Author Topic: Trying to play the stream with SMPlayer  (Read 8011 times)


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Trying to play the stream with SMPlayer
« on: February 16, 2020, 08:35:50 pm »
Mplayer has a shell in the form of SMPlayer.
This bundle plays local video files normally.
I decided to start streaming video taken from the playlist to IPTV.

I did:
1. Updated QTNet4.dll to make it possible to run HTTPS sources.
2. Added -playlist option. See the MPlayer FAQ.
3. Increased the cache to 8192.

The stream plays for about 5 seconds, then pauses, then get buffering. And so 4 times. This ends the playback.

Are there any examples of SMPlayer working normally?

SMPlayer 17.1.0
Mplayer SVN r37540
eCS 2.1
kernel OS/4
Video - Panorama
Audio- Uniad


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Re: Trying to play the stream with SMPlayer
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2020, 12:02:56 pm »
I see this documentation could apply to your case (it is linked on eCSoft/2 page)

"How to use Internet media streams - Sjoerd Visser"


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Re: Trying to play the stream with SMPlayer
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2020, 08:10:54 pm »
I see this documentation could apply to your case (it is linked on eCSoft/2 page)

"How to use Internet media streams - Sjoerd Visser"

Thanks for the link, but that's not what I'm looking for.
This article suggests playing streaming video in the browser.

I run it like this:
Mplayer -playlist iptv_channels.m3u

And in it rows of the form
#EXTINF:-1,Viasat History HD

The browser will offer to save this link and will not play anything.

Mplayer for Windows plays fine of this type the playlists.

Dariusz Piatkowski

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Re: Trying to play the stream with SMPlayer
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2020, 08:44:51 pm »
Hi _Hermit_,

...I run it like this:
Mplayer -playlist iptv_channels.m3u

And in it rows of the form
#EXTINF:-1,Viasat History HD

The browser will offer to save this link and will not play anything.

Mplayer for Windows plays fine of this type the playlists.

Well, I tried replicating this here, but that URL does NOT resolve successfully. So bottom line being, that URL does not exist, see log section:

Code: [Select]
[14:30:24:205] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Playing http://domain/ViasatHistoryHD.m3u8.'
[14:30:24:205] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'get_path('sub/') -> 'G:\HOME/.mplayer/sub/''
[14:30:24:205] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Filename for url is now http://domain/ViasatHistoryHD.m3u8'
[14:30:24:205] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Filename for url is now http://domain/ViasatHistoryHD.m3u8'
[14:30:24:205] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'STREAM_HTTP(1), URL: http://domain/ViasatHistoryHD.m3u8'
[14:30:24:205] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Resolving domain for AF_INET...'
[14:30:24:205] Core::displayMessage
[14:30:24:209] BaseGui::displayState: "Unknown"
[14:30:24:209] DefaultGui::togglePlayAction
[14:30:24:209] BaseGui::togglePlayAction
[14:30:24:209] StateWidget::watchState: 3
[14:30:24:215] BaseGui::checkStayOnTop
[14:30:24:221] MplayerProcess::parseLine: ''
[14:30:24:221] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET: domain'
[14:30:24:221] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Filename for url is now http://domain/ViasatHistoryHD.m3u8'
[14:30:24:221] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Filename for url is now http://domain/ViasatHistoryHD.m3u8'
[14:30:24:221] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'STREAM_ASF, URL: http://domain/ViasatHistoryHD.m3u8'
[14:30:24:221] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Trying ASF/HTTP...'
[14:30:24:221] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Resolving domain for AF_INET...'
[14:30:24:221] Core::displayMessage
[14:30:24:350] MplayerProcess::parseLine: ''
[14:30:24:350] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET: domain'
[14:30:24:350] MplayerProcess::parseLine: '  ===> ASF/HTTP failed'
[14:30:24:350] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Failed, exiting.'
[14:30:24:350] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Filename for url is now http://domain/ViasatHistoryHD.m3u8'
[14:30:24:350] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Filename for url is now http://domain/ViasatHistoryHD.m3u8'
[14:30:24:350] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'STREAM_HTTP(2), URL: http://domain/ViasatHistoryHD.m3u8'
[14:30:24:350] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Resolving domain for AF_INET...'
[14:30:24:350] Core::displayMessage
[14:30:24:479] MplayerProcess::parseLine: ''
[14:30:24:479] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET: domain'
[14:30:24:479] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'No stream found to handle url http://domain/ViasatHistoryHD.m3u8'

You can turn ON the same log in your smplayer by going here: Options => Prefeerences => Advanced => Logs tab, then check box teh SMPlayer entries (both). This at least will tell you if smplayer is grabbing the right data and sending it over to mplayer to play back.