MKWINOS/2 Sample

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|                                                                          |
|           MKWINRUN.CMD - Version 1.0 - Version Date 1995-09-29           |
|                 Copyright (c) 1995 by C F S Nevada, Inc.                 |
|                                                                          |
|                 Dick Goran      - Voice      702-732-9616                |
|                                 - FAX        702-732-3847                |
|                                 - CompuServe 71154,2002                  |
|                                 - Internet          |
|                                                                          |
|          Produced and distributed by Productivity Solutions, Inc.        |
|                 David Moskowitz - Voice      610-631-5685                |
|                                 - FAX        610-631-0414                |
|                                 - CompuServe 76701,100                   |
|                                 - Internet          |
|                                                                          |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
|  Requires: REXXLIB.DLL  - OS/2 REXX external function library            |
|                           (c) Copyright 1992-95 Quercus Systems          |

   This program was created by MKWINOS2 (Version 1.0) on 09/19/95 at
   23:00:02. Video resolution used for icon positions is 1024 x 768 for
   OS/2 and 1024 x 768 for Windows. This program will create folders for
   program objects for the 33 groups found in C:\WIN-311\PROGMAN.INI. It
   has been enabled for key: 1234567.


   SIGNAL ON ERROR                  /* trap object time errors     */
   SIGNAL ON FAILURE                /* trap object time errors     */
   SIGNAL ON HALT                   /* trap object time errors     */
   SIGNAL ON NOVALUE                /* trap object time errors     */
   SIGNAL ON SYNTAX                 /* trap object time errors     */

GBL. = ''             /* initialize stem */
parse Arg             GBL.command_line
parse Version         GBL.REXX_version .
parse Source          GBL.operating_system,
GBL.package_name    = 'MKWINRUN'
GBL.environment     = 'OS2ENVIRONMENT'
GBL.boot_drive      = LEFT( VALUE( 'RUNWORKPLACE',, GBL.environment ), 2 )
GBL.program_version = 1.0           /* version / mod of this program */
GBL.program_name    = FILESPEC( 'N', GBL.program_path_and_name )
GBL.program_path    = FILESPEC( 'D', GBL.program_path_and_name ) ||,
                      FILESPEC( 'P', GBL.program_path_and_name )

parse var GBL.program_name,
   GBL.program_fn '.',

|  Assure that REXXUTIL & REXXLIB are registered  |
call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'REXXUTIL', 'SysLoadFuncs'
call SysLoadFuncs

if RxFuncQuery( 'RexxLibDeregister' ) = 0 then
      call RexxLibDeregister
if GBL.REXX_version = 'REXX/Personal' then
      dll_name = 'QREXXLIB'
      dll_name = 'REXXLIB'
call RxFuncAdd 'RexxLibRegister', dll_name, 'rexxlibregister'
call RexxLibRegister

call TIME 'E'                       /* set elapsed timer - sssss.uuuuu */
say 'Begin' TRANSLATE( GBL.program_name ) 'at' TIME('N')

|                                                                          |
|                      Initialization and Setup code                       |
|                                                                          |
GBL.ambiguous_program_count   = 04  /* MKWINOS2.DBX yielded multiples       */
GBL.bksp                      = "08"x
GBL.copy_control_file         = "J:\rexxprog\mkwin\MKWINRUN.CPY"
GBL.desktop_object_id         = "<MKWINOS2 Program Manager Desktop Equivalent>"
GBL.desktop_title             = "Program Manager^Desktop Equivalent"
GBL.font                      = "8.Helv"
GBL.group_total               = 33
GBL.progress_list             = "Ä\|/"
GBL.progress_subscript        = 1
GBL.seconds_to_wait_for_reply = 30  /* wait for user reply before shadowing */
GBL.shadow_table.0            = 0   /* object IDs of shadowed objects       */
GBL.subject_windows_path      = "C:\WIN-311\"
GBL.wallpaper                 = ""
GBL.WINOS2_path               = "F:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\"
GBL.unresolved_path_count   = 02  /* Programs with unresolved .EXE paths */

