Hooking the Keyboard in OS/2 2.0 and Assigning HotKeys

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By Morton F. Kaplon


HOOK_KBS is an OS/2 equivalent of a DOS TRS program. HotKeys are defined in a user created data file (HOOK_KBS.DAT) that assigns to a HotKey a command to execute; the data file is read by the program when loaded. Once loaded it intercepts the message stream and inspects all WM_CHAR messages, the equivalent in DOS of hooking the Keyboard Interrupt. When a key stroke meeting a HotKey definition is detected, it takes appropriate action (user defined) otherwise it passes things along. The action taken is that of executing the assigned command which may be a COM, EXE, CMD, or BAT file or loading an instance of the command processor for either OS/2 or DOS. Thus you may activate a program or load an instance of the command processor at the flick of a HotKey without having to access an ICON. The user defineable hot-keys are Shift-Alt-X and Shift-Ctrl-X where X is 0,1,..,9,A,B,...,Y,Z (independent of case) for a total of 72 User-Definable Hot-Keys.

There are THREE HARD CODED KEY COMBINATIONS (also freeing you from an ICON):

Shift-Alt-Del(white) : unloads the program (like unloading a TSR in DOS)
Shift-Alt-Ins(white) : pops up a small OS/2 window in center of screen
Shift-Alt-End(white) : performs an orderly shut down of the system (same as from the DeskTop ShutDown Option)

All hot-keys may be called from anywhere, except for Full Screen OS/2 or DOS sessions.

IF you edit the file HOOK_KBS.DAT, you must unload HOOK_KBS and then restart it in order to make the new definitions ACTIVE.


  1. Copy the file HOOK_KBS.EXE to a directory that is defined in your path command.
  2. Copy the file HOOK_DLS.DLL to the directory C:\OS2\DLL
  3. a. Copy the file HOOK_KBS.DAT to the directory C:\OS2
    b. Edit the file HOOK_KBS.DAT to fit your requirements.
    Instructions for format are included in the comments in this file. This one as defined, uses the 4OS2 command processor. To use the OS/2 command processor instead replace C:\4OS2\4OS2.EXE WITH C:\OS2\CMD.EXE
  4. To Start the program, from any OS/2 command window:
    • If you use the OS/2 command processor START HOOK_KBS
    • OR If you use the 4OS2 command processor START HOOK_KBS C:\4OS2\4OS2.EXE
    • OR If you use yet a different command processor use its file specification as the parameter on the command line instead of C:\4OS2\4OS2.EXE.
  5. OPTIONALLY you may place the starting command in a STARTUP.CMD file to have the HOOK loaded automatically.


HOOK_KBS works in conjunction with HOOK_DLS, a dynamic link module. HOOK_KBS loads HOOK_DLS which captures Key Strokes (via sampling the system message queue) from all Windows BUT Full Screen OS/2 or DOS. The KeyStrokes assignments are USER DEFINED in a data file named HOOK_KBS.DAT and the program recognizes keystrokes assigned to Shift-Alt-X and Shift-Ctrl-X where X is 0...9 and A...Z independent of case (The restriction on X is mine and is changeable of course).


Shift-Alt-Del(white) : unloads the program (like unloading a TSR in DOS)
Shift-Alt-Ins(white) : pops up small OS/2 window in center of screen
Shift-Alt-End(white) : performs an orderly shut down of the system (same as from the DeskTop ShutDown Option)

All hot-keys may be called from anywhere, except for the Full Screen sessions as noted above.


The window opened by Shift-Alt-Ins is by default the OS/2 2.0 command processor, CMD.EXE. To have Shift-Alt-Ins open the window with a different command processor, e.g. that of 4OS2 (which I use) the file spec of the command processor must be passed on the command line when hook_kbs is invoked(e.g.) : START HOOK_KBS C:\4OS2\4OS2.EXE

To capture from Full Screen OS/2 or DOS would require an additional program but since my principal purpose was to create a program that would allow me to capture keystrokes independent of where I was working and since not using Full Screen has advantages in flexibility, I decided to go without it. For DOS windows you may in fact readily switch back and forth from Full Screen to Windowed via the Alt-Home combination so nothing is really lost there.

