If you want to debug this on your system, here are a couple of ideas in case you have not already tried them.
If you grab a copy of the smbusers sources from
http://svn.netlabs.org/repos/samba/trunk/guitools/smbusersyou might find it easier to follow the code path
The message
Samba groups are broken, only 0 instead of 9 groups found
is defined at
SMU0112I: Samba groups are broken, only %1 instead of %2 groups found.
and generated for display at
Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(112, gline.0, gname.0)
The 0 in gline.0 is the result of the output of the net rpc command invoked at:
address cmd samba.!netexe' rpc group -l 'DebugLevel' 'UserCred' 1>'grouplistf' 2>'samba.!error
The code that follows parses the content of the "grouplistf" file and sets gline.0
The grouplistf file name is defined at
grouplistf = TempDir'netgrouplist.txt'
The content of this file might give you some ideas as to what is not working correctly. You are either getting no output from the net rpc command or output that the code does not understand.
If the file content is not helpful, mapping
address cmd samba.!netexe' rpc group -l 'DebugLevel' 'UserCred' 1>'grouplistf' 2>'samba.!error
to something you can run from the command line might give you some useful information. You can start with
net rpc group -l
and add options as you go.
The samba.!error file might also contain some useful info. The file is generated by:
samba.!error = SysTempFileName(TempDir'smb_err.
so look for the newest smb_err.* file in your temp directory.