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libMTP Port and Implementation claimed by none

Task: Port of ibMTP

Description: MTP is an abbreviation for Media (or Multimedia) Transfer Protocol, a device connection standard created by Microsoft to help implement DRM in multimedia devices, as well as provide a more rich and feature-filled connection protocol for multimiedia devices.

UMS has the distinct advantage of being open with no means of implementing DRM restricitons, and being usuable across platform, and has the added bonus of having the device show up as a mountable volume with the hard-drive contents being accessable.

MTP has the advantage/disadvantage (depends on how you feel really) of implementing DRM and providing more device details/interaction, similar to how PTP enriches the interaction between your computer and your camera in a way UMS/MSC can not. MTP has the disadvantage of not resulting in a mountable drive volume with a browsable root, although in Windows Explorer, mostly all MTP devices (sans Microsoft Zune) mount as devices and you can access their content.

As far as I am aware, MTP uses its own storage/directory structure internally, and uses a device database to show the content to you. This is an annoyance as I like using folder-structure, but this is how technology (in the DAP world atleast) is headed.

Anyway, libMTP is a project that aims to allow Posix OS to be able to acces MTP devices to transfer music, video, photo, and other supported content to the device without the need to be using Windows XP/Vista and WMP 10 or above.

I assume that if WMP 10/11 could be run/installed in eCS under Odin, they would be able to communicate with devices using the MTP protocol, but I never was successful in getting either to install fully.
A device connection protocol is not a luxury, its a neccessity, and I feel this should be officially implemented by either SSI, mensys, or someone and be continually updated so that eCS users can buy whatever mediaplayer they want and be able to use it in eCS as they would be able under Windows Xp/Vista.

For more information check the supporting thread within the online forum and libMTP project page .


Current Bounty: $25

Sponsors: Brett Carlock
Submitter: Brett Carlock

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