Hi mauro
The Properties need modifying:
Copy ivans setup from his uploaded Logical_00.jpg image but set the Working directory to the location of lvmgui.cmd - possibly \os2...
I cannot remember the contents of lvmgui.cmd as supplied with OS/2 so have uploaded my copy of lvmgui.cmd as lvmgui.txt
Thanks Pete, my LVMGUI.CMD properties only shows C:\OS2\LVMGUI.CMD string in "Path and filename" field, the other two below are empty. Nothing happens after adding the values suggested by Ivan in there.
I paste here below its script content. Then I also attach the captured snapshot of the output message after clicking on the object, while it still works fine if invoked in OS2 command window
* OCO Source Materials
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998
* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise divested of
* its tradesecrets, irrespective of what has been deposited with the U.S.
* Copyright Office.
* Functions: Front end to invoke Java version of LVMGUI interface
* Change Activity: 8/19/98 initial version slp
* 8/10/01 java 1.3 and misc fixes sle
progname = 'lvmgui'
cp = ''
parse arg parameters
If RxFuncQuery('SysLoadFuncs') Then Do
Call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'REXXUTIL', 'SysLoadFuncs'
Call SysLoadFuncs
/* search classpath for 'lvmgui.zip' */
found = 0
classpath0 = translate(value('classpath',,'OS2ENVIRONMENT'))
classpath = classpath0';'
do while (found = 0) & (length(classpath) > 0)
classpath = overlay(' ',classpath,pos(';',classpath))
parse var classpath newpath classpath
found = pos('LVMGUI.ZIP',newpath)
/* if not in classpath, try to construct from default location */
if found=0 then do
newpath=stream(SysBootDrive()'\OS2\JAVAAPPS\LVMGUI.ZIP','c','query exists')
if newpath='' then exit
cp = '-classpath' newpath';'classpath0';'
/* save current dir, cd to lvmgui.zip dir, invoke java */
currdir= directory()
newdir = directory(strip(filespec('drive',newpath)filespec('path',newpath),'t','\'))
'@java' cp progname parameters ' >nul'
/* say rc */
/* restore state and exit */
currdir = directory(currdir)
if loaded=1 then call SysDropFuncs
Exit 0