(Click the screenshot to enlarge)

Game Type Strategy
Cost Open Source - GNU GPL

Web Site


System Requirements

OS/2 Warp 4 - eCS 1.0 or later

EMX Libraries
Xfree86 Libraries

Version Available



567 KB

Lastest Update




Project Web Site: http://lincity.sourceforge.net

By IJ Peters & Gregory Sharp (http://www.floot.demon.co.uk/lincity.html)

OS/2 port by Alexander Mai

LinCity is a city/country simulation game like the classic Sim City but with some more features. You are required to build and maintain a city. You must feed, house, provide jobs and goods for your residents. You can build a sustainable economy with the help of renewable energy and recycling, or you can go for broke and build rockets to escape from a pollution ridden and resource starved planet, it's up to you. Due to the finite resources available in any one place, this is not a game that you can leave for long periods of time.