The reason for requiring the triplet combination of Shift-Alt-X or Shift-Ctrl-X is that besides the large number of pre-assigned keys in OS/2, many programs use keystroke combinations for accessing specific features and if the Hot Key is to be useful, it should not conflict. I can only remember one program that I have seen over the years which used a Shift-Alt-X or Shift-Ctrl-X combination and so it seems to be a fairly safe one, and one that should not lead to conflicts. In filtering KeyStrokes the program rejects all but the combinations Shift-Alt-X and Shift-Ctrl-X so that the usual run of keystroke assignments of Alt-X or Ctrl-X and all Function key combinations will be unaffected. Keystrokes are recognized on the down stroke. I would note that the Shift-Alt or Shift-Ctrl combination is particularly easy to access on those keyboards where the Shift Key sits vertically between the Ctrl and Alt keys.

As presently configured, once a key stroke combination has activated a program, using that combination a second time will not open an additional instance of the program but will switch back to the original. HOWEVER, IF the opened window was used to load another program (such as a command processor window might), then that window loses its unique identity and using the same HotKey will activate another copy. The reason for this is that the Identity of each window is determined by its Window title which is defined as "Alt-X" or "Ctl-X" where X is the key used. The window popped up with Shift-Alt-Ins has the letter ID "ê". If another program is started from an open window, its program title is noted as "prgname.ext Alt-X" or "prgname.ext Ctl-X", where ext is the program's extension, and is thus not recognized as an already existing window title.

The program is written in 32 bit Assembler.



Macros and Equates used by Programs
Source for Executable, Assembled and Linked by MLC-W386.CMD
Define file needed by IMPLIB and linker for HOOK_DLS.ASM
Source for HOOK_DLS.DLL, Assembled and linked by DLL-W386.CMD
IMPLIB and HOOK_DLS.DEF create C:\TOOLKT20\OS2LIB\HOOK_DLS.LIB MASM then assembles HOOK_DLS.ASM, LINK386 produces HOOK_DLS.DLL and HOOK_DLS.DLL is copied to C:\OS2\DLL directory.
MASM assembles HOOK_KBS.ASM and LINK386 produces HOOK_KBS.EXE

To ASSEMBLE and LINK use the directory holding the above files as the default and the two commands below to produce the necessary files.



Text File assigning programs to key strokes-read by HOOK_KBS.
The user creates this file according to the structure outlined in the sample. MUST BE LOCATED IN C:\OS2. Edit the sample to fit your needs. Note that my assignment to C0 (Shift-Ctrl-0) displays a file which I have configured to list the Hot Key assignments. It serves as a useful reminder and I would recommend each user to make such an assignment. The one I use is a reasonable template and is included as HOT-KEY.MNU.
All assignments fit on one screen in the default window size.
Exec file created above
Dynamic Load File Created Above - must be in C:\OS2\DLL
DO NOT RENAME HOOK_DLS.* or HOOK_KBS.DAT as those names are coded into HOOK_KBS.ASM.

The assembler used is MASM 6.0 including its built in MACROS for control structures and segment definitions.

The 32 bit linker (LINK386) and the 32 bit library, along with the necessary INC files require the user to have the OS/2 TOOLKIT as well as MASM 6.0 to assemble the program.


The system message queue is hooked using the HK_INPUT parameter. The function which samples the message queue is in HOOK_DLS.DLL. In the section "Input Hook", p. 30-2 in the Programming Guide, Vol. II, it states : "The system calls an input_hook function whenever the WinGetMsg or WinPeekMsg functions is about to return a message."

The installed procedure, InputHook, in HOOK_DLS.DLL tests for WM_CHAR and when detected it further tests to see if the key combination Shift-Alt-X or Shift-Ctrl-X was struck, with X (as defined above) on the down stroke. If that criteria is met its POSTS to HOOK_KBS, via the API function WinPostMsg, the message WM_USER+300h. The mp1 parameter of that message holds a flag indicating whether Alt or Ctl was down and the mp2 parameter has the scan code for the key X that was struck.

HOOK_KBS determines if the Key actually struck was assigned in the file HOOK_KBS.DAT and if so reads its parameters into the appropriate data structure required to execute the program.

