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Messages - Andi B.

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Applications / Re: new version of openssh ?
« on: December 08, 2023, 01:47:05 pm »
Anyone found out why this ssh now wants this wrong directory /nonexistent/.ssh?

Older ssh-keygen put it in ~/.ssh which is on my system e:\\HOME\\DEFAULT/.ssh/...  Yes this strange mix of \\ and / worked with older version.

Should we create a new user nonexistent instead the old default? Or is there a new environment variable for this?

Applications / Re: LarsenCommander - new test version
« on: December 08, 2023, 10:58:16 am »
I'm glad to to see LC actively developed once again. Thank you, Andi - will be giving it a spin : )
Quick question - is NLS functional?
It should be all included in the package. I remember I've worked on adding all necessary components for NLS to the distribution script long time ago. But I didn't test it. So feedback is appreciated.

Remember at there's a ticket system. Although I try to read all infos here, chances that something get remembered in future is much higher when there's a ticket ;-). No clue if you need an account for that. For me sourceforge works pretty good with our ancient SM (and so FF I think). In contrary to other sites username/password authentication still works.

Hardware / Re: Lenovo Thinkpad T14s 1st Gen - 20T1
« on: December 07, 2023, 06:31:15 pm »
Maybe a workarround is to disable the "Trackpad" in the BIOS.
Please report back if you can disable the Touchpad in BIOS and if Trackpoint and associated (mouse)keys still work. Thanks.

Applications / Re: LarsenCommander - new test version
« on: December 05, 2023, 09:20:58 am »
Thank you for your work.
I pulled the source from git and find there were build changes:
call envtk45.cmd -noansi
call envicc40.cmd $ -noansi
These cmd files are not in the repository and I do not have them in my build environment.  Are these files you built or should I have them in my environment?
Thanks for testing the new repository. Obviously I've checked in some local changes I made long ago which I have never updated in the svn.
envtk45.cmd and envicc40.cmd are my local files similar to the setenv* commands for toolkit 45 and vacpp40. But instead changing to fixed inc/lib/paths I check before if the needed files are accessible and only add the new paths when they are not already set. So this is only to ensure that the proper toolkit and compiler environment is set.

I wonder if I should add these files to the repository cause they are kind of quick and dirty REXX scripts. And they include my fixed drive/path settings. Maybe I should rem them out in the repo. If you wonder about the -noansi - this is for running them within Slickedit to suppress the colored output which is funny for running from 4os2. I think in the Linux world the -color option would be the more common term for such behavior. You may found out I usually compile within Visual Slickedit calling vs_make.cmd by simply pressing <F5> (Project properties - Build options....).

Applications / Re: LarsenCommander - new test version
« on: December 03, 2023, 11:13:01 am »
Just a quick not about -
1) from SAMBA share to ramdisk
OLD:  Peak=58,270K, Avg=43,550K
NEW: Peak=56,220K, Avg=46,516K I'm thinking this is more about being network bound (1G LAN, but of course the Samba share box - NAS is the limitation here)

2) from ramdisk to SSD drive (Samsung 860 Evo, SATA)
OLD:  Peak= 82,788K, Avg=  45,545K
NEW: Peak=310,118K, Avg=220,910K

On Samba shares I can not get more then about 36MBytes/s. No matter what the other system is running. I think this is limited by our netdrive/samba client setup. It's not the GBit network. You can check with ftp to the same system and will get something more close to 1GBit (80-90MByte/s IIRC).

Ramdisk - writting to our RAMDISK is not more than about 55MBytes/s here. It would be faster when using strategy 1 but this would limit to <2GB and does have other big problems which is the reason I stick without /1.

I wonder about your really fast SATA performance. I've tested here with Samsung 850 Pro, Samsung EVO 870, Samsung 860 QVD and various HDDs including my WD black. It seems my 9 year old 4 core system can not handle more than about 160MBytes/s. So I currently I can't test with systems as fast as yours.

