 2 dirs    645,120 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\git-2.0.0\*
      3,092,551 bytes in 549 files and 107 dirs    3,241,984 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\glib2-2.25.15\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
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 8-31-10   3:07       1,066,894           0  ChangeLog
 4-01-09   0:04          25,292           0  COPYING
 8-30-10  23:08         158,257           0  NEWS
 8-31-10   3:07           9,350           0  README
      1,261,137 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    1,262,592 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\gmp-5.0.2\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-08-11  12:49          35,147           0  COPYING
 5-08-11  12:49           7,639           0  COPYING.LIB
 5-08-11  12:49          23,169           0  NEWS
 5-08-11  12:49           3,979           0  README
         69,934 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    70,656 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\libc-0.6.6\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-26-14  14:17          37,472         124  ChangeLog.LIBC
10-26-14  14:17          18,332         124  COPYING
10-26-14  14:17          26,934         124  COPYING.LIB
10-26-14  14:17             535         124  Install.os2
10-26-14  14:17              68         124  KnownProblems.os2
10-26-14  14:17             834         124  Licenses.os2
10-26-14  14:17             508         124  MailingLists.os2
10-26-14  14:17          53,436         124  ReleaseNotes.os2
        138,119 bytes in 8 files and 2 dirs    140,288 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\libjpeg-8c\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-16-11   4:01          15,923         124  README
11-14-10   8:55          30,728         124  usage.txt
         46,651 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    47,616 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\libxml2-2.7.7\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
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 9-24-09  11:31         203,670         124  ChangeLog.gz
 9-24-09  11:31           1,498         124  Copyright
10-06-09  12:37          95,842         124  NEWS
 9-24-09  11:31           1,190         124  README
 9-24-09  11:31          11,366         124  TODO
        313,774 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    315,392 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\libxslt-1.1.26\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
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 9-23-15  17:41         <DIR>           124  html
 9-23-15  17:41         <DIR>           124  tutorial
 9-23-15  17:41         <DIR>           124  tutorial2
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 9-24-09   9:59          27,733         124  APIchunk0.html
 9-24-09   9:59          30,846         124  APIchunk1.html
 9-24-09   9:59          38,713         124  APIchunk2.html
 9-24-09   9:59          41,122         124  APIchunk3.html
 9-24-09   9:59          36,837         124  APIchunk4.html
 9-24-09   9:59          29,874         124  APIchunk5.html
 9-24-09   9:59          27,668         124  APIchunk6.html
 9-24-09   9:59          27,742         124  APIchunk7.html
 9-24-09   9:59          28,670         124  APIchunk8.html
 9-24-09   9:59          29,917         124  APIchunk9.html
 9-24-09   9:59          50,136         124  APIchunk10.html
 9-24-09   9:59          28,355         124  APIchunk11.html
 9-24-09   9:59          37,613         124  APIchunk12.html
 9-24-09   9:59           7,571         124  APIchunk13.html
 9-24-09   9:59          14,100         124  APIconstructors.html
 9-24-09   9:59          58,497         124  APIfiles.html
 9-24-09   9:59          52,995         124  APIfunctions.html
 9-24-09   9:59          57,267         124  APIsymbols.html
 5-12-09   2:29             554         124  AUTHORS
 9-24-09  10:38          12,390         124  bugs.html
 7-24-09   4:16          73,532         124  ChangeLog.gz
 5-12-09   2:29          10,326         124  contexts.gif
 9-24-09  10:38           7,605         124  contribs.html
 5-12-09   2:29           2,968         124  Copyright
 9-24-09  10:38           9,301         124  docbook.html
 9-24-09  10:38           6,244         124  docs.html
 9-24-09  10:38           7,621         124  downloads.html
 9-24-09  10:38          22,724         124  extensions.html
 9-24-09  10:38           7,547         124  FAQ.html
 5-12-09   2:29           5,334         124  FEATURES
 9-24-09  10:38           6,684         124  help.html
 9-24-09  10:38           6,688         124  index.html
 9-24-09  10:38          28,379         124  internals.html
 9-24-09  10:38           6,475         124  intro.html
 5-12-09   2:29           3,035         124  Libxslt-Logo-90x34.gif
 5-12-09   2:29           8,193         124  Libxslt-Logo-180x168.gif
 9-24-09  10:38          35,560         124  NEWS
 9-24-09  10:38          44,227         124  news.html
 5-12-09   2:29           4,928         124  node.gif
 5-12-09   2:29           4,575         124  object.gif
 5-12-09   2:29           9,209         124  processing.gif
 9-24-09  10:38          15,960         124  python.html
 5-12-09   2:29             655         124  README
 5-12-09   2:29             697         124  redhat.gif
 5-12-09   2:29           2,772         124  smallfootonly.gif
 5-12-09   2:29           7,050         124  stylesheet.gif
 5-12-09   2:29           8,995         124  templates.gif
 5-12-09   2:29           3,652         124  TODO
 9-24-09  10:33         112,711         124  xslt.html
 5-12-09   2:29           9,475         124  xsltproc.html
 9-24-09  10:38           7,082         124  xsltproc2.html
      1,125,567 bytes in 52 files and 6 dirs    1,141,760 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\libxslt-1.1.26\EXSLT\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:41         <DIR>           124  html
 9-24-09  10:43          17,054         124  APIchunk0.html
 9-24-09  10:43           5,016         124  APIconstructors.html
 9-24-09  10:43           7,902         124  APIfiles.html
 9-24-09  10:43           5,909         124  APIfunctions.html
 9-24-09  10:43           7,884         124  APIsymbols.html
 5-12-09   2:29           9,406         124  bugs.html
 5-12-09   2:29           5,567         124  docs.html
 5-12-09   2:29           6,989         124  downloads.html
 5-12-09   2:29          10,136         124  exslt.html
 5-12-09   2:29           6,002         124  help.html
 5-12-09   2:29           5,451         124  index.html
 5-12-09   2:29           5,793         124  intro.html
 9-24-09  10:43           6,600         124  libexslt-api.xml
 9-24-09  10:43          14,335         124  libexslt-refs.xml
        114,044 bytes in 14 files and 3 dirs    117,248 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\libxslt-1.1.26\EXSLT\html\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-24-09  10:43           4,979         124  book1.html
 5-12-09   2:29             654         124  home.png
 9-24-09  10:43           4,979         124  index.html
 5-12-09   2:29             459         124  left.png
 9-24-09  10:43          14,408         124  libexslt-exslt.html
 9-24-09  10:43           6,497         124  libexslt-exsltexports.html
 9-24-09  10:43           4,979         124  libexslt-lib.html
 5-12-09   2:29             472         124  right.png
 5-12-09   2:29             406         124  up.png
         37,833 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    39,424 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\libxslt-1.1.26\EXSLT\*
        151,877 bytes in 23 files and 5 dirs    156,672 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\libxslt-1.1.26\html\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-24-09  10:02           6,821         124  book1.html
 5-12-09   2:29             654         124  home.png
 9-24-09  10:02           6,821         124  index.html
 5-12-09   2:29             459         124  left.png
 9-24-09  10:02           9,356         124  libxslt-attributes.html
 9-24-09  10:02          16,447         124  libxslt-documents.html
 9-24-09  10:02          49,618         124  libxslt-extensions.html
 9-24-09  10:02          10,497         124  libxslt-extra.html
 9-24-09  10:02          14,030         124  libxslt-functions.html
 9-24-09  10:02          12,846         124  libxslt-imports.html
 9-24-09  10:02          11,261         124  libxslt-keys.html
 9-24-09  10:02           6,821         124  libxslt-lib.html
 9-24-09  10:02          15,621         124  libxslt-namespaces.html
 9-24-09  10:02           7,639         124  libxslt-numbersInternals.html
 9-24-09  10:02          16,706         124  libxslt-pattern.html
 9-24-09  10:02           8,731         124  libxslt-preproc.html
 9-24-09  10:02          20,151         124  libxslt-security.html
 9-24-09  10:02          20,895         124  libxslt-templates.html
 9-24-09  10:02          51,275         124  libxslt-transform.html
 9-24-09  10:02          21,792         124  libxslt-variables.html
 9-24-09  10:02           7,790         124  libxslt-xslt.html
 9-24-09  10:02           6,735         124  libxslt-xsltexports.html
 9-24-09  10:02         107,968         124  libxslt-xsltInternals.html
 9-24-09  10:02          10,553         124  libxslt-xsltlocale.html
 9-24-09  10:02          49,676         124  libxslt-xsltutils.html
 5-12-09   2:29             472         124  right.png
 5-12-09   2:29             406         124  up.png
        492,041 bytes in 27 files and 2 dirs    499,200 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\libxslt-1.1.26\tutorial\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-12-09   2:29          15,424         124  libxslttutorial.html
 5-12-09   2:29          10,746         124  libxslttutorial.xml
 5-12-09   2:29           2,543         124  libxslt_tutorial.c
         28,713 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    29,184 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\libxslt-1.1.26\tutorial2\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-12-09   2:29           4,340         124  libxslt_pipes.c
 5-12-09   2:29          35,364         124  libxslt_pipes.html
 5-12-09   2:29          28,194         124  libxslt_pipes.xml
         67,898 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    69,120 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\libxslt-1.1.26\*
      1,866,096 bytes in 108 files and 17 dirs    1,895,936 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\ncurses-5.7\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
11-02-08   2:05          22,626           0  ANNOUNCE
10-29-06   0:44           2,529           0  AUTHORS
11-02-08   0:56         416,617           0  NEWS
 4-23-06   1:19           9,870           0  README
10-11-08  22:22           9,619           0  TO-DO
        461,261 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    462,336 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\odin\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-16-13  16:56          81,074         124  ChangeLog
 2-16-13  16:56           3,048         124  LICENSE.TXT
 2-16-13  16:56           3,223         124  Logging.txt
 2-16-13  16:56           1,949         124  Odin.ini.txt
 2-16-13  16:56         105,745         124  odinuser.inf
 2-16-13  16:56          24,965         124  Readme.txt
 2-16-13  16:56           4,788         124  ReportingBugs.txt
 2-16-13  16:56           3,905         124  WGSS50.lic
        228,697 bytes in 8 files and 2 dirs    230,400 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\openssl-1.0.0r\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-03-15  14:15           1,639         124  c-indentation.el
 4-03-15  14:15         429,926         124  CHANGES
 4-03-15  14:15          46,472         124  FAQ
 4-03-15  14:15          14,650         124  INSTALL
 4-03-15  14:15           6,279         124  LICENSE
 4-03-15  14:15          28,549         124  NEWS
 4-03-15  14:15          46,645         124  openssl.txt
 4-03-15  14:15           2,063         124  openssl_button.gif
 4-03-15  14:15             239         124  openssl_button.html
 4-03-15  14:15           9,130         124  README
 4-03-15  14:15         283,130         124  ssleay.txt
        868,722 bytes in 11 files and 2 dirs    871,424 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\perl-5.16.1\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18           6,321         124  Artistic
 8-03-12  13:35          42,821         124  AUTHORS
 4-24-12  20:18           3,168         124  Changes
 4-24-12  20:18          12,632         124  Copying
 4-24-12  20:18           5,530         124  README
         70,472 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    71,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\popt-1.15\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-14-07  11:27             721           0  README
            721 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\popt-libs-1.15\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-14-07  11:27             721           0  README
            721 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\python-2.7.6\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-19-14  17:31          13,003         124  LICENSE
 3-19-14  17:31          55,208         124  README
         68,211 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    68,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\python-pycurl-\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  doc
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  examples
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  tests
 1-06-15  22:37          39,854         124  ChangeLog
 5-23-14  16:21          26,526         124  COPYING-LGPL
 5-23-14  16:21           1,189         124  COPYING-MIT
 7-11-14  18:12           7,064         124  README.rst
         74,633 bytes in 4 files and 5 dirs    76,800 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\python-pycurl-\doc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  docstrings
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  static
 6-24-14  21:56           4,880         124  callbacks.rst
 1-06-15  22:37           6,032         124
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 6-24-14  21:56             472         124  curlmultiobject.rst
 6-24-14  21:56             436         124  curlobject.rst
 6-24-14  21:56             229         124  curlshareobject.rst
 5-23-14  16:21           1,585         124  files.rst
 6-24-14  21:57           1,224         124  index.rst
 5-23-14  16:21              28         124  install.rst
 5-23-14  16:21             324         124  internals.rst
 6-17-14   1:08             671         124  pycurl.rst
 6-24-14  21:57           9,017         124  quickstart.rst
 5-23-14  16:21              34         124  release-notes.rst
 1-06-15  22:38           1,329         124  release-process.rst
 6-24-14  21:56           9,166         124  unicode.rst
         35,587 bytes in 15 files and 4 dirs    40,448 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\python-pycurl-\doc\docstrings\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-24-14  22:06             377         124  curl.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             318         124  curl_close.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             149         124  curl_errstr.rst
 6-24-14  22:06           1,310         124  curl_getinfo.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             397         124  curl_pause.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             219         124  curl_perform.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             275         124  curl_reset.rst
 6-24-14  22:06           4,040         124  curl_setopt.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             591         124  curl_unsetopt.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             126         124  multi.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             409         124  multi_add_handle.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             290         124  multi_close.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             898         124  multi_fdset.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             694         124  multi_info_read.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             200         124  multi_perform.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             434         124  multi_remove_handle.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             733         124  multi_select.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             147         124  multi_socket_action.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             123         124  multi_socket_all.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             184         124  pycurl_global_cleanup.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             320         124  pycurl_global_init.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             414         124  pycurl_module.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             655         124  pycurl_version_info.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             234         124  share.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             312         124  share_close.rst
 6-24-14  22:06             763         124  share_setopt.rst
         14,612 bytes in 26 files and 2 dirs    20,992 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\python-pycurl-\doc\static\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-23-14  16:21             318         124  favicon.ico
            318 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\python-pycurl-\doc\*
         50,517 bytes in 42 files and 8 dirs    61,952 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\python-pycurl-\examples\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  quickstart
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  tests
 5-23-14  16:21             438         124
 5-23-14  16:21           1,179         124
 5-23-14  16:21          21,757         124
 5-23-14  16:21           3,366         124
 5-23-14  16:21           2,612         124
 5-23-14  16:21           2,461         124
 7-18-14   0:05             981         124
 5-23-14  16:21           2,039         124
         34,833 bytes in 8 files and 4 dirs    37,376 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\python-pycurl-\examples\quickstart\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-24-14  21:57             250         124
 6-24-14  21:57             592         124
 6-24-14  21:57             596         124
 6-24-14  21:57             460         124
 6-24-14  21:57             416         124
 6-24-14  21:57           2,130         124
 6-24-14  21:57             513         124
 6-24-14  21:57             370         124
          5,327 bytes in 8 files and 2 dirs    7,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\python-pycurl-\examples\tests\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-06-14  15:12           1,791         124
 5-23-14  16:21           2,668         124
 5-23-14  16:21             749         124
          5,208 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\python-pycurl-\examples\*
         45,368 bytes in 19 files and 8 dirs    51,200 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\python-pycurl-\tests\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  certs
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  ext
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  fake-curl
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  fixtures
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  matrix
 5-23-14  16:21           3,169         124
 5-23-14  16:21           1,361         124
 7-11-14  17:26           2,307         124
 6-16-14  21:55             610         124
 5-23-14  16:21           1,609         124
 5-23-14  16:21           3,032         124
 6-06-14  15:12             523         124
 5-23-14  16:21           2,858         124
 5-23-14  16:21           1,546         124
 5-23-14  16:21           2,421         124
 5-23-14  16:21           2,074         124
 5-23-14  16:21           1,063         124
 5-23-14  16:21           1,556         124
 5-23-14  16:21           1,644         124
 6-06-14  15:12             387         124
 6-24-14  21:56           6,751         124
 6-06-14  19:59           9,388         124
 6-06-14  15:12           6,904         124
 6-06-14  15:12           1,059         124
 5-23-14  16:21             848         124
 5-23-14  16:21           3,824         124
 5-23-14  16:21           3,029         124
 6-16-14  21:55          12,255         124
 5-23-14  16:21           2,667         124
 7-18-14   0:08           5,317         124
 5-23-14  16:21           2,964         124
 5-23-14  16:21           2,620         124
 7-29-14  10:07           1,679         124
 5-23-14  16:21           4,473         124
 7-11-14  18:12           5,673         124
 5-23-14  16:21           4,382         124
 5-23-14  16:21             522         124
 5-23-14  16:21             441         124
 6-16-14  21:55           2,691         124
 5-23-14  16:21             791         124
 6-06-14  15:12           4,256         124
 6-06-14  15:12             847         124
 5-23-14  16:21           2,253         124
 5-23-14  16:21           1,798         124
 6-16-14  21:55           1,184         124
 5-23-14  16:21           1,149         124
10-16-14  21:25           3,647         124
 6-16-14  21:55           1,839         124
 5-23-14  16:21           1,338         124
 5-23-14  16:21           1,477         124
 5-23-14  16:21             794         124
 7-11-14  17:26           5,025         124
 5-23-14  16:21             514         124
 5-23-14  16:21             313         124
 5-23-14  16:21             294         124  vsftpd.conf
 5-23-14  16:21           1,178         124
 5-23-14  16:21           1,411         124
 7-11-14  18:12           2,789         124
 5-23-14  16:21           1,213         124
 5-23-14  16:21             293         124
        138,050 bytes in 55 files and 7 dirs    156,672 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\python-pycurl-\tests\certs\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-23-14  16:21             790         124  server.crt
 5-23-14  16:21             887         124  server.key
          1,677 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\python-pycurl-\tests\ext\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-23-14  16:21           2,023         124
 5-23-14  16:21             752         124
          2,775 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\python-pycurl-\tests\fake-curl\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-23-14  16:21             241         124  curl-config-empty
 5-23-14  16:21             244         124  curl-config-libs-and-static-libs
 5-23-14  16:21             249         124  curl-config-ssl-feature-only
 5-23-14  16:21             190         124  curl-config-ssl-in-libs
 5-23-14  16:21             225         124  curl-config-ssl-in-static-libs
          1,149 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\python-pycurl-\tests\fixtures\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-11-14  18:12               7         124  form_submission.txt
              7 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\python-pycurl-\tests\matrix\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-06-14  19:59           1,407         124  curl-7.19.0-sslv2-2b0e09b0f98.patch
 6-06-14  19:59             900         124  curl-7.19.0-sslv2-c66b0b32fba-modified.patch
 5-23-14  16:21           2,089         124  python25.patch
 5-23-14  16:21             671         124  python30.patch
          5,067 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\python-pycurl-\tests\*
        148,725 bytes in 69 files and 17 dirs    171,008 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\python-pycurl-\*
        319,243 bytes in 134 files and 38 dirs    360,960 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\qt4\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-16-11  10:09           2,066         124  changes-4.7.3
 3-22-13  11:47          38,322         124  CHANGES.OS2
 2-11-10  17:19           1,187         124  LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt
 5-04-11  23:36          22,961         124  LICENSE.FDL
 2-11-10  17:19          36,941         124  LICENSE.GPL3
 5-21-09  12:28          26,940         124  LICENSE.LGPL
 5-16-11  10:09           3,518         124  README
 3-07-13  16:16          31,467         124  README.OS2
        163,402 bytes in 8 files and 2 dirs    165,376 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\qtcreator\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-11   9:29           1,186         124  LGPL_EXCEPTION.TXT
 8-25-11   9:29          26,434         124  LICENSE.LGPL
 8-25-11   9:29          13,515         124  README
         41,135 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    41,984 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\readline-6.1\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
12-18-09  19:45          48,813           0  CHANGES
 8-12-08  16:00          35,147           0  COPYING
11-17-09  17:42           1,640           0  NEWS
10-22-09  16:06           7,680           0  README
 7-23-99  17:09           2,025           0  USAGE
         95,305 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    96,256 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\rpm-4.8.1\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-03-10   9:21           6,675         124  builddependencies
 9-03-10   9:21           3,876         124  buildroot
 9-03-10   9:21         497,276         124  ChangeLog.bz2
 9-03-10   9:21           4,048         124  conditionalbuilds
 9-03-10   9:21          45,048         124  COPYING
 9-03-10   9:21             678         124  CREDITS
 9-03-10   9:21          14,033         124  dependencies
 9-03-10   9:21          10,697         124  format
 9-03-10   9:21             685         124  GROUPS
 9-03-10   9:21           3,057         124  hregions
 9-03-10   9:21           9,175         124  macros
 9-03-10   9:21           1,913         124  multiplebuilds
 9-03-10   9:21           6,444         124  queryformat
 9-03-10   9:21           2,086         124  relocatable
 9-03-10   9:21           2,719         124  signatures
 9-03-10   9:21           8,114         124  spec
 9-03-10   9:21           5,839         124  triggers
 9-03-10   9:21           5,619         124  tsort
        627,982 bytes in 18 files and 2 dirs    631,808 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\sqlite-3.7.2\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-23-10  16:22           1,732           0  README
          1,732 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\tcl-8.5.9\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-08-10  20:38         320,117           0  changes
 8-04-10  22:37           2,257           0  license.terms
 8-04-10  20:02           6,379           0  README
        328,753 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    329,728 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\urlgrabber-3.1.0\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\urlgrabber-3.10.1\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-09-13   8:20           9,418         124  ChangeLog
 4-30-13   4:43          24,389         124  LICENSE
 8-26-13   9:51             995         124  README
 4-30-13   4:43           2,084         124  TODO
         36,886 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    37,888 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\yum-3.4.3\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-03-10   9:21             584         124  AUTHORS
 2-03-15   3:39         537,101         124  ChangeLog
 9-03-10   9:21          18,315         124  COPYING
 9-03-10   9:21             156         124  INSTALL
 9-03-10   9:21           1,113         124  README
 9-03-10   9:21              46         124  TODO
        557,315 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    559,616 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\yum-metadata-parser-1.1.4\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-27-08  16:29              96         124  AUTHORS
 1-07-10  15:58           2,934         124  ChangeLog
 8-27-08  16:29             658         124  README
          3,688 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\zlib-1.2.5\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-20-10   0:12           5,200         124  README
          5,200 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\doc\*
     12,023,052 bytes in 943 files and 266 dirs    12,302,848 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\file\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10               8         148  magic
              8 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\git-core\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  contrib
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  templates
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\git-core\contrib\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  completion
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  hooks
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\git-core\contrib\completion\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-08-14  16:02           4,926         124  git-completion.tcsh
 9-08-14  16:02          15,888         124
         20,814 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    21,504 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\git-core\contrib\hooks\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  multimail
 9-08-14  16:02          22,070         124  post-receive-email
 9-08-14  16:02           1,259         124  pre-auto-gc-battery
 9-08-14  16:02           6,920         124  setgitperms.perl
 9-12-11  12:17          11,647         124  update-paranoid
         41,896 bytes in 4 files and 3 dirs    43,520 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\git-core\contrib\hooks\multimail\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-20-14  15:48             886         124  CHANGES
 6-20-14  15:48          89,621         124
 6-20-14  14:45           8,087         124  migrate-mailhook-config
 6-20-14  15:48           3,047         124  post-receive
 6-20-14  15:48          21,172         124  README
 6-20-14  15:48             577         124  README.Git
 6-20-14  14:45           6,241         124  README.migrate-from-post-receive-email
        129,631 bytes in 7 files and 2 dirs    131,584 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\git-core\contrib\hooks\*
        171,527 bytes in 11 files and 5 dirs    175,104 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\git-core\contrib\*
        192,341 bytes in 13 files and 11 dirs    197,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\git-core\templates\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-10-14  11:39         <DIR>           124  branches
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  hooks
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  info
 9-10-14  11:39              74         124  description
             74 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\git-core\templates\branches\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\git-core\templates\hooks\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-10-14  11:39             462         124  applypatch-msg.sample
 9-10-14  11:39             915         124  commit-msg.sample
 9-10-14  11:39             192         124  post-update.sample
 9-10-14  11:39             407         124  pre-applypatch.sample
 9-10-14  11:39           1,686         124  pre-commit.sample
 9-10-14  11:39           1,401         124  pre-push.sample
 9-10-14  11:39           5,106         124  pre-rebase.sample
 9-10-14  11:39           1,252         124  prepare-commit-msg.sample
 9-10-14  11:39           3,734         124  update.sample
         15,155 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    16,896 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\git-core\templates\info\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-10-14  11:39             246         124  exclude
            246 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\git-core\templates\*
         15,475 bytes in 11 files and 11 dirs    19,456 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\git-core\*
        207,816 bytes in 24 files and 26 dirs    218,112 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\info\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         774,601         124
12-03-12  18:31          20,703           0
 1-17-12  16:27          60,968           0
 1-17-12  16:27          78,321           0
        934,593 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    935,424 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         <DIR>            21  af
 3-15-14   9:17         <DIR>            21  be
 3-15-14   9:17         <DIR>            21  bg
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  bn_IN
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  ca
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  cs
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  da
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  de
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  el
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  en_GB
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  eo
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  es
 3-15-14   9:17         <DIR>            21  et
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  eu
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  fi
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  fr
 3-15-14   9:17         <DIR>            21  ga
 3-15-14   9:17         <DIR>            21  gl
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  gu
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  hi
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  hu
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  id
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  id_ID
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  is
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  it
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  ja
 3-15-14   9:17         <DIR>            21  ko
 3-15-14   9:17         <DIR>            21  lg
 3-15-14   9:17         <DIR>            21  lt
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  lt_LT
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  mr
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  ms
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  nb
 3-15-14   9:17         <DIR>            21  nl
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  pa
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  pl
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  pt
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  pt_BR
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  pt_PT
 3-15-14   9:17         <DIR>            21  ro
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  ru
 3-15-14   9:17         <DIR>            21  sk
 3-15-14   9:17         <DIR>            21  sl
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  sr
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  sr@latin
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  sv
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  th
 3-15-14   9:17         <DIR>            21  tr
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  uk
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  ur
 3-15-14   9:17         <DIR>            21  vi
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  wa
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  zh_CN
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>            21  zh_TW
              0 bytes in 0 files and 56 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\af\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\af\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17          34,763         124
         34,763 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    34,816 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\af\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\af\*
         34,790 bytes in 2 files and 8 dirs    36,352 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\be\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\be\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17          79,006         124
         79,006 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    79,360 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\be\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\be\*
         79,033 bytes in 2 files and 8 dirs    80,896 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\bg\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\bg\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         222,013         124
 9-10-14  11:37         199,458         124
        421,471 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    421,888 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\bg\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\bg\*
        421,498 bytes in 3 files and 8 dirs    423,424 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\bn_IN\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\bn_IN\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-10-15   5:49             495         124
            495 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\bn_IN\*
            495 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ca\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ca\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         342,719         124
 2-10-15   5:49          41,319         124
        384,038 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    384,512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ca\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ca\*
        384,065 bytes in 3 files and 8 dirs    386,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\cs\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\cs\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         328,884         124
 8-26-11  17:41           2,184           0
 2-10-15   5:49          51,928         124
        382,996 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    384,000 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\cs\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\cs\*
        383,023 bytes in 4 files and 8 dirs    385,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\da\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\da\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         292,804         124
 3-10-10  14:06           3,508           0
 8-26-11  17:41           2,143           0
 2-10-15   5:49          50,981         124
        349,436 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    350,208 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\da\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\da\*
        349,463 bytes in 5 files and 8 dirs    351,744 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\de\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\de\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         270,252         124
 3-10-10  14:06           8,057           0
 9-10-14  11:37         249,301         124
 8-26-11  17:41           1,966           0
 2-10-15   5:49          49,327         124
        578,903 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    579,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\de\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\de\*
        578,930 bytes in 6 files and 8 dirs    581,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\el\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\el\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17          29,555         124
 2-10-15   5:49             906         124
         30,461 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    30,720 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\el\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\el\*
         30,488 bytes in 3 files and 8 dirs    32,256 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\en_GB\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\en_GB\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-10-15   5:49          54,298         124
         54,298 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    54,784 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\en_GB\*
         54,298 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    55,296 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\eo\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\eo\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-26-11  17:41           2,175           0
          2,175 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\eo\*
          2,175 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\es\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\es\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         110,306         124
 3-10-10  14:06          13,554           0
 8-26-11  17:41           1,537           0
 2-10-15   5:49          60,163         124
        185,560 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    186,880 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\es\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\es\*
        185,587 bytes in 5 files and 8 dirs    188,416 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\et\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\et\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         288,627         124
        288,627 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    288,768 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\et\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\et\*
        288,654 bytes in 2 files and 8 dirs    290,304 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\eu\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\eu\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17          32,899         124
 2-10-15   5:49          57,923         124
         90,822 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    91,648 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\eu\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\eu\*
         90,849 bytes in 3 files and 8 dirs    93,184 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\fi\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\fi\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         167,072         124
 3-10-10  14:06          31,814           0
 8-26-11  17:41           2,426           0
 2-10-15   5:49          52,671         124
        253,983 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    254,976 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\fi\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\fi\*
        254,010 bytes in 5 files and 8 dirs    256,512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\fr\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\fr\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         318,077         124
 3-10-10  14:06          32,250           0
 9-10-14  11:37         249,373         124
 8-26-11  17:41           1,868           0
 2-10-15   5:49          60,959         124
        662,527 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    664,064 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\fr\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\fr\*
        662,554 bytes in 6 files and 8 dirs    665,600 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ga\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ga\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         216,400         124
 3-10-10  14:06          20,010           0
 8-26-11  17:41           2,267           0
        238,677 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    239,616 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ga\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ga\*
        238,704 bytes in 4 files and 8 dirs    241,152 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\gl\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\gl\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17          42,780         124
 3-10-10  14:06           3,861           0
 8-26-11  17:41           1,567           0
         48,208 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    49,152 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\gl\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\gl\*
         48,235 bytes in 4 files and 8 dirs    50,688 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\gu\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\gu\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-10-15   5:49          25,913         124
         25,913 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    26,112 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\gu\*
         25,913 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    26,624 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\hi\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\hi\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-10-15   5:49             479         124
            479 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\hi\*
            479 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\hu\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\hu\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         321,904         124
 3-10-10  14:06           3,698           0
 8-26-11  17:41           2,140           0
 2-10-15   5:49          55,567         124
        383,309 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    384,512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\hu\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\hu\*
        383,336 bytes in 5 files and 8 dirs    386,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\id\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\id\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         287,503         124
 3-10-10  14:06          30,879           0
 8-26-11  17:41           2,178           0
 2-10-15   5:49             477         124
        321,037 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    322,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\id\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\id\*
        321,064 bytes in 5 files and 8 dirs    323,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\id_ID\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\id_ID\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-10-15   5:49          17,059         124
         17,059 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    17,408 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\id_ID\*
         17,059 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    17,920 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\is\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>             0  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\is\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-10-14  11:37           1,734         124
 8-26-11  17:41           1,740           0
          3,474 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    4,096 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\is\*
          3,474 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\it\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\it\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         302,955         124
 9-10-14  11:37          71,710         124
 8-26-11  17:41           2,300           0
 2-10-15   5:49          52,139         124
        429,104 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    430,080 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\it\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\it\*
        429,131 bytes in 5 files and 8 dirs    431,616 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ja\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ja\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         340,717         124
 8-26-11  17:41           2,110           0
 2-10-15   5:49          55,821         124
        398,648 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    399,872 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ja\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ja\*
        398,675 bytes in 4 files and 8 dirs    401,408 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ko\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ko\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17          38,316         124
 3-10-10  14:06           4,370           0
 8-26-11  17:41           1,857           0
         44,543 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    45,056 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ko\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ko\*
         44,570 bytes in 4 files and 8 dirs    46,592 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\lg\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\lg\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         401,930         124
        401,930 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    402,432 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\lg\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\lg\*
        401,957 bytes in 2 files and 8 dirs    403,968 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\lt\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\lt\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17          37,952         124
         37,952 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    38,400 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\lt\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\lt\*
         37,979 bytes in 2 files and 8 dirs    39,936 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\lt_LT\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\lt_LT\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-10-15   5:49          56,840         124
         56,840 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    57,344 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\lt_LT\*
         56,840 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    57,856 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\mr\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\mr\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-10-15   5:49             481         124
            481 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\mr\*
            481 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ms\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ms\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17          26,705         124
 2-10-15   5:49           2,151         124
         28,856 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    29,696 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ms\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ms\*
         28,883 bytes in 3 files and 8 dirs    31,232 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\nb\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\nb\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17          29,214         124
 8-26-11  17:41           1,744           0
 2-10-15   5:49          37,892         124
         68,850 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    70,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\nb\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\nb\*
         68,877 bytes in 4 files and 8 dirs    71,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\nl\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\nl\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         320,388         124
 3-10-10  14:06          27,592           0
 8-26-11  17:41           2,204           0
        350,184 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    350,720 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\nl\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\nl\*
        350,211 bytes in 4 files and 8 dirs    352,256 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\pa\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\pa\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-10-15   5:49          56,417         124
         56,417 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    56,832 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\pa\*
         56,417 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    57,344 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\pl\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\pl\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         308,877         124
 3-10-10  14:06          31,125           0
 8-26-11  17:41           2,116           0
 2-10-15   5:49          60,352         124
        402,470 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    403,456 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\pl\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\pl\*
        402,497 bytes in 5 files and 8 dirs    404,992 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\pt\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\pt\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         207,310         124
 8-26-11  17:41           1,816           0
 2-10-15   5:49           1,387         124
        210,513 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    210,944 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\pt\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\pt\*
        210,540 bytes in 4 files and 8 dirs    212,480 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\pt_BR\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\pt_BR\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         219,137         124
 3-10-10  14:06           3,693           0
 2-10-15   5:49          52,424         124
        275,254 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    276,480 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\pt_BR\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\pt_BR\*
        275,281 bytes in 4 files and 8 dirs    278,016 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\pt_PT\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\pt_PT\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-10-14  11:37          23,297         124
         23,297 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    23,552 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\pt_PT\*
         23,297 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    24,064 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ro\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ro\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17          61,144         124
 3-10-10  14:06           3,800           0
 8-26-11  17:41           1,082           0
         66,026 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    67,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ro\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ro\*
         66,053 bytes in 4 files and 8 dirs    68,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ru\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ru\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         417,517         124
 3-10-10  14:06          35,126           0
 8-26-11  17:41           2,853           0
 2-10-15   5:49          71,443         124
        526,939 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    527,872 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ru\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ru\*
        526,966 bytes in 5 files and 8 dirs    529,408 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\sk\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\sk\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17          93,680         124
 8-26-11  17:41             553           0
         94,233 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    94,720 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\sk\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\sk\*
         94,260 bytes in 3 files and 8 dirs    96,256 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\sl\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\sl\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         287,983         124
 8-26-11  17:41             557           0
        288,540 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    289,280 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\sl\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\sl\*
        288,567 bytes in 3 files and 8 dirs    290,816 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\sr\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\sr\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-10-15   5:49          46,595         124
         46,595 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    47,104 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\sr\*
         46,595 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    47,616 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\sr@latin\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\sr@latin\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-10-15   5:49          36,715         124
         36,715 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    36,864 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\sr@latin\*
         36,715 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    37,376 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\sv\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\sv\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         294,452         124
 3-10-10  14:06          27,193           0
 9-10-14  11:37         235,068         124
 8-26-11  17:41           2,142           0
 2-10-15   5:49          56,738         124
        615,593 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    617,472 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\sv\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\sv\*
        615,620 bytes in 6 files and 8 dirs    619,008 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\th\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\th\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-26-11  17:41           3,162           0
          3,162 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\th\*
          3,162 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    4,096 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\tr\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\tr\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         134,709         124
 3-10-10  14:06          18,802           0
 8-26-11  17:41           1,541           0
        155,052 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    156,160 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\tr\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\tr\*
        155,079 bytes in 4 files and 8 dirs    157,696 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\uk\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\uk\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         280,949         124
 3-10-10  14:07          41,085           0
 8-26-11  17:41             547           0
 2-10-15   5:49          74,909         124
        397,490 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    398,848 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\uk\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\uk\*
        397,517 bytes in 5 files and 8 dirs    400,384 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ur\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>           124  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ur\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-10-15   5:49             478         124
            478 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\ur\*
            478 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\vi\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\vi\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         331,557         124
 3-10-10  14:06          34,142           0
 9-10-14  11:37         272,862         124
 8-26-11  17:41           2,507           0
        641,068 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    641,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\vi\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\vi\*
        641,095 bytes in 5 files and 8 dirs    643,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\wa\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\wa\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-26-11  17:41             560           0
            560 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\wa\*
            560 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\zh_CN\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\zh_CN\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17         277,659         124
 3-10-10  14:06          16,784           0
 9-10-14  11:37         223,961         124
 8-26-11  17:41           2,065           0
 2-10-15   5:49          47,648         124
        568,117 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    569,856 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\zh_CN\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\zh_CN\*
        568,144 bytes in 6 files and 8 dirs    571,392 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\zh_TW\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_MESSAGES
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>            21  LC_TIME
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\zh_TW\LC_MESSAGES\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-15-14   9:17          71,532         124
 3-10-10  14:06          15,391           0
 8-26-11  17:41           1,700           0
 2-10-15   5:49             489         124
         89,112 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    90,112 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\zh_TW\LC_TIME\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10              27         167
             27 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\zh_TW\*
         89,139 bytes in 5 files and 8 dirs    91,648 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\locale\*
     11,153,762 bytes in 171 files and 440 dirs    11,284,480 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  fr
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  ja
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  ko
 9-23-15  17:41         <DIR>             0  man1
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>             0  man3
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>             0  man5
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>             0  man7
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>             0  man8
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  mann
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  pl
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  ru
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  sk
              0 bytes in 0 files and 14 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\fr\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>             0  man8
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\fr\man8\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-25-15  16:15          31,622         124  rpm.8
         31,622 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    31,744 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\fr\*
         31,622 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    32,256 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\ja\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>             0  man8
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\ja\man8\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-25-15  16:15          37,472         124  rpm.8
 2-25-15  16:15           1,652         124  rpm2cpio.8
 2-25-15  16:15          10,336         124  rpmbuild.8
 2-25-15  16:15           3,055         124  rpmgraph.8
         52,515 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    53,760 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\ja\*
         52,515 bytes in 4 files and 5 dirs    54,272 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\ko\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>             0  man8
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\ko\man8\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-25-15  16:15          14,297         124  rpm.8
 2-25-15  16:15             809         124  rpm2cpio.8
         15,106 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    15,360 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\ko\*
         15,106 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    15,872 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\man1\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
11-19-05   5:42          59,447         124  ash.1
 4-03-15  15:16          10,746         124  asn1parse.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:16          31,847         124  ca.1ssl
 1-17-12  16:15           6,867           0  captoinfo.1m
 4-03-15  15:16          23,577         124  ciphers.1ssl
12-19-11  13:02          12,124         124  cjpeg.1
 1-17-12  16:15           2,848           0  clear.1
 4-03-15  15:16          29,268         124  cms.1ssl
11-02-11  17:27          15,362           0  cpio.1
 4-03-15  15:16           7,728         124  crl.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:16           7,457         124  crl2pkcs7.1ssl
 8-22-14   9:17          95,738         124  curl.1
 4-03-15  15:16           9,739         124  dgst.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:16           9,301         124  dhparam.1ssl
12-19-11  13:02           7,582         124  djpeg.1
 4-03-15  15:16           9,961         124  dsa.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:16           7,931         124  dsaparam.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:16          11,106         124  ec.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:16          10,402         124  ecparam.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:16          15,909         124  enc.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:16           5,136         124  errstr.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:16           6,598         124  gendsa.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:16          11,402         124  genpkey.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:16           7,797         124  genrsa.1ssl
 1-17-12  16:17          17,878           0  infocmp.1m
 1-17-12  16:17           3,695           0  infotocap.1m
12-19-11  13:02           9,243         124  jpegtran.1
 9-23-15  17:10               9         149  md2.1ssl
 9-23-15  17:10               9         149  md4.1ssl
 9-23-15  17:10               9         149  md5.1ssl
 9-23-15  17:10               9         149  mdc2.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:16           6,377         124  nseq.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:16          20,190         124  ocsp.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:17          17,025         124  openssl.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:17           6,563         124  passwd.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:17           7,295         124  pkcs7.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:17          14,421         124  pkcs8.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:17          18,794         124  pkcs12.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:17           8,503         124  pkey.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:17           6,188         124  pkeyparam.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:17          11,578         124  pkeyutl.1ssl
 9-23-15  17:10               9         149  python.1
 9-23-15  17:10              11         151  python2.1
 2-26-15  12:24          15,055         124  python2.7.1
 4-03-15  15:17           5,747         124  rand.1ssl
12-19-11  13:02           1,699         124  rdjpgcom.1
 4-03-15  15:17          31,132         124  req.1ssl
12-07-12  18:52               6           0  reset.1
 9-23-15  17:10               9         149  ripemd160.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:17          11,752         124  rsa.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:17          10,513         124  rsautl.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:17           9,124         124  sess_id.1ssl
 9-23-15  17:10              35         175  sh.1
 9-23-15  17:10               9         149  sha.1ssl
 9-23-15  17:10               9         149  sha1.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:17          21,948         124  smime.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:17           5,520         124  speed.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:17           8,591         124  spkac.1ssl
 1-16-12  15:37           6,786           0  sqlite3.1
 4-03-15  15:17          17,465         124  s_client.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:17          18,697         124  s_server.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:17          11,298         124  s_time.1ssl
 8-27-11  13:39          12,243           0  tclsh.1
 1-17-12  16:17          12,828           0  tic.1m
 1-17-12  16:17           4,514           0  toe.1m
 1-17-12  16:17          12,306           0  tput.1
 4-03-15  15:17          28,868         124  ts.1ssl
 1-17-12  16:17          13,271           0  tset.1
 4-03-15  15:17          11,678         124  tsget.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:17          24,043         124  verify.1ssl
 4-03-15  15:17           5,518         124  version.1ssl
12-19-11  13:02           2,627         124  wrjpgcom.1
 4-03-15  15:17          38,080         124  x509.1ssl
 4-07-14  18:45           6,103         124  xmlcatalog.1
 4-07-14  18:45          10,772         124  xmllint.1
 9-08-14  11:42           7,895         124  xmlwf.1
 4-07-14  12:50           8,256         124  xsltproc.1
        938,076 bytes in 77 files and 2 dirs    962,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\man3\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
12-07-12  18:52              81           0  attemptckalloc.3
12-07-12  18:52              81           0  attemptckrealloc.3
12-07-12  18:52              81           0  ckalloc.3
12-07-12  18:52              81           0  ckfree.3
12-07-12  18:52              81           0  ckrealloc.3
 4-07-14  18:45           1,630         124  libxml.3
 8-27-11  13:39           9,073           0  Tcl_Access.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_AddErrorInfo.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_AddObjErrorInfo.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_AlertNotifier.3
 8-27-11  13:39           9,350           0  Tcl_Alloc.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_AllocStatBuf.3
 8-27-11  13:39           7,862           0  Tcl_AllowExceptions.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_AppendAllObjTypes.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_AppendElement.3
 8-27-11  13:40          12,673           0  Tcl_AppendExportList.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_AppendFormatToObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_AppendLimitedToObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_AppendObjToErrorInfo.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_AppendObjToObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_AppendPrintfToObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_AppendResult.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_AppendResultVA.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_AppendStringsToObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_AppendStringsToObjVA.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_AppendToObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_AppendUnicodeToObj.3
 8-27-11  13:39           9,036           0  Tcl_AppInit.3
 8-27-11  13:39          13,083           0  Tcl_AsyncCreate.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_AsyncDelete.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_AsyncInvoke.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_AsyncMark.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_AsyncReady.3
12-07-12  18:52              81           0  Tcl_AttemptAlloc.3
12-07-12  18:52              81           0  Tcl_AttemptRealloc.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_AttemptSetObjLength.3
 8-27-11  13:39           8,774           0  Tcl_BackgroundError.3
 8-27-11  13:39           7,703           0  Tcl_Backslash.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_BadChannelOption.3
 8-27-11  13:39           8,428           0  Tcl_CallWhenDeleted.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_CancelIdleCall.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_ChannelBlockModeProc.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_ChannelBuffered.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_ChannelClose2Proc.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_ChannelCloseProc.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_ChannelFlushProc.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_ChannelGetHandleProc.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_ChannelGetOptionProc.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_ChannelHandlerProc.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_ChannelInputProc.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_ChannelName.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_ChannelOutputProc.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_ChannelSeekProc.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_ChannelSetOptionProc.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_ChannelThreadActionProc.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_ChannelTruncateProc.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_ChannelVersion.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_ChannelWatchProc.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_ChannelWideSeekProc.3
12-07-12  18:52              82           0  Tcl_Chdir.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_ClearChannelHandlers.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_Close.3
 8-27-11  13:39           7,211           0  Tcl_CommandComplete.3
 8-27-11  13:40          13,617           0  Tcl_CommandTraceInfo.3
 8-27-11  13:39           7,998           0  Tcl_Concat.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_ConcatObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_ConditionFinalize.3
 8-27-11  13:40          14,982           0  Tcl_ConditionNotify.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_ConditionWait.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_ConvertCountedElement.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_ConvertElement.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_ConvertToType.3
12-07-12  18:52              82           0  Tcl_CreateAlias.3
12-07-12  18:52              82           0  Tcl_CreateAliasObj.3
 8-27-11  13:39          46,500           0  Tcl_CreateChannel.3
 8-27-11  13:39          10,030           0  Tcl_CreateChannelHandler.3
 8-27-11  13:39           8,049           0  Tcl_CreateCloseHandler.3
 8-27-11  13:39          12,779           0  Tcl_CreateCommand.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_CreateEncoding.3
 8-27-11  13:39          14,629           0  Tcl_CreateEnsemble.3
 8-27-11  13:40          36,511           0  Tcl_CreateEventSource.3
12-07-12  18:52              80           0  Tcl_CreateExitHandler.3
 8-27-11  13:39           9,823           0  Tcl_CreateFileHandler.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_CreateHashEntry.3
 8-27-11  13:39          12,272           0  Tcl_CreateInterp.3
 8-27-11  13:39          13,044           0  Tcl_CreateMathFunc.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_CreateNamespace.3
 8-27-11  13:39          19,661           0  Tcl_CreateObjCommand.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_CreateObjTrace.3
12-07-12  18:52              82           0  Tcl_CreateSlave.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_CreateThread.3
12-07-12  18:52              80           0  Tcl_CreateThreadExitHandler.3
 8-27-11  13:39           9,072           0  Tcl_CreateTimerHandler.3
 8-27-11  13:39          14,898           0  Tcl_CreateTrace.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_CutChannel.3
12-07-12  18:52              82           0  Tcl_DecrRefCount.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_DeleteAssocData.3
12-07-12  18:52              96           0  Tcl_DeleteChannelHandler.3
12-07-12  18:52              94           0  Tcl_DeleteCloseHandler.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_DeleteCommand.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_DeleteCommandFromToken.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_DeleteEvents.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_DeleteEventSource.3
12-07-12  18:52              80           0  Tcl_DeleteExitHandler.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_DeleteFileHandler.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_DeleteHashEntry.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_DeleteHashTable.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_DeleteInterp.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_DeleteNamespace.3
12-07-12  18:52              80           0  Tcl_DeleteThreadExitHandler.3
12-07-12  18:52              94           0  Tcl_DeleteTimerHandler.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_DeleteTrace.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_DetachChannel.3
 8-27-11  13:39           9,364           0  Tcl_DetachPids.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_DictObjDone.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_DictObjFirst.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_DictObjGet.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_DictObjNext.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_DictObjPut.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_DictObjPutKeyList.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_DictObjRemove.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_DictObjRemoveKeyList.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_DictObjSize.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_DiscardInterpState.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_DiscardResult.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_DontCallWhenDeleted.3
 8-27-11  13:39          10,453           0  Tcl_DoOneEvent.3
 8-27-11  13:39           9,614           0  Tcl_DoWhenIdle.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_DStringAppend.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_DStringAppendElement.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_DStringEndSublist.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_DStringFree.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_DStringGetResult.3
 8-27-11  13:39          12,436           0  Tcl_DStringInit.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_DStringLength.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_DStringResult.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_DStringSetLength.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_DStringStartSublist.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_DStringTrunc.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_DStringValue.3
 8-27-11  13:39           8,545           0  Tcl_DumpActiveMemory.3
12-07-12  18:52              82           0  Tcl_DuplicateObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_Eof.3
12-07-12  18:52              84           0  Tcl_ErrnoId.3
12-07-12  18:52              84           0  Tcl_ErrnoMsg.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_Eval.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_EvalEx.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_EvalFile.3
 8-27-11  13:40          15,180           0  Tcl_EvalObjEx.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_EvalObjv.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_EvalTokens.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_EvalTokensStandard.3
12-07-12  18:52              84           0  Tcl_EventuallyFree.3
 8-27-11  13:40          12,596           0  Tcl_Exit.3
12-07-12  18:52              80           0  Tcl_ExitThread.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_Export.3
12-07-12  18:52              82           0  Tcl_ExposeCommand.3
12-07-12  18:52              84           0  Tcl_ExprBoolean.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_ExprBooleanObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              84           0  Tcl_ExprDouble.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_ExprDoubleObj.3
 8-27-11  13:40          10,009           0  Tcl_ExprLong.3
 8-27-11  13:40          10,018           0  Tcl_ExprLongObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_ExprObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              84           0  Tcl_ExprString.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_ExternalToUtf.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_ExternalToUtfDString.3
12-07-12  18:52              80           0  Tcl_Finalize.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_FinalizeNotifier.3
12-07-12  18:52              80           0  Tcl_FinalizeThread.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_FindCommand.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_FindEnsemble.3
 8-27-11  13:40           8,210           0  Tcl_FindExecutable.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_FindHashEntry.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_FindNamespace.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_FirstHashEntry.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_Flush.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_ForgetImport.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_Format.3
12-07-12  18:52              81           0  Tcl_Free.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_FreeEncoding.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_FreeParse.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_FreeResult.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSAccess.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSChdir.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSConvertToPathType.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSCopyDirectory.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSCopyFile.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSCreateDirectory.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSData.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSDeleteFile.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSEqualPaths.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSEvalFile.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSEvalFileEx.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSFileAttrsGet.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSFileAttrsSet.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSFileAttrStrings.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSFileSystemInfo.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSGetCwd.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSGetFileSystemForPath.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSGetInternalRep.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSGetNativePath.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSGetNormalizedPath.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSGetPathType.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSGetTranslatedPath.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSGetTranslatedStringPath.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSJoinPath.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSJoinToPath.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSLink.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSListVolumes.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSLoadFile.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSLstat.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSMatchInDirectory.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSMountsChanged.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSNewNativePath.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSOpenFileChannel.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSPathSeparator.3
 8-27-11  13:40          73,157           0  Tcl_FSRegister.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSRemoveDirectory.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSRenameFile.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSSplitPath.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSStat.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSUnregister.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_FSUtime.3
12-07-12  18:52              82           0  Tcl_GetAlias.3
12-07-12  18:52              82           0  Tcl_GetAliasObj.3
 8-27-11  13:39           9,820           0  Tcl_GetAssocData.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_GetBignumFromObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              82           0  Tcl_GetBoolean.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_GetChannel.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_GetChannelBufferSize.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_GetChannelError.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_GetChannelErrorInterp.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_GetChannelHandle.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_GetChannelInstanceData.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_GetChannelMode.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_GetChannelName.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_GetChannelNames.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_GetChannelNamesEx.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_GetChannelOption.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_GetChannelThread.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_GetChannelType.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_GetCharLength.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_GetCommandFromObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_GetCommandFullName.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_GetCommandInfo.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_GetCommandInfoFromToken.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_GetCommandName.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_GetCurrentNamespace.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_GetCurrentThread.3
 8-27-11  13:40           7,979           0  Tcl_GetCwd.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_GetDefaultEncodingDir.3
12-07-12  18:52              82           0  Tcl_GetDouble.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj.3
 8-27-11  13:39          35,153           0  Tcl_GetEncoding.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_GetEncodingFromObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_GetEncodingName.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_GetEncodingNameFromEnvironment.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_GetEncodingNames.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_GetEncodingSearchPath.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_GetEnsembleFlags.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_GetEnsembleMappingDict.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_GetEnsembleNamespace.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_GetEnsembleSubcommandList.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_GetEnsembleUnknownHandler.3
12-07-12  18:52              84           0  Tcl_GetErrno.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_GetGlobalNamespace.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_GetHashKey.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_GetHashValue.3
 8-27-11  13:40           6,881           0  Tcl_GetHostName.3
 8-27-11  13:40          10,592           0  Tcl_GetIndexFromObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct.3
 8-27-11  13:40           9,415           0  Tcl_GetInt.3
12-07-12  18:52              82           0  Tcl_GetInterpPath.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_GetIntFromObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_GetLongFromObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              82           0  Tcl_GetMaster.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_GetMathFuncInfo.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_GetNameOfExecutable.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_GetNamespaceUnknownHandler.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_GetObjResult.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_GetObjType.3
 8-27-11  13:40           8,365           0  Tcl_GetOpenFile.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_GetPathType.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_GetRange.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_GetRegExpFromObj.3
 8-27-11  13:39          19,283           0  Tcl_GetReturnOptions.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_Gets.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_GetServiceMode.3
12-07-12  18:52              82           0  Tcl_GetSlave.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_GetsObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_GetStackedChannel.3
 8-27-11  13:40           9,888           0  Tcl_GetStdChannel.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_GetString.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_GetStringFromObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_GetStringResult.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_GetThreadData.3
 8-27-11  13:40          10,386           0  Tcl_GetTime.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_GetTopChannel.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_GetUniChar.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_GetUnicode.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_GetUnicodeFromObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_GetVar.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_GetVar2.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_GetVar2Ex.3
 8-27-11  13:40           7,888           0  Tcl_GetVersion.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_GetWideIntFromObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_GlobalEval.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_GlobalEvalObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_HashStats.3
12-07-12  18:52              82           0  Tcl_HideCommand.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_Import.3
12-07-12  18:52              82           0  Tcl_IncrRefCount.3
 8-27-11  13:40           6,956           0  Tcl_Init.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_InitCustomHashTable.3
 8-27-11  13:40          20,059           0  Tcl_InitHashTable.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_InitMemory.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_InitNotifier.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_InitObjHashTable.3
 8-27-11  13:40           9,766           0  Tcl_InitStubs.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_InputBlocked.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_InputBuffered.3
 8-27-11  13:40          12,130           0  Tcl_Interp.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_InterpDeleted.3
12-07-12  18:52              82           0  Tcl_InvalidateStringRep.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_IsChannelExisting.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_IsChannelRegistered.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_IsChannelShared.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_IsEnsemble.3
 8-27-11  13:39          16,621           0  Tcl_IsSafe.3
12-07-12  18:52              82           0  Tcl_IsShared.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_IsStandardChannel.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_JoinPath.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_JoinThread.3
 8-27-11  13:40          14,250           0  Tcl_LimitAddHandler.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_LimitCheck.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_LimitExceeded.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_LimitGetCommands.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_LimitGetGranularity.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_LimitGetTime.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_LimitReady.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_LimitRemoveHandler.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_LimitSetCommands.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_LimitSetGranularity.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_LimitSetTime.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_LimitTypeEnabled.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_LimitTypeExceeded.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_LimitTypeReset.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_LimitTypeSet.3
 8-27-11  13:40          14,684           0  Tcl_LinkVar.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_ListMathFuncs.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_ListObjAppendElement.3
 8-27-11  13:40          16,869           0  Tcl_ListObjAppendList.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_ListObjGetElements.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_ListObjIndex.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_ListObjLength.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_ListObjReplace.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_LogCommandInfo.3
 8-27-11  13:40          13,095           0  Tcl_Main.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_MakeFileChannel.3
12-07-12  18:52              82           0  Tcl_MakeSafe.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_MakeTcpClientChannel.3
 8-27-11  13:40          10,004           0  TCL_MEM_DEBUG.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_Merge.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_MutexFinalize.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_MutexLock.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_MutexUnlock.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_NewBignumObj.3
 8-27-11  13:39          10,031           0  Tcl_NewBooleanObj.3
 8-27-11  13:39          10,328           0  Tcl_NewByteArrayObj.3
 8-27-11  13:39          17,057           0  Tcl_NewDictObj.3
 8-27-11  13:39           8,925           0  Tcl_NewDoubleObj.3
 8-27-11  13:40          12,821           0  Tcl_NewIntObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_NewListObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_NewLongObj.3
 8-27-11  13:40          20,835           0  Tcl_NewObj.3
 8-27-11  13:40          23,230           0  Tcl_NewStringObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_NewUnicodeObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_NewWideIntObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_NextHashEntry.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_NotifyChannel.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_NumUtfChars.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_ObjGetVar2.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_ObjPrintf.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_ObjSetVar2.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_OpenCommandChannel.3
 8-27-11  13:40          38,179           0  Tcl_OpenFileChannel.3
 8-27-11  13:40          13,834           0  Tcl_OpenTcpClient.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_OpenTcpServer.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_OutputBuffered.3
 8-27-11  13:40           9,820           0  Tcl_Panic.3
12-07-12  18:52              81           0  Tcl_PanicVA.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_ParseBraces.3
 8-27-11  13:40          27,825           0  Tcl_ParseCommand.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_ParseExpr.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_ParseQuotedString.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_ParseVar.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_ParseVarName.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_PkgPresent.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_PkgPresentEx.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_PkgProvide.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_PkgProvideEx.3
 8-27-11  13:40           9,617           0  Tcl_PkgRequire.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_PkgRequireEx.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_PkgRequireProc.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_PosixError.3
 8-27-11  13:40          10,859           0  Tcl_Preserve.3
 8-27-11  13:40           8,185           0  Tcl_PrintDouble.3
 8-27-11  13:40           7,319           0  Tcl_PutEnv.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_QueryTimeProc.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_QueueEvent.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_Read.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_ReadChars.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_ReadRaw.3
12-07-12  18:52              81           0  Tcl_Realloc.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_ReapDetachedProcs.3
 8-27-11  13:40           8,324           0  Tcl_RecordAndEval.3
 8-27-11  13:40           8,194           0  Tcl_RecordAndEvalObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_RegExpCompile.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_RegExpExec.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_RegExpExecObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_RegExpGetInfo.3
 8-27-11  13:40          21,847           0  Tcl_RegExpMatch.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_RegExpMatchObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_RegExpRange.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_RegisterChannel.3
 8-27-11  13:40          10,632           0  Tcl_RegisterConfig.3
 8-27-11  13:40          16,776           0  Tcl_RegisterObjType.3
12-07-12  18:52              84           0  Tcl_Release.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_ResetResult.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_RestoreInterpState.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_RestoreResult.3
 8-27-11  13:40          11,672           0  Tcl_SaveInterpState.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_SaveResult.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_ScanCountedElement.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_ScanElement.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_Seek.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_ServiceAll.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_ServiceEvent.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_SetAssocData.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_SetBignumObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_SetBooleanObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_SetByteArrayLength.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_SetByteArrayObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_SetChannelBufferSize.3
 8-27-11  13:40          12,584           0  Tcl_SetChannelError.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_SetChannelErrorInterp.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_SetChannelOption.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_SetCommandInfo.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_SetCommandInfoFromToken.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_SetDefaultEncodingDir.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_SetDoubleObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_SetEncodingSearchPath.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_SetEnsembleFlags.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_SetEnsembleMappingDict.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_SetEnsembleSubcommandList.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_SetEnsembleUnknownHandler.3
 8-27-11  13:40           8,358           0  Tcl_SetErrno.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_SetErrorCode.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_SetErrorCodeVA.3
12-07-12  18:52              80           0  Tcl_SetExitProc.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_SetHashValue.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_SetIntObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_SetListObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_SetLongObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              80           0  Tcl_SetMainLoop.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_SetMaxBlockTime.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_SetNamespaceUnknownHandler.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_SetObjErrorCode.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_SetObjLength.3
 8-27-11  13:40          16,242           0  Tcl_SetObjResult.3
12-07-12  18:52              81           0  Tcl_SetPanicProc.3
 8-27-11  13:40           8,126           0  Tcl_SetRecursionLimit.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_SetResult.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_SetReturnOptions.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_SetServiceMode.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_SetStdChannel.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_SetStringObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_SetSystemEncoding.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_SetTimeProc.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_SetTimer.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_SetUnicodeObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_SetVar.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_SetVar2.3
 8-27-11  13:40          16,756           0  Tcl_SetVar2Ex.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_SetWideIntObj.3
 8-27-11  13:40           7,245           0  Tcl_SignalId.3
12-07-12  18:52              84           0  Tcl_SignalMsg.3
 8-27-11  13:40           7,304           0  Tcl_Sleep.3
 8-27-11  13:40           7,095           0  Tcl_SourceRCFile.3
12-07-12  18:52              89           0  Tcl_SpliceChannel.3
 8-27-11  13:40          14,031           0  Tcl_SplitList.3
 8-27-11  13:40           9,696           0  Tcl_SplitPath.3
 8-27-11  13:39          10,184           0  Tcl_StackChannel.3
 8-27-11  13:40          11,184           0  Tcl_StandardChannels.3
12-07-12  18:52              82           0  Tcl_Stat.3
 8-27-11  13:40           9,098           0  Tcl_StaticPackage.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_StringCaseMatch.3
 8-27-11  13:40           7,880           0  Tcl_StringMatch.3
 8-27-11  13:40           9,028           0  Tcl_SubstObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_TakeBignumFromObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_Tell.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_ThreadAlert.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_ThreadQueueEvent.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_TraceCommand.3
 8-27-11  13:40          23,419           0  Tcl_TraceVar.3
12-07-12  18:52              84           0  Tcl_TraceVar2.3
 8-27-11  13:40           9,152           0  Tcl_TranslateFileName.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_TruncateChannel.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_Ungets.3
 8-27-11  13:41          17,313           0  Tcl_UniChar.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_UniCharAtIndex.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_UniCharCaseMatch.3
 8-27-11  13:40           8,918           0  Tcl_UniCharIsAlnum.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_UniCharIsAlpha.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_UniCharIsControl.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_UniCharIsDigit.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_UniCharIsGraph.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_UniCharIsLower.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_UniCharIsPrint.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_UniCharIsPunct.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_UniCharIsSpace.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_UniCharIsUpper.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_UniCharIsWordChar.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_UniCharLen.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_UniCharNcasecmp.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_UniCharNcmp.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_UniCharToLower.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_UniCharToTitle.3
 8-27-11  13:40           9,281           0  Tcl_UniCharToUpper.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_UniCharToUtf.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_UniCharToUtfDString.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_UnlinkVar.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_UnregisterChannel.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_UnsetVar.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_UnsetVar2.3
12-07-12  18:52              88           0  Tcl_UnstackChannel.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_UntraceCommand.3
12-07-12  18:52              84           0  Tcl_UntraceVar.3
12-07-12  18:52              84           0  Tcl_UntraceVar2.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_UpdateLinkedVar.3
 8-27-11  13:41           9,156           0  Tcl_UpVar.3
