Per Arca Noae...
The new FOC is enabled by default. To disable it and switch back to the original OS/2 file open dialog:
1. Open an OS/2 command prompt.
2. Change to the \sys\INSTALL\FOC directory on the boot volume.
3. Type “filedlgtofocdlg /U” and press <Enter>.
4. Restart the system.
To reenable the new FOC (any previous settings should be restored):
1. Open an OS/2 command prompt.
2. Change to the \sys\INSTALL\FOC directory on the boot volume.
3. Type “filedlgtofocdlg /I” and press <Enter>.
4. Restart the system.
Also, ColorWorks does not work well on OS/2 systems that use display drivers based on GRADD. Issues include missing (all black) effects previews if the stacking option is used, and lockups in various effects dialogs. A patch is available for v.1 and v.2 to address these issues.