|  The following value(s) can be changed  |
|  to suit your personal taste.           |
GBL.icon_view   = "FLOWED"            /* can be set to FLOWED | NONGRID */
GBL.sort_option = "YES"               /* can be set to YES    | NO      */

|  The following seemingly needless code is to identify a rare,      |
|  intermittent WPS bug where an existing object is not correctly    |
|  deleted. If any MKWINOS2 objects are found to exist in the        |
|  OS2.INI file after the Program Manager Desktop Equivalent object  |
|  is destroyed, this program will terminate. You are advised to     |
|  run one of the INI file maintenance programs to remove the        |
|  bad objects.                                                      |
application_name = "PM_Workplace:Location"
key = SYSINI( "USER", application_name, GBL.desktop_object_id )
if key ª= "ERROR:" then
      say "   Removing " || GBL.desktop_object_id
      call SysDestroyObject GBL.desktop_object_id

      |  Check \OS2\OS2.INI for any remaining    |
      |  MKWINOS2 objects that should have been  |
      |  removed by SysDestroyObject().          |
      lingering_object_count = 0

      call SYSINI "USER", application_name, "ALL:", "key_stem"
      if RESULT ª= "" then
            say VALUE( "USER_INI",, GBL.environment ) "may be corrupted, " ||,
                "program canceled"
            call EOJ 200

      do k = 1 to key_stem.0
         if LEFT( key_stem.k, 9 ) = "<MKWINOS2" then
               lingering_object_count = lingering_object_count + 1
               if lingering_object_count = 1 then
                     say "The following WPS object(s) should not exist:"
               say "   " || key_stem.k

      if lingering_object_count ª= 0 then
            say GBL.program_name "is terminating because of the above error! Please try re-"
            say "running" GBL.program_name "and, if the error persists, please report it"
            say "at the numbers shown at the beginning of" GBL.program_name
            call EOJ 201

|  Copy appropriate files from subject windows path to WINOS2 path  |
if LINES( GBL.copy_control_file ) > 0 then

/*----------------------------------------------------------*\    /*000001*/
|  Build Program Manager Desktop Equivalent on OS/2 Desktop  |    /*000002*/
\*----------------------------------------------------------*/    /*000003*/
say COPIES( " ", 3 ) || "Building" GBL.desktop_title              /*000004*/
folder_class    = "WPFolder"                                      /*000006*/
folder_title    = GBL.desktop_title                               /*000007*/
folder_location = "<WP_DESKTOP>"                                  /*000008*/
folder_option   = "UPDATE"                                        /*000009*/
folder_setup    =,                                                /*000010*/
   "ALWAYSSORT="   || GBL.sort_option  || ";"                 ||, /*000011*/
   "ICONNFILE=1,"  || GBL.program_path || "MKWINOPN.ICO;"     ||, /*000012*/
   "ICONFILE="     || GBL.program_path || "MKWINCLS.ICO;"     ||, /*000013*/
   "ICONFONT="     || GBL.font         || ";"                 ||, /*000014*/
   "ICONVIEW="     || GBL.icon_view    || ",NORMAL;"          ||, /*000015*/
   "ICONPOS=50,08;"                                           ||, /*000016*/
   "ICONVIEWPOS=10,1,90,85;"                                  ||, /*000017*/
   "OBJECTID=<MKWINOS2 Program Manager Desktop Equivalent>;"      /*000018*/
call SysCreateObject folder_class,,                               /*000019*/
                     folder_title,,                               /*000020*/
                     folder_location,,                            /*000021*/
                     folder_setup,,                               /*000022*/
                     folder_option                                /*000023*/
if RESULT ª= 1 then                                               /*000024*/
   do                                                             /*000025*/
      say "   Unable to create " || folder_title || "folder,"     /*000026*/
      say "      program canceled."                               /*000027*/
      call EOJ 203                                                /*000028*/
   end                                                            /*000029*/
if GBL.wallpaper ª= "" then                                       /*000031*/
   do                                                             /*000032*/
      say " "                                                     /*000033*/
      say "   It may be necessary to turn off the ""Transparent"  /*000034*/
      say "   bkgnd"" setting in the notebook settings for:"      /*000035*/
      say "   " || GBL.desktop_title                              /*000036*/
      say " "                                                     /*000037*/
   end                                                            /*000038*/

