We all know the situation with Ray Gwinn, author of SIO2K. For many years, SIO2K has not developed or sold a license for many years. There is simply no way to legally obtain a registered version.
I have a computer with OS / 2 in a location where I have not been physically present for 2/3 months. When a power failure occurs or an OS / 2 error occurs, I have the option to restart my computer remotely. But that's not valid for me, because OS / 2 stays still and waits for the click that the unregistered version of SIO2K requires to continue and run OS / 2. It can't be done remotely :-(
I have a question and the current request: is there anyone who has purchased and owns a registered SIO2K that does not require user confirmation when running OS / 2? Is there such a person at all? For several years I have been searching in vain for a registered version of SIO2.
Is no one really the owner and wouldn't someone be willing to sell or donate a registered version given that Ray Gwinn is not communicating and cannot be obtained from him? Thank you so much for the information and help.