12-07-12  18:52              81           0  Tcl_UpVar2.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_UtfAtIndex.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_UtfBackslash.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_UtfCharComplete.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_UtfFindFirst.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_UtfFindLast.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_UtfNext.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_UtfPrev.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_UtfToExternal.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_UtfToExternalDString.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_UtfToLower.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_UtfToTitle.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_UtfToUniChar.3
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  Tcl_UtfToUniCharDString.3
12-07-12  18:52              90           0  Tcl_UtfToUpper.3
12-07-12  18:52              92           0  Tcl_ValidateAllMemory.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_VarEval.3
12-07-12  18:52              85           0  Tcl_VarEvalVA.3
12-07-12  18:52              84           0  Tcl_VarTraceInfo.3
12-07-12  18:52              84           0  Tcl_VarTraceInfo2.3
12-07-12  18:52              93           0  Tcl_WaitForEvent.3
12-07-12  18:52              86           0  Tcl_WaitPid.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_WinTCharToUtf.3
12-07-12  18:52              87           0  Tcl_WinUtfToTChar.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_Write.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_WriteChars.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_WriteObj.3
12-07-12  18:52              91           0  Tcl_WriteRaw.3
 8-27-11  13:41           9,148           0  Tcl_WrongNumArgs.3
      1,377,275 bytes in 573 files and 2 dirs    1,602,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\man5\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-03-15  15:16          15,713         124  config.5ssl
 2-02-15  12:30          17,769         124  magic.5
 1-17-12  16:17          12,112           0  term.5
 1-17-12  16:17          95,519           0  terminfo.5
 4-03-15  15:17          23,612         124  x509v3_config.5ssl
 2-10-15   5:49          33,211         124  yum.conf.5
        197,936 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    199,168 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\man7\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-03-15  15:20          11,597         124  des_modes.7ssl
 1-17-12  16:17           9,830           0  term.7
         21,427 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    22,016 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\man8\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-25-15  16:15          28,318         124  rpm.8
 2-25-15  16:15             609         124  rpm2cpio.8
 2-10-15   5:49           2,078         124  yum-shell.8
 2-10-15   5:49          28,784         124  yum.8
         59,789 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    61,440 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\mann\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-27-11  13:41          11,866           0  after.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,519           0  append.n
 8-27-11  13:41           9,430           0  apply.n
 8-27-11  13:41          14,067           0  array.n
 8-27-11  13:41          20,328           0  auto_execok.n
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  auto_import.n
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  auto_load.n
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  auto_mkindex.n
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  auto_mkindex_old.n
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  auto_qualify.n
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  auto_reset.n
 8-27-11  13:41          10,313           0  bgerror.n
 8-27-11  13:41          38,607           0  binary.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,523           0  break.n
 8-27-11  13:41           8,824           0  case.n
 8-27-11  13:41          10,852           0  catch.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,378           0  cd.n
 8-27-11  13:41          41,525           0  chan.n
 8-27-11  13:41          46,753           0  clock.n
 8-27-11  13:41           9,140           0  close.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,840           0  concat.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,554           0  continue.n
 8-27-11  13:41          13,710           0  dde.n
 8-27-11  13:41          22,755           0  dict.n
 8-27-11  13:41          10,160           0  encoding.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,839           0  eof.n
 8-27-11  13:41           8,592           0  error.n
 8-27-11  13:41           8,998           0  eval.n
 8-27-11  13:41          23,449           0  exec.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,615           0  exit.n
 8-27-11  13:41          21,736           0  expr.n
 8-27-11  13:41           8,657           0  fblocked.n
 8-27-11  13:41          18,662           0  fconfigure.n
 8-27-11  13:41          12,049           0  fcopy.n
 8-27-11  13:41          27,651           0  file.n
 8-27-11  13:41          11,789           0  fileevent.n
 8-27-11  13:41          13,863           0  filename.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,811           0  flush.n
 8-27-11  13:41           9,143           0  for.n
 8-27-11  13:41           9,510           0  foreach.n
 8-27-11  13:41          16,501           0  format.n
 8-27-11  13:41           8,723           0  gets.n
 8-27-11  13:41          14,829           0  glob.n
 8-27-11  13:41           8,139           0  global.n
 8-27-11  13:41          10,499           0  history.n
 8-27-11  13:41          28,139           0  http.n
 8-27-11  13:41           8,634           0  if.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,918           0  incr.n
 8-27-11  13:41          21,238           0  info.n
 8-27-11  13:41          47,591           0  interp.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,414           0  join.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,771           0  lappend.n
 8-27-11  13:41           8,056           0  lassign.n
 8-27-11  13:41           9,162           0  lindex.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,976           0  linsert.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,826           0  list.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,556           0  llength.n
 8-27-11  13:41          13,202           0  load.n
 8-27-11  13:41           8,514           0  lrange.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,493           0  lrepeat.n
 8-27-11  13:41           9,135           0  lreplace.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,064           0  lreverse.n
 8-27-11  13:41          13,136           0  lsearch.n
 8-27-11  13:41          10,501           0  lset.n
 8-27-11  13:41          12,548           0  lsort.n
 8-27-11  13:41          15,847           0  mathfunc.n
 8-27-11  13:41          17,194           0  mathop.n
 8-27-11  13:41          10,883           0  memory.n
 8-27-11  13:41          18,180           0  msgcat.n
 8-27-11  13:41          41,768           0  namespace.n
 8-27-11  13:41          25,205           0  open.n
 8-27-11  13:41          19,861           0  package.n
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  parray.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,775           0  pid.n
 8-27-11  13:41          17,067           0  pkg_mkIndex.n
 8-27-11  13:41           9,008           0  platform.n
 8-27-11  13:41          10,361           0  proc.n
 8-27-11  13:41           9,715           0  puts.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,405           0  pwd.n
 8-27-11  13:41           9,803           0  read.n
 8-27-11  13:41          19,520           0  refchan.n
 8-27-11  13:41          13,279           0  regexp.n
 8-27-11  13:41          13,861           0  registry.n
 8-27-11  13:41          12,272           0  regsub.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,688           0  rename.n
 8-27-11  13:41          18,730           0  return.n
 8-27-11  13:41          33,840           0  re_syntax.n
 8-27-11  13:41          22,101           0  SafeBase.n
 8-27-11  13:41          17,455           0  scan.n
 8-27-11  13:41           9,079           0  seek.n
 8-27-11  13:41           8,748           0  set.n
 8-27-11  13:41          13,843           0  socket.n
 8-27-11  13:41           8,416           0  source.n
 8-27-11  13:41           8,898           0  split.n
 8-27-11  13:41          22,797           0  string.n
 8-27-11  13:41          10,958           0  subst.n
 8-27-11  13:41          12,989           0  switch.n
 8-27-11  13:41          15,360           0  Tcl.n
 8-27-11  13:41          52,491           0  tcltest.n
 8-27-11  13:41          23,631           0  tclvars.n
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  tcl_endOfWord.n
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  tcl_findLibrary.n
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  tcl_startOfNextWord.n
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  tcl_startOfPreviousWord.n
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  tcl_wordBreakAfter.n
12-07-12  18:52              83           0  tcl_wordBreakBefore.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,838           0  tell.n
 8-27-11  13:41           7,335           0  time.n
 8-27-11  13:41          17,071           0  tm.n
 8-27-11  13:41          24,616           0  trace.n
 8-27-11  13:41          10,421           0  unknown.n
 8-27-11  13:41          13,628           0  unload.n
 8-27-11  13:41           8,393           0  unset.n
 8-27-11  13:41           8,581           0  update.n
 8-27-11  13:41          10,257           0  uplevel.n
 8-27-11  13:41          10,988           0  upvar.n
 8-27-11  13:41           9,385           0  variable.n
 8-27-11  13:41           8,705           0  vwait.n
 8-27-11  13:41           8,476           0  while.n
      1,525,874 bytes in 119 files and 2 dirs    1,559,552 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\pl\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>             0  man1
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>             0  man8
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\pl\man1\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-25-15  16:15           1,825         124  gendiff.1
          1,825 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\pl\man8\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-25-15  16:15          30,297         124  rpm.8
 2-25-15  16:15             703         124  rpm2cpio.8
 2-25-15  16:15           7,714         124  rpmbuild.8
 2-25-15  16:15             694         124  rpmdeps.8
 2-25-15  16:15           1,554         124  rpmgraph.8
         40,962 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    43,008 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\pl\*
         42,787 bytes in 6 files and 8 dirs    46,080 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\ru\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>             0  man8
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\ru\man8\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-25-15  16:15          44,289         124  rpm.8
 2-25-15  16:15             922         124  rpm2cpio.8
         45,211 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    45,568 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\ru\*
         45,211 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    46,080 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\sk\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10         <DIR>             0  man8
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\sk\man8\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-25-15  16:15          25,186         124  rpm.8
         25,186 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    25,600 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\sk\*
         25,186 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    26,112 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\man\*
      4,332,804 bytes in 797 files and 59 dirs    4,633,600 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\misc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-02-15  12:30         555,542         124  magic
 2-02-15  12:30       1,779,600         124  magic.mgc
      2,335,142 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    2,335,744 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:42         <DIR>           124  Archive
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Attribute
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  autodie
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  B 
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Carp
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Class
 8-14-14   6:42         <DIR>           124  Compress
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Config
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  DBM_Filter
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Devel
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Digest
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  encoding
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Exporter
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  ExtUtils
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  File
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Filter
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Getopt
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  HTTP
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  I18N
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  IO
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  IPC
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  JSON
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Locale
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Log
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Math
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Memoize
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Module
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Net
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  OS2
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  overload
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Perl
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  PerlIO
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Pod
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Search
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Term
 8-14-14   6:42         <DIR>           124  Test
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Text
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Thread
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Tie
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Time
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Unicode
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  unicore
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  User
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  vendor_perl
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  warnings
 4-24-12  20:18           2,618         124
 8-03-12  13:35          11,764         124
 4-24-12  20:18          15,009         124
 2-14-12  23:44          19,637         124
 4-24-12  20:18           4,238         124
 4-24-12  20:18           6,527         124
 4-24-12  20:18          28,536         124
 8-03-12  13:35          17,862         124
 4-24-12  20:18          18,666         124
 4-24-12  20:18          14,444         124
 2-14-12  23:44           2,086         124
 2-14-12  23:44           3,033         124
 2-14-12  23:44             758         124
 6-05-12   8:45          20,408         124
 8-03-12  13:35          19,683         124
 4-24-12  20:18          13,806         124
 8-03-12  13:35           2,765         124  CORE.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          18,873         124
 2-14-12  23:44          14,395         124
 2-14-12  23:44           3,078         124
 8-03-12  13:35          18,387         124
 4-24-12  20:18          10,597         124
 2-14-12  23:44           1,556         124
 4-24-12  20:18          16,898         124
 4-24-12  20:18          15,321         124
 4-24-12  20:18           4,444         124
 4-24-12  20:18           5,531         124
 8-03-12  13:35          18,671         124
 8-03-12  13:35          42,678         124
 8-03-12  13:35          11,321         124
 4-24-12  20:18           9,499         124
 2-14-12  23:44           5,570         124
 2-14-12  23:44           6,778         124
 2-14-12  23:44           4,003         124
 4-24-12  20:18           4,561         124
 4-24-12  20:18           1,158         124
 2-14-12  23:44           3,266         124
 2-14-12  23:44           3,204         124
 4-24-12  20:18           2,782         124
 8-03-12  13:35          35,222         124
 2-14-12  23:44          18,481         124
 4-24-12  20:18           8,016         124
 8-03-12  13:35          53,926         124
 4-24-12  20:18           1,808         124
 8-03-12  13:35         310,053         124
 8-03-12  13:35              94         124
 4-24-12  20:18          10,437         124
 8-03-12  13:35          24,606         124
 2-14-12  23:44           1,076         124
 4-24-12  20:18          17,377         124
 4-24-12  20:18           7,643         124
 2-14-12  23:44           6,093         124
 6-05-12   8:45           3,933         124
 4-24-12  20:18             845         124
 2-14-12  23:44           4,794         124
 2-14-12  23:44          28,800         124
 2-14-12  23:44           8,285         124
 4-24-12  20:18           7,134         124
 8-03-12  13:35           7,781         124
 8-02-12  20:08          30,820         124
 8-03-12  13:35           2,358         124
 4-24-12  20:18           4,322         124
 4-24-12  20:18          18,776         124
 8-14-14   6:31          11,016         124
 8-03-12  13:35          30,514         124
      1,078,621 bytes in 65 files and 47 dirs    1,118,208 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Archive\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Attribute\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18          30,377         124
         30,377 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    30,720 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\autodie\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  exception
 8-03-12  13:35          18,134         124
 8-03-12  13:35          16,565         124
         34,699 bytes in 2 files and 3 dirs    35,840 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\autodie\exception\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-03-12  13:35           1,536         124
          1,536 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\autodie\*
         36,235 bytes in 3 files and 5 dirs    37,376 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\B\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Lint
 4-24-12  20:18          10,269         124
 8-03-12  13:35         154,935         124
 4-24-12  20:18          21,607         124
        186,811 bytes in 3 files and 3 dirs    188,416 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\B\Lint\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18           1,547         124
          1,547 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\B\*
        188,358 bytes in 4 files and 5 dirs    190,464 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Carp\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-05-12   8:45             358         124
            358 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Class\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-03-12  13:35          20,512         124
         20,512 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    20,992 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Compress\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Config\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44           1,358         124
          1,358 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\DBM_Filter\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44             863         124
 2-14-12  23:44           1,370         124
 2-14-12  23:44             760         124
 2-14-12  23:44             973         124
 2-14-12  23:44             784         124
          4,750 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Devel\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-20-12  20:10           4,904         124
          4,904 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Digest\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44           1,804         124
 2-14-12  23:44           1,732         124
          3,536 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    4,096 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\encoding\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44           6,236         124
          6,236 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    6,656 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Exporter\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44           6,378         124
          6,378 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    6,656 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\ExtUtils\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Constant
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  ParseXS
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Typemaps
 3-20-12  20:10           7,467         124
 2-14-12  23:44          14,938         124
 8-14-14   6:32           7,917         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,827         124  ParseXS.pod
 8-03-12  13:35           9,741         124  typemap
 4-24-12  20:18          25,251         124
         69,141 bytes in 6 files and 5 dirs    72,704 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\ExtUtils\Constant\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44          33,311         124
 2-14-12  23:44          19,722         124
 2-14-12  23:44           3,521         124
 2-14-12  23:44           6,353         124
         62,907 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    64,000 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\ExtUtils\ParseXS\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18           1,090         124
 4-24-12  20:18             971         124
 8-03-12  13:35          19,060         124
         21,121 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    22,016 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\ExtUtils\Typemaps\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18           4,133         124
 4-24-12  20:18           1,954         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,929         124
 4-24-12  20:18           2,086         124
         12,102 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    13,312 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\ExtUtils\*
        165,271 bytes in 17 files and 11 dirs    172,032 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\File\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18          11,250         124
 3-20-12  20:10           7,701         124
 2-14-12  23:44           4,332         124
 8-14-14   6:15          18,742         124
 8-03-12  13:35           8,138         124
 8-03-12  13:35          32,848         124
 2-14-12  23:44          33,092         124
 8-03-12  13:35           9,670         124
 2-14-12  23:44          74,502         124
        200,275 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    202,240 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Filter\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18          23,854         124
         23,854 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    24,064 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Getopt\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44          79,188         124
 4-24-12  20:18           8,368         124
         87,556 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    88,064 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\HTTP\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-03-12  13:35          35,004         124
         35,004 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    35,328 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\I18N\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  LangTags
 3-20-12  20:10           5,390         124
 4-24-12  20:18          28,073         124
         33,463 bytes in 2 files and 3 dirs    34,304 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\I18N\LangTags\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44           6,544         124
 2-14-12  23:44          28,829         124
         35,373 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    35,840 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\I18N\*
         68,836 bytes in 4 files and 5 dirs    70,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\IO\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Compress
 8-14-14   6:43         <DIR>           124  Uncompress
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\IO\Compress\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-03-12  13:35          18,012         124  FAQ.pod
         18,012 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    18,432 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\IO\Uncompress\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\IO\*
         18,012 bytes in 1 file and 8 dirs    19,456 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\IPC\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-24-12  22:16           4,004         124
 4-24-12  20:18          12,387         124
         16,391 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    16,896 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\JSON\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  PP
 4-24-12  20:18          82,532         124
         82,532 bytes in 1 file and 3 dirs    83,456 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\JSON\PP\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44             425         124
            425 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\JSON\*
         82,957 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    83,968 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Locale\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  Codes
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Maketext
 8-03-12  13:35          22,041         124
 8-03-12  13:35           9,432         124  Codes.pod
 8-03-12  13:35           1,568         124
 4-24-12  20:18           6,031         124  Country.pod
 8-03-12  13:35           1,520         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,070         124  Currency.pod
 8-03-12  13:35           1,520         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,362         124  Language.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          29,224         124
 4-24-12  20:18          49,433         124  Maketext.pod
 8-03-12  13:35           1,468         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,159         124  Script.pod
        131,828 bytes in 12 files and 4 dirs    135,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Locale\Codes\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-03-12  13:35          10,950         124  API.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          15,763         124  Changes.pod
 8-03-12  13:35           4,375         124
 5-24-12  22:16             881         124  Constants.pod
 8-03-12  13:35           2,714         124
 4-24-12  20:18           6,122         124  Country.pod
 8-03-12  13:35         166,198         124
 8-03-12  13:35          24,962         124
 8-03-12  13:35           2,294         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,147         124  Currency.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          52,554         124
 8-03-12  13:35           6,555         124
 8-03-12  13:35           2,127         124
 4-24-12  20:18           2,816         124  LangExt.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          49,995         124
 8-03-12  13:35           1,080         124
 8-03-12  13:35           2,127         124
 4-24-12  20:18           2,738         124  LangFam.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          25,328         124
 8-03-12  13:35           1,080         124
 8-03-12  13:35           2,329         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,439         124  Language.pod
 8-03-12  13:35       1,529,133         124
 8-03-12  13:35           6,858         124
 8-03-12  13:35           2,128         124
 4-24-12  20:18           2,874         124  LangVar.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          15,884         124
 8-03-12  13:35           1,080         124
 8-03-12  13:35           2,230         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,236         124  Script.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          52,479         124
 8-03-12  13:35           3,566         124
      2,009,042 bytes in 32 files and 2 dirs    2,017,792 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Locale\Maketext\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44           3,934         124  Cookbook.pod
 4-24-12  20:18             451         124
 4-24-12  20:18             490         124
 4-24-12  20:18          36,112         124  TPJ13.pod
         40,987 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    41,472 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Locale\*
      2,181,857 bytes in 48 files and 8 dirs    2,194,944 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Log\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:42         <DIR>           124  Message
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Log\Message\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Log\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Math\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  BigFloat
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  BigInt
 4-24-12  20:18         133,802         124
 4-24-12  20:18         158,535         124
 4-24-12  20:18          52,767         124
 4-24-12  20:18          49,439         124
 4-24-12  20:18          21,374         124
        415,917 bytes in 5 files and 4 dirs    418,304 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Math\BigFloat\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18           1,250         124
          1,250 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Math\BigInt\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18          79,629         124
 4-24-12  20:18           8,873         124
 4-24-12  20:18             985         124
         89,487 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    90,112 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Math\*
        506,654 bytes in 9 files and 8 dirs    509,952 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Memoize\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-03-12  13:35             674         124
 8-03-12  13:35          11,704         124
 8-03-12  13:35           1,050         124
 8-03-12  13:35             883         124
 8-03-12  13:35           1,488         124
 8-03-12  13:35           1,486         124
 8-03-12  13:35           1,413         124
         18,698 bytes in 7 files and 2 dirs    19,968 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Module\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-02-12  20:08           7,306         124  CoreList.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          25,419         124
         32,725 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    33,280 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Net\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  FTP
 2-14-12  23:44          16,629         124
 2-14-12  23:44           7,649         124
 2-14-12  23:44           7,358         124
 2-14-12  23:44          45,340         124
 2-14-12  23:44           4,017         124
 2-14-12  23:44           9,991         124  libnetFAQ.pod
 2-14-12  23:44           4,481         124
 2-14-12  23:44           7,200         124
 2-14-12  23:44          27,530         124
 2-14-12  23:44          59,032         124
 2-14-12  23:44          17,326         124
 2-14-12  23:44           3,037         124
 2-14-12  23:44           3,478         124
 2-14-12  23:44          22,675         124
 2-14-12  23:44           3,384         124
        239,127 bytes in 15 files and 3 dirs    242,688 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Net\FTP\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44           2,415         124
 2-14-12  23:44           2,265         124
 2-14-12  23:44              91         124
 2-14-12  23:44           1,649         124
 2-14-12  23:44              91         124
          6,511 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    8,192 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Net\*
        245,638 bytes in 20 files and 5 dirs    250,880 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\OS2\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:16           8,799         124
          8,799 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    9,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\overload\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44           1,835         124
          1,835 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Perl\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44           3,636         124
          3,636 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    4,096 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\PerlIO\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  via
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\PerlIO\via\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-03-12  13:35           2,433         124
          2,433 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\PerlIO\*
          2,433 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Pod\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Perldoc
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Text
 2-14-12  23:44           6,105         124  a2p.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          42,749         124
 4-24-12  20:18          15,620         124
 8-14-14   6:29          14,695         124
 8-03-12  13:35          24,321         124
 4-24-12  20:18          27,347         124
 4-24-12  20:18          59,556         124
 8-03-12  13:35          68,723         124
 2-14-12  23:44           6,685         124
 4-24-12  20:18          65,593         124
 4-24-12  20:18          21,007         124
 8-03-12  13:35          15,652         124  perl.pod
 4-24-12  20:18         107,197         124  perl56delta.pod
 4-24-12  20:18         114,908         124  perl58delta.pod
 4-24-12  20:18         124,709         124  perl561delta.pod
 2-14-12  23:44          38,060         124  perl581delta.pod
 2-14-12  23:44           4,470         124  perl582delta.pod
 2-14-12  23:44           6,335         124  perl583delta.pod
 2-14-12  23:44           7,363         124  perl584delta.pod
 2-14-12  23:44           5,889         124  perl585delta.pod
 2-14-12  23:44           4,651         124  perl586delta.pod
 2-14-12  23:44           8,357         124  perl587delta.pod
 2-14-12  23:44          25,272         124  perl588delta.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          53,900         124  perl589delta.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          56,239         124  perl5004delta.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          34,284         124  perl5005delta.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          54,695         124  perl5100delta.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          43,887         124  perl5101delta.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          89,286         124  perl5120delta.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          10,143         124  perl5121delta.pod
 4-24-12  20:18           9,603         124  perl5122delta.pod
 4-24-12  20:18           4,100         124  perl5123delta.pod
 4-24-12  20:18           3,672         124  perl5124delta.pod
 4-24-12  20:18         144,324         124  perl5140delta.pod
 2-14-12  23:44           7,966         124  perl5141delta.pod
 2-14-12  23:44           6,892         124  perl5142delta.pod
 8-02-12  20:08         133,652         124  perl5160delta.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              13         153  perl5161delta.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              13         153  perlaix.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              15         155  perlamiga.pod
 8-14-14   6:22         335,967         124  perlapi.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          19,331         124  perlapio.pod
 2-14-12  23:44           7,010         124  perlartistic.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              14         154  perlbeos.pod
 8-03-12  13:35           7,365         124  perlbook.pod
 4-24-12  20:18             183         124  perlboot.pod
 4-24-12  20:18             182         124  perlbot.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              16         156  perlbs2000.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          55,323         124  perlcall.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              12         152  perlce.pod
 8-03-12  13:35           4,500         124  perlcheat.pod
 2-14-12  23:44           7,684         124  perlclib.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              12         152  perlcn.pod
 2-14-12  23:44           6,444         124  perlcommunity.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              16         156  perlcygwin.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          37,203         124  perldata.pod
 4-24-12  20:18           4,980         124  perldbmfilter.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          37,672         124  perldebguts.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          21,285         124  perldebtut.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          39,067         124  perldebug.pod
 8-04-12  22:18           6,138         124  perldelta.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              14         154  perldgux.pod
 8-03-12  13:35         212,806         124  perldiag.pod
 5-24-12  22:16          59,529         124
 5-24-12  22:16           8,204         124  perldoc.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              13         153  perldos.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          25,433         124  perldsc.pod
 4-24-12  20:18           6,358         124  perldtrace.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          68,914         124  perlebcdic.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          36,054         124  perlembed.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              14         154  perlepoc.pod
 7-23-12  22:47           4,959         124  perlexperiment.pod
 5-24-12  22:16          22,535         124  perlfaq.pod
 5-24-12  22:16          13,843         124  perlfaq1.pod
 4-24-12  20:18           9,501         124  perlfaq2.pod
 5-24-12  22:16          38,363         124  perlfaq3.pod
 5-24-12  22:16          89,490         124  perlfaq4.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          55,412         124  perlfaq5.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          39,592         124  perlfaq6.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          37,224         124  perlfaq7.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          49,438         124  perlfaq8.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          15,062         124  perlfaq9.pod
 6-20-12  10:40          21,052         124  perlfilter.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          13,089         124  perlfork.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          16,678         124  perlform.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              17         157  perlfreebsd.pod
 8-03-12  13:35         346,554         124  perlfunc.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          30,469         124  perlgit.pod
 8-03-12  13:35         113,311         124  perlglossary.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          13,862         124  perlgpl.pod
 8-03-12  13:35         114,344         124  perlguts.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          35,871         124  perlhack.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          46,590         124  perlhacktips.pod
 2-14-12  23:44           6,214         124  perlhacktut.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              15         155  perlhaiku.pod
 8-04-12  19:07          43,990         124  perlhist.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              14         154  perlhpux.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              14         154  perlhurd.pod
 8-14-14   6:22          45,829         124  perlintern.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          30,722         124  perlinterp.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          22,615         124  perlintro.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          33,820         124  perliol.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          71,849         124  perlipc.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              14         154  perlirix.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              12         152  perljp.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              12         152  perlko.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          14,963         124  perllexwarn.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              15         155  perllinux.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          52,669         124  perllocale.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          11,197         124  perllol.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              15         155  perlmacos.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              16         156  perlmacosx.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          24,618         124  perlmod.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          12,710         124  perlmodinstall.pod
 8-14-14   6:22          84,104         124  perlmodlib.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          21,255         124  perlmodstyle.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              15         155  perlmpeix.pod
 4-24-12  20:18           3,203         124  perlmroapi.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              17         157  perlnetware.pod
 2-14-12  23:44          11,215         124  perlnewmod.pod
 2-14-12  23:44           8,352         124  perlnumber.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          34,461         124  perlobj.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          26,219         124  perlootut.pod
 8-03-12  13:35         124,653         124  perlop.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              17         157  perlopenbsd.pod
 2-14-12  23:44          38,434         124  perlopentut.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              13         153  perlos2.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              15         155  perlos390.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              15         155  perlos400.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          51,030         124  perlpacktut.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          51,249         124  perlperf.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              15         155  perlplan9.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          21,780         124  perlpod.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          67,792         124  perlpodspec.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          13,526         124  perlpodstyle.pod
 6-05-12   8:45          20,199         124  perlpolicy.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          84,618         124  perlport.pod
 4-24-12  20:18           5,228         124  perlpragma.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              13         153  perlqnx.pod
 8-03-12  13:35         103,179         124  perlre.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          25,772         124  perlreapi.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          26,259         124  perlrebackslash.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          35,008         124  perlrecharclass.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          28,999         124  perlref.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          18,670         124  perlreftut.pod
 2-14-12  23:44          36,859         124  perlreguts.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          17,919         124  perlrequick.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          14,531         124  perlreref.pod
 8-03-12  13:35         117,891         124  perlretut.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              16         156  perlriscos.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          50,765         124  perlrun.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          23,314         124  perlsec.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              17         157  perlsolaris.pod
 4-24-12  20:18           6,343         124  perlsource.pod
 2-14-12  23:44           8,618         124  perlstyle.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          56,477         124  perlsub.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              17         157  perlsymbian.pod
 6-05-12   8:45          42,029         124  perlsyn.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          46,491         124  perlthrtut.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          37,908         124  perltie.pod
 8-14-14   6:42         655,592         124  perltoc.pod
 4-24-12  20:18             362         124  perltodo.pod
 4-24-12  20:18             183         124  perltooc.pod
 4-24-12  20:18             183         124  perltoot.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          41,248         124  perltrap.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              15         155  perltru64.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              12         152  perltw.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          72,592         124  perlunicode.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          13,634         124  perlunifaq.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          36,294         124  perluniintro.pod
 8-14-14   6:31         239,556         124  perluniprops.pod
 2-14-12  23:44           7,942         124  perlunitut.pod
 8-03-12  13:35           9,911         124  perlutil.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              13         153  perluts.pod
 8-03-12  13:35          70,849         124  perlvar.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              15         155  perlvmesa.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          52,565         124  perlvms.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              13         153  perlvos.pod
 9-23-15  18:07              15         155  perlwin32.pod
 5-24-12  22:16          73,383         124  perlxs.pod
 5-24-12  22:16          49,681         124  perlxstut.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          23,517         124  perlxstypemap.pod
 4-24-12  20:18          25,346         124
 4-24-12  20:18          24,132         124
 8-03-12  13:35          32,036         124
 4-24-12  20:18          24,343         124
      6,792,222 bytes in 186 files and 4 dirs    6,853,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Pod\Perldoc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18           3,478         124
 5-24-12  22:16           3,888         124
 4-24-12  20:18           2,303         124
 5-24-12  22:16           1,691         124
 4-24-12  20:18          14,642         124
 5-24-12  22:16           2,782         124
 5-24-12  22:16           1,959         124
 5-24-12  22:16           2,149         124
 4-24-12  20:18           2,086         124
 5-24-12  22:16           2,266         124
 5-24-12  22:16           4,000         124
 5-24-12  22:16           1,407         124
         42,651 bytes in 12 files and 2 dirs    45,568 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Pod\Text\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44           4,478         124
 2-14-12  23:44           6,453         124
 2-14-12  23:44           5,979         124
         16,910 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    17,408 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Pod\*
      6,851,783 bytes in 201 files and 8 dirs    6,916,096 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Search\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-03-12  13:35           2,753         124
          2,753 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Term\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-03-12  13:35          29,488         124
 4-24-12  20:18          21,368         124
 5-24-12  22:16           4,546         124
 5-24-12  22:16          13,818         124
         69,220 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    69,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Test\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Text\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-24-12  22:16           2,041         124
 2-14-12  23:44          67,694         124
 2-14-12  23:44           7,927         124
 2-14-12  23:44           2,519         124
 2-14-12  23:44           7,662         124
         87,843 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    88,576 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Thread\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44          12,016         124
 2-14-12  23:44           6,368         124
         18,384 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    18,944 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Tie\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18           7,322         124
 5-24-12  22:16          77,374         124
 2-14-12  23:44           4,202         124
 2-14-12  23:44           7,626         124
 2-14-12  23:44           4,251         124
 2-14-12  23:44           6,237         124
 2-14-12  23:44           4,154         124
 8-03-12  13:35           1,339         124
 2-14-12  23:44           5,404         124
        117,909 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    120,832 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Time\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44           2,533         124
 3-20-12  20:10          12,053         124
 2-14-12  23:44           2,350         124
 2-14-12  23:44             691         124
         17,627 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    18,432 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Unicode\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Collate
 8-03-12  13:35         128,443         124
        128,443 bytes in 1 file and 3 dirs    129,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Unicode\Collate\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  CJK
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Locale
 4-24-12  20:18       1,666,596         124  allkeys.txt
 2-14-12  23:44          52,838         124  keys.txt
      1,719,434 bytes in 2 files and 4 dirs    1,721,344 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Unicode\Collate\CJK\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44          66,454         124
 2-14-12  23:44          35,192         124
 2-14-12  23:44          32,763         124
 4-24-12  20:18          42,080         124
 4-24-12  20:18         106,057         124
 4-24-12  20:18         121,427         124
        403,973 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    405,504 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Unicode\Collate\Locale\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-24-12  20:18             162         124
 4-24-12  20:18             910         124
 4-24-12  20:18             575         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,801         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,526         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,872         124
 4-24-12  20:18             326         124
 4-24-12  20:18           1,484         124
 4-24-12  20:18           1,581         124
 4-24-12  20:18           2,097         124
 4-24-12  20:18           6,066         124
 4-24-12  20:18           2,775         124
 4-24-12  20:18           1,861         124
 4-24-12  20:18             361         124
 4-24-12  20:18             865         124
 4-24-12  20:18           4,147         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,621         124
 4-24-12  20:18           5,161         124
 4-24-12  20:18             613         124
 4-24-12  20:18           5,043         124
 4-24-12  20:18           5,884         124
 4-24-12  20:18              52         124
 4-24-12  20:18             329         124
 4-24-12  20:18             966         124
 4-24-12  20:18           2,189         124
 4-24-12  20:18             335         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,519         124
 4-24-12  20:18          18,953         124
 4-24-12  20:18             290         124
 4-24-12  20:18           4,175         124
 4-24-12  20:18           5,640         124
 4-24-12  20:18         202,977         124
 4-24-12  20:18           4,436         124
 4-24-12  20:18           5,594         124
 4-24-12  20:18             410         124
 4-24-12  20:18          67,800         124
 4-24-12  20:18             654         124
 4-24-12  20:18             521         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,177         124
 4-24-12  20:18           2,361         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,890         124
 4-24-12  20:18           1,802         124
 4-24-12  20:18             788         124
 4-24-12  20:18           2,237         124
 4-24-12  20:18           5,712         124
 4-24-12  20:18           5,712         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,137         124
 4-24-12  20:18           1,507         124
 4-24-12  20:18             493         124
 4-24-12  20:18           1,490         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,329         124
 4-24-12  20:18           4,271         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,872         124
 4-24-12  20:18             788         124
 4-24-12  20:18          11,464         124
 4-24-12  20:18             398         124
 4-24-12  20:18             371         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,479         124
 4-24-12  20:18             921         124
 4-24-12  20:18           4,085         124
 4-24-12  20:18           4,266         124
 4-24-12  20:18           6,966         124
 4-24-12  20:18           6,848         124
 4-24-12  20:18           2,642         124
 4-24-12  20:18             323         124
 4-24-12  20:18             803         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,137         124
 4-24-12  20:18           4,109         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,531         124
 4-24-12  20:18           3,978         124
 4-24-12  20:18           7,098         124
 4-24-12  20:18          21,994         124
 4-24-12  20:18           2,576         124
 4-24-12  20:18           1,949         124
 4-24-12  20:18           1,875         124
 4-24-12  20:18          16,353         124
 4-24-12  20:18          67,997         124
 4-24-12  20:18          45,491         124
 4-24-12  20:18         110,005         124
 4-24-12  20:18         115,651         124
        866,447 bytes in 80 files and 2 dirs    885,760 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Unicode\Collate\*
      2,989,854 bytes in 88 files and 8 dirs    3,012,608 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\Unicode\*
      3,118,297 bytes in 89 files and 11 dirs    3,141,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  lib
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  To
 8-03-12  13:35           7,450         124  Blocks.txt
 8-03-12  13:35          65,618         124  CaseFolding.txt
 8-14-14   6:31           4,221         124
 8-14-14   6:31         115,025         124
 8-14-14   6:31         113,828         124
 8-14-14   6:31         804,410         124
 8-14-14   6:31           9,298         124
 8-03-12  13:35          16,947         124  NamedSequences.txt
 8-03-12  13:35          16,349         124  SpecialCasing.txt
 8-14-14   6:31         102,847         124
 8-03-12  13:35               6         124  version
      1,255,999 bytes in 11 files and 4 dirs    1,260,544 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Age
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  AHex
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Alpha
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Bc
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  BidiC
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  BidiM
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Blk
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Cased
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Ccc
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  CE
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  CI
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  CompEx
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  CWCF
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  CWCM
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  CWKCF
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  CWL
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  CWT
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  CWU
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Dash
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Dep
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  DI
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Dia
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Dt
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Ea
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Ext
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Gc
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  GCB
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  GrBase
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Hex
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Hst
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Hyphen
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  IDC
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Ideo
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  IDS
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  IDSB
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  IDST
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  In
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Jg
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  JoinC
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Jt
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Lb
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  LOE
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Lower
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Math
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  NChar
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  NFCQC
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  NFDQC
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  NFKCQC
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  NFKDQC
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Nt
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Nv
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  PatSyn
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  PatWS
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Perl
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  QMark
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Radical
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  SB
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Sc
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Scx
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  SD
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Space
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  STerm
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Term
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  UIdeo
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  Upper
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  VS
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  WB
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  XIDC
 9-23-15  18:07         <DIR>           124  XIDS
              0 bytes in 0 files and 71 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Age\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           6,171         124
 8-14-14   6:31           3,480         124
 8-14-14   6:31             768         124
 8-14-14   6:31             451         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,661         124
 8-14-14   6:31             883         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,042         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,259         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,338         124
 8-14-14   6:31             818         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,361         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,404         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,621         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,395         124
         23,652 bytes in 14 files and 2 dirs    27,136 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\AHex\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             468         124
            468 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Alpha\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           6,316         124
          6,316 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    6,656 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Bc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             666         124
 8-14-14   6:31             489         124
 8-14-14   6:31             478         124
 8-14-14   6:31             786         124
 8-14-14   6:31             545         124
 8-14-14   6:31             554         124
 8-14-14   6:31             516         124
 8-14-14   6:31             647         124
 8-14-14   6:31           4,230         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,634         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,270         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             742         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             459         124
 8-14-14   6:31             502         124
         17,733 bytes in 19 files and 2 dirs    22,016 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\BidiC\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
            457 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\BidiM\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           1,550         124
          1,550 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Blk\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             891         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             450         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
         95,565 bytes in 213 files and 2 dirs    109,568 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Cased\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           1,722         124
          1,722 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Ccc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           1,375         124
 8-14-14   6:31             459         124
 8-14-14   6:31             467         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             477         124
 8-14-14   6:31             465         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,023         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             467         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             451         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             451         124
 8-14-14   6:31             451         124
 8-14-14   6:31             451         124
 8-14-14   6:31             451         124
 8-14-14   6:31             451         124
 8-14-14   6:31             451         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             462         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             465         124
 8-14-14   6:31             467         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             541         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,851         124
 8-14-14   6:31             531         124
 8-14-14   6:31             444         124
 8-14-14   6:31             718         124
         28,009 bytes in 55 files and 2 dirs    32,768 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\CE\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             736         124
            736 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\CI\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           3,345         124
          3,345 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\CompEx\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           1,097         124
          1,097 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\CWCF\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           5,291         124
          5,291 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\CWCM\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           1,491         124
          1,491 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\CWKCF\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           7,472         124
          7,472 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    7,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\CWL\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           5,176         124
          5,176 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\CWT\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           5,298         124
          5,298 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\CWU\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           5,287         124
          5,287 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Dash\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             604         124
            604 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Dep\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             522         124
            522 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\DI\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             589         124
            589 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Dia\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           1,658         124
          1,658 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Dt\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           1,159         124
 8-14-14   6:31             527         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,390         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,189         124
 8-14-14   6:31             465         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,068         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,234         124
 8-14-14   6:31             873         124
 8-14-14   6:31             501         124
 8-14-14   6:31             475         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,382         124
 8-14-14   6:31           4,315         124
 8-14-14   6:31             468         124
 8-14-14   6:31             532         124
 8-14-14   6:31             476         124
 8-14-14   6:31             655         124
 8-14-14   6:31             484         124
         18,193 bytes in 17 files and 2 dirs    22,016 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Ea\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           2,102         124
 8-14-14   6:31             465         124
 8-14-14   6:31             509         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,663         124
 8-14-14   6:31             506         124
 8-14-14   6:31             856         124
          7,101 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    8,192 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Ext\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             626         124
            626 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Gc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           6,074         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             577         124
 8-14-14   6:31           6,058         124
 8-14-14   6:31             474         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31           5,681         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,668         124
 8-14-14   6:31           5,652         124
 8-14-14   6:31             910         124
 8-14-14   6:31           4,441         124
 8-14-14   6:31           5,602         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,605         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,715         124
 8-14-14   6:31             479         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,666         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,427         124
 8-14-14   6:31             911         124
 8-14-14   6:31             566         124
 8-14-14   6:31             906         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,861         124
 8-14-14   6:31             492         124
 8-14-14   6:31             572         124
 8-14-14   6:31             998         124
 8-14-14   6:31             515         124
 8-14-14   6:31             526         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,806         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,011         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,521         124
 8-14-14   6:31             586         124
 8-14-14   6:31             696         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,048         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,101         124
 8-14-14   6:31             513         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             502         124
         65,949 bytes in 37 files and 2 dirs    74,752 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\GCB\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             633         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,783         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,565         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,788         124
          7,769 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    9,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\GrBase\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           7,514         124
          7,514 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    7,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Hex\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             501         124
            501 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Hst\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             503         124
            503 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Hyphen\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             518         124
            518 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\IDC\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           6,616         124
          6,616 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    6,656 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Ideo\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             564         124
            564 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\IDS\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           5,710         124
          5,710 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\IDSB\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
            457 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\IDST\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
            446 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\In\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           3,767         124
 8-14-14   6:31           3,767         124
 8-14-14   6:31           4,388         124
 8-14-14   6:31           4,801         124
 8-14-14   6:31           4,749         124
 8-14-14   6:31           4,944         124
 8-14-14   6:31           5,184         124
 8-14-14   6:31           5,311         124
 8-14-14   6:31           5,481         124
 8-14-14   6:31           5,942         124
 8-14-14   6:31           6,202         124
 8-14-14   6:31           6,634         124
         61,170 bytes in 12 files and 2 dirs    64,512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Jg\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             473         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             492         124
 8-14-14   6:31             492         124
 8-14-14   6:31             451         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             476         124
 8-14-14   6:31             462         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             473         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             473         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             484         124
 8-14-14   6:31             454         124
 8-14-14   6:31             511         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             462         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             451         124
 8-14-14   6:31             470         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             462         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             592         124
 8-14-14   6:31             465         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             470         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             500         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             465         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             500         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             462         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             459         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             500         124
 8-14-14   6:31             500         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
         26,630 bytes in 58 files and 2 dirs    30,208 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\JoinC\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
            446 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Jt\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             459         124
 8-14-14   6:31             798         124
 8-14-14   6:31             749         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,768         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,976         124
          7,750 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    8,704 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Lb\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           1,460         124
 8-14-14   6:31           6,987         124
 8-14-14   6:31             454         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,103         124
 8-14-14   6:31             546         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             647         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,095         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             451         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             638         124
 8-14-14   6:31             529         124
 8-14-14   6:31           3,627         124
 8-14-14   6:31           4,824         124
 8-14-14   6:31             539         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,183         124
 8-14-14   6:31             454         124
 8-14-14   6:31             524         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             579         124
 8-14-14   6:31             911         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,075         124
 8-14-14   6:31             588         124
 8-14-14   6:31             613         124
 8-14-14   6:31             552         124
 8-14-14   6:31             818         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             451         124
 8-14-14   6:31           5,972         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
         44,886 bytes in 39 files and 2 dirs    53,760 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\LOE\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             487         124
            487 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Lower\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           5,720         124
          5,720 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Math\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           1,882         124
          1,882 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\NChar\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             667         124
            667 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\NFCQC\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           1,538         124
          1,538 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\NFDQC\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           2,607         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,715         124
          5,322 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\NFKCQC\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             753         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,964         124
 8-14-14   6:31           3,305         124
          7,022 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    7,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\NFKDQC\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           4,305         124
          4,305 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Nt\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             648         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,611         124
          2,259 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Nv\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             924         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,227         124
 8-14-14   6:31             514         124
 8-14-14   6:31             470         124
 8-14-14   6:31             511         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             452         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             476         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             459         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,248         124
 8-14-14   6:31             479         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,249         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             484         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             459         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,188         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,184         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             452         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,115         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,094         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,069         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,086         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             742         124
 8-14-14   6:31             483         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             483         124
 8-14-14   6:31             467         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             467         124
 8-14-14   6:31             467         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             475         124
 8-14-14   6:31             475         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             475         124
 8-14-14   6:31             475         124
 8-14-14   6:31             597         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             529         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             521         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             586         124
 8-14-14   6:31             487         124
 8-14-14   6:31             487         124
 8-14-14   6:31             487         124
 8-14-14   6:31             488         124
 8-14-14   6:31             607         124
 8-14-14   6:31             453         124
 8-14-14   6:31             462         124
 8-14-14   6:31             453         124
 8-14-14   6:31             509         124
 8-14-14   6:31             453         124
 8-14-14   6:31             453         124
 8-14-14   6:31             453         124
 8-14-14   6:31             462         124
 8-14-14   6:31             575         124
 8-14-14   6:31             444         124
 8-14-14   6:31             444         124
 8-14-14   6:31             444         124
 8-14-14   6:31             479         124
 8-14-14   6:31             444         124
 8-14-14   6:31             444         124
 8-14-14   6:31             444         124
 8-14-14   6:31             444         124
 8-14-14   6:31             494         124
 8-14-14   6:31             444         124
 8-14-14   6:31             444         124
 8-14-14   6:31             444         124
 8-14-14   6:31             470         124
 8-14-14   6:31             444         124
 8-14-14   6:31             444         124
 8-14-14   6:31             444         124
 8-14-14   6:31             444         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31             451         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,290         124
 8-14-14   6:31             443         124
         61,875 bytes in 115 files and 2 dirs    74,752 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\PatSyn\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             716         124
            716 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\PatWS\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             484         124
            484 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Perl\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           6,619         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31           6,504         124
 8-14-14   6:31             510         124
 8-14-14   6:31           6,559         124
 8-14-14   6:31             465         124
 8-14-14   6:31             476         124
 8-14-14   6:31             468         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             451         124
 8-14-14   6:31             454         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             479         124
 8-14-14   6:31             454         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31           6,526         124
 8-14-14   6:31             543         124
 8-14-14   6:31             524         124
 8-14-14   6:31             465         124
 8-14-14   6:31           6,616         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,815         124
 8-14-14   6:31           5,782         124
 8-14-14   6:31             674         124
 8-14-14   6:31             807         124
 8-14-14   6:31             632         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,626         124
 8-14-14   6:31             468         124
         54,052 bytes in 30 files and 2 dirs    58,368 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\QMark\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             549         124
            549 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Radical\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             468         124
            468 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\SB\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             467         124
 8-14-14   6:31             853         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,627         124
 8-14-14   6:31             585         124
 8-14-14   6:31           4,662         124
 8-14-14   6:31           5,712         124
 8-14-14   6:31             608         124
 8-14-14   6:31             454         124
 8-14-14   6:31             521         124
 8-14-14   6:31             896         124
 8-14-14   6:31           5,669         124
 8-14-14   6:31           6,798         124
         29,852 bytes in 12 files and 2 dirs    33,792 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Sc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           1,051         124
 8-14-14   6:31             495         124
 8-14-14   6:31             583         124
 8-14-14   6:31             468         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             501         124
 8-14-14   6:31             490         124
 8-14-14   6:31             511         124
 8-14-14   6:31             575         124
 8-14-14   6:31             602         124
 8-14-14   6:31             602         124
 8-14-14   6:31             589         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             475         124
 8-14-14   6:31             521         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             526         124
 8-14-14   6:31             454         124
 8-14-14   6:31             498         124
 8-14-14   6:31             589         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             468         124
 8-14-14   6:31             468         124
 8-14-14   6:31             461         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             706         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,213         124
         16,992 bytes in 29 files and 2 dirs    22,528 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Scx\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             999         124
 8-14-14   6:31             461         124
 8-14-14   6:31             498         124
 8-14-14   6:31             461         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             459         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             594         124
 8-14-14   6:31             646         124
 8-14-14   6:31             461         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             461         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             479         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             468         124
 8-14-14   6:31             540         124
 8-14-14   6:31             503         124
 8-14-14   6:31             490         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             781         124
 8-14-14   6:31             519         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             778         124
 8-14-14   6:31             586         124
 8-14-14   6:31             624         124
 8-14-14   6:31             745         124
 8-14-14   6:31             748         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             531         124
 8-14-14   6:31             686         124
 8-14-14   6:31             461         124
 8-14-14   6:31             468         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             669         124
 8-14-14   6:31             539         124
 8-14-14   6:31             479         124
 8-14-14   6:31             586         124
 8-14-14   6:31             459         124
 8-14-14   6:31             490         124
 8-14-14   6:31             615         124
 8-14-14   6:31             747         124
 8-14-14   6:31             468         124
 8-14-14   6:31             487         124
 8-14-14   6:31             565         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             462         124
 8-14-14   6:31             461         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             474         124
 8-14-14   6:31             553         124
 8-14-14   6:31             479         124
 8-14-14   6:31             468         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             600         124
 8-14-14   6:31             461         124
 8-14-14   6:31             465         124
 8-14-14   6:31             461         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             461         124
 8-14-14   6:31             454         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             448         124
 8-14-14   6:31             461         124
 8-14-14   6:31             547         124
 8-14-14   6:31             461         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             519         124
 8-14-14   6:31             479         124
 8-14-14   6:31             483         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             479         124
 8-14-14   6:31             602         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             589         124
 8-14-14   6:31             465         124
 8-14-14   6:31             468         124
 8-14-14   6:31             497         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             512         124
 8-14-14   6:31             457         124
 8-14-14   6:31             446         124
 8-14-14   6:31             461         124
 8-14-14   6:31             474         124
 8-14-14   6:31             509         124
 8-14-14   6:31             665         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,029         124
 8-14-14   6:31           6,031         124
         59,342 bytes in 103 files and 2 dirs    73,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\SD\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             754         124
            754 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Space\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             532         124
            532 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\STerm\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             920         124
            920 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Term\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           1,131         124
          1,131 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\UIdeo\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             564         124
            564 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\Upper\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           5,624         124
          5,624 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\VS\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             470         124
            470 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\WB\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31             577         124
 8-14-14   6:31             532         124
 8-14-14   6:31           5,085         124
 8-14-14   6:31             494         124
 8-14-14   6:31             499         124
 8-14-14   6:31             550         124
 8-14-14   6:31             465         124
 8-14-14   6:31             908         124
 8-14-14   6:31           6,354         124
         15,464 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    17,408 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\XIDC\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           6,675         124
          6,675 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    7,168 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\XIDS\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31           5,763         124
          5,763 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\lib\*
        768,816 bytes in 832 files and 209 dirs    920,576 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\To\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-14   6:31          16,718         124
 8-14-14   6:31           8,022         124
 8-14-14   6:31           5,421         124
 8-14-14   6:31          16,376         124
 8-14-14   6:31           5,282         124
 8-14-14   6:31           3,344         124
 8-14-14   6:31          21,594         124
 8-14-14   6:31          32,655         124
 8-14-14   6:31          17,445         124
 8-14-14   6:31          10,758         124
 8-14-14   6:31             754         124
 8-14-14   6:31           2,647         124
 8-14-14   6:31           4,235         124
 8-14-14   6:31          28,915         124
 8-14-14   6:31           9,056         124
 8-14-14   6:31          14,261         124
 8-14-14   6:31          66,520         124
 8-14-14   6:31          13,703         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,834         124
 8-14-14   6:31           3,224         124
 8-14-14   6:31         405,505         124
 8-14-14   6:31           4,000         124
 8-14-14   6:31           5,193         124
 8-14-14   6:31           3,929         124
 8-14-14   6:31           6,239         124
 8-14-14   6:31           1,539         124
 8-14-14   6:31          31,424         124
 8-14-14   6:31          14,242         124
 8-14-14   6:31          15,727         124
 8-14-14   6:31          12,480         124
 8-14-14   6:31          17,692         124
 8-14-14   6:31          16,206         124
 8-14-14   6:31          21,094         124
 8-14-14   6:31          14,170         124
        852,204 bytes in 34 files and 2 dirs    861,184 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\unicore\*
      2,877,019 bytes in 877 files and 215 dirs    3,042,304 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\User\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44           2,902         124
 2-14-12  23:44           9,871         124
         12,773 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    13,312 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\vendor_perl\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  Git
 9-08-14  16:02          19,914         124
 9-08-14  16:02          46,353         124
         66,267 bytes in 2 files and 3 dirs    67,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\vendor_perl\Git\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-08-14  16:02           2,076         124
 9-08-14  16:02             677         124
          2,753 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\vendor_perl\*
         69,020 bytes in 4 files and 5 dirs    70,656 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\warnings\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-14-12  23:44             772         124
            772 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\perl5\*
     18,325,454 bytes in 1,414 files and 416 dirs    18,672,640 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  doc
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  mkspecs
 9-21-15  10:51         <DIR>           124  translations
 5-04-11  23:36         333,214         124  q3porting.xml
        333,214 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    334,848 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\doc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-13  18:02         <DIR>           124  qch
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\doc\qch\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\doc\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  aix-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  aix-g++-64
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  aix-xlc
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  aix-xlc-64
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  common
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  cygwin-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  darwin-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  default
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  features
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  freebsd-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  freebsd-g++34
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  freebsd-g++40
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  freebsd-icc
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  hpux-acc
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  hpux-acc-64
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  hpux-acc-o64
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  hpux-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  hpux-g++-64
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  hpuxi-acc-32
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  hpuxi-acc-64
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  hpuxi-g++-64
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  hurd-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  irix-cc
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  irix-cc-64
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  irix-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  irix-g++-64
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-cxx
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-ecc-64
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-g++-32
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-g++-64
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-g++-maemo
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-icc
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-icc-32
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-icc-64
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-kcc
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-llvm
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-lsb-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-pgcc
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  lynxos-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  macx-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  macx-g++40
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  macx-g++42
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  macx-icc
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  macx-llvm
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  macx-pbuilder
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  macx-xcode
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  macx-xlc
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  modules
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  netbsd-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  openbsd-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  os2-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  qws
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  sco-cc
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  sco-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  solaris-cc
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  solaris-cc-64
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  solaris-cc-64-stlport
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  solaris-cc-stlport
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  solaris-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  solaris-g++-64
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  symbian
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  symbian-abld
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  symbian-sbsv2
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  tru64-cxx
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  tru64-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  unixware-cc
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  unixware-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  unsupported
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  win32-borland
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  win32-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  win32-icc
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  win32-msvc2003
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  win32-msvc2005
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  win32-msvc2008
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  win32-msvc2010
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wince50standard-armv4i-msvc2005
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wince50standard-armv4i-msvc2008
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wince50standard-mipsii-msvc2005
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wince50standard-mipsii-msvc2008
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wince50standard-mipsiv-msvc2005
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wince50standard-mipsiv-msvc2008
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wince50standard-sh4-msvc2005
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wince50standard-sh4-msvc2008
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wince50standard-x86-msvc2005
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wince50standard-x86-msvc2008
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wince60standard-armv4i-msvc2005
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wince60standard-x86-msvc2005
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wincewm50pocket-msvc2005
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wincewm50pocket-msvc2008
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wincewm50smart-msvc2005
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wincewm50smart-msvc2008
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wincewm60professional-msvc2005
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wincewm60professional-msvc2008
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wincewm60standard-msvc2005
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wincewm60standard-msvc2008
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wincewm65professional-msvc2005
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wincewm65professional-msvc2008
 3-22-13  11:56             642         124  qconfig.pri
            642 bytes in 1 file and 100 dirs    51,200 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\aix-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,202         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,058         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,260 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\aix-g++-64\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,251         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,058         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,309 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\aix-xlc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,121         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,058         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,179 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\aix-xlc-64\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,109         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,058         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,167 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\common\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  aix
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  c89
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  posix
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  symbian
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  wince
 5-04-11  23:36           1,146         124  armcc.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,871         124  g++.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,788         124  linux.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,670         124  llvm.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,566         124  mac-g++.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,935         124  mac-llvm.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,045         124  mac.conf
 5-04-11  23:36             612         124  qws.conf
 5-04-11  23:36             333         124  unix.conf
         14,966 bytes in 9 files and 7 dirs    19,968 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\common\aix\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           3,718         124  qplatformdefs.h
          3,718 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    4,096 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\common\c89\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,331         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,331 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\common\posix\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           5,415         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,415 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\common\symbian\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  header-wrappers
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  stl-off
 5-04-11  23:36           2,268         124  appCaptionForTranslation.cpp
 5-04-11  23:36           2,280         124  packageNameForTranslation.cpp
 5-04-11  23:36           3,600         124  qplatformdefs.h
 5-04-11  23:36           1,418         124  symbian-makefile.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,294         124  symbian-mmp.conf
 5-04-11  23:36          10,161         124  symbian.conf
         22,021 bytes in 6 files and 4 dirs    24,576 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\common\symbian\header-wrappers\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36              32         124  AknBitmapAnimation.h
