The config "per session" can be exported like so:
1) right click on the DOS application (or link) --> Properties
2) Tab "Session" --> click on the "DOS Properties" button
3) Select "All Settings" (I do not know if it exports really all settings if you do not select all settings.. needs to be tested..) --> click the "OK" button
4) mind the "Print" and "Load" buttons. --> Print means Export, Load means Import.
To export, click on Print --> (if you do NOT have a printer, an info dialog shows up (click OK here) --> select (x) Encoded File (do not print this stuff!
) --> enter a path and file name.. like C:\myconfig.txt
To import, click on Load --> enter C:\myconfig.txt and click on the "Load" button. --> All configurations for this DOS application (or link) are now overwritten with the ones in the txt file.
This is a nice (the only?!) way to export settings per session.
I'd do so, and attach such a file to each game in the posts here. : ) --> Of course the previous ones too!