/*-------------------------------------*\                         /*010001*/
|  Build Group folder for: Accessories  |                         /*010002*/
\*-------------------------------------*/                         /*010003*/
say COPIES( " ", 6 ) || "Building Accessories folder."            /*010004*/
folder_class    = "WPFolder"                                      /*010006*/
folder_title    = "Accessories"                                   /*010007*/
folder_location = "<MKWINOS2 Program Manager Desktop Equivalent>" /*010008*/
folder_option   = "UPDATE"                                        /*010009*/
folder_setup    =,                                                /*010010*/
   "DETAILSFONT="  || GBL.font || ";"                         ||, /*010011*/
   "TREEVIEWFONT=" || GBL.font || ";"                         ||, /*010012*/
   "ICONFONT="     || GBL.font || ";"                         ||, /*010013*/
   "ICONVIEW="     || GBL.icon_view || ",NORMAL;"             ||, /*010014*/
   "ICONPOS=13,72;"                                           ||, /*010015*/
   "ICONVIEWPOS=23,37,59,53;"                                 ||, /*010016*/
   "ICONRESOURCE=72,PMWP;"                                    ||, /*010017*/
   "ICONNRESOURCE=35,PMWP;"                                   ||, /*010018*/
   "ALWAYSSORT="  || GBL.sort_option  || ";"                  ||, /*010019*/
   "OBJECTID=<MKWINOS2:Accessories Group>;"                       /*010020*/
call SysCreateObject folder_class,,                               /*010021*/
                     folder_title,,                               /*010022*/
                     folder_location,,                            /*010023*/
                     folder_setup,,                               /*010024*/
                     folder_option                                /*010025*/
if RESULT ª= 1 then                                               /*010026*/
   do                                                             /*010027*/
      say "   Unable to create " || folder_title || "group folder,"
   end                                                            /*010029*/

   /*------------------------------------------*\                 /*010101*/
   |  Build WPProgram object for: Media Player  |                 /*010102*/
   \*------------------------------------------*/                 /*010103*/
   /* Program settings used are from MKWINOS2.DBX              */ /*010104*/
   program_class    = "WPProgram"                                 /*010105*/
   program_title    = "Media Player"                              /*010106*/
   program_location = "<MKWINOS2:Accessories Group>"              /*010107*/
   program_option   = "UPDATE"                                    /*010108*/
   program_setup    =,                                            /*010109*/
      "ICONFONT=" || GBL.font || ";"                          ||, /*010110*/
      "ICONPOS=23,16;"                                        ||, /*010111*/
      "EXENAME=F:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\MPLAYER.EXE;"               ||, /*010112*/
      "SET DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT=64;"                             ||, /*010113*/
      "SET EMS_MEMORY_LIMIT=0;"                               ||, /*010114*/
      "SET INT_DURING_IO=1;"                                  ||, /*010115*/
      "SET KBD_ALTHOME_BYPASS=1;"                             ||, /*010116*/
      "SET KBD_RATE_LOCK=1;"                                  ||, /*010117*/
      "SET MOUSE_EXCLUSIVE_ACCESS=0;"                         ||, /*010118*/
      "SET VIDEO_8514A_XGA_IOTRAP=0;"                         ||, /*010119*/
      "SET VIDEO_RETRACE_EMULATION=1;"                        ||, /*010120*/
      "SET VIDEO_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION=1;"                      ||, /*010121*/
      "SET WIN_ATM=1;"                                        ||, /*010122*/
      "SET WIN_DDE=1;"                                        ||, /*010123*/
      "OBJECTID=<MKWINOS2:Media Player>;"                         /*010124*/
   call SysCreateObject program_class,,                           /*010125*/
                        program_title,,                           /*010126*/
                        program_location,,                        /*010127*/
                        program_setup,,                           /*010128*/
                        program_option                            /*010129*/
   if RESULT ª= 1 then                                            /*010130*/
      do                                                          /*010131*/
         say "   Unable to create " || program_title || " program object,"
      end                                                         /*010133*/