 5-04-11  23:36              20         124  AknDoc.h
 5-04-11  23:36              27         124  AknFontAccess.h
 5-04-11  23:36              34         124  AknInputLanguageInfo.h
 5-04-11  23:36              28         124  AknLayoutFont.h
 5-04-11  23:36              27         124  AknPopupFader.h
 5-04-11  23:36              47         124  AknsBasicBackgroundControlContext.h
 5-04-11  23:36              27         124  AknsConstants.h
 5-04-11  23:36              27         124  AknsDrawUtils.h
 5-04-11  23:36              26         124  AknServerApp.h
 5-04-11  23:36              24         124  AknsItemID.h
 5-04-11  23:36              30         124  AknsSkinInstance.h
 5-04-11  23:36              23         124  AknsUtils.h
 5-04-11  23:36              22         124  AknUtils.h
 5-04-11  23:36              31         124  ApAccessPointItem.h
 5-04-11  23:36              27         124  ApDataHandler.h
 5-04-11  23:36              21         124  ApUtils.h
 5-04-11  23:36              33         124  CDirectoryLocalizer.h
 5-04-11  23:36              29         124  DocumentHandler.h
            535 bytes in 19 files and 2 dirs    9,728 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\common\symbian\stl-off\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-11-10  17:19             180         124  new
            180 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\common\symbian\*
         22,736 bytes in 26 files and 8 dirs    34,816 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\common\wince\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,915         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           4,346         124  qplatformdefs.h
          7,261 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    7,680 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\common\*
         56,427 bytes in 40 files and 23 dirs    74,752 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\cygwin-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,199         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,232         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,431 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\darwin-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           3,050         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,790         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,840 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\default\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-13  16:07              70         124  qmake.conf
             70 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\features\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  mac
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  os2
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  symbian
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  unix
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  win32
 5-07-09   8:28              23         124  build_pass.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,629         124  dbusadaptors.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,709         124  dbusinterfaces.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             358         124  debug.prf
 2-11-10  17:19              72         124  debug_and_release.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           5,238         124  default_post.prf
 8-02-10  15:27             131         124  default_pre.prf
 2-11-10  17:19             134         124  designer.prf
 5-07-09   8:28              18         124  dll.prf
 5-04-11  23:36             767         124  egl.prf
 2-23-10   8:34           5,474         124  exclusive_builds.prf
 5-07-09   8:28              89         124  help.prf
 5-07-09   8:28              52         124  include_source_dir.prf
 5-04-11  23:36             477         124  incredibuild_xge.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,020         124  lex.prf
 5-04-11  23:36             318         124  link_pkgconfig.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           4,762         124  moc.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             109         124  no_debug_info.prf
 5-07-09   8:28              59         124  qdbus.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           8,914         124  qt.prf
 5-07-09   8:28              41         124  qtestlib.prf
 5-07-09   8:28              30         124  qtopia.prf
 5-07-09   8:28              37         124  qtopiainc.prf
 5-07-09   8:28              95         124  qtopialib.prf
 5-04-11  23:36             438         124  qttest_p4.prf
 5-04-11  23:36             928         124  qt_config.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,896         124  qt_functions.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             312         124  release.prf
 8-02-10  15:27           1,490         124  resources.prf
 7-09-09  14:58             254         124  shared.prf
 2-11-10  17:19             254         124  silent.prf
 5-04-11  23:36             328         124  static.prf
 5-07-09   8:28              17         124  staticlib.prf
 5-04-11  23:36             129         124  static_and_shared.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,312         124  testcase.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           4,800         124  uic.prf
 2-11-10  17:19             374         124  uitools.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             245         124  use_c_linker.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,666         124  vxworks.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             161         124  warn_off.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             161         124  warn_on.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,112         124  yacc.prf
         53,433 bytes in 42 files and 7 dirs    69,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\features\mac\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-11-10  17:19             802         124  default_post.prf
 5-07-09   8:28              45         124  default_pre.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             196         124  dwarf2.prf
 2-11-10  17:19           1,204         124  objective_c.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             218         124  ppc.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             230         124  ppc64.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             555         124  rez.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             285         124  sdk.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             214         124  x86.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             226         124  x86_64.prf
          3,975 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    7,168 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\features\os2\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-10-09   7:10              87         124  console.prf
 9-05-11  11:11           3,664         124  default_post.prf
 8-10-11  13:04           6,185         124  default_pre.prf
 8-26-11   7:51             475         124  exepack.prf
 8-26-11   7:51             156         124  highmem.prf
 8-26-11   7:51             193         124  map.prf
 8-26-11   7:51           1,820         124  sym.prf
 7-10-09   7:10              86         124  windows.prf
         12,666 bytes in 8 files and 2 dirs    15,360 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\features\symbian\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36             993         124  add_mmp_rules.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,561         124  application_icon.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,412         124  armcc_warnings.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,631         124  data_caging_paths.prf
 5-04-11  23:36              61         124  debug.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,499         124  default_post.prf
 2-11-10  17:19              46         124  default_pre.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,904         124  def_files.prf
 5-04-11  23:36             550         124  def_files_disabled.prf
 5-04-11  23:36             201         124  do_not_build_as_thumb.prf
 2-11-10  17:19              27         124  epocallowdlldata.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           4,690         124  localize_deployment.prf
 5-04-11  23:36             747         124  moc.prf
 5-04-11  23:36             115         124  nested_exceptions.prf
 5-04-11  23:36             819         124  opengl.prf
 5-04-11  23:36          24,251         124  platform_paths.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,577         124  qt.prf
 5-04-11  23:36             316         124  qt_config.prf
 5-04-11  23:36              61         124  release.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,550         124  run_on_phone.prf
 5-04-11  23:36          11,485         124  sis_targets.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,645         124  stl.prf
 2-11-10  17:19              17         124  stl_off.prf
 5-04-11  23:36          14,659         124  symbian_building.prf
 5-04-11  23:36              83         124  thread.prf
         79,900 bytes in 25 files and 2 dirs    88,064 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\features\unix\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             218         124  bsymbolic_functions.prf
 2-11-10  17:19               1         124  dylib.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             184         124  hide_symbols.prf
 5-07-09   8:28              50         124  largefile.prf
 5-04-11  23:36             728         124  opengl.prf
 2-11-10  17:19             674         124  openvg.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,106         124  separate_debug_info.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             563         124  thread.prf
 5-07-09   8:28              24         124  x11.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             106         124  x11inc.prf
 2-11-10  17:19              95         124  x11lib.prf
 2-11-10  17:19              97         124  x11sm.prf
          3,846 bytes in 12 files and 2 dirs    8,704 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\features\win32\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28              87         124  console.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             302         124  default_post.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             104         124  default_pre.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             338         124  dumpcpp.prf
 5-04-11  23:36             962         124  embed_manifest_dll.prf
 5-04-11  23:36             923         124  embed_manifest_exe.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             165         124  exceptions.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             164         124  exceptions_off.prf
 2-11-10  17:19             164         124  ltcg.prf
 5-04-11  23:36              72         124  msvc_mp.prf
 2-11-10  17:19             353         124  opengl.prf
 2-11-10  17:19             202         124  openvg.prf
 8-02-10  15:27             883         124  qaxcontainer.prf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,455         124  qaxserver.prf
 5-07-09   8:28              13         124  qt_dll.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             101         124  rtti.prf
 2-11-10  17:19             128         124  rtti_off.prf
 5-07-09   8:28              98         124  stl.prf
 5-07-09   8:28              96         124  stl_off.prf
 5-04-11  23:36             637         124  thread.prf
 5-07-09   8:28              47         124  thread_off.prf
 2-11-10  17:19             495         124  windows.prf
          8,789 bytes in 22 files and 2 dirs    15,360 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\features\*
        162,609 bytes in 119 files and 17 dirs    203,776 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\freebsd-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           1,257         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,499         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,756 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\freebsd-g++34\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,358         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,983         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,341 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\freebsd-g++40\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,358         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,983         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,341 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\freebsd-icc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           3,638         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,983         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,621 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\hpux-acc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           3,348         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,176         124  qplatformdefs.h
          6,524 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    7,168 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\hpux-acc-64\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           4,331         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,900         124  qplatformdefs.h
          7,231 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    7,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\hpux-acc-o64\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           4,180         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,844         124  qplatformdefs.h
          7,024 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    7,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\hpux-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,520         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,157         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,677 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\hpux-g++-64\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,559         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,761         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,320 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\hpuxi-acc-32\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,358         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,923         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,281 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\hpuxi-acc-64\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           4,279         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,923         124  qplatformdefs.h
          7,202 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    7,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\hpuxi-g++-64\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,757         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,878         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,635 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\hurd-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,392         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,060         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,452 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\irix-cc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           3,918         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,001         124  qplatformdefs.h
          6,919 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    7,168 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\irix-cc-64\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           3,911         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,001         124  qplatformdefs.h
          6,912 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    7,168 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\irix-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,423         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,166         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,589 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\irix-g++-64\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,444         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,980         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,424 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\linux-cxx\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           1,967         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,252         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,219 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\linux-ecc-64\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,234         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,252         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,486 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\linux-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36             284         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,254         124  qplatformdefs.h
          3,538 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    4,096 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\linux-g++-32\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36             327         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,981         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,308 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\linux-g++-64\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36             513         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,981         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,494 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\linux-g++-maemo\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36             788         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,097         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,885 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\linux-icc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           3,307         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,981         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,288 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\linux-icc-32\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             268         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,981         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,249 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\linux-icc-64\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             450         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,981         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,431 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\linux-kcc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,722         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,399         124  qplatformdefs.h
          6,121 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    6,656 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\linux-llvm\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36             280         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,273         124  qplatformdefs.h
          3,553 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    4,096 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\linux-lsb-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,625         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,480         124  qplatformdefs.h
          6,105 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    6,656 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\linux-pgcc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,217         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,252         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,469 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\lynxos-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,322         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,965         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,287 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\macx-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             620         124
 5-07-09   8:28             604         124  Info.plist.lib
 5-04-11  23:36             437         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,066         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,727 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\macx-g++40\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-11-10  17:19             640         124
 2-11-10  17:19             622         124  Info.plist.lib
 5-04-11  23:36             477         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,163         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,902 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\macx-g++42\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             620         124
 5-07-09   8:28             604         124  Info.plist.lib
 5-04-11  23:36             456         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,066         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,746 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\macx-icc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,678         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,981         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,659 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\macx-llvm\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             620         124
 5-07-09   8:28             604         124  Info.plist.lib
 5-04-11  23:36             402         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,066         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,692 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\macx-pbuilder\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             620         124
 5-07-09   8:28             105         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,006         124  qplatformdefs.h
          3,731 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\macx-xcode\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             620         124
 5-07-09   8:28             604         124  Info.plist.lib
 5-07-09   8:28             665         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,066         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,955 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\macx-xlc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,872         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,890         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,762 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\modules\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-16-11  10:09             130         124  qt_webkit_version.pri
 5-04-11  23:36             216         124  README
            346 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\netbsd-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,394         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,027         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,421 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\openbsd-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,363         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,738         124  qplatformdefs.h
          6,101 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    6,656 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\os2-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-29-11  18:36           2,574         124  API_FPU_CW_Wrappers.awk
 6-29-11  18:36         170,354         124  API_FPU_CW_Wrappers.h
 2-11-10  17:53             341         124  cpdir.cmd
 3-10-10  20:57          35,059         124  emxexpw.cmd
 8-17-11  14:44           3,870         124  mkdir-p.cmd
11-06-11  16:19           6,505         124  qmake.conf
 8-23-11   7:18           3,894         124  qplatformdefs.h
12-18-11  13:25           4,686         124  runmapsym.cmd
12-18-11  13:25          14,569         124  wmapsym.cmd
        241,852 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    244,224 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  freebsd-generic-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-arm-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-arm-gnueabi-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-armv6-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-avr32-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-cellon-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-dm800-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-dm7000-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-generic-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-generic-g++-32
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-ipaq-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-lsb-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-mips-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-powerpc-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-sh-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-sh4al-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-sharp-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-x86-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-x86_64-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-zylonite-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  macx-generic-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  solaris-generic-g++
              0 bytes in 0 files and 24 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\freebsd-generic-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,399         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,986         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,385 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\linux-arm-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             520         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,984         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,504 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\linux-arm-gnueabi-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36             624         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,984         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,608 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\linux-armv6-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             616         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,984         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,600 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\linux-avr32-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             536         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,984         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,520 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\linux-cellon-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             784         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,984         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,768 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\linux-dm800-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             767         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,984         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,751 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\linux-dm7000-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             921         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,984         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,905 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\linux-generic-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             161         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,984         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,145 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\linux-generic-g++-32\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             296         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,984         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,280 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\linux-ipaq-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             536         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,984         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,520 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\linux-lsb-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             468         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,984         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,452 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\linux-mips-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             598         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,984         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,582 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\linux-powerpc-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-11-10  17:19             558         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,026         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,584 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\linux-sh-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             535         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,984         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,519 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\linux-sh4al-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             607         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,984         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,591 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\linux-sharp-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             613         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,984         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,597 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\linux-x86-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             167         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,984         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,151 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\linux-x86_64-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             261         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,984         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,245 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\linux-zylonite-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             715         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,984         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,699 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\macx-generic-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,300         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,983         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,283 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\solaris-generic-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,358         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,986         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,344 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\qws\*
         61,033 bytes in 44 files and 68 dirs    80,896 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\sco-cc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,070         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,832         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,902 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\sco-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,013         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,896         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,909 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\solaris-cc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,465         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           4,164         124  qplatformdefs.h
          6,629 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    7,168 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\solaris-cc-64\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           3,428         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,217         124  qplatformdefs.h
          6,645 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    7,168 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\solaris-cc-64-stlport\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-11-10  17:19             169         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,027         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,196 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\solaris-cc-stlport\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-11-10  17:19             163         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,024         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,187 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\solaris-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,674         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           4,494         124  qplatformdefs.h
          7,168 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    7,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\solaris-g++-64\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           3,650         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,480         124  qplatformdefs.h
          7,130 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    7,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\symbian\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-armcc
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-gcce
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\symbian\linux-armcc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  features
 5-04-11  23:36           2,091         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,986         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,077 bytes in 2 files and 3 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\symbian\linux-armcc\features\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36             152         124  default_post.prf
            152 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\symbian\linux-armcc\*
          4,229 bytes in 3 files and 5 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\symbian\linux-gcce\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  features
 5-04-11  23:36           3,393         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,987         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,380 bytes in 2 files and 3 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\symbian\linux-gcce\features\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36             152         124  default_post.prf
            152 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\symbian\linux-gcce\*
          5,532 bytes in 3 files and 5 dirs    6,656 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\symbian\*
          9,761 bytes in 6 files and 14 dirs    13,312 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\symbian-abld\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36             180         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,987         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,167 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\symbian-sbsv2\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  flm
 5-04-11  23:36             184         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,987         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,171 bytes in 2 files and 3 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\symbian-sbsv2\flm\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  qt
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\symbian-sbsv2\flm\qt\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           1,086         124  qmake_emulator_deployment.flm
 5-04-11  23:36             988         124  qmake_extra_pre_targetdep.flm
 5-04-11  23:36           1,089         124  qmake_post_link.flm
 5-04-11  23:36           1,914         124  qmake_store_build.flm
 5-04-11  23:36           1,584         124  qt.xml
          6,661 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    8,192 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\symbian-sbsv2\flm\*
          6,661 bytes in 5 files and 5 dirs    8,704 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\symbian-sbsv2\*
          8,832 bytes in 7 files and 8 dirs    11,776 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\tru64-cxx\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,105         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,423         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,528 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\tru64-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,135         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,423         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,558 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\unixware-cc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,232         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,912         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,144 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\unixware-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,160         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,912         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,072 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\unsupported\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-host-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  linux-scratchbox2-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  qnx-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  qws
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  vxworks-ppc-dcc
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  vxworks-ppc-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  vxworks-simpentium-dcc
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  vxworks-simpentium-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  win32-g++-cross
              0 bytes in 0 files and 11 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\unsupported\linux-host-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           4,658         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,026         124  qplatformdefs.h
          6,684 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    7,168 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\unsupported\linux-scratchbox2-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           1,151         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,026         124  qplatformdefs.h
          3,177 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\unsupported\qnx-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           1,465         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           3,529         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,994 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\unsupported\qws\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  qnx-641
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  qnx-generic-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  qnx-i386-g++
 9-23-15  17:51         <DIR>           124  qnx-ppc-g++
              0 bytes in 0 files and 6 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\unsupported\qws\qnx-641\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           3,060         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,982         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,042 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\unsupported\qws\qnx-generic-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,982         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,024         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,006 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\unsupported\qws\qnx-i386-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,906         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,024         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,930 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\unsupported\qws\qnx-ppc-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,903         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,024         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,927 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\unsupported\qws\*
         19,905 bytes in 8 files and 14 dirs    22,528 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\unsupported\vxworks-ppc-dcc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           3,602         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,036         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,638 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\unsupported\vxworks-ppc-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           1,507         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,036         124  qplatformdefs.h
          3,543 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\unsupported\vxworks-simpentium-dcc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           3,674         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,036         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,710 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\unsupported\vxworks-simpentium-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           1,517         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,933         124  qplatformdefs.h
          4,450 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\unsupported\win32-g++-cross\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           3,200         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,984         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,184 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\unsupported\*
         59,285 bytes in 24 files and 41 dirs    69,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\win32-borland\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,427         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           5,705         124  qplatformdefs.h
          8,132 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    8,704 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\win32-g++\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           3,276         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           4,557         124  qplatformdefs.h
          7,833 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    8,192 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\win32-icc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           2,954         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           4,297         124  qplatformdefs.h
          7,251 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    7,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\win32-msvc2003\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           3,445         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           4,137         124  qplatformdefs.h
          7,582 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    8,192 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\win32-msvc2005\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           3,788         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           4,159         124  qplatformdefs.h
          7,947 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    8,704 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\win32-msvc2008\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           3,862         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,986         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,848 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\win32-msvc2010\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-04-11  23:36           3,862         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,986         124  qplatformdefs.h
          5,848 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wince50standard-armv4i-msvc2005\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             215         124  default_post.prf
 2-11-10  17:19           1,004         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,985         124  qplatformdefs.h
          3,204 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wince50standard-armv4i-msvc2008\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28              61         124  default_post.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             135         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,985         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,181 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wince50standard-mipsii-msvc2005\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             223         124  default_post.prf
 2-11-10  17:19             989         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,985         124  qplatformdefs.h
          3,197 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wince50standard-mipsii-msvc2008\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-11-10  17:19              61         124  default_post.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             135         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,985         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,181 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wince50standard-mipsiv-msvc2005\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-11-10  17:19           1,009         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,985         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,994 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wince50standard-mipsiv-msvc2008\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             135         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,985         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,120 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wince50standard-sh4-msvc2005\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-11-10  17:19             916         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,985         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,901 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wince50standard-sh4-msvc2008\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             132         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,985         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,117 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wince50standard-x86-msvc2005\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             193         124  default_post.prf
 2-11-10  17:19             943         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,985         124  qplatformdefs.h
          3,121 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wince50standard-x86-msvc2008\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28              58         124  default_post.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             132         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,985         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,175 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wince60standard-armv4i-msvc2005\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-11-10  17:19           1,058         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,985         124  qplatformdefs.h
          3,043 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wince60standard-x86-msvc2005\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-11-10  17:19           1,029         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,028         124  qplatformdefs.h
          3,057 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wincewm50pocket-msvc2005\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             215         124  default_post.prf
 2-11-10  17:19             926         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,985         124  qplatformdefs.h
          3,126 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wincewm50pocket-msvc2008\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28              54         124  default_post.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             128         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,985         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,167 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wincewm50smart-msvc2005\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             215         124  default_post.prf
 2-11-10  17:19             976         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,985         124  qplatformdefs.h
          3,176 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wincewm50smart-msvc2008\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28              53         124  default_post.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             127         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,985         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,165 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wincewm60professional-msvc2005\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             215         124  default_post.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             443         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,985         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,643 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wincewm60professional-msvc2008\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28              60         124  default_post.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             134         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,985         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,179 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wincewm60standard-msvc2005\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28             215         124  default_post.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             565         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,985         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,765 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wincewm60standard-msvc2008\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-07-09   8:28              56         124  default_post.prf
 5-07-09   8:28             130         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           1,985         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,171 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wincewm65professional-msvc2005\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-11-10  17:19              61         124  default_post.prf
 2-11-10  17:19             136         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,028         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,225 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\wincewm65professional-msvc2008\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-11-10  17:19              61         124  default_post.prf
 2-11-10  17:19             137         124  qmake.conf
 5-04-11  23:36           2,028         124  qplatformdefs.h
          2,226 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\mkspecs\*
      1,008,231 bytes in 458 files and 455 dirs    1,206,784 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\translations\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-13  16:51          33,910         124  qt_ar.qm
 3-22-13  16:51         245,782         124  qt_cs.qm
 3-22-13  16:51         119,836         124  qt_da.qm
 3-22-13  16:51         320,883         124  qt_de.qm
 3-22-13  16:51          82,411         124  qt_es.qm
 3-22-13  16:51         250,219         124  qt_fr.qm
 3-22-13  16:51         271,804         124  qt_gl.qm
 3-22-13  16:51          25,666         124  qt_he.qm
 3-22-13  16:51           9,464         124  qt_help_cs.qm
 3-22-13  16:51           8,785         124  qt_help_da.qm
 3-22-13  16:51          11,183         124  qt_help_de.qm
 3-22-13  16:51          11,171         124  qt_help_fr.qm
 3-22-13  16:51           9,930         124  qt_help_hu.qm
 3-22-13  16:51           8,137         124  qt_help_ja.qm
 3-22-13  16:51          10,492         124  qt_help_pl.qm
 3-22-13  16:51          10,649         124  qt_help_ru.qm
 3-22-13  16:51          10,356         124  qt_help_sl.qm
 3-22-13  16:51          10,063         124  qt_help_uk.qm
 3-22-13  16:51           6,434         124  qt_help_zh_CN.qm
 3-22-13  16:51           6,384         124  qt_help_zh_TW.qm
 3-22-13  16:51         272,162         124  qt_hu.qm
 3-22-13  16:51         237,584         124  qt_ja.qm
 3-22-13  16:51         297,997         124  qt_pl.qm
 3-22-13  16:51          70,321         124  qt_pt.qm
 3-22-13  16:51         248,453         124  qt_ru.qm
 3-22-13  16:51          76,274         124  qt_sk.qm
 3-22-13  16:51         228,417         124  qt_sl.qm
 3-22-13  16:51          65,848         124  qt_sv.qm
 3-22-13  16:51         201,210         124  qt_uk.qm
 3-22-13  16:51         117,337         124  qt_zh_CN.qm
 3-22-13  16:51         117,253         124  qt_zh_TW.qm
      3,396,415 bytes in 31 files and 2 dirs    3,404,800 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\qt4\*
      4,737,860 bytes in 490 files and 467 dirs    4,946,944 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tabset\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-17-12  16:18             135           0  std
 1-17-12  16:18              95           0  stdcrt
 1-17-12  16:18             160           0  vt100
 1-17-12  16:18              64           0  vt300
            454 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-27-11  13:38         <DIR>             0  8.3
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  8.4
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  8.5
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8\8.3\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8\8.4\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  platform
 8-27-11  13:38          40,049           0
 8-27-11  13:38           8,904           0
         48,953 bytes in 2 files and 3 dirs    50,176 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8\8.4\platform\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-27-11  13:38           5,991           0
          5,991 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8\8.4\*
         54,944 bytes in 3 files and 5 dirs    56,320 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8\8.5\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-27-11  13:38          13,702           0
 8-27-11  13:38          99,525           0
        113,227 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    113,664 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8\*
        168,171 bytes in 5 files and 14 dirs    171,520 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  encoding
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  http1.0
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  msgs
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  opt0.4
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  tzdata
 8-27-11  13:38          20,381           0  auto.tcl
 8-27-11  13:38         130,055           0  clock.tcl
 8-27-11  13:38           9,032           0  history.tcl
 8-27-11  13:38          25,038           0  init.tcl
 8-27-11  13:38          23,643           0  package.tcl
 8-27-11  13:38             869           0  parray.tcl
 8-27-11  13:38          32,812           0  safe.tcl
 8-27-11  13:38           6,379           0  tclIndex
 8-27-11  13:38          11,432           0  tm.tcl
 8-27-11  13:38           4,724           0  word.tcl
        264,365 bytes in 10 files and 7 dirs    269,824 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\encoding\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-27-11  13:38           1,090           0  ascii.enc
 8-27-11  13:38          92,873           0  big5.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,090           0  cp437.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,090           0  cp737.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,090           0  cp775.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,090           0  cp850.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,090           0  cp852.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,090           0  cp855.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,090           0  cp857.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,090           0  cp860.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,090           0  cp861.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,090           0  cp862.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,090           0  cp863.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,090           0  cp864.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,090           0  cp865.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,090           0  cp866.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,090           0  cp869.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,090           0  cp874.enc
 8-27-11  13:39          48,207           0  cp932.enc
 8-27-11  13:39         132,509           0  cp936.enc
 8-27-11  13:39         130,423           0  cp949.enc
 8-27-11  13:39          91,831           0  cp950.enc
 8-27-11  13:38           1,091           0  cp1250.enc
 8-27-11  13:38           1,091           0  cp1251.enc
 8-27-11  13:38           1,091           0  cp1252.enc
 8-27-11  13:38           1,091           0  cp1253.enc
 8-27-11  13:38           1,091           0  cp1254.enc
 8-27-11  13:38           1,091           0  cp1255.enc
 8-27-11  13:38           1,091           0  cp1256.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,091           0  cp1257.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,091           0  cp1258.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,093           0  dingbats.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,054           0  ebcdic.enc
 8-27-11  13:39          85,574           0  euc-cn.enc
 8-27-11  13:39          82,537           0  euc-jp.enc
 8-27-11  13:39          93,918           0  euc-kr.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,091           0  gb1988.enc
 8-27-11  13:39          84,532           0  gb2312-raw.enc
 8-27-11  13:39          85,574           0  gb2312.enc
 8-27-11  13:39          86,619           0  gb12345.enc
 8-27-11  13:39             192           0  iso2022-jp.enc
 8-27-11  13:39             115           0  iso2022-kr.enc
 8-27-11  13:39             226           0  iso2022.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,094           0  iso8859-1.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,094           0  iso8859-2.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,094           0  iso8859-3.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,094           0  iso8859-4.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,094           0  iso8859-5.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,094           0  iso8859-6.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,094           0  iso8859-7.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,094           0  iso8859-8.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,094           0  iso8859-9.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,095           0  iso8859-10.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,095           0  iso8859-13.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,095           0  iso8859-14.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,095           0  iso8859-15.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,095           0  iso8859-16.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,092           0  jis0201.enc
 8-27-11  13:39          80,459           0  jis0208.enc
 8-27-11  13:39          70,974           0  jis0212.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,091           0  koi8-r.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,091           0  koi8-u.enc
 8-27-11  13:39          92,877           0  ksc5601.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,096           0  macCentEuro.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,096           0  macCroatian.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,096           0  macCyrillic.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,096           0  macDingbats.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,093           0  macGreek.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,095           0  macIceland.enc
 8-27-11  13:39          48,028           0  macJapan.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,093           0  macRoman.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,095           0  macRomania.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,092           0  macThai.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,095           0  macTurkish.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,095           0  macUkraine.enc
 8-27-11  13:39          41,862           0  shiftjis.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,091           0  symbol.enc
 8-27-11  13:39           1,091           0  tis-620.enc
      1,413,736 bytes in 78 files and 2 dirs    1,445,888 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\http1.0\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-27-11  13:38           9,759           0  http.tcl
 8-27-11  13:38             735           0  pkgIndex.tcl
         10,494 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    11,264 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\msgs\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-18-04  22:59             989           0  af.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  af_za.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,964           0  ar.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             259           0  ar_in.msg
 8-17-05  21:24           1,812           0  ar_jo.msg
 8-17-05  21:24           1,812           0  ar_lb.msg
 8-17-05  21:24           1,812           0  ar_sy.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           2,105           0  be.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,819           0  bg.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           2,286           0  bn.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             259           0  bn_in.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,102           0  ca.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,300           0  cs.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,156           0  da.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,222           0  de.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             812           0  de_at.msg
 8-17-05  21:24           1,223           0  de_be.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           2,252           0  el.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             300           0  en_au.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             305           0  en_be.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  en_bw.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             288           0  en_ca.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             279           0  en_gb.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             321           0  en_hk.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             279           0  en_ie.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             310           0  en_in.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             300           0  en_nz.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             321           0  en_ph.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  en_sg.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             245           0  en_za.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  en_zw.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,231           0  eo.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,180           0  es.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             242           0  es_ar.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  es_bo.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  es_cl.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  es_co.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  es_cr.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  es_do.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  es_ec.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  es_gt.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  es_hn.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  es_mx.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  es_ni.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  es_pa.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  es_pe.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  es_pr.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  es_py.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  es_sv.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  es_uy.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  es_ve.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,206           0  et.msg
 8-18-04  22:59             985           0  eu.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             287           0  eu_es.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,664           0  fa.msg
 8-17-05  21:24           1,957           0  fa_in.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             417           0  fa_ir.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,145           0  fi.msg
 8-18-04  22:59             986           0  fo.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             279           0  fo_fo.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,205           0  fr.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             279           0  fr_be.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             279           0  fr_ca.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             281           0  fr_ch.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,141           0  ga.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             279           0  ga_ie.msg
 8-18-04  22:59             950           0  gl.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  gl_es.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,037           0  gv.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  gv_gb.msg
 6-16-10  13:40           1,938           0  he.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,738           0  hi.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  hi_in.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,121           0  hr.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,327           0  hu.msg
 8-18-04  22:59             914           0  id.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  id_id.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,255           0  is.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,240           0  it.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             244           0  it_ch.msg
 4-20-07   5:23           1,664           0  ja.msg
 8-18-04  22:59             978           0  kl.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             279           0  kl_gl.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,566           0  ko.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,958           0  kok.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             254           0  kok_in.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             346           0  ko_kr.msg
 8-18-04  22:59             966           0  kw.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  kw_gb.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,255           0  lt.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,219           0  lv.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           2,105           0  mk.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,807           0  mr.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  mr_in.msg
 8-18-04  22:59             910           0  ms.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             259           0  ms_my.msg
 8-18-04  22:59             690           0  mt.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,157           0  nb.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,079           0  nl.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             279           0  nl_be.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,148           0  nn.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,211           0  pl.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,127           0  pt.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             279           0  pt_br.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,172           0  ro.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           2,039           0  ru.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             242           0  ru_ua.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,160           0  sh.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,203           0  sk.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,164           0  sl.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,267           0  sq.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           2,035           0  sr.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,167           0  sv.msg
 8-18-04  22:59             991           0  sw.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,835           0  ta.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             251           0  ta_in.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           2,102           0  te.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             411           0  te_in.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           2,305           0  th.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,133           0  tr.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           2,113           0  uk.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           1,421           0  vi.msg
 8-18-04  22:59           3,330           0  zh.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             312           0  zh_cn.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             752           0  zh_hk.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             339           0  zh_sg.msg
 8-17-05  21:24             346           0  zh_tw.msg
        112,342 bytes in 127 files and 2 dirs    144,896 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\opt0.4\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-27-11  13:38          33,013           0  optparse.tcl
 8-27-11  13:38             607           0  pkgIndex.tcl
         33,620 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    34,304 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  Africa
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  America
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  Antarctica
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  Arctic
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  Asia
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  Atlantic
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  Australia
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  Brazil
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  Canada
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  Chile
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  Etc
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  Europe
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  Indian
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  Mexico
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  Pacific
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  SystemV
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  US
 4-09-09  23:11           7,471           0  CET
 4-09-09  23:11           8,227           0  CST6CDT
 4-09-09  23:11             170           0  Cuba
 4-09-09  23:11           7,189           0  EET
 4-09-09  23:11             165           0  Egypt
 4-09-09  23:11             167           0  Eire
 4-09-09  23:11             106           0  EST
 4-09-09  23:11           8,227           0  EST5EDT
 4-09-09  23:11             165           0  GB
 4-09-09  23:11             170           0  GB-Eire
 4-09-09  23:11             148           0  GMT
 4-09-09  23:11             150           0  GMT+0
 4-09-09  23:11             150           0  GMT-0
 4-09-09  23:11             149           0  GMT0
 4-09-09  23:11             154           0  Greenwich
 4-09-09  23:11             174           0  Hongkong
 4-09-09  23:11             106           0  HST
 4-09-09  23:11             185           0  Iceland
 4-09-09  23:11             161           0  Iran
 4-09-09  23:11             172           0  Israel
 4-09-09  23:11             176           0  Jamaica
 4-09-09  23:11             159           0  Japan
 4-09-09  23:11             184           0  Kwajalein
 4-09-09  23:11             171           0  Libya
 4-09-09  23:11           7,471           0  MET
 4-09-09  23:11             106           0  MST
 4-09-09  23:11           8,227           0  MST7MDT
 4-09-09  23:11             172           0  Navajo
 4-09-09  23:11             174           0  NZ
 4-09-09  23:11             176           0  NZ-CHAT
 4-09-09  23:11             169           0  Poland
 4-09-09  23:11             171           0  Portugal
 4-09-09  23:11             166           0  PRC
 4-09-09  23:11           8,227           0  PST8PDT
 4-09-09  23:11             160           0  ROC
 4-09-09  23:11             157           0  ROK
 4-09-09  23:11             175           0  Singapore
 4-09-09  23:11             175           0  Turkey
 4-09-09  23:11             148           0  UCT
 4-09-09  23:11             154           0  Universal
 4-09-09  23:11             148           0  UTC
 4-09-09  23:11             167           0  W-SU
 4-09-09  23:11           6,694           0  WET
 4-09-09  23:11             149           0  Zulu
         67,482 bytes in 44 files and 19 dirs    92,160 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\Africa\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-09-09  23:11             141           0  Abidjan
 4-09-09  23:11             520           0  Accra
 4-09-09  23:11             179           0  Addis_Ababa
 4-09-09  23:11           1,041           0  Algiers
 4-09-09  23:11             203           0  Asmara
 4-09-09  23:11             176           0  Asmera
 4-09-09  23:11             196           0  Bamako
 4-09-09  23:11             143           0  Bangui
 4-09-09  23:11             200           0  Banjul
 4-09-09  23:11             169           0  Bissau
 4-09-09  23:11             145           0  Blantyre
 4-09-09  23:11             148           0  Brazzaville
 4-09-09  23:11             146           0  Bujumbura
 8-23-10  22:57           8,766           0  Cairo
 4-29-10  18:55             780           0  Casablanca
 4-09-09  23:11           7,253           0  Ceuta
 4-09-09  23:11             197           0  Conakry
 4-09-09  23:11             169           0  Dakar
 4-09-09  23:11             210           0  Dar_es_Salaam
 4-09-09  23:11             147           0  Djibouti
 4-09-09  23:11             143           0  Douala
 4-09-09  23:11             171           0  El_Aaiun
 4-09-09  23:11           1,004           0  Freetown
 4-09-09  23:11             203           0  Gaborone
 4-09-09  23:11             143           0  Harare
 4-09-09  23:11             298           0  Johannesburg
 4-09-09  23:11             234           0  Kampala
 4-09-09  23:11           1,063           0  Khartoum
 4-09-09  23:11             143           0  Kigali
 4-09-09  23:11             145           0  Kinshasa
 4-09-09  23:11             141           0  Lagos
 4-09-09  23:11             147           0  Libreville
 4-09-09  23:11             137           0  Lome
 4-09-09  23:11             172           0  Luanda
 4-09-09  23:11             147           0  Lubumbashi
 4-09-09  23:11             143           0  Lusaka
 4-09-09  23:11             168           0  Malabo
 4-09-09  23:11             143           0  Maputo
 4-09-09  23:11             203           0  Maseru
 4-09-09  23:11             145           0  Mbabane
 4-09-09  23:11             207           0  Mogadishu
 4-09-09  23:11             200           0  Monrovia
 4-09-09  23:11             234           0  Nairobi
 4-09-09  23:11             200           0  Ndjamena
 4-09-09  23:11             197           0  Niamey
 4-09-09  23:11             200           0  Nouakchott
 4-09-09  23:11             145           0  Ouagadougou
 4-09-09  23:11             172           0  Porto-Novo
 4-09-09  23:11             172           0  Sao_Tome
 4-09-09  23:11             178           0  Timbuktu
 4-09-09  23:11             835           0  Tripoli
 4-29-10  18:55           1,072           0  Tunis
 4-09-09  23:11           6,288           0  Windhoek
         36,122 bytes in 53 files and 2 dirs    54,272 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\America\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  Argentina
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  Indiana
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  Kentucky
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  North_Dakota
 4-09-09  23:11           8,404           0  Adak
 4-09-09  23:11           8,444           0  Anchorage
 4-09-09  23:11             150           0  Anguilla
 4-09-09  23:11             179           0  Antigua
 4-09-09  23:11           1,657           0  Araguaina
 4-09-09  23:11             177           0  Aruba
 3-09-10  19:29           7,810           0  Asuncion
 4-09-09  23:11             332           0  Atikokan
 4-09-09  23:11             172           0  Atka
 4-09-09  23:11           1,884           0  Bahia
 8-02-10  22:12           6,625           0  Bahia_Banderas
 4-09-09  23:11             413           0  Barbados
 4-09-09  23:11           1,010           0  Belem
 4-09-09  23:11           1,829           0  Belize
 4-09-09  23:11             331           0  Blanc-Sablon
 4-09-09  23:11           1,175           0  Boa_Vista
 4-09-09  23:11             238           0  Bogota
 4-09-09  23:11           8,324           0  Boise
 4-09-09  23:11             234           0  Buenos_Aires
 4-09-09  23:11           7,487           0  Cambridge_Bay
 4-09-09  23:11           7,778           0  Campo_Grande
 4-09-09  23:11           6,435           0  Cancun
 4-09-09  23:11             240           0  Caracas
 4-09-09  23:11             222           0  Catamarca
 4-09-09  23:11             178           0  Cayenne
 4-09-09  23:11             179           0  Cayman
 4-09-09  23:11          11,003           0  Chicago
 4-09-09  23:11           6,593           0  Chihuahua
 4-09-09  23:11             193           0  Coral_Harbour
 4-09-09  23:11             214           0  Cordoba
 4-09-09  23:11             416           0  Costa_Rica
 4-09-09  23:11           7,771           0  Cuiaba
 4-09-09  23:11             179           0  Curacao
 4-09-09  23:11           1,105           0  Danmarkshavn
 4-09-09  23:11           7,609           0  Dawson
 4-09-09  23:11           1,876           0  Dawson_Creek
 4-09-09  23:11           8,629           0  Denver
 4-09-09  23:11           8,068           0  Detroit
 4-09-09  23:11             150           0  Dominica
 4-09-09  23:11           8,435           0  Edmonton
 4-09-09  23:11           1,174           0  Eirunepe
 4-09-09  23:11             269           0  El_Salvador
 4-09-09  23:11             185           0  Ensenada
 4-09-09  23:11           1,394           0  Fortaleza
 4-09-09  23:11             226           0  Fort_Wayne
 4-09-09  23:11           8,099           0  Glace_Bay
 4-09-09  23:11           7,306           0  Godthab
 4-09-09  23:11           9,985           0  Goose_Bay
 4-09-09  23:11           7,398           0  Grand_Turk
 4-09-09  23:11             149           0  Grenada
 4-09-09  23:11             152           0  Guadeloupe
 4-09-09  23:11             385           0  Guatemala
 4-09-09  23:11             182           0  Guayaquil
 4-09-09  23:11             237           0  Guyana
 4-09-09  23:11          10,763           0  Halifax
 4-09-09  23:11           8,444           0  Havana
 4-09-09  23:11             595           0  Hermosillo
 4-09-09  23:11             228           0  Indianapolis
 4-09-09  23:11           7,389           0  Inuvik
 4-09-09  23:11           7,421           0  Iqaluit
 4-09-09  23:11             789           0  Jamaica
 4-09-09  23:11             206           0  Jujuy
 4-09-09  23:11           8,377           0  Juneau
 4-09-09  23:11             199           0  Knox_IN
 4-09-09  23:11             211           0  La_Paz
 4-09-09  23:11             447           0  Lima
 4-09-09  23:11           9,409           0  Los_Angeles
 4-09-09  23:11             223           0  Louisville
 4-09-09  23:11           1,507           0  Maceio
 4-09-09  23:11             590           0  Managua
 4-09-09  23:11           1,142           0  Manaus
 4-09-09  23:11             193           0  Marigot
 4-09-09  23:11             242           0  Martinique
 3-09-10  19:29           6,526           0  Matamoros
 4-09-09  23:11           6,619           0  Mazatlan
 4-09-09  23:11             214           0  Mendoza
 4-09-09  23:11           8,136           0  Menominee
 4-09-09  23:11           6,435           0  Merida
 4-09-09  23:11           6,807           0  Mexico_City
 4-09-09  23:11           7,074           0  Miquelon
 4-09-09  23:11          10,165           0  Moncton
 4-09-09  23:11           6,496           0  Monterrey
 4-09-09  23:11           7,813           0  Montevideo
 4-09-09  23:11          10,915           0  Montreal
 4-09-09  23:11             152           0  Montserrat
 4-09-09  23:11           8,260           0  Nassau
 4-09-09  23:11          11,004           0  New_York
 4-09-09  23:11           7,836           0  Nipigon
 4-09-09  23:11           8,404           0  Nome
 4-09-09  23:11           1,368           0  Noronha
 3-09-10  19:29           6,621           0  Ojinaga
 4-09-09  23:11             179           0  Panama
 4-09-09  23:11           7,484           0  Pangnirtung
 4-09-09  23:11             272           0  Paramaribo
 4-09-09  23:11             479           0  Phoenix
 4-09-09  23:11           1,178           0  Port-au-Prince
 4-09-09  23:11             196           0  Porto_Acre
 4-09-09  23:11           1,030           0  Porto_Velho
 4-09-09  23:11             155           0  Port_of_Spain
 4-09-09  23:11             273           0  Puerto_Rico
 4-09-09  23:11           7,840           0  Rainy_River
 4-09-09  23:11           7,366           0  Rankin_Inlet
 4-09-09  23:11           1,391           0  Recife
 4-09-09  23:11           1,723           0  Regina
 4-09-09  23:11           7,392           0  Resolute
 4-09-09  23:11           1,059           0  Rio_Branco
 4-09-09  23:11             214           0  Rosario
 4-09-09  23:11           1,057           0  Santarem
 3-09-10  19:29           8,445           0  Santa_Isabel
 4-29-10  18:55           8,782           0  Santiago
 4-09-09  23:11             590           0  Santo_Domingo
 4-09-09  23:11           7,678           0  Sao_Paulo
 4-09-09  23:11           6,713           0  Scoresbysund
 4-09-09  23:11             182           0  Shiprock
 4-09-09  23:11             199           0  St_Barthelemy
 4-09-09  23:11          10,888           0  St_Johns
 4-09-09  23:11             150           0  St_Kitts
 4-09-09  23:11             181           0  St_Lucia
 4-09-09  23:11             151           0  St_Thomas
 4-09-09  23:11             183           0  St_Vincent
 4-09-09  23:11             845           0  Swift_Current
 4-09-09  23:11             329           0  Tegucigalpa
 4-09-09  23:11           6,666           0  Thule
 4-09-09  23:11           8,058           0  Thunder_Bay
 3-09-10  19:29           8,470           0  Tijuana
 4-09-09  23:11          10,883           0  Toronto
 4-09-09  23:11             149           0  Tortola
 4-09-09  23:11           9,495           0  Vancouver
 4-09-09  23:11             189           0  Virgin
 4-09-09  23:11           7,613           0  Whitehorse
 4-09-09  23:11           9,379           0  Winnipeg
 4-09-09  23:11           8,407           0  Yakutat
 4-09-09  23:11           7,485           0  Yellowknife
        511,907 bytes in 133 files and 6 dirs    550,400 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\America\Argentina\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-27-09   3:35           2,010           0  Buenos_Aires
 4-09-09  23:11           2,039           0  Catamarca
 4-09-09  23:11             237           0  ComodRivadavia
10-27-09   3:35           2,006           0  Cordoba
 4-09-09  23:11           2,005           0  Jujuy
 4-09-09  23:11           2,067           0  La_Rioja
 4-09-09  23:11           2,043           0  Mendoza
 4-09-09  23:11           2,041           0  Rio_Gallegos
 4-09-09  23:11           1,974           0  Salta
 4-09-09  23:11           2,067           0  San_Juan
 4-29-10  18:55           2,052           0  San_Luis
10-27-09   3:35           2,067           0  Tucuman
 4-09-09  23:11           2,036           0  Ushuaia
         24,644 bytes in 13 files and 2 dirs    27,136 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\America\Indiana\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-09-09  23:12           6,996           0  Indianapolis
 4-09-09  23:12           8,470           0  Knox
 4-09-09  23:12           7,037           0  Marengo
 4-09-09  23:12           7,364           0  Petersburg
 4-09-09  23:12           6,992           0  Tell_City
 4-09-09  23:12           6,350           0  Vevay
 4-09-09  23:12           6,992           0  Vincennes
 4-09-09  23:12           7,170           0  Winamac
         57,371 bytes in 8 files and 2 dirs    59,392 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\America\Kentucky\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-09-09  23:12           9,332           0  Louisville
 4-09-09  23:12           8,279           0  Monticello
         17,611 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    18,432 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\America\North_Dakota\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-09-09  23:12           8,278           0  Center
 4-09-09  23:12           8,281           0  New_Salem
         16,559 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    17,408 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\America\*
        628,092 bytes in 158 files and 14 dirs    672,768 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\Antarctica\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-29-10  18:55             201           0  Casey
 4-29-10  18:55             258           0  Davis
 4-09-09  23:12             207           0  DumontDUrville
 4-29-10  18:55           2,859           0  Macquarie
 3-09-10  19:29             175           0  Mawson
 4-09-09  23:12           7,622           0  McMurdo
 4-09-09  23:12           7,659           0  Palmer
 4-09-09  23:12             146           0  Rothera
 4-09-09  23:12             199           0  South_Pole
 4-09-09  23:12             144           0  Syowa
 4-09-09  23:12             145           0  Vostok
         19,615 bytes in 11 files and 2 dirs    22,528 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\Arctic\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-09-09  23:12             176           0  Longyearbyen
            176 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\Asia\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-09-09  23:12             140           0  Aden
 4-09-09  23:12           1,627           0  Almaty
 5-30-09   6:51           7,113           0  Amman
 4-29-10  18:55           7,525           0  Anadyr
 4-09-09  23:12           1,684           0  Aqtau
 4-09-09  23:12           1,656           0  Aqtobe
 4-09-09  23:12             883           0  Ashgabat
 4-09-09  23:12             177           0  Ashkhabad
 4-09-09  23:12           1,643           0  Baghdad
 4-09-09  23:12             171           0  Bahrain
 4-09-09  23:12           7,087           0  Baku
 4-09-09  23:12             174           0  Bangkok
 4-09-09  23:12           7,754           0  Beirut
 4-09-09  23:12           1,631           0  Bishkek
 4-09-09  23:12             173           0  Brunei
 4-09-09  23:12             173           0  Calcutta
 4-09-09  23:12           1,486           0  Choibalsan
 4-09-09  23:12             511           0  Chongqing
 4-09-09  23:12             180           0  Chungking
 4-09-09  23:12             347           0  Colombo
 4-09-09  23:12             164           0  Dacca
 4-29-10  18:55           8,031           0  Damascus
 4-29-10  18:55             376           0  Dhaka
 4-09-09  23:12             255           0  Dili
 4-09-09  23:12             142           0  Dubai
 4-09-09  23:12             825           0  Dushanbe
 8-23-10  22:57           7,907           0  Gaza
 4-09-09  23:12             598           0  Harbin
11-04-09   1:39           2,207           0  Hong_Kong
 4-09-09  23:12           1,480           0  Hovd
 4-09-09  23:12             238           0  Ho_Chi_Minh
 4-09-09  23:12           7,491           0  Irkutsk
 4-09-09  23:12             182           0  Istanbul
 4-09-09  23:12             350           0  Jakarta
 4-09-09  23:12             203           0  Jayapura
 4-09-09  23:12           4,156           0  Jerusalem
 4-09-09  23:12             171           0  Kabul
 4-29-10  18:55           7,496           0  Kamchatka
 4-29-10  18:55             436           0  Karachi
 4-09-09  23:12             539           0  Kashgar
 4-09-09  23:12             174           0  Kathmandu
 4-09-09  23:12             179           0  Katmandu
 4-09-09  23:12             261           0  Kolkata
 4-09-09  23:12           7,465           0  Krasnoyarsk
 4-09-09  23:12             360           0  Kuala_Lumpur
 4-09-09  23:12             703           0  Kuching
 4-09-09  23:12             142           0  Kuwait
 4-09-09  23:12             164           0  Macao
 4-09-09  23:12           1,286           0  Macau
 4-09-09  23:12           7,461           0  Magadan
 4-09-09  23:12             233           0  Makassar
 4-09-09  23:12             409           0  Manila
 4-09-09  23:12             143           0  Muscat
 4-09-09  23:12           7,368           0  Nicosia
11-04-09   1:39           7,499           0  Novokuznetsk
 4-09-09  23:12           7,495           0  Novosibirsk
 4-09-09  23:12           7,458           0  Omsk
 4-09-09  23:12           1,683           0  Oral
 4-09-09  23:12             237           0  Phnom_Penh
 4-09-09  23:12             349           0  Pontianak
 4-09-09  23:12             294           0  Pyongyang
 4-09-09  23:12             169           0  Qatar
 4-09-09  23:12           1,688           0  Qyzylorda
 4-09-09  23:12             233           0  Rangoon
 4-09-09  23:12             142           0  Riyadh
 4-09-09  23:12             183           0  Saigon
 4-09-09  23:12           7,522           0  Sakhalin
 4-09-09  23:12             912           0  Samarkand
 4-09-09  23:12             488           0  Seoul
 4-09-09  23:12             626           0  Shanghai
 4-09-09  23:12             386           0  Singapore
 4-29-10  18:55           1,297           0  Taipei
 4-09-09  23:12             911           0  Tashkent
 4-09-09  23:12           1,719           0  Tbilisi
 4-09-09  23:12           3,084           0  Tehran
 4-09-09  23:12             179           0  Tel_Aviv
 4-09-09  23:12             171           0  Thimbu
 4-09-09  23:12             171           0  Thimphu
 4-09-09  23:12             434           0  Tokyo
 4-09-09  23:12             181           0  Ujung_Pandang
 4-09-09  23:12           1,487           0  Ulaanbaatar
 4-09-09  23:12             187           0  Ulan_Bator
 4-09-09  23:12             508           0  Urumqi
 4-09-09  23:12             236           0  Vientiane
 4-09-09  23:12           7,468           0  Vladivostok
 4-09-09  23:12           7,461           0  Yakutsk
 4-09-09  23:12           7,467           0  Yekaterinburg
 4-09-09  23:12           7,176           0  Yerevan
        189,231 bytes in 88 files and 2 dirs    212,480 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\Atlantic\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-09-09  23:12          10,092           0  Azores
 4-09-09  23:12           7,684           0  Bermuda
 4-09-09  23:12           6,638           0  Canary
 4-09-09  23:12             238           0  Cape_Verde
 4-09-09  23:12             181           0  Faeroe
 4-09-09  23:12           6,551           0  Faroe
 4-09-09  23:12             175           0  Jan_Mayen
 4-09-09  23:12           9,568           0  Madeira
 4-09-09  23:12           1,911           0  Reykjavik
 4-09-09  23:12             154           0  South_Georgia
 4-09-09  23:12           7,644           0  Stanley
 4-09-09  23:12             175           0  St_Helena
         51,011 bytes in 12 files and 2 dirs    53,760 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\Australia\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-09-09  23:12             185           0  ACT
 4-09-09  23:12           7,831           0  Adelaide
 4-09-09  23:12             633           0  Brisbane
 4-09-09  23:12           7,892           0  Broken_Hill
 4-09-09  23:12             190           0  Canberra
 4-09-09  23:12           7,829           0  Currie
 4-09-09  23:12             412           0  Darwin
 4-09-09  23:12             714           0  Eucla
 4-09-09  23:12           8,049           0  Hobart
 4-09-09  23:12             194           0  LHI
 4-09-09  23:12             773           0  Lindeman
 4-09-09  23:12           7,250           0  Lord_Howe
 4-09-09  23:12           7,802           0  Melbourne
 4-09-09  23:12             187           0  North
 4-09-09  23:12             185           0  NSW
 4-09-09  23:12             694           0  Perth
 4-09-09  23:12             198           0  Queensland
 4-09-09  23:12             193           0  South
 4-09-09  23:12           7,799           0  Sydney
 4-09-09  23:12             190           0  Tasmania
 4-09-09  23:12             199           0  Victoria
 4-09-09  23:12             183           0  West
 4-09-09  23:12             207           0  Yancowinna
         59,789 bytes in 23 files and 2 dirs    67,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\Brazil\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-09-09  23:12             189           0  Acre
 4-09-09  23:12             185           0  DeNoronha
 4-09-09  23:12             186           0  East
 4-09-09  23:12             177           0  West
            737 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\Canada\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-09-09  23:12             184           0  Atlantic
 4-09-09  23:12             186           0  Central
 4-09-09  23:12             190           0  East-Saskatchewan
 4-09-09  23:12             183           0  Eastern
 4-09-09  23:12             187           0  Mountain
 4-09-09  23:12             191           0  Newfoundland
 4-09-09  23:12             189           0  Pacific
 4-09-09  23:12             185           0  Saskatchewan
 4-09-09  23:12             190           0  Yukon
          1,685 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\Chile\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-09-09  23:12             189           0  Continental
 4-09-09  23:12             184           0  EasterIsland
            373 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\Etc\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-09-09  23:12             105           0  GMT
 4-09-09  23:12             154           0  GMT+0
 4-09-09  23:12             113           0  GMT+1
 4-09-09  23:12             113           0  GMT+2
 4-09-09  23:12             114           0  GMT+3
 4-09-09  23:12             114           0  GMT+4
 4-09-09  23:12             114           0  GMT+5
 4-09-09  23:12             114           0  GMT+6
 4-09-09  23:12             114           0  GMT+7
 4-09-09  23:12             114           0  GMT+8
 4-09-09  23:12             114           0  GMT+9
 4-09-09  23:12             116           0  GMT+10
 4-09-09  23:12             116           0  GMT+11
 4-09-09  23:12             116           0  GMT+12
 4-09-09  23:12             154           0  GMT-0
 4-09-09  23:12             112           0  GMT-1
 4-09-09  23:12             112           0  GMT-2
 4-09-09  23:12             113           0  GMT-3
 4-09-09  23:12             113           0  GMT-4
 4-09-09  23:12             113           0  GMT-5
 4-09-09  23:12             113           0  GMT-6
 4-09-09  23:12             113           0  GMT-7
 4-09-09  23:12             113           0  GMT-8
 4-09-09  23:12             113           0  GMT-9
 4-09-09  23:12             115           0  GMT-10
 4-09-09  23:12             115           0  GMT-11
 4-09-09  23:12             115           0  GMT-12
 4-09-09  23:12             115           0  GMT-13
 4-09-09  23:12             115           0  GMT-14
 4-09-09  23:12             153           0  GMT0
 4-09-09  23:12             158           0  Greenwich
 4-09-09  23:12             105           0  UCT
 4-09-09  23:12             158           0  Universal
 4-09-09  23:12             105           0  UTC
 4-09-09  23:12             153           0  Zulu
          4,207 bytes in 35 files and 2 dirs    17,920 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\Europe\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-09-09  23:12           8,783           0  Amsterdam
 4-09-09  23:12           6,690           0  Andorra
 4-09-09  23:12           7,686           0  Athens
 4-09-09  23:12             177           0  Belfast
 4-09-09  23:12           7,059           0  Belgrade
 4-09-09  23:12           7,746           0  Berlin
 4-09-09  23:12             180           0  Bratislava
 4-09-09  23:12           8,907           0  Brussels
 4-09-09  23:12           7,706           0  Bucharest
 4-09-09  23:12           8,034           0  Budapest
 4-09-09  23:12           7,825           0  Chisinau
 4-09-09  23:12           7,458           0  Copenhagen
 4-09-09  23:12           9,476           0  Dublin
 4-09-09  23:12           9,181           0  Gibraltar
 4-09-09  23:12             178           0  Guernsey
 8-02-10  22:12           7,120           0  Helsinki
 4-09-09  23:12             181           0  Isle_of_Man
 4-09-09  23:12           8,707           0  Istanbul
 4-09-09  23:12             176           0  Jersey
 4-09-09  23:12           7,502           0  Kaliningrad
 4-09-09  23:12           7,200           0  Kiev
 4-09-09  23:12           9,471           0  Lisbon
 4-09-09  23:12             185           0  Ljubljana
 4-09-09  23:12           9,839           0  London
 4-09-09  23:12           8,826           0  Luxembourg
 4-09-09  23:12           8,282           0  Madrid
 4-09-09  23:12           8,425           0  Malta
 4-09-09  23:12             185           0  Mariehamn
 4-09-09  23:12           7,205           0  Minsk
 4-09-09  23:12           8,871           0  Monaco
 4-09-09  23:12           7,481           0  Moscow
 4-09-09  23:12             174           0  Nicosia
 4-09-09  23:12           7,651           0  Oslo
 4-09-09  23:12           8,838           0  Paris
 4-09-09  23:12             185           0  Podgorica
 4-09-09  23:12           7,684           0  Prague
 4-09-09  23:12           7,400           0  Riga
 4-09-09  23:12           8,481           0  Rome
 4-29-10  18:55           7,554           0  Samara
 4-09-09  23:12             174           0  San_Marino
 4-09-09  23:12             184           0  Sarajevo
 4-09-09  23:12           7,265           0  Simferopol
 4-09-09  23:12             182           0  Skopje
 4-09-09  23:12           7,425           0  Sofia
 4-09-09  23:12           7,058           0  Stockholm
 4-09-09  23:12           7,322           0  Tallinn
 4-09-09  23:12           7,412           0  Tirane
 4-09-09  23:12             184           0  Tiraspol
 4-09-09  23:12           7,287           0  Uzhgorod
 4-09-09  23:12           6,911           0  Vaduz
 4-09-09  23:12             171           0  Vatican
 4-09-09  23:12           7,659           0  Vienna
 4-09-09  23:12           7,203           0  Vilnius
 4-09-09  23:12           7,464           0  Volgograd
 4-09-09  23:12           8,366           0  Warsaw
 4-09-09  23:12             182           0  Zagreb
 4-09-09  23:12           7,236           0  Zaporozhye
 4-09-09  23:12           7,055           0  Zurich
        341,449 bytes in 58 files and 2 dirs    359,424 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\Indian\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-09-09  23:12             210           0  Antananarivo
 4-09-09  23:12             173           0  Chagos
 4-09-09  23:12             148           0  Christmas
 4-09-09  23:12             144           0  Cocos
 4-09-09  23:12             145           0  Comoro
 4-09-09  23:12             143           0  Kerguelen
 4-09-09  23:12             143           0  Mahe
 4-09-09  23:12             176           0  Maldives
 7-22-09   0:20             264           0  Mauritius
 4-09-09  23:12             146           0  Mayotte
 4-09-09  23:12             146           0  Reunion
          1,838 bytes in 11 files and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\Mexico\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-09-09  23:12             185           0  BajaNorte
 4-09-09  23:12             186           0  BajaSur
 4-09-09  23:12             195           0  General
            566 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\Pacific\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-29-10  18:55             268           0  Apia
 4-09-09  23:12           8,487           0  Auckland
 4-09-09  23:12           7,875           0  Chatham
 8-02-10  22:12             146           0  Chuuk
 4-29-10  18:55           8,549           0  Easter
 4-09-09  23:12             715           0  Efate
 4-09-09  23:12             211           0  Enderbury
 4-09-09  23:12             149           0  Fakaofo
 4-29-10  18:55             376           0  Fiji
 4-09-09  23:12             148           0  Funafuti
 4-09-09  23:12             181           0  Galapagos
 4-09-09  23:12             150           0  Gambier
 4-09-09  23:12             151           0  Guadalcanal
 4-09-09  23:12             204           0  Guam
 4-09-09  23:12             332           0  Honolulu
 4-09-09  23:12             119           0  Johnston
 4-09-09  23:12             212           0  Kiritimati
 4-09-09  23:12             204           0  Kosrae
 4-09-09  23:12             206           0  Kwajalein
 4-09-09  23:12             173           0  Majuro
 4-09-09  23:12             152           0  Marquesas
 4-09-09  23:12             266           0  Midway
 4-09-09  23:12             231           0  Nauru
 4-09-09  23:12             205           0  Niue
 4-09-09  23:12             176           0  Norfolk
 4-09-09  23:12             317           0  Noumea
 4-09-09  23:12             270           0  Pago_Pago
 4-09-09  23:12             145           0  Palau
 4-09-09  23:12             179           0  Pitcairn
 8-02-10  22:12             148           0  Pohnpei
 8-02-10  22:12             183           0  Ponape
 4-09-09  23:12             183           0  Port_Moresby
 4-09-09  23:12             931           0  Rarotonga
 4-09-09  23:12             233           0  Saipan
 4-09-09  23:12             188           0  Samoa
 4-09-09  23:12             149           0  Tahiti
 4-09-09  23:12             147           0  Tarawa
 4-09-09  23:12             379           0  Tongatapu
 8-02-10  22:12             175           0  Truk
 4-09-09  23:12             145           0  Wake
 4-09-09  23:12             146           0  Wallis
 8-02-10  22:12             174           0  Yap
         33,978 bytes in 42 files and 2 dirs    46,592 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\SystemV\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-07-04  20:38             196           0  AST4
 9-07-04  20:38             187           0  AST4ADT
 9-07-04  20:38             181           0  CST6
 9-07-04  20:38             187           0  CST6CDT
 9-07-04  20:38             199           0  EST5
 9-07-04  20:38             190           0  EST5EDT
 9-07-04  20:38             188           0  HST10
 9-07-04  20:38             184           0  MST7
 9-07-04  20:38             184           0  MST7MDT
 9-07-04  20:38             187           0  PST8
 9-07-04  20:38             199           0  PST8PDT
 9-07-04  20:38             184           0  YST9
 9-07-04  20:38             193           0  YST9YDT
          2,459 bytes in 13 files and 2 dirs    6,656 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\US\*

