I see that the betazone is back online. Obviously, something crashed, or somebody was doing some updates. In any case, it is running again, which indicates that somebody is doing something behind the scenes.
Those who seem to think that Mensys should be commenting, fail to realize that Roderick is the only guy who ever pops up here, and Roderick is not the best communicator on earth. He is also VERY busy trying to manage eCS, and there is a lot more to it than just getting eCS 2.2 out the door. I expect that he is putting in a lot of long hours, and doesn't even think about trying to keep people informed. At least this time, they seem to be doing a lot more testing, to be sure that it is right.
As for exploring alternatives, I don't see that the end is at hand, but the end is a distinct possibility, sometime in the not too distant future. It would probably be smart for all users to investigate alternatives, especially if eCS has become a limitation for them. ECS will continue to run until there is no longer hardware that it can run on. Depending on what the developers can accomplish, that may take a while, or it may happen soon. Then, it seems that virtual machines will keep it going for some time after that.
Those who wish to keep eCS (OS/2) alive had better step up, and help the cause. Whether that is by donating money to various projects, buying eCS, buying Software Subscription, doing software testing, or any number of other things, doesn't matter. At the moment, eCS needs "all hands on deck", or it will sink. Find a way to help out.