   /*-----------------------------------*\                        /*010201*/
   |  Build WPProgram object for: Write  |                        /*010202*/
   \*-----------------------------------*/                        /*010203*/
   /* No matching MKWINOS2.DBX entry for this program          */ /*010204*/
   program_class    = "WPProgram"                                 /*010205*/
   program_title    = "Write"                                     /*010206*/
   program_location = "<MKWINOS2:Accessories Group>"              /*010207*/
   program_option   = "UPDATE"                                    /*010208*/
   program_setup    =,                                            /*010209*/
      "ICONFONT=" || GBL.font || ";"                          ||, /*010210*/
      "ICONPOS=4,37;"                                         ||, /*010211*/
      "EXENAME=F:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\WRITE.EXE;"                 ||, /*010212*/
      "SET DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT=64;"                             ||, /*010213*/
      "SET KBD_ALTHOME_BYPASS=1;"                             ||, /*010214*/
      "SET KBD_RATE_LOCK=1;"                                  ||, /*010215*/
      "SET VIDEO_8514A_XGA_IOTRAP=0;"                         ||, /*010216*/
      "SET VIDEO_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION=1;"                      ||, /*010217*/
      "SET WIN_ATM=1;"                                        ||, /*010218*/
      "SET WIN_DDE=1;"                                        ||, /*010219*/
      "OBJECTID=<MKWINOS2:Write>;"                                /*010220*/
   call SysCreateObject program_class,,                           /*010221*/
                        program_title,,                           /*010222*/
                        program_location,,                        /*010223*/
                        program_setup,,                           /*010224*/
                        program_option                            /*010225*/
   if RESULT ª= 1 then                                            /*010226*/
      do                                                          /*010227*/
         say "   Unable to create " || program_title || " program object,"
      end                                                         /*010229*/

   /*-----------------------------------*\                        /*010301*/
   |  Build WPProgram object for: Clock  |                        /*010302*/
   \*-----------------------------------*/                        /*010303*/
   /* No matching MKWINOS2.DBX entry for this program          */ /*010304*/
   program_class    = "WPProgram"                                 /*010305*/
   program_title    = "Clock"                                     /*010306*/
   program_location = "<MKWINOS2:Accessories Group>"              /*010307*/
   program_option   = "UPDATE"                                    /*010308*/
   program_setup    =,                                            /*010309*/
      "ICONFONT=" || GBL.font || ";"                          ||, /*010310*/
      "ICONPOS=33,26;"                                        ||, /*010311*/
      "EXENAME=F:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\CLOCK.EXE;"                 ||, /*010312*/
      "SET DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT=64;"                             ||, /*010313*/
      "SET KBD_ALTHOME_BYPASS=1;"                             ||, /*010314*/
      "SET KBD_RATE_LOCK=1;"                                  ||, /*010315*/
      "SET VIDEO_8514A_XGA_IOTRAP=0;"                         ||, /*010316*/
      "SET VIDEO_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION=1;"                      ||, /*010317*/
      "SET WIN_ATM=1;"                                        ||, /*010318*/
      "SET WIN_DDE=1;"                                        ||, /*010319*/
      "OBJECTID=<MKWINOS2:Clock>;"                                /*010320*/
   call SysCreateObject program_class,,                           /*010321*/
                        program_title,,                           /*010322*/
                        program_location,,                        /*010323*/
                        program_setup,,                           /*010324*/
                        program_option                            /*010325*/
   if RESULT ª= 1 then                                            /*010326*/
      do                                                          /*010327*/
         say "   Unable to create " || program_title || " program object,"
      end                                                         /*010329*/