 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-09-09  23:12             184           0  Alaska
 4-09-09  23:12             171           0  Aleutian
 4-09-09  23:12             179           0  Arizona
 4-09-09  23:12             179           0  Central
 4-09-09  23:12             223           0  East-Indiana
 4-09-09  23:12             182           0  Eastern
 4-09-09  23:12             181           0  Hawaii
 4-09-09  23:12             201           0  Indiana-Starke
 4-09-09  23:12             180           0  Michigan
 4-09-09  23:12             177           0  Mountain
 4-09-09  23:12             191           0  Pacific
 4-09-09  23:12             195           0  Pacific-New
 4-09-09  23:12             183           0  Samoa
          2,426 bytes in 13 files and 2 dirs    6,656 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\tzdata\*
      1,441,236 bytes in 580 files and 65 dirs    1,627,648 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\tcl8.5\*
      3,275,793 bytes in 799 files and 80 dirs    3,533,824 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\terminfo\*

 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  6b
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  6c
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  6d
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  6f
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  58
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  61
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  64
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  65
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  67
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  68
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  70
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  72
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  75
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  76
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  77
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>             0  78
              0 bytes in 0 files and 18 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\terminfo\6b\*

 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-17-12  16:18             437           0  klone+acs
 1-17-12  16:18             867           0  klone+color
 1-17-12  16:18           1,043           0  klone+sgr
 1-17-12  16:18             585           0  klone+sgr-dumb
 1-17-12  16:18           1,529           0  kterm
          4,461 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\terminfo\6c\*

 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-17-12  16:18             332           0  lpr
            332 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\terminfo\6d\*

 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-17-12  16:18           1,417           0  mono
 1-17-12  16:18           1,426           0  mono2
          2,843 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\terminfo\6f\*

 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-17-12  16:18           1,462           0  os2
          1,462 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\terminfo\58\*

 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-17-12  16:18           1,426           0  X-hpterm
          1,426 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\terminfo\61\*

 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-17-12  16:18           1,422           0  ansi
 1-17-12  16:18           1,466           0  ansi-color-2
 1-17-12  16:18           1,470           0  ansi-color-2-emx
 1-17-12  16:18           1,446           0  ansi-color-3
 1-17-12  16:18           1,450           0  ansi-color-3-emx
 1-17-12  16:18           1,426           0  ansi-emx
 1-17-12  16:18             404           0  ansi-mini
 1-17-12  16:18           1,239           0  ansi.sys
 1-17-12  16:18           1,237           0  ansi.sys-old
         11,560 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    12,800 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\terminfo\64\*

 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-17-12  16:18             308           0  dumb
            308 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\terminfo\65\*

 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-17-12  16:18             871           0  ecma+color
 1-17-12  16:18           1,273           0  emu
 1-17-12  16:18           1,419           0  emx-base
          3,563 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    4,096 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\terminfo\67\*

 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-17-12  16:18             373           0  glasstty
            373 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\terminfo\68\*

 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-17-12  16:18           1,426           0  hpterm
          1,426 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\terminfo\70\*

 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-17-12  16:18             332           0  printer
            332 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\terminfo\72\*

 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-17-12  16:18           1,427           0  rmono
 1-17-12  16:18           1,459           0  rxvt
          2,886 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\terminfo\75\*

 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-17-12  16:18             320           0  unknown
            320 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\terminfo\76\*

 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-17-12  16:18           1,428           0  vs100
 1-17-12  16:18             641           0  vs100-x10
 1-17-12  16:18           1,428           0  vs100s
          3,497 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    4,096 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\terminfo\77\*

 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-17-12  16:18           1,472           0  window
          1,472 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\terminfo\78\*

 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-17-12  16:18             641           0  x10term
 1-17-12  16:18           1,428           0  xterm
 1-17-12  16:18           1,442           0  xterm-bold
 1-17-12  16:18           1,471           0  xterm-color
 1-17-12  16:18           1,421           0  xterm-nic
 1-17-12  16:18           1,479           0  xterm-pcolor
 1-17-12  16:18           1,424           0  xterm-r6
 1-17-12  16:18           1,541           0  xterm-sun
 1-17-12  16:18           1,428           0  xterms
 1-17-12  16:18           1,555           0  xterms-sun
         13,830 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    15,872 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\terminfo\*
         50,091 bytes in 43 files and 50 dirs    65,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\yum-cli\*

 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:52         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-10-15   5:49           8,833         124
 2-10-15   5:49           5,946         124  callback.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          75,580         124
 2-10-15   5:49          51,493         124  cli.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49         100,937         124
 2-10-15   5:49          72,402         124  output.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          13,481         124
 2-10-15   5:49          10,305         124  shell.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          14,411         124
 2-10-15   5:49          12,200         124  utils.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49          57,516         124
 2-10-15   5:49          56,382         124  yumcommands.pyc
 2-10-15   5:49           9,578         124
 2-10-15   5:49           7,723         124  yummain.pyc
        496,787 bytes in 14 files and 2 dirs    501,248 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\share\*
     58,041,797 bytes in 4,712 files and 1,844 dirs    59,612,160 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\usr\*
    358,067,335 bytes in 11,255 files and 2,786 dirs    361,753,088 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\*

 9-28-15  16:48         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:48         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  cache
 9-21-15  10:48         <DIR>             0  cid
 9-23-15  17:52         <DIR>             0  lib
 9-28-15  17:10         <DIR>           549  log
 9-28-15  13:38         <DIR>             0  run
 9-21-15  10:48         <DIR>             0  SPOOL
 9-28-15  17:13         <DIR>           364  temp
              0 bytes in 0 files and 9 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\cache\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  rpm
 2-10-15   5:49         <DIR>           124  yum
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\cache\rpm\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>             0  wps
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\cache\rpm\wps\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>             0  packages
 9-23-15  17:47             108           0  objects
            108 bytes in 1 file and 3 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\cache\rpm\wps\packages\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:50             672           0  odin-doc
 9-23-15  17:47              92           0  qtcreator
            764 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\cache\rpm\wps\*
            872 bytes in 3 files and 5 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\cache\rpm\*
            872 bytes in 3 files and 8 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\cache\yum\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:49         <DIR>           124  ecs_cdrun
 9-23-15  17:11         <DIR>           124  installed
 9-28-15  13:38         <DIR>           124  netlabs-rel
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\cache\yum\ecs_cdrun\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:49         <DIR>           124  packages
 9-21-15  10:49               0         124  cachecookie
 3-24-13   3:53           2,917         124  primary.xml.gz
 9-21-15  10:49          39,936           0  primary.xml.gz.sqlite
 3-24-13   3:53             972         124  repomd.xml
         43,825 bytes in 4 files and 3 dirs    45,056 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\cache\yum\ecs_cdrun\packages\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\cache\yum\ecs_cdrun\*
         43,825 bytes in 4 files and 5 dirs    45,056 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\cache\yum\installed\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:10             174         124  conflicts
 9-23-15  17:10             904         124  file-requires
 9-23-15  17:11              44         124  version
 9-23-15  17:10           3,426         124  yumdb-package-checksums
          4,548 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\cache\yum\netlabs-rel\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  packages
 9-28-15  13:38       2,968,576         124  431540ef846ade59d39ac2ca9c0aa0a1927f220faafaac74f8ae62e97d8b8936-primary.sqlite
10-15-15  12:57               0         124  cachecookie
10-15-15  12:45           3,000         124  repomd.xml
      2,971,576 bytes in 3 files and 3 dirs    2,972,672 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\cache\yum\netlabs-rel\packages\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-10-14  11:46      10,498,596         124  git-2.0.0-2.oc00.i386.rpm
 2-07-15   9:30      30,383,341         124  libc-devel-0.6.6-26.oc00.i386.rpm
 9-10-11  20:34           1,687         124  libc-kprofile-0.6.3-4.oc00.i386.rpm
 8-14-14   8:23       9,331,017         124  perl-5.16.1-1.oc00.i386.rpm
 9-10-14  12:08          25,146         124  perl-Git-2.0.0-2.oc00.noarch.rpm
 8-14-14   8:25         861,829         124  perl-libs-5.16.1-1.oc00.i386.rpm
     51,101,616 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    51,103,744 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\cache\yum\netlabs-rel\*
     54,073,192 bytes in 9 files and 5 dirs    54,076,416 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\cache\yum\*
     54,121,565 bytes in 17 files and 17 dirs    54,128,640 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\cache\*
     54,122,437 bytes in 20 files and 29 dirs    54,132,736 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\cid\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-25-12  16:31          37,789           0  ATTRIB.EXE
 4-29-04  20:57           3,830           0  PREPMNT.CMD
 4-25-12  16:31         478,064           0  RSPINST.EXE
 4-29-04  20:57          81,781           0  SAMPLE.RSP
 4-25-12  16:31          29,520           0  SEDISK.EXE
 4-25-12  16:31          18,688           0  SEIMAGE.EXE
12-13-13  17:02          48,707           0  SEINST.EXE
 4-25-12  16:31          70,384           0  SEMAINT.EXE
 4-25-12  16:31         139,151           0  SETBM.EXE
 9-14-12  16:58          23,890           0  SETBOOT.EXE
 4-25-12  16:31          74,896           0  UNPACK.EXE
 4-25-12  16:31          79,888           0  UNPACK2.EXE
 4-25-12  16:31          52,576           0  XCOPY.EXE
      1,139,164 bytes in 13 files and 2 dirs    1,142,272 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>           124  odin
 9-23-15  17:52         <DIR>            21  rpm
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>            21  yum
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  Application Data
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  Cookies
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  Desktop
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  Favorites
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  Fonts
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  History
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  My Documents
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  NetHood
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  PrintHood
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  Program Files
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  Recent
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  SendTo
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  ShellNew
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  Start Menu
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  SYSTEM
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  Temp
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  Temporary Internet Files
 9-21-15  10:50              29         124  system.ini
             29 bytes in 1 file and 19 dirs    9,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\Application Data\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\Cookies\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\Desktop\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\Favorites\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\Fonts\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\History\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\My Documents\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\NetHood\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\PrintHood\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\Program Files\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  Common Files
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\Program Files\Common Files\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\Program Files\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\Recent\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\SendTo\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\ShellNew\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\Start Menu\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  Programs
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\Start Menu\Programs\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:50         <DIR>             0  Startup
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\Start Menu\Programs\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\Start Menu\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 8 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\SYSTEM\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\Temp\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\Temporary Internet Files\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\odin\*
             29 bytes in 1 file and 62 dirs    10,752 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\rpm\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-31-13   9:36               0         124  .rpm.lock
 9-23-15  18:08         688,128         124  Basenames
 9-23-15  17:10          49,152         124  Conflictname
 9-23-15  18:08         114,688         124  Dirnames
 9-23-15  18:08         671,744         124  Filedigests
 9-23-15  18:08          49,152         124  Group
 9-23-15  18:08          32,768         124  Installtid
 9-23-15  18:08          49,152         124  Name
 9-23-15  18:08          49,152         124  Obsoletename
 9-23-15  18:08       1,998,848         124  Packages
 9-23-15  18:08          49,152         124  Providename
 9-23-15  18:08          49,152         124  Provideversion
 9-23-15  18:08          49,152         124  Requirename
 9-23-15  18:08          49,152         124  Requireversion
 9-23-15  18:08          49,152         124  Sha1header
 9-23-15  18:08          49,152         124  Sigmd5
12-07-12  18:48          49,152           0  Triggername
      4,046,848 bytes in 17 files and 2 dirs    4,047,360 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:16         <DIR>             0  history
 9-23-15  17:11         <DIR>           124  repos
 9-23-15  17:15         <DIR>           124  rpmdb-indexes
 9-23-15  17:40         <DIR>             0  yumdb
12-07-12  18:53           2,081           0  transaction-done.2012-12-
 1-25-13  13:42              36         124  uuid
          2,117 bytes in 2 files and 6 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\history\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  2012-12-07
 9-23-15  18:08          55,296           0  history-2012-12-07.sqlite
 9-23-15  18:08          11,864           0  history-2012-12-07.sqlite-journal
         67,160 bytes in 2 files and 3 dirs    68,096 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\history\2012-12-07\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:16         <DIR>           124  21
 9-23-15  17:18         <DIR>           124  22
 9-23-15  17:27         <DIR>           124  23
 9-23-15  17:31         <DIR>           124  24
 9-23-15  17:33         <DIR>           124  25
 9-23-15  17:37         <DIR>           124  26
 9-23-15  17:40         <DIR>           124  27
 9-23-15  17:41         <DIR>           124  28
 9-23-15  17:47         <DIR>           124  29
 9-23-15  17:49         <DIR>           124  30
 9-23-15  17:58         <DIR>           124  31
 9-23-15  18:06         <DIR>           124  32
              0 bytes in 0 files and 14 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\history\2012-12-07\21\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:16           2,827         124  config-main
 9-23-15  17:16           1,065         124  config-repos
 9-23-15  17:16             489         124  saved_tx
          4,381 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\history\2012-12-07\22\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:18           2,827         124  config-main
 9-23-15  17:18           1,065         124  config-repos
 9-23-15  17:18             489         124  saved_tx
          4,381 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\history\2012-12-07\23\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:27           2,827         124  config-main
 9-23-15  17:27           1,065         124  config-repos
 9-23-15  17:27             489         124  saved_tx
          4,381 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\history\2012-12-07\24\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:31           2,827         124  config-main
 9-23-15  17:31           1,065         124  config-repos
 9-23-15  17:31             489         124  saved_tx
          4,381 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\history\2012-12-07\25\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:33           2,827         124  config-main
 9-23-15  17:33           1,065         124  config-repos
 9-23-15  17:33             489         124  saved_tx
          4,381 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\history\2012-12-07\26\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:37           2,827         124  config-main
 9-23-15  17:37           1,065         124  config-repos
 9-23-15  17:37             489         124  saved_tx
          4,381 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\history\2012-12-07\27\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:40           2,666         124  config-main
 9-23-15  17:40           1,065         124  config-repos
 9-23-15  17:40             215         124  saved_tx
          3,946 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\history\2012-12-07\28\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:41           2,827         124  config-main
 9-23-15  17:41           1,065         124  config-repos
 9-23-15  17:41             489         124  saved_tx
          4,381 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\history\2012-12-07\29\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:47           2,669         124  config-main
 9-23-15  17:47           1,065         124  config-repos
 9-23-15  17:47             445         124  saved_tx
          4,179 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\history\2012-12-07\30\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:49           2,666         124  config-main
 9-23-15  17:49           1,065         124  config-repos
 9-23-15  17:49             427         124  saved_tx
          4,158 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\history\2012-12-07\31\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:58           2,670         124  config-main
 9-23-15  17:58           1,065         124  config-repos
 9-23-15  17:58             467         124  saved_tx
          4,202 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\history\2012-12-07\32\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:06           2,663         124  config-main
 9-23-15  18:06           1,065         124  config-repos
 9-23-15  18:06             994         124  saved_tx
          4,722 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\history\2012-12-07\*
         51,874 bytes in 36 files and 38 dirs    68,096 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\history\*
        119,034 bytes in 38 files and 41 dirs    136,192 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\repos\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:11         <DIR>           124  i386
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\repos\i386\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:11         <DIR>           124  00
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\repos\i386\00\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:11         <DIR>           124  netlabs-rel
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\repos\i386\00\netlabs-rel\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\repos\i386\00\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\repos\i386\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 8 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\repos\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 11 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\rpmdb-indexes\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  18:08         <DIR>           124  installed
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\rpmdb-indexes\installed\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\rpmdb-indexes\*
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\yumdb\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>           124  c 
 9-23-15  17:40         <DIR>           124  l 
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\yumdb\c\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-15  10:45         <DIR>           124  9059a57e0991583eb9e1ecf75015065c7e420a2f-ca-certificates-2011.80-1.oc00-noarch
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\yumdb\c\9059a57e0991583eb9e1ecf75015065c7e420a2f-ca-certificates-2011.80-1.oc00-noarch\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-22-13  12:33              64         124  checksum_data
 3-22-13  12:33               6         124  checksum_type
 3-22-13  12:33              25         124  command_line
 3-22-13  12:33              11         124  from_repo
 3-22-13  12:33              10         124  from_repo_revision
 3-22-13  12:33              10         124  from_repo_timestamp
 3-22-13  12:33               4         124  reason
 3-22-13  12:33               2         124  releasever
            132 bytes in 8 files and 2 dirs    4,096 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\yumdb\c\*
            132 bytes in 8 files and 5 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\yumdb\l\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:40         <DIR>           124  27852f67bf0640a21c4c1914ecec2fa88ffb89e9-libkai-1.1.4-1.oc00-i386
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\yumdb\l\27852f67bf0640a21c4c1914ecec2fa88ffb89e9-libkai-1.1.4-1.oc00-i386\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-23-15  17:40              64         124  checksum_data
 9-23-15  17:40               6         124  checksum_type
 9-23-15  17:40              14         124  command_line
 9-23-15  17:40              11         124  from_repo
 9-23-15  17:40              10         124  from_repo_revision
 9-23-15  17:40              10         124  from_repo_timestamp
 9-23-15  17:40               4         124  reason
 9-23-15  17:40               2         124  releasever
            121 bytes in 8 files and 2 dirs    4,096 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\yumdb\l\*
            121 bytes in 8 files and 5 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\yumdb\*
            253 bytes in 16 files and 14 dirs    10,240 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\yum\*
        121,404 bytes in 56 files and 77 dirs    153,600 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\lib\*
      4,168,281 bytes in 74 files and 146 dirs    4,213,248 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\log\*

 9-28-15  17:10         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  17:10         <DIR>             0  ..
10-29-15   8:08         134,198           0  wpstart.log
10-04-15  13:30             199           0  xwplog.log
 9-28-15  17:10               0         124  yum.log
        134,397 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    135,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\run\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\SPOOL\*

 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FHS\var\temp\*

 9-28-15  17:13         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  17:13         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\var\*
     59,564,279 bytes in 110 files and 194 dirs    59,627,520 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FHS\*
    419,984,354 bytes in 11,392 files and 3,062 dirs    423,757,312 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FM2\*

 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  Debug
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  Docs
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  FM2Tools
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  Icons
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  Tmplates
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  User_Config_Backup
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  Utils
 8-04-13  18:13          24,879           0  archiver.bb2
 5-13-07  17:30             559           0  assoc.dat
 5-25-15  13:58           1,524           0  av2.sym
 5-25-15  13:58           1,803           0  av2.xqs
 3-21-14  13:08          34,297      32,767  cfgmgr.cmd
 8-14-15  18:18              33           0  cfgmgr.log
 1-11-09  16:21           1,258           0  cmds.tls
 2-27-07  18:12             893           0  commands.dat
 1-11-09  16:21           1,985           0  config.tls
 5-25-15  13:58           1,492           0  databar.sym
 5-25-15  13:58           1,779           0  databar.xqs
 5-25-15  13:58           2,004           0  dirsize.sym
 5-25-15  13:58           2,399           0  dirsize.xqs
 5-25-15  13:58           1,492           0  eas.sym
 5-25-15  13:58           1,779           0  eas.xqs
 2-27-07  18:12             857           0  fatopt.cmd
 1-11-09  16:21           2,652           0  files.tls
 5-25-15  12:05           1,140           0  file_id.diz
 2-27-07  18:12             154           0  filters.dat
11-11-07   9:55           6,196           0  fm2dump.cmd
 5-25-15  13:58          79,036           0  fm3.exe
 5-25-15  13:57       1,323,035           0  fm3.hlp
 9-16-15  11:42           7,842           0  FM3.INI
 5-25-15  13:58           1,492           0  fm3.sym
 5-25-15  13:58           1,779           0  fm3.xqs
 5-25-15  13:57         613,599           0  fm3dll.dll
 5-25-15  13:57          31,364           0  fm3dll.sym
 5-25-15  13:57          36,572           0  fm3dll.xqs
 9-16-15  11:42           7,842           0  FM3INI.BAK
 5-25-15  13:57         200,570           0  fm3res.dll
 5-25-15  13:57           3,124           0  fm3res.sym
 5-25-15  13:57           3,844           0  fm3res.xqs
 8-28-08   6:05           3,084           0  fm3tools.dat
 5-25-15  13:58          77,706           0  fm4.exe
 5-25-15  13:58           1,492           0  fm4.sym
 5-25-15  13:58           1,779           0  fm4.xqs
 5-25-15  13:58           1,492           0  global.sym
 5-25-15  13:58           1,779           0  global.xqs
 2-27-07  18:12             493           0  hpfsopt.cmd
 5-25-15  13:58           1,492           0  ini.sym
 5-25-15  13:58           1,779           0  ini.xqs
 2-27-07  18:12             411           0  jfsopt.cmd
 5-25-15  13:58           1,492           0  killproc.sym
 5-25-15  13:58           1,779           0  killproc.xqs
 8-27-08  10:30             188           0  quicktls.dat
 1-11-09  16:21             959           0  select.tls
 8-14-15  18:18             478           0  SETENV.CMD
 1-11-09  16:21             845           0  sort.tls
 5-25-15  13:58           1,492           0  sysinfo.sym
 5-25-15  13:58           1,779           0  sysinfo.xqs
 5-25-15  13:58           1,492           0  undel.sym
 5-25-15  13:58           1,779           0  undel.xqs
 1-11-09  16:21           2,305           0  utils.tls
 4-20-07  18:36          36,805      32,767  utilsmgr.cmd
 5-25-15  13:58           1,492           0  vcollect.sym
 5-25-15  13:58           1,779           0  vcollect.xqs
 5-25-15  13:58           1,492           0  vdir.sym
 5-25-15  13:58           1,779           0  vdir.xqs
 5-25-15  13:58           1,492           0  viewinfs.sym
 5-25-15  13:58           1,779           0  viewinfs.xqs
 1-11-09  16:21           2,465           0  views.tls
 5-25-15  13:58           1,492           0  vtree.sym
 5-25-15  13:58           1,779           0  vtree.xqs
      2,557,723 bytes in 63 files and 9 dirs    2,574,336 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FM2\Debug\*