The main program, HOOK_KBS.EXE, a PM program, sets up the hook, receives the message indicated above and takes the appropriate action depending on the Key Stroke. The program is established as Invisible and Not listed in the Window List. The program should be launched from an OS/2 window with the START command, i.e. "START HOOK_KBS" or "START HOOK_KBS C:\4OS2\4OS2.EXE" where the latter option uses the command processor 4os2.exe as the one to be loaded with the Shift-Alt-Ins key strokes. (Any other valid ODS/2 2.0 command processor may loaded here in place of the default c:\os2\cmd.exe). That command can be placed in a STARTUP.CMD file for automatic loading. If you modify the file HOOK_KBS.DAT, you must unload HOOK_KBS by Shift-Alt-Del(white key) and then reload it to activate the new set of key assignments.

The key stroke combination Shift-Alt-End(white) closes down the system in the same manner as choosing the ShutDown option from the DeskTop menu does. Again you are relieved of hunting for space to access the desktop.

The program automatically sets DPMI_DOS_API=ENABLED for programs whose session type (DOS full or windowed) is defined as 4 or 7 in hook_kbs.dat. This enables the Dos Protected Mode Interface for the DOS session. If the Session type value of 0 is used, DPMI is not enabled as above. It is interesting to note that setting that parameter is done by passing the DosStartSession data structure an address holding the text string above, even though the manual states that the field for a DOS session is reserved and must be ZERO. Unfortunately, there are quite a few errors in the OS/2 Technical Library, but fortunately a lot of people (principally on CompuServe) to inform you about them.

The flow of HOOK_KBS is delineated below. The same headings are listed in the source code in HOOK_KBS.ASM.


   Define Model and Calling Protocol
   Equates for Using Macros in .DATA section
   Equates for INC files
   Include file listings
   Prototype definitions for MASM
   Structure definition for storing info on Program Assignment to Keys
 .STACK   defines an 8KB stack
 .DATA    contains variables,parameters and strings required for .CODE section
 .CODE    outlined below
   See if a file spec for alternative command processor is passed on command
   line and if so read it into appropriate variable.
   WinInitialize             ;Initialize
   WinCreateMessageQueue     ;Create a Message Queue
   WinRegisterClass          ;Registers and identifies MainWinProc as name
                             ;of Procedure for messages
   WinCreateStdWindow        ;Creates window - here it is made Invisible,etc.
 IS HOOK_DLS.DLL LOADED ?    ;If yes, display message and exit
 ALLOCATE SHARED MEM AND STORE Handle Returned by WinCreateStdWindow
   This is required in order to pass the Handle to HOOK_DLS
   Load C:\OS2\HOOK_KBS.DAT  ;If it does not exist, exit with Error Message
   Get HOOK_KBS.DAT FileSize ;Required by program for subsequent use
   AllocateMemoryBuffer      ;Buffer for User Key assignments from DataFile
   Copy HOOK_KBS.DAT->Buffer ;Read File into Buffer
   Close HOOK_KBS.DAT        ;No longer needed
   Process Data in Buffer    ;If Format Not Correct, EXIT with  Message
   Do once since size needed can change as programs loaded/unloaded.
   DosLoadModule             ;Loads HOOK_DLS.DLL
   DosQueryProcAddr          ;Get the address of the function in the DLL
   WinSetHook                ;Uses the Address above and HK_INPUT to set HOOK
 CREATE MAIN MESSAGE LOOP    ;Standard PM requirement but EXIT TEST is
                             ;commented out - a WM_QUIT message has no
                             ;impact here
 EXIT ROUTINE                ;Note this is commented out but is included
                             ;to demonstrate the overall structure of
                             ;setting up a PM program
 PROCESS MESSAGE QUEUE       ;The heart of a PM program
   MainWinProc               ;Processes message queue
       WM_USER+300h          ;dispatched from hook_dls.dll
       IF msg = WM_USER+300h
         IF Shift-Alt-Del struck
           Release DLL,Memory, Close Queues and Windows and Exit
         IF Shift-Alt-End struck
           Do system shutdown
         IF Shift-Alt-Ins struck
           Load small window command processor
           Reset Data Structure Address
              IF ACTIVE SWITCH TO

The flow of HOOK_DLS is delineated below. The same headings are listed in HOOK_KBS.DLL.


