I was told that on the old Compuserve forums there where peope hired for FUD that usually post something not working about OS/2 (focusing on the weak spot), complain a lot, didn't have any patience and at the end say they are switching to Windows.
I would belive that on this case, but the OS wars were over a lot of years ago.
Jacco, welcome to the OS2World forum, do you want help with you OS/2 system? or just want to complain and FUD?
Warp 4 is very old, I would recommend you to at least to use Warp 4.52 or ArcaOS.
The out of the box file sharing on OS/2 (NETBIOS?), is not that compatible with Windows on purpose, becase Microsoft didn't want people with OS/2 can play nice with Windows, since they don't tolerate competition.
I have no idea how to install Samba on Warp 4, since it is very old, and we are using Warp 4.52, eComStaiton or ArcaOS. If you Warp 4 has an important business application that is used in producction I recommend to back up it first.