 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-25-15  13:58          15,092           0
 5-25-15  13:58          13,378           0
 5-25-15  13:58          20,863           0
 5-25-15  13:58          13,660           0
 5-25-15  13:58          13,820           0
 5-25-15  13:57         230,626           0
 5-25-15  13:57          24,640           0
 5-25-15  13:58          13,870           0
 5-25-15  13:58          13,745           0
 5-25-15  13:58          13,508           0
 5-25-15  13:58          13,430           0
 2-20-14  17:03           2,822           0  logfm2.cmd
 5-25-15  13:58          13,336           0
 5-25-15  13:58          13,612           0
 5-25-15  13:58          13,786           0
 5-25-15  13:58          13,882           0
 5-25-15  13:58          13,384           0
 5-25-15  13:58          13,915           0
        471,369 bytes in 18 files and 2 dirs    476,672 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FM2\Docs\*

 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-27-07  18:12          18,349          48  COPYING
 5-25-15  12:05          94,671          29  HISTORY
 5-25-15  12:05          38,582          29  README
        151,602 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    152,064 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FM2\FM2Tools\*

 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-25-15  13:58          23,798           0  av2.exe
 5-25-15  13:58          20,419           0  databar.exe
 5-25-15  13:58          15,411           0  dirsize.exe
 5-25-15  13:58          13,391           0  eas.exe
 5-25-15  13:58          23,750           0  global.exe
 5-25-15  13:58           8,490           0  ini.exe
 5-25-15  13:58           5,559           0  killproc.exe
 5-25-15  13:58           6,088           0  sysinfo.exe
 5-25-15  13:58           5,809           0  undel.exe
 5-25-15  13:58          23,516           0  vcollect.exe
 5-25-15  13:58          21,551           0  vdir.exe
 5-25-15  13:58           4,507           0  viewinfs.exe
 5-25-15  13:58          22,178           0  vtree.exe
        194,467 bytes in 13 files and 2 dirs    197,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FM2\Icons\*

 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  ..
10-25-08  16:10          11,312           0  backup.ico
 2-27-07  18:12           7,824           0  docs.ico
 2-27-07  18:12           7,824           0  docs2.ico
 2-27-07  18:12           7,824           0  fm2fldr.ico
 2-27-07  18:12           7,824           0  fm2fldr2.ico
10-25-08  20:25          11,312           0  logging.ico
10-25-08  16:09          11,312           0  restore.ico
10-21-08  20:28          11,312           0  seekscan.ico
 2-27-07  18:12           7,824           0  toolbox.ico
 2-27-07  18:12           7,824           0  toolbox2.ico
10-25-08  19:10          10,000           0  viewhlps.ico
        102,192 bytes in 11 files and 2 dirs    106,496 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FM2\Tmplates\*

 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-04-13  18:13          24,879           0  archiver.tmp
 5-13-07  17:30             559           0  assoc.tmp
 1-11-09  16:21           1,258           0  cmds.tmp
 2-27-07  18:12             893           0  commands.tmp
 1-11-09  16:21           1,985           0  config.tmp
 2-27-07  18:12           3,081           0  example.tmp
 2-27-07  18:12             857           0  fatopt.tmp
 1-11-09  16:21           2,652           0  files.tmp
 2-27-07  18:12             154           0  filters.tmp
 8-28-08   6:05           3,084           0  fm3tools.tmp
 2-27-07  18:12             493           0  hpfsopt.tmp
 2-27-07  18:12             411           0  jfsopt.tmp
 8-27-08  10:30             188           0  quicktls.tmp
 1-11-09  16:21             959           0  select.tmp
 1-11-09  16:21             845           0  sort.tmp
 1-11-09  16:21           2,305           0  utils.tmp
 1-11-09  16:21           2,465           0  views.tmp
         47,068 bytes in 17 files and 2 dirs    51,200 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FM2\User_Config_Backup\*

 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-04-13  18:13          24,879           0  Backup.bb2
         24,879 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    25,088 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FM2\Utils\*

 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:18         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:18             226           0  AV2.CMD
 8-14-15  18:18             507           0  DIRSIZE.CMD
 8-14-15  18:18           1,378           0  EAS.CMD
 8-14-15  18:18           2,413           0  FM2.CMD
 8-14-15  18:18           1,384           0  GLOBAL.CMD
 8-14-15  18:18             252           0  INI.CMD
 8-14-15  18:18             188           0  KILLPROC.CMD
 2-16-14  14:09           3,236       4,700  shdwmgr.cmd
 8-14-15  18:18             185           0  UNDEL.CMD
 8-14-15  18:18           1,363           0  VCOLLECT.CMD
 8-14-15  18:18             501           0  VDIR.CMD
 8-14-15  18:18             194           0  VIEWHELP.CMD
 8-14-15  18:18             188           0  VIEWINFS.CMD
 8-14-15  18:18             209           0  VTREE.CMD
         12,224 bytes in 14 files and 2 dirs    15,360 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\FM2\*
      3,561,524 bytes in 140 files and 23 dirs    3,598,848 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\FPOS\*

 7-23-15  19:36         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-23-15  19:36         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-03-07   0:08          33,841       3,850  FPOS.EXE
 7-03-07   0:08           7,536           0  FPOS.TXT
 7-03-07   0:08          25,747           0  LICENSE
 7-03-07   0:08           2,827           0  RWS08.CMD
 7-03-07   0:08          24,755           0  RWSCLI08.DLL
 7-03-07   0:08          25,510           0  RWSSRV08.DLL
        120,216 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    121,856 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\Iniedit\*

 7-03-15  12:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-12-01  10:13          38,136           0  ENGLISH.INF
 4-10-01   6:53          13,601           0  ENGLISH.INI
 5-28-98  11:26          31,462           0  FASTINI.DLL
 5-22-00   6:08           3,344         262  FOLDER1.ICO
 5-22-00   6:16           3,344          22  FOLDER2.ICO
 4-11-01  22:33          29,184           0  INIBMP32.DLL
 4-13-01   1:37         285,184       3,714  INIEDIT.EXE
 6-24-00  17:07           3,344         262  INIEDIT.ICO
 4-05-01   8:56           7,131      10,949  INIINST.CMD
 9-16-15  11:44          17,657           0  INITOOLS.INI
 9-27-00   8:44          97,206           0  SERVER.ZIP
 7-25-14   9:38               0           0  WIN__OS2.INI
        529,593 bytes in 12 files and 2 dirs    531,968 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\INITOR\*

 7-03-15  15:56         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  15:56         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-17-97  15:00           4,154           0  AMIUSER3.INI
 9-23-97  12:30           1,829         135  FILE_ID.DIZ
 6-17-97  15:00           5,450          28  HEXTEST.ASC
 7-07-96  23:32         103,424         330  INITOR.EXE
 7-07-96  23:35          40,029           0  INITOR.HLP
 9-16-15  11:46             367           0  INITOR.INI
 7-07-96  23:37             971         135  INITOR25.TXT
 6-17-97  15:00           5,903           0  LICENSE.TXT
 9-23-97  12:34           5,263         135  README.1ST
        167,390 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    169,472 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\IPCONFIG\*

 8-14-15  18:13         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:13         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-16-09   9:10             226           0  FILE_ID.DIZ
 5-22-10   4:56           1,081          28  HISTORY.TXT
 1-15-09  10:15          11,776           0  IKONE.DLL
 1-15-13  15:37          33,183          48
 5-22-10   4:58          97,011       4,428  IpConfigPM.EXE
 9-17-01   3:10           4,026          36  IpConfigPM.ico
 5-22-10   5:01             919          39  IpConfigPM1.4.txt
 5-14-10   4:41             374          37  IpConfig_de.lng
 5-14-10   4:41             325          62  IpConfig_en.lng
 5-14-10   4:41             380          37  IpConfig_fr.lng
 5-14-10   4:40             398          62  IpConfig_hr.lng
 5-14-10   4:41             370          37  IpConfig_pt.lng
 5-14-10   4:41             422          62  IpConfig_sl.lng
 5-22-10   5:00           1,500           0  README.1ST
 5-20-10   3:37             524           0  SAMPLE.CFG
        152,515 bytes in 15 files and 2 dirs    155,136 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\KON\*

 8-22-15  23:33         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-22-15  23:33         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-22-15  23:33         <DIR>             0  bmp
 8-22-15  23:33         <DIR>             0  help
 8-22-15  23:33         <DIR>             0  k 
 9-05-05  21:37           5,688           0  cmd.syn
 2-22-07  11:00           6,372           0  english.prp
 2-22-07  12:44          17,519           0  kon.syn
 3-13-03  11:30         216,054           0  konabout.bmp
 2-26-07  23:30         722,340           0  konos2.exe
 8-23-15  18:37           2,550           0  konOS2.prp
 2-23-07   8:09           5,806           0  readme.txt
 6-17-02  13:47           5,574           0  vb.syn
 8-23-15  18:37              39           0  winOS2.prp
        981,942 bytes in 9 files and 5 dirs    985,600 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\KON\bmp\*

 8-22-15  23:33         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-22-15  23:33         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-21-04  22:49          18,796           0  background.bmp
 2-16-05  11:00             824           0  ClearPositions.bmp
 2-15-05  13:00             824           0  COPY.BMP
 2-15-05  13:01             824           0  CUT.BMP
 2-15-05  13:31             824           0  FindText.BMP
 2-16-05  11:01             824           0  INDENT.BMP
 2-15-05  12:57             824           0  LoadDocument.bmp
 2-16-05  18:38             822           0  NewDocument.BMP
 2-16-05  10:59             824           0  NextPos.bmp
 6-13-96  12:56          39,420           0  OS2WARP.BMP
 2-16-05  11:01             824           0  OUTDENT.BMP
 2-15-05  13:02             824           0  PASTE.BMP
 2-16-05  11:21             824           0  Play.bmp
 2-16-05  10:59             824           0  PrevPos.bmp
 2-16-05  11:19             824           0  Record.bmp
 2-15-05  13:06             824           0  REDO.BMP
 3-08-05  11:37             822           0  regenerate.BMP
 2-16-05  11:12             824           0  ReplaceText.BMP
 2-15-05  13:32             824           0  SaveDocument.BMP
 2-16-05  10:57             824           0  SavePos.bmp
 4-03-02  20:15           1,756           0  SEARCH.BMP
 2-09-01  16:00           1,214           0  SPACE.BMP
 2-09-01  16:00           3,246           0  test.BMP
 2-09-01  16:00             350           0  test2.BMP
 2-15-05  13:05             824           0  UNDO.BMP
 2-16-05  11:33             822           0  viewToggle.bmp
         81,256 bytes in 26 files and 2 dirs    86,528 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\KON\help\*

 8-22-15  23:33         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-22-15  23:33         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-16-02  16:58         146,207           0  api.html
 3-19-03  16:50             857           0  CLOSED.GIF
 7-16-02  17:19             626           0  configure.html
 6-09-04  19:56          11,627           0  Console.gif
 3-19-03  16:53             868           0  DOC.GIF
 1-09-05  16:29          10,758           0  Find1.gif
11-25-04   0:44           3,533           0  grep.html
 1-09-05  17:17           3,457           0  HELP.CSS
 3-19-03  17:34             272           0  index.html
 8-31-04  11:57             858           0  intro.html
 7-16-02  17:21             731           0  keybind.html
11-25-04  10:46           1,207           0  keyfeatures.html
12-28-04  19:05         199,446           0  kfunref.html
 2-10-04  18:01             835           0  kmodules.html
 3-30-05  20:26          29,988           0  KonHex.gif
 3-30-05  20:26          11,678           0  KonHex_tn.gif
11-28-04  21:27           3,245           0  konstartup.html
11-16-04  16:00          15,404           0  kprogramming.html
12-28-04  19:04          30,754           0  leftframe.html
 3-30-05  20:24          30,038           0  MainWindow.gif
 3-30-05  20:24           9,768           0  MainWindow_tn.gif
 1-09-05  16:30          10,111           0  MultFIle.gif
 3-19-03  16:51             848           0  OPEN.GIF
 6-09-04  19:59          11,488           0  OptAscii1.gif
 6-09-04  20:00           8,390           0  OptAscii2.gif
 6-09-04  19:59           8,652           0  OptDisplay.gif
 6-09-04  19:59          10,690           0  OptEditor.gif
 6-09-04  20:00           9,468           0  OptHex.gif
 6-09-04  20:00          10,994           0  OptMisc.gif
 1-14-04  16:32           8,066           0  prefs.html
 4-30-02   8:02             640           0  programming.html
 1-09-05  16:29          11,715           0  Replace1.gif
 1-09-05  17:45           4,048           0  searchreplace.html
 8-01-05  18:07          10,595           0  start.html
 4-21-05  10:59           8,171           0  syntax.html
 3-25-02   0:05          13,967           0  test.html
        640,000 bytes in 36 files and 2 dirs    648,192 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\KON\k\*

 8-22-15  23:33         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-22-15  23:33         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-31-05  13:34          13,642           0  base.k
11-09-04   9:12           1,279           0  createlog.k
 8-24-05   7:51           2,089           0  fillCol.k
11-09-04   9:12          12,174           0  lab.k
11-09-04  17:47           9,386           0  makeFncHelp.k
 2-23-07  10:52           9,625           0  MENU.K
11-28-04  20:12             120           0  modules.k
 4-01-01  23:34             144           0  prefs.k
12-20-04  21:00           2,770           0  signals.k
 9-07-05   4:47           6,362           0  startup.k
 2-12-04  10:34              60           0  tmod.k
 3-02-05  10:28           1,916           0  toolbar.k
 2-12-04  11:34           1,836           0  util.k
12-13-04  17:24          11,143           0  wordwrap.k
         72,546 bytes in 14 files and 2 dirs    76,288 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\KON\*
      1,775,744 bytes in 85 files and 11 dirs    1,796,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\LUCIDE\*

 9-28-15  18:01         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  18:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-25-11  17:51           9,163          31  changelog
 4-20-10  10:28          16,906          34  LICENSE.CDDL
 4-20-10  10:28          26,940          34  LICENSE.LGPL
 4-18-11  12:30              10           0  LNGDUMMY.TXT
 4-20-11  20:55         312,251           0  LUCIDE.DLL
 4-20-11  20:55           5,911         330  LUCIDE.EXE
 4-20-11  20:55               2           0  LUCIDE.FCF
 4-08-10  12:37          11,644           0  LUCIDE.ICO
 8-25-10  19:09           6,525           0  LUCIDE.LNG
10-26-10  23:48           6,893          38  lucide_cs_cz.lng
 8-25-10  19:07           6,732          35  Lucide_da.lng
 8-25-10  19:08           7,052          35  Lucide_de.lng
10-11-10  18:36           7,351          35  Lucide_es.lng
 3-08-11  20:15           7,350          35  Lucide_fr.lng
 8-25-10  19:08           6,791          35  Lucide_it.lng
 4-20-11  20:32           7,156          35  Lucide_nl.lng
 8-25-10  19:11           7,011          35  Lucide_ru.lng
 8-25-10  19:09           5,796          35  Lucide_sv.lng
 8-25-10  19:11           4,405          38  Lucide_zh_TW.lng
 4-20-11  20:54         755,110           0  LUDJVU.DLL
 4-20-11  20:53          48,910           0  LUDOC.DLL
 4-20-11  20:54         143,756           0  LUJPEG.DLL
 4-20-11  20:54       1,471,482           0  LUPPLR.DLL
 4-07-11  17:10           3,985           0  README
 5-06-10   0:42           3,845          35  readme_cs.txt
 4-07-11  17:09           4,213          35  readme_de.txt
 4-23-10  12:52           3,905          35  readme_es.txt
 3-08-11  10:51           4,320          35  readme_fr.txt
 4-19-10  10:00           3,907          35  readme_it.txt
      2,899,322 bytes in 29 files and 2 dirs    2,906,112 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\lxtools\*

 7-03-15  13:09         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  13:09         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-06-15  15:08         <DIR>           445  bin_os2
 3-06-15  15:08         <DIR>             0  bin_w32
 3-06-15  15:08         <DIR>         1,248  src
 3-06-15  15:18             471           0  !readme
 5-30-15   7:18         333,400         117  LXLT138U.ZIP
 3-06-15  15:21          33,333           0  whatsnew.txt
        367,204 bytes in 3 files and 5 dirs    369,664 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\lxtools\bin_os2\*

 7-03-15  13:38         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  13:38         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-06-15  15:01         194,171         330  lxLite.exe
        194,171 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    194,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\lxtools\bin_w32\*

 7-03-15  13:38         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  13:38         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-06-15  14:59          98,816           0  lxLite.exe
         98,816 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    98,816 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\lxtools\src\*

 7-03-15  13:38         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  13:38         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-06-15  15:10         <DIR>             0  common
 3-06-15  15:49             952           0  !readme
 1-11-13  23:56             106           0  chCase.def
 1-11-13  23:56           8,103           0  chCase.pas
 1-11-13  23:56          14,144           0  exe286.pas
 1-11-13  23:56          20,985           0  exe386.pas
 3-06-15  14:31           2,152           0  lxLite.cfg
 1-11-13  23:56              82           0  lxLite.def
 3-06-15  14:26          27,550           0  lxLite.pas
 3-06-15  11:18          15,658           0  lxlite.rc
 3-06-15  13:17          10,867           0  lxLite_Global.pas
 3-06-15  12:34          48,158           0  lxLite_Objects.pas
 1-11-13  23:56           1,637           0  make.cmd
 3-06-15  15:25             228           0  mklxlite.cmd
 1-11-13  23:56              89           0  noEA.def
 1-11-13  23:56           8,253           0  noEA.pas
 3-06-15  13:12         135,689           0  os2api.rc
 3-06-15  11:23         111,829           0  os2exe.pas
 1-11-13  23:56          22,108           0  pack2.pas
 1-11-13  23:56              74           0  sysIcons.def
 1-11-13  23:56           1,287           0  sysIcons.dlg
 1-11-13  23:56             492           0  sysIcons.h
 1-11-13  23:56             874           0  sysIcons.ico
 1-11-13  23:56          17,236           0  sysIcons.pas
 1-11-13  23:56              87           0  sysIcons.rc
 1-11-13  23:56              85           0  unLock.def
 1-11-13  23:56           5,169           0  unLock.pas
        453,894 bytes in 26 files and 3 dirs    462,336 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\lxtools\src\common\*

 7-03-15  13:38         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  13:38         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-04-13  10:08           2,252           0  CmdLine.pas
 1-11-13  23:56          11,343           0  Collect.pas
 3-04-13  12:03           3,144           0  Country.pas
 3-04-13  14:27          14,160           0  crt.pas
 3-04-13  11:09          23,164           0  MiscUtil.pas
 1-11-13  23:56          10,982           0  Streams.pas
 3-04-13  10:07          39,014           0  StrOp.pas
 3-06-15  15:24          29,992           0  SysLib.pas
        134,051 bytes in 8 files and 2 dirs    136,704 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\lxtools\src\*
        587,945 bytes in 34 files and 5 dirs    599,040 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\lxtools\*
      1,248,136 bytes in 39 files and 14 dirs    1,262,080 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\PMDLL\*

 7-06-15  10:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-06-15  10:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-02-13  19:13           2,462           0  History.txt
 3-05-15  11:32          59,096         311
 4-02-13  19:18          87,589           0  pmdll.exe
 4-02-13  19:18           6,724           0  pmdll.sym
 4-02-13  19:18          11,118           0  pmdll.xqs
 4-29-95  12:12           9,241           0
 4-02-13  19:13          12,813           0  ReadMe.txt
        189,043 bytes in 7 files and 2 dirs    191,488 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\qxmledit\*

 9-28-15  17:14         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  17:14         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-28-15  17:14         <DIR>           124  DATA
 9-28-15  17:14         <DIR>            34  translations
 8-11-11  16:43             203         124  AUTHORS
 9-07-11  14:49          18,092         124  COPYING
 1-28-10  18:00          35,147         124  GPLV3.TXT
 1-28-10  18:00           7,643         124  LGPLV3.TXT
11-09-11  15:52         859,126         342  QXMLEDIT.EXE
 9-18-11   6:43             874          52  QXmlEdit.ICO
11-06-11  15:47       1,240,857         161  QXmlEdit_manual.odt
11-06-11  15:47       1,730,112       3,397  QXmlEdit_manual.pdf
10-22-11   5:09           1,487         124  README
11-09-11  16:04           5,045           0  README.OS2
 8-11-11  16:44             185         124  ROADMAP
10-22-11  15:36         405,726         156  splitFiles.svg
      4,304,497 bytes in 12 files and 4 dirs    4,307,968 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\qxmledit\DATA\*

 9-28-15  17:14         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  17:14         <DIR>             0  ..
10-03-11  14:56           2,020         159  comment_input.xml
10-03-11  14:56           1,944         160  comment_result.xml
 9-01-11  15:38             157         124  ENTITIES.XML
10-03-11  14:56           2,020         157  paste_input.xml
10-03-11  14:56           2,061         158  paste_result.xml
10-13-11  16:30             656         159  splitter_test.xml
 9-01-11  15:38             286         124  TEST1.XML
 9-01-11  15:38             304         124  TEST2.XML
 8-15-11  14:39             879         155  testcount.xml
10-03-11  14:56           2,189         167  uncomment_multi_input.xml
10-03-11  14:56           2,140         168  uncomment_multi_result.xml
10-03-11  14:56           1,946         164  uncomment_undoable.xml
10-03-11  14:56             486         160  xsd_moreschema.xml
10-03-11  14:56             299         124  XSD_NONS.XML
10-03-11  14:56             205         159  xsd_nonsfalse.xml
10-03-11  14:56             340         159  xsd_oneschema.xml
         17,932 bytes in 16 files and 2 dirs    21,504 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\qxmledit\translations\*

 9-28-15  17:14         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  17:14         <DIR>             0  ..
11-06-11  15:45         107,717         156  QXmlEdit_cs.qm
        107,717 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    108,032 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\qxmledit\*
      4,430,146 bytes in 29 files and 8 dirs    4,437,504 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\Screengrab\*

 9-28-15  18:01         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-28-15  18:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-31-10  15:54           3,475           0  README.OS2
 5-16-10   8:38         114,760         362  screengrab.exe
        118,235 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    118,784 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SL\*

 8-14-15  18:14         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:14         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-08-15  23:54          54,044           0  CPU.DLL
 3-08-15  23:54          18,238           0  CPUID.EXE
 3-08-15  23:54          80,879           0  DRIVES.DLL
 3-08-15  23:54          16,193           0  GETVER.EXE
 3-08-15  23:54          34,969           0  NET.DLL
 3-08-15  23:54          42,890           0  OS4IRQ.DLL
 3-08-15  23:54          45,396           0  PROCESS.DLL
 3-03-15  16:46           1,463           0  RXGETVER.CMD
 3-08-15  23:54          21,333           0  RXGETVER.DLL
 3-08-15  23:54          66,530           0  SL.EXE
 8-14-15  18:14           1,024           0  SL.INI
 3-08-15  23:54          18,962           0  SYSSTATE.EXE
        401,921 bytes in 12 files and 2 dirs    403,968 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SNAP\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>           452  bitmaps
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>         1,595  disk
 9-26-06  14:54         156,064           0  gactrl.exe
 9-26-06  14:54          45,760           0  gagamma.exe
 9-26-06  14:54          33,344           0  gamemclk.exe
 9-26-06  14:54          29,728           0  gamode.exe
 9-26-06  14:54          39,616           0  gamon.exe
 9-26-06  14:54          35,040           0  gaoption.exe
 9-26-06  14:54          62,016           0  gaperf.exe
 9-26-06  14:54          27,136           0  gareport.exe
 9-26-06  14:54           4,634           0  license.txt
 9-26-06  14:54           3,929           0  makewps.cmd
 9-26-06  14:54           1,230           0  problems.txt
 9-26-06  14:54          21,625           0  readme.txt
 9-26-06  14:54          68,096           0  register.exe
 9-26-06  14:54          77,312          34  sdddaemn.exe
 9-26-06  14:51          21,086          34  sddgradd.dll
 9-26-06  14:51          19,589          34  sddgrext.dll
 9-26-06  14:52          20,213          33  sddhook.dll
 9-26-06  14:51         123,749          32  sddpmi.dll
 9-26-06  14:50         100,968          34  sddpmlib.dll
 9-26-06  14:54           2,915           0  sddvcfg.cmd
 9-26-06  14:52          68,205          33  sddvcfg.dll
 6-25-01  11:38           6,275          33  sddvcfg.hlp
 9-26-06  14:52          40,767          34  sddvcmri.dll
 9-26-06  14:52          91,293          32  snapmh.dll
 9-26-06  14:54         514,453           0  snapos2.pdf
 9-26-06  14:51          95,320          34  snapzoom.dll
 9-26-06  14:54          35,749           0  uninstal.exe
 9-26-06  14:54              80           0  version.txt
      1,746,192 bytes in 28 files and 4 dirs    1,755,136 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SNAP\bitmaps\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-15-05  12:19         104,758           0  vidtestu.bmp
 6-15-05  12:19         104,758           0  vidtestv.bmp
12-16-04  13:25         415,798           0  vidtesty.bmp
        625,314 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    626,176 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SNAP\disk\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  br
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  cn
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  dbcs
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  de
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  dk
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  en
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  es
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  fi
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  fr
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  it
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  jp
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  kr
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  nl
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  no
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  sbcs
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  se
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  tw
 3-24-06  14:21              30           0  build.lvl
 3-17-04  16:22             450           0  bundle.os2
 3-17-04  16:22           9,101           0  cfgdel.dsp
 3-17-04  16:22          11,004           0  combase.dsp
 3-17-04  16:22          50,850           0  comgradd.dsp
 3-17-04  16:22         149,966           0  comsvga.dsp
 3-24-06  14:21          93,816           0  dspinstl.ex_
 3-17-04  16:22             443           0  gengradd.dsp
 3-24-06  14:21          56,289           0  gradbase
 3-24-06  14:21          16,217           0  gradd
 3-24-06  14:21           2,137           0  graddos
 3-24-06  14:21          82,810           0  gradwin
 3-17-04  16:22             513           0  grdpack.dsp
 3-24-06  14:21          21,325           0  gre2vman.dll
 3-24-06  14:21         104,694           0  inscfg32.dl_
 3-17-04  16:22           2,547           0  prep_log.exe
 3-17-04  16:22           1,172           0  prep_log.sym
 3-17-04  16:22           9,323           0  psvga32.dsp
 9-26-06  14:54         502,111           0  sddgradd
 9-26-06  14:54             606           0  sddgradd.dsp
 9-26-06  14:54              48           0  sddgraph.dsp
 9-26-06  14:54           2,915       3,510  sddvcfg.cmd
 9-26-06  14:54          24,175      25,111  setup.cmd
 3-24-06  14:21          69,596           0  swinvga
 3-17-04  16:22          79,888           0  unpack2.exe
 3-24-06  14:21         381,224           0  vga
 3-17-04  16:22             874           0  vgagradd.dsp
 3-24-06  14:21          51,298           0  winvga
      1,725,422 bytes in 28 files and 19 dirs    1,741,312 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SNAP\disk\br\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-26-06  14:52          22,512           0  snapmri
 3-24-06  14:21         128,434           0  unpack
 3-24-06  14:21          16,323           0  vgamri
        167,269 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    167,424 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SNAP\disk\cn\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-26-06  14:52          22,512           0  snapmri
 3-24-06  14:21         125,877           0  unpack
 3-24-06  14:21          12,844           0  vgamri
        161,233 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    161,792 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SNAP\disk\dbcs\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-24-06  14:21         161,351           0  vgacs
 3-24-06  14:21         221,990           0  vgados
        383,341 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    384,000 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SNAP\disk\de\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-26-06  14:52          22,512           0  snapmri
 3-24-06  14:21         129,607           0  unpack
 3-24-06  14:21          16,107           0  vgamri
        168,226 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    168,960 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SNAP\disk\dk\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-26-06  14:52          22,512           0  snapmri
 3-24-06  14:21         126,851           0  unpack
 3-24-06  14:21          15,864           0  vgamri
        165,227 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    165,376 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SNAP\disk\en\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-26-06  14:52          22,512           0  snapmri
 3-24-06  14:21         126,270           0  unpack
 3-24-06  14:21          15,710           0  vgamri
        164,492 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    164,864 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SNAP\disk\es\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-26-06  14:52          22,512           0  snapmri
 3-24-06  14:21         128,881           0  unpack
 3-24-06  14:21          16,282           0  vgamri
        167,675 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    167,936 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SNAP\disk\fi\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-26-06  14:52          22,512           0  snapmri
 3-24-06  14:21         127,715           0  unpack
 3-24-06  14:21          16,103           0  vgamri
        166,330 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    166,912 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SNAP\disk\fr\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-26-06  14:52          22,512           0  snapmri
 3-24-06  14:21         127,976           0  unpack
 3-24-06  14:21          16,532           0  vgamri
        167,020 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    167,424 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SNAP\disk\it\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-26-06  14:52          22,512           0  snapmri
 3-24-06  14:21         128,505           0  unpack
 3-24-06  14:21          16,406           0  vgamri
        167,423 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    167,936 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SNAP\disk\jp\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-24-06  14:21           1,425           0  oemjsvga
 3-24-06  14:21           1,202           0  oemjvga
 9-26-06  14:52          22,512           0  snapmri
 3-24-06  14:21         130,702           0  unpack
 3-24-06  14:21          14,013           0  vgamri
        169,854 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    171,008 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SNAP\disk\kr\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-24-06  14:21           1,433           0  oemjsvga
 3-24-06  14:21           1,214           0  oemjvga
 9-26-06  14:52          22,512           0  snapmri
 3-24-06  14:21         129,071           0  unpack
 3-24-06  14:21         210,831           0  vgados
 3-24-06  14:21          13,885           0  vgamri
        378,946 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    380,416 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SNAP\disk\nl\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-26-06  14:52          22,512           0  snapmri
 3-24-06  14:21         127,812           0  unpack
 3-24-06  14:21          16,203           0  vgamri
        166,527 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    166,912 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SNAP\disk\no\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-26-06  14:52          22,512           0  snapmri
 3-24-06  14:21         127,281           0  unpack
 3-24-06  14:21          16,000           0  vgamri
        165,793 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    166,400 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SNAP\disk\sbcs\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-24-06  14:21          98,950           0  vgacs
 3-24-06  14:21         176,665           0  vgados
        275,615 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    276,480 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SNAP\disk\se\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-26-06  14:52          22,512           0  snapmri
 3-24-06  14:21         126,216           0  unpack
 3-24-06  14:21          16,235           0  vgamri
        164,963 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    165,376 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\SNAP\disk\tw\*

 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-26-06  14:52          22,512           0  snapmri
 3-24-06  14:21         126,428           0  unpack
 3-24-06  14:21          13,475           0  vgamri
        162,415 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    162,816 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\SNAP\disk\*
      5,087,771 bytes in 82 files and 53 dirs    5,113,344 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\SNAP\*
      7,459,277 bytes in 113 files and 59 dirs    7,494,656 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\Theseus\*

 8-14-15  18:14         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:14         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-16-00   9:05           3,006           0  GETLINMP.CMD
 6-04-99  10:18           5,878           0  GETOBJ.CMD
 1-16-02  14:14          40,583          61  GETRAM.EXE
 1-16-02  14:14           4,868           0  GETRAM.SYM
 1-16-02  14:14          83,495          61  GETWS.EXE
 1-16-02  14:14          10,596           0  GETWS.SYM
 6-04-99  10:18           5,643           0  LEAKDET.CMD
10-12-00  10:04           1,483           0  README
 9-20-99   8:56             165           0  SYSLEVEL.THE
 8-14-15  18:15           1,933           0  T3ERRLOG.LOG
 1-05-15  11:48       1,146,679         455  thes4001.exe
 1-16-02  14:12          88,375          61  THESEUS0.DLL
11-05-01  14:51          12,782           0  THESEUS0.H
 1-16-02  14:12           3,584           0  THESEUS0.LIB
 1-16-02  14:12          10,228           0  THESEUS0.SYM
 1-16-02  14:13         175,639          61  THESEUS1.DLL
 1-16-02  14:13          12,468           0  THESEUS1.SYM
 1-16-02  14:13         290,695           0  THESEUS4.EXE
 1-16-02  14:13         419,791           0  THESEUS4.HLP
11-05-01  14:51             874           0  THESEUS4.ICO
 1-16-02  14:13         402,769           0  THESEUS4.INF
 1-16-02  14:13          18,532           0  THESEUS4.SYM
 6-04-99  10:18              45           0  WORKSET.CMD
 6-04-99  10:18           7,954           0  WORKSET2.CMD
      2,748,065 bytes in 24 files and 2 dirs    2,753,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\vbox\*

