I wish to take time and thank you for all the eye candy you have created. It is very good.
Eugene, thanks for the encouragement. My wife took my computer away from me around 5 years ago and I just started back doing things. I needed WIFI and as a result had to use my wife's Mac computer during this time. I just followed world news on the internet while waiting for WIFI. Then I heard about ArcaOS and said to myself, I am tired of waiting, I am going to get it. It is like a breath of fresh air to me. Believe me, the Mac may be good, but it is not my favorite system, although I do prefer it over Windows. I have forgotten a lot. I look at some of my earlier work and I can't remember how I did it. So everything I do, I am having to relearn. I try to do my little part to help our community. I recognize a lot of names from my past involvement; great people and a good community to work with. As Martin and others are trying to learn how to make device drivers, if everyone tried to just a little something in their own way, it would be like a ripple effect. That's what great about the forums. Contributions based on what they know. Anyway, it is great to be back.