   /*--------------------------------------*\                     /*010401*/
   |  Build WPProgram object for: Terminal  |                     /*010402*/
   \*--------------------------------------*/                     /*010403*/
   /* No matching MKWINOS2.DBX entry for this program          */ /*010404*/
   program_class    = "WPProgram"                                 /*010405*/
   program_title    = "Terminal"                                  /*010406*/
   program_location = "<MKWINOS2:Accessories Group>"              /*010407*/
   program_option   = "UPDATE"                                    /*010408*/
   program_setup    =,                                            /*010409*/
      "ICONFONT=" || GBL.font || ";"                          ||, /*010410*/
      "ICONPOS=23,37;"                                        ||, /*010411*/
      "EXENAME=C:\WIN-311\TERMINAL.EXE;"                      ||, /*010412*/
      "SET DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT=64;"                             ||, /*010413*/
      "SET KBD_ALTHOME_BYPASS=1;"                             ||, /*010414*/
      "SET KBD_RATE_LOCK=1;"                                  ||, /*010415*/
      "SET VIDEO_8514A_XGA_IOTRAP=0;"                         ||, /*010416*/
      "SET VIDEO_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION=1;"                      ||, /*010417*/
      "SET WIN_ATM=1;"                                        ||, /*010418*/
      "SET WIN_DDE=1;"                                        ||, /*010419*/
      "OBJECTID=<MKWINOS2:Terminal>;"                             /*010420*/
   call SysCreateObject program_class,,                           /*010421*/
                        program_title,,                           /*010422*/
                        program_location,,                        /*010423*/
                        program_setup,,                           /*010424*/
                        program_option                            /*010425*/
   if RESULT ª= 1 then                                            /*010426*/
      do                                                          /*010427*/
         say "   Unable to create " || program_title || " program object,"
      end                                                         /*010429*/

   /*--------------------------------------------*\               /*010501*/
   |  Build WPProgram object for: Sound Recorder  |               /*010502*/
   \*--------------------------------------------*/               /*010503*/
   /* No matching MKWINOS2.DBX entry for this program          */ /*010504*/
   program_class    = "WPProgram"                                 /*010505*/
   program_title    = "Sound^Recorder"                            /*010506*/
   program_location = "<MKWINOS2:Accessories Group>"              /*010507*/
   program_option   = "UPDATE"                                    /*010508*/
   program_setup    =,                                            /*010509*/
      "ICONFONT=" || GBL.font || ";"                          ||, /*010510*/
      "ICONPOS=14,16;"                                        ||, /*010511*/
      "EXENAME=F:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\SOUNDREC.EXE;"              ||, /*010512*/
      "SET DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT=64;"                             ||, /*010513*/
      "SET KBD_ALTHOME_BYPASS=1;"                             ||, /*010514*/
      "SET KBD_RATE_LOCK=1;"                                  ||, /*010515*/
      "SET VIDEO_8514A_XGA_IOTRAP=0;"                         ||, /*010516*/
      "SET VIDEO_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION=1;"                      ||, /*010517*/
      "SET WIN_ATM=1;"                                        ||, /*010518*/
      "SET WIN_DDE=1;"                                        ||, /*010519*/
      "OBJECTID=<MKWINOS2:Sound Recorder>;"                       /*010520*/
   call SysCreateObject program_class,,                           /*010521*/
                        program_title,,                           /*010522*/
                        program_location,,                        /*010523*/
                        program_setup,,                           /*010524*/
                        program_option                            /*010525*/
   if RESULT ª= 1 then                                            /*010526*/
      do                                                          /*010527*/
         say "   Unable to create " || program_title || " program object,"
      end                                                         /*010529*/