Applications / Re: LarsenCommander - new test version
« on: November 30, 2023, 07:13:48 pm »
I've upload a new version here -

Mind this is a new project page at sourceforge as I'm using git instead svn now.

This is a lxlite stripped down debug version with the debug information in the *.dbg file. In case of an exception exceptq should be able to create a nice report. At least when the lcmd build in exception handlers will not catch it before (ToDo for future releases). Although debug symbols are compiled in, pmprintf.dll should not be needed for this build.

Changes from last release are -
- Fine tuning for dynamic copy buffer size adoption
- Reduce logging while copying huge amount of files (reduces memory needs and log file size)
- Disable playing priority games in hope of better overall system response
- Adding ExceptQ handler (not working yet as own exception is still active)
- Fixed some cppcheck warnings (thanks Andy Willis for that)
- Add some comments for using highmem in some places (currently not used)
- Add writing to PmPrintf queue in parallel to log file when #ifdef __DEBUG_TRACE__
- Use HighMem for copy buffer

Especially the tuning of the copy buffer algorithm makes a big difference in copy speed in so some cases. At least with my rather fast HDDs and SSDs and big files. But also with Samba shares or other source/targets differences can be observed. All my measurements gave good results. I think this is near to the maximum copy speed we can reach with an PM OS/2 application with progress bar. If you think copy speed now is slower than with any previous version please share your experience here with clear instructions to reproduce. I really tested a lot scenarios with different targets and think the current implementation is better then everything before. Mind 'copy' from command line is most of the time still a bit faster as it does not have the overhead of a graphical progress bar and no checks for interruption during copying a file.

Get ride of gl16os2.dll is still on the ToDo list though.

Utilities / Re: touch?
« on: November 28, 2023, 02:14:20 pm »
In linux I would just say touch newfile, then I could nano and edit it.
With OS/2 I would simlply say 'e filename' or on my systems where I'm used to med.exe 'med filename' or 'vs filename' or 'edit filename'. This opens the editor with the file filename even without the touch before. Guess nano would do the same without touch, does it?

You may see there are a lot of ways to do what you want. A simple 'dir >filename' creates a file too beside the other options already mentioned. But I know sometimes it's handy to have a touch.exe especially when porting software from nix. For that I often use OpenWatcoms wtouch.exe.

Based a presentation from Warpstock 2021, I imagine they are in the AN labs. If you have a WiFi driver without the ability to connect to an access point, I'm not sure what use it would be. I don't see AN releasing a network driver that can't find a network.

I also think that XWLan was going to be the starting point for writing that software. I don't know if there has been any progress in the past two years. In a way, I'd prefer that GL.iNet was the starting point, but either one is a big project.

XWLAN was/is the software which handles the connection to wireless access points and handles secure connections to them via wpa_supplicant. A network/wifi driver needs an interface the way XWLAN can handle it. Usually this is what genmac does/did.

There's no sense in playing with XWLAN anymore as long as there is no progress in wifi drivers. So I stopped doing that a few years ago. I also stopped porting new versions of wpa_supplicant because of that. I don't have any information nor have seen any test wifi driver.

XWLAN works pretty well with wifi drivers it knows. Although the user interface is not designed the way current/new users expect it to be. It is more likely ThinkVantage Access Connections was 20 years ago. And for that time it was a good thing. But current users expect other/simpler setups. So basically XWLAN provides all you need to handle a secured connection with wpa_supplicant up to WPA2 (not WPA3) with a network driver which offers an interface XWLAN understands.

But it's UI is outdated. There's also the possibility that the interface to the wifi driver may be not sufficient for current needs. But it a hen and egg problem. Until no one offers a wifi driver no one will look into that. Moreover as time passes by it may be useless to look at it anyway cause the UI also is not what users expect today. So maybe David came to the conclusion it's not useful to implement a XWLAN compatible interface into his driver. Or maybe he only don't understand or don't like to compile XWLAN, I don't know. The thing is you need more than a wpa_supplicant and more than a driver and more than an UI which saves some connection details. You also need some logic which switches TCP/IP interfaces and acquires new IP addresses and handles the network switch over. This is what XWLAN does with the help of ISCs dhclient (which I also worked on cause the OS/2 integrated DHCP client is so buggy). And this is all together which makes things so complicated.

