This will be a brief starter course.
It seems that you did not make a rsyncd.conf file, which is necessary.
First of all, I try to avoid putting rsyncd.conf in %etc%. There are already too many things in there, so I use the command to point it to the rsyncd.conf file. The command that I use is:
W:\utility\rsync\rsync.exe --daemon --config=W:/Utility/rsync/rsyncd.conf --log-file=W:/Utility/rsync/logs/rsyncd.log
I actually do that with a program icon, but I am sure you can figure that part out. Note the forward slashes (I am not sure that they are necessary, but this is a Linux program). This is, of course, on the "remote" machine. To be able to do anything with that, you need to make the rsyncd.conf file. A shortened version of that is as follows:
# max connections = 6
# transfer logging = yes
read only = false
# lock file = v:/temp/rsyncd.lock
log file = W:\Utility/rsync/Logs/rsyncd.log
# pid file = v:/temp/
motd file = W:/Utility/rsync/rsyncd.motd
hosts allow =
comment = adirectory
path = U:/adirectory
# read only = false
# list = yes
gid = root
uid = root
hosts allow =
comment = Pictures
path = W:/pictures
# read only = false
# list = yes
gid = root
uid = root
This basically assigns a target for the operation ([adirectory]), with a real location for it (path=U:/adirectory). The # lines are commented out. "gid" = Group ID, and "uid" = user ID (Linux concepts), which seem to allow, or deny, access. The rest should be pretty obvious. You will, of course, need to modify it to match your own systems. I show the second one [pictures] to show that you can have any number of entries (within reason).
Okay start the daemon, which should use that file (which can be modified, without having to restart the daemon).
Next, on the "local" system (the other one), I use a command like:
W:\UTILITY\RSYNC\BIN\RSYNC.EXE -aX --progress --delete --log-file=logs/RsyncALL.log --filter=._W:/Utility/rsync/filters.list U:/adirectory/
In this case, I am "smart" copying the contents of (local machine) U:/adirectory to the remote machine U:/adirectory. The trailing slash is not always necessary, but it gives you more control over what happens. The * (all files) is assumed. The "r" (part of "a") recurses through directories. I use the parameter "a", which basically does everything, except EAs, which the "X" does. Note that the target is "adirectory", which is defined in the remote machine's rsyncd.conf file. That is case sensitive, and must match, exactly. The machine's IP address can be a normal URL, as long as there is a way to convert it to the IP address. I use "--progress" so I don't get bored wondering how much has been done, and "--delete" so that RSync will delete files on the target, that no longer exist on the source (otherwise, it just keeps adding new files). filters.list contains a list of files that I don't want to copy (you need to read the filter instructions), but mine looks like:
- $live$
- Cache/*
- Cache.Trash/
- umix.log
- /CDTemp/
- Recycled
- /TEMP/
- rsync*.log
Some experimenting will be required to learn what happens. I would recommend experimenting with a test machine (in VBox perhaps), that you don't mind messing up. If you do the wrong thing, it is possible to start overwriting what is already there, with stuff that you may not want where it goes.