   Define Model and Calling Protocol
   Equates for INC files
   Include file listings
 .STACK   defines a 2KB stack
 .DATA    contains variables,parameters and strings required for .CODE section
 .CODE    delineated below
     Get Handle Of Hook_kbs and Release Shared Memory
      Save mp1 and mp2 of WM_CHAR message
      Test for Shift Key,Alt/Ctrl Down and Valid Scan Key
      IF ScanCode & Shift & one of Alt or Ctrl down
          Send original message nowhere via WM_USER+0cfffh
          WinPostMessage to HOOK_KBS via WM_USER+300h ;with ALt/Ctrl Flag and
      ENDIF                                           ;ScanCode as parms


DOSWIN32.MAC (Macros and Equates used by Program)

This file contains the equates, EXTRN declarations, MACROS and Procedures used in the ASM files. The EXTRN declarations include many more than those used in the program but represent the accrued list of those used so far in my OS/2 assembler programming. (As I use a new one, I just add it).

Included are two defines used in the .DATA section of hook_kbs.asm. The single most important MACRO is $CALL. This allows one to list parameters after the function name in the same order as they are listed in the OS/2 2.0 Technical Manuals (and as called in C). The macro pushes them on the stack in the correct order and resets the stack pointer after the call. It could clearly easily be extended to accommodate a longer parameter list. Following that are several useful macros and three others defined via equates.

For displaying error messages and rudimentary inline debugging, there are three macros named $DosErrMsg, $WinErrMsg and $WinDebugMessage . The first two are meant to be called after an API function call to display the error number for the function used. Information on the success of the call is returned in EAX and this must be tested. Note EAX returns differently for DOS than for WIN calls. The user passes the text string for the Function used on the parameter line for the $XXXErrMsg. $DosErrMsg can only be used in Text Windows while $WinErrMsg only in PM windows.

Finally, there are several macros and procedures used for Binary ↔ ASCII conversion for both Decimal and Hex, and also for displaying numerical results in Binary form. Not all of these are used but are included as a part of the overall package. Note that in 32 bit mode, it is most convenient to do all these conversions as DWORDS. These are required for numerical to ASCII conversion for the error messages.

This file is required by both IMPLIB and LINK386 in the creation of HOOK_DLS.DLL. It identifies the function(s) exported from the DLL.
This file represents the dynamic link code. It contains one function, named InputHook whose syntax is defined by OS/2 on page 30-2 of the Programming Guide, Vol II of the OS/2 Technical Library. This DLL monitors the system message queue and looks for the message WM_CHAR.

Since I decided to use WinPostMsg to return information to hook_kbs, its handle is required in this program. The simplest way seemed to be to pass it in a shared memory region established by hook_kbs. Thus the first task done by the function InputHook, after setting itself up, is to get the address of the shared memory region and to obtain the handle of hook_kbs that was placed there by hook_kbs. After that is done, the shared memory is released.

The program then waits for a message WM_CHAR and when that is detected the Keyboard Parameters are tested to see if they meet the HotKey criteria. If they do not, the message is passed on. If they do, a flag denoting whether the Alt or Ctrl key was down is equated to the mp1 parameter and the scan code value equated to the mp2 parameter of the message WM_USER+300h which is posted to HOOK_KBS by WinPostMsg.

This DLL is released from memory when hook_kbs is closed.


The first four WIN... function calls are a standard calling sequence in setting up a PM program. Since a PM program cannot display text using DOS write calls, error messages cannot be displayed with Window Message Calls until the Window is initialized with the first call.

After the window is established a test is done to see if HOOK_DLS is loaded. If it is a message is given and the program terminates. A Shared Memory area is then established. Its sole use in this program is to furnish a method of passing HOOK_KBS's handle to HOOK_DLS. This is done following the call to DosAllocSharedMem. Note that eax is now tested for a non-zero value indicating an error, as contrasted to Win calls where a 0 returned in eax indicates an error.