   /*----------------------------------------*\                   /*010601*/
   |  Build WPProgram object for: Paintbrush  |                   /*010602*/
   \*----------------------------------------*/                   /*010603*/
   /* No matching MKWINOS2.DBX entry for this program          */ /*010604*/
   program_class    = "WPProgram"                                 /*010605*/
   program_title    = "Paintbrush"                                /*010606*/
   program_location = "<MKWINOS2:Accessories Group>"              /*010607*/
   program_option   = "UPDATE"                                    /*010608*/
   program_setup    =,                                            /*010609*/
      "ICONFONT=" || GBL.font || ";"                          ||, /*010610*/
      "ICONPOS=14,37;"                                        ||, /*010611*/
      "EXENAME=F:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\PBRUSH.EXE;"                ||, /*010612*/
      "SET DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT=64;"                             ||, /*010613*/
      "SET KBD_ALTHOME_BYPASS=1;"                             ||, /*010614*/
      "SET KBD_RATE_LOCK=1;"                                  ||, /*010615*/
      "SET VIDEO_8514A_XGA_IOTRAP=0;"                         ||, /*010616*/
      "SET VIDEO_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION=1;"                      ||, /*010617*/
      "SET WIN_ATM=1;"                                        ||, /*010618*/
      "SET WIN_DDE=1;"                                        ||, /*010619*/
      "OBJECTID=<MKWINOS2:Paintbrush>;"                           /*010620*/
   call SysCreateObject program_class,,                           /*010621*/
                        program_title,,                           /*010622*/
                        program_location,,                        /*010623*/
                        program_setup,,                           /*010624*/
                        program_option                            /*010625*/
   if RESULT ª= 1 then                                            /*010626*/
      do                                                          /*010627*/
         say "   Unable to create " || program_title || " program object,"
      end                                                         /*010629*/

   /*-------------------------------------*\                      /*010701*/
   |  Build WPProgram object for: Notepad  |                      /*010702*/
   \*-------------------------------------*/                      /*010703*/
   /* No matching MKWINOS2.DBX entry for this program          */ /*010704*/
   program_class    = "WPProgram"                                 /*010705*/
   program_title    = "Notepad"                                   /*010706*/
   program_location = "<MKWINOS2:Accessories Group>"              /*010707*/
   program_option   = "UPDATE"                                    /*010708*/
   program_setup    =,                                            /*010709*/
      "ICONFONT=" || GBL.font || ";"                          ||, /*010710*/
      "ICONPOS=33,37;"                                        ||, /*010711*/
      "EXENAME=F:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\NOTEPAD.EXE;"               ||, /*010712*/
      "SET DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT=64;"                             ||, /*010713*/
      "SET KBD_ALTHOME_BYPASS=1;"                             ||, /*010714*/
      "SET KBD_RATE_LOCK=1;"                                  ||, /*010715*/
      "SET VIDEO_8514A_XGA_IOTRAP=0;"                         ||, /*010716*/
      "SET VIDEO_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION=1;"                      ||, /*010717*/
      "SET WIN_ATM=1;"                                        ||, /*010718*/
      "SET WIN_DDE=1;"                                        ||, /*010719*/
      "OBJECTID=<MKWINOS2:Notepad>;"                              /*010720*/
   call SysCreateObject program_class,,                           /*010721*/
                        program_title,,                           /*010722*/
                        program_location,,                        /*010723*/
                        program_setup,,                           /*010724*/
                        program_option                            /*010725*/
   if RESULT ª= 1 then                                            /*010726*/
      do                                                          /*010727*/
         say "   Unable to create " || program_title || " program object,"
      end                                                         /*010729*/

   /*--------------------------------------*\                     /*010801*/
   |  Build WPProgram object for: Recorder  |                     /*010802*/
   \*--------------------------------------*/                     /*010803*/
   /* No matching MKWINOS2.DBX entry for this program          */ /*010804*/
   program_class    = "WPProgram"                                 /*010805*/
   program_title    = "Recorder"                                  /*010806*/
   program_location = "<MKWINOS2:Accessories Group>"              /*010807*/
   program_option   = "UPDATE"                                    /*010808*/
   program_setup    =,                                            /*010809*/
      "ICONFONT=" || GBL.font || ";"                          ||, /*010810*/
      "ICONPOS=43,37;"                                        ||, /*010811*/
      "EXENAME=C:\WIN-311\RECORDER.EXE;"                      ||, /*010812*/
      "SET DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT=64;"                             ||, /*010813*/
      "SET KBD_ALTHOME_BYPASS=1;"                             ||, /*010814*/
      "SET KBD_RATE_LOCK=1;"                                  ||, /*010815*/
      "SET VIDEO_8514A_XGA_IOTRAP=0;"                         ||, /*010816*/
      "SET VIDEO_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION=1;"                      ||, /*010817*/
      "SET WIN_ATM=1;"                                        ||, /*010818*/
      "SET WIN_DDE=1;"                                        ||, /*010819*/
      "OBJECTID=<MKWINOS2:Recorder>;"                             /*010820*/
   call SysCreateObject program_class,,                           /*010821*/
                        program_title,,                           /*010822*/
                        program_location,,                        /*010823*/
                        program_setup,,                           /*010824*/
                        program_option                            /*010825*/
   if RESULT ª= 1 then                                            /*010826*/
      do                                                          /*010827*/
         say "   Unable to create " || program_title || " program object,"
      end                                                         /*010829*/