 4-18-15   9:51         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:51         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-09-15  11:57          64,165           0  gengradd.dll
 7-09-15  11:57             755           0  readme.txt
 7-09-15  11:57         999,440           0  VBoxControl.exe
 7-09-15  11:57         429,981           0  VBoxGuest.sys
 7-09-15  11:57          40,831           0  vboxmouse.sys
 7-09-15  11:57           6,048           0  VBoxReplaceDll.exe
 7-09-15  11:57       1,308,350           0  VBoxService.exe
      2,849,570 bytes in 7 files and 2 dirs    2,851,328 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           634  bin
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           638  include
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           514  lib
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           636  share
 2-28-15   1:50           9,303         224  readme.eng
 2-28-15   1:50           8,745         224  readme.kor
 2-28-15   1:56           4,310         221
 3-10-15   7:26           1,168          65  vlc-2.2.0-fix1.txt
         23,526 bytes in 4 files and 6 dirs    27,136 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\bin\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:55           6,881         462  VLC.EXE
 2-28-15   1:55          32,472           0  VLC.ICO
         39,353 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    39,936 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\include\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  VLC
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\include\VLC\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  PLUGINS
 2-28-15   1:55           2,518         154  deprecated.h
 2-28-15   1:55          21,254         124  LIBVLC.H
 2-28-15   1:55           6,653         157  libvlc_events.h
 2-28-15   1:55          18,798         156  libvlc_media.h
 2-28-15   1:55           3,798         167  libvlc_media_discoverer.h
 2-28-15   1:55           3,081         164  libvlc_media_library.h
 2-28-15   1:55           6,763         161  libvlc_media_list.h
 2-28-15   1:55           6,941         168  libvlc_media_list_player.h
 2-28-15   1:55          63,694         163  libvlc_media_player.h
 2-28-15   1:55           2,166         161  libvlc_structures.h
 2-28-15   1:55           2,202         158  libvlc_version.h
 2-28-15   1:55          12,909         154  libvlc_vlm.h
 2-28-15   1:55           2,002         124  VLC.H
        152,779 bytes in 13 files and 3 dirs    156,672 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\include\VLC\PLUGINS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          47,355         153  vlc_about.h
 2-28-15   1:54           6,288         154  vlc_access.h
 2-28-15   1:54           5,821         154  vlc_addons.h
 2-28-15   1:54          14,093         124  VLC_AOUT.H
 2-28-15   1:54           1,773         159  vlc_aout_volume.h
 2-28-15   1:54          23,114         154  vlc_arrays.h
 2-28-15   1:54          15,149         154  vlc_atomic.h
 2-28-15   1:54           1,352         155  vlc_avcodec.h
 2-28-15   1:54           4,876         124  VLC_BITS.H
 2-28-15   1:54          12,035         153  vlc_block.h
 2-28-15   1:54          14,421         160  vlc_block_helper.h
 2-28-15   1:54           6,159         155  vlc_charset.h
 2-28-15   1:54           8,867         153  vlc_codec.h
 2-28-15   1:54          27,223         154  vlc_common.h
 2-28-15   1:54           4,618         154  vlc_config.h
 2-28-15   1:54           9,512         161  vlc_configuration.h
 2-28-15   1:54          10,362         158  vlc_config_cat.h
 2-28-15   1:54           5,417         124  VLC_CPU.H
 2-28-15   1:54          10,043         153  vlc_demux.h
 2-28-15   1:54           4,082         154  vlc_dialog.h
 2-28-15   1:54           3,149         124  VLC_EPG.H
 2-28-15   1:54          16,849         124  VLC_ES.H
 2-28-15   1:54           6,158         154  vlc_es_out.h
 2-28-15   1:54           8,489         154  vlc_events.h
 2-28-15   1:54          14,846         154  vlc_filter.h
 2-28-15   1:54           3,237         161  vlc_fingerprinter.h
 2-28-15   1:54          30,064         154  vlc_fourcc.h
 2-28-15   1:54           3,404         124  VLC_FS.H
 2-28-15   1:54           3,253         154  vlc_gcrypt.h
 2-28-15   1:54           2,568         124  VLC_HTTP.H
 2-28-15   1:54           5,905         153  vlc_httpd.h
 2-28-15   1:54           3,333         153  vlc_image.h
 2-28-15   1:54           1,937         155  vlc_inhibit.h
 2-28-15   1:54          21,234         153  vlc_input.h
 2-28-15   1:54          11,741         158  vlc_input_item.h
 2-28-15   1:54           7,863         124  VLC_KEYS.H
 2-28-15   1:54           1,837         124  VLC_MAIN.H
 2-28-15   1:54           1,972         124  VLC_MD5.H
 2-28-15   1:54           6,162         161  vlc_media_library.h
 2-28-15   1:54           3,215         156  vlc_messages.h
 2-28-15   1:54           7,563         124  VLC_META.H
 2-28-15   1:54           1,444         160  vlc_meta_fetcher.h
 2-28-15   1:54           1,278         124  VLC_MIME.H
 2-28-15   1:54           3,622         155  vlc_modules.h
 2-28-15   1:54           4,998         153  vlc_mouse.h
 2-28-15   1:54           4,104         153  vlc_mtime.h
 2-28-15   1:54          10,636         155  vlc_network.h
 2-28-15   1:54           3,048         155  vlc_objects.h
 2-28-15   1:54           2,642         154  vlc_opengl.h
 2-28-15   1:54           9,520         155  vlc_picture.h
 2-28-15   1:54           2,941         160  vlc_picture_fifo.h
 2-28-15   1:54           4,328         160  vlc_picture_pool.h
 2-28-15   1:54          16,297         156  vlc_playlist.h
 2-28-15   1:54          19,621         154  vlc_plugin.h
 2-28-15   1:54           2,018         153  vlc_probe.h
 2-28-15   1:54           1,505         124  VLC_RAND.H
 2-28-15   1:54           6,418         166  vlc_services_discovery.h
 2-28-15   1:54           9,011         124  VLC_SOUT.H
 2-28-15   1:54           3,595         124  VLC_SPU.H
 2-28-15   1:54           7,790         154  vlc_stream.h
 2-28-15   1:54           2,359         155  vlc_strings.h
 2-28-15   1:54           7,879         158  vlc_subpicture.h
 2-28-15   1:54           4,385         158  vlc_text_style.h
 2-28-15   1:54          14,445         155  vlc_threads.h
 2-28-15   1:54           3,088         124  VLC_TLS.H
 2-28-15   1:54           2,043         124  VLC_URL.H
 2-28-15   1:54          24,807         157  vlc_variables.h
 2-28-15   1:54           5,227         162  vlc_video_splitter.h
 2-28-15   1:54          12,480         124  VLC_VLM.H
 2-28-15   1:54           5,752         124  VLC_VOUT.H
 2-28-15   1:54          15,702         160  vlc_vout_display.h
 2-28-15   1:54           3,441         156  vlc_vout_osd.h
 2-28-15   1:54           4,897         159  vlc_vout_window.h
 2-28-15   1:54           2,199         124  VLC_XLIB.H
 2-28-15   1:54           3,493         124  VLC_XML.H
        624,352 bytes in 75 files and 2 dirs    644,096 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\include\VLC\*
        777,131 bytes in 88 files and 5 dirs    800,768 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\include\*
        777,131 bytes in 88 files and 8 dirs    801,280 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           151  pkgconfig
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           145  vlc
12-10-14  20:33          18,354         152  dvdcss.dll
 1-29-15   2:27          36,878         124  DVDCSS2.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             951         151
 2-28-15   1:54             937         155
12-10-14  23:18          40,511         154  snapwrap.dll
 2-28-15   1:55          55,749         149  vlc.dll
 2-28-15   1:54         468,619         153  vlccore.dll
 2-28-15   1:54         122,734         155  vlccore_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          57,164         151  vlc_dll.a
        801,897 bytes in 9 files and 4 dirs    804,864 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\pkgconfig\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:55             275         124  LIBVLC.PC
 2-28-15   1:54             560         155  vlc-plugin.pc
            835 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  LUA
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  PLUGINS
 2-28-15   1:53           2,554         124  COMPAT.A
 2-28-15   1:53             909         154
 2-28-15   1:55           5,924         159  vlc-cache-gen.exe
          9,387 bytes in 3 files and 4 dirs    10,752 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\LUA\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           152  extensions
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  INTF
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  META
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  MODULES
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  PLAYLIST
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  SD
              0 bytes in 0 files and 8 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\LUA\extensions\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          80,303         152  VLSub.luac
         80,303 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    80,384 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\LUA\INTF\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  MODULES
 2-28-15   1:54          43,793         150  cli.luac
 2-28-15   1:54             777         152  dummy.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           1,713         155  dumpmeta.luac
 2-28-15   1:54          12,868         151  http.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           2,039         151  luac.luac
 2-28-15   1:54             960         153  telnet.luac
         62,150 bytes in 6 files and 3 dirs    64,000 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\LUA\INTF\MODULES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          12,389         151  host.luac
 2-28-15   1:54          18,452         159  httprequests.luac
         30,841 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    31,744 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\LUA\INTF\*
         92,991 bytes in 8 files and 5 dirs    95,744 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\LUA\META\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  ART
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  FETCHER
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  READER
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\LUA\META\ART\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           2,792         161  00_musicbrainz.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           1,400         161  01_googleimage.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           2,071         158  02_frenchtv.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           1,495         156  03_lastfm.luac
          7,758 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    8,704 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\LUA\META\FETCHER\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           2,557         153  tvrage.luac
          2,557 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\LUA\META\READER\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           1,310         155  filename.luac
          1,310 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\LUA\META\*
         11,625 bytes in 6 files and 11 dirs    14,336 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\LUA\MODULES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           7,465         153  common.luac
 2-28-15   1:54          25,966         153  dkjson.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           3,935         154  sandbox.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           3,031         156  simplexml.luac
         40,397 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    40,960 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\LUA\PLAYLIST\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           2,482         161  anevia_streams.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           2,525         157  anevia_xml.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           3,619         160  appletrailers.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           1,067         156  bbc_co_uk.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           1,837         152  break.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           2,984         156  canalplus.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           5,169         150  cue.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           4,331         158  dailymotion.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           3,167         154  extreme.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           1,965         154  france2.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           2,851         158  googlevideo.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           2,911         154  jamendo.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           1,201         151  joox.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           3,057         154  katsomo.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           3,634         153  koreus.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           1,785         156  lelombrik.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           1,539         155  liveleak.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           1,903         155  metacafe.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           1,707         159  metachannels.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           2,435         152  mpora.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           1,762         155  pinkbike.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           3,282         152  pluzz.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           1,440         165  rockbox_fm_presets.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           1,477         157  soundcloud.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           2,660         152  vimeo.luac
 2-28-15   1:54          12,070         154  youtube.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           1,734         163  youtube_homepage.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           2,769         153  zapiks.luac
         79,363 bytes in 28 files and 2 dirs    86,528 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\LUA\SD\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           2,301         150  fmc.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           5,029         152  icast.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           2,328         154  icecast.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           6,996         154  jamendo.luac
 2-28-15   1:54           2,901         159  metachannels.luac
         19,555 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    20,480 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\LUA\*
        324,234 bytes in 52 files and 32 dirs    341,504 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  ACCESS
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           155  access_output
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           154  audio_filter
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  audio_mixer
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           154  audio_output
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  CODEC
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  CONTROL
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  DEMUX
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  GUI
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  LUA
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  meta_engine
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  MISC
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  MUX
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           152  packetizer
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           160  services_discovery
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           155  stream_filter
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           152  stream_out
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           155  text_renderer
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           154  video_chroma
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           154  video_filter
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           154  video_output
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           156  video_splitter
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           155  visualization
 8-02-15  10:54         197,152         124  PLUGINS.DAT
        197,152 bytes in 1 file and 25 dirs    209,408 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\ACCESS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          18,399         124  ACCESS_B.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         164  access_bd_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          38,461         124  ACCESS_M.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         165  access_mms_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          27,196         124  ACCESS_R.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         170  access_realrtsp_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           7,300         124  ATTACHME.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         165  attachment_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          42,236         124  CDDA_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  cdda_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          98,226         124  DVDNAV_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         161  dvdnav_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          58,792         124  DVDREAD_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         162  dvdread_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          12,109         124  FILESYST.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         165  filesystem_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          15,269         124  FTP_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  ftp_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          42,220         124  HTTP_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  http_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           7,765         124  IDUMMY_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         161  idummy_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          11,515         124  IMEM_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  imem_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           1,014         164
 2-28-15   1:54           1,017         165
 2-28-15   1:54           1,032         170
 2-28-15   1:54           1,017         165
 2-28-15   1:54           1,008         159
 2-28-15   1:54           1,028         161
 2-28-15   1:54           1,008         162
 2-28-15   1:54           1,017         165
 2-28-15   1:54             996         158
 2-28-15   1:54           1,003         159
 2-28-15   1:54           1,005         161
 2-28-15   1:54             999         159
 2-28-15   1:54           1,194         162
 2-28-15   1:54             996         158
 2-28-15   1:54           1,008         158
 2-28-15   1:54             996         158
 2-28-15   1:54           1,029         159
 2-28-15   1:54             996         158
 2-28-15   1:54             996         158
 2-28-15   1:54           1,011         163
 2-28-15   1:54             996         158
 2-28-15   1:54             996         158
 2-28-15   1:54             996         158
 2-28-15   1:54           1,000         158
 2-28-15   1:54         253,189         124  LIVE555_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         162  live555_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          11,221         124  RAR_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  rar_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54         400,921         124  RTP_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  rtp_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           6,823         124  SDP_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  sdp_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54         108,533         124  SFTP_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  sftp_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           9,181         124  SHM_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  shm_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           7,362         124  TCP_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  tcp_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           8,769         124  TIMECODE.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         163  timecode_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           8,224         124  UDP_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  udp_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          15,194         124  VCD_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  vcd_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          13,413         124  VDR_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  vdr_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          38,174         124  ZIP_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  zip_plugin_dll.a
      1,299,730 bytes in 72 files and 2 dirs    1,317,888 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\access_output\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:55             620         174  access_output_dummy_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         173  access_output_file_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         173  access_output_http_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         177  access_output_livehttp_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         172  access_output_udp_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           6,684         124  A_O_DUMM.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55           8,752         124  A_O_FILE.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55           9,869         124  A_O_HTTP.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55         392,124         124  A_O_LIVE.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55          11,059         124  A_O_UDP_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55           1,051         174
 2-28-15   1:55           1,048         173
 2-28-15   1:55           1,048         173
 2-28-15   1:55           1,072         177
 2-28-15   1:55           1,045         172
        436,852 bytes in 15 files and 2 dirs    442,880 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\audio_filter\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:55          25,436         124  A52TOFLO.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         167  a52tofloat32_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           6,907         124  A52TOSPD.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         165  a52tospdif_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           9,212         124  ABG_A_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         170  audiobargraph_a_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           8,584         124  AUDIO_FO.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         167  audio_format_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          10,011         124  CHORUS_F.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         169  chorus_flanger_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          10,768         124  COMPRESS.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         165  compressor_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           7,642         124  DOLBY_SU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         177  dolby_surround_decoder_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           7,773         124  DTSTOSPD.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         165  dtstospdif_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          12,109         124  EQUALIZE.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         164  equalizer_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           7,231         124  GAIN_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  gain_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          10,009         124  HEADPHON.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         178  headphone_channel_mixer_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           6,660         124  KARAOKE_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         162  karaoke_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           1,029         167
 2-28-15   1:55           1,023         165
 2-28-15   1:54           1,038         170
 2-28-15   1:55           1,029         167
 2-28-15   1:54           1,035         169
 2-28-15   1:54           1,023         165
 2-28-15   1:54           1,059         177
 2-28-15   1:55           1,023         165
 2-28-15   1:54           1,020         164
 2-28-15   1:54           1,005         159
 2-28-15   1:54           1,062         178
 2-28-15   1:54           1,014         162
 2-28-15   1:54           1,005         159
 2-28-15   1:55           1,032         168
 2-28-15   1:54           1,014         162
 2-28-15   1:54           1,017         163
 2-28-15   1:55           1,008         160
 2-28-15   1:54           1,023         165
 2-28-15   1:55           1,053         175
 2-28-15   1:54           1,022         166
 2-28-15   1:54           1,029         167
 2-28-15   1:55           1,056         176
 2-28-15   1:55           1,035         169
 2-28-15   1:54          10,257         124  MONO_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  mono_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          67,621         124  MPGATOFI.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         168  mpgatofixed32_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           8,259         124  NORMVOL_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         162  normvol_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           9,118         124  PARAM_EQ.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         163  param_eq_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          10,145         124  REMAP_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         160  remap_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           9,976         124  SCALETEM.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         165  scaletempo_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           8,509         124  SIMPLE_C.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         175  simple_channel_mixer_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          64,435         124  SPATIALI.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         166  spatializer_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           8,454         124  STEREO_W.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         167  stereo_widen_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           7,724         124  TRIVIAL_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         176  trivial_channel_mixer_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           7,270         124  UGLY_RES.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         169  ugly_resampler_plugin_dll.a
        372,024 bytes in 69 files and 2 dirs    393,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\audio_mixer\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           6,588         124  FLOAT_MI.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         166  float_mixer_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           6,863         124  INTEGER_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         168  integer_mixer_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           1,025         166
 2-28-15   1:54           1,031         168
         16,747 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    18,944 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\audio_output\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           6,648         124  ADUMMY_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         161  adummy_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          10,577         124  AFILE_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         160  afile_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           8,336         124  AMEM_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  amem_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          19,725         124  KAI_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  kai_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           1,011         161
 2-28-15   1:54           1,008         160
 2-28-15   1:54           1,005         159
 2-28-15   1:54           1,008         158
         51,798 bytes in 12 files and 2 dirs    54,272 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\CODEC\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          10,155         124  A52_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  a52_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          10,520         124  ADPCM_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         160  adpcm_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           8,424         124  AES3_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  aes3_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          10,588         124  ARAW_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  araw_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54       8,447,419         124  AVCODEC_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         162  avcodec_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          14,459         124  CC_PLUGI.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         157  cc_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           8,430         124  CDG_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  cdg_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          10,548         124  CVDSUB_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         161  cvdsub_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           7,552         124  DDUMMY_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         161  ddummy_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          10,952         124  DTS_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  dts_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          20,113         124  DVBSUB_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         161  dvbsub_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           6,464         124  EDUMMY_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         161  edummy_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54         151,521         124  FLAC_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  flac_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          10,623         124  G711_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  g711_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54             995         158
 2-28-15   1:54           1,001         160
 2-28-15   1:54             998         159
 2-28-15   1:54             998         159
 2-28-15   1:54           1,066         162
 2-28-15   1:54             992         157
 2-28-15   1:54             995         158
 2-28-15   1:54           1,004         161
 2-28-15   1:54           1,004         161
 2-28-15   1:54             995         158
 2-28-15   1:54           1,004         161
 2-28-15   1:54           1,004         161
 2-28-15   1:54           1,015         159
 2-28-15   1:54             998         159
 2-28-15   1:54           1,010         163
 2-28-15   1:54             998         159
 2-28-15   1:54          47,832         124  LIBMPEG2.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         163  libmpeg2_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           1,016         165
 2-28-15   1:54             999         158
 2-28-15   1:54           1,010         163
 2-28-15   1:54           1,004         161
 2-28-15   1:54           1,004         161
 2-28-15   1:54             995         158
 2-28-15   1:54           1,007         162
 2-28-15   1:54           1,010         163
 2-28-15   1:54           1,007         162
 2-28-15   1:54           1,007         162
 2-28-15   1:54             998         159
 2-28-15   1:54             998         159
 2-28-15   1:54           1,022         167
 2-28-15   1:54           1,043         161
 2-28-15   1:54           1,001         158
 2-28-15   1:54           1,005         159
 2-28-15   1:54          12,537         124  LPCM_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  lpcm_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          10,426         124  MPEG_AUD.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         165  mpeg_audio_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54         111,491         124  PNG_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  png_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           8,337         124  RAWVIDEO.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         163  rawvideo_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          10,378         124  SCTE27_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         161  scte27_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          11,338         124  SPUDEC_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         161  spudec_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           7,847         124  STL_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  stl_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          16,014         124  SUBSDEC_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         162  subsdec_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          10,795         124  SUBSTX3G.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         163  substx3g_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          13,875         124  SUBSUSF_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         162  subsusf_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           9,634         124  SVCDSUB_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         162  svcdsub_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           6,767         124  T140_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  t140_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          10,934         124  TELX_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  telx_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           8,379         124  ULEADDVA.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         167  uleaddvaudio_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54         284,000         124  VORBIS_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         161  vorbis_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54         855,275         124  VPX_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  vpx_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54         657,246         124  X264_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  x264_plugin_dll.a
     10,872,916 bytes in 96 files and 2 dirs    10,895,872 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\CONTROL\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:55           6,367         124  DUMMY_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         160  dummy_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          10,407         124  GESTURES.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         163  gestures_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          16,927         124  HOTKEYS_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         162  hotkeys_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           1,003         160
 2-28-15   1:55           1,012         163
 2-28-15   1:55           1,009         162
 2-28-15   1:55           1,006         161
 2-28-15   1:55           1,009         162
 2-28-15   1:55           1,003         160
 2-28-15   1:55           8,530         124  MOTION_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         161  motion_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           9,182         124  NETSYNC_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         162  netsync_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          25,348         124  OLDRC_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         160  oldrc_plugin_dll.a
         86,523 bytes in 18 files and 2 dirs    90,624 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\DEMUX\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           9,186         124  AIFF_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  aiff_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          39,765         124  ASF_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  asf_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           8,543         124  AU_PLUGI.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         157  au_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          43,344         124  AVI_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  avi_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          15,796         124  CAF_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  caf_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           7,895         124  DEMUXDUM.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         164  demuxdump_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           7,967         124  DEMUX_CD.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         164  demux_cdg_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           8,600         124  DEMUX_ST.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         164  demux_stl_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           8,123         124  DIRACSYS.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         163  diracsys_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          17,591         124  ES_PLUGI.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         157  es_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          16,848         124  FLACSYS_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         162  flacsys_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           8,059         124  H264_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  h264_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           9,157         124  HEVC_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  hevc_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          13,191         124  IMAGE_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         160  image_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54             998         159
 2-28-15   1:54             995         158
 2-28-15   1:54             992         157
 2-28-15   1:54             995         158
 2-28-15   1:54             995         158
 2-28-15   1:54           1,013         164
 2-28-15   1:54           1,013         164
 2-28-15   1:54           1,013         164
 2-28-15   1:54           1,010         163
 2-28-15   1:54             992         157
 2-28-15   1:54           1,007         162
 2-28-15   1:54             998         159
 2-28-15   1:54             998         159
 2-28-15   1:54           1,001         160
 2-28-15   1:54           1,001         160
 2-28-15   1:54           1,013         158
 2-28-15   1:54             999         158
 2-28-15   1:54             998         159
 2-28-15   1:54             995         158
 2-28-15   1:54             995         158
 2-28-15   1:54             995         158
 2-28-15   1:54           1,012         158
 2-28-15   1:54           1,010         163
 2-28-15   1:54             992         157
 2-28-15   1:54             995         158
 2-28-15   1:54           1,004         161
 2-28-15   1:54           1,001         160
 2-28-15   1:54           1,004         161
 2-28-15   1:54             998         159
 2-28-15   1:54             995         158
 2-28-15   1:54           1,010         163
 2-28-15   1:54             992         157
 2-28-15   1:54             995         158
 2-28-15   1:54             992         157
 2-28-15   1:54             995         158
 2-28-15   1:54           1,004         161
 2-28-15   1:54             995         158
 2-28-15   1:54             995         158
 2-28-15   1:54             992         157
 2-28-15   1:54          10,536         124  MJPEG_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         160  mjpeg_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54         620,850         124  MKV_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  mkv_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54         114,393         124  MP4_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  mp4_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           7,562         124  MPGV_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  mpgv_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           8,346         124  NSC_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  nsc_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          10,431         124  NSV_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  nsv_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          12,666         124  NUV_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  nuv_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54         150,423         124  OGG_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  ogg_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          46,451         124  PLAYLIST.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         163  playlist_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          15,330         124  PS_PLUGI.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         157  ps_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           9,783         124  PVA_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  pva_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           8,453         124  RAWAUD_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         161  rawaud_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           9,544         124  RAWDV_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         160  rawdv_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          10,565         124  RAWVID_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         161  rawvid_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          17,812         124  REAL_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  real_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          11,980         124  SMF_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  smf_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          20,563         124  SUBTITLE.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         163  subtitle_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          60,038         124  TS_PLUGI.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         157  ts_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           8,464         124  TTA_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  tta_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          19,114         124  TY_PLUGI.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         157  ty_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           8,516         124  VC1_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  vc1_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          14,012         124  VOBSUB_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         161  vobsub_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          10,069         124  VOC_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  voc_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          13,138         124  WAV_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  wav_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           8,067         124  XA_PLUGI.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         157  xa_plugin_dll.a
      1,504,348 bytes in 117 files and 2 dirs    1,528,832 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\GUI\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:55           1,024         158
 2-28-15   1:55           1,013         161
 2-28-15   1:55       1,691,393         124  QT4_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         158  qt4_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55         980,223         124  SKINS2_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         161  skins2_plugin_dll.a
      2,674,893 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    2,676,224 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\LUA\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54             999         158
 2-28-15   1:54         163,590         124  LUA_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  lua_plugin_dll.a
        165,209 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    165,888 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\meta_engine\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           7,443         124  FOLDER_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         161  folder_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           1,010         161
          9,073 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    9,728 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\MISC\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:55          14,312         124  ADDONSFS.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         170  addonsfsstorage_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          10,765         124  ADDONSVO.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         173  addonsvorepository_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          13,681         124  AUDIOSCR.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         169  audioscrobbler_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          10,688         124  EXPORT_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         161  export_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          15,794         124  FINGERPR.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         168  fingerprinter_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55         826,041         124  GNUTLS_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         161  gnutls_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           1,030         170
 2-28-15   1:55           1,039         173
 2-28-15   1:55           1,027         169
 2-28-15   1:55           1,003         161
 2-28-15   1:55           1,024         168
 2-28-15   1:55           1,093         161
 2-28-15   1:55           1,003         161
 2-28-15   1:55           1,000         160
 2-28-15   1:55           1,009         163
 2-28-15   1:55             998         158
 2-28-15   1:55          11,858         124  LOGGER_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         161  logger_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           8,334         124  STATS_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         160  stats_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          18,419         124  VOD_RTSP.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         163  vod_rtsp_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55         700,133         124  XML_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         158  xml_plugin_dll.a
      1,646,451 bytes in 30 files and 2 dirs    1,654,784 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\MUX\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:55           1,005         162
 2-28-15   1:55           1,005         162
 2-28-15   1:55           1,011         164
 2-28-15   1:55           1,005         162
 2-28-15   1:55           1,014         165
 2-28-15   1:55           1,005         162
 2-28-15   1:55           1,002         161
 2-28-15   1:55           1,002         161
 2-28-15   1:55           1,005         162
 2-28-15   1:55          18,050         124  MUX_ASF_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         162  mux_asf_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          14,933         124  MUX_AVI_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         162  mux_avi_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           7,276         124  MUX_DUMM.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         164  mux_dummy_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          20,993         124  MUX_MP4_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         162  mux_mp4_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           7,420         124  MUX_MPJP.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         165  mux_mpjpeg_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          25,474         124  MUX_OGG_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         162  mux_ogg_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          14,393         124  MUX_PS_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         161  mux_ps_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          40,992         124  MUX_TS_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         161  mux_ts_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           9,795         124  MUX_WAV_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         162  mux_wav_plugin_dll.a
        173,960 bytes in 27 files and 2 dirs    181,248 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\packetizer\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:55           1,036         170
 2-28-15   1:55           1,039         171
 2-28-15   1:55           1,036         170
 2-28-15   1:55           1,036         170
 2-28-15   1:55           1,036         170
 2-28-15   1:55           1,033         169
 2-28-15   1:55           1,054         176
 2-28-15   1:55           1,054         176
 2-28-15   1:55           1,051         175
 2-28-15   1:55           1,033         169
 2-28-15   1:55             620         170  packetizer_copy_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         171  packetizer_dirac_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         170  packetizer_flac_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         170  packetizer_h264_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         170  packetizer_hevc_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         169  packetizer_mlp_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         176  packetizer_mpeg4audio_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         176  packetizer_mpeg4video_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         175  packetizer_mpegvideo_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         169  packetizer_vc1_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           7,995         124  P_COPY_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55          13,367         124  P_DIRAC_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55          12,256         124  P_FLAC_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55          15,461         124  P_H264_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55           8,885         124  P_HEVC_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55          10,082         124  P_MLP_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55          13,571         124  P_MPEG4A.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55          10,854         124  P_MPEG4V.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55          13,101         124  P_MPEGVI.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55          12,648         124  P_VC1_PL.DLL
        134,828 bytes in 30 files and 2 dirs    146,432 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\services_discovery\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           1,026         164
 2-28-15   1:54           1,023         163
 2-28-15   1:54           1,020         162
 2-28-15   1:54           1,012         158
 2-28-15   1:54           8,731         124  MEDIADIR.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         164  mediadirs_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           7,852         124  OS2DRIVE.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         163  os2drive_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           9,837         124  PODCAST_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         162  podcast_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          39,909         124  SAP_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         158  sap_plugin_dll.a
         72,890 bytes in 12 files and 2 dirs    76,288 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\stream_filter\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         335,564         124  DASH_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  dash_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           9,109         124  DECOMP_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         161  decomp_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54         403,510         124  HTTPLIVE.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         163  httplive_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           1,002         159
 2-28-15   1:54           1,012         161
 2-28-15   1:54           1,030         163
 2-28-15   1:54           1,012         161
 2-28-15   1:54           1,012         161
 2-28-15   1:54           7,847         124  RECORD_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         161  record_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          22,397         124  SMOOTH_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         161  smooth_plugin_dll.a
        786,595 bytes in 15 files and 2 dirs    790,528 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\stream_out\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:55           1,045         173
 2-28-15   1:55           1,042         172
 2-28-15   1:55           1,039         171
 2-28-15   1:55           1,057         177
 2-28-15   1:55           1,045         173
 2-28-15   1:55           1,039         171
 2-28-15   1:55           1,051         175
 2-28-15   1:55           1,030         168
 2-28-15   1:55           1,042         172
 2-28-15   1:55           1,060         178
 2-28-15   1:55           1,063         179
 2-28-15   1:55           1,048         170
 2-28-15   1:55           1,042         172
 2-28-15   1:55           1,045         169
 2-28-15   1:55           1,039         171
 2-28-15   1:55           1,036         170
 2-28-15   1:55           1,048         174
 2-28-15   1:55           1,039         171
 2-28-15   1:55           1,051         175
 2-28-15   1:55             620         173  stream_out_autodel_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         172  stream_out_bridge_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         171  stream_out_delay_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         177  stream_out_description_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         173  stream_out_display_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         171  stream_out_dummy_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         175  stream_out_duplicate_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         168  stream_out_es_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         172  stream_out_gather_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         178  stream_out_langfromtelx_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         179  stream_out_mosaic_bridge_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         170  stream_out_raop_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         172  stream_out_record_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         169  stream_out_rtp_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         171  stream_out_setid_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         170  stream_out_smem_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         174  stream_out_standard_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         171  stream_out_stats_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         175  stream_out_transcode_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           7,469         124  S_O_AUTO.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55          11,224         124  S_O_BRID.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55           7,653         124  S_O_DELA.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55           7,259         124  S_O_DESC.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55           8,298         124  S_O_DISP.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55           6,568         124  S_O_DUMM.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55           9,132         124  S_O_DUPL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55           9,361         124  S_O_ES_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55           7,567         124  S_O_GATH.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55           8,440         124  S_O_LANG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55          11,979         124  S_O_MOSA.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55         395,993         124  S_O_RAOP.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55          10,717         124  S_O_RECO.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55         425,582         124  S_O_RTP_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55           7,945         124  S_O_SETI.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55           8,955         124  S_O_SMEM.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55          10,894         124  S_O_STAN.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55           8,740         124  S_O_STAT.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55          25,976         124  S_O_TC_P.DLL
      1,021,393 bytes in 57 files and 2 dirs    1,042,944 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\text_renderer\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:55         354,934         124  FREETYPE.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         163  freetype_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           1,042         163
 2-28-15   1:55           1,012         161
 2-28-15   1:55           6,343         124  TDUMMY_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         161  tdummy_plugin_dll.a
        364,571 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    366,592 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\video_chroma\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           8,755         124  CHAIN_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         160  chain_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           7,174         124  GREY_YUV.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         163  grey_yuv_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54          11,684         124  I0_R_M_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54          13,055         124  I0_R_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54          14,769         124  I0_R_S2_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54           7,604         124  I0_Y2_MX.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54           8,186         124  I0_Y2_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54           8,253         124  I0_Y2_S2.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54           7,308         124  I2_I0_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54           7,540         124  I2_Y2_MX.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54           7,462         124  I2_Y2_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54           7,649         124  I2_Y2_S2.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         167  i420_rgb_mmx_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54             620         163  i420_rgb_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54             620         168  i420_rgb_sse2_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54             620         168  i420_yuy2_mmx_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54             620         164  i420_yuy2_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54             620         169  i420_yuy2_sse2_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54             620         164  i422_i420_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54             620         168  i422_yuy2_mmx_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54             620         164  i422_yuy2_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54             620         169  i422_yuy2_sse2_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           1,008         160
 2-28-15   1:54           1,017         163
 2-28-15   1:54           1,029         167
 2-28-15   1:54           1,017         163
 2-28-15   1:54           1,032         168
 2-28-15   1:54           1,032         168
 2-28-15   1:54           1,020         164
 2-28-15   1:54           1,035         169
 2-28-15   1:54           1,020         164
 2-28-15   1:54           1,032         168
 2-28-15   1:54           1,020         164
 2-28-15   1:54           1,035         169
 2-28-15   1:54           1,005         159
 2-28-15   1:54           1,033         162
 2-28-15   1:54           1,020         164
 2-28-15   1:54           1,020         164
 2-28-15   1:54           6,715         124  RV32_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  rv32_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54         357,839         124  SWSCALE_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         162  swscale_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           7,465         124  Y2_I0_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54           7,130         124  Y2_I2_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         164  yuy2_i420_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54             620         164  yuy2_i422_plugin_dll.a
        514,883 bytes in 48 files and 2 dirs    528,384 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\video_filter\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:55          11,805         124  ABG_V_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55          11,746         124  ADJUST_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         161  adjust_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           8,015         124  ALPHAMAS.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         164  alphamask_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           8,867         124  ANAGLYPH.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         163  anaglyph_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           8,503         124  ANTIFLIC.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         166  antiflicker_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55             620         170  audiobargraph_v_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          11,899         124  BALL_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         159  ball_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           8,544         124  BLENDBEN.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         165  blendbench_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          74,399         124  BLEND_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         160  blend_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           8,523         124  BLUESCRE.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         165  bluescreen_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           9,907         124  CANVAS_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         161  canvas_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           9,117         124  COLORTHR.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         165  colorthres_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           9,168         124  CROPPADD.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         163  croppadd_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          62,197         124  DEINTERL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         166  deinterlace_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          13,810         124  DYNAMICO.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         169  dynamicoverlay_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           9,187         124  ERASE_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         160  erase_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          12,071         124  EXTRACT_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         162  extract_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           8,705         124  FREEZE_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         161  freeze_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           8,520         124  GAUSSIAN.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         167  gaussianblur_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           9,659         124  GRADFUN_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         162  gradfun_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          11,333         124  GRADIENT.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         163  gradient_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          10,222         124  GRAIN_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         160  grain_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          10,199         124  HQDN3D_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         161  hqdn3d_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           7,389         124  INVERT_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         161  invert_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           1,011         161
 2-28-15   1:55           1,020         164
 2-28-15   1:55           1,017         163
 2-28-15   1:55           1,026         166
 2-28-15   1:55           1,038         170
 2-28-15   1:55           1,005         159
 2-28-15   1:55           1,023         165
 2-28-15   1:55           1,004         160
 2-28-15   1:55           1,023         165
 2-28-15   1:55           1,011         161
 2-28-15   1:55           1,023         165
 2-28-15   1:55           1,017         163
 2-28-15   1:55           1,026         166
 2-28-15   1:55           1,035         169
 2-28-15   1:55           1,008         160
 2-28-15   1:55           1,014         162
 2-28-15   1:55           1,011         161
 2-28-15   1:55           1,029         167
 2-28-15   1:55           1,014         162
 2-28-15   1:55           1,017         163
 2-28-15   1:55           1,008         160
 2-28-15   1:55           1,011         161
 2-28-15   1:55           1,011         161
 2-28-15   1:55           1,005         159
 2-28-15   1:55           1,014         162
 2-28-15   1:55           1,005         159
 2-28-15   1:55           1,011         161
 2-28-15   1:55           1,011         161
 2-28-15   1:55           1,023         165
 2-28-15   1:55           1,029         167
 2-28-15   1:55           1,017         163
 2-28-15   1:55           1,020         164
 2-28-15   1:55           1,037         163
 2-28-15   1:55           1,026         166
 2-28-15   1:55           1,011         161
 2-28-15   1:55           1,032         164
 2-28-15   1:55           1,011         161
 2-28-15   1:55           1,011         161
 2-28-15   1:55           1,002         158
 2-28-15   1:55           1,008         160
 2-28-15   1:55           1,008         160
 2-28-15   1:55           1,008         160
 2-28-15   1:55           1,014         162
 2-28-15   1:55           1,020         164
 2-28-15   1:55           1,020         164
 2-28-15   1:55           1,002         158
 2-28-15   1:55           1,005         159
 2-28-15   1:55           1,005         159
 2-28-15   1:55          11,863         124  LOGO_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         159  logo_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           9,223         124  MAGNIFY_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         162  magnify_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          11,036         124  MARQ_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         159  marq_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           9,394         124  MIRROR_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         161  mirror_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          14,783         124  MOSAIC_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         161  mosaic_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           7,831         124  MOTIONBL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         165  motionblur_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           9,789         124  MOTIONDE.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         167  motiondetect_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          12,882         124  OLDMOVIE.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         163  oldmovie_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           8,985         124  POSTERIZ.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         164  posterize_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55         180,352         124  POSTPROC.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         163  postproc_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           8,174         124  PSYCHEDE.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         166  psychedelic_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          33,189         124  PUZZLE_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         161  puzzle_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55         394,492         124  REMOTEOS.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         164  remoteosd_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           7,633         124  RIPPLE_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         161  ripple_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          10,323         124  ROTATE_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         161  rotate_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          14,330         124  RSS_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         158  rss_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           7,638         124  SCALE_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         160  scale_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           9,169         124  SCENE_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         160  scene_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           9,049         124  SEPIA_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         160  sepia_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           8,360         124  SHARPEN_.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         162  sharpen_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          12,301         124  SUBSDELA.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         164  subsdelay_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          10,825         124  TRANSFOR.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         164  transform_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          10,623         124  VHS_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         158  vhs_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           7,480         124  WAVE_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         159  wave_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           7,992         124  YUVP_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         159  yuvp_plugin_dll.a
      1,250,018 bytes in 144 files and 2 dirs    1,285,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\video_output\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:55           7,397         124  DRAWABLE.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         163  drawable_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55          25,380         124  KVA_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         158  kva_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           1,017         163
 2-28-15   1:55           1,008         158
 2-28-15   1:55           1,011         161
 2-28-15   1:55           1,005         159
 2-28-15   1:55           1,002         158
 2-28-15   1:55           7,968         124  VDUMMY_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         161  vdummy_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           9,022         124  VMEM_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         159  vmem_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:55           8,655         124  YUV_PLUG.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         158  yuv_plugin_dll.a
         66,565 bytes in 15 files and 2 dirs    69,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\video_splitter\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           8,009         124  CLONE_PL.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         160  clone_plugin_dll.a
 2-28-15   1:54           1,010         160
 2-28-15   1:54           1,007         159
 2-28-15   1:54           9,838         124  WALL_PLU.DLL
 2-28-15   1:54             620         159  wall_plugin_dll.a
         21,104 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    22,528 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\visualization\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:55           1,012         161
 2-28-15   1:55          19,928         124  VISUAL_P.DLL
 2-28-15   1:55             620         161  visual_plugin_dll.a
         21,560 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    22,016 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\PLUGINS\*
     23,762,083 bytes in 811 files and 71 dirs    23,990,784 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\vlc\*
     24,095,704 bytes in 866 files and 107 dirs    24,343,040 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\lib\*
     24,898,436 bytes in 877 files and 113 dirs    25,149,440 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  APPLICAT
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  DOC
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  ICONS
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  KDE4
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  LOCALE
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  MAN
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  VLC
              0 bytes in 0 files and 9 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\APPLICAT\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           5,635         153  vlc.desktop
          5,635 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  VLC
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\VLC\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  LIBVLC
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  LUA
 2-28-15   1:53             189         161  bugreport-howto.txt
 2-28-15   1:53          33,293         124  FORTUNES.TXT
 2-28-15   1:53          24,418         124  INTF-VCD.TXT
         57,900 bytes in 3 files and 4 dirs    59,904 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\VLC\LIBVLC\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  QTPLAYER
 2-28-15   1:53           5,061         154  gtk_player.c
 2-28-15   1:53          13,302         161  libvlc_DVD_ripper.c
 2-28-15   1:53           6,808         153  vlc-thumb.c
 2-28-15   1:53           8,758         155  wx_player.cpp
         33,929 bytes in 4 files and 3 dirs    35,328 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\VLC\LIBVLC\QTPLAYER\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53             497         124  LICENSE
 2-28-15   1:53             494         124  MAIN.CPP
 2-28-15   1:53           7,040         124  PLAYER.CPP
 2-28-15   1:53           1,141         124  PLAYER.H
 2-28-15   1:53             152         124  QTVLC.PRO
          9,324 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    10,240 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\VLC\LIBVLC\*
         43,253 bytes in 9 files and 5 dirs    45,568 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\VLC\LUA\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  EXTENSIO
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  HTTP
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  INTF
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  META
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  PLAYLIST
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  SD
 2-28-15   1:54          21,213         124  README.TXT
         21,213 bytes in 1 file and 8 dirs    24,576 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\VLC\LUA\EXTENSIO\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54             337         124  README.TXT
            337 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\VLC\LUA\HTTP\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  REQUESTS
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\VLC\LUA\HTTP\REQUESTS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           5,478         124  README.TXT
          5,478 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\VLC\LUA\HTTP\*
          5,478 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\VLC\LUA\INTF\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           2,186         124  DUMPMETA.LUA
 2-28-15   1:54             768         124  README.TXT
          2,954 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\VLC\LUA\META\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  ART
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  FETCHER
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  READER
              0 bytes in 0 files and 5 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\VLC\LUA\META\ART\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           1,819         160  01_googleimage.lua
 2-28-15   1:54             415         124  README.TXT
          2,234 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\VLC\LUA\META\FETCHER\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54             423         124  README.TXT
 2-28-15   1:54           2,714         124  TVRAGE.LUA
          3,137 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\VLC\LUA\META\READER\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           1,740         124  FILENAME.LUA
 2-28-15   1:54             495         124  README.TXT
          2,235 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\VLC\LUA\META\*
          7,606 bytes in 6 files and 11 dirs    10,240 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\VLC\LUA\PLAYLIST\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           1,248         124  README.TXT
 2-28-15   1:54           2,054         156  soundcloud.lua
 2-28-15   1:54          14,871         124  YOUTUBE.LUA
         18,173 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    19,456 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\VLC\LUA\SD\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           4,407         124  ICAST.LUA
 2-28-15   1:54           2,824         124  ICECAST.LUA
 2-28-15   1:54           2,436         124  README.TXT
          9,667 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    10,240 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\VLC\LUA\*
         65,428 bytes in 17 files and 32 dirs    74,752 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\VLC\*
        166,581 bytes in 29 files and 41 dirs    180,224 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\DOC\*
        166,581 bytes in 29 files and 44 dirs    180,736 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\ICONS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  HICOLOR
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\ICONS\HICOLOR\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  16X16
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  32X32
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  48X48
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  128X128
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  256X256
              0 bytes in 0 files and 7 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\ICONS\HICOLOR\16X16\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  APPS
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\ICONS\HICOLOR\16X16\APPS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54             606         124  VLC.PNG
 2-28-15   1:54           2,043         124  VLC.XPM
          2,649 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\ICONS\HICOLOR\16X16\*
          2,649 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\ICONS\HICOLOR\32X32\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  APPS
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\ICONS\HICOLOR\32X32\APPS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           6,327         124  VLC-XMAS.XPM
 2-28-15   1:54           1,510         124  VLC.PNG
 2-28-15   1:54           5,656         124  VLC.XPM
         13,493 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    14,336 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\ICONS\HICOLOR\32X32\*
         13,493 bytes in 3 files and 5 dirs    14,848 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\ICONS\HICOLOR\48X48\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  APPS
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\ICONS\HICOLOR\48X48\APPS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           3,027         124  VLC-XMAS.PNG
 2-28-15   1:54           2,924         124  VLC.PNG
          5,951 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\ICONS\HICOLOR\48X48\*
          5,951 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    6,656 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\ICONS\HICOLOR\128X128\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  APPS
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\ICONS\HICOLOR\128X128\APPS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          14,329         124  VLC-XMAS.PNG
 2-28-15   1:54          15,875         124  VLC.PNG
         30,204 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    30,720 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\ICONS\HICOLOR\128X128\*
         30,204 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    31,232 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\ICONS\HICOLOR\256X256\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  APPS
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\ICONS\HICOLOR\256X256\APPS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          54,221         124  VLC.PNG
         54,221 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    54,272 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\ICONS\HICOLOR\256X256\*
         54,221 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    54,784 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\ICONS\HICOLOR\*
        106,518 bytes in 10 files and 32 dirs    113,664 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\ICONS\*
        106,518 bytes in 10 files and 35 dirs    114,176 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\KDE4\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  APPS
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\KDE4\APPS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  SOLID
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\KDE4\APPS\SOLID\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  ACTIONS
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\KDE4\APPS\SOLID\ACTIONS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54             243         160  vlc-openbd.desktop
 2-28-15   1:54             237         161  vlc-opencda.desktop
 2-28-15   1:54             239         161  vlc-opendvd.desktop
 2-28-15   1:54             251         161  vlc-openvcd.desktop
            970 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    2,048 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\KDE4\APPS\SOLID\*
            970 bytes in 4 files and 5 dirs    2,560 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\KDE4\APPS\*
            970 bytes in 4 files and 8 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\KDE4\*
            970 bytes in 4 files and 11 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  ACH
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  AF
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  AM
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  AN
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  AR
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  AST
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  AZ
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  BE
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  BG
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  BN
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  BN_IN
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  BR
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  BS
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  CA
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  CGG
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  CKB
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  CO
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  CS
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  CY
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  DA
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  DE
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  EL
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  EN_GB
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  ES
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  ES_MX
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  ET
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  EU
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  FA
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  FF
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  FI
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  FR
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  FUR
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  GA
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  GD
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  GL
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  GU
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  HE
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  HI
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  HR
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  HU
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  HY
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  IA
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  ID
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  IS
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  IT
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  JA
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  KA
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  KK
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  KM
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  KN
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  KO
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  KY
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  LG
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  LT
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  LV
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  MK
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  ML
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  MN
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  MR
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  MS
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  MY
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  NB
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  NE
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  NL
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  NN
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  OC
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  OR
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  PA
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  PL
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  PS
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  PT_BR
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  PT_PT
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  RO
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  RU
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  SI
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  SK
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  SL
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  SQ
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  SR
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  SV
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  TA
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  TE
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  TET
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  TH
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  TL
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  TR
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  UK
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  UZ
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  VI
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  WA
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  ZH_CN
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  ZH_TW
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  ZU
              0 bytes in 0 files and 95 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ACH\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ACH\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53          56,389         124  VLC.MO
         56,389 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    56,832 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ACH\*
         56,389 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    57,344 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\AF\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\AF\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53          50,471         124  VLC.MO
         50,471 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    50,688 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\AF\*
         50,471 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    51,200 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\AM\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\AM\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53          72,968         124  VLC.MO
         72,968 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    73,216 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\AM\*
         72,968 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    73,728 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\AN\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\AN\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53         462,524         124  VLC.MO
        462,524 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    462,848 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\AN\*
        462,524 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    463,360 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\AR\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\AR\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53         312,132         124  VLC.MO
        312,132 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    312,320 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\AR\*
        312,132 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    312,832 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\AST\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\AST\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53         465,501         124  VLC.MO
        465,501 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    465,920 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\AST\*
        465,501 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    466,432 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\AZ\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\AZ\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53           2,828         124  VLC.MO
          2,828 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\AZ\*
          2,828 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    3,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\BE\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\BE\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53         750,014         124  VLC.MO
        750,014 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    750,080 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\BE\*
        750,014 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    750,592 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\BG\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\BG\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53         625,802         124  VLC.MO
        625,802 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    626,176 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\BG\*
        625,802 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    626,688 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\BN\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\BN\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53         666,570         124  VLC.MO
        666,570 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    666,624 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\BN\*
        666,570 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    667,136 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\BN_IN\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\BN_IN\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53         795,177         124  VLC.MO
        795,177 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    795,648 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\BN_IN\*
        795,177 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    796,160 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\BR\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\BR\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53          80,105         124  VLC.MO
         80,105 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    80,384 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\BR\*
         80,105 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    80,896 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\BS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\BS\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53         150,691         124  VLC.MO
        150,691 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    151,040 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\BS\*
        150,691 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    151,552 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\CA\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\CA\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53         626,470         124  VLC.MO
        626,470 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    626,688 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\CA\*
        626,470 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    627,200 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\CGG\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\CGG\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53          41,805         124  VLC.MO
         41,805 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    41,984 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\CGG\*
         41,805 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    42,496 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\CKB\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\CKB\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53          86,646         124  VLC.MO
         86,646 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    87,040 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\CKB\*
         86,646 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    87,552 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\CO\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\CO\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53             702         124  VLC.MO
            702 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\CO\*
            702 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\CS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\CS\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53         247,857         124  VLC.MO
        247,857 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    248,320 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\CS\*
        247,857 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    248,832 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\CY\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\CY\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53         275,108         124  VLC.MO
        275,108 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    275,456 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\CY\*
        275,108 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    275,968 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\DA\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\DA\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53         388,078         124  VLC.MO
        388,078 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    388,096 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\DA\*
        388,078 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    388,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\DE\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\DE\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53         630,202         124  VLC.MO
        630,202 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    630,272 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\DE\*
        630,202 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    630,784 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\EL\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\EL\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53         875,825         124  VLC.MO
        875,825 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    876,032 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\EL\*
        875,825 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    876,544 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\EN_GB\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\EN_GB\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53          38,113         124  VLC.MO
         38,113 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    38,400 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\EN_GB\*
         38,113 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    38,912 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ES\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53         631,572         124  VLC.MO
        631,572 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    631,808 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ES\*
        631,572 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    632,320 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ES_MX\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ES_MX\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53         609,767         124  VLC.MO
        609,767 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    609,792 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ES_MX\*
        609,767 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    610,304 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ET\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ET\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53         464,943         124  VLC.MO
        464,943 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    465,408 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ET\*
        464,943 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    465,920 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\EU\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\EU\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53         524,121         124  VLC.MO
        524,121 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    524,288 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\EU\*
        524,121 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    524,800 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\FA\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\FA\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         166,587         124  VLC.MO
        166,587 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    166,912 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\FA\*
        166,587 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    167,424 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\FF\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\FF\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          83,518         124  VLC.MO
         83,518 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    83,968 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\FF\*
         83,518 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    84,480 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\FI\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\FI\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         548,907         124  VLC.MO
        548,907 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    549,376 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\FI\*
        548,907 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    549,888 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\FR\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\FR\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         601,786         124  VLC.MO
        601,786 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    602,112 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\FR\*
        601,786 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    602,624 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\FUR\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\FUR\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          38,868         124  VLC.MO
         38,868 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    38,912 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\FUR\*
         38,868 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    39,424 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\GA\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\GA\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         142,398         124  VLC.MO
        142,398 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    142,848 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\GA\*
        142,398 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    143,360 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\GD\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\GD\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         188,678         124  VLC.MO
        188,678 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    188,928 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\GD\*
        188,678 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    189,440 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\GL\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\GL\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         623,483         124  VLC.MO
        623,483 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    623,616 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\GL\*
        623,483 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    624,128 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\GU\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\GU\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          68,470         124  VLC.MO
         68,470 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    68,608 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\GU\*
         68,470 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    69,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\HE\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\HE\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         230,761         124  VLC.MO
        230,761 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    230,912 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\HE\*
        230,761 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    231,424 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\HI\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\HI\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         147,055         124  VLC.MO
        147,055 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    147,456 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\HI\*
        147,055 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    147,968 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\HR\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\HR\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         557,604         124  VLC.MO
        557,604 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    558,080 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\HR\*
        557,604 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    558,592 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\HU\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\HU\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         642,057         124  VLC.MO
        642,057 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    642,560 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\HU\*
        642,057 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    643,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\HY\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\HY\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         136,327         124  VLC.MO
        136,327 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    136,704 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\HY\*
        136,327 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    137,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\IA\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\IA\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          11,156         124  VLC.MO
         11,156 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    11,264 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\IA\*
         11,156 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    11,776 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ID\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ID\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         423,448         124  VLC.MO
        423,448 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    423,936 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ID\*
        423,448 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    424,448 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\IS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\IS\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         193,862         124  VLC.MO
        193,862 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    194,048 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\IS\*
        193,862 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    194,560 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\IT\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\IT\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         613,426         124  VLC.MO
        613,426 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    613,888 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\IT\*
        613,426 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    614,400 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\JA\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\JA\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         701,395         124  VLC.MO
        701,395 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    701,440 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\JA\*
        701,395 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    701,952 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\KA\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\KA\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          58,831         124  VLC.MO
         58,831 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    58,880 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\KA\*
         58,831 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    59,392 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\KK\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\KK\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         230,816         124  VLC.MO
        230,816 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    230,912 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\KK\*
        230,816 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    231,424 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\KM\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\KM\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54       1,013,405         124  VLC.MO
      1,013,405 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,013,760 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\KM\*
      1,013,405 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    1,014,272 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\KN\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\KN\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         828,863         124  VLC.MO
        828,863 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    828,928 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\KN\*
        828,863 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    829,440 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\KO\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\KO\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         634,105         124  VLC.MO
        634,105 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    634,368 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\KO\*
        634,105 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    634,880 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\KY\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\KY\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          38,916         124  VLC.MO
         38,916 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    39,424 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\KY\*
         38,916 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    39,936 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\LG\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\LG\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          55,254         124  VLC.MO
         55,254 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    55,296 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\LG\*
         55,254 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    55,808 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\LT\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\LT\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         337,765         124  VLC.MO
        337,765 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    337,920 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\LT\*
        337,765 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    338,432 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\LV\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\LV\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         633,488         124  VLC.MO
        633,488 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    633,856 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\LV\*
        633,488 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    634,368 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\MK\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\MK\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           6,589         124  VLC.MO
          6,589 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    6,656 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\MK\*
          6,589 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    7,168 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ML\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ML\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          37,334         124  VLC.MO
         37,334 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    37,376 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ML\*
         37,334 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    37,888 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\MN\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\MN\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          81,038         124  VLC.MO
         81,038 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    81,408 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\MN\*
         81,038 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    81,920 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\MR\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\MR\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         202,286         124  VLC.MO
        202,286 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    202,752 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\MR\*
        202,286 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    203,264 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\MS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\MS\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         597,961         124  VLC.MO
        597,961 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    598,016 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\MS\*
        597,961 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    598,528 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\MY\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\MY\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          14,938         124  VLC.MO
         14,938 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    15,360 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\MY\*
         14,938 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    15,872 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\NB\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\NB\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         154,250         124  VLC.MO
        154,250 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    154,624 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\NB\*
        154,250 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    155,136 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\NE\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\NE\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         362,536         124  VLC.MO
        362,536 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    363,008 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\NE\*
        362,536 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    363,520 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\NL\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\NL\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         614,826         124  VLC.MO
        614,826 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    614,912 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\NL\*
        614,826 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    615,424 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\NN\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\NN\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         103,407         124  VLC.MO
        103,407 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    103,424 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\NN\*
        103,407 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    103,936 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\OC\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\OC\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         144,661         124  VLC.MO
        144,661 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    144,896 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\OC\*
        144,661 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    145,408 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\OR\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\OR\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          25,522         124  VLC.MO
         25,522 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    25,600 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\OR\*
         25,522 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    26,112 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\PA\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\PA\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         285,002         124  VLC.MO
        285,002 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    285,184 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\PA\*
        285,002 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    285,696 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\PL\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\PL\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         627,151         124  VLC.MO
        627,151 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    627,200 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\PL\*
        627,151 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    627,712 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\PS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\PS\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          43,029         124  VLC.MO
         43,029 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    43,520 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\PS\*
         43,029 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    44,032 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\PT_BR\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\PT_BR\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         543,713         124  VLC.MO
        543,713 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    543,744 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\PT_BR\*
        543,713 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    544,256 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\PT_PT\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\PT_PT\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         628,653         124  VLC.MO
        628,653 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    628,736 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\PT_PT\*
        628,653 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    629,248 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\RO\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\RO\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         422,085         124  VLC.MO
        422,085 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    422,400 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\RO\*
        422,085 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    422,912 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\RU\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\RU\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         797,560         124  VLC.MO
        797,560 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    797,696 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\RU\*
        797,560 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    798,208 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\SI\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\SI\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         281,700         124  VLC.MO
        281,700 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    282,112 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\SI\*
        281,700 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    282,624 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\SK\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\SK\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         651,381         124  VLC.MO
        651,381 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    651,776 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\SK\*
        651,381 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    652,288 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\SL\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\SL\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         590,374         124  VLC.MO
        590,374 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    590,848 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\SL\*
        590,374 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    591,360 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\SQ\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\SQ\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          66,278         124  VLC.MO
         66,278 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    66,560 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\SQ\*
         66,278 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    67,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\SR\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\SR\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         359,441         124  VLC.MO
        359,441 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    359,936 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\SR\*
        359,441 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    360,448 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\SV\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\SV\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         450,067         124  VLC.MO
        450,067 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    450,560 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\SV\*
        450,067 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    451,072 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\TA\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\TA\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          86,711         124  VLC.MO
         86,711 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    87,040 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\TA\*
         86,711 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    87,552 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\TE\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\TE\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         148,086         124  VLC.MO
        148,086 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    148,480 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\TE\*
        148,086 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    148,992 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\TET\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\TET\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54             484         124  VLC.MO
            484 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\TET\*
            484 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\TH\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\TH\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         355,364         124  VLC.MO
        355,364 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    355,840 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\TH\*
        355,364 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    356,352 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\TL\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\TL\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54             461         124  VLC.MO
            461 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\TL\*
            461 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\TR\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\TR\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         638,210         124  VLC.MO
        638,210 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    638,464 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\TR\*
        638,210 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    638,976 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\UK\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\UK\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         807,444         124  VLC.MO
        807,444 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    807,936 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\UK\*
        807,444 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    808,448 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\UZ\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\UZ\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          57,612         124  VLC.MO
         57,612 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    57,856 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\UZ\*
         57,612 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    58,368 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\VI\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\VI\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         556,892         124  VLC.MO
        556,892 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    557,056 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\VI\*
        556,892 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    557,568 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\WA\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\WA\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         286,724         124  VLC.MO
        286,724 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    287,232 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\WA\*
        286,724 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    287,744 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ZH_CN\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ZH_CN\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         570,135         124  VLC.MO
        570,135 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    570,368 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ZH_CN\*
        570,135 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    570,880 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ZH_TW\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ZH_TW\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         271,827         124  VLC.MO
        271,827 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    271,872 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ZH_TW\*
        271,827 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    272,384 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ZU\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           153  LC_MESSAGES
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ZU\LC_MESSAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54          61,515         124  VLC.MO
         61,515 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    61,952 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\ZU\*
         61,515 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    62,464 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\LOCALE\*
     31,816,857 bytes in 93 files and 560 dirs    31,937,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\MAN\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  MAN1
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\MAN\MAN1\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:53           1,396         155  vlc-wrapper.1
 2-28-15   1:53           3,443         124  VLC.1
          4,839 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\MAN\*
          4,839 bytes in 2 files and 5 dirs    5,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\VLC\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  LUA
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  SKINS2
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  UTILS
 2-28-15   1:54          73,164         124  VLC.ICO
         73,164 bytes in 1 file and 5 dirs    74,752 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\VLC\LUA\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  HTTP
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\VLC\LUA\HTTP\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  CSS
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  DIALOGS
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  IMAGES
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  JS
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  REQUESTS
 2-28-15   1:54             507         124  CUSTOM.LUA
 2-28-15   1:54          86,358         124  FAVICON.ICO
 2-28-15   1:54          14,288         152  index.html
 2-28-15   1:54           4,843         153  mobile.html
 2-28-15   1:54           2,444         160  mobile_browse.html
 2-28-15   1:54           2,917         163  mobile_equalizer.html
 2-28-15   1:54           2,840         158  mobile_view.html
 2-28-15   1:54           3,587         151  view.html
 2-28-15   1:54           1,823         150  vlm.html
 2-28-15   1:54             308         157  vlm_export.html
        119,915 bytes in 10 files and 7 dirs    124,416 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\VLC\LUA\HTTP\CSS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           154  ui-lightness
 2-28-15   1:54           3,798         124  MAIN.CSS
 2-28-15   1:54           2,732         124  MOBILE.CSS
          6,530 bytes in 2 files and 3 dirs    7,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\VLC\LUA\HTTP\CSS\ui-lightness\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  IMAGES
 2-28-15   1:54          33,568         169  jquery-ui-1.8.13.custom.css
         33,568 bytes in 1 file and 3 dirs    34,304 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\VLC\LUA\HTTP\CSS\ui-lightness\IMAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54             201         183  ui-bg_diagonals-thick_18_b81900_40x40.png
 2-28-15   1:54             197         183  ui-bg_diagonals-thick_20_666666_40x40.png
 2-28-15   1:54             147         173  ui-bg_flat_10_000000_40x100.png
 2-28-15   1:54              95         173  ui-bg_glass_65_ffffff_1x400.png
 2-28-15   1:54             103         174  ui-bg_glass_100_f6f6f6_1x400.png
 2-28-15   1:54             115         174  ui-bg_glass_100_fdf5ce_1x400.png
 2-28-15   1:54           2,627         180  ui-bg_gloss-wave_35_f6a828_500x100.png
 2-28-15   1:54             126         182  ui-bg_highlight-soft_75_ffe45c_1x100.png
 2-28-15   1:54              88         183  ui-bg_highlight-soft_100_eeeeee_1x100.png
 2-28-15   1:54           5,103         169  ui-icons_228ef1_256x240.png
 2-28-15   1:54           4,194         169  ui-icons_222222_256x240.png
 2-28-15   1:54           4,194         169  ui-icons_ef8c08_256x240.png
 2-28-15   1:54           4,194         169  ui-icons_ffd27a_256x240.png
 2-28-15   1:54           4,194         169  ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png
         25,578 bytes in 14 files and 2 dirs    30,720 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\VLC\LUA\HTTP\CSS\ui-lightness\*
         59,146 bytes in 15 files and 5 dirs    65,024 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\VLC\LUA\HTTP\CSS\*
         65,676 bytes in 17 files and 8 dirs    72,704 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\VLC\LUA\HTTP\DIALOGS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54             889         159  batch_window.html
 2-28-15   1:54           1,217         160  browse_window.html
 2-28-15   1:54          14,859         160  create_stream.html
 2-28-15   1:54           1,334         163  equalizer_window.html
 2-28-15   1:54             501         159  error_window.html
 2-28-15   1:54           5,078         160  mosaic_window.html
 2-28-15   1:54           1,942         160  offset_window.html
 2-28-15   1:54           1,300         167  stream_config_window.html
 2-28-15   1:54           4,252         160  stream_window.html
         31,372 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    33,280 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\VLC\LUA\HTTP\IMAGES\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           4,675         124  AUDIO-48.PNG
 2-28-15   1:54           2,025         124  BACK-48.PNG
 2-28-15   1:54          11,954         124  BUTTONS.PNG
 2-28-15   1:54           1,353         155  Folder-48.png
 2-28-15   1:54           2,921         124  OTHER-48.PNG
 2-28-15   1:54             942         156  speaker-32.png
 2-28-15   1:54           5,115         124  VIDEO-48.PNG
 2-28-15   1:54          15,875         124  VLC-48.PNG
 2-28-15   1:54             606         124  VLC16X16.PNG
         45,466 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    47,616 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\VLC\LUA\HTTP\JS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           5,195         124  COMMON.JS
 2-28-15   1:54          23,980         156  controllers.js
 2-28-15   1:54         184,460         158  jquery.jstree.js
 2-28-15   1:54           4,044         124  UI.JS
        217,679 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    218,624 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\VLC\LUA\HTTP\REQUESTS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54           1,464         153  browse.json
 2-28-15   1:54           1,758         124  BROWSE.XML
 2-28-15   1:54           1,420         155  playlist.json
 2-28-15   1:54           2,331         124  PLAYLIST.XML
 2-28-15   1:54           3,086         161  playlist_jstree.xml
 2-28-15   1:54           5,478         124  README.TXT
 2-28-15   1:54           1,465         153  status.json
 2-28-15   1:54           2,697         124  STATUS.XML
 2-28-15   1:54           4,597         124  VLM.XML
 2-28-15   1:54           1,469         124  VLM_CMD.XML
         25,765 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    27,648 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\VLC\LUA\HTTP\*
        505,873 bytes in 59 files and 23 dirs    524,288 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\VLC\LUA\*
        505,873 bytes in 59 files and 26 dirs    524,800 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\VLC\SKINS2\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>           124  FONTS
 2-28-15   1:54         163,596         124  DEFAULT.VLT
 2-28-15   1:54             170         154  skin.catalog
 2-28-15   1:54          11,002         124  SKIN.DTD
 2-28-15   1:54          32,210         124  WINAMP2.XML
        206,978 bytes in 4 files and 3 dirs    208,384 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\VLC\SKINS2\FONTS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54         256,627         124  FREESANS.TTF
 2-28-15   1:54          64,228         158  FreeSansBold.ttf
        320,855 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    321,536 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\VLC\SKINS2\*
        527,833 bytes in 6 files and 5 dirs    529,920 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\VLC\share\VLC\UTILS\*

 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:15         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-28-15   1:54             641         162
 2-28-15   1:54             901         162
 2-28-15   1:54             641         162
          2,183 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    3,072 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\VLC\*
      1,109,053 bytes in 69 files and 38 dirs    1,132,544 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\share\*
     33,210,453 bytes in 208 files and 704 dirs    33,383,424 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\VLC\*
     58,948,899 bytes in 1,179 files and 833 dirs    59,401,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\WarpIN\*