Next the program attempts to load the data file C:\OS2\HOOK_KBS.DAT. If it does not exist, an error message is displayed and the program terminates. If it loads, its size is obtained (note the calls are rather similar to what you would do in DOS) and that value is used to create a buffer to hold the file in memory. The file is read into the buffer and then closed. The big .WHILE loop reads the buffer and assigns the Addresses of the Executable program name and Command Line parameters and the Session type to the appropriate member of the Structure ExecOnKb and places a 0 at the end of strings in order that they meet the requirement of being ASCIIZ strings. If the count of characters read in the buffer does not equal the file size or if the data file was not properly formatted, an error message is displayed and the program terminated; the error message displays the number of bytes of the buffer processed when the program terminated.

If everything is in order, a large memory block is defined to hold the data structure of the Switch List (which is used to determine if a program is loaded or not) and then the HOOK is established with the next three calls to DosLoadModule, DosQueryProcAddr and WinSetHook.

The Main Message Loop is next established. Normally this loop is exited when WM_QUIT is received and the exit code is executed to gracefully terminate the program. However, in this program, to ensure that it is terminated only by the Key Combination Alt-Del, the Main Message Loop is not exitable (I have commented out the normal tests) and I have included the Exit code only for purposes of demonstration of what a more normal program would look like.

The procedure MainWinProc examines the message queue. It first sets up to get the parameters passed on the stack and goes through a series of tests for specific messages. In a C program this would usually be a Case statement. There is no requirement for these tests to do anything in this case since the window is invisible but they are required to respond to certain system calls.

The heart of the program is the test for WM_USER+300h. WM_USER defines a lower limit for message IDs that is (presumably) guaranteed not to conflict with any system messages. I have arbitrarily used WM_USER + 300h. HOOK_DLS uses this message ID in posting its information to this programs message queue. First a test is done to see whether Alt-Del was struck and if so, the system is closed and exited. Next a test is done to see if Alt-End was struck in which case the routine closing down the system is called. A test is then done to see if Alt-Ins was struck in which case the parameters for a small command window are loaded into the appropriate data structure. If none of the previous are activated, tests are done to see whether the Scan Code of the key struck is in the list read from HOOK_KBS.DAT.

Depending on the key combination struck, the address of the program, address of the command line parameters, the Session Type for the Key Combination identified in the message and the Program Title (based on the Key combination) are obtained and inserted into the StartData structure required for the DosStartSession function. The Switch (Task) list is then examined to see if the HotKey program is already loaded and its identity unchanged. If it is, it is switched to, else DosStartSession is then called with appropriate parameters.

Note that WinSetFocus is called before DosStartSession. The programs started by DosStartSession will not be in the foreground unless the program calling DosStartSession is in the foreground and it seems reasonable that programs called with a "HotKey" want to be in the foreground.

The seven procedures at the very end are just routines used by parts of the code in the program.

I have found this program very useful, particularly with respect to programs using COM ports. Since OS/2 will not allow you to have two programs open at the same time that use the same COM port, this affords a rapid means of serially accessing programs sharing a common COM port. Another use I have found effective is to assign MENUS to some of the Hot Keys. In my sample HOOK_KBS.DAT file, the assignment Aq (Alt-q) to loadq.cmd, is a CMD file that displays a menu for editing a variety of different files and the assignment Ar (Alt-r) to viewref.cmd displays a menu whose choices allow you to View the various OnLine References of OS/2 and Toolkit20. You can readily assign any program assigned to an ICON to a hot key, presuming the program has an executable form or can be called as a parameter to another program. The program represented by the HELP Icon is not amenable to this unfortunately. But by far I have found it an efficient expediter for rapidly accessing programs without changing anything on your DeskTop.

As it was with TSR's in DOS, you must be careful of your assignments so that required keys in programs are not made unavailable. That stricture was reflected in my choice of keys to assign and reflects my particular concerns. A natural question to ask is - are there any problems with other programs that may be sampling the system message queue?

Included in OS/2 and the Toolkit are the following programs that I am aware of which are "resident" in the above sense:

PULSE    From Productivity Group - Samples Processor Activity
KWIKINF  From OS/2 ToolKit20     - An OnLineReference Access
PMSPY    From OS/2 ToolKit20     - A Message queue trace

I have not detected any problems with HOOK_KBS loaded with any or all of the above programs active, independent of the order of loading.