   /*--------------------------------------*\                     /*010901*/
   |  Build WPProgram object for: Cardfile  |                     /*010902*/
   \*--------------------------------------*/                     /*010903*/
   /* No matching MKWINOS2.DBX entry for this program          */ /*010904*/
   program_class    = "WPProgram"                                 /*010905*/
   program_title    = "Cardfile"                                  /*010906*/
   program_location = "<MKWINOS2:Accessories Group>"              /*010907*/
   program_option   = "UPDATE"                                    /*010908*/
   program_setup    =,                                            /*010909*/
      "ICONFONT=" || GBL.font || ";"                          ||, /*010910*/
      "ICONPOS=4,26;"                                         ||, /*010911*/
      "EXENAME=F:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\CARDFILE.EXE;"              ||, /*010912*/
      "SET DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT=64;"                             ||, /*010913*/
      "SET KBD_ALTHOME_BYPASS=1;"                             ||, /*010914*/
      "SET KBD_RATE_LOCK=1;"                                  ||, /*010915*/
      "SET VIDEO_8514A_XGA_IOTRAP=0;"                         ||, /*010916*/
      "SET VIDEO_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION=1;"                      ||, /*010917*/
      "SET WIN_ATM=1;"                                        ||, /*010918*/
      "SET WIN_DDE=1;"                                        ||, /*010919*/
      "OBJECTID=<MKWINOS2:Cardfile>;"                             /*010920*/
   call SysCreateObject program_class,,                           /*010921*/
                        program_title,,                           /*010922*/
                        program_location,,                        /*010923*/
                        program_setup,,                           /*010924*/
                        program_option                            /*010925*/
   if RESULT ª= 1 then                                            /*010926*/
      do                                                          /*010927*/
         say "   Unable to create " || program_title || " program object,"
      end                                                         /*010929*/

   /*--------------------------------------*\                     /*011001*/
   |  Build WPProgram object for: Calendar  |                     /*011002*/
   \*--------------------------------------*/                     /*011003*/
   /* No matching MKWINOS2.DBX entry for this program          */ /*011004*/
   program_class    = "WPProgram"                                 /*011005*/
   program_title    = "Calendar"                                  /*011006*/
   program_location = "<MKWINOS2:Accessories Group>"              /*011007*/
   program_option   = "UPDATE"                                    /*011008*/
   program_setup    =,                                            /*011009*/
      "ICONFONT=" || GBL.font || ";"                          ||, /*011010*/
      "ICONPOS=14,26;"                                        ||, /*011011*/
      "EXENAME=F:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\CALENDAR.EXE;"              ||, /*011012*/
      "SET DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT=64;"                             ||, /*011013*/
      "SET KBD_ALTHOME_BYPASS=1;"                             ||, /*011014*/
      "SET KBD_RATE_LOCK=1;"                                  ||, /*011015*/
      "SET VIDEO_8514A_XGA_IOTRAP=0;"                         ||, /*011016*/
      "SET VIDEO_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION=1;"                      ||, /*011017*/
      "SET WIN_ATM=1;"                                        ||, /*011018*/
      "SET WIN_DDE=1;"                                        ||, /*011019*/
      "OBJECTID=<MKWINOS2:Calendar>;"                             /*011020*/
   call SysCreateObject program_class,,                           /*011021*/
                        program_title,,                           /*011022*/
                        program_location,,                        /*011023*/
                        program_setup,,                           /*011024*/
                        program_option                            /*011025*/
   if RESULT ª= 1 then                                            /*011026*/
      do                                                          /*011027*/
         say "   Unable to create " || program_title || " program object,"
      end                                                         /*011029*/