 8-14-15  18:17         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:17         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:17         <DIR>             0  test
12-01-14   1:20          18,321           0  COPYING
10-15-15  17:02          68,286           0  datbas_C.ini
12-01-14   1:20          48,630           0  history.txt
10-15-15  17:02       1,776,249           0  install.log
12-01-14   1:20          15,189           0  readme.txt
12-01-14   1:20             507           0  runwic.cmd
12-01-14   1:20          40,672           0  stub.exe
12-01-14   1:20          82,080         330  warpin.exe
12-01-14   1:20          21,621           0  warpin.hlp
 9-27-15   8:52             543           0  WARPIN.INI
12-01-14   1:20           2,116           0  warpin.sym
12-01-14   1:20          25,942           0  warpin.tmf
12-01-14   1:20          26,671           0  wic.exe
12-01-14   1:20             628           0  wic.sym
12-01-14   1:20          92,148           0  wicpm.exe
12-01-14   1:20          99,862           0  wicpm.inf
12-01-14   1:20          10,164           0  wicpm.sym
12-01-14   1:20         822,398           0  WPIRTL.DLL
12-01-14   1:20          36,036           0  wpirtl.sym
12-01-14   1:20          92,749           0  wpi_prog.inf
12-01-14   1:20          51,797           0  wpi_user.inf
      3,332,609 bytes in 21 files and 3 dirs    3,339,264 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\WarpIN\test\*

 8-14-15  18:17         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:17         <DIR>             0  ..
12-01-14   1:20           1,008           0  apps.cmd
12-01-14   1:20           4,027           0  apps.wis
          5,035 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\WarpIN\*
      3,337,644 bytes in 23 files and 5 dirs    3,344,384 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Programs\zip\*

 7-03-15  13:09         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  13:09         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-08-06  23:04         147,507         357  UNZIP.EXE
 2-08-06  23:04         221,407         225  UNZIP32.DLL
 2-08-06  23:04          95,283         360  UNZIPSFX.EXE
 7-24-13   4:47         107,505         487  ZIP.EXE
 7-24-13   4:47          41,320         480  ZIPCLOAK.EXE
 7-24-13   4:47          38,247         479  ZIPNOTE.EXE
 7-24-13   4:47          40,977         480  ZIPSPLIT.EXE
        692,246 bytes in 7 files and 2 dirs    694,272 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Programs\*
    523,870,807 bytes in 13,291 files and 4,082 dirs    528,300,032 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\*

 7-03-15  12:07         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:07         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-03-15  12:09         <DIR>           479  Documents
 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>        22,179  Fonts
 9-14-15  16:54         <DIR>           456  Icons
 4-18-15   9:17         <DIR>        20,834  Images
 4-18-15   9:17         <DIR>        20,834  Movies
 4-18-15   9:13         <DIR>        20,804  Pointers
 4-18-15   9:17         <DIR>         8,464  Sounds
              0 bytes in 0 files and 9 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Documents\*

 7-03-15  12:09         <DIR>             0  . 
 7-03-15  12:09         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-22-15  22:39           1,842          32  QSINIT.LIC
 8-01-15  10:14          33,297          32  QSINIT.RUS
 8-01-15  10:14          29,984          32  QSINIT.TXT
         65,123 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    66,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Fonts\*

 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:12         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-25-13  17:46         693,876           0  DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf
 8-25-13  17:46         632,168           0  DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf
 8-25-13  17:46         352,492           0  DejaVuSans-ExtraLight.ttf
 8-25-13  17:46         632,416           0  DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf
 8-25-13  17:46         741,536           0  DejaVuSans.ttf
 8-25-13  17:46         653,336           0  DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold.ttf
 8-25-13  17:46         600,936           0  DejaVuSansCondensed-BoldOblique.ttf
 8-25-13  17:46         596,596           0  DejaVuSansCondensed-Oblique.ttf
 8-25-13  17:46         664,972           0  DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf
 8-25-13  17:46         318,392           0  DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf
 8-25-13  17:46         239,876           0  DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf
 8-25-13  17:46         245,948           0  DejaVuSansMono-Oblique.ttf
 8-25-13  17:46         335,068           0  DejaVuSansMono.ttf
 8-25-13  17:46         345,364           0  DejaVuSerif-Bold.ttf
 8-25-13  17:46         336,884           0  DejaVuSerif-BoldItalic.ttf
 8-25-13  17:46         343,388           0  DejaVuSerif-Italic.ttf
 8-25-13  17:46         367,260           0  DejaVuSerif.ttf
 8-25-13  17:46         320,720           0  DejaVuSerifCondensed-Bold.ttf
 8-25-13  17:46         335,940           0  DejaVuSerifCondensed-BoldItalic.ttf
 8-25-13  17:46         342,736           0  DejaVuSerifCondensed-Italic.ttf
 8-25-13  17:46         334,040           0  DejaVuSerifCondensed.ttf
10-24-14  21:17       1,818,280           0  GentiumPlus-I.ttf
10-24-14  21:02       1,918,536           0  GentiumPlus-R.ttf
 8-21-15   1:00          73,656         225  MIDORI.TTF
 8-21-15   1:01          72,492         226  MIDORIB.TTF
 7-12-15  20:19         855,776           0  newathu5.ttf
 7-12-15  20:39         948,472           0  newathuBold5.ttf
 7-12-15  20:40         819,092           0  newathuBoldItalic5.ttf
 7-12-15  20:40         809,112           0  newathuItalic5.ttf
 8-17-15   0:54          30,392         227  WPCONC_R.TTF
 8-15-15   3:43          96,328         223  WPSU.TTF
 8-15-15   3:51          97,736         224  WPSUB.TTF
     16,973,816 bytes in 32 files and 2 dirs    16,982,528 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Icons\*

 9-14-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-14-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-14-15  16:54         <DIR>        22,727  cWarp Default
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Icons\cWarp Default\*

 9-14-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-14-15  16:54         <DIR>             0  ..
12-13-01  20:35           8,912         227  16-Batch File.ico
12-13-01  20:35           8,912         226  17-Text File.ico
12-13-01  20:35           8,912         227  34-Floppy 3.5.ico
12-13-01  20:35           8,912         227  35-Hard Drive.ico
12-13-01  20:35           8,912         222  38-CDROM.ICO
 2-17-97  20:53           8,912         221  CABINET.ICO
 2-17-97  20:52           8,912         221  CABOPEN.ICO
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344         222  datafile.ico
 7-17-95  15:26          11,312         223  Folder 09.ICO
 2-12-97  22:39           8,912         279  Folder 10.ico
 7-30-95  22:06          11,312         167  Folder-Add On 01.ICO
 2-13-97   6:56           8,912         217  Folder-Add On 02.ico
 8-03-95  21:58          11,312         227  Folder-CAD 03.ICO
 2-13-97   7:13           8,912         277  Folder-Cad 04.ico
 8-04-95   1:45          11,312         228  Folder-Font 03.ICO
 2-13-97   8:27           8,912         278  Folder-Font 04.ico
 8-04-95   1:58          11,312         229  Folder-Games 05.ICO
 2-13-97   7:20           8,912         279  Folder-Games 06.ico
 7-25-95  22:37          11,312         232  Folder-Graphics 03.ICO
 2-13-97   7:21           8,912         282  Folder-Graphics 04.ico
 8-12-95  15:30          11,312         250  Folder-Internet 01.ICO
 2-13-97   7:50           8,912         282  Folder-Internet 02.ico
 8-04-95   2:36           9,880         228  Folder-Kids 01.ICO
 2-13-97   7:56           8,912         278  Folder-Kids 02.ico
 7-25-95  16:21          11,312         232  Folder-Pointers 01.ICO
 2-13-97   8:01           8,912         282  Folder-Pointers 02.ico
 8-09-95  15:18          11,312         231  Folder-Printer 02.ICO
 2-13-97   7:45           8,912         281  Folder-Printer 03.ico
 8-04-95   1:29          11,312         232  Folder-Programs 01.ICO
 2-13-97   8:05           8,912         282  Folder-Programs 02.ico
 8-09-95  15:08          11,312         232  Folder-Programs 03.ICO
 2-13-97   8:06           8,912         282  Folder-Programs 04.ico
 8-09-95  12:30          11,312         231  Folder-Startup 06.ICO
 2-13-97   7:43           8,912         281  Folder-Startup 07.ico
 8-09-95  12:45          11,312         233  Folder-Templates 05.ICO
 2-13-97   8:13           8,912         283  Folder-Templates 06.ico
 7-17-95   4:08           4,368         229  Folder-Tools 01.ico
 2-13-97   8:20           8,912         279  Folder-Tools 02.ico
 7-27-95   3:02          11,312         229  Folder-Video 05.ICO
 2-13-97   8:30           8,912         279  Folder-Video 06.ico
 3-11-06   1:04           7,824         237  FONTS.ICO
 8-01-95   1:40          11,312         221  Home 01.ICO
 8-01-95   2:20          11,312         221  Home 02.ICO
 3-11-06  19:18           7,824         245  palette_mixed.ico
 3-11-06   1:20           7,824         245  palette_solid.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344         220  prgdll.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344         222  prgdrivr.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344         219  prgpm.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344         222  prgunkwn.ico
 3-09-06  22:41           7,824         238  SCREEN.ICO
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344         220  shadow.ico
11-01-97  15:09           3,344         222  SYSCONF2.ICO
 4-04-97  12:51           8,912         222  TRASH_EM.ICO
 4-04-97  12:51           8,912         222  TRASH_FU.ICO
 3-09-06  22:06           7,824          51  WPClock.ICO
 2-17-97   2:06           8,912         220  WPDESK.ICO
 3-09-06  22:17           3,344         242  WPKeyboard.ICO
 3-09-06  22:29           7,824         239  WPMouse.ICO
 3-09-06  22:00           7,824         239  WPPower.ICO
 3-09-06  22:51           7,824         235  WPS.ICO
 3-09-06  22:44           7,824         239  WPSound.ICO
        524,120 bytes in 61 files and 2 dirs    545,280 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Resources\Icons\*
        524,120 bytes in 61 files and 5 dirs    545,792 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Images\*

 4-18-15   9:17         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:17         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Movies\*

 4-18-15   9:17         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:17         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\*

 4-18-15   9:13         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:13         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           367  Amiga 1
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           367  Amiga 2
10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  andy
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           372  Andy Pointer
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           610  Arrows
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>         2,887  Big Arrow Pointer
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           370  Big Bloody
10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  bigarrow
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           388  Black with boder
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           372  Blue Pointer
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           364  BUGS
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           366  Cherub
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           365  Cigar
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           371  Cross Black
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           371  Cross White
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           367  Cyan 3D
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           384  Dancin' Bear
10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  descent
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           370  Enterprise
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           369  Euge Hand
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           375  Evil Grey Alien
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           367  Glasses
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           376  Glasses 2 Colors
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           380  Globes 3
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           380  Gloves 2
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           380  Gloves 4
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           384  Gloves Black
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           371  Gray 3D - 2
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           371  Gray 3D - 3
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           373  Green Pointer
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           387  Hand with Stick
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           388  Hand!!
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           377  Handy
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           364  Kupo
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           367  Ladybug
10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  maggie
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           379  Maggie Wait Pointer
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           723  Mouse
10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  ncc-1701
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           374  Purple Pointer
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           371  Red Pointer
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           366  Rodent
10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  shadow
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           374  Shadow Pointer
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           876  Solid
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           368  Startrek
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           363  Sun
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           371  Transparent
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           376  Transparent Blue
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           765  Transparent Small
10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  wgloves
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           370  Windows 95
10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  winwag
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>           361  X 
 1-07-97  19:30          37,508         892  andy.and
 1-07-97  19:30          70,788         892  bigarrow.and
 1-07-97  19:30           6,276         892  maggie.and
 1-07-97  19:30          53,380         892  ncc-1701.and
 1-09-15  11:03           1,522         228  PointerPak.txt
10-02-97  23:33          54,404         892  shadow.and
 1-07-97  19:30          35,460         892  startrek.and
 1-07-97  19:30           8,324         306  wgloves.and
 1-07-97  19:30          69,252         892  winwag.and
        336,914 bytes in 9 files and 56 dirs    367,616 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Amiga 1\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-08-95   0:56             284           0  AMI-PTR1.TXT
 9-21-94  23:31             996           0  ARROW.PTR
 9-22-94   0:03             996           0  MOVE.PTR
 2-08-95   0:57             696           0  README.TXT
 9-21-94  23:56             996           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 9-22-94   0:01             996           0  SIZENS.PTR
 9-22-94   0:00             996           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 9-21-94  23:50             996           0  SIZEWE3.PTR
 9-22-94   0:27             996           0  TEXT.PTR
 9-21-94  23:39             996           0  WAIT.PTR
          8,948 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    9,728 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Amiga 2\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-08-95   0:56             284           0  AMI-PTR1.TXT
 9-12-94  11:22             996           0  ARROW.PTR
 9-22-94   0:03             996           0  MOVE.PTR
 2-08-95   0:57             696           0  README.TXT
 9-21-94  23:56             996           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 9-22-94   0:01             996           0  SIZENS.PTR
 9-22-94   0:00             996           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 9-21-94  23:50             996           0  SIZEWE3.PTR
 9-22-94   0:27             996           0  TEXT.PTR
 9-12-94  11:31             996           0  WAIT.PTR
          8,948 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    9,728 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\andy\*

10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  . 
10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-05-95  11:30             874           0  arrow000.ptr
 1-04-97  14:46             874           0  arrow001.ptr
 1-04-97  14:47             874           0  arrow002.ptr
 1-04-97  14:48             874           0  arrow003.ptr
 1-04-97  14:50             874           0  arrow004.ptr
 8-03-95  19:41             874           0  error.ptr
 5-05-95  12:12             874           0  illegal000.ptr
 1-04-97  15:26             874           0  illegal001.ptr
 1-04-97  15:26             874           0  illegal002.ptr
 1-04-97  15:27             874           0  illegal003.ptr
 1-04-97  15:28             874           0  illegal004.ptr
 5-05-95  13:08             874           0  info.ptr
 5-05-95  11:34             874           0  move000.ptr
 1-04-97  16:19             874           0  move001.ptr
 1-04-97  16:21             874           0  move002.ptr
 1-04-97  16:20             874           0  move003.ptr
 5-05-95  13:16             874           0  question.ptr
 5-05-95  11:33             874           0  sizenesw000.ptr
 1-04-97  15:50             874           0  sizenesw001.ptr
 1-04-97  15:55             874           0  sizenesw002.ptr
 1-04-97  15:56             874           0  sizenesw003.ptr
 5-05-95  11:36             874           0  sizens000.ptr
 1-04-97  16:01             874           0  sizens001.ptr
 1-04-97  16:05             874           0  sizens002.ptr
 1-04-97  16:05             874           0  sizens003.ptr
 5-05-95  11:37             874           0  sizenwse000.ptr
 1-04-97  15:40             874           0  sizenwse001.ptr
 1-04-97  15:42             874           0  sizenwse002.ptr
 1-04-97  15:42             874           0  sizenwse003.ptr
 5-05-95  11:43             874           0  sizewe000.ptr
 1-04-97  16:08             874           0  sizewe001.ptr
 1-04-97  16:10             874           0  sizewe002.ptr
 1-04-97  16:09             874           0  sizewe003.ptr
 1-04-97  14:58             874           0  text000.ptr
 1-04-97  15:00             874           0  text001.ptr
 1-04-97  15:01             874           0  text002.ptr
 1-04-97  15:02             874           0  text003.ptr
 7-28-95  19:25             874           0  wait000.ptr
 1-04-97  15:18             874           0  wait001.ptr
 1-04-97  15:21             874           0  wait002.ptr
 1-04-97  15:22             874           0  wait003.ptr
 1-04-97  15:24             874           0  wait004.ptr
 5-05-95  13:01             874           0  warning.ptr
         37,582 bytes in 43 files and 2 dirs    44,032 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Andy Pointer\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-05-95  11:30             874           0  ARROW000.PTR
 8-03-95  19:41             874           0  ERROR.PTR
 5-05-95  12:12             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 5-05-95  13:08             874           0  INFO.PTR
 5-05-95  11:34             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 5-05-95  13:16             874           0  QUESTION.PTR
 5-05-95  11:33             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 5-05-95  11:36             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 5-05-95  11:37             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 5-05-95  11:43             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 1-04-97  14:58             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 7-28-95  19:25             874           0  WAIT.PTR
 5-05-95  13:01             874           0  WARNING.PTR
         11,362 bytes in 13 files and 2 dirs    13,312 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Arrows\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-08-96   2:25             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 1-08-96  14:06             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 1-08-96  13:35             874          35  SIZENESW2.PTR
 1-08-96  13:28             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 1-08-96  13:21             874           0  SIZENS2.PTR
 1-08-96  13:57             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
          5,244 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    6,144 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Big Arrow Pointer\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-29-96  23:22             874           0  ARROW000.PTR
 8-06-96  14:56             874           0  ARROW001.PTR
 8-06-96  13:11             874           0  ARROW002.PTR
 8-06-96  13:18             874           0  ARROW003.PTR
 8-06-96  13:40             874           0  ARROW004.PTR
 8-06-96  14:59             874           0  ARROW005.PTR
 8-06-96  14:59             874           0  ARROW006.PTR
 8-06-96  14:58             874           0  ARROW007.PTR
 8-07-96  12:16             874          36  illegal000.ptr
 8-07-96  12:03             874          36  illegal001.ptr
 8-07-96  12:06             874          36  illegal002.ptr
 8-07-96  12:09             874          36  illegal003.ptr
 8-07-96  12:10             874          36  illegal004.ptr
 8-07-96  12:14             874          36  illegal005.ptr
 8-06-96  13:43             874           0  MOVE000.PTR
 8-06-96  14:07             874           0  MOVE001.PTR
 8-06-96  14:08             874           0  MOVE002.PTR
 8-06-96  14:09             874           0  MOVE003.PTR
 8-06-96  14:09             874           0  MOVE004.PTR
 8-07-96  22:57             874           0  MOVE005.PTR
 8-06-96  14:11             874           0  MOVE006.PTR
 8-06-96  14:11             874           0  MOVE007.PTR
 8-06-96  14:12             874           0  MOVE008.PTR
 8-06-96  14:13             874           0  MOVE009.PTR
 8-07-96  22:39             874          37  sizenesw000.ptr
 8-07-96  22:47             874          37  sizenesw001.ptr
 8-07-96  22:50             874          37  sizenesw002.ptr
 8-07-96  22:49             874          37  sizenesw003.ptr
 8-07-96  23:22             874          37  sizenesw004.ptr
 8-07-96  23:22             874          37  sizenesw005.ptr
 8-07-96  23:01             874          35  sizens000.ptr
 8-07-96  23:03             874          35  sizens001.ptr
 8-07-96  23:01             874          35  sizens002.ptr
 8-07-96  23:02             874          35  sizens003.ptr
 8-07-96  23:15             874          35  sizens004.ptr
 8-07-96  23:15             874          35  sizens005.ptr
 8-07-96  22:42             874          37  sizenwse000.ptr
 8-07-96  22:43             874          37  sizenwse001.ptr
 8-07-96  22:50             874          37  sizenwse002.ptr
 8-06-96  13:40             874          37  sizenwse003.ptr
 8-07-96  22:45             874          37  sizenwse004.ptr
 8-07-96  22:45             874          37  sizenwse005.ptr
 8-07-96  23:08             874          35  sizewe000.ptr
 8-07-96  23:17             874          35  sizewe001.ptr
 8-07-96  23:18             874          35  sizewe002.ptr
 8-07-96  23:11             874          35  sizewe003.ptr
 8-07-96  23:18             874          35  sizewe004.ptr
 8-07-96  23:18             874          35  sizewe005.ptr
 8-06-96  16:48             874           0  TEXT000.PTR
 8-06-96  16:45             874           0  TEXT001.PTR
 8-06-96  16:45             874           0  TEXT002.PTR
 8-06-96  16:44             874           0  TEXT003.PTR
 8-06-96  16:44             874           0  TEXT004.PTR
 8-06-96  16:49             874           0  TEXT005.PTR
 8-06-96  16:44             874           0  TEXT006.PTR
 8-06-96  16:44             874           0  TEXT007.PTR
 8-06-96  16:45             874           0  TEXT008.PTR
 8-06-96  16:45             874           0  TEXT009.PTR
 8-06-96  16:48             874           0  TEXT010.PTR
 9-30-95   1:57             874           0  WAIT.PTR
 5-24-96  16:27             874           0  WAIT000.PTR
 6-08-96  22:21             874           0  WAIT001.PTR
 6-08-96  21:52             874           0  WAIT002.PTR
 6-08-96  22:19             874           0  WAIT003.PTR
 5-24-96  16:27             874           0  WAIT004.PTR
 6-08-96  22:17             874           0  WAIT005.PTR
 6-08-96  21:53             874           0  WAIT006.PTR
 6-08-96  22:13             874           0  WAIT007.PTR
 5-24-96  16:27             874           0  WAIT008.PTR
 6-08-96  22:23             874           0  WAIT009.PTR
 6-08-96  21:54             874           0  WAIT010.PTR
 6-08-96  22:15             874           0  WAIT011.PTR
 5-24-96  16:27             874           0  WAIT012.PTR
 6-08-96  22:07             874           0  WAIT013.PTR
 6-08-96  22:00             874           0  WAIT014.PTR
 6-08-96  22:11             874           0  WAIT015.PTR
         66,424 bytes in 76 files and 2 dirs    77,824 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Big Bloody\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-27-96  15:36             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 7-22-96  21:40              57           0  FILE_ID.DIZ
 6-27-96  15:46             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 6-27-96  15:49             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 7-22-96  21:38             578           0  README.TXT
 7-06-96  17:11             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 7-06-96  17:23             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 7-06-96  17:15             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 7-06-96  17:21             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 7-06-96  17:18             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 6-27-96  15:39             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          8,501 bytes in 11 files and 2 dirs    10,752 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\bigarrow\*

10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  . 
10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-29-96  23:22             874           0  arrow000.ptr
 8-06-96  14:56             874           0  arrow001.ptr
 8-06-96  13:11             874           0  arrow002.ptr
 8-06-96  13:18             874           0  arrow003.ptr
 8-06-96  13:40             874           0  arrow004.ptr
 8-06-96  14:59             874           0  arrow005.ptr
 8-06-96  14:59             874           0  arrow006.ptr
 8-06-96  14:58             874           0  arrow007.ptr
 8-07-96  12:16             874           0  illegal000.ptr
 8-07-96  12:03             874           0  illegal001.ptr
 8-07-96  12:06             874           0  illegal002.ptr
 8-07-96  12:09             874           0  illegal003.ptr
 8-07-96  12:10             874           0  illegal004.ptr
 8-07-96  12:14             874           0  illegal005.ptr
 8-06-96  13:43             874           0  move000.ptr
 8-06-96  14:07             874           0  move001.ptr
 8-06-96  14:08             874           0  move002.ptr
 8-06-96  14:09             874           0  move003.ptr
 8-06-96  14:09             874           0  move004.ptr
 8-07-96  22:57             874           0  move005.ptr
 8-06-96  14:11             874           0  move006.ptr
 8-06-96  14:11             874           0  move007.ptr
 8-06-96  14:12             874           0  move008.ptr
 8-06-96  14:13             874           0  move009.ptr
 8-07-96  22:39             874           0  sizenesw000.ptr
 8-07-96  22:47             874           0  sizenesw001.ptr
 8-07-96  22:50             874           0  sizenesw002.ptr
 8-07-96  22:49             874           0  sizenesw003.ptr
 8-07-96  23:22             874           0  sizenesw004.ptr
 8-07-96  23:22             874           0  sizenesw005.ptr
 8-07-96  23:01             874           0  sizens000.ptr
 8-07-96  23:03             874           0  sizens001.ptr
 8-07-96  23:01             874           0  sizens002.ptr
 8-07-96  23:02             874           0  sizens003.ptr
 8-07-96  23:15             874           0  sizens004.ptr
 8-07-96  23:15             874           0  sizens005.ptr
 8-07-96  22:42             874           0  sizenwse000.ptr
 8-07-96  22:43             874           0  sizenwse001.ptr
 8-07-96  22:50             874           0  sizenwse002.ptr
 8-06-96  13:40             874           0  sizenwse003.ptr
 8-07-96  22:45             874           0  sizenwse004.ptr
 8-07-96  22:45             874           0  sizenwse005.ptr
 8-07-96  23:08             874           0  sizewe000.ptr
 8-07-96  23:17             874           0  sizewe001.ptr
 8-07-96  23:18             874           0  sizewe002.ptr
 8-07-96  23:11             874           0  sizewe003.ptr
 8-07-96  23:18             874           0  sizewe004.ptr
 8-07-96  23:18             874           0  sizewe005.ptr
 8-06-96  16:48             874           0  text000.ptr
 8-06-96  16:45             874           0  text001.ptr
 8-06-96  16:45             874           0  text002.ptr
 8-06-96  16:44             874           0  text003.ptr
 8-06-96  16:44             874           0  text004.ptr
 8-06-96  16:49             874           0  text005.ptr
 8-06-96  16:44             874           0  text006.ptr
 8-06-96  16:44             874           0  text007.ptr
 8-06-96  16:45             874           0  text008.ptr
 8-06-96  16:45             874           0  text009.ptr
 8-06-96  16:48             874           0  text010.ptr
 9-30-95   1:57             874           0  wait.ptr
 5-24-96  16:27             874           0  wait000.ptr
 6-08-96  22:21             874           0  wait001.ptr
 6-08-96  21:52             874           0  wait002.ptr
 6-08-96  22:19             874           0  wait003.ptr
 5-24-96  16:27             874           0  wait004.ptr
 6-08-96  22:17             874           0  wait005.ptr
 6-08-96  21:53             874           0  wait006.ptr
 6-08-96  22:13             874           0  wait007.ptr
 5-24-96  16:27             874           0  wait008.ptr
 6-08-96  22:23             874           0  wait009.ptr
 6-08-96  21:54             874           0  wait010.ptr
 6-08-96  22:15             874           0  wait011.ptr
 5-24-96  16:27             874           0  wait012.ptr
 6-08-96  22:07             874           0  wait013.ptr
 6-08-96  22:00             874           0  wait014.ptr
 6-08-96  22:11             874           0  wait015.ptr
         66,424 bytes in 76 files and 2 dirs    77,824 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Black with boder\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
11-19-96  18:50             288           0  ARROW.PTR
11-19-96  18:50             288           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
11-19-96  18:51             288           0  MOVE.PTR
 6-13-96  14:43             288           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 6-13-96  14:43             288           0  SIZENS.PTR
 6-13-96  14:43             288           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 6-13-96  14:43             288           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 3-21-97  11:39             288           0  TEXT.PTR
 6-13-96  14:43             288           0  WAIT.PTR
          2,592 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Blue Pointer\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-25-97  22:24             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 1-25-97  22:41             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 1-25-97  22:43             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 1-25-97  22:47             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 1-25-97  22:49             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 1-25-97  22:53             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 1-25-97  22:55             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 1-25-97  22:58             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 2-05-97  21:50             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          7,866 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    9,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\BUGS\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-14-97  15:25           2,106           0  ARROW.PTR
 7-18-97  13:15           2,106           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 7-16-97  18:16             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 2-21-03  18:30             136           0  README.TXT
 7-16-97  14:05             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 7-16-97  15:14             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 7-14-97  18:49             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 7-16-97  15:21             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 8-01-97   8:37             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 7-18-97  16:27           2,106           0  WAIT.PTR
         11,698 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    14,336 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Cherub\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-04-96  12:10             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 1-04-96  12:11             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 1-04-96  13:06             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 1-04-96  13:23             578           0  README.TXT
 1-04-96  13:05             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 1-04-96  13:06             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 1-04-96  13:06             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 1-04-96  13:06             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 1-04-96  13:07             874           0  TEXT.PTR
12-23-95  14:05             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          8,444 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    10,240 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Cigar\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-24-97  19:04             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 2-24-97  19:05             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 2-24-97  18:17           3,968           0  ILLEGAL2.PTR
10-31-94  19:59             875           0  MOVE.PTR
10-31-94  19:59             875           0  NEWBWAIT.PTR
10-31-94  19:59             875           0  NEWWWAIT.PTR
11-05-97  21:53             659           0  PTRNOTE.TXT
 2-24-97  19:06             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 2-24-97  19:06             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 2-24-97  19:07             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 2-24-97  19:07             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
10-31-94  19:59             875           0  TEXT.PTR
10-31-94  19:59             875           0  WAIT.PTR
         14,246 bytes in 13 files and 2 dirs    16,384 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Cross Black\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-02-98   8:32             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 1-02-98   8:47             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 1-02-98   8:40             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 1-02-98   8:42             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 1-02-98   8:44             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 1-02-98   8:37             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 1-02-98   8:39             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 1-02-98   8:33             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 1-02-98   8:35             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          7,866 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    9,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Cross White\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-26-96  10:54             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 2-26-96  10:57             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 2-26-96  11:11             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 2-25-96   9:26             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 2-25-96   9:40             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 2-25-96   9:33             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 2-26-96  11:12             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 2-25-96  10:01             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 3-03-96  14:14             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          7,866 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    9,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Cyan 3D\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-22-00   7:59             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 2-22-00   7:59             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 2-22-00   7:59             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 2-22-00   7:59             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 2-22-00   7:59             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 2-22-00   7:59             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 2-22-00   7:59             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 2-22-00   7:59             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 2-22-00   7:59             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          7,866 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    9,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Dancin' Bear\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-11-96  17:47           4,856           0  ARROW.PTR
 6-11-96  17:53           1,673           0  DBEAR.TXT
 6-11-96  17:46           4,856           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 6-11-96  17:49           4,856           0  MOVE.PTR
 6-11-96  17:49           4,856           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 6-11-96  17:50           4,856           0  SIZENS.PTR
 6-11-96  17:48           4,856           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 6-11-96  17:49           4,856           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 6-11-96  17:48           4,856           0  TEXT.PTR
 6-11-96  17:47           4,856           0  WAIT.PTR
         45,377 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    48,128 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\descent\*

10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  . 
10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-30-96  13:32             766           0  arrow.cur
 7-10-96  21:11           2,238           0  illegal.cur
 1-20-96   9:53             766           0  move.cur
 1-20-96   9:48             766           0  sizenesw.cur
 1-20-96   9:51             766           0  sizens.cur
 1-20-96   9:46             766           0  sizenwse.cur
 1-20-96   9:50             766           0  sizewe.cur
 8-23-96  16:10             874           0  text.ptr
 1-18-96  19:57          12,598           0  wait.ani
         20,306 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    22,528 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Enterprise\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
10-02-95   0:43             874           0  ARROW.PTR
10-02-95   0:25             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
10-02-95   0:26             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 1-06-97   2:00             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
10-02-95   0:23             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 1-06-97   2:04             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
10-02-95   0:21             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
10-01-95  21:14             874           0  TEXT.PTR
10-02-95   2:13             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          7,866 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    9,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Euge Hand\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-25-95  11:04             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 7-19-95  13:00             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 7-25-95  11:10           2,109           0  README.TXT
 7-19-95  10:43             874           0  SIZE.PTR
 7-19-95  11:14             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 7-19-95  10:43             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 7-19-95  11:14             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 7-19-95  10:43             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 7-19-95  10:08             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 7-19-95  11:25             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          9,975 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    11,776 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Evil Grey Alien\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-17-96  23:30             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 9-18-96   0:16              40           0  FILE_ID.DIZ
 9-18-96   0:22           1,040           0  GREYPTR.TXT
 9-17-96  22:35             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 9-18-96   0:00             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 9-18-96   0:37              27           0  OBSCURA!
 9-18-96   0:02             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 9-18-96   0:03             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 9-18-96   0:05             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 9-18-96   0:06             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
10-31-94  19:59             875           0  TEXT.PTR
 9-18-96   0:00             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          8,974 bytes in 12 files and 2 dirs    11,776 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Glasses\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-23-02   5:08             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 6-23-02   5:08             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 6-16-02   5:17              68           0  MBMP.PAL
 6-14-02  18:41              68           0  MEGANE.PAL
 6-23-02   5:06             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 7-03-02  12:01           2,086           0  README.TXT
 6-23-02   5:07             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 6-23-02   5:08             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 6-23-02   5:09             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 6-23-02   5:11             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 6-23-02   5:11             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 6-23-02   5:14             874           0  WAIT.PTR
         10,088 bytes in 12 files and 2 dirs    12,800 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Glasses 2 Colors\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-26-02   5:38             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 6-26-02   5:42             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 6-26-02   5:43             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 7-06-02  10:11           2,156           0  README.TXT
 6-26-02   5:39              68           0  RK.PAL
 6-26-02   5:44             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 6-26-02   5:45             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 6-26-02   5:46             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 6-26-02   5:48             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 6-29-02   8:03             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 6-26-02   5:49             874           0  WAIT.PTR
         10,090 bytes in 11 files and 2 dirs    12,288 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Globes 3\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-09-95  10:03             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 6-09-95  10:41              70           0  FILE_ID.DIZ
 6-09-95   9:56             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 6-09-95   9:54             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 6-09-95  10:44             238           0  README.TXT
 6-09-95   9:55             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 6-09-95   9:56             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 6-09-95   9:53             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 6-09-95   9:53             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 6-09-95  10:36             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 6-09-95   9:52             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          8,174 bytes in 11 files and 2 dirs    10,240 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Gloves 2\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-27-94  15:35             875           0  ARROW.PTR
 3-26-95  18:18             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 3-26-95  18:16             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 6-01-95   8:00           1,723           0  README.TXT
11-17-94  18:41             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
11-17-94  20:37             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
11-17-94  18:39             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
11-17-94  20:46             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 3-26-95  18:14             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 6-01-95   7:24             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          9,590 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    11,264 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Gloves 4\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-11-95  11:29             875           0  ARROW.PTR
 8-11-95  11:29             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 8-11-95  11:29             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 8-11-95  11:29             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 8-11-95  11:29             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 8-11-95  11:29             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 8-11-95  11:29             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 8-11-95  11:29             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 8-11-95  11:29             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          7,867 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    9,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Gloves Black\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-11-95  11:29             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 8-11-95  11:29             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 8-11-95  11:29             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 8-11-95  11:29             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 8-11-95  11:29             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 8-11-95  11:29             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 8-11-95  11:29             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 8-11-95  11:29             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 8-11-95  11:29             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          7,866 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    9,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Gray 3D - 2\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-21-98  13:25             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 8-21-98  14:58             874           0  ARROW1.PTR
 8-21-98  13:43             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 8-21-98  14:58             874           0  ILLEGAL1.PTR
 8-21-98  15:32             874           0  ILLEGAL2.PTR
 8-21-98  15:33             874           0  ILLEGAL3.PTR
 8-21-98  15:45             874           0  ILLEGAL4.PTR
 8-22-98  10:06           1,948           0  LIESMICH.TXT
 8-21-98  14:51             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 8-22-98   9:29           1,685           0  README.TXT
 8-21-98  14:45             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 8-21-98  14:35             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 8-21-98  14:46             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 8-21-98  14:35             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 8-10-95   7:43             874           0  TEXT.PTR
10-04-95  10:26             874           0  WAIT.PTR
 6-06-95  19:03             874           0  WAITGLAS.PTR
 6-06-95  19:03             874           0  WAITHOUR.PTR
         17,617 bytes in 18 files and 2 dirs    20,480 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Gray 3D - 3\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-25-95  10:39             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 7-25-95  10:40             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 7-25-95  11:10           2,109           0  README.TXT
 7-25-95  10:40             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 7-25-95  10:39             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 7-25-95  10:43             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 7-25-95  10:41             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
10-31-94  19:59             875           0  TEXT.PTR
 7-25-95  10:44             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          9,102 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    10,752 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Green Pointer\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-25-97  16:42             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 1-25-97  17:08             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 1-25-97  17:18             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 1-25-97  17:22             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 1-25-97  17:29             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 1-25-97  17:31             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 1-25-97  17:35             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 1-25-97  17:38             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 1-25-97  17:46             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          7,866 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    9,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Hand with Stick\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-28-01   6:55             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 6-28-01   6:58             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 6-29-01   4:37             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 2-10-03   9:05             142           0  README.TXT
 6-29-01   4:54             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 6-29-01   4:24             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 6-29-01   4:33             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 6-29-01   4:17             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
10-31-94  13:59             875           0  TEXT.PTR
 6-29-01   6:26             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          8,009 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    9,728 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Hand!!\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-30-95  21:00             996           0  ARROW.PTR
 7-02-95  15:18             996           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 6-27-94  15:35             875           0  MOVE.PTR
 7-01-95  18:45             996           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 7-02-95  15:19             996           0  SIZENS.PTR
 7-01-95  18:43             996           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 7-01-95  18:38             996           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 6-27-94  15:35             875           0  TEXT.PTR
 6-30-95  20:21             996           0  WAIT.PTR
          8,722 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    9,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Handy\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
12-09-94  12:00             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 1-01-03  21:43             820           0  HANDY.TXT
12-09-94  12:00             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
12-09-94  12:00             874           0  MOVE.PTR
12-09-94  12:00             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
12-09-94  12:00             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
12-09-94  12:00             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
12-09-94  12:00             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
12-09-94  12:00             874           0  TEXT.PTR
12-09-94  12:00             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          8,686 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    10,240 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Kupo\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-13-96   2:02             996           0  ARROW.PTR
 7-13-96   2:34             996           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 7-13-96   2:06             996           0  MOVE.PTR
 7-13-96   2:51             442           0  README.TXT
 7-13-96   2:30             996           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 7-13-96   2:33             996           0  SIZENS.PTR
 7-13-96   2:21             996           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 7-13-96   2:26             996           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 7-13-96   2:04             996           0  TEXT.PTR
10-31-94  19:59             875           0  WAIT.PTR
          9,285 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    9,728 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Ladybug\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-31-97  10:43             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 1-18-96  23:07             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 1-31-97  10:59             884           0  LADYBUG.TXT
 6-13-96  14:57             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 6-13-96  14:57             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 6-13-96  14:57             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 6-13-96  14:57             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 6-13-96  14:57             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 6-13-96  14:57             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 1-31-97   9:57             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          8,750 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    10,240 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\maggie\*

10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  . 
10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-24-96  16:27             874           0  wait000.ptr
 5-24-96  16:27             996           0  wait001.ptr
 5-24-96  16:27             996           0  wait002.ptr
 5-24-96  16:27             996           0  wait003.ptr
          3,862 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    4,096 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Maggie Wait Pointer\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-24-96  16:27             874           0  WAIT.PTR
            874 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    1,024 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Mouse\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
11-29-01   6:38             874           0  ARROW.PTR
12-03-01   8:32             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
12-11-01   8:40             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 2-10-03   9:05             142           0  README.TXT
10-31-94  13:59             875           0  SIZENESW.PTR
10-31-94  13:59             875           0  SIZENS.PTR
10-31-94  13:59             875           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
10-31-94  13:59             875           0  SIZEWE.PTR
10-31-94  13:59             875           0  TEXT.PTR
12-11-01   8:35             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          8,013 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    9,728 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\ncc-1701\*

10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  . 
10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  ..
10-02-95   0:43             874           0  arrow000.ptr
 1-06-97   1:17             874           0  arrow001.ptr
 1-06-97   1:17             874           0  arrow002.ptr
 1-06-97   1:18             874           0  arrow003.ptr
 1-06-97   1:18             874           0  arrow004.ptr
 1-06-97   1:19             874           0  arrow005.ptr
 1-06-97   1:19             874           0  arrow006.ptr
 1-06-97   1:19             874           0  arrow007.ptr
10-02-95   0:25             874           0  illegal.ptr
10-02-95   0:26             874           0  move000.ptr
 1-06-97   1:31             874           0  move001.ptr
 1-06-97   1:32             874           0  move002.ptr
 1-06-97   1:32             874           0  move003.ptr
 1-06-97   1:38             874           0  move004.ptr
 1-06-97   1:35             874           0  move005.ptr
 1-06-97   1:36             874           0  move006.ptr
 1-06-97   1:36             874           0  move007.ptr
 1-06-97   2:00             874           0  sizenesw000.ptr
 1-06-97   2:00             874           0  sizenesw001.ptr
 1-06-97   2:00             874           0  sizenesw002.ptr
 1-06-97   1:59             874           0  sizenesw003.ptr
 1-06-97   1:38             874           0  sizenesw004.ptr
 1-06-97   2:00             874           0  sizenesw005.ptr
 1-06-97   2:01             874           0  sizenesw006.ptr
 1-06-97   1:59             874           0  sizenesw007.ptr
10-02-95   0:23             874           0  sizens000.ptr
 1-06-97   1:41             874           0  sizens001.ptr
 1-06-97   1:42             874           0  sizens002.ptr
 1-06-97   1:42             874           0  sizens003.ptr
 1-06-97   1:44             874           0  sizens004.ptr
 1-06-97   1:44             874           0  sizens005.ptr
 1-06-97   2:04             874           0  sizenwse000.ptr
 1-06-97   2:06             874           0  sizenwse001.ptr
 1-06-97   2:06             874           0  sizenwse002.ptr
 1-06-97   2:05             874           0  sizenwse003.ptr
 1-06-97   2:05             874           0  sizenwse004.ptr
 1-06-97   2:06             874           0  sizenwse005.ptr
 1-06-97   2:06             874           0  sizenwse006.ptr
 1-06-97   2:06             874           0  sizenwse007.ptr
10-02-95   0:21             874           0  sizewe000.ptr
 1-06-97   1:46             874           0  sizewe001.ptr
 1-06-97   1:48             874           0  sizewe002.ptr
 1-06-97   1:48             874           0  sizewe003.ptr
 1-06-97   1:49             874           0  sizewe004.ptr
 1-06-97   1:50             874           0  sizewe005.ptr
10-01-95  21:14             874           0  text.ptr
10-02-95   2:13             874           0  wait.ptr
 1-06-97  10:11             874          25  wait000.ptr
 1-06-97  10:11             874          25  wait001.ptr
 1-06-97  10:12             874          25  wait002.ptr
 1-06-97   2:13             874           0  wait003.ptr
 1-06-97  10:12             874          25  wait004.ptr
 1-06-97  10:12             874          25  wait005.ptr
 1-06-97  10:12             874          25  wait006.ptr
 1-06-97  10:12             874          25  wait007.ptr
 1-06-97  10:13             874          25  wait008.ptr
 1-06-97  10:13             874          25  wait009.ptr
         49,818 bytes in 57 files and 2 dirs    58,368 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Purple Pointer\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-05-97  22:48             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 2-05-97  23:13             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 2-05-97  23:18             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 2-05-97  23:21             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 2-05-97  23:22             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 2-05-97  23:27             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 2-05-97  23:29             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 2-05-97  23:30             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 2-05-97  23:32             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          7,866 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    9,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Red Pointer\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-29-97  22:31             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 1-30-97  23:09             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 1-30-97  23:10             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 1-30-97  23:12             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 1-30-97  23:13             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 1-30-97  23:15             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 1-30-97  23:16             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 1-30-97  23:17             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 1-29-97  22:16             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          7,866 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    9,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Rodent\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-20-95  10:09             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 2-20-95  10:29             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 2-20-95  10:36             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 8-20-95  21:13           1,433           0  RODENT.TXT
 2-17-95  15:27             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 2-17-95  15:13             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 2-17-95  15:28             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 2-17-95  15:07             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 2-17-95  15:22             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 2-20-95  10:13             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          9,299 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    10,752 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\shadow\*

10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  . 
10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  ..
10-04-95  21:33             874           0  arrow000.ptr
 1-07-97  12:52             874           0  arrow001.ptr
 1-07-97  12:46             874           0  arrow002.ptr
 1-07-97  12:48             874           0  arrow003.ptr
 1-07-97  12:53             874           0  arrow004.ptr
 1-07-97  12:48             874           0  arrow005.ptr
 1-07-97  12:46             874           0  arrow006.ptr
 1-07-97  12:52             874           0  arrow007.ptr
10-04-95  22:12             874           0  illegal.ptr
10-04-95  21:34             874           0  move000.ptr
 1-07-97  13:02             874           0  move001.ptr
 1-07-97  15:13             874           0  move002.ptr
 1-07-97  15:31             874           0  move003.ptr
 1-07-97  15:31             874           0  move004.ptr
 1-07-97  15:31             874           0  move005.ptr
 1-07-97  15:13             874           0  move006.ptr
 1-07-97  13:02             874           0  move007.ptr
10-04-95  21:35             874           0  sizenesw000.ptr
 1-07-97  16:37             874           0  sizenesw001.ptr
 1-07-97  16:39             874           0  sizenesw002.ptr
 1-07-97  16:48             874           0  sizenesw003.ptr
 1-07-97  15:31             874           0  sizenesw004.ptr
 1-07-97  16:48             874           0  sizenesw005.ptr
 1-07-97  16:39             874           0  sizenesw006.ptr
 1-07-97  16:37             874           0  sizenesw007.ptr
10-04-95  21:59             874           0  sizens000.ptr
 1-07-97  17:43             874           0  sizens001.ptr
 1-07-97  17:45             874           0  sizens002.ptr
10-02-97  23:25             874           0  sizens003.ptr
 1-07-97  17:46             874           0  sizens004.ptr
10-02-97  23:25             874           0  sizens005.ptr
 1-07-97  17:45             874           0  sizens006.ptr
 1-07-97  17:43             874           0  sizens007.ptr
10-04-95  21:35             874           0  sizenwse000.ptr
 1-07-97  16:51             874           0  sizenwse001.ptr
 1-07-97  16:52             874           0  sizenwse002.ptr
 1-07-97  16:53             874           0  sizenwse003.ptr
 1-07-97  15:31             874           0  sizenwse004.ptr
 1-07-97  16:53             874           0  sizenwse005.ptr
 1-07-97  16:52             874           0  sizenwse006.ptr
 1-07-97  16:51             874           0  sizenwse007.ptr
10-04-95  21:58             874           0  sizewe000.ptr
 1-07-97  17:51             874           0  sizewe001.ptr
 1-07-97  17:54             874           0  sizewe002.ptr
 1-07-97  17:55             874           0  sizewe003.ptr
 1-07-97  17:46             874           0  sizewe004.ptr
 1-07-97  17:55             874           0  sizewe005.ptr
 1-07-97  17:54             874           0  sizewe006.ptr
 1-07-97  17:51             874           0  sizewe007.ptr
10-04-95  22:29             874         132  text.ptr
10-05-95  14:47             874           0  wait000.ptr
 1-07-97  18:01             874           0  wait001.ptr
 1-07-97  18:04             874           0  wait002.ptr
 1-07-97  18:08             874           0  wait003.ptr
 1-07-97  18:09             874           0  wait004.ptr
 1-07-97  18:08             874           0  wait005.ptr
 1-07-97  18:04             874           0  wait006.ptr
 1-07-97  18:01             874           0  wait007.ptr
         50,692 bytes in 58 files and 2 dirs    59,392 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Shadow Pointer\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
10-04-95  21:33             874           0  ARROW.PTR
10-04-95  22:12             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
10-04-95  21:34             874           0  MOVE.PTR
10-04-95  21:35             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
10-04-95  21:59             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
10-04-95  21:35             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
10-04-95  21:58             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
10-04-95  22:29             874           0  TEXT.PTR
10-05-95  14:47             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          7,866 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    9,216 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Solid\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-16-95  22:19              68           0  16.PAL
11-19-95  20:02             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 6-07-95   1:03             874           0  ARROW1.PTR
10-04-95  16:29             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 6-07-95   1:03             874           0  ILLEGAL1.PTR
 6-07-95   1:03             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 6-07-95   1:03             845           0  README.TXT
 6-07-95   1:03             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 6-07-95   1:03             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 6-07-95   1:03             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 6-07-95   1:03             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 8-10-95  13:43             874           0  TEXT.PTR
10-04-95  16:26             874           0  WAIT.PTR
 6-07-95   1:03             874           0  WAITGLAS.PTR
 6-07-95   1:03             874           0  WAITHOUR.PTR
         12,275 bytes in 15 files and 2 dirs    14,848 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Startrek\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
11-10-94  14:10             874           0  ARROW.PTR
11-10-94  14:10             874           0  arrow000.ptr
 1-07-97   0:39             874           0  arrow001.ptr
 1-07-97   0:37             874           0  arrow002.ptr
 1-07-97   0:37             874           0  arrow003.ptr
 1-07-97   0:38             874           0  arrow004.ptr
11-10-94  14:19             874          33  illegal.ptr
 3-25-95  18:11             874           0  move.ptr
 6-01-95   8:00           1,723           0  README.TXT
 3-26-95  17:05             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 3-26-95  17:05             874           0  sizenesw000.ptr
 1-07-97   1:09             874           0  sizenesw001.ptr
 1-07-97   1:10             874           0  sizenesw002.ptr
 1-07-97   1:10             874           0  sizenesw003.ptr
 1-07-97   1:11             874           0  sizenesw004.ptr
 1-07-97   1:12             874           0  sizenesw005.ptr
 3-26-95  16:57             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 3-26-95  16:57             874           0  sizens000.ptr
 1-07-97   1:05             874           0  sizens001.ptr
 1-07-97   1:06             874           0  sizens002.ptr
 1-07-97   1:06             874           0  sizens003.ptr
 1-07-97   1:07             874           0  sizens004.ptr
 1-07-97   1:07             874           0  sizens005.ptr
 3-26-95  17:08             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 3-26-95  17:08             874           0  sizenwse000.ptr
 1-07-97   0:59             874           0  sizenwse001.ptr
 1-07-97   1:01             874           0  sizenwse002.ptr
 1-07-97   1:01             874           0  sizenwse003.ptr
 1-07-97   1:02             874           0  sizenwse004.ptr
 1-07-97   1:03             874           0  sizenwse005.ptr
 3-26-95  17:13             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 3-26-95  17:13             874           0  sizewe000.ptr
 1-07-97   0:55             874           0  sizewe001.ptr
 1-07-97   0:56             874           0  sizewe002.ptr
 1-07-97   0:56             874           0  sizewe003.ptr
 1-07-97   0:57             874           0  sizewe004.ptr
 1-07-97   0:57             874           0  sizewe005.ptr
 3-26-95  17:11             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 1-07-97   0:45             874           0  text000.ptr
 1-07-97   0:47             874           0  text001.ptr
 3-25-95  18:01             874           0  WAIT.PTR
 3-25-95  18:01             874           0  wait000.ptr
 1-07-97   0:53             874           0  wait001.ptr
 1-07-97   0:51             874           0  wait002.ptr
 1-07-97   0:53             874           0  wait003.ptr
         40,179 bytes in 45 files and 2 dirs    47,104 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Sun\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
12-23-95  13:24             874           0  ARROW.PTR
12-23-95  13:28             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
12-28-95  10:07             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 1-04-96  13:23             578           0  README.TXT
12-27-95  16:56             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
12-27-95  15:53             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
12-27-95  16:57             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
12-27-95  15:57             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
12-27-95  16:58             874           0  TEXT.PTR
12-23-95  14:05             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          8,444 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    10,240 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Transparent\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 3-19-00  17:00             288           0  ARROW.PTR
 3-19-00  17:00             288           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 3-19-00  17:00             288           0  MOVE.PTR
 3-19-00  17:00             288           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 3-19-00  17:00             288           0  SIZENS.PTR
 3-19-00  16:59             288           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 3-19-00  16:59             288           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 3-21-97  11:39             288           0  TEXT.PTR
 3-19-00  16:59             288           0  WAIT.PTR
          2,592 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    4,608 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Transparent Blue\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-09-01   2:11             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 5-16-01   3:20             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 5-09-01   2:18             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 2-10-03   9:05             142           0  README.TXT
 5-17-01   7:40             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 5-17-01   7:41             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 5-17-01   7:42             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 5-17-01   7:42             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
10-31-94  13:59             875           0  TEXT.PTR
 5-21-01   8:26             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          8,009 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    9,728 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Transparent Small\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
10-08-95  21:27             288           0  ARROW.PTR
10-11-95  12:48             288           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
10-11-95  12:33             288           0  MOVE.PTR
10-12-95   8:11           1,232           0  README.TXT
10-11-95  12:43             288           0  SIZENESW.PTR
10-11-95  12:38             288           0  SIZENS.PTR
10-11-95  12:41             288           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
10-11-95  12:36             288           0  SIZEWE.PTR
10-11-95  12:52             288           0  TEXT.PTR
10-12-95   8:11           1,232           0  TRANS.TXT
10-11-95  12:45             288           0  WAIT.PTR
          5,056 bytes in 11 files and 2 dirs    7,680 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\wgloves\*