Programming / Re: Resources, dialogs, etc - what tools for what jobs?
« on: November 20, 2023, 12:55:53 pm »
URE/IRE - IIRC the version of URE on hobbes is the latest (and hopefully best) version. Even the VACPP4.0 included IRE is older I think. At least that's what I remember and so I use URE. But I don't know what's the difference between the IRE.exe versions included IBMCPP/VACPP4 and URE. Only 'think' URE is the latest greatest we have.

I decided to avoid what seemed like a much bigger undertaking migrating the existing source tree into a new VACPP 4.0 project. Instead I have been using the OS/2 Toolkit & IBMCPP setups and relying on makefile driven builds.
Good decision I think. I think it doesn't matter very much if you use IRE or URE in this setup. Maybe it's only a habit from me sticking with URE and never really tested the IRE versions.

Btw. I usually prefer RC5.0xx. But sometimes RC4.0xx gives other/better error messages. So when I'm in trouble I try both on the same file(s).

Programming / Re: Resources, dialogs, etc - what tools for what jobs?
« on: November 19, 2023, 10:20:08 am »
I had used very lightly the Prominare URE (Resource Editor). ...
I always thought URE (or the IBMs version IRE which is included with IBMs compilers) is the only tool which should be used for creating and editing such stuff. At least in the last 2 or 3 decades. Even URE/IRE does sometimes delete necessary properties. But most of the time it preserves all stuff it doesn't know about.

If you're in the position to create new stuff probably QT Creator is our most modern tool.

Hardware / Re: Using a UPS to save SSDs
« on: November 06, 2023, 10:23:11 am »
I routinely add end-of-session backups onto Kingston 32/64GB USB MSD sticks.  Mind, given what I hear about SSDs, let's make that "2x backups".
No clue if I understand you correctly. But if you think USB sticks are as similar reliable as SSDs, then you're wrong. Suggestion, backup on external SSDs or conventional HDDs from well known manufactures. Don't save very important data to sticks.

Applications / Re: General Software Testing
« on: October 23, 2023, 09:13:11 am »
... on the c't, which seems to have been a magazine.
c't is still a valuable computer magazine. Homepage -

I've trashed all these old copies long ago. I fear at this time there was no annual CD too as it was in the 200x years. But if there is really an urgent need for some old article, changes are good that you can still get/buy it. Have to look at my old CD collection first.

....Or maybe a solution would be to scan dates/times of RAM Disk files at intervals and save to (eg) SSD any that become more than a certain amount newer than a reference date/time.  (Hope that makes sense.) ...
I don't think so. Write speed to our RAM drive is slower than to one of my SSDs. Even when formated with JFS. YMMV.

Setup & Installation / Re: ArcaOS Sluggishness
« on: October 13, 2023, 12:27:43 pm »
I gave up using HPFS(386) years ago. Reasons -
- long chkdsk times
- no >2GB files possible
- shared memory used by HPFS(386) can be used for better purposes

I see no advantage in using HPFS(386) anymore.

Setup & Installation / Re: 5.1 and Samba/can't make it work!
« on: October 12, 2023, 09:38:51 am »
If you mean your Samba setup does not work anymore putting ArcaOS5.1 into your network then it maybe because NTLM1 is no longer allowed per default. There are security reasons for that. I'm pretty sure I found something about on AN wiki pages.

From memory I think I had to add minprotocol = NTLM1 and client minprotocol = NTLM1 in smb.conf to see my old machines from my ArcaOS5.1 installation. If you don't find exact information with this info I'll look into my smb.conf when I'm back home. But can take days... Guess there must be some information on the newly installed system too. But at least I didn't find it.

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