   /*----------------------------------------*\                   /*011101*/
   |  Build WPProgram object for: Calculator  |                   /*011102*/
   \*----------------------------------------*/                   /*011103*/
   /* No matching MKWINOS2.DBX entry for this program          */ /*011104*/
   program_class    = "WPProgram"                                 /*011105*/
   program_title    = "Calculator"                                /*011106*/
   program_location = "<MKWINOS2:Accessories Group>"              /*011107*/
   program_option   = "UPDATE"                                    /*011108*/
   program_setup    =,                                            /*011109*/
      "ICONFONT=" || GBL.font || ";"                          ||, /*011110*/
      "ICONPOS=23,26;"                                        ||, /*011111*/
      "EXENAME=F:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\CALC.EXE;"                  ||, /*011112*/
      "SET DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT=64;"                             ||, /*011113*/
      "SET KBD_ALTHOME_BYPASS=1;"                             ||, /*011114*/
      "SET KBD_RATE_LOCK=1;"                                  ||, /*011115*/
      "SET VIDEO_8514A_XGA_IOTRAP=0;"                         ||, /*011116*/
      "SET VIDEO_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION=1;"                      ||, /*011117*/
      "SET WIN_ATM=1;"                                        ||, /*011118*/
      "SET WIN_DDE=1;"                                        ||, /*011119*/
      "OBJECTID=<MKWINOS2:Calculator>;"                           /*011120*/
   call SysCreateObject program_class,,                           /*011121*/
                        program_title,,                           /*011122*/
                        program_location,,                        /*011123*/
                        program_setup,,                           /*011124*/
                        program_option                            /*011125*/
   if RESULT ª= 1 then                                            /*011126*/
      do                                                          /*011127*/
         say "   Unable to create " || program_title || " program object,"
      end                                                         /*011129*/

   /*---------------------------------------------*\              /*011201*/
   |  Build WPProgram object for: Object Packager  |              /*011202*/
   \*---------------------------------------------*/              /*011203*/
   /* No matching MKWINOS2.DBX entry for this program          */ /*011204*/
   program_class    = "WPProgram"                                 /*011205*/
   program_title    = "Object^Packager"                           /*011206*/
   program_location = "<MKWINOS2:Accessories Group>"              /*011207*/
   program_option   = "UPDATE"                                    /*011208*/
   program_setup    =,                                            /*011209*/
      "ICONFONT=" || GBL.font || ";"                          ||, /*011210*/
      "ICONPOS=43,26;"                                        ||, /*011211*/
      "EXENAME=F:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\PACKAGER.EXE;"              ||, /*011212*/
      "SET DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT=64;"                             ||, /*011213*/
      "SET KBD_ALTHOME_BYPASS=1;"                             ||, /*011214*/
      "SET KBD_RATE_LOCK=1;"                                  ||, /*011215*/
      "SET VIDEO_8514A_XGA_IOTRAP=0;"                         ||, /*011216*/
      "SET VIDEO_SWITCH_NOTIFICATION=1;"                      ||, /*011217*/
      "SET WIN_ATM=1;"                                        ||, /*011218*/
      "SET WIN_DDE=1;"                                        ||, /*011219*/
      "OBJECTID=<MKWINOS2:Object Packager>;"                      /*011220*/
   call SysCreateObject program_class,,                           /*011221*/
                        program_title,,                           /*011222*/
                        program_location,,                        /*011223*/
                        program_setup,,                           /*011224*/
                        program_option                            /*011225*/
   if RESULT ª= 1 then                                            /*011226*/
      do                                                          /*011227*/
         say "   Unable to create " || program_title || " program object,"
      end                                                         /*011229*/

   /*-------------------------------------------*\                /*011301*/
   |  Build WPProgram object for: Character Map  |                /*011302*/
   \*-------------------------------------------*/                /*011303*/
   /* No matching MKWINOS2.DBX entry for this program          */ /*011304*/
   program_class    = "WPProgram"