10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  . 
10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-05-96   0:35             288           0  arrow.ptr
 3-26-95  18:18             874           0  illegal.ptr
 8-05-96   0:36             288           0  move.ptr
 8-05-96   0:37             288           0  sizenesw.ptr
 5-24-96  16:23             288           0  sizens.ptr
 8-05-96   0:37             288           0  sizenwse.ptr
 8-05-96   0:37             288           0  sizewe.ptr
 3-26-95  18:14             874           0  text.ptr
 6-09-95  15:16             874           0  wait.ptr
 5-24-96  16:24             288           0  wait000.ptr
 5-24-96  16:24             288           0  wait001.ptr
 5-24-96  16:24             288           0  wait002.ptr
 5-24-96  16:24             288           0  wait003.ptr
 5-24-96  16:24             288           0  wait004.ptr
          5,790 bytes in 14 files and 2 dirs    8,704 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\Windows 95\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-28-95  12:52             874           0  ARROW.PTR
 5-28-95  14:53              57           0  FILE_ID.DIZ
 5-28-95   1:22             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
 5-28-95   1:37             874           0  MOVE.PTR
 5-28-95  14:41             488           0  README.TXT
 5-28-95  13:13             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
 5-28-95  13:31             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
 5-28-95  13:22             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
 5-28-95  13:39             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
 5-28-95   1:24             874           0  TEXT.PTR
 5-28-95  14:00             874           0  WAIT.PTR
          8,411 bytes in 11 files and 2 dirs    10,240 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\winwag\*

10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  . 
10-04-15  13:28         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-26-96  21:44             874           0  arrow000.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             874           0  arrow001.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             874           0  arrow002.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             874           0  arrow003.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             874           0  arrow004.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             874           0  arrow005.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             874           0  arrow006.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             874           0  arrow007.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             874           0  arrow008.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             874           0  arrow009.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             874           0  arrow010.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             874           0  arrow011.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             874           0  arrow012.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             874           0  arrow013.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             874           0  arrow014.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             874           0  arrow015.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  illegal000.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  illegal001.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  illegal002.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  illegal003.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  illegal004.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  illegal005.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  illegal006.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  illegal007.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  illegal008.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  illegal009.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  illegal010.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  illegal011.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  illegal012.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  move000.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  move001.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  move002.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  move003.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  sizenesw000.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  sizenesw001.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  sizenesw002.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  sizenesw003.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  sizens000.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  sizens001.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  sizens002.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  sizens003.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  sizenwse000.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  sizenwse001.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  sizenwse002.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  sizenwse003.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  sizewe000.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  sizewe001.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  sizewe002.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  sizewe003.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  text000.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  text001.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             874           0  text002.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  text003.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  text004.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  text005.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  text006.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  text007.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             874           0  text008.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  text009.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  text010.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  wait000.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  wait001.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  wait002.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  wait003.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  wait004.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  wait005.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  wait006.ptr
 7-26-96  21:44             996           0  wait007.ptr
         65,532 bytes in 68 files and 2 dirs    69,632 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Pointers\X\*

 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-27-15   9:49         <DIR>             0  ..
10-18-95  12:00             874           0  1ILLEGAL.PTR
10-18-95  12:00             874           0  ARROW.PTR
10-18-95  12:00             874           0  ILLEGAL.PTR
10-18-95  12:00             874           0  MOVE.PTR
10-18-95  12:00           1,699           0  README.TXT
10-18-95  12:00             874           0  SIZENESW.PTR
10-18-95  12:00             874           0  SIZENS.PTR
10-18-95  12:00             874           0  SIZENWSE.PTR
10-18-95  12:00             874           0  SIZEWE.PTR
10-18-95  12:00             875           0  TEXT.PTR
10-18-95  12:00             874           0  WAIT.PTR
         10,440 bytes in 11 files and 2 dirs    12,288 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Resources\Pointers\*
      1,155,885 bytes in 900 files and 164 dirs    1,323,520 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Resources\Sounds\*

 4-18-15   9:17         <DIR>             0  . 
 4-18-15   9:17         <DIR>             0  ..
              0 bytes in 0 files and 2 dirs

    Total for:  C:\Resources\*
     18,718,944 bytes in 996 files and 188 dirs    18,921,472 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\*

 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>        22,452  APPSCMD
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>        20,832  AppsPM
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>        21,070  BOOT
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>        20,892  DLL
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>        21,063  DOCS
 8-20-15  11:00         <DIR>        21,419  DRIVERS
 8-21-15  11:12         <DIR>        20,984  MSG
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>        20,916  SCRIPTS
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>        21,048  SYSTEM
              0 bytes in 0 files and 11 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Warp\APPSCMD\*

 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-05-08  20:12          25,736         356  ANSI.EXE
 6-27-08  10:23          74,869         358  ATTRIB.EXE
 7-05-08  20:12          60,230         360  BLDLEVEL.EXE
 8-01-15  10:15          48,966          34  BOOTSETO.EXE
 8-01-15  10:15          65,024          34  BOOTSETW.EXE
 7-05-08  20:12          25,589         355  CLS.EXE
 7-05-08  20:13         232,217         355  CMD.EXE
 7-05-08  20:13          24,480         356  COMP.COM
 1-13-90  17:35          52,707         357  CTREE.EXE
 7-05-08  20:13          24,611         360  DISKCOPY.EXE
 5-12-08  11:05          65,597          34  DISKINFO.EXE
 5-12-08  11:05          71,698          33  DUMPIDE.EXE
 6-27-08  10:24          16,171         357  EJECT.EXE
 7-05-08  20:13          58,922         357  FDISK.COM
 7-05-08  20:13          58,930         359  FDISKPM.EXE
 7-05-08  20:14          77,741         356  FIND.EXE
 7-05-08  20:14          28,142         358  FORMAT.COM
 6-08-08  14:42             468         356  HELP.CMD
 7-05-08  20:14         229,380         359  HELPMSG.EXE
 3-13-15  11:49           1,120          34  INSTBOOT.CMD
 7-05-08  20:14          24,616         356  KEYB.EXE
 6-26-08  20:29           2,238         360  KEYSTACK.EXE
 7-05-08  20:14          26,184         357  LABEL.EXE
 6-08-08  14:40              13         358  LVMGUI.CMD
 2-17-00   1:03          60,521         359  LX2Dump.exe
 6-30-06   7:23           2,143         224  LXLITE.CFG
 6-30-06   7:23         185,775         358  lxlite.exe
 7-05-08  20:14          83,089         359  MAKEINI.EXE
 7-05-08  20:14          14,825         359  MINICMD.EXE
 7-05-08  20:14          24,639         357  MKDIR.EXE
 7-05-08  20:14          24,614         356  MODE.EXE
 7-05-08  20:14          39,484         356  MORE.COM
 7-05-08  20:13          50,695         359  OPTION2.EXE
 7-05-08  20:14          15,918         357  PRINT.EXE
 6-27-08  10:25          18,699         359  RECOVER.EXE
10-04-03  12:12          29,305         360  renmodul.dll
10-04-03  12:12          22,519         360  renmodul.exe
 6-26-08  20:30           4,722         360  SHRALIAS.EXE
 5-12-08  11:05         169,169          34  SMARTCTL.EXE
 5-12-08  11:05             600          34  SMARTCTL.TXT
 6-27-08  10:25          18,599         360  SYSINSTX.EXE
 7-05-08  20:15         453,743         357  TEDIT.EXE
 7-05-08  20:15          30,428         356  TREE.EXE
 7-05-08  20:15          24,618         360  UNDELETE.EXE
12-23-10  20:03          14,248         358  UNLOCK.EXE
 7-05-08  20:13           1,676         359  VDM2OS2.EXE
 6-27-08  10:26          16,048         355  VER.EXE
 6-27-08  10:26          16,334         355  VOL.EXE
 7-05-08  20:15          72,836         357  XCOPY.EXE
      2,690,896 bytes in 49 files and 2 dirs    2,705,920 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\AppsPM\*

 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>        10,022  AE
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>        21,676  NEWVIEW
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Warp\AppsPM\AE\*

 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-17-05  19:50         364,707         354  AE.EXE
 7-17-05  20:01          10,884          28  ae.hlp
 7-17-05  19:59          11,872          28  ae.ipf
12-26-03   2:15          13,182          31  ae_cs.lng
 1-21-05  16:52          18,771          31  ae_de.lng
 8-30-06   7:19          13,047          31  ae_es.HLP
 8-30-06   7:10          14,257          31  ae_es.ipf
11-25-05  11:03          12,770          31  ae_es.lng
 6-13-04  14:50          11,889          31  ae_fr.HLP
 6-13-04  14:50          13,385          31  ae_fr.lng
 5-09-05   4:06          17,945          31  ae_it.lng
 1-03-05  13:39          18,332          31  ae_ja.lng
 2-21-05  11:08          12,841          31  ae_nl.lng
 1-24-04  11:45          10,606          31  ae_no.lng
 5-08-05  12:39          12,723          31  ae_sv.lng
 6-14-04  10:10          11,092          34  ae_zh_tw.lng
 4-06-11   8:24          32,809          33  Copying.txt
 4-06-11   8:15          10,569          32  readme.txt
        611,681 bytes in 18 files and 2 dirs    616,448 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\AppsPM\NEWVIEW\*

 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-03-06  13:15          24,365          29  CHANGES.TXT
 2-03-01   1:52          18,009           0  GPL.TXT
 3-13-05   4:44          50,132         342  HELPMGR.DLL
 9-04-05   0:11         313,128         330  INSTALL.EXE
 3-13-05  18:59           1,238           0  NEWVIEW.DLL
 5-30-06  18:45         554,698         330  NEWVIEW.EXE
10-03-05   2:23          28,998           0  NEWVIEW.HLP
 3-14-05   0:14          34,044           0  NEWVIEW.IPF
 8-20-15  10:47           1,600           0  NewView.log
 3-13-04  16:09          24,904          36  newview_cz.lng
 3-18-05  23:43          26,797          36  newview_de.lng
 4-05-04  22:22          25,646          36  newview_eo.lng
 3-13-05  20:04          26,789          36  newview_es.lng
 3-11-05   4:01          24,984          36  newview_fi.lng
 7-22-03  20:49          25,901          36  newview_fr.lng
 4-24-05   0:38          31,470          36  newview_it.HLP
 3-19-05  10:44          27,479          36  newview_it.lng
 3-31-05   6:48          27,700          36  NewView_ja.lng
 3-31-05   6:48          26,778          36  newview_ko.lng
 3-25-05  14:36          30,718          36  NewView_nl.HLP
 3-25-05  15:35          25,849          36  newview_nl.lng
 3-07-04   4:28          25,782          36  newview_ru.lng
 5-08-05  18:39          31,896          36  NewView_sv.HLP
 5-08-05  18:39          24,309          36  newview_sv.lng
 6-03-06  13:17          21,928          29  README.TXT
10-03-05   2:23          48,815         330  VIEWSTUB.EXE
      1,503,957 bytes in 26 files and 2 dirs    1,510,912 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Warp\AppsPM\*
      2,115,638 bytes in 44 files and 8 dirs    2,128,384 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\BOOT\*

 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-23-15  10:51           4,788          30  USBD.SYM
 7-23-15  10:51          29,089          30  USBD.SYS
 7-23-15  10:52           2,852          32  USBHID.SYM
 7-23-15  10:52          19,028          32  USBHID.SYS
 7-23-15  10:51           6,132          33  USBOHCD.SYM
 7-23-15  10:51          40,528          33  USBOHCD.SYS
 7-23-15  10:51           5,748          33  USBUHCD.SYM
 7-23-15  10:51          33,872          33  USBUHCD.SYS
        142,037 bytes in 8 files and 2 dirs    144,384 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\DLL\*

 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-17-11   6:13             463         226  ansicall.dll
10-29-01  22:29             512         278  BKSCALLS.DLL
 9-17-11   6:13             409         226  bmscalls.dll
 9-17-11   6:13             465         226  bvscalls.dll
 1-25-12  16:57             904         226  kbdcalls.dll
 7-04-14  16:28           3,925           0  lswhook.dll
 7-04-14  16:28             564           0  lswhook.sym
 9-17-11   5:13             693         226  MONCALLS.DLL
10-29-01  22:29           1,024         226  MOUCALLS.DLL
 2-02-12  10:26             627         221  msg.dll
 2-02-12  10:27             589         221  nls.dll
 9-17-11   6:13             689         225  os2char.dll
 2-02-12  15:21             761         226  quecalls.dll
 9-17-11   6:13           1,360         224  sesmgr.dll
 1-25-12  16:59           2,040         226  viocalls.dll
         15,025 bytes in 15 files and 2 dirs    17,920 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\DOCS\*

 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  ..
12-08-02  13:36           3,586         369  classtool.html
12-27-89  13:28           3,123         223  CTREE.TXT
 7-31-07  21:00          17,675         227  DaniATAPI.TXT
10-30-01  19:44          10,535         226  DANIDASD.TXT
 7-13-04  17:16           2,190         226  DANIN512.TXT
 9-14-10  10:15          66,652         226  DANIS506.DOC
 3-04-14  10:31           5,611          33  PRINT01.TXT
 3-01-00  23:42           1,505         226  SHOWTREE.TXT
        110,877 bytes in 8 files and 2 dirs    113,152 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\DRIVERS\*

 8-20-15  11:00         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-20-15  11:00         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-16-15  12:25         <DIR>         9,570  snap
 9-28-15  17:29           1,905         223  gradd.mod
 3-22-06  10:13           2,754          31  gradd.sys
 3-28-03   1:40          40,222         226  JJSCDROM.DMD
 9-26-06  14:54           9,364         371  sddhelp.sys
 7-23-15  10:52           3,396          32  USBCOM.SYM
 7-23-15  10:52          24,347          32  USBCOM.SYS
 7-23-15  10:51           6,804          33  USBEHCD.SYM
 7-23-15  10:51          51,280          33  USBEHCD.SYS
 7-23-15  10:52           2,724          32  USBKBD.SYM
 7-23-15  10:52          16,498          32  USBKBD.SYS
 7-23-15  10:52           2,756          34  USBMOUSE.SYM
 7-23-15  10:52          15,008         238  USBMOUSE.SYS
 7-23-15  10:52          46,876          32  USBMSD.ADD
 7-23-15  10:52           6,180          32  USBMSD.SYM
 7-23-15  10:52           4,164          32  USBPRT.SYM
 7-23-15  10:52          34,073          32  USBPRT.SYS
 7-23-15  10:52           3,252          34  USBRESMG.SYM
 7-23-15  10:52          19,042          34  USBRESMG.SYS
        290,645 bytes in 18 files and 3 dirs    296,960 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\DRIVERS\snap\*

 9-16-15  12:25         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-16-15  12:25         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>         9,479  config
 9-26-06  14:54          72,950           0  agp.bpd
 9-26-06  14:54      13,164,626           0  graphics.bpd
     13,237,576 bytes in 2 files and 3 dirs    13,238,784 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\DRIVERS\snap\config\*

 9-16-15  12:25         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-16-15  12:25         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15  21:58         <DIR>         9,590  graphics
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Warp\DRIVERS\snap\config\graphics\*

 9-16-15  12:25         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-16-15  12:25         <DIR>             0  ..
 4-18-15  22:00           7,987           0  crtc00.dat
 9-16-15  12:21           5,974           0  graphics.log
 9-26-06  14:54         624,331           0  monitor.dbx
 9-26-06  14:54             692           0  options.dat
        638,984 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    640,000 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Warp\DRIVERS\snap\config\*
        638,984 bytes in 4 files and 5 dirs    640,512 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Warp\DRIVERS\snap\*
     13,876,560 bytes in 6 files and 8 dirs    13,879,296 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Warp\DRIVERS\*
     14,167,205 bytes in 24 files and 11 dirs    14,176,256 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\MSG\*

 8-21-15  11:12         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-21-15  11:12         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-05-08  20:12         227,663         224  OSO001.MSG
 7-05-08  20:12         247,911         223  OSO001.PL
 7-05-08  20:12         227,347         223  OSO001.RU
 7-05-08  20:12         240,247         225  OSO001H.MSG
 7-05-08  20:12          14,035         224  OSO001H.PL
 4-13-08  20:18         240,247         224  OSO001H.RU
      1,197,450 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    1,199,616 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SCRIPTS\*

 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  ..
 2-13-07   5:12          32,147      32,767  CFGSORT.CMD
12-08-02  12:51           1,684      14,543  ClassTool.cmd
 3-01-00  23:42           7,227       9,516  SHOWTREE.CMD
         41,058 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    41,984 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\*

 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  ..
10-04-15  21:51         <DIR>        21,105  AMPtr
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>           723  DSSaver
 9-25-15  19:06         <DIR>        21,199  FreeType
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>        21,707  IFS
 8-20-15  18:24         <DIR>        21,038  LIBS
 9-24-15  10:32         <DIR>        21,363  lSwitcher
 8-20-15  18:05         <DIR>        20,951  PM
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>        20,961  TRACE
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>        21,251  USBTools
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>        20,766  WARPCOM
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>        20,721  XWorkplace
              0 bytes in 0 files and 13 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\AMPtr\*

10-04-15  21:51         <DIR>             0  . 
10-04-15  21:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-04-15  21:51         <DIR>        21,338  Install
10-02-97   0:00             239         926  install.cmd
10-02-97   0:00             200         358  readme.cmd
10-27-97  17:00          16,976         224  readme.inf
10-04-15  21:52             165         220  syslevel.amp
10-02-97   0:00          81,184         359  wpamptr.dll
10-02-97   0:00          55,693         226  wpamptr.hlp
10-04-15  21:52          55,693         226  wpamptr.inf
10-02-97   0:00           4,460         360  wpamptrs.dll
        214,610 bytes in 8 files and 3 dirs    217,088 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\AMPtr\Install\*

10-04-15  21:51         <DIR>             0  . 
10-04-15  21:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-04-15  21:49         <DIR>           363  AND
10-04-15  21:49         <DIR>           367  INSTALL
10-04-15  21:49         <DIR>           364  REXX
10-02-97   0:00           4,644         360  AMPTRDEU.DLL
10-02-97   0:00          63,014         226  AMPTRDEU.HLP
10-02-97   0:00           4,460         360  AMPTRENG.DLL
10-02-97   0:00          55,693         226  AMPTRENG.HLP
10-02-97   0:00             416         225  FILE_ID.DIZ
10-02-97   0:00          42,682      32,767  INSTALL.CMD
10-09-97  20:00           7,815           0  install.msg
10-02-97   0:00             200         358  README.CMD
10-27-97  17:00          16,976         224  README.INF
10-02-97   0:00          10,544           0  remove.cmd
10-02-97   0:00             165         220  SL.AMP
10-02-97   0:00          81,184         359  WPAMPTR.DLL
10-02-97   0:00           9,847           0  wpsreplc.prg
10-02-97   0:00          10,555           0  wpsreset.prg
        308,195 bytes in 14 files and 5 dirs    313,856 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\AMPtr\Install\AND\*

10-04-15  21:51         <DIR>             0  . 
10-04-15  21:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-02-97   0:00          24,576           0  MAKEAND.CMD
10-09-97  20:00           2,819           0  MKANDDEU.MSG
10-09-97  20:00           2,592           0  MKANDENG.MSG
10-02-97   0:00           1,668           0  TEMPLATE.DLL
         31,655 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    32,768 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\AMPtr\Install\INSTALL\*

10-04-15  21:51         <DIR>             0  . 
10-04-15  21:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-02-97   0:00          42,682      32,767  INSTALL.CMD
10-02-97   0:00             461           0  INSTALL.LST
10-09-97  20:00           7,815           0  INSTALL.MSG
10-09-97  20:00           8,921           0  INSTLDEU.MSG
10-09-97  20:00           7,815           0  INSTLENG.MSG
10-02-97   0:00         175,500           0  POINTERS.ZIP
10-02-97   0:00          10,544           0  REMOVE.CMD
10-02-97   0:00           9,847           0  WPSREPLC.PRG
10-02-97   0:00          10,555           0  WPSRESET.PRG
        274,140 bytes in 9 files and 2 dirs    276,480 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\AMPtr\Install\REXX\*

10-04-15  21:51         <DIR>             0  . 
10-04-15  21:51         <DIR>             0  ..
10-02-97   0:00           3,428           0  FRATE.CMD
10-02-97   0:00           3,608           0  LOAD.CMD
10-02-97   0:00           2,291           0  OFF.CMD
10-02-97   0:00           2,427           0  ON.CMD
10-02-97   0:00           8,835           0  RANDOM.CMD
10-02-97   0:00             408           0  RANDOM.LST
         20,997 bytes in 6 files and 2 dirs    22,528 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\AMPtr\Install\*
        634,987 bytes in 33 files and 11 dirs    645,632 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\AMPtr\*
        849,597 bytes in 41 files and 14 dirs    862,720 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\*

10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  . 
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  ..
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  Lang
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>         1,272  Modules
 8-18-08   1:06           7,520           0  changelog.txt
 3-08-07  23:31           1,409       1,301  dpmsmode.cmd
 1-12-06  13:29          24,370           0  license.txt
 2-11-08  22:00           4,268           0  readme.txt
 8-18-08   2:42          34,966          32  SSCore.dll
 4-22-08   0:40          62,178          32  SSDPMS.dll
 8-18-08   2:42          10,378          34  SSModWrp.exe
 8-18-08   0:00          56,597          34  WPSSDesk.dll
        201,686 bytes in 8 files and 4 dirs    204,800 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\Lang\*

10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  . 
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-12-06  13:29             301           0  readme.txt
 5-08-08  22:34          10,280           0  ss_de.HLP
 5-08-08  22:34           2,095           0  ss_de.msg
 5-08-08  22:34           8,802           0  ss_en.HLP
 5-08-08  22:34           2,023           0  ss_en.msg
 5-08-08  22:34          10,137           0  ss_es.HLP
 5-08-08  22:34           2,275           0  ss_es.msg
 5-08-08  22:34          11,381           0  ss_fr.HLP
 5-08-08  22:34           2,392           0  ss_fr.msg
 5-08-08  22:34          11,634           0  ss_hu.HLP
 5-08-08  22:34           2,208           0  ss_hu.msg
 5-08-08  22:34          10,515           0  ss_it.HLP
 5-08-08  22:34           2,216           0  ss_it.msg
 5-08-08  22:34           9,732           0  ss_nl.HLP
 5-08-08  22:34           2,255           0  ss_nl.msg
 5-08-08  22:34          10,128           0  ss_ru.HLP
 5-08-08  22:34           2,063           0  ss_ru.msg
 5-08-08  22:34           9,720           0  ss_sv.HLP
 5-08-08  22:34           2,135           0  ss_sv.msg
 5-08-08  22:34           8,385           0  ss_zh_TW.HLP
 5-08-08  22:34           1,637           0  ss_zh_TW.msg
        122,314 bytes in 21 files and 2 dirs    128,512 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\Modules\*

10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  . 
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  ..
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  AnTVSim
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  Blank
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  CaClock
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>           674  Circles
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  eCSBall
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  IFSIM
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  Matrix
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  Padlock
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  PrClock
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  Random
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  ShowImg
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  Snow
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  Text
 4-22-08   0:39          48,564           0  ANTVSIM.dll
 4-22-08   0:39          29,825           0  Blank.dll
 4-22-08   0:39          46,573           0  CaClock.dll
 4-22-08   0:39          19,403           0  CaShapes.dll
 4-22-08   0:39          47,717           0  Circles.dll
 4-22-08   0:39         158,838           0  eCSBall.dll
 4-22-08   0:39          48,770           0  ifsim.dll
 4-22-08   0:39          57,383           0  Matrix.dll
 4-22-08   0:39          37,680           0  Padlock.dll
 5-08-08  22:34         133,566           0  PrClock.dll
 4-22-08   0:39          44,103           0  Random.dll
 1-12-06  13:29             199           0  readme.txt
 4-22-08   0:39          39,317           0  ShowImg.dll
 4-22-08   0:39          45,686           0  SldShow.dll
 4-22-08   0:39          62,328           0  Snow.dll
 4-22-08   0:39          34,380           0  Text.dll
        854,332 bytes in 16 files and 15 dirs    865,280 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\Modules\AnTVSim\*

10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  . 
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-08-08  22:34             536           0  de.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             495           0  en.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             526           0  es.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             532           0  fr.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             529           0  hu.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             535           0  it.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             551           0  nl.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             464           0  ru.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             510           0  sv.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             383           0  zh_TW.msg
          5,061 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    8,192 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\Modules\Blank\*

10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  . 
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-08-08  22:34             121           0  de.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             103           0  en.msg
 5-08-08  22:34              92           0  es.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             112           0  fr.msg
 5-08-08  22:34              94           0  hu.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             112           0  it.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             117           0  nl.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             101           0  ru.msg
 5-08-08  22:34              98           0  sv.msg
 5-08-08  22:34              77           0  zh_TW.msg
          1,027 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\Modules\CaClock\*

10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  . 
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-08-08  22:34             353           0  de.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             334           0  en.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             375           0  es.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             400           0  fr.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             381           0  hu.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             398           0  it.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             358           0  nl.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             318           0  ru.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             347           0  sv.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             302           0  zh_TW.msg
          3,566 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\Modules\Circles\*

10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  . 
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-08-08  22:34             566           0  de.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             474           0  en.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             518           0  es.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             563           0  fr.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             505           0  hu.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             508           0  it.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             533           0  nl.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             457           0  ru.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             498           0  sv.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             391           0  zh_TW.msg
          5,013 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    7,168 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\Modules\eCSBall\*

10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  . 
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-08-08  22:34             108           0  de.msg
 5-08-08  22:34              98           0  en.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             107           0  es.msg
 5-08-08  22:34              99           0  fr.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             109           0  hu.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             116           0  it.msg
 5-08-08  22:34              97           0  nl.msg
 5-08-08  22:34              98           0  ru.msg
 5-08-08  22:34              99           0  sv.msg
 5-08-08  22:34              80           0  zh_TW.msg
          1,011 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\Modules\IFSIM\*

10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  . 
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-08-08  22:34             659           0  de.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             609           0  en.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             668           0  es.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             675           0  fr.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             642           0  hu.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             650           0  it.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             678           0  nl.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             576           0  ru.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             628           0  sv.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             505           0  zh_TW.msg
          6,290 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    9,728 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\Modules\Matrix\*

10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  . 
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-08-08  22:34             617           0  de.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             577           0  en.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             632           0  es.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             633           0  fr.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             590           0  hu.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             649           0  it.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             629           0  nl.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             555           0  ru.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             599           0  sv.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             484           0  zh_TW.msg
          5,965 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    9,728 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\Modules\Padlock\*

10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  . 
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-08-08  22:34             125           0  de.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             102           0  en.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             107           0  es.msg
 5-08-08  22:34              95           0  fr.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             113           0  hu.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             114           0  it.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             109           0  nl.msg
 5-08-08  22:34              97           0  ru.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             110           0  sv.msg
 5-08-08  22:34              72           0  zh_TW.msg
          1,044 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\Modules\PrClock\*

10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  . 
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  ..
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  Digi
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  gclock01
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  sclock01
 5-08-08  22:34             395           0  de.msg
 1-12-06  13:30           9,721           0  Digi.skn
 5-08-08  22:34             367           0  en.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             370           0  es.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             390           0  fr.msg
 1-12-06  13:30             534           0  gclock01.skn
 5-08-08  22:34             423           0  hu.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             407           0  it.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             440           0  nl.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             348           0  ru.msg
 6-20-05  23:19             435           0  sclock01.skn
 1-12-06  13:30           6,577           0  SkinDesc.txt
 5-08-08  22:34             394           0  sv.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             279           0  zh_TW.msg
         21,080 bytes in 14 files and 5 dirs    24,576 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\Modules\PrClock\Digi\*

10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  . 
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-12-06  13:31             365           0  00.png
 1-12-06  13:31             390           0  00s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             377           0  01.png
 1-12-06  13:31             405           0  01s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             424           0  02.png
 1-12-06  13:31             455           0  02s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             365           0  03.png
 1-12-06  13:31             398           0  03s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             441           0  04.png
 1-12-06  13:31             473           0  04s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             427           0  05.png
 1-12-06  13:31             450           0  05s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             397           0  06.png
 1-12-06  13:31             414           0  06s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             396           0  07.png
 1-12-06  13:31             432           0  07s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             353           0  08.png
 1-12-06  13:31             380           0  08s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             409           0  09.png
 1-12-06  13:31             436           0  09s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             363           0  10.png
 1-12-06  13:31             395           0  10s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             272           0  11.png
 1-12-06  13:31             318           0  11s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             390           0  12.png
 1-12-06  13:31             417           0  12s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             298           0  13.png
 1-12-06  13:31             347           0  13s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             409           0  14.png
 1-12-06  13:31             440           0  14s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             384           0  15.png
 1-12-06  13:31             419           0  15s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             361           0  16.png
 1-12-06  13:31             391           0  16s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             335           0  17.png
 1-12-06  13:31             388           0  17s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             301           0  18.png
 1-12-06  13:31             350           0  18s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             356           0  19.png
 1-12-06  13:31             389           0  19s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             421           0  20.png
 1-12-06  13:31             460           0  20s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             388           0  21.png
 1-12-06  13:31             419           0  21s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             358           0  22.png
 1-12-06  13:31             382           0  22s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             365           0  23.png
 1-12-06  13:31             392           0  23s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             423           0  24.png
 1-12-06  13:31             460           0  24s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             362           0  25.png
 1-12-06  13:31             404           0  25s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             376           0  26.png
 1-12-06  13:31             403           0  26s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             404           0  27.png
 1-12-06  13:31             433           0  27s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             362           0  28.png
 1-12-06  13:31             400           0  28s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             366           0  29.png
 1-12-06  13:31             407           0  29s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             365           0  30.png
 1-12-06  13:31             400           0  30s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             298           0  31.png
 1-12-06  13:31             344           0  31s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             359           0  32.png
 1-12-06  13:31             387           0  32s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             272           0  33.png
 1-12-06  13:31             316           0  33s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             394           0  34.png
 1-12-06  13:31             424           0  34s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             350           0  35.png
 1-12-06  13:31             384           0  35s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             352           0  36.png
 1-12-06  13:31             382           0  36s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             331           0  37.png
 1-12-06  13:31             379           0  37s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             282           0  38.png
 1-12-06  13:31             335           0  38s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             335           0  39.png
 1-12-06  13:31             368           0  39s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             401           0  40.png
 1-12-06  13:31             436           0  40s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             394           0  41.png
 1-12-06  13:31             424           0  41s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             440           0  42.png
 1-12-06  13:31             469           0  42s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             407           0  43.png
 1-12-06  13:31             434           0  43s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             409           0  44.png
 1-12-06  13:31             437           0  44s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             421           0  45.png
 1-12-06  13:31             457           0  45s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             419           0  46.png
 1-12-06  13:31             439           0  46s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             436           0  47.png
 1-12-06  13:31             468           0  47s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             399           0  48.png
 1-12-06  13:31             423           0  48s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             419           0  49.png
 1-12-06  13:31             451           0  49s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             418           0  50.png
 1-12-06  13:31             449           0  50s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             387           0  51.png
 1-12-06  13:31             427           0  51s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             361           0  52.png
 1-12-06  13:31             405           0  52s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             359           0  53.png
 1-12-06  13:31             393           0  53s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             430           0  54.png
 1-12-06  13:31             452           0  54s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             359           0  55.png
 1-12-06  13:31             381           0  55s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             371           0  56.png
 1-12-06  13:31             403           0  56s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             398           0  57.png
 1-12-06  13:31             436           0  57s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             367           0  58.png
 1-12-06  13:31             396           0  58s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             361           0  59.png
 1-12-06  13:31             389           0  59s.png
 1-12-06  13:31             158           0  back.png
         47,235 bytes in 121 files and 2 dirs    61,952 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\Modules\PrClock\gclock01\*

10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  . 
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-12-06  13:31         122,852           0  back.png
 1-12-06  13:31          83,280           0  fore.png
 1-12-06  13:31           3,287           0  hour.png
 1-12-06  13:31           3,064           0  min.png
 1-12-06  13:31           2,702           0  sec.png
        215,185 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    216,064 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\Modules\PrClock\sclock01\*

10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  . 
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-18-05  21:24          27,173           0  back.png
 6-19-05  17:59           1,624           0  hour.png
 6-19-05  17:56           1,898           0  min.png
 6-19-05  17:52           1,977           0  sec.png
         32,672 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    33,792 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\Modules\PrClock\*
        316,172 bytes in 144 files and 11 dirs    336,384 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\Modules\Random\*

10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  . 
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-08-08  22:34             551           0  de.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             481           0  en.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             542           0  es.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             522           0  fr.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             574           0  hu.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             526           0  it.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             588           0  nl.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             489           0  ru.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             535           0  sv.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             427           0  zh_TW.msg
          5,235 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    8,704 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\Modules\ShowImg\*

10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  . 
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-08-08  22:34             454           0  de.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             419           0  en.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             394           0  sv.msg
          1,267 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    1,536 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\Modules\Snow\*

10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  . 
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-08-08  22:34             641           0  de.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             565           0  en.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             631           0  es.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             634           0  fr.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             618           0  hu.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             639           0  it.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             651           0  nl.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             533           0  ru.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             606           0  sv.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             459           0  zh_TW.msg
          5,977 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    9,728 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\Modules\Text\*

10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  . 
10-15-15  17:01         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-08-08  22:34             219           0  de.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             177           0  en.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             203           0  es.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             197           0  fr.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             203           0  hu.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             208           0  it.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             208           0  nl.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             172           0  ru.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             185           0  sv.msg
 5-08-08  22:34             154           0  zh_TW.msg
          1,926 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\Modules\*
      1,213,886 bytes in 273 files and 50 dirs    1,282,048 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\DSSaver\*
      1,537,886 bytes in 302 files and 56 dirs    1,615,360 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\FreeType\*

 9-25-15  19:06         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-25-15  19:06         <DIR>             0  ..
11-27-12  14:05          23,853          25  FAQ
 7-18-13  17:42          81,954          91  FREETYPE.DLL
 7-18-13  17:42          13,219          34  FREETYPE.MAP
11-26-12  23:55          87,040       9,882  FTCONFIG.EXE
11-26-12  23:45           7,862          34  FTCONFIG.HLP
 3-11-12  16:17             877       1,701  INSTALL.CMD
11-27-12  14:07          26,555          33  NLV_SRC.ZIP
 1-12-02  16:22             351          31  QUERY.CMD
 7-18-13  22:17          14,732          32  README.TXT
10-22-93   5:36          32,356          32  REPMOD.EXE
 5-05-98   1:58             916          32  UNINST.CMD
11-13-98   8:52             306          32  UPDATE.CMD
        290,021 bytes in 12 files and 2 dirs    292,352 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\IFS\*

 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>         9,426  sym
 2-19-01  11:14          44,145          91  cachejfs.exe
 2-19-01  11:14          87,418          91  chklgjfs.exe
 2-19-01  11:14          34,970          91  clrbblks.exe
 2-19-01  11:14          20,916          89  cstats.exe
 2-19-01  11:14          33,984          91  defragfs.exe
 2-19-01  11:14          29,300          91  extendfs.exe
 4-09-01  20:01           1,593          93  FREEJFS.RUS
 4-09-01  20:00           2,340          93  FREEJFS.TXT
 4-03-01  18:05           1,075         100  How-to-install.txt
 2-16-01  23:47          58,366          29  isj.exe
 4-09-01  20:02           1,610          97  isj_english.txt
 4-09-01  20:02           1,951          97  isj_russian.txt
 2-08-01   0:33         209,433          29  JFS.IFS
 4-09-01  20:02           1,767         100  jfs_basic_info.txt
 2-19-01  11:14          78,794          90  logdump.exe
 2-19-01  11:14          28,673          90  logform.exe
 2-19-01  11:14          66,831          90  logredo.exe
 4-09-01  20:03           1,960         107  openjfs_utils_russian.txt
 6-20-04  12:36         255,556          80  UJFS.DLL
 6-20-04  12:46             323          33  ujfs.readme
 2-16-01  23:52          42,967          31  U_JFS.exe
 2-19-01  11:14          37,172          90  validfs.exe
 2-19-01  11:14          74,588          90  xchkdmp.exe
 2-19-01  11:14          94,045          90  xchklog.exe
 2-19-01  11:14          67,492          88  xpeek.exe
      1,277,269 bytes in 25 files and 3 dirs    1,284,096 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\IFS\sym\*

 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-22-01  12:19           2,836          34  cachejfs.sym
 1-22-01  12:19           4,164          34  chklgjfs.sym
 1-22-01  12:19           5,156          34  clrbblks.sym
 1-22-01  12:19           2,564          32  cstats.sym
 1-22-01  12:19           5,396          34  defragfs.sym
 1-22-01  12:19           4,116          34  extendfs.sym
 1-22-01  12:19           7,940          33  logdump.sym
 1-22-01  12:19           3,684          33  logform.sym
 1-22-01  12:19           6,564          33  logredo.sym
 1-22-01  12:19           3,956          33  validfs.sym
 1-22-01  12:19           4,052          33  xchkdmp.sym
 1-22-01  12:19           5,188          33  xchklog.sym
 1-22-01  16:24           5,460          31  xpeek.sym
         61,076 bytes in 13 files and 2 dirs    65,024 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\IFS\*
      1,338,345 bytes in 38 files and 5 dirs    1,349,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\LIBS\*

 8-20-15  18:24         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-20-15  18:24         <DIR>             0  ..
 6-23-08  19:17          14,403          34  cair1414.dll
 6-23-08  19:17          13,589          34  cairo124.dll
 5-21-08  22:52          14,296          34  cairo146.dll
 6-23-08  19:17         687,536          34  cairo164.dll
 7-05-08  20:13          16,940         226  JPOS2DLL.DLL
 6-09-05  13:41         192,894         224  VPREXX.DLL
 6-09-05  13:41         900,545         223  VROBJ.DLL
      1,840,203 bytes in 7 files and 2 dirs    1,841,664 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\lSwitcher\*

 9-24-15  10:32         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-24-15  10:32         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-24-15  10:32         <DIR>           682  widget
 2-27-07  18:12          18,349           0  COPYING
 7-04-14  16:28           5,061           0  History
 7-04-14  16:28          69,668         330  lSwitch.exe
 7-04-14  16:28          22,188           0  lswitch.hlp
 7-04-14  16:28           7,716           0  lSwitch.sym
 7-04-14  16:28          12,716           0  lSwitch.xqs
 7-04-14  16:28           1,314         342  lSwitchd.exe
 7-04-14  16:08           3,686           0  lswresCZ.dll
 7-04-14  16:12           3,826           0  lswresDE.dll
 7-04-14  16:28           3,653           0  lswresEN.dll
 7-04-14  15:08           3,735           0  lswresES.dll
 7-04-14  16:18           3,776           0  lswresRU.dll
 7-04-14  14:33           6,394           0  Readme
 4-11-04  11:14          19,083           0  readme.v270
10-31-09   7:39           1,096           0  readme.v271
 4-11-04  14:14          20,453           0  readmecz.270
 4-11-04  14:14          21,725           0  Readmeru.270
        224,439 bytes in 17 files and 3 dirs    229,888 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\lSwitcher\widget\*

 9-24-15  10:32         <DIR>             0  . 
 9-24-15  10:32         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-04-14  16:28          74,684           0  lswidget.dll
 7-04-14  16:28           7,892           0  lswidget.sym
 7-04-14  16:28          22,188           0  lswitch.hlp
 7-04-14  16:08           3,686           0  lswresCZ.dll
 7-04-14  16:12           3,826           0  lswresDE.dll
 7-04-14  16:28           3,653           0  lswresEN.dll
 7-04-14  15:08           3,735           0  lswresES.dll
 7-04-14  16:18           3,776           0  lswresRU.dll
        123,440 bytes in 8 files and 2 dirs    125,952 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\lSwitcher\*
        347,879 bytes in 25 files and 5 dirs    355,840 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\PM\*

 8-20-15  18:05         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-20-15  18:05         <DIR>             0  ..
 9-17-11   6:15           2,412         224  pmdrag.dll
 9-17-11   6:15           2,216         223  pmgre.dll
 9-17-11   6:15             479         223  pmmle.dll
 9-17-11   6:15           4,511         225  pmshapi.dll
 2-02-12  14:16          19,713         223  pmwin.dll
         29,331 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    30,208 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\TRACE\*

 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  ..
 7-23-15  10:51           8,746           0  TRC00E0.TFF
 7-23-15  10:51          13,852           0  TRC00E1.TFF
 7-23-15  10:51          30,174           0  TRC00E2.TFF
 7-23-15  10:52           5,911           0  TRC00E5.TFF
 7-23-15  10:52           6,087           0  TRC00EF.TFF
         64,770 bytes in 5 files and 2 dirs    66,048 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\USBTools\*

 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-19-15  17:22             766          29  LICENSE
 7-23-15  10:52          35,690          34  USBCALLS.DLL
 7-23-15  10:52           5,636          34  USBCALLS.SYM
 7-27-15  11:36           2,622          32  USBECD.SYS
 7-27-15  10:24          24,951          32  USBECD.TXT
 9-30-03  13:23             990          33  USBICON.CMD
12-21-05  14:15          51,233          32  USBMON.EXE
 1-10-03  16:18             874          32  USBMON.ICO
 3-28-03  12:09              46          32  USBMON.INI
 6-16-11  12:57           1,915          33  USBREAD.CMD
12-21-05  14:15          27,177          33  USBWARN.EXE
 9-30-03  12:24             528          33  USBWARN.MSG
 6-16-11  12:57           9,521          34  USBWRITE.CMD
        161,949 bytes in 13 files and 2 dirs    165,888 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\WARPCOM\*

 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>           344  MACS
              0 bytes in 0 files and 3 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\WARPCOM\MACS\*

 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-14-15  18:16         <DIR>             0  ..
 5-28-11  15:38          35,147         152  E1000E.LIN
 5-29-11  10:48           1,138         152  E1000E.NIF
 6-13-11  10:01          74,771         152  E1000E.OS2
 8-14-15  16:38           7,174         152  E1000E.TXT
        118,230 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    119,808 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\WARPCOM\*
        118,230 bytes in 4 files and 5 dirs    120,320 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\XWorkplace\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>        10,411  bin
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  bootlogo
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  help
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  install
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  plugins
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  themes
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  toolkit
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  wav
 1-10-15   1:10             351           0  BUGS
 1-10-15   1:10          18,321           0  COPYING
 1-10-15   1:10          12,823           0  cvs.txt
 1-10-15   1:10           8,505           0  FEATURES
 1-10-15   1:10             280           0  file_id.diz
 1-10-15   1:10           9,163           0  readme
 1-10-15   1:10         474,364           0  xfldr001.inf
        523,807 bytes in 7 files and 10 dirs    529,408 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\XWorkplace\bin\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-10-15   1:10           1,423           0  alwssort.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10           2,209           0  bm-lvm.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10           1,795           0  bootmgr.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10             368           0  defdetls.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10             361           0  deficon.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10             361           0  deftree.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10             424           0  iconorm.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10             423           0  icosmall.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10          29,778           0  netscdde.exe
 1-10-15   1:10           1,069           0  newobj.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10             568           0  packtree.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10          21,402           0  repclass.exe
 1-10-15   1:10             474           0  showall.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10         136,378           0  treesize.exe
 1-10-15   1:10          20,411           0  wpsreset.exe
 1-10-15   1:10         167,943           0  xfix.exe
 1-10-15   1:10           7,924           0  xfix.sym
 1-10-15   1:10         989,170           0  xfldr.dll
 1-10-15   1:10          44,916           0  xfldr.sym
 1-10-15   1:10          79,053           0  xfldr001.dll
 1-10-15   1:10          22,743           0  xhelp.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10             310           0  xshutdwn.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  xshutdwn.ico
 1-10-15   1:10         148,275           0  xwpdaemn.exe
 1-10-15   1:10           6,276           0  xwpdaemn.sym
 1-10-15   1:10          33,546           0  xwphook.dll
 1-10-15   1:10           2,132           0  xwphook.sym
 1-10-15   1:10         130,000           0  xwpres.dll
      1,853,076 bytes in 28 files and 2 dirs    1,859,584 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\XWorkplace\bootlogo\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-10-15   1:10          53,950           0  os2warpx.bmp
 1-10-15   1:10          79,574           0  penguin.bmp
 1-10-15   1:10          26,674           0  xfolder.bmp
        160,198 bytes in 3 files and 2 dirs    161,280 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\XWorkplace\help\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-10-15   1:10          71,490           0  drvrs001.txt
 1-10-15   1:10          53,431           0  xfcls001.txt
 1-10-15   1:10         551,744           0  xfldr001.hlp
 1-10-15   1:10          69,522           0  xfldr001.tmf
        746,187 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    747,008 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\XWorkplace\install\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-10-15   1:10           8,575      10,172  crobj001.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10           6,961           0  deinst.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10           4,493           0  delobjs.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10           4,052       5,295  freshini.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10           8,333       8,814  instl001.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10           1,286           0  od.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10           1,610       2,476  sound001.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10           1,242           0  soundoff.cmd
 1-10-15   1:10           7,824           0  xwp.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           7,824           0  xwp_o.ico
         52,200 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    54,784 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\XWorkplace\plugins\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  drvdlgs
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  xcenter
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\XWorkplace\plugins\drvdlgs\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-10-15   1:10          13,412           0  d_cdfs.dll
 1-10-15   1:10             548           0  d_cdfs.sym
         13,960 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    14,848 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\XWorkplace\plugins\xcenter\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-10-15   1:10          18,022           0  diskfree.dll
 1-10-15   1:10             564           0  diskfree.sym
 1-10-15   1:10          23,835           0  ipmon.dll
 1-10-15   1:10             868           0  ipmon.sym
 1-10-15   1:10          26,222           0  monitors.dll
 1-10-15   1:10             948           0  monitors.sym
 1-10-15   1:10          17,629           0  sentinel.dll
 1-10-15   1:10             804           0  sentinel.sym
 1-10-15   1:10          29,978           0  winlist.dll
 1-10-15   1:10             836           0  winlist.sym
        119,706 bytes in 10 files and 2 dirs    122,368 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\XWorkplace\plugins\*
        133,666 bytes in 12 files and 8 dirs    138,240 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\XWorkplace\themes\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  warp3
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>           908  warp4
              0 bytes in 0 files and 4 dirs

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\XWorkplace\themes\warp3\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  datafile.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  desk0.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  desk1.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  folder0.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  folder1.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  prgdll.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  prgdosfs.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  prgdoswn.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  prgdrivr.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  prgos2fs.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  prgos2wn.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  prgpm.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  prgunkwn.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           2,828           0  prgwin16.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           2,828           0  prgwin32.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  shadow.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           7,824           0  trashemp.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           7,824           0  trashful.ico
         68,120 bytes in 18 files and 2 dirs    72,704 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\XWorkplace\themes\warp4\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  datafile.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  desk0.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  desk1.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  folder0.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  folder1.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  prgdll.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  prgdosfs.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  prgdoswn.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  prgdrivr.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  prgos2fs.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  prgos2wn.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  prgpm.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  prgunkwn.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  prgwin16.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  prgwin32.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           3,344           0  shadow.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           7,824           0  trashemp.ico
 1-10-15   1:10           7,824           0  trashful.ico
         69,152 bytes in 18 files and 2 dirs    73,728 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\XWorkplace\themes\*
        137,272 bytes in 36 files and 8 dirs    147,456 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\XWorkplace\toolkit\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  config
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  shared
 1-10-15   1:10          19,859           0  miniwdgt.c
         19,859 bytes in 1 file and 4 dirs    20,992 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\XWorkplace\toolkit\config\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-10-15   1:10           5,090           0  drivdlgs.h
          5,090 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    5,120 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\XWorkplace\toolkit\shared\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-10-15   1:10          63,193           0  center.h
 1-10-15   1:10          20,466           0  helpids.h
         83,659 bytes in 2 files and 2 dirs    83,968 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\XWorkplace\toolkit\*
        108,608 bytes in 4 files and 8 dirs    110,080 bytes allocated

 Directory of  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\XWorkplace\wav\*

 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  . 
 8-26-15  17:30         <DIR>             0  ..
 1-10-15   1:10          28,564           0  autoshut.wav
 1-10-15   1:10          11,022           0  ckckk.wav
 1-10-15   1:10          13,302           0  dudubeep.wav
 1-10-15   1:10           6,241           0  open.wav
         59,129 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    59,904 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\XWorkplace\*
      3,774,143 bytes in 108 files and 44 dirs    3,807,744 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Warp\SYSTEM\*
     10,352,354 bytes in 560 files and 152 dirs    10,512,896 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\Warp\*
     30,832,540 bytes in 717 files and 194 dirs    31,045,120 bytes allocated

    Total for:  C:\*
    620,857,702 bytes in 15,871 files and 4,898 dirs    626,017,280 bytes allocated
 20,816,247,296 bytes free